Pequea Valley

For some time now, the Together Initiative Network (TIN), which includes Pequea Valley School District (PVSD), along with area churches, ministries, and businesses has had a goal of providing the support needed to have 90% of local children reading by third grade and reading proficiently by fourth grade. The goal is based on data that shows individuals are 10 times more likely to end up in generational poverty if they are not reading by third grade.
According to Lisa Eckert, PVSD director of early learning since January of 2020, one way to reach that goal is to put books in the hands of children from birth to age 5. “We know when there are books in the home, chances are parents will be reading (to children),” said Eckert, who noted that in low-income homes that can be a challenge. “Those families must meet basic needs before
thinking of extra things,” she said. “Our goal is to make sure families don’t have to worry about that extra thing like books.”
For about seven years, PVSD has made more books available to more children by taking part in Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, an international program
administered locally through the Literacy Council of LancasterLebanon. For a nominal cost per book, 225 PVSD preschoolers receive a book in the mail each month. “So we are giving out close to 3,000 books a year,” noted Eckert.
While statistical evidence
Success in the business world revolves around opportunity.
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology (TSCT) not only seeks to provide opportunities for students, but also assists them with skills that will make the most out of those opportunities.
They are opportunities that have the potential to be
life altering.
“We are always looking at workforce data to align our majors to the needs of the workforce,” said Pedro Rivera, who’s been TSCT’s president for four years. “We want our students to have careers. Everyone who graduates from here is employable for a lifetime. When someone can earn a living wage with one or two years of education and with little or no
Brothers-in-law Charlie Neff and Mike Sensenig both volunteer delivering meals with Meals on Wheels in the Pequea Valley area. Mike is retired, and he and his wife, Deb, handle the Paradise-Strasburg route every other Friday. Deb drives, and Mike runs the meals from the car to the recipients.
Charlie is not retired. He works his farm, helps his wife run a bed-and-breakfast, and owns a
points to the availability of books in a home as an indicator of family members being more likely to read, Eckert acknowledged that there are additional benefits to children. “There’s so much that happens in addition to parents reading to them,” explained Eckert. “A lot of developmental
(steps) are encouraged by having the physical book available.” Eckert added that increases in kindergarten readiness and academic, social, and emotional benchmarks have been noted. “Everything we’re doing is contributing to that, and (Imagination Library) is a big part of that.”
Phone: 717-492-2530 • Fax: 717-492-2580
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We encourage civic and fraternal groups, schools, churches, Scouting groups, and other local organizations to submit news releases of general interest to the majority of our readership. Primary consideration is given to dated articles of an informative nature–activities and events of local interest sponsored, presented, or planned by area organizations and institutions. Related photographs of good quality are encouraged also, but complete picture identification must be included. Undated articles of general interest are used as space permits. All articles must contain a contact name and telephone number.
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EMAIL: Mailed outside our circulation area for $36/year.
debt, they have more time to be mothers and fathers, to be civically minded and to engage with their churches.”
Located at 750 E. King St., Lancaster, TSCT offers 24 two-year associate degrees and four oneyear certificate degrees in pursuits like electrical technology, architecture, welding, carpentry, auto mechanics and masonry.
“We have offerings for anyone at any stage of life,” said Rivera. “We’re preparing you to be a learner and preparing you to be skilled in your workforce, and we’re preparing you to be a leader. We want you to grow and be prosperous and have a career.”
There are 1,470 students enrolled at TSCT for the fall semester, and they are all Pennsylvania residents. About half live in dorms on campus while the other half commute.
before or right after they leave the institution.
Many students receive financial aid in the form of grants and scholarships.
“Most of these kids are just like me, first-generation college students,” said Rivera. “They are looking to change their own trajectory and the trajectories of their whole families. I see them walk into this college for their first days, I see them develop confidence and I see them graduate. When you get to see firsthand how you’re changing lives, that’s incredible.”
equality who lived in the 18th and 19th centuries.
For additional information about Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, go to www.stevens
Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. | PO Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552 TOWNLIVELY.COM
“Our students are about as dynamic and diverse as the commonwealth is,” said Rivera. “They come here with their eyes wide open. The students who come here know what they want to do with their lives. Most of them have done their research. They come here, and they’re focused. When we bring all of these students from different backgrounds together, it’s amazing to see how quickly they begin to work together. To be successful, you have to be able to work in small groups.”
Nearly 95% of TSCT students stay in Pennsylvania after they graduate. Almost 97% of TSCT graduates are placed in jobs
TSCT is named for the Lancaster resident who bequested the funds to start it in his will. It opened in 1905 to provide an education in academics and trades for orphaned youths, and it became an accredited college in 1991. In additions to academics, TSCT offers its students extracurricular activities like clubs and intercollegiate athletics and operates a campus clothing bank, a food bank and a toiletry bank.
Thaddeus Stevens was a congressman and champion of freedom and
“Our namesake is very important to us,” said Rivera. “Everything we do revolves around our values. Over the years, our majors have changed, our campus has changed and it’s become a much more inclusive campus. We take our responsibilities to the community very seriously. We want our students to be prosperous. We want to give every single person who walks through that door an opportunity be
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Functional Therapy & Wellness, located at 3413 Harvest Drive, Suite 1, Gordonville, will host an open house on Saturday, Oct. 5, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Staff members will provide educational materials about their services which include physical rehabilitation, pelvic floor therapy, myofasical release therapy and Mercier Therapy.
Mercier Therapy is a holistic approach to managing scar tissue, adhesions and infertility by restoring optimal circulation and mobility to the reproductive organs. With the Mercier Therapy Shared Fertility Journey, the gyno-visceral manipulation protocol is completed, plus a full year of support for the couple that has been shown to have an 83 to 86% success rate resulting in pregnancy within one year.
A restaurant fundraiser benefiting the American Cancer Society’s Men Wear Pink campaign will be held on Thursday, Oct. 3, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse, 925 Plaza Blvd., Lancaster.
A portion of all food and soft beverage sales will be donated to the American Cancer Society when customers present the fundraising
See Fundraiser pg 9
New cars have been costly for quite some time, so motorists may wonder how they can get more mileage out of their existing vehicles.
Drivers can take the following steps to keep their existing cars running smoothly for years to come.
- Take care of the timing belt. Engines may get all the glory, but they cannot run smoothly without a fully functional timing belt, which helps to synchronize movements of various components. Owner’s manuals may note when to replace the timing belt, but they generally must be replaced every 60,000 to 105,000 miles. Although replacement is required infrequently, drivers can ask their mechanics to keep an eye on their timing belts. During the early months of
the pandemic, many people learned that infrequent driving can cause a timing belt to fail before it reaches the projected mile marker. Aging drivers should keep this fact in mind if they do not drive as much as they used to.
- Take care of the brakes and associated components. The experts at Popular Mechanics urge drivers of older vehicles to replace their brake fluid every two years. Popular Mechanics also advises drivers whose cars are more than seven years old to replace the rubber brake lines when major brake work is required.
- Pay attention to oil levels. The older engines get, the more oil they burn. For this reason, owners of older vehicles should check their oil levels
Taking care of a vehicle involves more than just maintaining the equipment under the hood. There are a number of steps involved in keeping a car or truck in top form, and that includes regular car washes. Car washes keep a vehicle shiny and clean, which can help it look good while sitting in the driveway or cruising the highway. However, regular car washes are more than cosmetic.
• Protect from the sun: A car that is routinely and properly washed and waxed is less vulnerable to damage from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.
more often than they would if their vehicles were brand new. These checks also provide a way to discover leaks before they lead to potentially significant issues.
- Don’t skip maintenance appointments. Even if you’re still driving less due to the pandemic, it’s best to keep up with maintenance on any car, especially if the car is older. Routine tune-ups and oil changes, which may need to become more frequent the older the vehicle gets, can keep cars running smoothly and protect the engine over the long haul.
The rising cost of new cars may compel people to keep their cars longer than they might have anticipated. A few simple maintenance measures may help to prolong the life of a vehicle.
Cars are a significant investment, which underscores the importance of vehicle maintenance. Maintenance is more than just tending to what’s under the hood. Tires also require drivers’ attention, as aging, damaged tires pose a safety risk and also compromise vehicle performance. Tires can be easily overlooked, but the following are four signs tires need to be replaced.
1. Worn tread: The automotive experts at AutoZone note that tread depth is the most prevalent indicator that a tire needs to be replaced. AutoZone notes that tread depth should always be at least 1/16 of an inch throughout the tire. Depth should be measured across the tread and around the circumference. If the tread is at or below 1/16 of an inch, the tire should be replaced.
2. Bulges, gouges, or cracks: Geico notes that a deflated tire bulges at the sides, and that can compromise the safety of everyone in the vehicle. AutoZone says bulges occur when air gets between the inner liner and outer rubber layers, which can happen after hitting a curb or driving over a sizable pothole. A gouge or cut that is deeper than the outer layer of the tire also necessitates replacement.
3. Poor grip: Drivers may be able to feel certain tire problems, including poor grip, while driving. In such instances, tires may feel as though they are slipping. The tire experts at Firestone note that low tread can reduce tire traction and cause wheels to slip, which may be more noticeable when accelerating from a stop or driving on wet roads. Drivers who feel
their tires are slipping can test the tread and replace tires that are low.
4. Vibration: Vibration is another issue drivers may feel rather than see. Identifying the cause requires noting where the vibrations are felt. Geico notes that vibration or thumping that feels like it’s coming from under the seats may indicate the tires are not balanced. A suspension issue could be to blame if the steering wheel feels like it’s vibrating. Either feeling should be brought to the attention of a mechanic immediately. Tire issues affect vehicle performance and compromise the safety of drivers, their passengers, and fellow motorists. When vehicles are not performing at peak capacity, drivers should not overlook various tire issues as a potential cause of such troubles.
• Preserve the vehicle’s value: Drivers who plan to sell or trade in their vehicles in the future should realize that a well-maintained car can bring in as much as 20% more for above-average condition, according to Kelley Blue Book. Maintaining a clean and shiny vehicle can protect its long-term value.
• Remove salt: Drivers who live near the ocean or in areas where roads are salted in the winter to melt snow may have cars with high salt corrosion rates. Unless it’s washed off frequently, salt can take its toll, leading to damage.
• Extend the life of paint: Dirt and debris can build up on the paint surface and eventually lead to scratches and other damage. Bird droppings and sap can be corrosive. Washing will help remove grime and protect the paint in the process.
• Improve fuel efficiency: Drivers have felt pain in their wallets at the fuel pump in recent years. Dirty cars may be less aerodynamic and less fuel efficient as a result. Keeping a car clean may improve its fuel efficiency.
• Maintain the interior: Car washes are not only about the exterior. Keeping a clean and tidy interior can help improve the air quality inside of the vehicle and prolong the life of upholstery, mats, and interior components.
Car washes should be a routine part of vehicle maintenance. Professional car washes tend to be more ecofriendly than washing a car at home, so drivers are urged to investigate their service plans and features.
Modern automobiles are technological marvels. As advancements in automotive technology have made cars more reliable than ever, drivers may feel as though vehicle ownership also is more hands-off than ever before. Though it’s true that built-in diagnostic technology is designed to alert drivers to certain issues, it can still benefit motorists to recognize when certain issues may arise.
Cars and the people who drive them are different, so mileage intervals are not always the best measuring stick for maintenance issues. However, the following rundown can serve
as a guidebook for drivers who want to know what to expect at various mileage intervals.
• 30,000 miles: The experts at Auto Trader note that disposable engine air filters usually last between 15,000 and 30,000 miles. If it’s been about 30,000 miles since the engine air filter has been replaced, it would be a good time to replace this important part, which prevents components like dirt and debris from getting into the engine. This also might be a good time to replace the fuel filter, which prevents debris from clogging fuel injectors.
• 50,000 to 60,000 miles: It’s about this time that
drivers may need to replace their vehicle batteries. Little-used vehicles may need a new battery much earlier, as lengthy periods of little or no use adversely affect the life expectancy of vehicle batteries. Brakes also may need to be replaced about this time, as the experts at AutoZone note that most drivers get between two and five years out of a set of brake pads. If that sounds like a significant range, it is, and that’s because driver behavior is a significant variable affecting the life of the pads. Drivers who brake hard will likely need to replace their brake pads with greater
See Maintenance pg 8
Submitted by Leona Baker, Historical Society of Salisbury Township
In 1701, William Penn traveled the ancient Indian Minquas Trail, also known as the Conestoga Road, through Gap-in-the-Hills, a part of the land the English king had bequeathed to him. This trail wandered through thick forests, which had never heard the sound of ax or saw. Oak, ash, maple, walnut and chestnut trees grew in such close proximity that the path beneath was difficult to distinguish even on the sunniest day. Penn was on his way to Conestoga on the Susquehanna River to renew a treaty with the Native Americans.
The Penn Rock on today’s Chestnut Street in Gap stands as a reminder that Native hosts had prepared a feast of greeting. Penn partied and stayed overnight near the local spring in company with Native American chiefs, who came to escort him the rest of the way to their village.
In 1710, Robert and Jean Gault from Ireland settled near the Welsh Mountain, close to the source of the Pequea Creek. The Gaults, credited to be the first real settlers to the area, had a hand in petitioning for the formation of Lancaster County and in founding the Pequea Presbyterian Church, built in 1724 on what we know today as Cambridge Road.
As pioneers moved into the valley, clearing the land was the primary need for those who wished to become prosperous farmers. The abundant quantity of wood was used for housing and heat and served as the sturdy base for the ubiquitous Conestoga wagon.
Within 100 years, there were few primeval forests left as more and more Europeans discovered the potential of this rich valley soil and swiftly running streams.
By the turn of the 20th century, fewer of those trees growing in Penn’s
time were to be found. E. Embree Wildman’s 1933 edition of “Penn’s Woods, 1682-1932” recorded one of those rare trees growing in the cemetery of Pequea Presbyterian Church in Salisbury Township.
Fast forward another 75-plus years. By 2000, most of those few remaining original trees were now rotting into dust, their ancient lives over. Alert citizens, recognizing an era coming to an end in the increasingly populous Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware region, formed the Penjerdel organization to preserve the remaining pre-Colonial history of the region. Volunteers gather and plant the nuts and seeds from those still surviving Penn oak trees. The relatively few that sprout grow into saplings that carry the genes of those long-gone forests which had greeted William Penn 300 years ago. The
saplings are then offered to select civic organizations to continue being nurtured. Aware of William Penn’s 1701 meeting with the Susquahannocks in Gap, Penjerdel member Erik Burro, who portrays William Penn for the annual living history events
from pg 6
in Salisbury Township, offered the Historical Society of Salisbury Township a 3-year-old sapling grown from an acorn of a Penn oak tree that had recently died in Salem, N.J.
With no remaining primeval forest in Salisbury Township, the historical society was honored to have a living connection to its founding pioneers, and to the vision that William Penn had of a peaceful coexistence for diverse races and cultures.
The community is welcome to join the historical society at the Pequea Presbyterian Church, 273 Cambridge Road, Gap, at noon on Sunday, Oct. 6, to celebrate the dedication of this bit of DNA from the region’s past.
Lancaster County ACTION will hold a quarterly breakfast on Saturday, Oct. 12, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. The event will take place in the Presidential Ballroom at Eden Resort, 222 Eden Road, Lancaster. Congressman Lloyd Smucker will speak.
There is a fee, with a discount for Lancaster County ACTION members. Preregistration is required by Monday, Oct. 7, by calling or texting the ACTION office at 717847-0902. Payment may be made at the door by cash, check, or Zelle. For more information, visit www.lancastercounty
frequency than drivers who brake slowly.
• 50,000 to 90,000 miles: As noted, there is no uniform guideline governing when vehicle components will need to be replaced. Hoses are a good example of that, as recommendations regarding when to replace hoses range from 50,000 to 90,000 miles. That’s a significant range, but drivers can be on the safe side and start discussing the status of their hoses with their mechanics around
the 50,000-mile marker. It’s unlikely the hoses will make it all the way to 90,000 miles before they need to be replaced, but drivers can keep that mileage marker in mind and aim to replace the hoses before that point even if no issue has arisen. Timing belts also tend to fail between 80,000 and 100,000 miles, so this is another part to consider replacing as a vehicle reaches this point.
These mileage markers are not set in stone and should only serve as a guideline for drivers who want to stay ahead of vehicle repairs. Drivers also are urged to discuss any additional changes that might be necessary with their mechanics during routine maintenance appointments.
White Horse Fire Company
White Horse Fire Hall (On the Corner of Route 340 and 897 South)
Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024 • 11 am till 5:30 pm or until sold out
Drive-Thru Adult Take-Outs
Adult $18.00 • Child (6-10) $8.00
We will also be selling our delicious Pepper Cabbage, Homemade Bread, Angel Food Cakes & Pies
We’ve all been hurt by other people, we’ve hurt ourselves, and we’ve hurt others. And as a result, every single one of us ends up with some sort of hurt, hangup, or habit. But the question we all face is. Where do we go from here?
Life’s Healing Choices offers freedom from our hurts, hang-ups, and habits through eight healing choices that promise true happiness and life transformation. Using the Beatitudes of Jesus as a foundation. FRIDAYS at 7PM Starting October 4th 8-Week Program
New Beginnings Church of the Cross 1 Penn Ave, Christiana, PA 17509 (484) 678-2483
from pg 3
flyer. The offer is valid when people dine in, use curbside pickup, or place a takeout order; it cannot be used on delivery orders, alcoholic beverages, or happy hour specials.
For the flyer and more details, email or call 717-320-8840. For more information about the restaurant, visit www.bjsrestaurants .com/locations/pa/ lancaster.
Imagination Library does more than simply mail books to children. Care is taken in selecting books that speak to the child’s developmental level. “All the books are age appropriate,” said Eckert. “Infants get board books or touchand-feel-books,” she added. Parents of PVSD children from birth to age 5 may visit https:// to sign up for the program. “Families fill out the form, and we contact (the families),
and we submit the form,” said Eckert. “Within a few months they start receiving books once a month.”
Eckert is devoted to and knowledgeable about the early learning program in PVSD, having first taken part as a Community Action Partnership employee in 2018. On the day she was interviewed for this story, she wore a black T-shirt emblazoned with the words “It is a good day to read a book” in a variety of
bright colors. Although the cost per book is nominal, the cost for the program per month runs about $500 or about $30 a year per child. “We are always looking for sponsorships and support for this program,” said Eckert, who noted the fees cover the book and shipping. Readers who are interested in learning more about ways to help support Imagination Library may email lisa_eckert@ or call 717-381-5020.
This year, Miller’s Smorgasbord is celebrating 95 years of serving up hearty, home-cooked meals steeped in Pennsylvania Dutch tradition. Miller’s has grown from its humble beginnings in 1929 to become a Lancaster County landmark.
Built & Kept 2 Story Home w/ Attached 2 Car Garage and a Large Pole Barn on a 10.98 Ac. +/Lot w/ a Small Stream Situated on a Low Traffic Dead End Road w/ Easy Access to Major Routes 170 Sunset Rd., Oxford, PA 19363 E. Nottingham Twp – Oxford Area Schools
Before Route 30 even existed, Enos Miller established a truck repair and gas station on Lincoln Highway East. His wife, Anna, who had a knack for preparing home-cooked meals, began offering food items to Enos’ customers. Word quickly spread about Anna’s Pennsylvania Dutch specialties, such as chicken and waffles, and soon, diners were coming from far and wide just for a taste of her cooking. As demand for Anna’s dishes grew, the dining area expanded, eventually taking over the space where the repair shop once stood.
In 1948, after nearly two decades of serving guests,
Anna and Enos sold the restaurant to longtime employees Beatrice and Thomas Strauss. Under their care, the restaurant flourished, and in 1957, they officially renamed it Miller’s Smorgasbord, introducing the nowfamous “seven sweets and
Well Built One Story Home with Attached 2 Car Garage on a 1 Acre +/- Lot with Fenced Yard Antiques, Furniture, Glassware, Tools, Many New QVC Items, Household Goods 381 Hill Road, Honey Brook, PA 19344 West Caln Twp – Coatesville Schools Wednesday, October 16, 2024 ∙ 10:00am Real Estate at 1:00pm
rack, outdoor furniture, bar stools, shelves-NIB, pots, pans, kitchenware, fiesta ware, Waterford crystal, stemware, bird bath, computers, electronics, electric fireplace, Christmas trees-NIB, QVC itemsNIB, & more
This is a large auction with many new items in box. Don’t miss it!
TERMS: Real Estate-10% Down at auction. Bal by 11/27/24. Buyer pays all realty transfer tax. Personal Prop.- No buyer premium for cash, PA checks, or out of state checks w/ bank guarantee letter. 4% Buyer premium for credit card purchases. FOR: Lynn M. Carson
seven sours,” a staple of the smorgasbord that continues to be served to this day. The Strauss family continued to innovate, and in 1973, it expanded Miller’s baking capabilities by establishing Miller’s Bakery next to the restaurant. This allowed for its signature baked goods and desserts, which had become just as famous as the main dishes, to be sold directly to the public. Today, visitors can purchase favorites like raisin bread, chocolate pecan pie, sticky buns and shoofly pies at the Locally Made Food Shop.
As Miller’s Smorgasbord celebrates 95 years, the establishment remains a family-owned business. To mark the milestone, Miller’s has updated its entrance and lobby, infusing it with a 1920s ambiance remi -
Well Built One Story Home with Attached 2 Car Garage on a 1 Acre +/- Lot. Great Location with Easy Access to Major Routes
Quality Antiques, Furniture, Glassware, Cub Cadet Lawn Tractor, Tools & Household Goods 1168 E. Kings Hwy., Coatesville, PA 19320 Valley Twp. – Coatesville Schools Wednesday, October 9, 2024 ∙ 10:00am Real Estate at 1:00pm
Area w/ a Propane Log Fireplace, Ceiling Fan & Bay Window, 8’x22’ Enclosed Front Porch, 9’x18’ Enclosed Back Porch, 6’x10’ Covered Rear Patio. Electric Baseboard Heat, onsite well/ septic. Total taxes $5,872
★ Tools. Lawn & Garden ★
★ Cub Cadet LT 1045 & Mower Deck 308 hours ★ Troy-bilt squall 2100 snowblower, drill presses, scroll saw, tool chest, work bench & vise, hand & yard tools, step ladders, Rubbermaid shed, Rigid shop vac, hand cart, wind chimes, gazing ball, deer silhouettes, bird houses, fishing poles, tackle & more.
★ Furniture & Appliances ★
Rolltop desks, book shelves, chest of drawers, single bed, jewelry box, cane seated chair, recliners, matching sofa & loveseat, what not shelf, oak stand, kitchen island, oak hutch, oak pedestal & 6 chairs, cane seated rocker, folding tables, wall mirror, oak dry sink, oak end table, Maytag washer, small chest freezer, refrigerator/freezers, dehumidifiers, window A/Cs, Metro shelving, dough tray table & more
★ Collectables & Household ★
Howdy Doody ventriloquist doll, dolls & accessories, child’s chair, green depression ware, cranberry glass, Fenton basket & vase, cobalt cracker jar, cast iron fish bottle opener, “Top” cloth bag, wood planes, steins, bottle capper, oil lamps, copper boiler, copper bucket, galvanized sprinkler can, linens, sled, express wagon, service for 8 dishes, holiday decorations, storage totes, silk plants & flowers, coolers, artwork, Americana clock, & more.
This is a great auction of personal property & quality tools
TERMS: Real Estate-10% Down at auction. Bal by 11/22/24. Buyer pays all realty transfer tax. Personal Prop.- No buyer premium for cash, PA checks, or out-of-state checks w/ bank guarantee letter. 4% Buyer premium for credit card purchases.
FOR: Elsie M. Marshall, Estate
niscent of Enos’ original garage. A new gift shop, Anna’s Gifts & Sundries, has also opened at The Shoppes at Miller’s, offering a selection of jewelry, home decor and Lancaster County mementos in honor of Anna’s legacy.
To commemorate 95 years of success, Miller’s Smorgasbord will host special events throughout October, including weekly giveaways and Saturday Meet the Artisan Days. Guests can still enjoy the same tried-and-true recipes from the soup and salad bar featuring over a dozen Lancaster County salads to the carving station, Anna’s chicken and waffles and award-winning fried chicken. Miller’s continues to be named one of the USA Today’s 10 Best Buffets.
Visit www.Millers1929 .com for more details on the celebrations and the history.
CAR, TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT: 2007 Red Chevy 5500 rollback truck w/19’ bed, 8,566 miles! (VIN #1GBE5C1G87F400713); 1990 Brown 3500 rollback truck w/17’ bed (VIN #1GBJC34K5LE251634); 2005 blue Buick Park Ave sedan, leather, power loaded, 80k miles (VIN #1G4CW54K154100365); ALL VEHICLES ONE-OWNER; John Deere 4400 4x4 HST Tractor w/ROPS & 300x bucket, 2,062-hrs (NICE); Kubota L4610 4x4 Cab Tractor w/LA852 bucket, dual remotes, 1,798-hrs; Farmall 200 Tractor w/fast-hitch sickle-bar mower & scraper blade; John Deere 318 lawn tractor w/54’ deck & bagger, dual remotes; John Deere Gator TX 2x4 2-seater, electric winch, dump bed, 1,232-hrs; Lincoln welder & accessories; PTO generator; 2-300 gallon fuel tanks w/pumps; large bolt bin; tractor weights; toplinks; drawbars; 2-wheelbarrows; 3-torpedo heaters; batter chargers; log chains & binders; floor & bottle jacks; sledges & digging irons; ladders; power & hand tools; baler twine & nylon ropes; socket & wrench sets; hydraulic cylinders; warehouse cart & tool boxes; plus much more.
GUNS & SILVER COINS: Marlin model 25MG .22-cal. bolt-action rifle w/clip; Stevens model 87A .22-cal. bolt-action rifle; Remington Wingmaster model 870 .12-ga. pump shotgun; 4-Morgan silver dollars: 1-1900; 2-1902; 1-1904.
ANTIQUES & PERSONAL PROPERTY: 517 Power Trac AMF & A502 Power Trac AMF chain-drive pedal tractors; 3-wheel metal scooter; Buddy-L & Tonka trucks; Ertl die-cast toy tractors; CASE thresher & steam engine toys; advertising banks; Winross & Hess trucks; 7-cast iron cat troughs; 3-cast iron water troughs (Weaver & Martin, Leacock Foundries); flatware& knife sets; Pink Depression glass; Sunbeam mixer & blender; floral sofa; 8-kitchen chairs; dry sink; small rolltop desk; 2-8’ benches; pumpkin wagon; express wagon; card table & chairs; old blanket chest; carved Oak double bed; Oak wash stand; crazy patch comforter & quilts; lots of kitchen & cookware items; old hobby horse; Martin Bird house on adjustable pole (nice);
sty. farmhouse w/2176
eat-in kitchen w/updated cabinets, breakfast island, appliances & granite countertops, dining/family
large living rm., 4
attic, bsmt.,
low maintenance exterior, solar panels (included w/transferrable lease), garage/barn/shop w/gar. & shop area, utility bldg., level ½ acre lot w/lawn, garden area, mature trees, public sewer & on-site well. After 44 years owners relocating to Lebanon Co. & serious to sell. Well maintained move in condition house. Economical & low taxes. Ideal as residence or investment. Minutes to Intercourse, Bird In Hand, Ronks. Vintage & Gordonville. Personal inspection by appointment or Open House Oct. 5, 12 & 19 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368).
Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006
Ervin J. & Elizabeth S. Fisher
Lic. #499, 2116, 5064, 3956 R110917
water service company, but he still finds time to do the Paradise-Strasburg Meals on Wheels route every other Monday by himself. “I thought I could work that (volunteer time) in,” shared Charlie. “An hour-and-ahalf or two hours could fit into my schedule.”
Both volunteers work with Marie Glass, Paradise point person for Lancaster Meals on Wheels. In her role, Glass, who has been involved with the program for more than a decade, coordinates the Paradise program with Lancaster Meals on Wheels, which serves about 1,000 recipients per year. Meals provided by the Lancaster program are delivered to the Together Community Center (TCC), 3293 Lincoln Highway East, Paradise,
each Monday through Friday. One hot meal and one cold meal are included each weekday for each of up to 30 clients.
Meals are provided for a nominal fee. Clients receive five ounces of meat, five ounces of starch, along with vegetables each day, and meals are available for recipients who need to follow a customized diet, including those on low-sodium, diabetic, low vitamin K, vegetarian, and gluten-free diets, as well as soft diets, puree diets, and others. Hot meals may include ham and pineapple gravy or a shrimp dish, while cold meals may include a turkey and cheddar or other type of sandwich. Salads are sometimes served in lieu of sandwiches.
Mike said that when he
first began volunteering in 2019, the cold meals were still made in the basement of the Leacock Presbyterian Church. “That interaction was kind of neat,” recalled Mike. “It was very organized and coordinated, and it was fun.” Mike also remembered that there was more interaction between drivers and meal recipients prior to the advent of COVID-19, and he misses that.
Currently, the Paradise organization could use a few volunteer drivers. Charlie said that he sees the effort as an opportunity to give back to the community. “Marie had signs up that she needed drivers,” noted Charlie, who began driving for Meals on Wheels in 2015. “My parents had been involved in Meals on Wheels,” he pointed out noting that his mother,
Lancaster Dollars for Higher Learning (LDHL) recently awarded interest-free loans to 362 Lancaster County students to offset the cost of their postsecondary education for the 2024-25 school year. LDHL awarded 355 loans of $1,900 each for a full academic year and seven loans of $950 each for students attending one semester only to applicants who demonstrated financial need. The loans will be applied to tuition expenses at 111 colleges and universities across the country.
Since 1961, LDHL has provided more than $19 million in interest-free loans to Lancaster County students. These loans are made possible by community donations and repayments from previous loans recipients.
LDHL has been able to increase the number of loans provided over its history through the support of individuals and companies, including many past loan recipients and their parents. LDHL has experienced a growing number of Legacy-level donors - individuals,
Inspection of tract anytime. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006. (Lender NMLS ID #834368).
Ellen, was a coordinator for the organization. “She interviewed people when they signed up to see what their needs were,” said Charlie. His father was an alternate driver. “He was a last-minute call (volunteer),” said Charlie, adding that his father worked on the family farm as well. Although Charlie tries to switch with the other Monday driver when he needs a day off, he knows that having substitutes available is essential to helping senior residents as well as others recovering from illnesses to remain in their own homes.
Those who wish to help deliver meals or who would like to receive meals may call 717-392-4842. More information about Meals on Wheels Lancaster may be found at www.MealsOn
AUCTION COMPANY, LLC Open Every Tuesday 9AM-4PM For Drop Off 3601 Columbia Ave., Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 392-4257
groups, or organizations that have donated at the $10,000 level, either as a one-time donation or over several years. Of the 362 loans LDHL provided for the upcoming academic year, 40 were Legacy loans.
LDHL’s mission is to provide financial resources to Lancaster County residents in support of their postsecondary educational goals. To learn more, visit www. or look for the organization’s pages on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
7+/Acres tillable and 5+/- Acres woods. Good amount of harvestable timber, (timber estimates completed). Great soil scores (higher than county average). Property in Act 319 Clean and Green – Cheap taxes ($236.00). Close proximity to Nottingham Park and Glen Roy Preserve. There is an older existing septic system on the property but cannot guarantee its usage. Open House Dates: Property can be viewed anytime! Attention Realtors: Broker participation of 1% offered to Realtors with a preregistered buyer, who is the successful high bidder day of the auction. See website for details. Terms: Down Payment of $25,000 required day of auction. Settled on or before December 27, 2024. Transfer taxes to be paid by the buyer. Real Estate taxes shall be prorated. Annual Yearly Taxes +/-$236.00. Act 319 Clean and Green. Bridge Loans Available: Call auctioneer for details. Auctioneer’s Notes: Great opportunity to design your own farm. Many uses – Produce, Tobacco, Equestrian, Livestock, and/or lay out recreational trails in the woods, etc. Seller is offering a 1st option on neighboring home and 1+/- acre when seller decides to sell in the future. Don’t miss this property! Call auctioneer with any questions. All information provided is deemed to be accurate but not guaranteed.
Christ Taylor
CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland 717-354-8428. “Building Community with Christ, to Impact a World without Christ” Pastor: Dr. Doug Bozung. Please go to for information concerning worship services, adult ministries, youth & children’s ministries.
LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH (AG): Located at 105 Earland Dr., New Holland, invites you to join us for a time of contemporary worship and biblical preaching at our 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 services on Sunday morning and 7:00 service on Wednesday evening. Childcare for birth through 5th grade available during 2nd and 3rd Sunday morning services and Wednesday evening service. Lead Pastor: Stephen Ritchey. For more information on our services and programs, visit
MIDDLE OCTORARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 1199 Valley Road Quarryville. Sunday Services: Sunday School 9 AM; Blended Worship 10:30 AM. 717-786-3402 Visit us online at
MT. EDEN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH: 1241 May Post Office Rd., Quarryville, (5 mi. South of Strasburg, 3 mi. North of 372). Rev. Margaret Rohnacher, Pastor. Sunday worship service 9:30 am. Limited handicap accessibility. 717-786-7565
OUR LADY OF LOURDES Catholic Church: 150 Water Street, New Holland, PA 17557 Father Steven Fauser, Pastor. Visit us online at Sunday 8am & 10:30am. Saturday 5pm. Weekday Mass: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9am.
PARKESBURG WORD OF FAITH CHURCH Sunday Service 10 am & Wednesday prayer at 7:30 pm - at 501 Lenover Rd., Parkesburg, PA 19365. Call 610-593-2277
ROCK CHURCH: A Spirit-filled, Full Gospel Church Family. 32 E. State St in Quarryville. Sunday service at 10am. More info at Phone: 717-847-6872
SALEM EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCH, HELLERS (founded 1725), 2555 Horseshoe Rd. Lancaster. 717656-9249. Sunday Worship held 9:25 am Holy Communion 1st Sun. of month. Adult Sunday School at 10:45 am. Handicap Accessible. Pastor: Bruce Tully. E-mail:; Website:
ST. STEPHEN REFORMED CHURCH (Presbyterian Church In America): “A Beacon on the Hill.” The Word of God is central to our worship. Sunday worship at 8:15 and 10:30am with Kingdom’s kids and nursery provided for the 10:30 service. Sunday school for all ages at 9:30am. Choir sings the last Sunday of each month. Youth group on Sundays at 6:00 pm for grades 6th-12th. Lead Pastor: Rev. Dr. Andrew DiNardo. 249 East Main Street, New Holland. 717-354-7871.
Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533
IMMEDIATE OPENINGS: Candidates will work around show schedule days, evenings, and weekends, and like customer service. We will train. GREAT BENEFITS:
• PAY STARTS AT $13.00/HR.
Intercourse, Ronks, Gordonville & Vintage. Enrolled in Clean & Green & Ag Preserve. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., October 5, 12 & 19 from 1 to 4 P.M. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368).
CAREGIVERS NEEDED: CNA'S, HHA's & care assistants, make a difference in the life of a senior & put your caregiving experience to work. All shifts available. Visiting Angels at 717-393-3450.
DRIVER NEEDED TO take employees to and from shop. Parkesburg to Ronks. 5:00 - 6:00 AM & 4:30 - 5:30 PM 717-314-9334
LOOKING FOR A DEPENDABLE PT DRIVER to pickup workers in the Narvon Area. Plus some PT driving over the day. 717-715-3558.
SEEKING A DRIVER to transport Amish workers to and from DS Machine, Covering Holtwood and nearby areas.
Hours 4:45AM-6:30AM & 3:15PM-5:00PM, M-F Call John at 717-768-3853 x308 238 Old Leacock Road, Gordonville, PA 17529
SEEKING RETAIL ASSOCIATE for THE QUILT SHOP at Miller's. Full/Part-time. Flexible Hours. Great perks & benefits. Apply at TESINCPA.COM. 2811 Lincoln Hwy E, Ronks.
FULL PLUMBING & HEATING TECHNICIAN/WORKER Qualified Worker with Experience Must Have Valid PA DL. Also PT DRIVER S&S PLUMBING 109 Meeting House Rd., Gap 717-768-3769
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ASSISTANCE FOR ELDERLY, caregivers provide hygiene assistance, meals, light housework in your home. Insured, Bonded, RN owned & operated. Call Visiting Angels, 717-393-3450.
Largest Buyer of Toys & Collectibles 27 E Lancaster Street, Red Lion, PA Hours: M-W 8am-4pm, Th.-F by appt. 717-329-8167 • Toys Vintage or Modern, New or Used, Hess Trucks, Barbies, Diecast, Hot Wheels & Matchbox, Action Figures, Models, Trains, Sports Cards/Memorabilia, Movie/Music Memorabilia, Video Games & much more!
EARTHWISE LANDSCAPE & TREE CARE Spring clean-ups. Edging, seeding, fertilization, mulching, shrub & tree pruning. 717-626-2541 (PA 088021)
FREE REMOVAL of Riding Mowers. Call/text Jim 717-940-9029
RAILROAD TIES FOR SALE #1. Delivery Available GAP REPAIR, 717-442-4781 ext. 2
FREE: WILL LEND nice RIDING HORSES & lg. PONIES until June 2025. Call Andy or Bill at 717-394-7865, 412-582-0080.
2nd Gen MINI-GOLDENDOODLE PUPS, 1 white M $300. 4 red F w/white markings, $200. Farm raised, 717-284-3990
AKC CAVALIER PUPPIES, UPD shots, dewormed, very nice $395. 717-468-8300.
AKC MINI POODLES, red & white. Vet checked, shots, dewormed, very cute, playful, raised with family, 2F, 3M, $450. 717-654-1075.
BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES, 2M, vet checked, shots, dewormed, nice white collar marking. $500, 717-354-8550
DOBERMAN PUPPIES, 100% European bloodline, $2,000. 814-569-6152
ICCF CANE CORSO PUPPIES 1F, 2M, $1,000. 717-327-5386. 50% OFF IF BUYING BEFORE 10/9
2M, various colors, shots, dewormed, vet checked, ready now! 717-285-7445.
Dish/Housekeeping Manager
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Bakery Production Manager Clerks FT/PT
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1 gun or collection - will travel Kinsey’s Outdoors, 717-653-5524
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CA$H$$ 717-577-8206
Will move households (will go out of state). Fair prices for Clean Outs of Attics, Basements. 717-442-3301
Interior Remodeling, Hanging, Finishing, Framing, Painting, Basements, Additions, Insured. PA 022669. 717-587-4102
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CLOCK REPAIR - TRAGER 717-786-7053
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Clean, Repair, Gutter Guards. Property Maint. by Steve. 717-892-7411
HANDYMAN: Painting. Power Washing. Land/Hardscaping. Fall Clean Ups, Gutters/Guards, Decks, Roofing. Mailboxes. 717-419-9855. PA047811
HAULING, JUNK REMOVAL. Bsmts, sheds, garages cleaned out. Tree brush. Odd jobs. We also move people. Free est. Visa/MC/ Disc/AmEx. 717-456-6051; 410-688-7569 CRASS HAULING
Removal of black stains off roof & exterior cleaning. 717-424-8504
JACUZZI BATH REMODEL can install a new, custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, waiving ALL installation costs! Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer. (Offer ends 12/29/24.) Call 1844-826-2535
Basements, garages, attics, appliances. Five Star Property Service, 717-278-1030
PAINTING By Triple P Int/Ext, Res/Com, 30 yrs exp. FREE ESTIMATES, Fully insured Eric, 717-615-6442 PA 116089
SAFE STEP. NORTH America’s #1 Walk-In
Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1,600 off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step: 1-833-356-1954.
STROKE AND CARDIOVASCULAR disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-518-8391.
717-989-7938, leave message.
EARTHWISE LANDSCAPE & TREE CARE We use modern pruning techniques for the health & safety of your trees & shrubs. Certified arborist on staff. Also removals, storm damage, & yard cleanup. 717-626-2541 (PA 088021)
SMALL ENGINES. Complete services on Lawn mowers, etc. Pickup Available ► Call or text Dan 717-201-5741 ◄
WE TRANSFORM YOUR kitchen in less time, with less stress, at an amazing value. Since 1979, Kitchen Magic, a family-owned business offering cabinet refacing, new cabinetry, and luxury countertop throughout the Northeast. Call today for a free estimate. 1-844887-5145 (PA017137).
ALWAYS BUYING Classic, Muscle & Sports Cars Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561
BUYING BASEBALL CARDS (All Sports Cards), Coins, Comic Books, Pokemon, Trains, & other Collectibles. Can Pay In Cash! Call or Text: 610-476-4276
BUYING CLASSIC CARS, TRUCKS, SUVs **American and Foreign** Any Condition. Buying entire car collections. $$PAYING CA$H$$ Please call 717-577-8206
CORVETTES WANTED 1953 thru 2019 Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561
DONATE YOUR CAR, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-877-327-0686 today!
GET A BREAK on your taxes! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous tax credit for 2025. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-320-2804 today!
All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis.
*NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS* When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only, not who you wish to occupy it.
CLEAN 2BR HOMES - Strasburg, Paradise areas. Incl. some util., W/D. No pets. Call for details 717-768-8427.
STRASBURG BORO - 1BR, 1 bath, off-st. parking, S/W/T incl., no pets, sec. dep. req. $785/mo. 717-575-3091.
WEEKLY ROOMS AVAIL. At PASSPORT INN, Paradise, PA. Incl. Wi-Fi, Cable TV with HBO. For rates 717-687-6272.
DISCOUNT BUILDING MATERIAL: Lumber, Plywood, Composite Decking, Flooring, Metal Roofing & Siding, Construction Lag Screws, etc. Ephrata, PA Email: 717-4455222