ffif,gkle sercs Y. Mei $etiyanta
Bad Hablt
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Y. Mei $etiyanta
Bad Hablt ,/i. (bl vA1
Bad Habit 021.1,62
I(anisius 1998
PENERBIT KANISIUS (Anggota IKAPD Jl. Cempaka 9, Deresan, Yogyzkana 55281 Kotak Pos 1.125/Yk, Yogyakarta 55011 Telepon (0274) 588783, 565996,Fax (0274) 563349 $Tebsite : wwwkanisiusmedia.com E-Mail : offic@kanisiusmedia.com
Ilustrasi oleh Yulius Suryono
lsBN 979-497-831-0 lsBN 979497-833-7 Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang. Dtlatang memperbanyak katya nrlis ini dalam bentuk dan dengan c ra apa pvrr, termasuk fotokopi, tznparzin terhrlis dari Penerbit. Dicetak oleh Petcetakm Kmisius Yogyakuta
Introduction eading is a good way early childhood, hence
of getting knowledge. It should be introduced in
it becomes a habit in people's lifesryle. To encowrye children
to love reading, we provide interesting stories tn a fable series.
believe that anrmal
kingdom stories have their own atft^ctiveness to amuse children with fantastic stories. Thus, childreflare also encouraged to build their own fantasies, to open their mind to knowledge and different views, and to have in their soul good moral values that arc always enriching every story.
ong time ago, there was a lion who was a lor:ely king. The inhabitants of the jungl e respected and loved him very much. The king's daily food was fruit and grass. He was familiar with
them. He gave food to the birds, chatted with chickens, helped in solving problems and reconciled quarrels. In fact, he was popular.
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The king's popularity made all of the inhabitants respect him. Every morning, for example, they greeted him. While nodding their heads, they would gfeet him polite[t.
"Good morning, your honour. I hope you're always fine." "Thank you, my people. I am fine!" answered the lion kindly.
The lion became a helpful and generras figure. In orde r to gluern his peopie wisely, the lion asked for aduice from the weak and strong animals. The way he ruled his people made all inhabitants feel happy. No wonder, a1l of them called him a wise leader. Mr. Python v/as the one who was asked for an advice. "Your honour, as a king, you have to speak loudly and cleady. In that way, your people wili not get bored of listening to your speech. You have to waik slowly but steadifi. In that v/ay, you will be elegant. To maintain the fairness, you have to punish the wrong, give a present to the nght and help those who are staruing.
Otly with that charifl, you will be loved and respected by all of your people in this jungle."
The lion listened to Mr. Python's advice carefully. He sought the truth in Mr. Python's words. That Jyas one way he learned good values. He thanked
Mr. Python.
The next morning, the lion walked around the jungle to get fresh air andask for advice from other animals. Fortunatelt, he met Mrs. Swan. 'TWell, sir. You have to take abath at /east t'qrice a day.In that way, your fur clean and shiny. Furthermore, your skin won'1
liness and
[s ipfected
will be
by viruses. Trust me. Clean-
lead us to good health."
The lion listened to Mrs. Swan's suggestion seriously. He followed her words since she was rhe one who washed her feathers diligently every morning. Mrs. Swan v/as a symbol beaufl
of health and
in the jungle. The king
/ to Mrs. Swan
ualuable advice.
The night came.
animals went to
their own houses. They were tired of '-"""'*'Iooking
for food all
day long. However,
the lion could not sleep because
his thinking
of Mr. Python's
and Mrs. Swan's words. To
limself, he went out
irnd sat under abanyan tree. Suddenly, he heard a whisperingvoice.
"Good evening, Sir. Are you expecting someorre this late at night?"
am not'
iust cannot
this evening. What are you doing, Mr. Fox?" asked the iion.
fresh air at
night. By the way, Sir. Are you wondering something?" ques-
tioned Mr. Fox. "Yes, Mr. Fox.
I am think-
ing about wise words given
,,, to me by Mr. Python
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and Mrs. Swan. I think, I find truth in their words. They really are sensible," praised the lion. "I can tell you something true," said Mr. Fox entbusiastically. "Tell me," said Mr. Lion eagerlY. "'Well, Sir. In my opinion, you have to protect yolr people from enemies. For that reason, your body must be strong and healthy. Exercise your muscles, bones, claws and canines everyday. In other words, Practise your skill and strategy for killing enemies," sttggestedMr. Fox. The king found another truth in Mr. Fox's words. Curiousll, the lion asked Mr. Fox. "How should I kill my enemies?" "\7ell, sir. Ther e aretwo strategies for exercisingyour skillto kill. One is to beatyour enemies face to face. The second strateSy, well now' this is a trichy one. Creep up on your enemies. Then, seize them from behind and fight them
ro the death. Having killed them, eat their dead bodies." Hearing the last paft,the lion was surprised and asked. "\ilhy should I eattheir bodies? I am not used to eating meat." "The reason is very simple. Look, sir. The dead bodies will be rotten in no time. Of course, there will be air polution. So, eat them before they go rotten," urged Mr. Fox.
"I see, Mr. Fox. Air pollution won't be good for our health. Anyway, with whom should I practise my skill?" "You are able to practise your skill with big animals in this jungle, such as elephants, horses, bulls, buffaloes and cows," explained Mr. Fox. "And remember to eat their dead bodies before they make air pollution in this jungle," added Mr. Fox. The lion king decided to follow Mr. Fox's words. The first animal he practised his skill on was an elephant. The king used aface to face stratey. $7ith his power and strength, at last, the king defeated the elephanr. He ate the elephant's dead body. He tasted the meat. It was ratber delicious.
The second animal he killed was a buffalo. The king still used a{acetoface stratey.Again he tasted the dead body.
was delicious.
The third animal he killed was a horse. Now, the king used a creeping strategy. Vith a sudden attack, the tit&t: t,.1:itt\ i iu:,
king successfully killed the horse. He tasted the horse meat.
was Yery delicious.
The inhabitants were shocked when they saw the change in their king's behaviour. The king,
however, always remembered the Fox's suggestion, namely to kill and then eat the dead body.
The king's exercise became ahabtt,a bad habit. Eventhough enemies never came to the jungle, the killing went on. The lion grew to be a powerful killer.
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He was the king of the jungle. At the same time, he was the enemy of his own people. Since then, the inhabitants disliked their king because he had a bad habit.
(t) = serangan beaury (n) = keindahan behavior (r) = tingkah laku canine (") - taring console, consoled (r.) = menghibur, attack
creep, crept (rr)
= merangkak cteeping (udj) = merangkak defeat, defeated (.t) = mengalahkan dislike, disliked (rr) = tidak meny'ukai enjoy, -ing (v) = menikmati enthusiastic (adj) = semangat enthusiastically (adv) = dengan semangat
eventhough (adv) = meskipun exercise, -ing (v) = melatih expect, -tng (v) = mengharapkan gratefi-ri (adj; = bertedma kasih habit (") - kebiasaan hygiene (.) = kesehatan
pollution (.r) = pencemairan pou/er (.) = kekuatan protect, protectd (rr) = meJindungi rather (adv) = agak rotten (udj) = busuk seize, seized (,r) = mencengker^m sensible (udj) = bijaksana shock, shocked (rr) = mengejutkan shocked (udi) = terkejut skill (n) = ketrampilan suggest, suggested (r.) = menyarankan surprise, surprised (") - mengherankan surprised (udj) = heran taste, tasted (.r) = merasakan
tricky (udi) = licik, pintar valuable (udj) = berharga whisper, whispeted (rr) = berbisik whispering (udj) = betbisik
wondet, -ing (v) = berpikir, memikirkan
book is one of the sixteen stories from fable series presented for children who learn English in the beginner to intermediate level. Each stories is delivered in an amusing way, illustrated with beautiful pictures and enriched with moral values. Have you had the complete d*j, stories of fables i,
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2. 3. 4. 5.
. i .'r,j:iil;lltiii
1. False
7 ,i
Beauty Mr. Invoice Broken Friendship Bat's Deed A New House Bad Habit Be Yourself The Candidate Campaign
9. The Smartest
10. Kikky Koala 11
12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
Trouble Makers How the Tiger Got lts Stripes Missing Eggs Belief in Friendship Stainrvay to Heaven Mr. Stork's Big Scheme
ililt ilIil ililt ililt ilil ]il1ilil ilil 021162
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tsBN 979497-831-0 tsBN 979497-833-7
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