A New House

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Y. Mei Setiyanta


A New House 0211,61

O Kanisius 1998


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Ilustrasi oleh Yulius Suryono

rsBN 979-497-831-0 tsBN 979497-832-9 Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang. Dtlarang mempetbanyak karya nriis ini dalam bentuk termasuk fotokopi, tanpa izin tertulis dad Penerbit. Dicetak oleh Percetakm I(misius Yogyakuta

dan dengan

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Introduction @,eadingisagoodwayofgettingknowledge.Itshouldbeintroduced rn early childhood, hence it becomes a habit in people's lifesryle. To enco:urage children to love reading, we provide interesting stories rn a fable series. \We believe that antmal kingdom stories have their own attractiveness to amuse children with fantas-

tic stories. Thus, children are also encouraged to build their own fantasies, to open their mind to knowledge and different views, and to have in their soul good moral values that are always enriching every story.


morning peace was broken by a terrible cry.lt distwrbed all the animals which had been gathered to look for food for their children. They w-ere all busy looking for the source of the cry.Eachanimal tried to guess who was crying.

"It must be the cry of. ababy mouse," Mr. Frog wbispered' ,,No. I am very familiar with my baby's cr/," Mrs. Mouse said. "\Vait a minute. Isn't it miss Mosquito's cry?" Mr. Cat interrupted' "Maybe. But its sound is very strange. I haven't heardit before," whispered Mrs. Rabbit. She listened to the sound very seriously. Then she approached Mr. Lizard who looked confused. "Mr. Lizard, whose cry is it?" asked Mrs. Rabbit. "\flhat are yov talking about?" shouted Mr. Lizard.

"Can you hear me?" asked Mrs. Rabbit again. "\What? Louder, please. I cannot hear well. I've got a terrlble pain inside my ears. I got an accident yesterday. Apaddy stalhpierced my ears," shouted Mr. Lizard louder sdll. Hearing Mr. Lizard's loud voice, the cry stopped. Suddenly, all animals looked at Mr. Lizard. They approached him and scolded him. On the contrar!, with an inno' cent face,Mr. Lizard said '^r" "Be cool, friends. Vhy ,ou ^ngry with me? \flhy are you not nice to me anymore. Do I owe

s E:rF *F^ ef*ry


feeling guilry, he tried to ioke. somerhing?,, asked Mr.Lizard. stil without words' But none of the animals were laughing at his ,,you are allstrange, aren'tyou? \When I asked you what v/as going on' you didn't laugh at all' \ilhat do you wer e angrywith me. \7hen i -"d. a ioke,

vo' *""t from me?" :,"T1.H'#":i"il'.


funny Mr.Lizard,,, shoured

Mr. Rat. He was laughing at Mr' Lizard' "Of course,I am. Aren't I the funniest one in this jungle? AnYwa,l>thank You Mr. Rat' You're ffi orrly one of mY friends who has

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of humour," praisedMr. Lizard" But instead of shying with Mr. Lizard, Mr. Rat went away. a sense

"\(/here are you going, my dear friend?" asked Mr. Lizard. "I want to find out who made the terrible cry," answered Mr. Rat. "\what? Louder, please," rEeatedMr.Lizard. Howeeer, Mr. Rat had gone. Mr. Lizard followed wherever Mr. Rat went. After the situation calmed down again, the cry could be heard once more. All of the animals listened to it more tboroughl,y. No animal dared to make a movement. None of them wanted to make a noise. "My goodness! The cry comes from the other side of this lea[," whispered Mrs. Butterfly. "Yes, you are right. Let's see," Mr. Dog agreed. All the animals came closer to the leaf. \Vith great care, Mr. Monkey turned the leaf around ro see who stayed there. Every animal was tense. Suddenly, they heard avery loud voice. "\fhat animal is this?" shouted Mr.Lizard. The sudden loud voice sbocked all the animals. They ran quickly. No animal dared ro rurn around. They were scared. Now, there was only Mr. Lizard and the strange animal. "Hi, are you a stranger? \What's your name? \flhat are yov doing here and where are you from? Do you do anything harmful,l' asked Mr. Lizard, in a surprising voice.

The animals's cry was getting louder. Now, Mr. Lizard heard the cry. "tWhy are you crying. Am I hurting you? Poor, creature! You look so weak. Don't cry.I will help you.\[hat's your problem? Tell me, but speak loudly, please," remindedMr.Lizard. He comforted the creature.


"Mr. Lizard.I have a big problem,"

sobbed the creature.

"You know my nam e already! Indeed, every animal in this jungle knows me very well. I amfamou.s, aren't I? By the way, who are you?" said Mr.Lizard proudly.

"Don't you know that I am a little snail,"

said the creature.

tWhere "\flhat? Ha...ha...ha.... But you look so funny without your house. is it? Ha...ha... ha.... yorare so silly," Mr.Lizard could not stoP laughing. "That's my problem. I lost It! \Tithout my house, my skin is easily-hurt. Besides, I am sb. I am proud

go. \Without house, no body can reco gnize me. lWhat will

f *y


I bring it wherever I

my name be?" cried the little snail histerically. "Come on. Don't be so sad and stop crying. I will look for it. Just a minute," said Mr.

Lizard confidently. Mr.Lizard covered the little snail '?1'\ ith a leaf again. F{e was l \* .::'

might hurt the weak *,%glail's skin. Quickly,

C\ are,",a,:ee,,,rj


he went to

look for the

@_.&..,,.r a 4*9ffi snarl's m?'ssrng house.



on the wdf t he could


stop laughing.

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helpful I am. Only foolish animals hate me, but I don't care.I am able to live by myself. Now, the snail will be grateful to me. Of course, he will love me," said Mr. Lizard somewhat


can solve the snail's problem.


a.rrogantty. Confidently, Mr. Lizard gave the snail his house. But, alas! It was too small for the snail "I know your problem now, little snail. You're

growing bigger and older. I think, the house does not suit you anymore. It's too small. It's impossible for me to make a new house for you. You must build it by yourself. No one else can help you either," said Mr.Lizard"Thanks a loq Mr. Lizard. You've informed me about my problem eventhough you cannot solve it. \7e11, from now on, I will build *y own house," said the little snail happily. _."1**--< /t\





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days later,the snail had his new house. FIe was very proud of it. The most important thing was that he was able to sokte his own problem.

agree, agreed




approach, approached (t) : mendekati arrogant ("dj) : sombong arrogantly (adv) : dengan sombong

c^re, carcd (t) : mempedulikan care (n) : peduli comfort, comforrcd (") : menghibur confident (adv) : yakin confidently (adv) : dengan yakin confuse, confused



membingungkan confused (rdj) : bingung

contrary (t) : sebaliknya disturb, disturbed (t) : mengganggu famous (tdj) : terkenal funny ("d) : lucu gather, gathered (t) : berkumPul, mengumpulkan



berterima kasih menebak guess, guessed (,t)


guilty (t)





histerical (adj) histeris histerically (adv) dengan histeris however ("d") meskiPun demikian



indeed ("d")



inform, informed (t)




interrupt, interrupted (t) : menyela joke, joked (t) : melawak miss, missed

missing (tdj)










(t) : menusuk praised (t) : memuji

pierce, pierced praise,

proud ("dj) : bangga, sombong proudly ("d") : denganbangga, dengan sombong

remind, reminded (t) mengingatkan rcpeat, repeated scare, scared

scared ("di)








(t) : t"t"



shock, shocked (rr) mengejutkan shy (adj) malu memecahkan solve, solved (t)



stalk (tt) : batang suit, suited (v) : cocok surprise, surprised (t) : mengherankan surprised ("dj) heran, kagum



scold, scolded (rr) sense



terribel (tdj) : mengerikan thoroughly (adv) : dengan seksama, dengan



weak ("dj) lemah whisper, whispered (")




book is one of the sixteen stories from fable series presented for children who learn English in the beginner to intermediate level. Each stories is delivered in an amusing way, illustrated with beautiful pictures and enriched with moral values. Have you had the complete stories of fables series?




. False Beauty

2. Mr. lnvoice 3. Broken Friendshlp 4. Bat's Deed 5. A New House

6. Bad Habit 7

. Be Yourself

8. The Candidate


The Smartest

10. Kikky Koala 11


12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Trouble Makers How the Tiger Got lts StriPes Missing Eggs Belief in FriendshiP Stairway to Heaven Mr. Stork's Big Scheme

Buku Anak ap'.000,.



tsBN 979497-831-0 rsBN 979-497-832-9

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