Unit 3 student book

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Unit 3 Class 1 Objective: By the end of the class you will be able to: 1. Grammar: Use Present Simple (Positive and Negative form). 2. Vocabulary: Remember 8 daily activities. *Find these objectives in the contract

SPR: Occupations, a/an Instructions: Listen to the teacher. Stand up if a. Sit down if an. Example: Is this a policeman or an policeman?

Contract: Nombre:__________________________________________________________________ GramĂĄtica: MĂ­nimo (Nota: 4,0) En nivel: (Nota: 5.0) Excelente: (Nota: 6,0 7,0) Presente -Puedes hablar en todas las -Todos los anteriores. -Todos lo anterior. Simple conjugaciones del presente simple -Puedes hacer y responder -Puedes hacer cinco en forma negativa y afirmativa con preguntas abiertas y preguntas abiertas con fluidez. cerradas en presente fluidez. simple con fluidez. Adverbios de -Puedes expresar tus propias Frecuencia actividades diarias usando cuatro -Puedes hacer y responder distintos adverbios de frecuencia. preguntas cerradas con adverbios de frecuencia.


-Puedes expresar el tiempo con nĂşmeros y preposiciones adecuadas

-Lo anterior. -Puedes usar correctamente palabras

-Lo anterior. -Puedes hacer y responder preguntas


-Puedes expresar actividades diarias usando el tiempo. Puedes hablar sobre preferirías/desearías hacer con fluidez.

Vocabulario Actividades diarias 5-6 Memorizadas Comida y Bebestibles 5-10 Memorizadas Celebraciones 4 Memorizadas Adverbios de 4 Memorizadas Frecuencia Speaking Puedes hablar sobre tu día. Student can speak about their day.

como “half past”, “quarter past”, “quarter to”. -Lo anterior. -Puedes hablar sobre lo que no preferirías o no desearías hacer con fluidez. -Puedes hacer preguntas cerradas con fluidez

sobre actividades diarias usando el tiempo. -Lo anterior. -Puedes hacer tres Preguntas sobre preferencias.

7-10 Memorizadas 10-15 Memorizadas

10-15 Memorizadas 15-20 Memorizadas

5 Memorizadas 5 memorizadas y 5 expresiones de tiempo

7 Memorizadas 6 memorizadas y 6 expresiones de tiempo

Puedes hablar sobre tus actividades diarias de forma negativa y afirmativa.

-Objetivo previo -Todos los objetivos previos. -Puedes hablar sobre -Puedes hacer y responder 4 actividades diarias usando preguntas abiertas sobre las el tiempo y adverbios de actividades diarias de una frecuencia. persona. -Puedes hacer y responder preguntas sobre las actividades diarias de una persona. Puedes hablar sobre Puedes nombrar tus Puedes nombrar tus -Objetivos previos. preferencias de preferencias para comida preferencias para comida y -Puedes hacer y responder comida y actividades. y actividades de modo actividades de modo preguntas sobre comida y afirmativo. afirmativo y negativo. actividades. Puedes describir una -Puedes describir tres -Puedes describir 4-5 Puedes describir 6-7 celebración típica. actividades para una actividades para una actividades para una celebración típica chilena celebración típica en chile. celebración típica. Nota: 7-Puedes preguntarle a alguien más sobre sus celebraciones típicas.

Hook: • Does Rihanna wake up at 8:00?________________________________. • Does Rihanna work at 9:00? __________________________________. • Does Rihanna go to bed at 12:00?______________________________.

Part I: Daily activities Activity I: Match Instructions: Match the pictures with the correct daily activity. Sentence Stem: I think number ___ is _________ (activity). Example: I think number 1 is eat lunch.

Eat breakfast go to bed

eat lunch take the bus


shower take the metro


brush teeth study


drive walk do homework



4________ ______

8________ _______

6_______________ 7_______________


12 _________ _____ 10 _______________


Activity II: Memorization activity Instructions: Work with your partner. A. Partner A: Name 8 daily activities in Spanish.(Looking at your copybook) Partner B: Name the corresponding words in English. (Without looking at the copybook) B. Write down how many you memorized. C. Switch. D. Repeat until each person has memorized 8 words minimum.

Activity III: Pictionary Game A. Work in pairs. B. Student A has 1 minute to draw a daily activity. Student B has 1 minute to guess without looking at the copybook. Sentence stem : I think this picture is……………………………. (Daily activity) Example: I think this picture is clean.

C. Switch.

Part II: Present Simple Positive Grammar for Regular Verbs:

I eat

We eat

You eat He/She/It eats

They eat

Grammar for Irregular Verbs: We have

I have You have He/She/It has

They have

I do We do You do He/She/It does They do

Spelling Rules: How to add an s for he/she/it Add -s Add -es For regular verbs or verbs For verbs that end in -CH, that end in Y. -SH, -SS, -X, or -Z Examples:


Add -ies

For verbs that end in a consonant + Y, we drop the Y and add -IES Examples:

Eat---eats Drink---drinks Play---plays

Catch-Catches Wash-Washes Cross-Crosses

Fly-Flies Cry-Cries

Fill in the gaps for each verb: Example: Plays Eat_______ Watch TV _______ Shower ________ fry _______ Brush ______ Drive ______ Walk ______ Take ______ Study ______ Clean _______ Do________ Go _______ try________ recieve________ send______

Activity I: Write 3 activities you do and 3 Activities someone in your family does everyday. Example: I take the bus every day 1. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________________________ Example: My father drives every day 1. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________________________ B. Stand up. C. Walk around reading your sentences to everyone. D. Find someone who has three sentences the same as you. Sit with them. E. Your teacher will check.

Part III :Present Simple Negative. I do not sleep. (don’t).

We do not sleep. (don’t) You do not sleep. (don’t)

He/she/it does not sleep. (doesn’t) *No S in sleep because does has an s

They do not sleep. (don’t)

Activity I: Writing Turn back to activity Part II Activity I and write the same sentences in the negative form. 1. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________________________________ 6. _____________________________________________________________________

Activity II: Writing and Speaking Write down your own daily routine.

Write down guesses for your partner’s daily routine.

Must have positive and negative examples.

Must have positive and negative examples.

Example: I wake up. I don’t wake up. 8:00 ________________________________

Example: My partner wakes up. My partner doesn’t wake up. 8:00 ________________________________

10:00 _______________________________

10:00 _______________________________

12:00 _______________________________

12:00 _______________________________

14:00 _______________________________

14:00 _______________________________

16:00 _______________________________

16:00 _______________________________

18:00 _______________________________

18:00 _______________________________

20:00 _______________________________

20:00 _______________________________

22:00 _______________________________

22:00 _______________________________

B. Partner A: Read your guesses. C. Partner B: Listen, and if correct give Partner A a start. If incorrect give an X. D. Switch.

Contract Check in: Objective: Use present simple in positive and negative form.

Instructions Partner A: Looking at the material with the subject and activity, conjugate the verb correctly. Partner B: Make sure Partner A is correct. Write down their mistakes. *Switch Partner A: Make Sentences, Partner B corrects.

He/brush teeth I/ eat/ an orange She/ no/ eat an orange She/ Watch/ TV

Partner B: Looking at the material with the subject and activity, conjugate the verb correctly. Partner A: Make sure Partner B is correct. Write down their mistakes. I/ wash/ dishes We/ no/ watch TV She/ drive/ to school He/ no/ take bus

Class 2 Objective: By the end of the class you must: Grammar: Make simple present Open and Closed Questions. Vocabulary: Memorize 8 Daily Activities

Guess who (SPR):

A. Listen to your teacher. B. Guess who they are talking about. In Partners: C. Partner A: Describe a classmate. Example: He is tall. He has blue eyes. D. Partner B: Guess. E. Switch.

Contract Check In: Objective: To conjugate Present Simple in positive and negative form.

Instructions: 1. Partner A: Read the sentence parts. 2. Partner B: Conjugate the sentence OUT LOUD, WITHOUT LOOKING Example: Partner A: “I/ negative/ go.” Partner B: “I don’t go.”

1. Partner A read:

Partner B Conjugate (SPEAKING):

She/negative/ brush teeth. She/positive/take a shower He/Negative/drive to school. I/positive/_____________ (Your own) He/ positive/ ___________ She/ negative/ __________

_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

Partner A: Write down Partner B’s Mistakes. Show them. 2. Partner B read: Partner A Conjugate (SPEAKING): She/negative/ clean house. _________________________________ She/positive/play video games. _________________________________ He/negative/take the bus. _________________________________ I positive/ ___________ _________________________________ He/ positive/ ___________ _________________________________ She/ negative/ __________ _________________________________ Partner B: Write down Partner A’s Mistakes. Show them.

Part I: Daily Activities Activity I: Daily Activities.

1. Look at the pictures and identify the activities

B. In the box you have many activities, circle the ones that match the image. Cross out the ones that are not in the images. swimming go to sleep brush your teeth go shopping take the bus eat breakfast visit friends Skateboarding take a shower clean the house

go to school Ride a Bike

do homework

Wake up Watch tv

do the washing up

Activity II: Pick 5 of the circled activities. Use them to write down a typical morning routine in chronological order. 1.________________________ 2___________________ 3 ______________________ 4________________________ 5____________________ 6______________________

Activity III: Pair work A. Work in partners.

B. Use the previous activity as an example of a morning routine. C. Partner tell your morning routine. D. Partner B: Tell your morning routine. Write down the differences in the box: PARTNER A


E: Share with the class. Sentence Stem: What is similar is we both What is different is I…...and my partner …….

Activity IV: Fill in the Chart Go to gym class

Do Homework

Visit Friends

Go to a Party

Have a Barbeque

Walk to School

Watch a movie

Go to English Class

Go to sleep early

Play sports



School Weekend

B. Partner A: Use the sentence stem to say one example of what is similar. C. Partner B: Use the sentence stem to say another example of what is similar. D. Both write examples. E. Partner A: Use the sentence stem to say one example of what is different. F. Partner B: Use the sentence stem to say another example of what is different. G. Both write down examples. F. Repeat whole process. Sentence stems for partner activity What is similar is….. What is different is you….. and I…….

Things which are similar:

Things which are different Partner A Partner B

Share with the class. Sentence stems for sharing with the class What is similar is we both……... What is different is I…..and my partner………..

Part II: Present Simple Questions (Closed) Grammar: DO We use do with: I You We They

DOES We use does with the third person singular: He She It

Formula: Formula: Question: Question: Do + I/you/we/they + verb? Does + he/she/it + verb? Answer: Yes + S + do. No + S + don’t

Answer: Yes + S + does. No + S + doesn’t

Example: Do you brush your teeth? Yes I do, No I don’t.

Example: Does she take the bus? Yes she does, No she doesn’t.

Activity I: Grammar

1. Circle the correct auxiliary for each question:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Do/ Does you wake up at 6 am? Does/ Do we have to do homework? Does/Do Claudio play soccer today? Does/ Do they have lunch in the cafeteria? Does/ Do the students have English class at 10:00? Do/ Does you play basketball? Do/ Does she play football?

Activity II: Writing Create your own closed questions.

1. _______________________________________? (Eat breakfast) No, he doesn’t.

2. ______________________________________? (Brush teeth) Yes, I do.

3. ______________________________________? ( Clean house) No, they don’t.

4. _______________________________________? (Do homework) Yes, we do.

5. _______________________________________ ? ( Take metro) Yes, she does.

6. _______________________________________? ( Play soccer) No, we don’t.

7. _______________________________________? (Go to school) Yes, I do.

Part III: Present Simple Questions (Open)

Use: Questions with Answers Formula: Wh word + do/does + S + verb Wh word Who Where Why

Meaning Person Place Reason

Example Question Who do you exercise with? Where does she go to school? Why do you sleep early?

When Time How Manner How often Frequency

When do you go to school? How do you get to school? How often do you play tennis? What Thing, idea or action What do you do? What time Time What time do you get up?

Example Answer I exercise with Tamara. She goes to school in Pudahuel. I go to sleep early because I have school. I go to school at 8:00 o’clock. I get to school in bus. I play tennis once a week. I work as an accountant. I get up at 7:00 o’clock.

Notice Box! Who- goes with with Why- goes with because Where- goes with in What time-goes with at How often- frequency does-he/she/it

Activity I: Grammar Put the words in the correct order to make Wh- Questions. a. often / see / Maria / you / do / how / ? _______________________________________________________ b. always / why/ you / late / are/ ? ________________________________________________________ c. practice/ you / when / tennis/ do / ? ________________________________________________________ d. the / where / coffee / machine / is/ ? _________________________________________________________

Contract Check-in: Objective: Ask and answer present simple closed questions.

Instructions: Work with a partner

Part A

1. Write down four closed questions. 2. Ask your partner, and have your partner answer. 3. Write down their answer. Compare papers, and make sure all questions and answers have perfect grammar. Your question 1.

Partner Answer

2. 3. 4.

Part B Partner A: Says 10 daily activities Partner B: Write here the words and count them: 1 _______________________________ 2 _______________________________ 3 _______________________________ 4 _______________________________ 5 _______________________________ 6 _______________________________ 7 _______________________________ 8 _______________________________ *switch

Class 3 1. How often do you brush your teeth? -Always, Sometimes, Never, at 7:00 o’clock 2. What time do you brush your teeth? -Always, Sometimes, Never, at 7:00 o’clock

Objectives: By the end of this class they will be able to: Grammar • Remember at least 5 frequency adverbs and 4 time expressions. • Use frequency adverbs to describe daily routines. • Are able to say the time using vocabulary. Vocabulary: • Use the time, time expressions, and adverbs of frequency to describe daily routine

Contract check in: Objective: Remember 8 daily activities.

Instructions: Work with a partner. 1. You have two minutes. Individually write down as many daily activities as you can. 2. After two minutes cross out words which repeat. 3. If you have eight words all together, then you each get a wow ticket.

Part I: Grammar: Adverbs of Frequency Adverbs of Frequency Use: To describe the frequency of an activity Formula: S + adverb of frequency + activity Example: I always take the bus to school. I never drive to school. I sometimes drink coffee on the way.

Adverbs of Frequency Always Usually / Regularly Often / Normally Sometimes Rarely/Hardly ever Never

→ 100% → 75% → 60% → 50% → 25% → 0%

Activity I: Answer this daily activities survey. Independently put a tick with the frequency adverb that best describes your week. Adverbs of Frequency Daily Activities Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never

How often do you? Brush your teeth Eat breakfast Have a Shower Go shopping Do Homework Clean House Take the bus Eat lunch Study English Play soccer Watch T.V

Partner A: How often do you + daily routine?� (How often do you eat breakfast?). Partner B: I +adverb+ eat breakfast. (I never eat breakfast). Switch. Repeat with 8 activities.

Position of Adverbs of Frequency. An adverb of frequency goes: Before the verb Subject + adverb + main verb I always do my homework. He frequently takes the bus.

Or after the verb To Be (am/is/are). Subject + to be + adverb She is always studying English. I am never late.

Practice: Put a star where the adverb of frequency belongs.

Example: He * is always well-dressed. He always dresses nice.

I am early. (sometimes) I walk to school. (hardly ever) I eat lunch at 3:00pm. (rarely) I am bored in English. (never) I clean the house. (usually) I make my bed. (sometimes) I cook dinner on the weekends. (often) She is late. (always) We are happy on the weekends. (always)

Activity II: Matching activity.

1. Think about your weekend. Match the adverb that best describes you to the weekend activity. 2. Each adverb of frequency can be used more than once or not at all. Daily activity

Adverb of frequency

Do Homework


Visit Friends Go to a Party

____ ____

Have a Barbeque Watch a movie

____ ____

Go to English Class ____ Walk to school


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Always Usually Often Rarely Never Regularly Frequently Hardly ever Often Occasionally

Go to sleep early


Play sports




Clean my room


Read a book


Eat lunch


B. Share sentences with partners. “I sometimes clean my room”. C. Circle the ones you have in common. D. Share the common ones with the class.

Sentence stem: We both… Example: We both sometimes clean our rooms.

Part II: The Time The Time • We use o'clock when there are NO minutes. Example: 4:00 eleven o’clock

• When it is 15 minutes past the hour we say: a quarter past Example: 4:15 a quarter past four •

When it is 30 minutes past the hour we normally say: half past Example: 4:30 half past four

• When it is 15 minutes before the hour we say: a quarter to Example: 4:45 a quarter to five

5:00 Five o’clock

Time Expressions In the morning In the afternoon At night Noon.

Activity I: Telling the time.

1. Look at the following clocks and write the time in numbers below the picture.

Activity II: My daily schedule. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

In the morning At 10:30 At noon At 1:00 At 5:00 At night

A. You have three minutes to write in as many daily activities as you can. B. After share with your partner. Do this until you have shared all your activities. Example: “In the morning I wake up.” C. Extra points if you add in an adverb of frequency. Example: “In the morning I always wake up.” D. Share 1 thing your partner said with the class. (Do not forget the s for he/she/it) Example: In the morning my partner wakes up.

Activity: III Writing application. A. In partners create a timetable for a trip to the south of Chile. B. Include: - Days of the week. - Time expressions. (at + time written OR in the morning, at noon, in the afternoon, at night) - Activities. Example: Saturday

At nine o’clock

Breakfast in the hotel.

*Ideas for Activities : Go swimming - Visit a national park - Go to the lake - A walk in the woods - Take pictures Eat traditional food - City tour - Riding bikes - Fishing.

Activity IV: Speaking Application. Find another group and share with them. Each person takes turns orally making a sentence. Formula: On + day + at + time + we will + activity Example: On Monday at nine o’clock we will eat breakfast

Contract Check In. Objective: Remember 5 adverbs of frequency.

Pair work Partner A: Says an adverb of frequency in Spanish Partner B: Says the adverb in English

Partner A: Says correct or incorrect. * If he is correct partner A continues to ask more words . If not partner B loses his turn. Both: count who memorized more words. Do another round.

Class 4 Pop Quiz: Complete the gaps in this sentences:

1. I ______________ my teeth every day 2. I wake __ at 6:30, but my brother ________ up at 9:00. 3. Do you do your _____________ at the school library? 4. My dad _____________ the metro to work 5. I always eat _____________ at 7am? Re arrange this sentences in the correct order.

1. school/ bus/ to/ to Do/ go/ you/ the/ take ? ______________________________________________________________

2. clean/ She/ mondays/ the/ doesn’t/ house/ on ______________________________________________________________

3. doesn’t/ father/ work / My/ drive/ to ______________________________________________________________

4. ?/ Saturdays / Do/ on/ go/ you/ shopping ______________________________________________________________

5. My/ rarely/ friends/ early/ sleep/ and/ /go/ to/ I ______________________________________________________________ Talk about your daily life. Write one positive sentence about your daily routine. ______________________________________________________________

Write one negative sentence about your daily routine. ______________________________________________________________ Write one question about your teacher’s daily routine. ______________________________________________________________ Objectives: By the end of the lesson they will be able to: Grammar: • Conjugate Present Simple Positive and Negative • To speak about daily activities in Present Simple Positive and Negative • To ask open/closed questions about daily activities • Tell the time Vocabulary: • Have memorized 5 adverbs of frequency and 5 time expressions • Use Cardinal Numbers in Adverbs of Frequency.

Part I: Review Daily Activities List of daily activities: Take a shower Brush your teeth Wash the Dishes Take the bus Take the metro Eat breakfast Eat lunch Wake up Go to sleep Cook

Activity I:

1. In the box there are weekday and weekend activities. 2. Circle the ones that are weekend activities Study Clean the house Do homework Swimming Go to sleep early Go shopping Wake up early walk the dog Visit friends Skateboarding Watch tv Go to school Ride a Bike Go to gym class Go to a Party Have a Barbeque Watch a movie

Go to English Class

Go to sleep

C. Organize the words in the box between weekend or weekday activities. Sentence Stem: I think _____ is a weekend activity. weekday I think _____ can be both.

Play sports




Part II: Present Simple Positive Grammar A: Present Simple Positive Present Simple Negative I walk We________ I ___walk We ________ You_______ You ________ He/she/it________ They_______ He/she/ it ________ They _________

Example of a positive sentence Example of a negative sentence I_______________________________ I_______________________________ She_____________________________ He_____________________________ Closed Questions

Open QuestioDo/Does + ____ + _______ Where + ____ + ____+ ________

Examples of Closed Questions Example of Open Questions Do______________________________? Where____________________________? Does_____________________________? When____________________________? How often_________________________? _________________________________?

Grammar B: To Be vs Do questions To Be Questions Do Questions We use them for descriptions, locations, emotions,adjectives and We use them for verbs/actions. professions. Examples: Are they sad? Is the metro near? Am I a nurse?

Examples: Do you play basketball every weekend? Does she take the bus? Do they go shopping?

Exercise I: Grammar Exercise. Instructions: 1. Underline the correct Auxiliary form for each question.

Example: 0. Where do/does/is/are you live?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Who is/does that girl? Are/do/is you a doctor? Is/do/are your party today? How much is/does/do that pair of pants? Where do/is/does the party? Where do/is you play soccer? 8. Is/do/does she always study for this long? 9. Do/is/does/are you have long hair? 10. Does/are/do/is she tall?

Part III: Time How can we tell the time? 7:15 It’s the same as A quarter past seven. 7:30 It’s the same as Half past seven. 7:45 It’s the same as A quarter to eight. 8:00 It’s eight O’clock.

Activity I: Tell the time Instructions: 1. Work with your partner 2. Student A: Looks at the clocks and tells the time. 3. Student B: Writes down the time. 4. Switch

Activity II: Speaking application. Instructions 1. Work with your partner. 2. Take turns to draw and answer. 3. Partner A: Draws three clocks 4. Partner B: Creates a sentence expressing daily activities with that time.

Part IV: Review Frequency Adverbs. When to Use Adverbs of Frequency:

-Before To Be. I am always late. -After verbs. I arrive late always.

Activity I: Match Where do you put it in the sentence? Sentence I wake up. I brush my teeth. I go to the gym. I am late. I am early. I go to sleep late. I watch TV. I play sports. I have a bbq.

Adverb Always Usually Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Time Expressions: Adverbs of Frequency Always Usually Regularly Often Seldom Normally Sometimes Rarely

Time expressions Once, twice Three times, four times A day, a week, a month A year Every day Every week Every weekend Every month,year

Hardly ever Never

Every now and then Each day, each week.

*Remember Time expressions are always after verbs.

Activity II: Writing application.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Look carefully at the pictures Write how often you do each one of these activities Use at least three different adverbs of frequency and time expressions Check your spelling and handwriting Example: I always take the bus to school She often exercises twice a week We usually do our homework every weekend.

1. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________________________________ 8. ___________________________________________________________________

Contract check-in

Objective: To memorize five time expressions.

Instructions: A. Student A: Says five time expressions in Spanish(Looking at the book) B. Student B: Says the English words (without looking at the book) C. Once you have finished, switch.

Class 5 SPR Some v. Any Some=positive Example: I have got some fruit. I want some fruit. Any=negative Example: I haven’t got any fruit. I don’t want any fruit.


1. Guess your teacher’s favorite fruit. 2. Guess your partner’s favorite fruit. 3. Guess your partner’s favorite fast food. Contract check in: Expressing Daily Activities positive, negative, questions Objective: Speak about daily activities in Present Simple (Positive Negative) and ask about daily activities. Present Simple Positive Present Simple Negative Present Simple Questions I eat We eat I don’t eat We don’t Do I eat Do we eat You eat eat Do you eat He/She/it eats They eat You don’t eat Does he/she/it eat Do they He/she/it doesn’t eat They don’t eat eat

Examples: 1. Drink coffee (I, positive) →drink coffee 2. Clean her room (She, negative) →she doesn’t clean her room 3. Take the bus (you, question) →Do you take the bus? 4. Play video games (she, positive)→______________ 5. Wash the dishes (you, negative)→____________ 6. Read books (he, questions)→____________

Instructions: Student A: Walk to school (I, positive) Eat lunch (she, positive) Watch TV (I, negative) Watch TV (brother, negative) Study English (You, Question) Study English (She, Question)

Instructions: Student B: Ride a bike to school (I, positive) Eat breakfast (she, positive) Watch Cartoons (I, negative) Clean (brother, negative) Study Math (You, Question) Study English (He, Question)

Objectives By the end of the day you will: Grammar: Name your preferences in the affirmative and negative form. Express preferences in three different ways (I’d rather/I’d prefer/I’d go for). Vocabulary: Have memorized 10 words about food.

Part I: Food Activity I Matching A. Match the foods independently B. Compare with a partner using the sentence stem Sentence Stem: I think picture __ is _________. Example: I think picture 1 is eggs

Burger - Pasta - Eggs - Fish Pizza - Grapes - Salad - Chocolate Carrots - Onions - Water - Cake













Activity II: Sorting

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is your teacher’s favourite food? Where does it go in the chart? What is your favorite food? Where does it go in the chart? Copy.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack

Activity III: Memorization activity Part A: Find your partner

1. Look at the food or drink on the paper 2. Form a question about possession based on the grammar below: 3. Example: Singular Do you have an apple? Do you have a candy? Plural or Uncountable Do you have any carrots? Do you have any water? D. Stand up and ask all of your classmates the question. E. When you find the classmate with the same food as you sit with them. They are your new partners.

Part B: Memorization Instructions 1. Both partner study breakfast items from the chart above. Partner A: Says word in Spanish. Partner B: Says words in English (without looking at book). Partner A: Writes the words partner B got correct for breakfast items in the chart.

B. Switch and Partner B tests partner A. B. Both partners study lunch items and repeat. C. Record the words your partner got correct: Breakfast




Part II: Preferences. - We use Would rather / Would Prefer for to express preferences: - We can express preference about things (nouns) , or about activities (verbs). - Normally prefer is for nouns and rather is for verbs Nouns Verbs Positive Positive S + would + prefer + noun S + would + rather + verb Example: Example: I would prefer eggs I would rather eat eggs. Negative Negative S + wouldn’t prefer + noun S + would rather not + verb Example: Example: I wouldn’t prefer eggs. I would rather not eat eggs. Question Question Would + you + prefer + noun? Would + you + rather + verb? Example: Example: Would you prefer eggs? Would you rather eat eggs?

Practice: Fill in the blank. Would you ______ an apple? ______ you _____ clean? ______ you _____ study english? I ________ chocolate. I ________ ice cream (negative). I _________ eat broccoli (negative)

Practice: Write sentences and questions. Write a sentence about a food you would prefer. Example: I would prefer an apple. 1. _____________________________________________________________________ Write a sentence about a food you wouldn’t prefer. Example: I wouldn’t prefer an apple. 2. _____________________________________________________________________ Write a sentence about an activity you would rather do Example: I would rather play soccer. 3. _______________________________________________________________________ Write a question about preference. Example: Would you rather eat pizza? Would you prefer popcorn? 4. _______________________________________________________________________

Preference Over Something Nouns S + would prefer + noun + to + noun

Verbs S + would rather + verb + than + verb

Examples: I would prefer coffee to tea.

I would rather drink coffee than drink tea

Questions: Formula: Would + S + prefer noun or noun?

Would + S + rather + verb or verb

Examples: Would you prefer a DVD or a blu ray? Would you rather watch TV or watch a movie?

Practice: Fill in the blank. I ___________ an apple to an orange. (would prefer/would rather) I ___________ eat than go to the gym. (would prefer/would rather) I would prefer an apple ______ an orange. (than/to) I would ____ watch a movie ___ watch TV. I would ____ eat pizza _____ eat pickles. Would you rather_______________________?

Would you prefer_______________________?

Practice: Write sentences and questions. Write a sentence about a food you prefer over broccoli. Example: I would prefer pizza to broccoli. 1. _____________________________________________________________________ Write a sentence about a food you would rather over beets. Example: I would rather…... 2. _____________________________________________________________________ Write a sentence about an activity you prefer over cleaning. Example: I would prefer……... 3. _______________________________________________________________________ Write a question about preference. 4. _______________________________________________________________________

Activity I: Speaking A. Write the correct question for each item in Column A. B. Write in your favourite things with a full sentence in Column B. Example: I prefer apples. C. Find a 1st partner and ask them the first question. Example: “ Would you prefer apples or bananas?” D. Record in a full sentence under 1st Partner in Column C. “My partner prefers____” E. Switch. F. Both partners find a 2nd partner and do the same. Record their answer in Column D. G. When finished circle all the common answers. If you have eight answers in common with a partner tell your teacher. A- Write Question Apple or Banana (2) Vegetables (1) Junk food (1) Pizza or Completos (2) Cake or Ice cream (2)

Sport (1) Soccer or Basketball Dancing or watching tv (2)

B- My answer

C- 1st Partner

D- 2nd Partner

Contract check-in Objective: Name preferences in positive and negative form.

Instructions: 1. Work with a partner Partner A: Pick one of the following pictures and point it , also pick a food item from the list.

Apples Grapes Cheese Coffee Chocolate Salad Potato Burger Pizza Bread Fish Lemonade

Partner B: Identify if its positive or negative and create a sentence expressing preference. Partner A: Correct mistakes *AFTER 2 SENTENCES YOU SWITCH!

Class 6 SPR A few= countable

A little=uncountable A lot= both

A. Brainstorm Food: B. Brainstorm Items: C. Say what you have “a few” “a little” Example: I have a few….., I have a little..., I have a lot of….

“a lot of”

Celebrations! Objectives: You will review asking question about preferences using would you rather/prefer. You will learn different emotions and feelings.

Fiestas Patrias Fiestas Patrias is a celebration of Chilean independence. It is on the 18th and 19th of September. Chileans usually dance cuecas and eat a lot of empanadas.

Contract Check-in: Objective: Express preferences.

Preference: 1 thing Compare two things.

Noun I would prefer fruit. I would prefer fruit to vegetables.

Partner A: Fruit or Vegetables. go shopping or do homework watch TV or read a book Pizza or completos

Verb I would prefer to eat fruit. I would prefer to eat fruit than to eat vegetables. Partner B: Hamburger or French Fries Cheese or Butter Clean or do homework Dance or go to the gym

Partner A: Which would you prefer? You can do one thing, or compare both. Partner B: Write down mistakes. Switch. *If you feel confident that neither partner has mistakes share with your teacher. They will give you wow tickets or stamps.

Part I: Vocabulary Activity I : Vocabulary. Match the word to the photo. Sentence Stem: I think this photo represents ____________________.

Christmas Independence Day

New Years Valentines Day

Birthday Party Easter







Activity II: Speaking. A. With a Partner list the foods you eat during these holidays. Sentence Stem: On _________ you eat ____________ (holiday) (food)



Independence Day


B. Share with the class. C. Write down new words you hear.

Activity III: Vocabulary Circle the correct word. 1. John loves to pray/dance on New Years.

2. Lucia always gives gifts/sings on Christmas.

3. Kristen eats/prays a lot during Easter.

4. My family always sings/eats together on my Dad’s birthday.

5. Chileans celebrate/dance Independence Day on the 18th and 19th of December.

6. Mary likes to eat/sing at Birthday parties.

Activity IV: Create a dialogue for the holiday your teacher gives you. Rules: -

Must act out three verbs Must incorporate three foods written or spoken. Must have dialogue. Best group wins wow tickets or stamps.

Part II: Questions about Preference Grammar Use: To ask questions about preferences. General Formula: Would + subject + rather/prefer + choice 1 + or + choice 2? Objects: Would + subject + prefer/rather + noun or noun? Actions: Would + subject + rather + verb + or + verb Would + subject + prefer + to verb + or to verb

Examples: Nouns

• o

Question: Would you prefer an apple or an orange? Answer: I’d prefer an orange.


• o • o

Question: Would you prefer to sing or to dance? Answer: I’d rather dance. Question: Would you rather sing or dance? Answer: I’d rather dance.

Use: Prefer is usually used to offer a choice between two objects (nouns). Rather is usually used to offer a choice between two actions (verbs). Would you prefer + object + or + object? Examples: • Would you prefer a coke or a sprite?

Would you rather + verb + or + verb? Examples: • Would you rather run or walk? • Would you rather drink water or drink



Would you prefer a dog or a cat?

Activity I: Grammar Application Fill in the blank.


Would you _______ coke or sprite.


Would you _______, _______, __, _______ (oranges/apples).


Would you prefer ___ run or ___ walk.


Would you prefer _______, or ________. (ride bike or take the metro)


Would you rather _________ or ________. (clean the house or cook dinner)

Activity II: Create Questions for the Teacher Examples: (Food) Would you prefer ice cream or candy? (Daily Activity) Would you rather clean or do homework? (Miscellaneous) Would you rather go to a party or go to Fantasilandia?

1. (Food)_______________________________________________________________ 2. (Activity)_____________________________________________________________ 3. (Miscellaneous)_______________________________________________________ Activity III: Read the dialogue with a partner. Then change characters.

PARTY TIME Maria and Ricardo are planning a birthday party for a friend. Maria: Ricardo, would you rather have juices or sodas on Saturday night? Ricardo: I would rather have soda! Maria: Good idea! Ricardo: Would you prefer Coke or Sprite? Maria: I think Sprite would be better! Ricardo: What about music?! Would you prefer Hip Hop or Reggaeton?

Maria: I think most people would prefer Reggaeton! Would you rather listen to Daddy Yankee or Wisin y Yandel? Ricardo: I would rather listen to Daddy Yankee.

Activity IIIB: Write two more preference questions Ricardo and Maria might ask. Question:__________________________________________________________________? Answer:___________________________________________________________________. Question:__________________________________________________________________? Answer:___________________________________________________________________. Question:__________________________________________________________________? Answer:___________________________________________________________________. Question:__________________________________________________________________? Answer:___________________________________________________________________.

Contract Check In. Objective: Ask questions about preferences. Remember 8 words about celebrations

1. Write one prefer question for your partner: __________________________________________________________________________ B. Write eight words you remember about celebrations. ______________








Class 7 Objectives: • • • •

Have remembered 10 daily activities Have remembered 5 time expressions and 5 adverbs of Frequency Ask Open and Closed questions in present Simple. Ask Closed questions using Adverbs of Frequency.

SPR There Is is for Singular. Example: There is an apple There Are is for Plural: There are three apples. Fill in There is/ There are _______ one orange. _______ three pieces of candy. A/An is for Singular. Example: There is an orange. There is a book. Some is for Plural. Example There are some oranges. There are some books. Create the sentences: peaches______________________________________________________________ carrot________________________________________________________________ crackers______________________________________________________________

SPR Activity: 1. Your teacher will draw a fruit. 2. You have 10 seconds to create a sentence using the sentence stem. Sentence Stem: I think there………… (is/are)

…………… (a/an or some)

Contract check-in: Objective: Ask Questions with Preferences.

Formula: Would you prefer + object + or + object? Example: Would you prefer hot dogs or empanadas? Formula: Would you rather + verb + or + verb? Example: Would you rather celebrate Christmas or celebrate Valentines day? Pair work. Partner A: Asks three preference questions (using would you rather/prefer) about food or celebrations Partner B: Answers all three. Partner A: Switch

Part I: Daily Activities Activity I: Silent Teaching : What do you see in the picture?

Part II: Adverbs of Frequency Grammar: Adverbs of Frequency and Time Expressions

Adverbs of Frequency Vocabulary: Adverbs of Frequency Always → 100% Usually / Regularly → 75% Often / Normally → 60% Sometimes → 50% Rarely/Hardly ever → 25% Never → 0%

Position of Adverbs of Frequency Verbs: Before the Verb Subject + adverb + main verb I always do my homework. He frequently takes the bus.

To Be (am/is/are): After To Be Subject + to be + adverb She is always studying English. I am never late.

Time Expressions Vocabulary time Expressions: Once a week (day, month, year) Twice a week (day, month, year) Three times a week (day, month, year) Everyday (day, month, year)

Positions of Adverbs of Frequency Position of Time Expressions: Time Expressions should only go after verbs Examples: We go to the gym twice a week. She watches TV every day.

Activity I: Write 6 sentences about Lito’s schedule using the adverbs of frequency and time expressions. Sunday Monday 10:00 Wakes 8:00 Wakes up up. 8:15 Brushes 10:15 his teeth. Brushes his teeth. Is late for school. 11:00 Goes to the 8:15 Takes the park bus to school. 1:00 Visits his girlfriend 1:30 Eats lunch

9:30 Has English class. 3: 00 Goes home.

Does 5:45 Homework. Goes home 6:15 Eats dinner

Tuesday 8:00 Wakes up

Wednesday 8:00 Wakes up

Thursday Friday Saturday 8:00 Wakes up 8:00 Wakes Sleeps all up day! 8:15 Brushes his 8:15 Brushes 8:15 Brushes teeth. his teeth. 8:15 Brushes his teeth. his teeth. Is late for school. Is late for Is late for school. Is late for 8:15 Takes the school. school. bus to school. 8:15 Takes the 8:15 Takes the bus to school. 8:15 Takes the bus to school. 9: 30 Has bus to school. English class. 10:30 Has 11: 30 Has Science Class. 10: 30 Has 3:00 Goes home. Math class. Science Class. 4: 00 Does Homework. 4: 00 Has Has guitar guitar lessons. lessons. Goes home. Watches TV. Visits his girlfriend.

Watches TV.

Example: Lito sometimes goes home at 3:00 Practice: Lito ______ has math class at ____. Lito is ________ early. Lito _______has___________________ at ___.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Always: _________________________________________________________. Never: __________________________________________________________. Usually: _________________________________________________________. Every day: _______________________________________________________. ____ a week: _____________________________________________________. Hardly ever: ______________________________________________________. ____ a week: ____________________________________________________.

Part III: Present Simple Questions Grammar Review: Closed Questions Use: Questions with Yes or No answers. DO We use do with: I You We They Formula: Question: Do + I/you/we/they + verb? Answer: Yes + S + do. No + S + don’t Example: Do you brush your teeth? Yes I do, No I don’t.

DOES We use does with the third person singular: He She It Formula: Question: Does + he/she/it + verb? Answer: Yes + S + does. No + S + doesn’t Example: Does she take the bus? Yes she does, No she doesn’t.

Fill in the Questions: ______ she go to school? ______ you take the bus? _____ you__________? ___________________?

Grammar Review: Open Questions Formula: Wh word + do/does + S + verb Examples: Where do you live? Where does she live? Fill in the questions: ______ do you go to the gym? I go to Pacific Gym. ______ do you arrive at school? I arrive at 8:00 o’clock. _______ do you take the bus? I take the bus three times a week. ________ does she have guitar lessons? She has guitar lessons at 5:30.

Activity I: Bingo A. Write daily activities with either a time or adverb of frequency. Example: I take the bus at 8:00 o’ clock. B. When finish walk around the classroom and ask your classmates if they do the activities. Example: “Do you take the bus at 8:00 o’clock?” C. If your classmate says “Yes I do.” Then mark an X. If they say “No I don’t”. Then ask someone else. First person to get four X’s wins.

Contract Check In: Pictionary Objective: Ask closed questions using time expressions and adverbs of frequency.

Partner A: Draw an activity and write the adverb of frequency or time expression. Partner B: Turn that into a closed question. Example: “Do you walk to school everyday”. Switch. Model Instructions. They work for five minutes.

Class 8 Objectives: By the end of class: • You will correctly use the linking words who and that. • You will remember 5 celebrations vocabulary words. • You will remember 10 food vocabulary words.

Contract Check In: Objective: Ask and answer open/closed questions using adverbs of frequency.

Student A: How often do you + daily activity? Student B: I + adverb of frequency + daily activity. OR I + activity + time expression. Example: Partner A: How often do you take the bus? Partner B: I take the usually take the bus. OR I take the bus five times a week. *Switch. *Each person asks four questions.

Part I: Vocabulary Review Activity I:What does each word mean? Example: Birthday Party- Fiesta de Cumpleaños Easter-____________ Christmas-____________ New Years-____________ Independence Day-____________ Valentine’s Day-____________

Activity II: Match the food that goes with each holiday. Sentence Stem: I think you eat _________(food) on ____________ (holiday). Example: I think you eat fish on Easter.

1. Chocolate 1. Birthday Party___

b. Turkey

2. Easter ___

c. Fish

3. Christmas ___

d. Barbecue

4. New Years ___ e. Champagne

5. Independence Day ___

f. Cake

6. Valentine’s Day ___

Activity III: 1.Brainstorm more food then, fill in the chart. Sentence Stem: You eat ____________ on _________. Example: You eat fish on Easter.

Birthday Party Easter Christmas New Years Fish

Independence Day Valentine’s Day

Memorization: Goal: Memorize 10 food vocabulary words. Partner A: Name two foods you eat at a Birthday Party without looking. Partner B: Check that partner A is correct. SWITCH Repeat for other holidays.

Activity IV: Match the Activity to the holiday. Sentence Stem: On __________(holiday), you _________(activity). Example: On Easter, you go on an egg hunt.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Easter e. Christmas ___ Independence Day ___ Birthday Party ___ New Years ___ Valentine’s Day ___

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

give flowers and chocolate dance cueca eat cake stay up until 12:00 go on an egg hunt open presents

Activity V: Brainstorm more activities. Fill in the chart. Sentence Stem: On __________(holiday), you _________(activity).

Example: On Easter, you go on an egg hunt.

Birthday Party Easter Christmas New Years go on an egg hunt

Independence Day Valentine’s Day

Activity VI Fill-in the blanks. Sentence Stem: I think the correct word is__________. Example: I think the correct word is dance. Use the word bank. eat sings

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

pray dance give gifts

On New Years, we ___dance___ until 12:00. At church people _________________. Every Christmas, my family and I ________________ like toys. Rodrigo ____________ and _____________ at the karaoke club. They love to _________ food like pizza and chips. She always _______________ her birthday with a big party.

dances celebrates

Part II: Linking Words (That and Who) Grammar Who - we use who to refer to people. The girl who lives in Santiago Subject + who + verb + complement

That - we use to refer to things or groups. The music that was good Subject + that + verb + complement

Where - we use to refer to a place or situation The city where they live Place/situation + where + subject + complement

Activity I: Circle the correct word between that and who.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Do you know the man who/that eats a sandwich everyday? He has a dog who/that runs and jumps. Maria is a girl who/that wakes up at 8:00. I see a pig who/that is flying. Fiestas Patrias is a holiday that/who is in September.

Activity II: Complete the sentence. Examples: Valentines day is a holiday that has candy.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Valentines day is a holiday that has _______________________________. Christmas is a holiday that has___________________________________. Fiestas Patrias is a holiday where you _____________________________. Easter is a holiday where you____________________________________. Santa Claus is a person who ____________________________________.

Game: Guess Who? Guess who your partner is by asking: Are you the person who __________________________? Formula: Are you the man/woman who is + adjective Example: Are you the man who is thin? Formula: Are you the man/woman who has + physical feature Example: Are you the man/woman who has blonde hair. Formula: Are you the man/ woman who has + possession? Example: Are you the man/woman who has a blue jacket.

Contract Check: Objective: Remember 10 Celebrations and food words.

Student A: Say 10 food vocabulary words. Student B: Write down the words. Switch. If you do not have 10 words, write down what words you are going to study for the following class.


Class 9 Objectives By the end of the lesson: You will be able to speak about your preferences. You will be able to ask and answer questions about preferences.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Who is the president? Where is Buenos Aires. When is school over? What is the capital of Chile? Why do you like the weekend?

F. Where do you + verb _________________________________________________________________. _________________________________________________________________. _________________________________________________________________. G. When do you + verb _________________________________________________________________. _________________________________________________________________. _________________________________________________________________.

Contract Check In: Objective: 10 food vocabulary words.

A. Partner A: - Say one (1) food for each holiday. - Say five (5) more food vocabulary words.




Valentine’s Day

Independence Day

B. Partner B: Writes down and see if correct. *Switch

C. Partner B: - Say one food for each holiday. - Say five more food vocabulary words. D. Partner A: Writes down and sees if correct.

Part I: Expressing Preference over Something Activity I: Listening Comprehension Listen to the story. Then, read with a partner.

Tamara and Diego are at a restaurant. Tamara: I’m so hungry! I want to eat a big meal. Diego: I would prefer to eat something healthy. Tamara: Okay. I’d rather eat the steak than the chicken. What about you? Diego: I’d prefer the soup. What do you want to drink? Tamara: I’d rather have water. What about you? Diego: I’d prefer a Coca-Cola. Let’s get the waiter.

1. What food does Tamara want? (A) Something healthy (B) Steak (C) Chicken (D) Soup 2. What food does Diego want? (A) Something healthy (B) Soup (C) Chicken (D) A and B. 3. What word can you use instead of want? (A) Like (B) Love (C) Prefer (D) A and B.

Grammar Review: Preference in General We can express preference about things (nouns) , or about activities (verbs). More Commonly: Nouns use prefer and verbs use rather.

Objects/ Nouns Positive S + would + prefer + noun Example: I would prefer eggs Negative S + wouldn’t prefer + noun Example: I wouldn’t prefer eggs.

Actions/Verbs Positive S + would + rather + verb Example: I would rather eat eggs.

Negative S + would rather not + verb Example: I would rather not eat eggs.

Question Would + you + prefer + noun? Question Would + you + rather + verb? Example: Would you prefer eggs? Example: Would you rather eat eggs?

Grammar Review: Preference over Something Preference Over Something Nouns Verbs S + would prefer + noun + to + noun S + would rather + verb + than + verb Examples: I would prefer coffee to tea. I would rather coffee than tea.

I would prefer to drink coffee than to drink tea I would rather drink coffee than drink tea

Activity II: Grammar

1. Mark N if noun and V if Verb. 2. Circle correct word. Circle the correct word. 1. Bastian would prefer/rather sleep than work. 2. We would prefer/rather a coca-cola to a water. 3. They would prefer/rather dance than sing. 4. She would prefer/rather run than/to swim. 5. Roberta would prefer/rather a DVD to/than an iphone. 6. I would prefer/rather a hamburger to a hotdog. Sentence Stem: (For whole class sharing) I think the answer is ______ because there is a________

Example: I think the answer is prefer because there is a verb

Part II: Preference Questions Use: To ask questions about preferences. General Formula: Would + subject + rather/prefer + choice 1 + or + choice 2? Nouns (objects): Would + subject + prefer + noun or noun? Verbs (action): Would + subject + rather + verb + or + verb Examples: Nouns • Question: Would you prefer an apple or an orange? o Answer: I’d prefer an orange. Verbs • Question: Would you rather sing or dance? o Answer: I’d rather dance NOTE: Prefer is usually used to offer a choice between two objects (nouns). Rather is usually used to offer a choice between two actions (verbs). Would you prefer + object + or + object? Would you rather + verb + or + verb? Examples: Examples: • Would you prefer a coke or a • Would you rather run or walk? sprite? • Would you rather drink water or drink • Would you prefer a dog or a cat? soda?

Activity I: Grammar Order the questions.

1. dog/you/a/would/cat/prefer/or/a? _______________________________________________?

2. drive/would/to/prefer/or/they/to/walk? _______________________________________________?

3. rather/a/juice/she/would/a/or/soda/drink? _______________________________________________?

4. would/dance/or/you/sing/rather? _______________________________________________?

5. a/tea/he/prefer/or/a/would/coffee? _______________________________________________?

6. listen/would/to/they/or/talk/rather/music? _______________________________________________?

Activity II: Writing Practice. Example: Would you rather play soccer or play tennis? Would you prefer coffee or tea?

1. Would you rather_____________________________________? 2. Would you prefer_____________________________________? 3. ___________________________________________________?

MINGLE: Ask as many students as possible your questions. WOW if you remember someone’s answer. Activity III: Find Someone Who Circle your answer and find your match! Signature Would you prefer to see Rihanna or Beyonce? Would you prefer hamburgers or pizza? Would you rather play football or basketball? Would you rather go shopping or watch T.V? Would you prefer reality shows or soap operas? Would you rather have love or money? Would you rather be a football player or a famous actor? Would you prefer an X-box or a Playstation?

1. 2. 3. 4.

Circle your own preferences. Ask a classmate a question. If they have the same preference as you, then they can sign. Students can only sign once.

Contract Check: Objectives: Express and ask about preferences.

Check Yourself! Fill-in the blank. 1. I would ________ an apple to an orange. 2. I would ________ walk than run. 3. Would you________a coke or a sprite? 4. Would you ________ sing or dance?

Unit 3: Workshop Materials Brainstorm Vocabulary for different professions:

Activity I: What do you want to be when you group up? Write down three occupations you want. 1.



B. Tell your partner. Use the sentence stem: When I grow up I want to be a/an______________________. C. Share with the class what your partner wants to be when they grow up. Use the sentence stem: When my partner grows up they want to be a/an______________________.

Grammar Review: Present Simple Questions Open Questions Use: Have an answer. Formula: Wh word + do/does + verb

Closed Questions Use: Answer Yes or No Formula: Do/Does + S + verb

Where do you live? What do you do? When do you walk to school? Who do you walk to school with? Why do you live in Santiago?

Do you live in Santiago? Do you work in this school? Do you walk to school? Do you walk to school with Johnny?

DO We use do with: I You We They

DOES We use does with the third person singular: He She It

Examples: Do you like music?

Examples: Does he dance well?

Do they want an empanada?

Does it smell bad?

Activity II: Computer Lab Instructions for Computer Lab notes My career of choice is _________________. Three things that a _________________ does are: 1. 2. 3.

Glossary Air Traffic Controller - Controlador de tráfico aéreo Archeologists - Arqueólogo Architect - Arquitecto Astronaut - Astronauta Bird Specialist (Ornithologist) - Especialista de pájaros (ornitóloga) Dentist - Dentista Doctor (Physician)- Médico Dog Trainer - Entrenador de Perros Fitness Instructor - Entrenador Personal Lawyer - Abogado Marine Biologist - Biólogo Marino Oceanographer - Oceanógrafo Park Ranger - Guardaparque Pilot - Piloto Plant Specialist (Botanist) - Especialista de Plantas (Botánico) Police Officer - Policía Scientist - Científico Teacher - Profesor/Maestro Veterinarian - Veterinario Wildlife Biologist - Biólogo de Flora y Fauna Zoo Doctor - Medico de Zoológico

Zoo Keepers - Cuidador de Zool贸gico Activity III: Share with a Partner A. Ask your partner their career choice. Question: What career do you want? Answer: I want to be a ________. B. Share with the class using the sentence stem: My partner wants to be a____________. C. Write down two closed questions about why they want their career using verbs. Example for a teacher: Do you like to teach? Do you like school? Do you like children? 1.______________________________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________________________

Exit Ticket 3 things you learned today: 1. 2. 3. 2 present simple sentences. One positive, and one negative (regarding their career of choice): 1. 2. 1 question you may still have about anything that was covered today: 1.

Class 2: Food

Vocabulary Breakfast Lunch Dinner

snack menu order

Activity I: Vocabulary Practice Draw a picture of what you like to eat at a restaurant. Who is eating at the restaurant with you?

Write two sentences about eating in a restaurant. Use two vocabulary words from the class. Hint: You may want to start the sentence with phrases like: “I like to eat in restaurants with….” “My favorite food to eat in a restaurant is…” I enjoy going to restaurants with …” ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

A Restaurant You can go to a restaurant to eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner and even a snack when you want. Restaurants serve food to you and to other people who go and eat at them. First, you look at a menu that lists all of the foods and drinks that you can order from the restaurant. Then you tell the waiter or waitress what you want to eat and drink. A “waiter” is the word you use for a man, and a “waitress” is the word you use for a woman. Those are the people who take your order and bring you your food.

Reading Practice 1) What can be found on a menu? A. stores. B. food. C. phone numbers.

2) True or False. Lunch is something that can be ordered at a restaurant. A. True. B. False. C. no information.

3) What do you call a woman that serves food in a restaurant? A. waiter. B. dinner. C. waitress.

Exit Ticket Vocabulary Breakfast Lunch Dinner

snack menu order

1. I like to _________ tostadas in the cafeteria. 2. I enjoy to have a coffee at __________ time. 3. The last meal of the day is __________. 4. The _________ has many options. 5. An apple is a very healthy __________, between lunch and dinner. 6. I eat _________ at school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. 7. What is the difference between a waitress and a waiter. ______________________________________________________________

Class 3: Preferences Nouns Positive S + would + prefer + noun Example: I would prefer eggs

Verbs Positive S + would + rather + verb Example: I would rather eat eggs. Negative S + would rather not + verb

Negative S + wouldn’t prefer + noun

Example: I would rather not eat eggs.

Example: I wouldn’t prefer eggs.

Question Would + you + rather + verb?

Question Would + you + prefer + noun? Example: Would you prefer eggs?

Example: Would you rather eat eggs?

1. Give examples of a food and an activity you would prefer/rather. (Food)________________________________________________________________ (Activity) ______________________________________________________________ 2. Give examples of a food and an activity you wouldn’t prefer/rather. (Food)________________________________________________________________ (Activity) ______________________________________________________________ Preference Over Something Nouns S + would prefer + noun + to + noun

Verbs S + would rather + verb + than + verb

Examples: I would prefer coffee to tea. I would rather drink coffee than drink tea ____________________________________________________________________________ Questions: Formula: Would + S + prefer noun to noun? Would + S + rather + verb than+ verb Examples: Would you prefer a DVD or a blu ray? Would you rather watch TV or watch a movie?

3. Write two examples of questions for a food and an activity your partner would prefer/rather. Example: Would you prefer corn or carrots? Would you rather cook or clean? (Food)________________________________________________________________ (Activity) ______________________________________________________________

Class 4: Time Time Expressions: Everyday Every week Every weekend Once a week Twice a week Three times a week Once in a while Every now and then

Partner Memorization Activity Partner A: Name all of the time expressions you can name in 60 seconds. Partner B: Write down the number Partner A named. Partner B: Try to beat Partner A by naming more Partner A: Write down. *Repeat until you have five written down.








-Brush teeth -Take shower -Go to the gym -Go to work -Play basketball -Go grocery shopping -Cooks dinner -Take out the trash

-Brush teeth -Take shower -Go to work -Cooks dinner -Walks the dog

-Brush teeth -Take shower -Go to the gym -Go to work -Plays futbol -Go out for dinner -Take out the trash

-Brush teeth -Take shower -Go to work -Goes out to eat -Cooks dinner -Clean the house

-Brush teeth -Take shower -Go to the gym -Go to work -Play basketball -Cooks dinner

Fill in the activity: 1. Pancho _______________ twice a week. 2. Pancho __________________ everyday. 3. Pancho __________________ three times a week. 4. Pancho __________________ every now and then. 5. Pancho likes to _______________ once in a while. 6. Pancho ________________ every weekend. 7. Pancho _________________ in the morning. 8. Pancho _________________ each week.

Fill in the time expression: 1. Pancho walks his dog _______________. 2. Pancho goes grocery shopping ________________. 3. Pancho brushes his teeth ________________. 4. Pancho takes a shower __________________. 5. Pancho goes to work _______________. 6. Pancho plays basketball _____________. 7. Pancho goes to exercise at the gym __________________. 8. _______________ Pancho takes a shower.

-Brush teeth -Take shower -Go grocery shopping -Go dancing -Have friends over. -Goes out to eat

-Brush teeth -Take shower -Go to the gym -Cooks dinner -Work in the garden -Clean the house -Walk the dog

A. Everyday

B. Once a week

D. Once in a while

C. Twice a week

E. Once a month

F. Once a year

Please write the appropriate time expression on the line: 1.

I take a shower ___________.


I like to run in the park ____________. 3.

I go to the dentist ____________.


My cellphone bill comes ____________.


Every ___________________ my mom takes me to the mall.


I wash my hair ____________.

Class 5: Listening Comprehension Bill: Hey this is Bill I’m ________ (sorry/happy) I’m not in, just leave a message. Hank: Hey Bill! This is Hank I’m just calling to let you know that I’ll be a little late to the _______ (movies/ game) tomorrow night. I have to work a few extra __________ (seconds/ hours) to finish a report. I should wrap things up sometime between _____(7:00/9:00) and 8:00 though. Oh and then I’m planning on dropping by Lisa’s _________ (apartment/ house) for about an hour since she’s been _________ (worried/ sick) recently. Oh yeah and one more thing, I’ll swing by my house to pick up some ________ (food/drinks) for the game. See ya‘ then! Circle the correct answer:

1. What will take place at Bill's house tomorrow? A. a party B. a game C. a dance 2. How late will Hank have to stay after work? A. A few more hours B. Twenty extra minutes C. Ten seconds 3. Why does Hank have to work late? A. He has to attend a meeting. B. He has to write a report. C. He has to close the office. 4. Why is Hank going to visit Lisa after work? A. because she is sick in bed B. because he has to return something C. because he is going to take her to Bill's house 5. Where is Hank going to get the snacks to take to Bill's house? A. from his house B. from the store C. from his work

Class 6 Oral evaluation: Rúbrica de evaluación oral.


1-3 Usó menos de 3 palabras del vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló (Cuidado personal, ropa, comida, tiendas

4-5 Usó entre 4 y 5 palabras de vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló (Cuidado personal, ropa, comida, tiendas

5-6 Usó entre 5 y 7 palabras de vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló (Cuidado personal, ropa, comida, tiendas

6-7 Usó 7 o más palabras de vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló (Cuidado personal, ropa, comida, tiendas


y productos). El estudiante no fue capaz de producir preguntas. Respuestas con más de 10 errores.


El estudiante pausó más de 5 veces.


El estudiante usó ejemplos mínimos en sus respuestas, mostrando menos de 3 palabras del vocabulario de cada tema.

y productos). El estudiante fue capaz de producir preguntas. Respuestas con entre 5 y 9 errores en sintaxis o conjugación. El estudiante pausó 4 veces.

y productos). El estudiante fue capaz de producir preguntas. Respuestas con entre 2 y 5 errores en sintaxis o conjugación. El estudiante pausó 3 veces.

El estudiante usó suficientes ejemplos en sus respuestas, mostrando entre 4 y 5 palabras del vocabulario de cada tema.

El estudiante usó suficientes ejemplos en sus respuestas, mostrando entre 5 y 7 palabras del vocabulario de cada tema. El estudiante usó ejemplos positivos y negativos.

y productos). El estudiante fue capaz de producir las preguntas con no más de 2 errores en sintaxis o conjugación. El estudiante habló fluidamente, pausando menos de 3 veces. El estudiantes usó suficientes ejemplos en sus respuestas, mostrando 7 o más palabras del vocabulario de cada tema. El estudiante usó ejemplos positivos y negativos.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parte 1: Preguntas para estudiar. Instrucciones: Para el examen, deberás escoger una pregunta abierta y una cerrada para hacerla a tu compañero. Tendrás que formular la pregunta, y entonces tu compañero la responde. Luego se intercambian los roles. Serás evaluado/a de acuerdo a la rúbrica.

Guía de estudio Parte 1: Preguntas. 1. Preguntas abiertas. A. Question: What does your brother do on the weekends Answer: My brother ______s _______s_______s_______s (four activity minimum). B.

Question: How often do you play video games. Answer: I play (adverb of frequency) play video games. OR I play video games (time expression) C. Question: How often do you________(Activity)? Answer: I__________(adverb of frequency ___________(Activity). Example: I always go shopping. I __________(Activity)___________(time expression). Example: I go shopping twice a week. D. Question: Answer:

Where does your mother live? She lives___________.

2. Preguntas cerradas. A. Does your best friend get up at 7 o’clock? Yes she does/ No she doesn’t. B. Do you take the bus everyday? Yes I do/ No I don’t. C. Does she play basketball? Yes she does/ No she doesn’t. D. Do you watch TV on school days? Yes I do/ No I don’t.

Guía de estudio Parte 2: Aplicación de conceptos. Para esta parte escogerás al azar un concepto. El/La profesor/a te lo dará y tendrás que hablar sobre ese concepto dando al menos 7 ejemplos del vocabulario. La gramática y el vocabulario deben ser correctos. Debes usar oraciones completas. Usa tu libro para estudiar. Conceptos de aplicación para estudiar: 1. Describe your mother’s daily routine. (use daily activities, adverbs of frequency/time expressions) Example: I wake up at 8:00 oclock I shower everyday. I always take the bus. I go to school five times a week. 2. Describe your food preferences ( use prefer/ food vocabulary). Example: Nouns I prefer hot dogs. I prefer hot dogs to hamburgers.

Example: Verbs I would rather eat hot dogs. I would rather eat hot dogs than hamburgers. 3.Describe your school day routine ( use daily activities, adverbs of frequency/time expressions) Example: I wake up at I shower at I always I go to English class ____times a week. Extra Credit: Describe your favourite celebration ( what you do, eat, the date).

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