Eye-opening experience
Lions Club plans seventh Dinner in the Dark
Anita Fieldsa wants Pequea Valley-area businesses and residents to know more about the annual Paradise Lions Club Dinner in the Dark. She recalls the first time the Bank of Bird-in-Hand, where she works, reserved a table at the event. “The first year we had four people, and it was so much fun,” she noted. Last year, more bank employees attended. “The staff (members who attended) said it brought them together on a whole different level,” noted Fieldsa. “It’s a good team-building activity.”
The Paradise Lions Club’s seventh Dinner in the Dark will give attendees a unique opportunity to eat a meal with limited or no vision. This year’s dinner will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 9, at 6 p.m. at White Chimneys, 5117 Lincoln Highway, Gap. In addition to the meal, there will be presentations by VisionCorps, which will benefit from the dinner. A silent auction, which will feature up to 35 items, will be held during the reception.
During the dinner, attendees

will learn about the work of VisionCorps, and part of that presentation will be education about vision loss and how different vision impairment issues impact
people in their daily lives. At each table, diners will have the opportunity to experience eating with vision limitations by choosing from items they can
Cornerstone to present 10th annual Walk for Life
For the past nine years,
Cornerstone Reproductive
Health has held a Walk for Life event, featuring a 5K walk, a flag football tournament and children’s activities that took

A quilt lover’s paradise
Sally Mittelstadt, a member of the Garden Spot Village (GSV) Quilt Club and an organizer of the first Quilt Fest, is excited to invite quilt lovers from around the area to GSV. “It’s free and open to the public,” said Mittelstadt. “Come for the day,” she encouraged.
Quilt Fest will be held on Saturday, Sept. 28, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at GSV, 433 S. Kinzer Ave., New Holland. A variety of quilts will be on display, with some available for purchase. The display will include the Victor
Weaver Quilt on loan from the New Holland Area Historical Society and eight antique quilts made prior to 1900. There will also be a quilting demonstration, which will include quilt piecing, hand quilting, and comforter knotting, in the Village Park. Two presentations by local art historian Gloria Mast will be given in the chapel, and GSV’s stores and eateries will be open. Grab-and-go meals will be offered to eat on the porch, and plenty of on-site parking will be available for visitors.
Mast’s first presentation will be given at 10 a.m., and it will

Dinner in the Dark gives attendees a chance to experience dining with vision limitations.
Quilt Fest
Paradise Lions Club members present funds raised at the Dinner in the Dark to VisionCorps representatives.
Participants in last year’s event walked at the park in Gap. This year, the walk has been moved to New Holland.

Banquet to raise funds for scholarships


Grocery Aisle
September Bulk Foods
Lb. $50.00
John F. Martin Turkey Hams Average # 2/9 Lb. $3.19 Lb.
John F. Martin Turkey Sausage - Rope (Frozen) Approx. 20 Lb. $3.60 Lb.
John F. Martin Turkey Sausage - Loose (Frozen) Approx. 20 Lb.$3.50 Lb.
John F. Martin Pork Sausage - Rope (Fresh) Approx. 20 Lb. $3.19 Lb.
John F. Martin Pork Sausage - Loose (Fresh) Approx. 20 Lb. $3.09 Lb.
John F. Martin Turkey Scrapple 6 Lb. Pans
$2.60 Lb. $15.60
John F. Martin Bacon Ends Average # Approx. 15 Lb. $1.75 Lb.
John F. Martin Turkey Roll Average # Approx. 2/7 Lb. $2.99 Lb.
John F. Martin Pork Roll Approx. 2/5 Lb. $2.99 Lb.
Kunzler Sweet Bologna Approx. 2/7 Lb.
Eshs Sliced Pot Roast (Frozen) - Sliced - Approx. 15 Lb.

Lancaster Friends of Meserete Kristos Seminary (Ethiopia) will hold its annual fundraising banquet on Tuesday, Oct. 8, at 6 p.m. at Stumptown Mennonite Church, 2813 Stumptown Road, Bird-in-Hand.
The banquet will include the option of authentic Ethiopian food - injera and wat - or American fare. Admission is free, although an offering will be received to benefit MKSeminary located in Bishoftu, Ethiopia.
The featured speaker will be Bekele Bedada, who graduated from the seminary in 2003. He lives in Ethiopia and is executive vice president for Africa with Global Disciples. The title of his
address is “My Story: The Impact of MKSeminary in Advancing the Kingdom of God.”
MKSeminary is owned by the Meserete Kristos (Founded on Christ) Church, an Anabaptist-related church that has close to 1 million members. With rapid growth in recent decades, the church has an immediate need for training new leaders, pastors, counselors, peacemakers, and evangelists. The mission of the seminary is “to equip men and women for the holistic transformation of the church and society.”
The proceeds from the banquet will go directly toward scholarships for student church leaders at

MKSeminary, which draws pupils from all over Ethiopia. To learn more and to register for the banquet, contact Phoebe Nafziger at pnafziger@gmail.com.

Bekele Bedada

Garden Spot Village, 433 S. Kinzer Ave., New Holland, has announced upcoming events.
Garden Spot’s Saturday Evening Concert Series will kick off on Saturday, Sept. 21, at 7 p.m. George Wesner, the principal organist for Radio City Music Hall for more than 40 years, will perform. The concert series, held on the third Saturday of the month from September through April, features music performed by local musical artists. The events are free and open to the public.
The Garden Spot Village Train Room will host an open house on Saturday, Sept. 28, from 1:30 to
4 p.m. The open house is open to visitors of all ages. The HO-gauge train layout includes Thomasville and the popular “Talk with Thomas” event. The O-gauge train layout also includes new features like waterfalls, a monorail, a Ford dealership showroom and more. Both layouts provide plenty of train action complemented with heavily detailed scenery. Model train merchandise and materials will be available for sale. The open house is free and open to the public, however donations are welcome.
For more information, visit www.gardenspot village.org/events.

use to change their dining experience. Items that will be available to utilize will include blindfolds, modified safety glasses, and other implements that can simulate impairments such as macular degeneration. VisionCorps will provide the basics for staging a dinner by instructing diners to envision the plate as a clock, putting meat at 12 o’clock, a vegetable at 3, and potatoes at 6. Fieldsa noted that diners may choose which implements to try and how long to try them. “It’s their choice whether to participate, or they can participate only for a minute,” she said. “(Participation) is not required.”
On the menu for the

event will be baked chicken, roast beef and gravy, red skin potatoes, baby carrots, string beans, rolls and butter, and a tossed salad. Dessert will feature pumpkin and apple pies and chocolate cake. Beverages, which will be lemonade, coffee, beer, and wine. Yoder’s Catering of Gordonville will handle food service for the event. “They’re wonderful,” said Fieldsa.
Past silent auction items have included signed sports memorabilia, trips to theme parks, overnight stays, and home goods. Traditionally, themed baskets have included a chocolate basket, a fall decor basket, and a carpet cleaning kit. According to Fieldsa, organizers try to gather items that will appeal to a variety of tastes. “Last year, we had Longwood Gardens tickets and Coach and Michael Kors handbags,” she said.
More than 76 area residents attended the 2023 dinner, which raised nearly $4,000 for VisionCorps. “My goal is to get more businesses to bring more people,” said Fieldsa, who detailed the benefits of attending as including raising awareness of vision impairment issues, team building, and raising money for VisionCorps. “It has so many benefits,” she stated. Both individual tickets and sponsorships with recognition are available. Those wishing to attend may purchase them by calling 717-278-5482 or 717-826-2935 or emailing heather.valudes@gmail.com or afieldsa@bihbank.com.

SUBMIT CAMERA-READY ADS TO: sales@engleonline.com SUBMIT CLASSIFIED ADS ONLINE AT: bit.ly/epcclassifieds • classifieds@engleonline.com

Zook art auction planned

An auction featuring 3D artworks by Amish twin brothers Aaron and Abner Zook will take place on Saturday, Sept. 28, at the PA Auction Center, 1141 Wea Wit St., East Earl. A total of 22 pieces will be sold. Guests may enjoy hors d’oeuvres and refreshments starting at 5 p.m. before the auction begins at 6 p.m. All items will
The auction will feature a portion of the collection belonging to James Binsberger, an avid collector of Abner’s work. Even after the auction, Binsberger will still retain one of the largest collections of Abner’s artworks.

The auction will feature work by Abner Zook (top photo) and Aaron Zook (bottom photo).

place at Salisbury Township Park in Gap. This year, the event will be held at a new venue, and, instead of flag football, an amateur cornhole tournament will be featured.
The 10th annual Walk for Life, titled Walk. Play. Celebrate Life., will take place on Saturday, Sept. 28, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at New Holland Church of the Nazarene, 428 Ranck Road, New Holland.
“Since it is the 10th annual, we decided to switch things up,” explained Olivia Imchen, Cornerstone’s director of client services and advancement, noting that New Holland is approximately a 15-minute drive from the Gap park. “New Holland is a central location, so we’re hoping that brings in more of the community.”
“(The 5K) will be on the walking trail behind the church,” she added. “The trail is about a mile long, so (walkers) will do three loops for it to be a 5K.”
The walk is open to people of all ages, and prizes will be awarded to the individual walker and team of walkers who collect the most funds
from sponsorships.
“Children will get a passport (representing) nine months (of gestation),” said Imchen. “There will be stations along the walk for 14 weeks, 28 weeks, etc., and once they get the passport full for all nine months, they will get a prize.”
She added that cornhole was chosen as a new component because it is a fun and popular activity.
“People can sign up in pairs (for cornhole),” she said, noting that participants can register in advance for the walk and for cornhole.
“Prizes will be awarded for the first-, second- and third-place winners of the tournament.
Offered during the day will be free food, including hot dogs, popcorn, chips and cookies. “When people register, they will get a pack of tickets, and they can (redeem) them for free food,” Imchen noted.
A free Kids Zone will also be available. Featured will be face painting, a balloon artist, an inflatable obstacle course and an appearance by Dr. Bubbles, who creates giant bubbles.
Cornerstone serves as a resource for women experiencing unexpected pregnancies. It offers free pregnancy testing, ultrasound and prenatal and parenting incentive programs, along with other services.
The agency recently opened a mobile medical unit. Currently, it is stationed at Solid Rock Youth Ministries in Quarryville on Mondays from 1 to 5 p.m. “The (mobile unit) will be parked at the event this year,” Imchen noted. To register for the walk or cornhole tournament, visit www.pacornerstone. org and choose “About” and then “Events.” Same-day registrations will also be accepted.
More information about Cornerstone, which is located at 5380 Lincoln Highway, Gap, is available by visiting www.facebook .com/cornerstonerepro ductivehealth or calling 717-442-8694.
In the event of rain, the day’s activities will be limited. Cancellation information will be announced on the morning of Sept. 28 on the Facebook page.
Lancaster County veterinarian releases book

Lancaster County veterinarian Bob Stoltzfus is the author of a new book, “Where the Grass Grows Greener - Inspirational Stories from a Lancaster County Veterinarian.” The book features 23 stories about Stoltzfus’ personal life and his life as a veterinarian. Stoltzfus, who spent 42 years as a full-time bovine veterinarian, grew up on a 142-acre dairy farm in
Oley. After graduating from Christopher Dock High School in Lansdale, he enrolled in Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) in Harrisonburg, Va., where he was in the pre-med program, graduating with a degree in biology. He went on to receive his veterinary degree at the University of Pennsylvania. EMU is also where he met his wife, Joyce, whom he married in
September 25th-28th

1973. Bob and Joyce have three children and seven grandchildren. In 1980, Stoltzfus partnered with Drs. Chris Barton and Bob Munson to form Lancaster Veterinary Associates. In 2002, Dr. Bridget Griffin joined the group. The practice is almost exclusively bovine with the workload now split between five veterinarians. In 2022, Stoltzfus backed off from the physical demands of daily farm visits to focus on providing nutritional consulting services to nearby dairy farms, which range in size from 60 cows to 2,500 animals. The switch from full-time veterinarian to part-time consultant created a schedule with fewer daytime obligations, allowing him time write the book.
Stoltzfus noted that while “Where the Grass Grows Greener” is written for a general audience, he thinks farmers will appreciate seeing the veterinary

CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland 717-354-8428. “Building Community with Christ, to Impact a World without Christ” Pastor: Dr. Doug Bozung. Please go to cfcnewholland.org/visit for information concerning worship services, adult ministries, youth & children’s ministries.
LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH (AG): Located at 105 Earland Dr., New Holland, invites you to join us for a time of contemporary worship and biblical preaching at our 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 services on Sunday morning and 7:00 service on Wednesday evening. Childcare for birth through 5th grade available during 2nd and 3rd Sunday morning services and Wednesday evening service. Lead Pastor: Stephen Ritchey. For more information on our services and programs, visit Lighthouseag.com
MIDDLE OCTORARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 1199 Valley Road Quarryville. Sunday Services: Sunday School 9 AM; Blended Worship 10:30 AM. 717-786-3402 Visit us online at www.middleoctorara.org
MT. EDEN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH: 1241 May Post Office Rd., Quarryville, (5 mi. South of Strasburg, 3 mi. North of 372). Rev. Margaret Rohnacher, Pastor. Sunday worship service 9:30 am. Limited handicap accessibility. 717-786-7565 mtedenlutheranchurch@gmail.com
OUR LADY OF LOURDES Catholic Church:
150 Water Street, New Holland, PA 17557 Father Steven Fauser, Pastor. Visit us online at www.ourladyoflourdesnh.com Sunday
8am & 10:30am. Saturday 5pm. Weekday Mass: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9am.
PARKESBURG WORD OF FAITH CHURCH Sunday Service 10 am & Wednesday prayer at 7:30 pm - at 501 Lenover Rd., Parkesburg, PA 19365. Call 610-593-2277 www.parkesburgwordoffaith.org
ROCK CHURCH: A Spirit-filled, Full Gospel Church Family. 32 E. State St in Quarryville. Sunday service at 10am. More info at RockChurchLC.org Phone: 717-847-6872
SALEM EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCH, HELLERS (founded 1725), 2555 Horseshoe Rd. Lancaster. 717656-9249. Sunday Worship held 9:25 am Holy Communion 1st Sun. of month. Adult Sunday School at 10:45 am. Handicap Accessible. Pastor: Bruce Tully. E-mail: info@salemhellers.com; Website: www.salemhellers.com
ST. STEPHEN REFORMED CHURCH (Presbyterian Church In America): “A Beacon on the Hill.” The Word of God is central to our worship. Sunday worship at 8:15 and 10:30am with Kingdom’s kids and nursery provided for the 10:30 service. Sunday school for all ages at 9:30am. Choir sings the last Sunday of each month. Youth group on Sundays at 6:00 pm for grades 6th-12th. Lead Pastor: Rev. Dr. Andrew DiNardo. 249 East Main Street, New Holland. 717-354-7871. http://ststephenpca.org
Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.)
For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533

Braves’ Makenna Fritz (left) and Chastity Glick (right) pick up a pair of singles victories in a Section Three win on September 5th.
Pequeas’ Trinity Rosa locks arms with a Biglerville defender battling for the ball on Saturday, September 7 during a 6-0 shutout.
Pequea Valley’s Abrielle Fisher fights for the ball during the Braves 6-0 shutout against Biglerville in a non-league game on Saturday, September 7th.
Braves’ Leah Bragg posts a 6-0 shutout against Biglerville in a non-league game on September 7th with 6 saves.
PV’s Avionce Hollinger battles for the ball during the Braves 6-0 win over Biglerville on Saturday, September 7th.

feature the Esprit Quilts collected by Doug Tompkins, founder of North Face Inc. The collection, now housed at LancasterHistory, is comprised of 82 quilts made by Lancaster County Amish women between 1890 and 1950.
Mast noted the quilts were made for display and “not to be cuddled in.” Mast’s 1 p.m. presentation will focus on Susie Riehl, a local Amish watercolorist known for her paintings of quilts.

To coincide with Mast’s presentations, GSV resident Shirley Wenger, a photographer who worked with Riehl to create and sell her paintings, will bring her private quilt collection to be displayed. “Susie had ideas for paintings of quilts, but she didn’t have a camera,” recalled Wenger. “So I took pictures, and she painted from them.” Wenger opened the Double Heart Gallery, which sold Riehl’s works of art, and they became good friends. In addition, the Share and Care Shop, a thrift store located on the lower level of GSV, will sell Riehl prints and notecards. Specially selected gently used quilts will be on sale in the shop, and framed pieces of Riehl’s artwork will be on display.
The Linden Shop and Artisans Corner, both located adjacent to the GSV main entrance will be open for shopping during the event.

Mittelstadt said the quilting club used to hold a July quilt airing but the hot weather led the group to switch to an autumn event. Both newly quilted and gently used items will be sold in the Village Park. “Two-thirds of our quilts are hand-quilted,” pointed out Mittelstadt. Funds raised by the sale of quilts in the Village Park that day will be donated to the GSV Benevolent Care Fund, which benefits residents who have exhausted their finances.
More information about the first GSV Quilt Fest may be found at www .gardenspotvillage.org /events.

9AM - 2PM
E&E welcomes our customers and surrounding community to join us for a day of food and fun! Please come tour our new showroom, get ideas for your next home renovation and enjoy a fun, free event with your friends and family!

Roof Roof

Conestoga Wood marks 60th anniversary

Conestoga Wood Specialties, a manufacturer of custom cabinet doors and components for the kitchen and bath industry, recently commemorated six decades of innovation, craftsmanship and dedication to quality. From a small garage offering five door styles to a multi-location corporation with more than a thousand door designs, Conestoga Wood has come a long way from its modest beginnings.

Experienced cabinet makers Norman and Sam Hahn from East Earl founded Conestoga Wood in 1964, discovering their niche in creating cabinet doors not typically produced in small cabinet shops at the time. As the product line has expanded over the last 60 years, so have the manufacturing locations, which now include Beaver Springs, Beavertown and Kenly, N.C.

Conestoga Wood remains a family-owned company, with the current
headquarters located just steps away from the original workshop. The work ethic and conservative values of the Hahn brothers continue to be the cornerstone of Conestoga’s present-day values: integrity, respect, accountability, resourcefulness and innovation.
Visit www.conestoga wood.com for more information.
auction from pg 5
People may preview the artworks during business hours on Mondays through Fridays, from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
In addition to Aaron and Abner, featured artists in the exhibit will be Aaron’s son Abe Zook; Abner and Aaron’s cousin Joel Zook; Jose Lacera, who worked for Abner for six years; Mary Sensenig; Lorraine Reiff and Erma Hoover.
Notable pieces in the collection include depictions of Lancaster Central Market, the Soudersburg covered bridge, and the
Clinton Mill in Clinton, N.J.; 13 primary sketches that led to the final 3D artworks by Aaron and Abner; and a handcrafted Conestoga wagon and horse-drawn plow by Joel.
scan this code for more local news townlively.com
Anthony Hahn has been president of Conestoga Wood since 2003.
A kitchen featuring custom cabinet doors and components manufactured by Conestoga Wood

Wreaths Across America group posts events

Wreaths Across America
- Pequea Valley Cemeteries has announced its fall fundraisers.
Gift card bingo will be held at Gap Fire Company, 802 Pequea Ave., Gap, on Saturday, Sept. 21, at 6 p.m. The fee will include 20 games, as well as four special games and a blackout game. For an additional fee, participants may arrive early for three extra games at 5:45 p.m., with doors opening at 4:30 p.m. The

main event will also offer giveaway drawings and food.
The fourth annual Golf Classic will be held on Friday, Oct. 11, at Tanglewood Manor Golf Course, 653 Scotland Road, Quarryville. The event will begin at 9 a.m., with registration at 8 a.m. A light breakfast, a snack, and lunch will be provided.
The funds raised from these events will go toward purchasing wreaths for the graves of veterans.
To register for either event and for more information, call Paula Diem at 717-587-1315.

Church sets community meal
The mission committee of the Leacock Presbyterian Church, 3181 Lincoln Highway East, Paradise, will serve a hot meal from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 26. The menu will consist of meatloaf, scalloped potatoes, peas, applesauce, and desserts.
The meal is free and will be served in the handicapped-accessible Smith Fellowship Hall.
For additional information, call the church at 717-687-6619.

Supporters took part in the 2022 golf outing.

kitchen w/custom oak cabinets, a dining room, a
It also has a walk-in pantry, two
bathrooms, four bedrooms,
finished basement, attic space, and hardwood flooring in the living room, office area, and throughout the second floor, beautiful front porch w/railing. OUTBUILDINGS: 40x40 Barn built in 2020 w/2 stalls, carriage room, shop area, first floor office/kitchen space w/mini split, finished second floor recroom w/ full bathroom, 7x7 garage door on gable end, interior and exterior stairs to second floor. 20x40 workshop/storage space w/attic space w. Interior stairs. 4x8 garden shed, Camping/firepit area, playground area, garden, pasture and more!!!! UTILITIES: House and barn are wired, onsite well and septic, propane furnace with radiators in house, Miller and Sons water softener system, fridge is selling w property.
Leacock Township, Pequea Valley School District, Taxes Approx. $6,000, Residential Zoning, $45,000 Down Payment On Night Of Auction, Transfer Taxes are Prorated, Offering 1% Realtor participation, must be registered by 9/28/24. Settlement on or before 11/30/24. Glick, Goodley, Diebler & Fanning LLP Attorneys.
See more @ AuctionZip.com #50152

Garden Soirée Fundraiser planned
The Edible Classroom will hold its inaugural Garden Soirée Fundraiser on Saturday, Oct. 12, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the garden at Lafayette Elementary School, 1000 Fremont St., Lancaster. The event will feature herbal mocktails, a silent auction, live music, hearty hors d’oeuvres from
Upohar World Kitchen, and food created using recipes from the Edible Classroom. Attendees will also learn how they can help shape the future of the community. Tickets are limited. To purchase tickets by Friday, Sept. 27, visit https:// tinyurl.com/EdibleClass roomGardenSoiree.
Autographs, Sports Cards 1940’s +, Pennants, etc. LOTS CLOSE THURSDAY, SEPT. 26 @ 7:00 P.M. PREVIEW BY APPOINTMENT CALL 717-392-4257
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Ranch style house w/ 1-car garage on .92-acre lot. House was built in 1989, has 1,232 sq. ft. on the main level plus a finished basement. Main level includes a 20’x 12’ eat-in kitchen w/ view from sink window & rear wooden deck; 20’x 11’ living room w/ front double-hung window; 3-bedrooms w/ closets; full bathroom; laundry; oversized 1-car garage; concrete wheelchair ramp in front. Daylight basement has second full kitchen; recreation room; (2) additional BR; second full bathroom; walk-out rear door; utility room. Updated windows; on-site well & septic; propane heat; A/C; Octorara S.D.; taxes $5,948. OPEN HOUSE DATES: Saturday, Sept. 21, from 1-3 PM. Call/Text Auctioneer 717-587-8906.
BRIEF TERMS: $30,000 down payment, balance in 60-days or before. This auction is held under the terms provided by Attorney Smoker & Gard 717656-6717.
PERSONAL PROPERTY: BigDog Diablo zero-turn mower, model R754, w/ 54” cut, 230 hours; Whirlpool side-by-side stainless steel fridge (27 c.f.); 2021 5’x 8’ utility trailer w/ lay-down ramp; Whirlpool front load washer & dryer; ss microwave; 21 c.f. GE chest freezer; table w/ 10 boards & 6 chairs; tan La-ZBoy lift chair; blue Lazy-Boy recliner; oak rolltop desk; pine hutch; bookshelves; antique benches; drysink; shelf clock; picnic table & 4 benches; oak dresser; oak bowside china closet; family blanket chest; hickory rocker; queen size bedroom suite & mattress set; Electrolux sweeper; cottage style dresser; double bed & mattress set; folding chairs; antiques & collectibles; 2-hole corn sheller; Jackson wheel barrow; poly lawn trailer; Parker lawn sweeper; Bostitch 6 gal. air compressor; Stihl weed trimmer; Stihl battery blower; corn hole boards; cast iron frying pans; china dinner sets; mechanic tools; barbecue chicken rack; charcoal grill; nice hand tools; puppy heated pads; heated water buckets; general household items; plus more items unlisted. Please visit our new website www.martinandrutt.com
Directions: From Lancaster South on Rt 222/Robert Fulton Hwy., turn Right on Black Barren Rd. to both properties.

Parcel #1: Comprising 274, 276, and 278 Black Barren Rd., this property spans 0.87 acres and features two units: a two-story home and a mobile home. Located in a rural setting, it includes an onsite well and a large sand mound septic system installed in 2019. The septic system is shared with one mobile home on Parcel #2. This property represents a promising incomeproducing investment opportunity. Taxes +/- $2,655. Parcel #2: Comprising 275 and 277 Black Barren Rd., this 0.76-acre property features two mobile homes and ample yard space. It includes an onsite well and a septic system. The septic system serving the top and bottom mobile homes is shared with Parcel #1. This property offers excellent income potential. Taxes +/- $1,531.
Bridge Loans Available: Call Auctioneer for details. Open House: From 4:30-5:30 PM before the auction.
Attention Realtors: 1% broker participation offered to Realtors with preregistered buyer. See website for details. Terms: $20,000 down payment per parcel day of auction. Settlement on or before November 15, 2024. 2% Transfer taxes to be paid by buyer, real estate taxes prorated from settlement day.
Auctioneers Notes: Don’t miss these great income producing opportunities to own property in the country, fully tenant occupied with some long-term tenants. All information is deemed to be accurate but not guaranteed.
or www.GoToAuction.com or www.auctionzip.com ID# 23383

side of farming from a veterinarian’s point of view.
In addition to personal stories about loss, the book includes stories about Stoltzfus’ trips to Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan to consult with dairy farmers in those countries. Shortly before the publication of “Where the Grass Grows Greener,” Stoltzfus traveled to Israel, where he toured holy sites for three days and then spent a week doing farm chores for farmers near Gaza who were called to active duty as part of Israel’s continuing war. Stoltzfus’ son Kendal accompanied him to Israel.

County veterinarian
For more information or to purchase a copy of the book, visit www .masthof.com and search for the book by its title.

utility rm, ground level access to patio area; oil HW heat; central AC; aux. wood stove; on-site well & septic; annual taxes: $6,600. Outbuildings: a frame 20’x24’ garage/shop has an Onan aux. LP generator; a 12’x18’ utility barn; 8’x12’ shed; nice macadam drive & parking area.
OPEN HOUSE: SAT., SEPT. 14 & 21 from 1-3 PM for info call/txt auctioneer @ (717) 371-3333.
TERMS: 10% down day of sale, balance in 60-days. Attorney: Tom Fanning (717) 354-7700.
Note: Well kept one-owner (1989) custom-built rancher w/small barn on a wooded 4.1-acre lot; private setting surrounded by farms & woodland. Home is in excellent move-in condition. Sellers are downsizing and motivated to sell. For Photos & Detailed Listing Visit www.martinandrutt.com
Vehicle: 2014 Hyundai Santa Fe SUV AWD gray, V-6, power loaded, 106k mi. (VIN #5XY2T3LB3G148948).
Shop Tools, Lawn & Garden: 4-Simplicity 4212 & 4208 garden tractors; Simplicity 8hp snow blower; EZ Split 3.5hp log splitter; Speedaire Compressor; Stihl 028 chain saw; ProTech 8” drill press; Milwaukee HD hammer drill, sawzall & drill; S-K, Craftsman & Snap-On wrench & socket sets; speed wrenches; 2-tap & die sets; 3-laser level sets; leaf cart; wheelbarrow; ladders; 1.5-T floor jack; many rolls of electrical wiring; bolt bin; 5-cases of oil; scrap copper tubing, wiring & flashing; lots of hand & power tools; lots of tool boxes; Craftsman stacking tool
Bob Stoltzfus
Forestry webinar to feature online tool
Penn State Extension will hold a virtual live webinar, “Community Forestry: TreeKeeper Canopy as a Tool,” on Tuesday, Sept. 24, at noon. The program is for municipal managers, foresters, and arborists as well as others interested in helping to improve environmental
Meeting to feature veteran of three wars
The Military Oral History Club of Lancaster County will host Harry Miller as the speaker on Tuesday, Sept. 24, at 7 p.m. at VFW Post 2435, 401 Manor St., Columbia.
Miller is an Army and Air Force veteran who served in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. His service included being a part of the 740th Tank Battalion during World War II and heading a team for Gen. MacArthur in Korea. He was also a member of the military during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The meeting is open to the public. For more information, call 717-319-3430.
conditions for challenged persons and neighborhoods.
Celine Colbert from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ Bureau of Forestry will speak about the TreeKeeper tool, developed by Davey Resource Group. The free, cloud-based online tool enables community tree managers to visualize canopy assessment results and plan future community forest management
efforts by mapping their inventories.
Credits are available, and some may have an associated fee.
To register, visit https:// tinyurl.com/TreeKeeper Webinar. A link to the recorded webinar will be emailed to registrants within 10 business days after the live event, and the recording will be accessible for six months.
Ideally located rural 2.2 ACRE lot surrounded by farmland. Perc tested for standard system. Level to slight slope terrain. Pequea Valley schs. Zoned Ag.
Unique opportunity to purchase custom home site in rural farming area. Minutes to Strasburg, Paradise & Vintage. Easy access to Rt. 896, 741 & 30. Inspection of tract anytime. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com
Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006. (Lender NMLS ID #834368).
Randal V. Kline
Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt
Curvin M. Horning

Lic. #499, 2116, 5064, 3956 R110142 www.klinekreidergood.com J. Myron & Sarah J. Stoltzfus 717-629-7872

laundry; primary bedroom w/private bath & WIC; attached 2-car garage; upper level includes 2-bedrooms w/closets; full bath; attic storage; 1,456 sq. ft. basement is unimproved w/central AC/heat pump; egress door; on site well & septic; Clean & Green annual taxes: $3,990. Outbuildings: a 4,000 sq. ft. pole barn w/3-14’ overhead doors & shop area; a 12’x8 utility shed; macadam drive & parking; 6-acres


S. Vintage Rd., Paradise. Rt. 741 E. from Strasburg. Left S. Vintage Rd. Tract on left.

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REPLACE YOUR ROOF with the best looking and longest lasting material - steel from Erie Metal Roofs! Three styles and multiple colors available. Guaranteed to last a lifetime! Limited Time Offer - up to 50% off installation + Additional 10% off install (for military, health workers & 1st responders.) Call Erie Metal Roofs: 1-855-338-4807.
ASSISTANCE FOR ELDERLY, caregivers provide hygiene assistance, meals, light housework in your home. Insured, Bonded, RN owned & operated. Call Visiting Angels, 717-393-3450.
FOR SALE Bldg. Materials
ASPHALT MILLINGS AND CRUSHED CONCRETE FOR SALE. Call PAVWORX® at 610-929-9971 pavworx.com/millings.html
PA’s Largest Buyer of Toys & Collectibles 27 E Lancaster Street, Red Lion, PA Hours: M-W 8am-4pm, Th.-F by appt. 717-329-8167 • rhoward1771@gmail.com
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Lawn & Garden
EARTHWISE LANDSCAPE & TREE CARE Spring clean-ups. Edging, seeding, fertilization, mulching, shrub & tree pruning. 717-626-2541 (PA 088021)
FREE REMOVAL of Riding Mowers. Call/text Jim 717-940-9029
RAILROAD TIES FOR SALE #1. Delivery Available GAP REPAIR, 717-442-4781 ext. 2
FREE: WILL LEND nice RIDING HORSES & lg. PONIES until June 2025. Call Andy or Bill at 717-394-7865, 412-582-0080.
ADORABLE SHI-TZU MIXES. Non-shedding, white & brown. 3 M & 2 F. UTD on shots & deworming. Health guaranteed. $550 717-314-1915.
AKC BLACK GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, shots, dewormed, vet checked, b. 5/15/24. $185. 717-548-4277.
AKC GREAT DANE puppies. 15 weeks. $1,200. 3 females, 2 males. Blues. Text or call 717-576-4760 or 484- 986-8308.
AKC MINI POODLES, red & white. Vet checked, shots, dewormed, very cute, playful, raised with family, 3F, 4M, $495. 717-654-1075.
BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES, 2M, vet checked, shots, dewormed, nice white collar markings. $625, 717-354-8550
DOBERMAN PUPPIES, 100% European bloodline, $2,000. 814-569-6152
UTD shots/dewormed/vet checked, both parents are big frame dogs raised on farm. 1F, 2M, nice colors. $695. 717-327-5386.
4 blue merle, 2 tri, 1 brown merle, nice markings, 717-768-0032.

2M, 1F, various colors, shots, dewormed, vet checked, ready now! 717-285-7445.
TOY POODLE PUPPIES, 1 red male, 1 white female, $300. POODLE MIX PUPPIES, $200. 717-548-4277.
1472. Mon. through Fri. 7am-5pm PST.
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COAL/WOOD/PELLET STOVES & Inserts, New & Refurbished. Over 300 models in stock. $100-$800 & up. Buy/Sell/Trade. Call 717-577-6640
FIREWOOD: Seasoned & Split, $175/cord, Honey Brook, 610-944-2097 ►10% OFF August & September◄
FOUND AN ITEM? Place a FREE 15 word ad in your local issue to locate the owner of your found item. 1-800-428-4211
READ YOUR AD THE FIRST WEEK IT APPEARS This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement.
A DRYWALL COMPANY Hanging, Finishing & Repairs KENT SAUDER, LLC Text/Call: 717-989-2069
AFFORDABLE PAINTING. Int./ext., staining, drywall repair, custom colors. Call Damien 717-940-5912 PA032157 Call about our Fall/Winter Discounts


Clean, Repair, Gutter Guards. Property Maint. by Steve. 717-892-7411
HAULING, JUNK REMOVAL. Bsmts, sheds, garages cleaned out. Tree brush. Odd jobs. We also move people. Free est. Visa/MC/ Disc/AmEx. 717-456-6051; 410-688-7569 CRASS HAULING

Call 717-274-5457 | Text 717-507-0090 www.hitzfencesupplies.com
Removal of black stains off roof & exterior cleaning. 717-424-8504
JACUZZI BATH REMODEL can install a new, custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, waiving ALL installation costs! Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer. (Offer ends 12/29/24.) Call 1844-826-2535
Basements, garages, attics, appliances. Five Star Property Service, 717-278-1030
Int/Ext, Res/Com, 30 yrs exp. FREE ESTIMATES, Fully insured Eric, 717-615-6442 PA 116089
SAFE STEP. NORTH America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1,600 off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step: 1-833-356-1954.
BUYING Classic, Muscle & Sports Cars Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561
BUYING CLASSIC CARS, TRUCKS, SUVs **American and Foreign** Any Condition. Buying entire car collections. $$PAYING CA$H$$ Please call 717-577-8206 KRMiller1965@yahoo.com
CORVETTES WANTED 1953 thru 2019 Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561
DONATE YOUR CAR, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-877-327-0686 today!
GET A BREAK on your taxes! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous tax credit for 2025. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-320-2804 today!
PINBALL MACHINES & ARCADES WANTED. Any condition, working or not. Call Matt: 717-538-9485, thanks.
WANTED! MOTORCYCLES & MINI BIKES! ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph, BSA, and other foreign models. $$PAYING CA$H$$ 717-577-8206 KRMiller1965@yahoo.com

AMISH MOVING COMPANY AMISH CLEANOUTS Will move households (will go out of state). Fair prices for Clean Outs of Attics, Basements. 717-442-3301
Interior Remodeling, Hanging, Finishing, Framing, Painting, Basements, Additions, Insured. PA 022669. 717-587-4102
Expert tree removal, stump grinding & Trimming. Fully Insured 610-656-5880
CLOCK REPAIR - TRAGER 717-786-7053
DO YOU KNOW what’s in your water? Leaf Home Water Solutions offers FREE water testing and whole home water treatment systems that can be installed in as little as one day. 15% off your entire purchase. Plus 10% senior & military discounts. Restrictions apply. Schedule your FREE test today. Call 1866-996-1526
LeafFilter, the most advanced debrisblocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. Plus 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-791-1626
STROKE AND CARDIOVASCULAR disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-518-8391.
717-989-7938, leave message.

All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis.
*NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS* When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only, not who you wish to occupy it.
For Rent
2ND FLOOR, ONE Bedroom apartment, Kinzers area. Kitchen, DR, LR, Bath. Includes W/S/T & Heat. $1325 per mo. plus 1 mo. deposit. NO PETS! Leave message. 717-442-9224.

WE TRANSFORM YOUR kitchen in less time, with less stress, at an amazing value. Since 1979,

Saturday, September 21 Community 11am-2pm prizes to win! Donated by local businesses!
• A Therapeutic Effect
• American Music Theatre
• Decades
• Field of Screams/Corn Cob Acres
• Go ‘N Bananas
• Lancaster Stormers
• Martin Appliance
• Refreshing Mountain
• York Revolution AND MORE!

Food Trucks
while supplies
kids activities
Pumpkin Painting sponsored by Cherry Hill Orchards
Face Painting, Balloon Artist and more!
live broadcast
WJTL FM 90.3 from 11:00am-1:00pm

EPC is celebrating 70 years of bringing the local “good news” to our communities. Across Lancaster County and beyond, we’re honored to share the stories of the people and organizations that make a difference. Join us for a special celebration as we commemorate the past and look forward to the future together!
Publisher of the Merchandiser, Pennysaver, Advertiser, Community Courier, Lancaster County Magazine, Where & When Pennsylvania, Dining in Lancaster County, and Antiques and Auction News
live music
Ryan Moran from 11:30am-1:30pm Bring lawn chairs!
Take a tour of Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. and see how your weekly community paper is created! community organizations
Get a close up look at a firetruck, meet a Police Officer, connect with your local chambers in Lancaster, and learn about Lancaster Co. 4H Seeing Eye puppy club.

Auntie Anne’s, Cupcakes by Casey, Homage, Hopeful Brews Coffee, and Tri County BBQ