Unit 3 workshop teacher book

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Unit 3 - Class 1: Occupations Objective: Students will be able to use the vocabulary they have learned about occupations in order to create present simple positive and negative sentences. Materials: 1. Each student will need a paper and pencil. 2. Each student will need a blank sheet of white paper. 3. Computer LAB 4. Dictionaries 1. Hook/ Pre teaching. (20 minutes) (Material in Student Book Activity I) A. Solicit job professions they remember from unit 1. (Without having them look at the book). B. Review the list, solicit more vocabulary. Have them copy in the brainstorm box. C. Ask students “What do you want to be when you grow up?” D. Ask students to write down a three job occupations they would like to have. E. Share with their partners the job they want. (Model the sentence stem). F. Share with the class. (Model the sentence stem). 2. Elicit Background Knowledge of Present Simple. (Grammar Review) A. Review, using the teacher book unit three, review what a present simple positive and negative sentence is. *Review that he/she/it has s *Review grammar for negative (don’t/doesn’t). B. Go over the examples. 1. I like to shop. 2. I eat apples. C. Have them change the examples to she (using an s). D. Have them change the examples to negative. E. Questions. E. 1 Review definition of open and closed questions E. 2 Review wh words E. 3 Review formula for open questions and closed questions.

A. B. C. D. E.


4. Reading activity (45 minutes) In Computer Lab (Material, Instructions and Vocabulary Glossary in Student Book). Ask students to look at their list of their top three career choices. Tell them to narrow their selection to one. While you give the students a few minutes to narrow their selection to one job, write on the board the following website: http://kids.usa.gov/jobs/a-z-list/index.shtml Ask the students to look at the board and explain to them that this is a website with a list and explanation for hundreds of jobs. The students are to: -open their browser -copy the website -begin to search for their career of choice. Give them at least 20 minutes.

-For 10 minutes they read about their career. -For 10 minutes they watch a video. G. Tell students to use dictionaries in order to look up words on website that they may not be familiar with. They may also use the website translate.google.com, if they would prefer not to use dictionaries. H. Tell students they should be writing notes on their career using the template in the student book. 76415360 3. Practice Activities: “Show what you have learned” (10 minutes) A. Ask students to pick a partner near them. B. Tell them to ask their partner what career they have chosen. C. Have them share their partner’s career with the class. “My partner wants to be a_________.” D. Tell students to write down at least two present simple questions regarding why they have chosen that specific career. E. Give the students the following example: ex: If partner has chosen a doctor as their career choice, one may write down “Do you like to study?” F. Give students about 5 minutes to write down their two questions. G. Ask students to turn to their partner, and ask their two questions in English (pausing after each one for a response). H. Since the question is closed, they can answer Yes I do/ No I don’t. J. While students are working with their partners, write the direction for the “3..2..1” exit slip chart on the board (directions are in #6) 6. Conclusion/ Exit Slip (15 minutes) A. While the students are working with their partners for the practice activity, write the following directions on the board. Material also in student book 3 things you learned today: 1. 2. 3. 2 present simple positive/ negative sentences (regarding their career of choice): 1. 2. 1 question you may still have about anything that was covered today: 1. B. Go over the directions of the “3..2..1” exit slip, and tell the students to follow along with their finger in their student book. C. Tell the students to complete the exit slip. D. Circle the room, elicit positive reinforcement, and answer questions when necessary.

Unit 3 - Class 2: Objective: The students will be able to define new vocabulary words in order comprehend a reading selection. Materials: 1. Student book 2. Paper and pencils 1. Hook/ game (20 minutes) A. Divide students into groups of fifteen. B. In their groups, have students sit in circles with no paper or pencils. (You may use the patio if there is no room to sit down in circles). There is no talking, and tell the students that they must listen very carefully to their peers in order for the game to work properly. C. Assign one person per group to be the “starter,” and select a direction. Assign two other students to be the group monitor, making sure that everyone is following the rules when you are not around. D. The “starter” student begins by completing the sentence “My favorite thing to do over the weekend is....” The students must insert a one word verb, or a very short verb phrase like “play basketball.” E. The next student continues the sentence by adding more verbs: “My favorite thing to do over the weekend is play basketball, and watch movies”. F. If the student doesn’t remember the verb, verb phrase, or repeats a previous word s/he must sit outside the circle. G. The game continues until there is only one student left. H. This student is the winner. S/he receives at least three “wow” stamps. **Teacher, and monitors circle the room and overlooks game to make sure that there is no cheating. 2. Vocabulary Practice. (20 minutes) A. Go over vocabulary words as a pre reading activity. Material in student book Vocabulary Breakfast Lunch Dinner

snack menu order

C. Ask the student if they recognize any of the words before offering the translation. D. Go over each word and give the students their Spanish translation. Tell students to write the Spanish word next to each one. E. Have the students complete the worksheet in their student book about eating in a restaurant. Material in Student book Draw a picture of what you like to eat at a restaurant. Who is eating at the restaurant with you?

Then write two short sentences about you eating in a restaurant. Make sure to include at least two of the vocabulary words you learned earlier today. Hint: You may want to start the sentence with phrases like: “I like to eat in restaurants with….” “My favorite food to eat in a restaurant is…” I enjoy going to restaurants with …” ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ C. Give students about 15 minutes to complete this activity. D. If time allows, allow volunteers to share their picture and sentences. 4. Reading (20 minutes) A. Once the students have shared their sentences, and they have a full grasp on the vocabulary words you may continue with the reading portion of the class. B. Read the following short paragraph to the class. Have the students follow along in their student book as you read. Material in Student Book

A Restaurant You can go to a restaurant to eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner and even a snack when you want. Restaurants serve food to you and to other people who go and eat at them. First, you look at a menu that lists all of the foods and drinks that you can order from the restaurant. Then you tell the waiter or waitress what you want to eat and drink. A “waiter” is the word you use for a man, and a “waitress” is the word you use for a woman. Those are the people who take your order and bring you your food. C. Tell students to reread the paragraph individually. Tell them to circle any other words they are familiar with. D. Review all familiar words, and have them write the translation. E. Tell students to read the following comprehension questions, and circle words they are familiar with. Have them write down the translation. *Do not teach them new words at this point!

F. Have them silently read the paragraph once more if needed, and answer the questions (Independently). G. Review the answers. H. At this point you can clarify words they do not know. Material in Student Book 1) What can be found on a 2) True or False. 3) What do you call a menu? Lunch is something that woman that serves food in can be ordered at a a restaurant? A. stores. restaurant. B. food. A. waiter. C. phone numbers. A. True. B. dinner. B. False. C. waitress. C. no information. 5. Conclusion (5 minutes) Ask students what they learnt today. Ask students if there is any words regarding eating in a restaurant that they still don’t know and would like a translation for. 6. Exit ticket: (15 minutes) Tell students to answer the fill in the blank sentences in the Student Book using the vocabulary words they learnt today. Vocabulary Breakfast Lunch Dinner

snack menu order

1. I like to _________ tostadas in the cafeteria. 2. I enjoy to have a coffee at __________ time. 3. The last meal of the day is __________. 4. The _________ has many options. 5. An apple is a very healthy __________, between lunch and dinner. 6. I eat _________ at school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. 7. What is the difference between a waitress and a waiter. ______________________________________________________________ Unit 3 - Class 3: Objective: The students will be able to use preference phrases like “I’d rather,” “I’d rather not,” “I’d prefer,” “I’d prefer not to.” Materials: 1. Paper 2. Pencils 1. Hook (5 minutes) Tell students that they will be reviewing preference phrases today. 2. Teaching/ Review (10 minutes) (Material in Student Book) A. Remind difference between verbs and nouns.

B. Remind that prefer is for nouns and rather for verbs C. Review positive, negative, questions.

Nouns Positive S + would + prefer + noun Example: I would prefer eggs Negative S + wouldn’t prefer + noun

Verbs Positive S + would + rather + verb Example: I would rather eat eggs. Negative S + would rather not + verb Example: I would rather not eat eggs.

Example: I wouldn’t prefer eggs. Question Would + you + prefer + noun?

Question Would + you + rather + verb? Example: Would you rather eat eggs?

Example: Would you prefer eggs?

D. Ask the students to give examples in the writing exercise. E. Ask for a few volunteers to share their responses. G. Correct their grammar if necessary. Preference Over Something Nouns S + would prefer + noun + to + noun

Verbs S + would rather + verb + than + verb

Examples: I would prefer coffee to tea.

I would rather drink coffee than drink tea

Questions: Formula: Would + S + prefer noun to noun?

Would + S + rather + verb than + verb

Examples: Would you prefer a DVD or a blu ray? Would you rather watch TV or watch a movie?

A. Review the grammar for preference over something. B. Remember to review that would prefer is for objects/nouns and would rather is for actions/verbs. C. Review how to form questions. D. Have them write out two examples of questions. E. Share in partners AB-BA style. 7. Writing and verbal game/ Snowball fight (30 minutes) A. Ask the students to take out a sheet of paper. B. Tell them to use what they have learned earlier, and in their catedra class about preference questions, to write a question on this sheet of paper. C. Give them a few examples of questions like: “Would you rather cook or clean? “Would you prefer the beach or the pool?” “Would you rather play basketball or soccer?” D. Tell them to keep their paper covered as they write their question. E. Tell the students to rip that sheet of paper out of their notebook and crumble it up so that it looks like a snow ball. F. Get the students to stand up and make a circle around the room (If their isn’t enough space, you should use the patio) G. Once they are quiet and in a circle, explain the rules of the game by saying “-Once I say GO, you will gently throw your snowball in the center of the circle. -Once all the papers are in the circle, I will call on a few people at a time to go get a snowball. -You should not open the crumbled sheet of paper until everyone has one, and I tell you to. -At this point you will quietly and individually read your preference questions and think about your answer. -Once we are all ready, you will turn to the person next to you and ask them the question. They will answer.” *Make sure you split them into pairs beforehand. H. Ask students if they have any questions before you begin. I. When finished, have them throw again and repeat the process. Other Option: Have them pass the papers, and have pairs ask and answer. Then when you say keep passing. -Pass -Ask -Answer -Ask -Answer

-Pass 8. Verbal Game (40 minutes) A. Put class in two groups by asking them to count off saying “1..2..1..2,” and go around the room. B. Tell them that group one will start off by asking the questions, and group two will answer. C. Model Question and Answer Formula.

Model Instructions. Group One: Students stay seated at desks. Group Two: All the students in group two stand up, walk around the tables, and stand in front of the students in group one. Group Two: Asks preference questions. “Would you prefer a + noun or a + noun?” “Would you rather + verb or verb?” Group One students answer: “I would prefer..” “I would rather…” Give them 30 seconds to ask and answer. Then say switch. Group Two moves over to the following desks and process is repeated. Continue until an entire cycle has been completed. When an entire cycle has been finished have group two sit down, and group one stand up. 5. Conclusion (5 minutes) Ask students what they liked and did not like about today’s games and class. Ask them what they learned. Unit 3 - Class 4: Objective: The students will be able to write, read, and verbally use time expressions in the correct context.

Materials: 1. Paper 2. Pencils 3. Student book 1. Hook/ Pre-teaching (25 minutes) A. Tell students that today they will be reviewing time expressions and playing some games in order to remember some of the more common ones. B. Review the time expressions in student book. C. Have them translate the words. D. Give the students examples of things that you do using these time expressions. E. Ask students to give examples of things they do, using these time expressions. F. Memorization Activity: - Partner A: Name all of the time expressions you can name in 60 seconds. - Partner B: Write down the number Partner A named. - Partner B: Try to beat Partner A by naming more - Partner A: Write down. Continue until each person has memorized five. G. Have students stand up randomly and recite five they have memorized. 8. Practice activity “Circle Switch” game (20 minutes)(You may use the patio, if necessary). Tell the students that this game takes a lot of cooperation and listening skills. A. Students stand in a big circle. B. Model the first example, by standing in the middle of the circle C. Start with a time expression and say something you do, using that time expression. Example: “I shower everyday.” D. Have everyone who showers everyday, raise their hand. E. Tell them to find another place across the circle. F. The last person to find a place says a new example. G. Encourage them to participate by recording all students who go into the circle and give an example. 5. Evaluation/ writing application (20 minutes) Material in Student Book A. Tell students about your best friend Pancho, and that he is a very busy man. B. Without looking in the student book have them make guesses about why he is so busy. What kind of activities does he does he do? C. Have them make sentences using time expressions. D. Have them look at Pancho’s schedule in the student book. E. Elicit an example of something he does three times a week. F. Then ask them how often he does an activity. G. Have them independently fill in the blanks.

Material in Student book

Monday -Brush teeth -Take shower -Go to the gym -Go to work -Play basketball -Go grocery shopping -Cooks dinner -Take out the trash

Tuesday -Brush teeth -Take shower -Go to work -Cooks dinner -Walks the dog

Wednesday -Brush teeth -Take shower -Go to the gym -Go to work -Plays futbol -Go out for dinner -Take out the trash

Thursday -Brush teeth -Take shower -Go to work -Goes out to eat -Cooks dinner -Clean the house

Friday -Brush teeth -Take shower -Go to the gym -Go to work -Play basketball -Cooks dinner

Fill in the activity: 1. Twice a week Pancho _______________. 2. Everyday Pancho __________________. 3. Three times a week Pancho __________________. 4. Every now and then Pancho __________________. 5. Once in a while Pancho likes to _______________. 6. Every weekend Pancho ________________. 7. In the morning Pancho _________________. 8. Each week Pancho _________________. Fill in the time expression: 1. Pancho walks his dog _______________. 2. Pancho goes grocery shopping ________________. 3. Pancho brushes his teeth ________________. 4. Pancho takes a shower __________________.

Saturday -Brush teeth -Take shower -Go grocery shopping -Go dancing -Have friends over. -Goes out to eat

Sunday -Brush teeth -Take shower -Go to the gym -Cooks dinner -Work in the garden -Clean the house -Walk the dog

5. Pancho goes to work _______________. 6. Pancho plays basketball _____________. 7. Pancho goes to exercise at the gym __________________. 8. _______________ Pancho takes a shower. Conclusion/ Exit ticket (15 minutes) A. Ask students to take out a sheet of paper and a pencil and number their paper. B. Tell them to write 3 sentences using time expressions. Unit 3 - Class 5: Objective: Students today will practice “forcing their hearing”

A. B. C. A. B.

Materials: 1. computers (Computer Lab) 1. Hook/ Pre-teaching (15 minutes) Read the objective of the day. Tell them that sometimes it is difficult for us to listen to a language we don’t understand, because we don’t understand and lose focus. Therefore we will be training the ear today. Go to the computer lab. Have all students open their computer browsers to http://www.esllab.com/phone/phonerd1.htm. Have all students press play at the same time. 2. Verbal practice activity Have all students press play at the same time. Have them do the following step by step: -As a class listen once. -As a class listen a second time, and have them underline words they recognize. -Translate those words. -Listen a third time and have them fill in the blank with the correct word. -Review Student Book Bill: Hey this is Bill I’m ________ (sorry/happy) I’m not in, just leave a message. Hank: Hey Bill! This is Hank I’m just calling to let you know that I’ll be a little late to the _______ (movies/ game) tomorrow night. I have to work a few extra __________ (seconds/ hours) to finish a report. I should wrap things up sometime between 7:00 and 8:00 though. Oh and then I’m planning on dropping by Lisa’s _________ (apartment/ house) for about an hour since she’s been _________ (worried/ sick) recently. Oh yeah and one more thing, I’ll swing by my house to pick up some ________ (food/drinks) for the game. See ya‘ then! Reading activity/ Comprehension questions

A. Once the students have all the correct words in the translation circled, tell them to join with a partner in order to answer comprehension questions. B. Make sure they underline all the words they know in the comprehension questions, and translate them. C. Do not give them more vocabulary.

D. They must do this without your help. E. Review the answers when you are finished. Material in Student Book Circle the correct answer: 1. What will take place at Bill's house tomorrow? A. a party B. a game C. a dance 2. How late will Hank have to stay after work? A. A few more hours B. Twenty extra minutes C. Ten seconds 3. Why does Hank have to work late? A. He has to attend a meeting. B. He has to write a report. C. He has to close the office 4. Why is Hank going to visit Lisa after work? A. because she is sick in bed B. because he has to return something C. because he is going to take her to Bill's house 5. Where is Hank going to get the snacks to take to Bill's house? A. from his house B. from the store C. from his work

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

C. Write the correct answers on the board. B- A game A- A few more hours B- He has a report to write A- because she is sick in bed A- from his house D. Go over where in the paragraph it says these answers. 3. Study for Oral Exam

Unit 3 - Class 6: Objective: Students will be able to pass the English oral exams. Materials: Student’s book.

1. Hook. 1. Remind them that today they have oral evaluations. 2. Review the rubric. 3. Remind Instructions. 4. Have them practice in partners for 10 minutes. 5. After 10 minutes they must be silent or you take off points. They can silently practice their answers during this time (for possible questions they will receive). Call partners up to give the oral exam. Oral Evaluation Teacher Instructions Materials: Part I. The following questions copied, cut, and split into two piles: open and closed. (You may also cut up pieces of paper and copy the questions. Part II. Application questions. Instructions: Part I A. Split the first set of questions into two groups. Open and closed. B. Have Partner A choose one open question and one closed question to ask their partner. C. Partner B answers. D. Switch. E. Grade according to the rubric. Grade vocabulary only in the answer. Grade grammar in both the question and the answer. Count the mistakes throughout all parts of the oral exam. *Do not discount for vocabulary that has not been taught. Tell them if they don’t know the word to use the one in Spanish. If the word has been taught, discount points. Part II A: Have each student say a number 1-5. B: Tell each student the application concept which corresponds with that number. C: Have them talk about the concept. Tell them to try to give 7 examples. (The way you choose the application concept can be creative). Part 1 Questions: Copied and Cut, Split into groups. (OPEN) ●

What ____ your brother ____ on weekends?

How often ________ you ________ video games?

How often do you____________

Where _______ your mom__________ ? (CLOSED)

______ your best friend get _____ at 7 o’clock?

______ you ______ the bus everyday?

______ she ______ basketball?

______ your teacher _______ junk food?

______ you _______ TV on school days? Part 2: Application Concepts:

1. Describe your mother’s daily routine. ( use daily activities, adverbs of frequency/time expressions) 2. Describe your favorite celebration ( what you do, eat, the date). 3. Describe your food preferences ( use prefer/ food vocabulary). 4. Describe your school day routine ( use daily activities, adverbs of frequency/time expressions) Extra Credit: Describe your favorite celebration ( what you do, eat, the date).





Rúbrica de evaluación oral. 1-3 4-5 5-6 Usó menos de 5 Usó entre 6 y 8 Usó entre 9 y 12 palabras del palabras de palabras de vocabulario en vocabulario en vocabulario en respuestas del respuestas del respuestas del tema del que tema del que tema del que habló habló habló (Actividades (Actividades (Actividades cotidianas, cotidianas, cotidianas, comida y comida y comida y celebraciones). celebraciones). celebraciones). El estudiante no El estudiante fue El estudiante fue fue capaz de capaz de capaz de producir producir producir preguntas. preguntas. preguntas. Respuestas con Respuestas con Respuestas con más de 10 entre 5 y 9 entre 2 y 5 errores. errores en errores en sintaxis o sintaxis o conjugación. conjugación. El estudiante El estudiante El estudiante pausó más de 5 pausó 4 veces. pausó 3 veces. veces.

El estudiante usó ejemplos mínimos en sus respuestas, mostrando menos de 5 palabras del vocabulario de cada tema.

El estudiante usó suficientes ejemplos en sus respuestas, mostrando entre 6 y 8 palabras del vocabulario de cada tema.

El estudiante usó suficientes ejemplos en sus respuestas, mostrando entre 9 y 12 palabras del vocabulario de cada tema. El estudiante usó

6-7 Usó 13 o más palabras de vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló (Actividades cotidianas, comida y celebraciones). El estudiante fue capaz de producir las preguntas con no más de 2 errores en sintaxis o conjugación. El estudiante habló fluidamente, pausando menos de 3 veces. El estudiantes usó suficientes ejemplos en sus respuestas, mostrando 13 o más palabras del vocabulario de cada tema. El estudiante usó

ejemplos positivos y negativos.

ejemplos positivos y negativos.

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