Unit 4 student book

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Student’s Book Unit 4. Contract Unit 4: Nombre:__________________________________________________________________ Gramática: Mínimo (Nota: 4,0)

En nivel: (Nota: 5.0)

Excelente: (Nota: 6,0 - 7,0)

-Puedes hablar en pasado simple en forma afirmativa usando verbos regulares y 5 verbos irregulares.

-Objetivo previo.

-Objetivos previos.

Mínimo (Nota: 4,0)

En nivel: (Nota: 5.0)

Excelente: (Nota: 6,0 - 7,0)

Verbos regulares

7-8 memorizados

9-11 memorizados

12-14 memorizados

Verbos irregulares

5-6 memorizados

7-9 memorizados

10-12 memorizados


2 memorizadas

3-4 memorizadas

5-6 memorizadas

Lugares para vacacionar

3 memorizados

4 memorizados

5-6 memorizados

Mínimo (Nota: 4,0)

En nivel: (Nota: 5.0)

Excelente: (Nota: 6,0 - 7,0)

Pasado Simple

-Puedes hablar en -Puedes hacer 5 preguntas pasado simple en abiertas en pasado simple con forma negativa. fluidez. -Puedes crear preguntas cerradas en pasado.



Puedes hablar sobre hechos pasados

-Puedes hablar sobre -Objetivo previo. hechos pasados - Puedes preguntar y usando pasado responder preguntas simple en forma cerradas. positiva y negativa. -Puedes hacer preguntas sobre los hechos pasados de una persona.

-Objetivos previos. -Puedes hacer y responder 3 preguntas abiertas sobre hechos pasados.

Puedes describir un

- Puedes describir un -Objetivo previo. viaje usando pasado -Puedes describir un

-Objetivos previos. -Puedes describir un viaje




viaje usando 7 lugares incluyendo 9 lugares para para vacacionar y 2 vacacionar y 3 expresiones de expresiones de tiempo tiempo pasado pasado. Nota: 7 - Puedes preguntarle a alguien más sobre un viaje en pasado.

Unit 4: Class 1 Note from Jefa de UTP: We will now be working in groups of four with “Shoulder Partners” and “Head Partners”. This will help you become better speakers as you will have the opportunity to talk to more people. Let’s Practice: A. Get into groups of four. B. When your teacher tells you: -Touch your head partner (person in front of you) -Touch your shoulder partner (person next to you) -Look at your teacher. C. Repeat listening to your teacher’s instructions. SPR Warm Up: Review Present Tense I___________________ We_____________________________ You____________________ He/she/it___________________ They_______________________ 1. What does each pronoun mean? 2. As a class conjugate: study, play, walk, work 3. How does it change with he/she/it? Objectives: By the end of this class you will be able to: Grammar: Use Past Simple regular verbs (Positive form) Vocabulary: Remember 9 regular verbs and their pronunciation.


Part I: Past Simple Regular Grammar Explanation Past Simple

Use of Past Simple. → Action in the past taking place once, never or several times. Example: - He visited his parents every Sunday. → Action finished in the past. Example: - He visited his parents last year. Activity I: Matching verbs. Objective: Learn regular past tense verbs A. Teacher Model Instructions: Instructions: Do activity with shoulder partner. 1. Partner A: Use the sentence stem to match the word with the picture. 2. Both Partners: Write in word. 3. Partner B: Use the sentence stem to match the word with the picture. 4. Repeat. Sentence Stem: I think ____________ goes with picture _________ (Regular verb) (Number) Example: I think called goes with picture number 5. Regular Verbs Match verbs in table to the picture. Arrived Talked Travelled Studied Called Asked

Played Looked Liked

1. ________________ 2. __________________



6. ________________ 4.________________


7.________________ 1.



Check! with work head partner.

(OPTIONAL) 2. Partner A: Use the sentence stem say your answer. If both have same answer check. 3. Partner B: Use the sentence stem say your answer. If both have same answer check. Activity II: List of Verbs A. Repeat verbs below. B. What do verbs mean? Write definition. C. Question: These are regular verbs. What do they all have in common?

Regular verbs: Fill-in the Spanish definition. Present tense

Past tense

Spanish definition

Talk Ask Like Live Travel Return Use Arrive Call Stay Believe Decide Visit Want

Talked Asked Liked Lived Travelled Returned Used Arrived Called Stayed Believed Decided Visited Wanted

______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ________________

Grammar: Regular Verbs Regular Verbs: are the majority of verbs. Rule: To change the verbs to past add the letters ‘d’ or ‘ed’.

Form: 4

Verb + d

Verb + ed

When the verb ends with e vowel “d ” is added.

When the verb ends with a consonant “ed “ is added.

Examples: Liked Used Arrived

Examples: Talked Returned Visited *Special case: Travelled

Activity III: Partner Memorization. Objective: Memorize regular past tense verbs.

Teacher models instructions. Work with shoulder partners. A. Partner A: Write a list of regular verbs in 90 seconds. Teacher says : STOP and CORRECT. A. Partner B: Check partner A’s list, and correct misspelled words. B. Partner B: Write total number of verbs Partner A had spelled correctly. C. Switch.

Total verbs correctly spelled = __________ D. Show Head Partners, your shoulder partner’s work using sentence stem.

Sentence Stem: My Partner spelled these verbs correctly: -

Part II: Pronunciation -ed Pronunciation of Regular Verbs. *There are three different ways to pronounce the -ed ending: Sound






‘t’ sound



‘d’ sound



‘id’ sound

How do we know when to use each -ed pronunciation? * We have to pay special attention to the ends (the final sounds NOT the spelling) of the verbs in the present form. Sound

Base verb

-Ed verb (Past)

Pronounce -ed





/ tʃ / /t/

Watch Visit

Watched Visited

/t/ / id /




/ id /

Rest of sound /v, l, y , n /

Return Arrive Call Stay

Returned Arrived Called Stayed

/d/ /d/ /d/ /d/

Activity I: Choral Repetition: A. Repeat Base word. B. Repeat end sound of base word. C. Repeat past tense pronunciation of ed. Example: “Talk, K, talk/t/” A. Do three times. B. Now, turn book over. C. Teacher says base word. D. You say corresponding past tense verb with correct pronunciation.

Activity II: Sorting -ed endings. Instructions: Individually sort the following verbs according to their -ed pronunciation. *Think about: - The end sound of the base word. - The pronunciation

Ask Play

Travel Call


Look Study

Arrive Want

/ id /



Activity III: Writing and Speaking Activity Objective: See if you can speak in past tense. Teacher Model Instructions. Formula: Time expression + Subject + Verb past simple Examples: Last week I called my best friend. Yesterday we watched a movie. Last weekend I travelled to Valparaiso.

Work with Shoulder Partners: Partner A: Say out loud one sentence using a Past Simple Regular verb. (Use the examples) Partner B: Write down the sentence your partner said. 1. Yesterday ___________________________________________________________. 2. Last week ___________________________________________________________. 3. Last Weekend _______________________________________________________. Partner B: Give feedback using sentence stems (OPITIONAL) Switch.

Sentence stem: I think ……………………… is correct. (number of sentence) I think …………………….... is incorrect. (number of sentence) 7

*NOTE: He/she/it doesn’t change

Contract Check-in (Shoulder Partners): Objective: Evaluate if you remember 9 Regular verbs and their pronunciation. 1. Draw the below blank chart in your notebook. Switch notebooks. 2. Teacher models instructions. 3. Partner A: Say one regular verb in English from present tense list (looking at Regular Verbs List below). Partner B: Say the corresponding regular verb in Simple Past (with eyes closed). Partner A: In partner B’s notebook write down the words they memorized/ and need to memorize. Memorized

Need to Memorize

*WOWs if you write down words your partner mispronounced. *Switch. Regular verbs list: Present


Talk Ask Like Live Travel Return Use Arrive Call Stay Believe Decide Visit Want

Talked Asked Liked Lived Travelled Returned Used Arrived Called Stayed Believed Decided Visited Wanted

Unit 4: Class 2 SPR: 1. Students work with table partners (4). 8

2. Divide groups into A and B. 3. The ‘A’ tables start by discussing all the mistakes you see for 60 seconds. 4. When your teacher says stop, your teacher will call on a representative to share the mistakes. You get 1 point per mistake. 5. Group B repeat process. 6. Students get WOWs for any mistakes they find. Group A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Group B

He does wake up. He doesn’t plays soccer. She play doesn’t soccer. You doesn’t brush your teeth. You don’t goes to school. She isn’t live in Chile. You don’t lives in Chile. They doesn’t play video games. We don’t studys.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

I don’t lives in Chile. He doesn’t brushes his teeth. They don’t likes soccer. He isn’t take the bus. They don’t wakes up. We doesn’t go shopping. He doesn’t has an xbox. She don’t drive to school. She does drive to school.

Objectives: By the end of this class you will be able to: Grammar: Use Past Simple (Positive and Negative form) Vocabulary: Remember 9 regular verbs and 7 irregular verbs.

Contract check-in (shoulder partners). Objective: Evaluate if you remember 9 regular verbs and their pronunciation. A. Work with shoulder partners from the previous class. B. Teacher models instructions - Partner A: Say the verb in present tense. Verb - Present tense

Verbs in past

Talk Ask Like Live Travel Return Use Arrive Call

Talked Asked Liked Lived Travelled Returned Used Arrived Called 9

Stay Believe Decide Visit Want

Stayed Believed Decided Visited Wanted

Partner B: Say the verb in past (using the right pronunciation) Partner A: See if your partner - Memorized the words in the “Need to memorize� chart. - Still memorized words from class before. Hook: A. Listen to your teacher say what he did last weekend. B. Raise your hand if the statements are true. C. Fold your hands if you believe the statements are false.

Part I: Past Simple Positive/ Regular verbs. Activity I: Grammar activity. Independently write the following sentences in the past. Example: She / watch / a movie/ last night She watched a movie last night. Practice with teacher: 0. He / call/ his mom. _________________________________________________. 0. The students / listen/ to the teacher. _________________________________________________. 1. we / decide / to stay home / ___________________________________________________. 2. Nicole/ live / in Puerto Montt / three years ago ____________________________________________________ . 3. My dad / travel / to Colombia / last week _____________________________________________________. 4. I / call / my friends / yesterday ______________________________________________________. What type of verbs did you use above? a. present simple b. past perfect c. past simple

Activity II: Matching (OPTIONAL) Objective: Remember meaning of all past tense verbs. Part One: Shoulder Partner Instructions: Teacher Models Connect the Past Simple in English to Past Simple in Spanish. Partner A: Use sentence stem to connect words.


Both Partners: Write down the English Verb and the Spanish Verb Example: I Walked-Caminé Partner B: Use sentence stem to connect. Sentence stem: I think ___________________ is _________________. (English) (Spanish) English I called I looked I travelled I liked I asked I decided I helped I visited I studied I lived

◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

Spanish ◆ Estudié ◆ Pregunté ◆ Llamé ◆ Visité ◆ Decidí ◆ Viajé ◆ Miré ◆ Viví ◆ Ayudé ◆ Me gustó

Part Two: Head Partner Instructions: Use above sentence stem to check. Partner A: Says answer with sentence stem. Both Partners: Mark a check if answer is the same. Partner B: Says answer with sentence stem.

Part II: Past Simple Negative.

Negative form: 11

In the negative form we need to use the auxiliary did + not (didn’t). Remember that when we use the auxiliary we put the verb in the base verb form. The auxiliary didn’t is used in the negative form with all verbs (except To Be)


Auxiliary (did) + not










Did not (didn’t)



Examples: You didn’t play. She didn’t arrive. They didn’t live.

*Remember that in negative form we use didn’t + base word. - Didn’t walked- Incorrect - Didn’t walk- Correct

Activity I: Grammar application. Objective: Practice writing in negative form. A. Independently students transform positive sentences into the negative form. (+) Example: We played tennis last week.

(-) We didn’t play tennis last week.

She visited her friends a week ago Diego watched T.V. yesterday You asked him two days ago They called us on Christmas I lived in London in 2009 My boyfriend travelled to Japan last year We studied this morning Camila arrived late the other day B. Switch with head partner. C. Check your partner’s answers. Use form didn’t + base verb (No -ed) D. Teacher reviews as a class. Activity II: Speaking Objective: Practice speaking in positive and negative form. Teacher Models. 12

A. Circle the verbs in the box with actions you did yesterday. B. Cross out the actions you didn’t do yesterday. C. Tell your shoulder partner what you did in positive form and what you didn’t do in negative form. D. Repeat with your head partner (OPTIONAL) Example: Yesterday I walked to school. Yesterday I didn’t clean my room. wash the dishes watch TV shop at the supermarket brush my teeth travel to China

clean my room

Part III: Irregular verbs. What are irregular verbs? Irregular verbs are verbs in the English language that do not follow the simple system of adding “d” or “ed” to the end of the word to form the past tense. Example: I go to the supermarket every Sunday⇒ I went to the supermarket last Sunday

With irregular verbs there is no rule for spelling to form the past tense: - Sometimes the verb changes completely ( Go - Went ) - Sometimes there is half of a change ( Meet - Met ) - Sometimes there is no change ( Read - Read* ) *Remember the pronunciation of the past tense of “read” is pronounced the same as the color- red) Irregular verbs list. Present


Spanish Translation

Wear Give Eat Sell Say Meet Take Go Buy See Read Am / Is / Are

Wore Gave Ate Sold Said Met Took Went Bought Saw Read (� /red/) Was / Were

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ____________________

Activity I: Choral Repetition

Activity II: Memorization Objective: Memorize 7 irregular verbs. A. Shoulder Partners. 13

B. C. D. E.

Switch books. Partner A: Says verb in present. (looking at book). Partner B: Says verb in past. (without looking). Partner A: Writes down how many words partner B: Memorized Needs to memorize


Need to Memorize

Activity III: Fill in the gaps. Objective: Practice conjugating verbs in past irregular, and negative. Practice for test taking. Instructions: Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb. Examples: 0. Valentina Saw (See) your brothers yesterday. 00. Valentina ______ (See, no) her mother. 000. Valentina ______(Go) to the mall. 1. My parents _____________ (Buy) a new plasma last week. 2. Claudio _____________ (Give) me a piece of candy yesterday. 3. She _______________(Wear, no) my glasses yesterday. 4. Andres and Cristobal __________(Go, no) to the zoo four days ago. 5. I _________ (Eat) fish last weekend. 6. My friend _______ (Take) the bus this morning. 7. We _________(Meet, no) the other day. 8. I _________(walk) to school. 9. I __________(walk, no) to the mall. Contract check-in. Objective: Use past simple in positive and negative form. A. Work with head partners. Partner A: Ask: “What did you do last weekend?” Partner B: Answer two examples using positive sentences. I went...ate... Partner A: Ask: “What didn’t you do last weekend?” Partner B: Answer two examples using negative sentences. I didn’t go….I didn’t ___. Partner A: Write down answers. Show mistakes partner B made.



Unit 4: Class 3 Objectives: By the end of this class you will be able to: Grammar: Use simple past tense in positive and negative form. Vocabulary: Remember 9 regular and 7 irregular verbs.

*SPR Objective: To review present simple tense verbs (positive and negative). A. Write three things you do every day. 1.________________________________________________________. 2.________________________________________________________. 3.________________________________________________________. B. Share with your partner. C. Your partner says what they do that is the same, and what they don’t do. Example: Partner A: Everyday I go to school. Everyday I walk my dog. Everyday I take the micro. Partner B: I go to school. I don’t walk my dog. I don’t take the micro. Partner B: Shares their three activities. Partner A: Says what they do that is the same and what they don’t do.

Contract check-in: Head Partners Objective: To use past simple in positive and negative form. Partner A: Ask: “What did you do last weekend?” Partner B: Answer two examples using positive sentences. Partner A: Ask: “What didn’t you do last weekend?” Partner B: Answer two examples using negative sentences. Partner A: Write down answers. Compare with Partner B’s mistakes last class. See if mistakes are still being made. *Switch


Question: I didn’t go. I didn’t went. Which is correct?

Part I: Review Past Simple. Activity I: Reading Comprehension. Preparation: A. Individually underline the words that you already know. B. Write the Spanish translation. Instructions: A. Complete using the verbs in parentheses in the past simple form. B. The first verb is done as an example for you. C. Read the paragraph. D. Answer the questions taking into consideration the words you know. E. WOWs for those who work individually.

Pablo’s perfect day! Yesterday was awesome! First, I …Arrived……...(arrive) early to school, So I …………..(talk) to all my friends before classes started. Next, my mother ……………..(call) to say that my dentist’s appointment was cancelled. Then, physical education class we ……………. (play) basketball (that’s my favorite sport!!). Last, we …………….(visit) my brother and …………….(watch) a movie. Now answer these questions about Pablo’s perfect day. 1. What happened first? a. He arrive to school b. He arrived early to school c. He talked to his friends 2. What did her mother do? a. She called him

b. She arrived late

c. She went to the dentist

3. What did he do on physical education? a. He played tennis b. He played soccer

c. He played basketball

4. What did he do at his brother’s house? a. He played basketball b. He visited his brother

c. He watched a movie

Review: Past Simple Grammar Review: Past Simple: We use it to talk about past events. Positive Regular: We usually make the positive by adding '-ed' to the infinitive. Example: 'play' becomes 'played.’ ‘travel’ becomes ‘travelled.’ ‘watch’ becomes ‘watched.’ Positive Irregular: However, there are some irregular verbs that do not follow that rule.



Example: 'go' becomes 'went' 'eat' becomes 'ate' ‘buy’ becomes ‘bought’ Negative: We make the negative using didn’t (did not) before the base verb (regular or irregular) and the structure is the same for all pronouns. Example: I study- I didn’t study - They played- I didn’t play. He ate- I didn’t eat - We bought- We didn’t buy

Activity II: Writing and Talking about Summer Vacation Objective: Practice negative Past Simple verbs (didn’t + present) and positive Past Simple verbs. Writing: A. Write three things you DIDN’T do over the summer. Example: I didn’t go to the beach :( I didn’t travel to Cartagena. I didn’t ___________________________________________________. I________________________________________________________. B. Write your sentences here: 1.________________________________________________________________________. 2.________________________________________________________________________. 3.________________________________________________________________________.

Pair Work: Teacher Models. Part One: Shoulder Partners A. Partner A: Share 1 sentence. B. Partner B: Changes it to a positive sentence. C. Partner B: Shares sentence. D. Partner A: Changes it to a positive sentence. E. Do for all three sentences. Example Box A. Partner A: “I didn’t go to the beach.” B. Partner B: “I went to the beach.” C. Partner B: “I didn’t travel to Pucon”. D. Partner A: “I ____________________” E. Do for all three sentences. Part Two: Head Partners (OPTIONAL) Repeat process.

Part II: Regular vs Irregular verbs. * Ate/ Walked...what is the difference? *What is a regular verb? 17

*What is an irregular verb?

Regular verbs Verbs that add -ed to make past tense.

Irregular verbs Verbs that do not follow the -ed rule to make the past tense. *These verbs are the most difficult to remember and must be memorized as they don’t have patterns.

Examples: Play ⇒ Played Call ⇒ Called Add more examples: Regular: -

Examples: Wear ⇒ Wore See ⇒ Saw

Irregular: -

Activity I: Fill in the gaps Objective: Memorize past tense verbs. Both regulars and irregulars. 1. Work individually 2. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in the past 3. Write if the verb is regular or irregular. Examples: 0. Watch …..watched….. ⇒ Regular 0. Wear …...wore……… ⇒ Irregular 1. Study ……………………… ⇒ _____________ 2. Eat ………………….….... ⇒ _____________ 3. See …………………..….... ⇒ _____________ 4. Visit …………………….... ⇒ _____________ 5. Go …………………….…. ⇒ _____________ 6. Drink ………………………. ⇒ _____________ 7. Live ………………….……. ⇒ _____________ 8. Buy ………………………. ⇒ _____________ 9. Stay ...……………………. ⇒ _____________ 10. Give ………………………. ⇒ _____________ 11. Sell ………………………. ⇒ _____________ 12. Meet ………………………. ⇒ _____________ Share your answers in your groups of four using the following sentence stem: Each person takes a turn with the sentence stem. (Teacher Models) Sentence stem: I think ___________ becomes ____________ . (verb in present) (verb in past) I think ____________ is a/an _______________ verb. 18

(verb in past)


Examples: ● I think buy becomes bought. ● I think bought is an irregular verb.

Optional Activity: Activity II: Guess the order Instructions: A. Work with a partner B. Write 5 things you did yesterday

Write here your sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. After both finish the sentences: Partner A: Say the sentences in a random order Partner B: Writes them down and tries to order them chronologically.

Write your partner’s sentences here: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. *After 3 minutes: Partner B: Tell your partner what the correct order is. Partner A: Say right or wrong. *If your partner is correct you switch, if incorrect Partner B has an extra minute to guess the chronological order. Activity II: Speaking Activity Partner Speaking Activity: 1. With your shoulder partner share four(4) experiences from last summer using past tense verbs. 2. With your head partner share four(4) experiences from last summer. Share with the class: 3. Share with the class the favorite experience that you heard. Use the sentence stem: Sentence stem: My favorite experience was ……………’s., he/she ……………………….. last summer. (Name of student) ( action/event)


Examples: My favorite experience was Carla’s, she travelled to Arica last summer. My favorite experience was Andres’, he met Alexis Sanchez last summer. My favorite experience was Javiera´s, she sold clothes last summer. Contract Check In A. Independently fix the mistakes B. If sentence is correct mark C. C. Check answers in groups of four (Each person says their answer, and group decides if correct). 1. I goed to the movies yesterday. 2. Last summer, I went to the beach. 3. Last weekend, I didn’t went to the mall. 4. I watched TV yesterday. 5. I ated a hamburger last week. 6. I didn’t ate a hot dog. 7. I tooked the bus yesterday. 8. I didn’t took the metro. 9. Yesterday I boughted pants in the center. 10. I didn’t buy a shirt.

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

Unit 4: Class 4 Objectives: By the end of this class you will be able to: Grammar: - Ask and answer closed questions in the past *SPR: ASK CLOSED QUESTIONS: Objective: To ask and answer closed questions using the present tense. A. Challenge: Fill in the correct auxiliary in 30 seconds! B. When your teacher says stop: check as a group, each person taking turns to answer. ____________ you walk to school every day? ____________ she wake up at 8:00? ____________ Claudia thin? ____________ you a doctor? ____________ you go to the gym? ____________ Raimundo a tour guide? ____________ you sometimes take the bus? ____________ he always late? C. Put a check with the answers the group has in common. Think about:


When do you use do/does?_________________ When do you use is/are? ___________________

Part I: Closed Questions in the Past Simple

Example: Do you play tennis every day? ----- Did you play tennis yesterday? Do you eat fruit every day? -----_____________________________? ______________________-----_____________________________? Closed Questions and Answers: Use: Specific questions about actions in the past. Formula: Did + subject + verb? Notice: We always use did, even for he/she/it. Examples: - Did you go shopping yesterday? - Did she go shopping yesterday? Closed (Yes/No) Questions:


Did you go to school yesterday?

Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

Did he arrive late?

Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.

Create your own examples! -

Activity I: Grammar Application Put in the correct verb form into the gap. Use Simple Past. Examples: 0. ____Did_____ he ____go_____ to the movies last night? ( Go ) 0. ____Did_____ your sisters _______ for the test? ( Study ) 0. ___________ Claudia and Fernanda _________ last summer? ( Work )


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

__________ you __________ my father last night? ( Call ) __________ she __________ Torres del Paine two years ago? ( Visit ) __________ Alejandro and Patricia __________ my pizza? ( Eat ) __________ we ___________ that movie last week? ( Watch ) __________ you ___________ basketball a year ago? ( Play ) __________ Esteban ___________ that red hat last Sunday? ( Buy ) __________ your boyfriend ________ his friends yesterday? ( Meet )

Activity II: Pair Work. Do with Head Partners Partner A : Say one verb in the present ( regular or irregular ) Partner B: Create a closed question Partner A: Answer ( positive or negative ) *Do three times and then switch. Example: Partner A: Travel Partner B: Did she travel? Partner A: Yes, she did / No, she didn’t

Part II: Past simple negative closed questions


Negative closed questions. Use: Questions to verify if an action happened or didn’t happen. Formula: Didn’t + subject + verb? *Notice: We always use didn’t, even for he/she/it. Examples: - Didn’t you call me yesterday? - Didn’t she call me yesterday? Auxiliary (+ n’t) / subject / verb + rest

Yes/No + subject + auxiliary (+ n’t)

Didn’t you call me yesterday?

Yes, I did / No, I didn’t.

Activity I: Complete the following closed questions table with the information provided with Shoulder Partners.

Sentence Stem: I think the question/ answer is_________________ Positive questions

Negative questions


0. Did he arrive?

Didn’t he arrive?

Yes, he did.

0. Did Mariana buy new clothes?

……. Mariana buy new clothes?

No, ………...

0. Did your friends play rugby?



1. Did Mr. Perez called your parents?


2. Did Amaro go to the party?


3. Did she visit her boyfriend last Monday?


4. Did they wear hats last summer?


5. Did Francisca talk to her friends?


6. Did your brothers eat cake a week ago?


7. Did your dog run last weekend?


8. Did she meet with her parents yesterday?


B. Share with head partners. Sentence Stem: The question/answer we put was____________________. C. Each partner takes a turn sharing an answer and a question.

Part III: Closed Questions. Clues?

Activity I: Game⇒

Instructions: 1. Work in groups of four. 2. Individually each person chooses 1 verb, writes it down in both the base form and past. 3. Students then write down the corresponding time expressions. 4. After all have finished writing the group turns to person A. 5. Each person takes turns trying to guess the action and time expression by asking 1 closed question, until the answer is discovered. Did + Subject + Verb + Time Expression? 6. Then move on to the next partner. 7. Teacher gives example. Base form: Past Form: When:


Play - Wear - See - Study - Use Give - Return - Eat - Talk - Like

Time Expressions:

Last summer- Last night - Last monthLast year- Last Monday-3 days ago- 2 23

Visit - Meet - Arrived - Take - Go Call - Watch - Buy - Read - Lived

months ago- A year ago- A month ago- In 2012 -Yesterday. (Extra Box if finished early)

Base form: ……………. Past form: ……………… When (Time Expression): ……………….

Base Form: ……………. Past form:……………… When (Time Expression):……………….

Activity II: What did you do last night?- Pictionary

Example: Did you watch t.v last night? Did you study English last night? A. One correct answer equals a point B. After 2 verbs the group member changes C. When you have finished ( 10 verbs) you can count your points.

Contract check-in: Pair Work. Objective: To ask and answer closed questions in the past simple. A. Work with your shoulder partner. Partner A: Say one verb in the past simple. Partner B: Create a closed question. Partner A: Answer (positive or negative). *SWITCH Example: Partner A: Studied Partner B: Did you study? Partner A: Yes, I did. B. Now work with your head partner Partner A: Say one verb Partner B: Create a closed question Partner A: Answer (positive or negative) *SWITCH

Unit 4 - Class 5. *SPR


Objective: Open Questions in Present Simple

Write the question for the given answer. Example: 1. The stadium is in el centro. 2. I have English class at 4:00. 3. I live with my sister. 4. My name is Tomas.

Where is the stadium? When does she have class? _______ do you live with? _____________________?

1. Max is Jane’s brother. 2. The school is in Maipú. 3. The show starts at 6:00. 4. My name is Raquel.

Question 1:_______________________________________________________________? Question 2:_______________________________________________________________? Question 3:_______________________________________________________________? Question 4:_______________________________________________________________? Objectives: By the end of this class you will be able to: Grammar: Ask positive and negative questions in the simple past. Vocabulary: Remember 9 regular and 7 irregular verbs.

Part I: Regular and Irregular Verb Review Activity I. Objective: See if you have 7 irregular verbs memorized. A. Independently change words to past tense. B. Check with shoulder partners that have the same. C. Check with head partners with head partners.

Activity II: Reading Comprehension A. B. C. D.

Independently underline the words you know. Independently write the Spanish translation. Independently answer the questions. In groups of four: - Check answers. - Underline new vocabulary. E. Teacher reviews answers and new vocabulary. Last June, Roberto went to Colombia. He decided to go and visit his friend Arturo. He took an airplane from Santiago. When he was there, 25

he saw a lot of cool things. He and Arturo met a lot of interesting people too. Also, they ate a lot of good food. He bought a hat for his girlfriend. When he returned, she wore it everyday. Answer the questions. 1. What did Roberto buy for his girlfriend? a. a cat b. a bag c. a hat

2. When did Roberto go to Colombia? a. 1 year ago b. last June c. last month

3. Who did he meet? a. Interesting people b. Arturo c. an airplane

4. Who did he buy the hat for? a. Roberto b. Arturo c. His girlfriend

5. Where did he go? a. Colombia b. Santiago c. a restaurant

6. Why did Roberto go? a. to buy a hat b. to visit Arturo c. to fly

F. Closing: Raise your hand, and tell your teacher the past tense verbs you notice.

Part II: Past Simple Questions Grammar: Past Simple Questions What does Roberto buy for his girlfriend? What did Roberto buy for his girlfriend? What is different between the two questions? ____________

Past Simple Questions: Positive Use: General questions about the past which have an answer. Formula: Question Word + did + subject + main verb + complement + ? Wh words Who: ______,When: ______,What: ______,Why: ______,Where: ______, ______,How ______ Examples: What did you do last Saturday? When did you go to Puc贸n? Where did you buy that shirt? Activity IV. Objective: Practice the formula of open questions. Instructions: A. Independently write the question in the correct order. B. Switch with shoulder partners. C. Shoulder partners correct.



1. went / park / Who / to / the? ____________________________________________________________? 2. Paola / Where / meet / you / did? ____________________________________________________________? 3. sandwich / the / eat / Why / you / did? ____________________________________________________________? 4. What / name / was / his ? ____________________________________________________________? 5. shirt / buy / you / did / When / the? ____________________________________________________________? 6. party / to / have / the / Who / decided? ____________________________________________________________? Remember! In Negatives and Questions: Verbs are in infinitive because did/didn’t is in past!

Activity V. Objective: Practice writing open questions with did + subject + infinitive. A. Independently write the questions. Examples: 0. Answer: We went to the zoo. 0. Question: Where _did you go_____? 00. Answer: We ate hamburgers. 00. Question: What_________________________________________?

1. Answer: We went to the movies. Question: Where ___________________________________________? 1. Answer: Julio ate dinner at my house. Question: Who ____________________________________________? 1. Answer: We went because it was Easter. Question: Why_____________________________________________? 1. Answer: Camila ate the chicken. Question: What ____________________________________________? 1. Answer: My mother bought it last year. Question: When ____________________________________________it? 1. Answer: A man took the coca-cola. Question: What ___________________________________________? A. Check in your groups (each person taking turns to read their answer). Sentence Stems: Person who shares answer: I think number _____ is_______________? All other group members: I agree/ I disagree. Activity VI. 27

Read the example then answer the questions. A. Your Teacher talks about their adventure at Fantasilandia. Your Teacher’s Adventure in Santiago! Who: My mother Where: Fantasilandia When: 2 weeks ago What: Celebrate and play Why: My Birthday B. Together as a class create questions for your teacher. Questions: 1. Who_____________________________________________________________? 2. Where___________________________________________________________? 3. When____________________________________________________________? 4. What____________________________________________________________? 5. Why_____________________________________________________________? C. As a class ask your teacher these questions. Your teacher answers. D. Write about your own adventure. Your Adventure in Santiago! Who:___________________________________________________________________ Where:_________________________________________________________________ When:__________________________________________________________________ What:___________________________________________________________________ Why:___________________________________________________________________ E. Head Partners: Ask your partner the open questions from above and your partner answers. F. Switch. G. Shoulder Partners: Repeat.

Contract Check-In. Objective: - Remember the past tense form of 9 regular and irregular verbs - Remember the structure for closed questions. A. Write the verb in English. Then, write the past tense form. Spanish Verb

English Verb


Past Tense





2. tomar



3. comer



4. ir



5. encontrar



6. ser/estar



7. volver/regresar



8. ver



9. comprar



B. Write 2 closed past simple questions. ___________________________________________________________________? ___________________________________________________________________? C. Switch with your shoulder partner, have them correct.

Unit 4 : Class 6 Objectives: By the end of this class you will be able to: Grammar: Correctly use the past simple in positive and negative forms. Vocabulary: Correctly use the time expressions last and ago.

What did you do last weekend? Part I: Past Simple Review Grammar Review: Past Simple Regular (see page 16-17) Activity I. Fill-in the text with the correct past tense verb.

Pamela’s Canadian Adventure Pamela ___lived___(live) in Chile, but she ____________(want) to live in Canada. She __________(decide) to visit last winter. When she ________(arrive), she ___________(call) her mom to tell her how nice it was. She __________(stay) for 2 months as an exchange student. She ________(like) all of the people and her host family, but after 2 months she ___________(want) to see her family and friends in Chile. When she 29

_____________(return), she was very happy. She __________(like) her time in Canada, but knew it was not home. A. Fill in independently. B. Teacher reads. Copy the teacher’s pronunciation with regular verbs. C. Answer the questions in English. 1. Pamela is _____________. a. Canadian b. Chilean c. Chileno

2. When did Pamela go to Canada? a. Last winter b. 2 years ago c. exchange

3. The best meaning of “host family” is ______________. a. parientes b. compañeros de casa c. familia anfitriona

4. Pamela was happy/sad to return to Chile.

5. She was in Canada for ___________. a. 2 weeks b. 2 months c. Last winter

6. The best meaning of the word “exchange” is ______________. a. intercambio b. extraño c. alumno

Grammar Review: Past Simple Irregular Irregular Verbs Present Wear Give Eat Sell Say Meet Take Go Buy See

Past Wore Gave Ate Sold Said Met Took Went Bought Seen

Activity II A. Choral Repetition: Repeat past simple verbs. B. Choral Repetition: Teacher says present, You say past. C. Choral Repetition: Teacher says present, You say past (without looking at book). Shoulder Partners- Test each other. Partner A: Word present Partner B: Word in past, Switch. Head Partners- Test Each other Partner A: Word present


Partner B: Word in past, Switch.

Activity III. Circle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

the correct past tense form. Yesterday, I buyed/bought some bread. Julia and I talked/ taught on the phone last week. We went/goed to England 1 year ago. She eat/ate 2 hamburgers last night. They wented/wanted to go to the beach last weekend. Two weeks ago, you selled/sold your car.

Check! -

with your head partner. Then with your teacher.

Part II: Past Simple Negative Grammar Review: Past Simple Negative (see page 12) Activity I. Objective: Practice changing to negative past simple Instructions: A. Everything Fernando says is false. Change the sentences to make them true. B. Use the sentence stem to change them with your shoulder partner:

Sentence Stem: I think the negative version is __________________. -

Fernando: Last week, I went to Spain. That’s not true! You___didn’t go__ to Spain last week! Fernando: Two weeks ago, I ate an entire cake. That’s not true! You_____________________ an entire cake two weeks ago! Fernando: Yesterday, I wore a red shirt. That’s not true! You_____________________a red shirt yesterday! Fernando: Last summer, I travelled to Madrid. That’s not true! You_____________________ to Madrid last summer! Fernando: 3 days ago, my father took my car away. ,k That’s not true! Your father ___________________ your car away 3 days ago. Fernando: Last June, I visited Mauricio in Concepción. That’s not true! You ___________________ Mauricio in Concepción last June.

Part III: Past Time Expressions Last v. Ago Last: We use last with the past to talk about a specific time in history. Grammar: Last + point in time Examples: last week, last Sunday, last month, last Christmas, last summer


Ago: We use ago to mark the amount of time that has passed. Grammar: Ago + quantity of time. Example: Two months ago, three years ago, five hours ago.

Activity I: Apply Immediately!!!! Objective: Practice deciding which is the correct word: Ago or Last. A. Fill in Last or Ago with your group. B. Check as a class. C. Tell your teacher why you choose last v. ago using the sentence stem. Sentence Stem: My group put in last because _______ is a point in time. My group put in ago because _______ is a quantity of time.

1. I went on vacation________ Wednesday. 2. I bought the jacket three days _______. 3. I went to the feria _______week. 4. My mother gave me the jacket two months________. 5. My brother came to visit _________ summer. 6. My boyfriend and I went salsa dancing three days ________. 7. My best friend was late for school_________ week. Activity II: Calendar. Objective: Practice using ago and last Use the calendar to answer the questions with ago or last according to the word in the box. Monday - Math Test 10 am Monday - English Test



- Football practice - English essay 6 pm Tuesday


- Football practice - Science Test 6 pm



- Dinner with Dad - Party @ Javiera’s Thursday - Bachata Class 8 pm

Example: When did Maria go to Bachata class? She went 3 days ago She went last Thursday


- Football match 2 - Beach with pm friends :)




- Dancing at Club - Dinner with - Study!!! Mundo Pablo and Maikol

. (ago) . (Last)

Instructions: A. Do independently. B. Check answers out loud with head partner. (Partner A: #1-3, Partner B: #4-7) 1. When did she eat dinner with her dad? She ate dinner with her dad___________________________________(Ago). 2. When did she go to the beach with her friends? They went to the beach______________________________________(Ago). 3. When did she take her English Test.? She took her English test____________________________________(Last). 4. When did she have football practice? She had football practice____________________________________(Last). 5. When did she go dancing at Club Mundo? 32


She went dancing at Club Mundo______________________________(Last). 6. When did she go to Javiera’s Party? She went to Javiera’s party___________________________________(Ago). 7. When did she write her English essay? She wrote her English essay__________________________________(Ago).

Activity III: Writing Objective: Practice using past simple with time expressions Instructions: Choose 4 time expressions in the box. Write four sentences. last weekend three days ago two weeks ago one day ago last christmas last summer last week last month last Thursday 1 month ago A. Teacher models example. B. Write sentences independently. C. Share with shoulder partner. D. Shoulder partner corrects any errors. 1.____________________________________________________________________. 2.____________________________________________________________________. 3.____________________________________________________________________. 4.____________________________________________________________________.

Contract Check-in Objective -

Correctly use the past simple in both positive and negative forms. Correctly use time expressions last and ago.

POP QUIZ! Write C if the sentence is correct. If incorrect, make the changes. 0. I went to the park ago Friday. (last) 1. She didn’t believed what Carlos said.

____ ____

2. Last Wednesday, my family ate turkey.


3. Maria weared a blue dress on Saturday.


4. One week ago, I bought my new phone.


5. We bought a car three days last.


6. My mother visiteed my aunt last week.


Unit 4 - Class 7. *SPR Review: To Be Write the correct present tense form of the verb to be. 33


We_________________ You______________



Objectives: By the end of this class you will be able to: Grammar: Use the past tense of the verb to be. Vocabulary: Remember 8 words about weather and vacation spots.

Part I: Past Tense of to Be Grammar Explanation: Past tense of to be. I ___was____

We ____were_____ You ___were_____

He/She/It _____ was_______

They _____were______

Examples: - I was a blonde baby. - He was fat, but now he is thin. - We were in the same class last year.

Negative Form We______weren’t_________

I _____wasn’t________

You ______weren’t_________ He/she/it_______wasn’t__________


Examples: - You weren’t in class last week. - I wasn’t tall in 5th grade. - Three weeks ago, we weren’t at the beach.


Use: We use the past tense of to be to talk about: - Past physical characteristics (size, shape, age) Example: He was blonde last year. We were 8 years old when we went to Peru. - Past locations. Example: My old apartment was on Calle Arenal. -

Past feelings or emotions. Example: You were so sad last week.

*Don’t forget! Look at time expression to tell if you need the past or present tense form.


Activity I. Objective: Remember the correct conjugation of To Be Instructions: Independently, circle the correct word. - Check! with your head partners. *Read the sentence to practice pronunciation. - Check! as a class. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Two years ago, they was/were in Primero Medio. I was/were 14 years old last May. We was/were so sad when Colo Colo lost the game. Tamara was/were at the beach during the earthquake. The ball was/were in the park yesterday. You was/were in the the mall last weekend.

Activity II (OPTIONAL) Instructions: Independently fill-in the blank with the correct past or present form of to be. *Don’t forget to use time expressions to help you! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Yesterday, I ___________ so happy to see my dog. He ______ 22 years old today. My pen _____________ here last week. They ______________ always very tired when they have school. Marta __________ tall and has blonde hair. Three days ago, it __________ very rainy. Last summer, we _________ at the beach. You___________ so excited to go swimming!

Check! with shoulder partners using sentence stem. Sentence Stem: I think the correct answer in number ____ is ______________.

Activity III. Listen as your teacher reads about Chuy’s life. Chuy’s Story -


My name is Chuy. I am short and fat. My house is on Rainey Street. I am in 7th grade. My friends are Julio and Rocio. Julio is blonde. Rocio is a brunette. We are best friends.

Now, Chuy is two years older. Change the information in the first story into the past to see how he changed. A. Do with shoulder partner. B. Check with head partner to see if their answers are the same. C. Focus on the correct version of was/were. -

Charles’ Story _________His name was Chuy________. Now, his name is Charles. ______________________________. Now, he is tall and thin. ______________________________. Now, his house is on Sunshine Avenue. ______________________________. Now, he is in 1st grade of High School. 35



______________________________. ______________________________. ______________________________. ______________________________.

Now, his friends are Ricardo and Carlos. Now, Julio is a red head. Now, Rocio’s hair is grey. Now, they aren’t best friends.

Now it’s your turn! Write three things about yourself and how they have changed. (OPTIONAL) My Story 1. Past:____________________________________________. Now,____________________________________________. 1. Past:____________________________________________. Now,____________________________________________. 1. Past:____________________________________________. Now,____________________________________________.

Part II: Vocabulary Travel Brainstorm--Vacation Write any vacation words you can think of in the box.

Activity I. Match the words to their pictures. Work with your shoulder partner using the sentence stem. Then write down the word in Spanish. Sentence Stem: I think ____________ goes with picture ___. (English word) (number)


a. the beach___ b. the mountains___ c. the desert___









d. the lake___ e. the forest___ f.

the river___

g. the city___ h. the countryside ___

***Activity I: Choral Repetition*** 37

Activity II: Partner Memorization with Shoulder Partner.

Part III: Vocabulary Weather Activity I. Instructions: Work with head partner to circle the correct weather expression - Use the Sentence Stem Sentence Stem: I think the correct answer is_____________.

a. It’s raining. b. It’s cloudy. a. It’s hot. b. It’s foggy.

a. It’s cold. b. It’s sunny. a. It’s sunny b. It’s snowing. a. The weather’s nice. b. It’s snowing.

a. It’s snowing b. It’s cloudy.

a. It’s raining. b. The weather’s nice. a. It’s cloudy. b. It’s hot.


Activity II: Battleship! Teacher models. A. Play with head partner. B. Put an “X” on 3 squares below. C. Do NOT show your partner your paper. D. Say a weather expression or vacation spot and try to “hit” your partners “X”s. E. Say “hit” if they guess correctly and “miss” if they do not. F. Hit all of your partners “X”s to win! Example: Partner A: It’s raining. Partner B: Miss Partner A: It’s Sunny. Partner B: Hit!


It’s cloudy.

It’s foggy.

It’s snowy.



It’s hot.

It’s raining.




It’s sunny.


It’s cold.


The weather’s nice.

Extra Wow Activity: Write three sentences about your last vacation. Two with was, 1 with a verb. Example: I was at the beach. It was sunny. I ate ice-cream. 39

1. _________________________________________________________. 2. _________________________________________________________. 3. _________________________________________________________.

Contract Check-in Objective: - Remember 8 words about weather and vacation spots. Pair work (shoulder partners): Student A says word in Spanish. Student B says word in English Switch. Student A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Student B

Hace calor. Las montañas El campo Está nublado. ____________________. ____________________. ____________________. ____________________.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

____________________. ____________________. ____________________. ____________________. La playa Está lloviendo. La ciudad Hace frío.

Unit 4 - Class 8. Review: Past of to be. Fill-in the chart with the past tense of to be.


We_________________ You______________



Objectives: By the end of this class you will be able to: Grammar: Correctly use past tense questions and the past form of to be. Vocabulary: Remember 8 words about weather and vacation spots.

*Grammar Review: Past Simple Questions (see pages 21-22) Activity I. Individually circle the correct answer. 1. What did you do last Saturday? a. I saw him running. b. I went to the beach. c. He called his mom. 2. Who did you see at the mall three days ago? a. I saw Felipe. b. We called his dad. c. I ate pizza. 40

3. Where was the movie yesterday? a. He was in Plaza Italia. b. I saw Margarita. c. It was in the mall. 4. Why didn’t he call us? a. There was a man with a cat. b. He was at a football match. c. We saw six boats on the river. 5. When was the basketball game? a. He was three weeks ago. b. Martin travelled there. c. It was at 3 o’clock. 6. Who believed that he was lying? a. Tamara thought he was. b. Liz and Raquel were there. c. I went to the hotel.

Activity II. Answer the questions below individually. Then, take turns asking and answering questions with shoulder partners.

The Interview 1. What was your favorite food as a child? Me:___________________________________________________________________. Partner:________________________________________________________________. 2. What was your favorite color? Me:___________________________________________________________________. Partner:________________________________________________________________. 3. Who did you live with as a child? Me:___________________________________________________________________. Partner:________________________________________________________________. 4. Who was your best friend? Me:___________________________________________________________________. Partner:________________________________________________________________. 5. When did you learn how to ride a bike? Me:__________________________________________________________________. Partner:_______________________________________________________________. 6. Where did you live as a child? Me:__________________________________________________________________. Partner:_______________________________________________________________. 7. _________________________________________________________________________? Me:__________________________________________________________________. Partner:_______________________________________________________________. 8. _________________________________________________________________________? Me:__________________________________________________________________. Partner:_______________________________________________________________. Then, write 2 questions to ask your shoulder partners. Take turns asking and answering questions with your shoulder partners. (OPTIONAL) Share your responses with head partners. *Grammar Review: Past Simple of to be (see pages 34-35)

Activity III. Fill-in the paragraph with the correct past tense form of to be. *(-) means you need a response in the negative form. 41

A Lonely Day It _________ a rainy day. There __________(-) anyone in the streets. There _______ a dog chasing a ball. I __________ sad because my boyfriend ___________ on vacation. We ___________(-) going to see each other for one week. Then, my phone rang. It __________ him! He returned early so we ___________ happy again. Check! Follow along as your teacher reads. Then, practice reading with your head partner. Activity IV. Correct the mistakes. Write “C” if the sentence is correct. X was 0. Last week, Barbara weres with her mom at the park. ___ 0. My dog was 3 years old two years ago. _C_ 1. Yesterday, I were in Valparaíso. ___ 2. My mother was 22 years old in 1983.


3. I weren’t very tall in first grade.


4. My brother and I was at school two days ago.


5. The trees was so green last summer.


6. You were the best dancer in the school.


7. She were in San Francisco last year.


8. They was wearing orange pants yesterday.


Check! with shoulder partners using sentence stem. Sentence Stem - I think this is incorrect. I think the correct sentence is_________________________________. - I think this sentence is correct.

Part II: Vocabulary Review: Weather & Vacations Activity I. Circle the sentence that matches the picture. a. I went to the mountains last week. b. I went to the beach last week.

a. It’s sunny. b. It’s cloudy.

a. Maria visited the beach three days ago. b. Maria was by the river yesterday.

a. It’s snowing. b. It’s foggy.


a. As a child, Victor lived in the countryside. b. Victor travelled to the city last autumn.

a. The weather’s nice. b. It’s cold.

a. My family went on holiday in the desert. b. We travelled to the big lake.

a. It’s snowing. b. It’s foggy.

Check your answers with a partner using the sentence stem: Sentence Stem: I think the correct sentence is____________________________.

Activity II. Follow along as your teacher reads.

Write 3 sentences in the past tense about a real or imaginary holiday.


Activity III. Work with your head partner. Partner A: Say the number corresponding to a photo in chart. Partner B: Say the word in English the goes with the picture. Partner A: Write the word that partner B says. Switch.













Contract Check-in. 44

Objectives: - Remember vocabulary about weather expressions and vacation spots. - Check your knowledge of the past simple.

Check Yourself! Circle true or false based on the information. 1. It is usually hot in the winter. 2. There is a lot of water in the desert. 3. We use the auxiliary “did” to ask past questions. 4. You can swim in the river. 5. “Eated” is the past tense of “eat.” 6. There are trees in the forest.

True True True True True True

False False False False False False

Unit 4: Class 9. Objectives: By the end of this class you will be able to: Grammar: - Talk about the past using Past simple in positive and negative form - Ask answer questions about the past. Vocabulary: - Remember: 9 Regular verbs, 7 Irregular verbs, 4 Weather words and 4 Vacation spots.

*Grammar Review: Past Simple (see page 16-17) Activity I: Fill in the sentences in the Past Simple. 1. Individually put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use Past Simple.

2. Look at the examples. Examples: 0. I ___went____ (go) to my friend’s house last week. 0. She _didn’t visit__ (not/ visit) Torres del Paine a year ago. 0. They _______(not/Call) the school yesterday.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Carolina ___________________ (not/ arrive) yesterday. Your parents _______________ (buy) a new car two days ago. I ________________ (not/like) oranges when I was a child. We _______________ (not/live) in Santiago in 1998. My teacher _______________ (study) English five years ago. He _______________ (not/stay) home last night. My sisters _______________ (not/ see) you last weekend.

Activity II: Speaking application. Instructions: 1. Get in head partners. 2. Create three sentences about your partner in the past (can be positive or negative and without asking your partner). Examples: 45

Partner A: You went to a party last Saturday. Partner B: Show thumbs up. Partner A: Circle True next to the sentence.

Write your sentences here: 1. _____________________________________________

True False

2. _____________________________________________

True False

3. _____________________________________________

True False

Activity III: Memorization Instructions: 1. Work with your shoulder partner. Partner A: Read one of the sentences from the last exercise. (Can be positive or negative) Partner B: Say the same sentence in the opposite form (if it was negative turn it positive, if positive turn it negative) Examples: Partner A: You went to a party last Saturday. Partner B: You didn’t go to a party last Saturday.

Part II: Closed/Open questions. Closed questions Did + subject + verb? Examples: - Did you go shopping yesterday? - Did she go shopping yesterday?

Open questions Question Word + did + subject + main verb + complement + ? Examples: What did you do last Saturday? When did you go to Pucón? Where did you buy that shirt?

Activity I: What’s the type of question? - Independently decide if the questions are closed or open. - Answer the questions using an appropriate answer. - When you finish Check! with your shoulder partner. Example: 0. Where did you travel last winter vacation? Open Closed _____I travelled to Rancagua________ 0. Did you call Ricardo yesterday? Open Closed ____________________________ 0. Who went to your birthday party? Open Closed ____________________________ 1. Who did she want to see? Open ________________________________________ 2. Didn’t he like the movie? Open _________________________________________ 3. When did you play hockey? Open ___________________________________________ 4. Why did you arrive late? Open 46

Closed Closed Closed Closed

__________________________________________ 5. Did you work yesterday? ___________________________________________



Part III: Regular vs Irregular. Regular Verbs

Irregular Verbs

Talked Asked Liked Lived Travelled Returned Used Arrived Called Stayed Believed Decided Visited Wanted

Wore Gave Ate Sold Said Met Took Went Bought Saw Read (� /red/) Was / Were

Activity I: Circle the ending. - Work individually to select the right ending of each verb and circle it. Example: 0. Arrived /t/ / d / This is the correct answer, listen to your teacher and repeat. / id / 0. Helped / t / This is the correct answer, can you pronounce it? /d/ / id / 0. Walked /t/ /d/ / id / 1. Talked /t/ /d/ / id / 2. Used /t/ /d/ / id / 3. Decided /t/ /d/ / id / 4. Played /t/ /d/ / id / 5. Lived /t/ /d/ / id / 6. Believed / t / /d/ / id /

Activity II: Matching. -

Match and write the following verbs in the past next to the images. Share your answers with your head partners using the sentence stem

Sentence stem: I think …..(picture number)..... is ………(verb)……… Examples: I think ….three… is ..believed… I think….…… is ….wore…..


Verb bank: -Study -Call

- Eat


- Watch








Part IV: Weather and Vacation spots.

Pictionary: Instructions. - Work with your shoulder partner. - Decide on a drawer (A) and a guesser (B). - Partner A: Draws a weather expression: Partner B: Must guess the expression. - When you get 7 correct, Switch! Activity I: Word search. - Read the following words. - Find them and circle them. Words: Beach / River / Lake / Countryside / Vacation spots Cloudy / Hot / Cold / Sunny / Weather V










































































































































































Contract check-in Work with your head partner. Partner A: Ask three vocabulary words (same category of words) in Spanish Partner B: Answer in English and identify the category *AFTER TWO CATEGORIES YOU SWITCH! Example: Partner A: Soleado, Nublado ,Frio Partner B:Sunny, Cloudy, Cold … Weather vocabulary.

Workshop Unit 4 Unit 4: Workshop 1 What are some present verbs? What are those verbs in the past? Example: (Present) I travel to the beach every weekend. Example: (Past) I travelled to Valdivia last summer. Write two sentences in present about what you do every weekend. Every weekend I…... a. C. Write two sentences in past about what you did last weekend. Last weekend I……. a.

4. Reading Comprehension 1: a. Individually underline and translate the words you recognize in the reading and in the questions. (Write the Spanish meaning above) B. Compare with a partner. Write down words your partner has which you don’t. C. Answer the questions as best you can with a partner. D. Circle the words you don’t know. Ask the teacher. Write down new words you learned. E. Review your previous answers. Do you think something different? F. Teacher reviews answers.

Michael Jordan Michael Jordan was one of the best basketball players of all time. He was born in the year 1963 in the city of Brooklyn, New York. Soon after he was born, his parents moved the family to Wilmington, North Carolina. Michael was great at sports at a very young age. He played basketball in high school but was eliminated from his team in 10 th grade because he was not scoring enough points. That summer, he grew 4 more inches and was soon back on the team. During that time, he averaged 25 points a game. He was good enough that he received a scholarship called “McDonald’s High school All-American scholarship.” He was able to go to the University of North Carolina for free on that scholarship. 49

In his first year of college, Michael Jordan hit the winning shot in the final game of the season. As a senior, he earned an award as the top basketball player in college basketball. At this point, Jordan decided to leave North Carolina University and enter the National Basketball Association's (NBA) draft. The NBA is where Jordan became a legend. He won rookie of the year in just his first year! He won many slam dunk contests and scored more than anyone else in the league. Before long, he was known as the most famous athlete in the world! He starred in hit songs and movies like “Space Jam.” He was also signed by many of the most famous companies in the world such as, Nike, Haines, Gatorade, McDonalds, Wheaties, and MCI.








Michael Jordan eliminated from, his high school team for not scoring enough points in 9th grade. a. Right b. Wrong c. Does not say Michael Jordan received the “McDonald’s High School All-American” scholarship. a. Right b. Wrong c. Does not say In college, Michael Jordan did not make the winning shot of the game. a. Right b. Wrong c. Does not say What was the name of the movie that Michael Jordan starred in? a. “Like Mike” b. “All Star” c. “Space Jam” What character did Michael Jordan play in his hit movie? a. The little boy b. The father c. Does not say Burger King was one of the big companies that sponsored Michael Jordan. a. Right b. Wrong c. Does not say Michael Jordan was signed by Gatorade. a. Right b. Wrong c. Does not say

Brain Break ! Past/ Present Practice Activity Present


Talk Ask Like Live Travel Return Use Arrive Call Stay

Talked Asked Liked Lived Travelled Returned Used Arrived Called Stayed


Believe Decide Visit Want

Believed Decided Visited Wanted

1. Take out a piece of paper and write past tense verb. 2. Make paper into a ball and throw it. 3. Find a new piece of paper. 4. Look at the paper, and create a sentence in your head. (Do not show your paper to your partner) 5. Share sentence with your partner. 6. Your partner will say the correct present tense form of the verb you used. Reading Comprehension 2 1. Individually underline and translate the words you recognize in the reading and in the questions. (Write the Spanish meaning above) 2. Compare with a partner. Write the words your partner has which you don’t. 3. Answer the questions as best you can with a partner. 4. Circle the words you don’t know. Ask the teacher. Write new words you learned. 5. Review your previous answers. Do you think something different? 6. Teacher reviews answers.

Tsunamis What is a tsunami? First of all, it is no everyday wave. Wind and tides are the foundation of the common ocean waves. Wind blowing along the ocean’s surface causes waves on the surface. Tides cause the ocean to move regularly, pulling water toward the shore, and pulling it away. This is what also causes the waves we typically see at the beach. A tsunami is different than a common wave. It is a huge wave caused by something that cannot be seen above the water or on shore. Usually tsunamis are caused by a sudden disturbance beneath the sea. They can also be caused by other parts of nature. Landslides can cause tsunamis. Erupting volcanoes and less commonly, large asteroids falling into the sea from space, can also cause a tsunami. Most of the time though, tsunamis are caused by earthquakes. Tsunamis are caused when one part of the sea floor rises, and the water above it rises, too. At the same time, another part of the sea floor drops. The water above it drops. ` The rising and falling of the water creates a giant wave. The wave can travel at speeds of up to 965 kilometers an hour. It makes tons of water move. Yet if you were in a boat at sea and a tsunami passed, you would barely notice it. This is because in the middle of the ocean, a tsunami has plenty of room to spread out.

1. What does the author mean by the word everyday in the second sentence, “First of all, it is no everyday wave?” a. Tsunamis happen everyday. b. Tsunamis are not like the common ocean wave. c. Earthquakes and tsunamis occur VERY often. 2. Typical waves are caused by wind blowing on the earth’s surface. a. Right b. Wrong c. Does not say 3. The passage states that tsunamis can be caused by severe disturbances beneath the sea, large asteroids from space and what other type of natural occurrence? a. Much rain b. Landslides 51

c. Lightning 4. Tsunamis are caused when the sea floor drops and all water around that floor drops too. No water rises. a. Right b. Wrong c. Does not say 5. Up to how many kilometers an hour can a tsunami move? a. 100 b. 550 c. 965 6. If you were out at sea on a boat when a tsunami hit, would you notice it? a. Yes b. No c. Does not say 7. The author makes tsunamis seem as though they enjoyable. a. Yes b. No

Unit 4: Workshop 2 Listening Comprehension Tanya: Hi, I’m Tanya! What’s your _______? (name/age) Jing: Hello, my name is Jing. Tanya: Nice to meet you Jing, what ____________ (room/class) are you in? Jing: I’m in class ___, (1B/3A) and you? Tanya: Me too! I’m in class __ (3A/1B) too! Jing: Who’s our ____________? (boss/teacher) Tanya: Mr. ________ (Smith/ Rodriguez) Jing: And where’s our ______________? (bedroom/classroom) Tanya: This way, _________ (go/come) with me! Jing: Ok, ___________! (great/ good) a. D. E. F.

Circle words in the text you remember. Write Spanish translation. Answer with your shoulder partner. Read answers to your head partner. If you have the same answer say “I agree.” If not say “I disagree I think the answer it____”.

Circle the correct answer: 1. What setting are the girls in together? (Where are the girls) a. a bedroom b. the mall c. a classroom d. the cafeteria 2. What is the name of the girls teacher? a. Mr. Roberts b. Mr. Smith c. Mr. Rodriguez d. they do not have a teacher. 3. True or False: The girls seem like they will become friends with each other. a. True b. False c. The passage does not say 4. True or False: The girls live in the same neighborhood. a. True 52

b. False c. The passage does not say 5. True or False: The girls are in the same grade in school. a. True b. False c. The passage does not say. 6. The two girls have different teachers. a. True b. False c. The passage does not say

Brain Break! “Who did this?” a. b. c. d. e. f.

Think of a sentence of something you did last summer. Use a verb your teacher brainstormed. Silently write it on the board (in groups of four). If you are sitting, watch to see who wrote what. Do not write anything down! When everyone has finished try to remember who did what activity and record it. When finished share what you wrote using the sentence stem. Teacher reviews who did what. Those who have 10 correct win WOWs.

Last summer experiences...

Who did it?

Sentence stem: I think …………………………. ………………………………. last summer/holiday. (Name of student) (Activity in the past) Examples: I think …Esteban……….. …visited his grandmother…… last summer/holiday.

Unit 4 : Workshop 3 Pictionary!!!!! the beach 53

the mountains the desert the lake the forest the river the city the countryside C. D. E. F. G.

Play in groups of four. Choose a partner. Partner A chooses a word and draws it. Partner B guesses the word. Students have 30 seconds to guess the word, and if they do not guess it they lose their turn. If they guess correct they score a point! H. The other partner does same thing. I. Play until all words have been tried once. Team with most points wins. Reading Comprehension 1 a. Individually underline and translate the words you recognize in the reading and in the questions. (Write the Spanish meaning above) - Individually answer the questions. - Circle new vocabulary you do not recognize. - Ask teacher new vocabulary. Write down. - Teacher reviews answers.

Last Weekend Robert: Hi Alice, what did you do last weekend? Alice: I did a lot of things. On Saturday, I went shopping. Robert: What did you buy? Alice: I bought some new clothes. I also played tennis. Robert: Who did you play? Alice: I played Tom. Robert: Did you win? Alice: Of course I won! Robert: What did you do after your tennis match. Alice: Well, I went home and took a shower and then went out. Robert: Did you eat in a restaurant? Alice: Yes, my friend Jacky and I ate at 'The Good Fork' Robert: Did you enjoy your dinner? Alice: Yes, we enjoyed our dinner very much thank you. We also drank some wonderful wine! Robert: Unfortunately, I didn't go out this weekend. I didn't eat in a restaurant and I didn't play tennis. Alice: What did you do? Robert: I stayed home and studied for my test! Alice: Poor you! Answer the questions. 1. The conversation is about what time period. a. Last year. b. Last weekend. c. Last week. d. This weekend. 2. What did Alice do when she went shopping? a. She played tennis. b. She played with Tom. c. She bought clothes. d. She won. 54

3. What did Alice do immediately after her tennis match? a. She went out. b. She went to a restaurant. c. She took a shower. d. She went home. 4. What did Roberto do last weekend? a. He stayed home. b. He studied. c. He didn’t go out. d. Options A-C.

Review! Closed Questions Did + subject + main verb + complement + ? Examples: Did you get eat empanadas? Did you come to the party? a. Write four questions about your partner’s last birthday. Two for your head partner: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Two for your shoulder partner: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ B. Ask and answer. *Remember Box Remember that in the question the verb is in present. Remember that in the answer the verb is in past. Example: Q: Did you eat empanadas? A: Yes I did. I ate empanadas. Activity II: Create a Dialogue a. In your head partners create a dialogue asking about something in the past (a birthday, last weekend, a vacation). F. You must include at least 5 questions in past and 5 answers in past. G. Practice three times. H. Perform to your shoulder partners. I. Three partners will then perform for the class, while everyone fills out the following rubric. Group 1: __________ and ___________. (Partners) A. Did the group have 5 questions? 5 4 3 2 1 comments

Group 2: __________ and ___________.

B. Did the questions have the formula Did + S + Present verb? 5 4 3 2 1 comments C. Did the answers have correct past verbs? 5 4 3 2 1 comments

B. Did the questions have the formula Did + S + Present verb? 5 4 3 2 1 comments C. Did the answers have correct past verbs? 5 4 3 2 1 comments

D. Did I understand the pronunciation? 5 4 3 2 1 comments

D. Did I understand the pronunciation? 5 4 3 2 1 comments

A. Did the group have 5 questions? 5 4 3 2 1 comments


Group 3: __________ and ___________.

Group 4: __________ and ___________.

A. Did the group have 5 questions? 5 4 3 2 1 comments

A. Did the group have 5 questions? 5 4 3 2 1 comments

B. Did the questions have the formula Did + S + Present verb? 5 4 3 2 1 comments

B. Did the questions have the formula Did + S + Present verb? 5 4 3 2 1 comments

C. Did the answers have correct past verbs? 5 4 3 2 1 comments

C. Did the answers have correct past verbs? 5 4 3 2 1 comments

D. Did I understand the pronunciation? 5 4 3 2 1 comments

D. Did I understand the pronunciation? 5 4 3 2 1 comments

Unit 4: Workshop 4 Reading Comprehension 1 a. Individually underline and translate the words you recognize in the reading and in the questions. (Write the Spanish meaning above) - Compare with a partner. Write down words your partner has which you don’t. - Individually answer the questions as best you can. - Circle the words you don’t know. Ask the teacher. Write down new words you learned. b. Review your previous answers. Do you think something different? c. Teacher reviews answers. The FIFA world cup The FIFA World Cup is an international association of Futbol or soccer. This is a league where the best players from different countries around the world join in teams, and meet to qualify for the championship. The “Federation Internationale de Football Association”, also known as FIFA, is the governing body that is in charge of this match. The championship games only go on once every four years, making it very important for the participating countries. The first tournament was in 1930, and was followed every four years after that. The only two years that the games did not go on was in 1942 and 1946, during the Second World War. The 20 World Cup tournaments have been won by eight different national teams. Brazil has won five times, and they are the only team to have played in every tournament. The other World Cup winners are Italy and Germany, with four titles each. Argentina and Uruguay, have two titles each. Finally, France and Spain, have won one title each. Uruguay was the first country to win the International world cup. Germany was the last and most recent country to win, in the 2014 Brazil games. The World Cup is the most popular, and most viewed sporting event in the world! It even has more viewers the Olympic Games! The last world cup was estimated to have 26.29 billion viewers! People plan big parties, and reunite with friends and family to watch the games. It is a time where countries unite within themselves in order to cheer on their home teams. The 2014 World Cup took place in Brazil. The next two World Cups will be hosted by Russia in 2018 and Qatar in 2022. Will you be one of the many FIFA world cup viewers? 1.

FIFA is the international association for which sport? a. American Football b. Soccer c. Baseball d. Racquetball 56







How often does the world cup commence? a. Once a year b. Every two years c. Twice a year d. Every four years What was the first country to win the world cup? a. U.S.A. b. Brazil c. Germany d. Uruguay Why was there no world cup between the years of 1942 and 1946? a. World war 1 b. World war 2 c. Korean War d. Civil war What country has won the most world cups? a. Germany b. Brazil c. France d. Spain True or False: Spain has won three world cups. a. True b. False c. Does not say True or False: The Olympics is the most viewed sports game. a. True b. False c. Does not say

Review! Weather Expression rainy- lluvioso cloudy- nublado foggy- brumoso hot- calor cold- frio sunny- soleado snowing- nevando warm- caliente Study 10 minutes.  Partner A tests Partner B.  Partner A: Says word in Spanish (looking at book).  Partner B: Says word in English (without looking).  Switch. Reading Comprehension 2 a. Read the passage independently. - Underline and translate word you know. - Answer the questions independently. - Review answers with teacher. Summer Vacation Julio: Hey Tamara! How was your summer? Tamara: It was great! We traveled to the beach! Julio: Really? Where did you go? Tamara: We went to el Quisco. 57

Julio: I love el Quisco! Who did you go with? Tamara: I went with my older brother and his girlfriend. Julio: How was the weather? Tamara: It was sunny every day. Julio: What did you do? Tamara: We went to the beach everyday, and we ate the best empanadas! Julio: Did you go swimming in the beach? Tamara: Yes we did. Julio: Was the water cold or warm? Tamara: It was warm. What did you do on your vacation? Julio: I stayed in Santiago with my family. We had barbecues every weekend. I also practiced by skateboarding. Tamara: Sounds like you had lots of time to relax. Julio: Yes I did. I slept until 12:00 everyday!

1. Where did Tamara go on vacation? a. She went to el Quisco. b. She went to the beach. c. Option A and B. 2. Who did Tamara go with? a. She went with her younger brother. b. She went with her family. c. She went with her older brother. 3. What did she do on the beach. a. She swam in the ocean. b. She slept. c. She ate empanadas. 4. What did Julio not do on vacation? a. Julio didn’t sleep. b. Julio didn’t go to the beach. c. Julio didn’t practice a sports. 5. What season are they in. a. Beginning of the summer. b. Winter. c. Spring. d. End of the summer. Choral Repetition: a. Chorally repeat the dialogue. b. Practice with your partner focusing on pronunciation.

Unit 4: Workshop 5 Listening Comprehension 1 A. All students press play at the same time. B. As a class listen once. C. As a class listen a second time. Underline words recognize. D. Write the Spanish translation. E. Listen a third time, fill in the blank with the correct word. Tamara: Hi, Mario. Do you want to go and watch a ________ (movie/film) ? Mario: Hi, Tamara. Sure, what’s ___ (in/on)? Tamara: Well, there are two _________ (action/fiction) films, Mr. and Mrs. Jones and War Games, and they’re both in 3D. Mario: I’ve already seen Mr and Mrs Jones. I haven’t seen War _______ (fight/games) but I don't really want to see an _________ (fiction/ action) film. What else is ___ (on/in)? 58

Tamara: There’s that science fiction film, Robot 2075, but I’ve already _______ (seen/saw) it. Mario: Is it _______ (good/great) ? Tamara: Yes, it is, but I don't want to see it _______ (again/more). There’s a ________ (special/ romantic) comedy called Forever. Mario: Mmm, I’m not sure. Are there any ________ (horror/horrible) films on? Tamara: Yes, there's Midnight Moon. It's got _________ (vampires/ snakes) in it. Mario: OK, sounds good. Let’s go and watch Midnight Moon. What ______ (time/station) is it on? Tamara: It’s on at 12 o’clock or at half past _____ (five/two). Mario: Is it on this _________ (afternoon/ evening) ? Tamara: Yes, at 7.30. Mario: Perfect. Let’s __ (go/got) at 7.30. Tamara: OK, shall we _______ (stop/meet) at the cinema at 7:00? Mario: Great! See you _________ (later/late). . Tamara: Bye.

F. Once you are finished filling in the correct words, independently do the listening comprehension questions. G. Check with your head partners. 1. What film are Mario and Tamara going to see? a. midnight moon b. war games c. Mr. and Mrs. Jones d. Forever 2. What time does the movie that Tamara and Mario are going to see start? a. 7:00 b. 7:30 c. 8:00 d. 8:30 3. What time till Tamara and Mario meet for the movie? a. 6:00 b. 6:30 c. 7:00 d. 7:30 4. True or False: Mario and Tamara are meeting more friends at the movies? a. True b. False 5. True or False: Mario seems to like Romantic comedy films a. True b. False 6. The first type of film Tamara suggests to watch are: a. romantic comedies b. action films c. horror movies d. dramas 6. What are your favorite types of movies to watch, and why? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 7. The last movie I saw in the theater was “_____________,” it was a ____________ (type of film.) Part I: Your teacher will have you pick three closed questions and two open questions. Partner A: Create the correct question (filling in the blank with the correct answer) Partner B: Answer the question. 59

Switch. Part 2: Choose a number 1-5. Answer talk about that application concept. Part 1 Questions: Copied and Cut, Split into groups. (OPEN) 1. What ____ you ____ last summer? 2. When ________ you ________ to the countryside? 3. Where _______ you ________ last weekend? (CLOSED) 0. ______ you ______ empanadas last summer? ● ______ you ______ go to the beach last summer? ● ______ you _____ a movie last night? ● ______ your friends _______ have a party for you? ● ______ you _________ your grandparents last Sunday? Part 2: Application Concepts: a. Describe your last trip (use regular/irregular verbs, weather/vacation spots, negative and positive sentences) 1. Describe your last weekend (use regular/irregular verbs, weather/vacation spots, negative and positive sentences). 2. Describe your last birthday party. (use regular/irregular verbs, weather/vacation spots, negative and positive sentences). Rúbrica de Evaluación Oral for Application Concepts






Usó menos de 7-8 palabras del vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló.

Usó entre 11-12 palabras de vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló. Vocabulario: A. Verbos pasado (4) B. Clima (2) C. Lugares de vacacionar (2) D. Past Time Expressions(3)

Usó entre 15-16 palabras de vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló Vocabulario: A. Verbos pasado (5) B. Clima (3) C. Lugares de vacacionar (3) D. Past Time Expressions(4)

Usó 20 o más palabras de vocabulario en respuestas del tema del que habló. Vocabulario: A. Verbos pasado (8) B. Clima (4) C. Lugares de vacacionar (5) D. Past Time Expressions(5)

Preguntas y respuestas con entre 4 y 5 errores en sintaxis o conjugación.

Preguntas y respuestas con no más de 2 errores en sintaxis o conjugación.

Vocabulario: A. Verbos pasado (3) B. Clima (1) C. Lugares de vacacionar (1) D. Past Time Expressions(2) Gramática

Preguntas y Respuestas con más de 8 errores.

Preguntas y respuestas con entre 6 y 7 errores en sintaxis o conjugación.


El estudiante pausó más de 5 veces.

El estudiante pausó El estudiante pausó El estudiante habló 4 veces. 3 veces. fluidamente,


pausando menos de 3 veces.


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