Unit 4 workshop teacher book

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Unit 4 - Class 1: Reading comprehension Objective: Students will be able to read two SIMCE practice passages and answer corresponding comprehension questions. Materials: 1. Each student will need a paper and pencil. 2. Student Book. 1. Hook (15 minutes) A. Ask students what they learned in class about past and present regular verbs. B. Students brainstorm verbs in present, then say those verbs in past. C. Give the students an example of each. Example: (Present) I travel to the beach every weekend. Example: (Past) I travelled to Valdivia last summer. A. Students write two sentences in present simple about what they do every weekend or everyday. B. Students write two sentences in past simple about last weekend. C. Call on 2-3 volunteers to share their past tense sentences. D. Call on 2- 3 volunteers to share their present tense sentences. 2. Reading activity/ Comprehension questions (30 minutes) The way we are doing reading comprehension is by trying to develop self-sufficiency. Tell students they are going to attempt this on their own at first. Tell them they all have a base of words they know in English, and they should use that to help with the activity. Students: A. Individually underline and translate the words they recognize in the reading and in the questions. (Write the Spanish meaning above) B. Compare with a head partner. Write words their partner has that they don’t. C. Answer the questions as best they can with a head partner. THEN A. Circle the words they don’t know. You review new vocabulary with them. B. They should then return and check their questions. See if they think something different. (Optional) C. You review answers. (Material in Student Book). Michael Jordan Michael Jordan was one of the best basketball players of all time. He was born in the year 1963 in the city of Brooklyn, New York. Soon after he was born, his parents moved the family to Wilmington, North Carolina. Michael was great at sports at a very young age. He played basketball in high school but was cut from his team in 10th grade because he was not scoring enough points. That summer, he grew 4 more inches and was soon let right back on the team. During that time, he averaged 25 points a game. He was good enough that he received a scholarship called “McDonald’s High school All-American scholarship.” He was able to go to the University of North Carolina for free on that scholarship. In his first year of college, Michael Jordan scored the winning shot in the final game of the season. As a senior, he earned the Naismith award as the top basketball player in college basketball. At this point, Jordan decided to leave North Carolina University and enter the National Basketball Association's (NBA) draft.

The NBA is where Jordan became a legend. He won rookie of the year in just his first year! He won so many slam dunk contests and scored more than anyone else in the league. Before long, he was known as the most famous athlete in the world! He started in hit songs and movies like “Space Jam.” He was also signed by many of the most famous companies in the world such as, Nike, Haines, Gatorade, McDonalds, Wheaties, and MCI. (Material in Student Book).

1. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school team for not scoring enough points in 9th grade. a. Right b. Wrong c. Does not say 2. Michael Jordan received the “McDonald’s High School All-American” scholarship. d. Right e. Wrong f. Does not say 3. In college, Michael Jordan did not make the winning shot of the game. a. Right b. Wrong c. Does not say 4. What was the name of the movie that Michael Jordan starred in? a. “Like Mike” b. “All Star” c. “Space Jam” 5. What character did Michael Jordan play in his hit movie? a. The little boy b. The father c. Does not say 6. Burger King was one of the big companies that sponsored Michael Jordan. a. Right b. Wrong c. Does not say 7. Michael Jordan was signed by Gatorade. a. Right b. Wrong c. Does not say

3. Practice Activity-Brain break (15 minutes) A. On a piece of paper, students write a verb in the past tense. B. Students make paper into a ball and throw it somewhere in the room. C. Then, Students pick up a new ball. (*Teacher may also collect balls and hand them out to students instead of having students throw them). D. Using the past tense verb, students think of a sentence in the past tense. E. With shoulder partner, students say their sentences. F. Partner must say the correct present tense form of the verbs. Present


Talk Ask Like Live Travel Return Use Arrive Call Stay Believe Decide Visit Want

Talked Asked Liked Lived Travelled Returned Used Arrived Called Stayed Believed Decided Visited Wanted

Reading activity/ Comprehension questions (30 minutes) A. Individually underline and translate the words they recognize in the text. B. Compare with a head partner. Write words their partner has which they don’t. C. Answer the questions as best they can with a head partner. D. Circle the words they don’t know. You review new vocabulary with them. Students write new vocabulary words. E. They should then return and check their questions. (OPTIONAL) F. You review answers. (Material in Student Book).

Tsunamis What is a tsunami? First of all, it is no everyday wave. Wind and tides are the foundation of the common ocean waves. Wind blowing along the ocean’s surface causes waves on the surface. Tides cause the ocean to move regularly, pulling water toward the shore, and pulling it away. This is what also causes the waves we typically see at the beach. A tsunami is different than a common wave. It is a huge wave caused by something that cannot be seen above the water or on shore. Usually tsunamis are caused by a sudden disturbance beneath the sea. They can also be caused by other parts of nature. Landslides can cause tsunamis. Erupting volcanoes and less commonly, large asteroids falling into the sea from space, can also cause a tsunami. Most of the time though, tsunamis are caused by earthquakes.

Tsunamis are caused when one part of the sea floor rises, and the water above it rises, too. At the same time, another part of the sea floor drops. The water above it drops. ` The rising and falling of the water creates a giant wave. The wave can travel at speeds of up to 965 kilometers an hour. It makes tons of water move. Yet if you were in a boat at sea and a tsunami passed, you would barely notice it. This is because in the middle of the ocean, a tsunami has plenty of room to spread out.

1. What does the author mean by the word everyday in the second sentence, “First of all, it is no everyday wave?” a. Tsunamis happen every day. b. Tsunamis are not like the common ocean wave. c. Earthquakes and tsunamis occur VERY often. 2. Typical waves are caused by wind blowing on the earth’s surface. a. Right b. Wrong c. Does not say 3. The passage states that tsunamis can be caused by severe disturbances beneath the sea, large asteroids from space and what other type of natural occurrence? a. Much rain b. Landslides c. Lightning 4. Tsunamis are caused when the sea floor drops and all water around that floor drops too. No water rises. a. Right b. Wrong c. Does not say 5. Up to how many kilometers an hour can a tsunami move? a. 100 b. 550 c. 965 6. If you were out at sea on a boat when a tsunami hit, would you notice it? a. Yes b. No c. Does not say 7. The author makes tsunamis seem as though they enjoyable. a. Yes b. No 5. Conclusion (5 minutes) Ask students what they liked and did not like about today’s games and class. Ask them what they learned.

Unit 4 - Class 2: Listening comprehension Objective: Students will be able to listen to a reading selection in English and answer comprehension questions based on the selection. Materials: 1. Each student will need a paper and pencil. 2. Student Book 3. Computer and headphones 4. Four markers 1. Hook/ Pre-teaching (10 minutes) A. Read the class objectives. Tell students that sometimes it is difficult to listen to a language we don’t understand. Therefore we will be practicing in today’s class. B. Go to the computer lab. Have all students open their computer browsers to http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening-skills-practice/firstday-school. 2. Listening Practice Activity (20 minutes) A. Have all students press play at the same time. B. Have them do the following step by step: - As a class listen once. - As a class listen a second time, and have them underline words they recognize. - Translate those words. - Listen a third time and have them fill in the blank with the correct word. - Review (In Student Book). Tanya: Hi, I’m Tanya! What’s your _______? (name/age) Jing: Hello, my name is Jing. Tanya: Nice to meet you Jing, what ____________ (room/class) are you in? Jing: I’m in class ___, (1B/3A) and you? Tanya: Me too! I’m in class __ (3A/1B) too! Jing: Who’s our ____________? (boss/teacher) Tanya: Mr. ________ (Smith/ Rodriguez) Jing: And where’s our ______________? (bedroom/classroom) Tanya: This way, _________ (go/come) with me! Jing: Ok, ___________! (great/ good) 3. Reading activity/ Comprehension questions (Go back to Room) (30 minutes) A. Check comprehension and vocabulary from above. B. Have students work with shoulder partners. C. Make sure they underline all the words they know in the comprehension questions, and translate them. D. Do not give them more vocabulary. E. They must do this without your help. F. When finished they read their answers to their head partner. If their partner has same answer they say “I agree”. If different they say “I disagree.” G. Model this. H. Review as class. (Material in Student Book).

Circle the correct answer: 1. What setting are the girls in together? a. a bedroom b. the mall c. a classroom d. the cafeteria 2. What is the name of the girls’ teacher? a. Mr. Roberts b. Mr. Smith c. Mr. Rodriguez d. They do not have a teacher. 3. True or False: The girls seem like they will become friends with each other. a. True b. False c. The passage does not say. 4. True or False: The girls live in the same neighborhood. a. True b. False c. The passage does not say. 5. True or False: The girls are in the same grade in school. a. True b. False c. The passage does not say. 6. The two girls have different teachers. a. True b. False c. The passage does not say C. Write the correct answers on the board. Answers: 1. a. a classroom 2. b. Mr. Smith 3. a. True 4. c. The passage does not say 5. a. True 6. b. False D. Go over where in the paragraph it says these answers. Give WWOs for correct answers.

4. Practice Activities/ brain break: “Who did this?” (30 minutes) A. Brainstorm verbs of activities people do over the summer. Write them in past. B. Have everyone think of one thing they did last summer. They can write it down. C. Model an answer “I ate empanadas.” D. Have multiple markers, and have people come up and write their sentence on the board. (4 at a time). E. Tell students to try to remember who writes what. F. Students should write their examples on the board, without their name next to it. Example of what the board should look like: ...Went to Vina del Mar ...Went to the movies ...Played Playstation everyday ...wrote a few poems G. Once you have every student’s responses on the board, tell them to go to the blank chart for this activity in their (In Student Book). The chart will look like this: Last summer experiences...

Who did it?

H.Tell students they have five minutes to write down as many activities as possible, and

who did them. J. If students get more than 10 correct they get a wow. 5. Conclusion/ Exit Slip A. Ask them to reflect on how they can better their reading comprehension.

Unit 4 - Class 3: Reading comprehension Objective: Students will be able to read a dialogue and answer comprehension questions. Students will be able to create a dialogue with past tense questions. Materials: 1. Each student will need a paper and pencil. 2. (Student Book). 1. Hook/ Pre-teaching/ Pictionary game (Optional- 15 minutes) A. Tell students that today they will review travel vocabulary with their shoulder partners (the student next to them), and their head partners (student in front of them). B. They will use the following words (InStudent Book). the beach the mountains the desert the lake the forest the river the city the countryside C. Divide groups of four into team A, (2 students) and team B (2 students). D. Both teams will pick who will draw first. E. The drawers will decide on a travel vocabulary word from the box above. F. Once drawers are ready, the teacher will say start and they will begin drawing the word, not allowing the other team to see their picture, like Pictionary. G. The drawers cannot speak, and the first partner to guess the word (in English), will get the point for their team. Record points on the board after each round. H. After each round, the drawer and the guesser will switch, until all travel vocabulary words are covered. I. The winning teams from every group, will get WOWs. 2. Reading activity/ Comprehension questions (20 minutes) A. Individually students underline and translate the words they recognize in the reading and in the questions. (Write the Spanish meaning above) B. Individually students answer the questions. C. Students circle new vocabulary they do not recognize. D. Solicit new vocabulary. They write down new words and their meaning.

E. Teacher reviews answers.

Material in Student Book Robert: Hi Alice, what did you do last weekend? Alice: I did a lot of things. On Saturday, I went shopping. Robert: What did you buy? Alice: I bought some new clothes. I also played tennis. Robert: Who did you play? Alice: I played Tom. Robert: Did you win? Alice: Of course I won! Robert: What did you do after your tennis match. Alice: Well, I went home and took a shower and then went out. Robert: Did you eat in a restaurant? Alice: Yes, my friend Jacky and I ate at 'The Good Fork' Robert: Did you enjoy your dinner? Alice: Yes, we enjoyed our dinner very much thank you. We also drank some wonderful wine! Robert: Unfortunately, I didn't go out this weekend. I didn't eat in a restaurant and I didn't play tennis. Alice: What did you do? Robert: I stayed home and studied for my test! Alice: Poor you! 1. The conversation is about what time period. A. Last year. B. Last weekend. C. Last week. D. This weekend. 2. What did Alice do when she went shopping? A. She played tennis. B. She played with Tom. C. She bought clothes. D. She won. 3. What did Alice do immediately after her tennis match? A. She went out. B. She went to a restaurant. C. She took a shower. D. She went home.

4. What did Roberto do last weekend? A. He stayed home. B. He studied. C. He didn’t go out. D. Options A-C.

3. Closed Questions (15 minutes) Quickly review the formulas for closed questions. A. Have students get into groups of 4. B. Individually students write four closed questions about their last birthday. C. Students ask 2 questions to their head partners, then switch and ask two to their shoulder partners. D. Circulate helping students with grammar and pronunciation. E. Give WOWs to Students who are on task. *Remember to review the remember box! 4. Create a Dialogue (40 minutes) Note: Set alarm, so students do this in the amount of time indicated. Tell them that it is timed. A. Students work with their head partners. They create a dialogue asking about something in the past (a birthday, last weekend, a vacation). (15 minutes to create the dialogue) B. They must include at least 5 questions in past and 5 answers in past. C. Students then practice three times. (4 minutes to practice three times) D. When they are finished they perform to their shoulder partners. (3 minutes to perform for their partners) E. After choose three groups to perform for the class for extra wows. (8 minutes for each group to perform) 5. Conclusion A. Review the rubric students filled out.

Unit 4 - Class 4: Reading comprehension Objective: Students will be able to read two SIMCE practice passages and answer corresponding comprehension questions. Materials: 1. Each student will need a paper and pencil. 2. Student Book 4. Reading activity/ Comprehension questions (20 minutes) A. Individually students underline and translate the words they recognize in the text. B. Compare with a partner. Write down words their partner has which they don’t. C. Individually answer the questions as best they can. D. Students circle the words they don’t know. You review new vocabulary with them. E. They write down new vocabulary.

F. They should then return and check their questions. See if they think something different. (Optional) G. You review answers.

Material in Student Book

The FIFA world cup The FIFA World Cup is an international association of Futbol or soccer. This is a league where the best players from different countries around the world join in teams, and meet to qualify for the championship. The “Federation Internationale de Football Association�, also known as FIFA, is the governing body that is in charge of this match. The championship games only go on once every four years, making it very important for the participating countries. The first tournament was in 1930, and was followed every four years after that. The only two years that the games did not go on was in 1942 and 1946, during the Second World War. The 20 World Cup tournaments have been won by eight different national teams. Brazil has won five times, and they are the only team to have played in every tournament. The other World Cup winners are Italy and Germany, with four titles each. Argentina and Uruguay, have two titles each. Finally, France and Spain, have won one title each. Uruguay was the first country to win the International world cup. Germany was the last and most recent country to win, in the 2014 Brazil games. The World Cup is the most popular, and most viewed sporting event in the world! It even has more viewers the Olympic Games! The last world cup was estimated to have 26.29 billion viewers! People plan big parties, and reunite with friends and family to watch the games. It is a time where countries unite within themselves in order to cheer on their home teams. The 2014 World Cup took place in Brazil. The next two World Cups will be hosted by Russia in 2018 and Qatar in 2022. Will you be one of the many FIFA world cup viewers?

1. FIFA is the international association for which sport? a. American Football b. Soccer c. Baseball d. Racquetball 2. How often does the world cup commence? a. Once a year b. Every two years c. Twice a year d. Every four years 3. What was the first country to win the world cup? a. U.S.A. b. Brazil

c. Germany d. Uruguay 4. Why was there no world cup between the years of 1942 and 1946? a. World war 1 b. World war 2 c. Korean War d. Civil war 5. What country has won the most world cups? a. Germany b. Brazil c. France d. Spain 6. True or False: Spain has won three world cups. a. True b. False c. Does not say 7. True or False: The Olympics is the most viewed sports game. a. True b. False c. Does not say 3. Vocabulary/ Weather expression practice (15 minutes) A. Tell the students that they will be testing their shoulder partners on some of the weather expressions they learned in catedra. B. First give the students 10 minutes to study/ remind themselves of the following English weather expressions and their translation. They should be do this silently and individually. (Material in Student Book). rainy- lluvioso cloudy- nublado foggy- brumoso hot- caluroso cold- frio sunny- soleado snowing- nevando warm- caliente C. After ten minutes, have the student who is being tested first of the two partners close their textbook. D. One partner will say the Spanish word and the other partner will respond with the English word. E. The partners will switch after all the words are tested.

4. Reading activity/ Comprehension questions (35 minutes) (Material in Student Book). 1. Students read the passage independently. 2. Students underline and translate words they know. 3. Students answer the questions independently. 4. Review the answers. .

Julio: Hey Tamara! How was your summer? Tamara: It was great! We traveled to the beach! Julio: Really? Where did you go? Tamara: We went to el Quisco. Julio: I love el Quisco! Who did you go with? Tamara: I went with my older brother and his girlfriend. Julio: How was the weather? Tamara: It was sunny everyday. Julio: What did you do? Tamara: We went to the beach everyday, and we ate the best empanadas! Julio: Did you go swimming in the beach? Tamara: Yes we did. Julio: Was the water cold or warm? Tamara: It was warm. What did you do on your vacation? Julio: I stayed in Santiago with my family. We had barbecues every weekend. I also practiced my skate-boarding. Tamara: Sounds like you had lots of time to relax. Julio: Yes I did. I slept until 12:00 everyday!

1. Where did Tamara go on vacation? A. She went to el Quisco. B. She went to the beach. C. Option A and B. 2. Who did Tamara go with? A. She went with her younger brother. B. She went with her family. C. She went with her older brother. 3. What did she do on the beach. A. She swam in the ocean. B. She slept. C. She ate empanadas. 4. What did Julio not do on vacation? A. Julio didn’t sleep. B. Julio didn’t go to the beach. C. Julio didn’t practice a sports. 5. What season are they in. A. Beginning of the summer. B. Winter C. Spring.

D. End of the summer. Choral Repetition: A. When students are done have them practice pronunciation. Model exaggerated mouth opening, and correct pronunciation. B. Have them chorally repeat different lines, and then difficult words. . C. Students then practice with their partners focusing on pronunciation. 5. Conclusion/ Exit slip A. Ask students 3 new vocabulary words they learned.

Unit 4 - Class 5: Listening comprehension Objective: Students will be able to listen to a reading selection in English and answer comprehension questions based on the selection. Materials: 1. Each student will need a paper and pencil. 2. Student Book 3. Computer and headphones 1. Hook/ Pre-teaching (10 minutes) A. Read the objective of the day. Tell them that sometimes it is difficult for us to listen to a language we don’t understand, because we don’t understand and lose focus. Therefore we will be training the ear today. B. Go to the computer lab. Have all students open their computer browsers to http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening-skills-practice/going-cinema C. Have all students press play at the same time. 3. Verbal Practice activity (20 minutes) A. Have all students press play at the same time. B. Have them do the following step by step: - As a class listen once. - As a class listen a second time, and have them underline words they recognize. - Translate those words. - Listen a third time and have them fill in the blank with the correct word. - Review correct words. (Material in Student Book). Tamara: Hi, Mario. Do you want to go and watch a ________ (movie/film)? Mario: Hi, Tamara. Sure, what’s ___ (in/on)? Tamara: Well, there are two _________ (action/fiction) films, Mr. and Mrs. Jones and War Games, and they’re both in 3D. Mario: I’ve already seen Mr and Mrs Jones. I haven’t seen War _______ (fight/games) but I don't really want to see an _________ (fiction/ action) film. What else is ___ (on/in)? Tamara: There’s that science fiction film, Robot 2075, but I’ve already _______ (seen/saw) it. Mario: Is it _______ (good/great)? Tamara: Yes, it is, but I don't want to see it _______ (again/more). There’s a ________ (special/ romantic) comedy called Forever. Mario: Mmm, I’m not sure. Are there any ________ (horror/horrible) films on?

Tamara: Yes, there's Midnight Moon. It's got _________ (vampires/ snakes) in it. Mario: OK, sounds good. Let’s go and watch Midnight Moon. What ______ (time/station) is it on? Tamara: It’s on at 12 o’clock or at half past _____ (five/two). Mario: Is it on this _________ (afternoon/ evening)? Tamara: Yes, at 7.30. Mario: Perfect. Let’s __ (go/got) at 7.30. Tamara: OK, shall we _______ (stop/meet) at the cinema at 7:00? Mario: Great! See you _________ (later/late). . Tamara: Bye. 4. Reading activity/ Comprehension questions (15 minutes) A. Once the students have all the correct words in the translation circled, tell them to join with a shoulder partner in order to answer comprehension questions. B. Make sure they underline all the words they know in the comprehension questions, and translate them. C. Do not give them more vocabulary. D. They must do this without your help. E. When they are finished they check with head partners. F. Then review the answers when you are finished. 1. What film are Mario and Tamara going to see? a. midnight moon b. war games c. Mr. and Mrs. Jones d. Forever 2. What time does the movie that Tamara and Mario are going to see start? a. 7:00 b. 7:30 c. 8:00 d. 8:30 3. What time till Tamara and Mario meet for the movie? a. 6:00 b. 6:30 c. 7:00 d. 7:30 4. True or False: Mario and Tamara are meeting up with more friends at the movies? a. True b. False 5. True or False: Mario seems to like Romantic comedy films a. True b. False 6. The first type of film Tamara suggests to watch are: a. romantic comedies b. action films c. horror movies d. dramas

6. What are your favorite types of movies to watch, and why? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 7. The last movie I saw in the theater was “_____________,� it was a ____________ (type of film.)

F. Write the correct answers on the board. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

A- Midnight moon B- 7:30 C-7:00 B- False B- False B- action films Answers will differ. Answers will differ.

5. Oral evaluation practice (45 minutes) A. Tell students to work with their head partners B. Students practice with the study guide

Unit 3 - Class 6: Objective: Students will be able to pass the English oral exams. Materials: Study guides. 1. Hook. A. Remind them that today they have oral evaluations. B. Review the rubric in detail. C. Remind them of Instructions. D.Have them practice in shoulder partners for 15 minutes. E. After 15 minutes they must be silent or you take off points. They can silently practice their answers during this time (for possible questions they will receive). Call partners up to give the oral exam. Oral Evaluation Teacher Instructions Materials: Part I. The following questions copied, cut, and split into two piles: open and closed. (You may

also cut up pieces of paper and copy the questions. Part II. Application questions. Instructions: Part I A. Split the first set of questions into two groups. Open and closed. B. Partner A chooses two open questions and three closed questions to ask their partner. C. Partner B answers. D. Switch. E. Grade according to the rubric. Grade vocabulary only in the answer. Grade grammar in both the question and the answer. Count the mistakes throughout all parts of the oral exam. *Do not discount for vocabulary that has not been taught. Tell them if they don’t know the word to use the one in Spanish. If the word has been taught, discount points. Part II A: Have each student say a number 1-5. B: Tell each student the application concept which corresponds with that number. C: Have them talk about the concept. Tell them to try to give 7 examples. (The way you choose the application concept can be creative). Part 1 Questions: Copied and Cut, Split into groups. (OPEN) ●

What ____ you ____ last summer?

When ________ you ________ to the countryside?

Where _______ you ________ last weekend?


______ you ______ empanadas last summer?

______ you ______ go to the beach last summer?

______ you _____ a movie last night?

______ your friends _______ have a party for you?

______ you _________ your grandparents last Sunday?

Part 2: Application Concepts: 1. Describe your last trip (use regular/irregular verbs, weather/vacation spots, negative and positive sentences) 2. Describe your last weekend (use regular/irregular verbs, weather/vacation spots, negative and positive sentences).

3. Describe your last birthday party. (use regular/irregular verbs, weather/vacation spots, negative and positive sentences).

Rúbrica de Evaluación Oral for Application Concepts 1-3




Usó entre 11-12 palabras de vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló.

Usó entre 15-16 palabras de vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló

Usó 20 o más palabras de vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló.

Vocabulario: A. Verbos pasado (4) B. Clima (2) C. Lugares de vacacionar (2) D. Past Time Expressions(3)

Vocabulario: A. Verbos pasado (5) B. Clima (3) C. Lugares de vacacionar (3) D. Past Time Expressions(4)

Vocabulario: A. Verbos pasado (8) B. Clima (4) C. Lugares de vacacionar (5) D. Past Time Expressions(5)


Preguntas y Preguntas y Respuestas con más respuestas con de 8 errores. entre 6 y 7 errores en sintaxis o conjugación.

Preguntas y respuestas con entre 4 y 5 errores en sintaxis o conjugación.

Preguntas y respuestas con no más de 2 errores en sintaxis o conjugación.


El estudiante pausó El estudiante más de 5 veces. pausó 4 veces.

El estudiante pausó 3 veces.

El estudiante habló fluidamente, pausando menos de 3 veces.

Vocabulario Usó menos de 7-8 palabras del vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló. Vocabulario: A. Verbos pasado (3) B. Clima (1) C. Lugares de vacacionar (1) D. Past Time Expressions(2)

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