Be yourself

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Y. Mei Setiyanta

BeYourself t tbt VA1 :



Be Yourself 021,L63

@ Kanisius 1998

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Ilustrasi oleh Yulius Suryono

rsBN g7g4g7-831-0 tsBN 979497-834-5 Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang. Drlzrang memperbanyak karya tulis ini dalam bentuk dan dengan c r^ pun, ^p^ termasuk fotokopi, t^np^ izin tertulis dari Penerbit.

Introduction eading is a good way of getting knowledge.


should be introduced

it becomes a habit in people's lifestyle. To encourage chjldren to love reading, we provide interesting stories tn a fable series. \We believe that antmalkingdom stories have their owrr attfactiveness to amuse children with fantastic stories. Thus, children are also encouraged to build their own fantasies, to open


early childhood, hence

their mind to knowledge and different viev/s, and to have in their soul good moral values that are always enriching every story.


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the ape species,

Black Monkey was the cleverest one. In his dailY li[e, he lived in a solitarT place. He Nt[-r.


got along


with the other

like chimpanzee,

orang-outang, gorilla and gibbon. His reason was very simple.


have a longer and blacker tail. In addition,

my fur is blacker and thick'er. Strong animals have long tails, such as lions, tigers, bulls, buffaloes, cows and elephants. A long tail is a symbol of strength."

Mr. Black Monkey alwaYs thougbt like that.

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bright morning, Mr. Black Monkey heard, a qtrarrel between Mr. Buffalo and Mrs. Duck. She was very angry because of the d.irty water in the lake. She did not drink that warer at all. "Hi, foolish Buffalo. You made the water dirtyl' shouted Mrs. Duck. "\[hat did you say? Me? A fool? Ha.. ha.. ha... you are more foolish, Duck. I did not mean to make the water dirty.I just wanr to have fun. you swam and played in the water, didn't you? I can do the same rhing," answered back Mr. Buffalo. \X/hile laughing, he trotted in the water. The mud was coming up and made the water even dirtier. Mrs. Duck was very upset. she was walking away and said. "Indeed, four-legged animals are dull.' Hearing the mocking Mr. Buffalo murmured calmly. "\flhat did you say? Two-legged animals are duller.', The quarrel between Mrs. Duck and Mr. Buffalo became zf, violent. An hour later, both 'Ei:::;111;' animals inaohted their friends in the quarrel. Both sides mocked each other.

"Two legs are foolish!" "Four legs are more foolish!" "Two legs are the most foolish in the jungle!" "Four legs are the most foolish in the world!"

Hearing the enmity among them, Mr. Black Monkey thought hard. "On whar side should I be?" Since he was proud of being the strong animals, he decided to be on the fourlegged animals' side. From that time, he behaved just like the four legs did. He did not eat fruit anymore but are meat. He did not walk on his two feet but cralpled. His dttitude was strange. However, he felt glad to be on the four legged animals' side. "I am safe here. All fourlegged animals gwarantee my safety. They protect me

from danger."

Mr. Black Monkey was busy with his own thoughts. He was unAware of Mr. Fox creEing closer behind him. "Hi, who are you? You crawl but your face is like a monkey. The monkeys are our enemies since they are two-legged animals. You must be a spy sent by them. Leave this land, otherwise I'll kill you!" Mr. Black Monkey was frightened by the fox's sudden angry voice. Mr. Fox made him run heher-skeher.It was too tiring for him to crawl all of the time. He lost too much energy. In addition, he got a stomach ache. It had been hard for him not to eat fruit during the last two days.

On the way, Mr. Black Monkey questioned, the two-legged animals welcome me? 'Well, it's better to try than never at all."



\fith a fixed step he entered the two-legged



A few meters into the area, he was by the bear's angry voice. "FI.y 1'ou, the stranger! Your face is like a monkey. But you are walking on your four legs.


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The fourJegged animals our enemies. You must be a splt sent by them. ^re Leave this land or I'll kill you!" tbreatened the bear. The bigh tempered Mr. Bear looked He pointed at Mr. Black Monkey's nose. Mr. Black Monkey was ^ngry. scared. He pronised not to come to the two-legged animal s' zrea again. With a sad sad face, Mr. Black Monkey walked The only arcaleftto ^w^y. go to was the neutral area. There lived many animals who did not have any legs or whose legs were more than four such as snails, snakes, grasshopers) wofms, scorpions, spiders, mosquitoes, flies, beetles, ants, bees and bugs. The neutral are was known as a non allied area, that is, att area that did not take one of the two sides. It was a peaceful land. And the land was ruled by a snake ancestor, namelv a dtagon.

Getting close to the neutral area, Mr. Black Monkey was staraing.He looked up and saw ripe mangoes. His appetite rose. He thought hard in his deeper heart..

"FIow delicious those mangoes look." He picked some. Before eating them, he looked around to make sure that there were

no animals to see him eating the fruit. Vhile crawling, Mr. Black Monkey aft the mangoes greedily. Having satisfied himself, he thought and his forehead was frozaning.




"I have a brilliant idea. I'11 make the non allied on,


animals scared. Later

be their leader and occupy the land."

Soon, Mr. Black Monkey crawled and took meat out of his mouth. He roared and walked approaching the area. He stepp ed ste.adily just like a

tiger did. His coming frightened Miss Mosquito. As fast as possible, flt* to her friends. "An enemy is coming.' "\[hat does he look like?" asked Mrs. Snail. "He crawls but his face is like a monkey. Moreor.ter, he eats meat," explained Miss Mosquito. All the non allied animals ran away. They went to their Ieader, Mr. Dragon.



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"\(/hat's up,


people? You look alarmed. Do you have something to

Mr. Dragon patientb. "An enemy is coming to our land. Save us, pleas e," begged Mr. Bug. "Calm down. I am your leader. Of course, I'll be responsible for your lives. Let me see the â‚Źrrâ‚Źrrr/," shouted Mr. Dragon angrily. He breathed owt say?" asked


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"Do you mean to d.estroy my people and my land? No way! Kill me, first!" challenged Mr. Dragon. "No. I don't mean it. Really. On the contratf t I am on a friendship mission. This meat is an ffiring to you, Mr. Dragon. Believe me!" answered Mr. Black Monkey trembling. "May I stay here?" added Mr. Black Monkey. "F{a.. ha.. ha... Look, my people. He comes here on a friendship mission. No one is to be afraid now," said Mr. Dragon. Sffi..then, Mr. Black Money has lived in the neutral ilrea. He walks on his two legs again and eats fruit as he did before. He behaoes as he is now and never feels superior.


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ache (n) nyeri afraid ("dj) takut aIarm, alarmed (t) menakutkan alarmed (rdil takut allied (rdj) bersahabat ally, allied (") bersahabat ancestor (t) nenek moyang appetite (r) nafsu makan




: -



around ("d") : sekiar, sekeliling attitude (t) : tingkah laku beg, begged (v) : meminta behave, behaved (r) : bertingkah laku breathe, breathed (r) : bernafas brilliant ("dj) : brilian, cemerlang challenge, challenged (v) : rr1â‚Źn?nt2ng crawl, crawled (t) : merangkak creep, -ing (v) : merangkak daily (r) : sehari-hari decide, decided (,r) : memutuskan delicious ("dj) : enak, Iezat destro/: destroyed (t) : merusdk dirry (rdj) : kotor dull (adj) : bodoh

during (t) : selama enmity (r) : permusuhan fix, fixed (t) : mengencangkan fly, flew (t) : terbang forehead (n) : dahi frown, frowned (t) : mengernyitkan, berkerut frowning ("dj) : berkerut fun (n) : kesenangan fur (n) : bulu get, got along (r) : bergaul bersamasama

greedily (adv) rakus



dengan loba, dengan

greedy ("dj) loba, rakus guarantee, gsaranteed (v)



helter-skelter (adv) : terbirit-birit high tempered (rdj) : marah, mudah marah indeed (rdg : rl1â‚Ź6?ng involve, involved (r) - melibatkan mission (t) : misi, perutusan mock, mocked (r) : mengejek




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mocking (rdj) : mengejek moreover ("d") : lebih lagi mud (n) : lumpur murmur, murmured (t) : berbisik, :r

menggerutu neutral (rdj) : netral, tidak berpihak occup/, occupied (t) : menempati offering (r) : persembahan otherwise (conj) : jika tidak patient (rdj) : sabar

point, pointed (r) : menunjuk promise, promised (t) : berjanji, menjanjikan protect, protected (t) : melindungi responsible (adj) : bertanggung jawab ripe (adj) : rrr?.Sxk scare, scared (rr) : menakutkan scared (^dj) : takut send, sent (v) : mengirim, mengirimkan

shock, shocked (rr) : mengejutkan shocked ("dj) : terkejut


shout, shouted (t) : berteriak, berseru side (n) : pihak simple (rd) : sederhana solitary (rdj) : terpencil, sunyi species (t) : jenis spy (n) : r:flarta-rrrata starve, starved (t) : Iapar starving (rdj) : Iapar steadily ("d") : dengan tegap, dengan

kokoh steady (.dj)

: strength (t) :

kokoh, tegap

kekuatan superior (rdj) : tinggi hati thicker (rdj) : lebih tebal threaten, threatened (r) : memperlakukan trembling (rdj) : gemetar trot, trotted (v) : menderap unaware ("d) : tidak menyadari upset (tdj) : marah, kecewa, malu violent (rdj) : kejam welcome, welcomed (") : rnâ‚Źn/zmbut



nis book is one of the sixteen stories from fable series presented for children who learn English in the beginner to intermediate level. Each stories is delivered in an amusing way, illustrated with beautiful pictures and enriched with moral varues. Have you had the complete stories of fables series?

1. False ,Beauty 2. Mr. lnvoice 3. Broken Friendship

4. Bafs DEed 5. A New House 6. Bad Habjt 7

. Be Yourself

8. The Candidate Campaign tsBN 979497-831-0 tsBN 979-497-834-5

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The Smartest


Kikky Koala 1'1. Trouble Makers ,,, , 1,,2,:, How the Tiger Got't,ts Stripes ,

13, Missing Eggs



1'4. Belief in Friendship

15. 16.

Stainruay to Heaven

Mr. Stork's Big Scheme

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