Broken friendship

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tu Y. Mei Setiyanta

Broken Friendship m PENERBIT KANISIUS Msffi%

Broken Friendship 02rr59 @ Kanisius 1997 PENERBIT KANISIUS (Anggota IKAPD Jl. Cempaka 9, Deresan, Yogyakarta 55281 Kotak Pos 1125lYk, Yogyakarta 55011 Telepon (027 4) 5 8 8783, 5 6599 6, F ax (027 4) 5 633 49 Website : E-mail : Cetakan keTahun





Ilustrasi oleh Yulius Suryono

rsBN 979497-8264 rsBN 979497-829-9 Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak karya tulis ini dalam bentuk dan dengan cara apapun, termasuk fotokopi, tanpa izin tertulis dari Penerbit. Dicetak oleh Percetakan Kanisius Yogyakarta

Introduction eading is a good way of getting knowledge. It should be introduced in early childhood, hence it becomes a habit in people's lifestyle. To encourage children to love reading, we provide interesting stories in a fable series. We believe that animal kingdom stories have their own affractiveness to amuse children with fantastic stories. Thus, children are also encouraged to build their own fantasies, to open their mind to knowledge and different views, and to have in their soul good moral values that are always enriching every story.

Mr. Dog and Mrs. Cat had quatrreled for many years. Their quarrel arosebecause of iealousy. Mrs. Cat was jealous of Mr. Dog because she got less food than did. Besides, she felt humiliated Food given to Mrs. was laid on a banana leaf. On the contrary' food consumed by Mr. Dog was laid on a beautiful plate. Mrs. Cat thought that it was discrimination However,, i now they agreed to reconcile.






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Lately, Mr. Dog and Mrs. Cat appeared very close. #thudforsotten their hostility. They hadforgiven each ffih*f friendship made many inhabitanls surprised.




inhabitants did not be this new friendship Butil fact was that the two animAl$; very close. They even sat #Aid under a banyan tree. "My dear friend, I have an i story. Do you want to listen to me?"


Mrs. Cat one morning. ' . "Of course. Tell me please. I am a g listener, Vren't I?" answered Mr. Dog. "Al1 right. You have never seen Mr. Fox, have you? He is reallY a greedy animal. Yesterday, I saw him bringing a bone. When crossing a bridge, he saw a shadiw in the water.



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a He thought that the shadow was another animal that brought a bone as well' For few moments, I watched his behaviour. Suddenly, he jumped down into the water to fight for another bone. Of course, the bone he bit was lose. I saw him get out of the water with a wet body. Then he sat on a rock looking for his



Mrs' Cat' Both Mr. Dog and Mrs. Cat could not stop

' a greedy animal!" laughed


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"I also have a ridiculous story " said Mr. Dog. "Tell me. I'11 be your good

listener too," encouraged Mrs. Cat. "The day before yesterday, I saw Mr. Crow perching on branch of a tree. He looked confused and restless. His feathers were untidy. It seemed that he was LI G looking for somebody but I didn't know who. At last, I asked i "what happened?". Breathlessly, he told me that someone was following him wherever he went. He was trying to know who thc soffreone was. But he couldn't find this soffleone. Mr. Crow was very upset. To make sure the someone was gone, he shouted. In a few seconds, the someone he was looking for repeated ',Mr. Crow's shouting. Mr Crow wanted to rur-r to catch 4,' uu+.* , the someone. But I stopped him. I saw that there * ! ;.,,,.,:'n.,. , il l was no one following him $. l/ I said that the repeating voice - -rt\+"1.- was an echo. " voice." Both Mr. Dog and Ml.s. Cat laughed. "Mr. Crow obeyed my words not to chase the voicc. It's , ,.,r.., .,,': impossible," Mr. Dog ended his story. It was a hot day. The air





grew hotter and hotter. Both Mr. Dog and Mrs. Cat were exhausted. Then a loud voice startled them. There was a herd of horses running across a square. "What happened, dear friend?" asked Mrs. Cat. "I don't know," answered Mr. Dog. "My goodness. Look! Mr. Tiger is running behind them, explained Mr. Dog. Both Mrs. Cat and Mr. Dog were watching a tewible scene. Only a few more meters, the liger would be able to catch the last runnef.: 'ortunately, the last horse


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coLlld rtlll thsiel'" Thele was llo chirticc tlltylttore fbr thc tiger tcl catch ttrrc horsc' T'lrere was 10 t,ic,titp. Chcerlirll.r:. btlth of

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them sultStrn'tetl lhe hol"ses' "Great! Hor'v fast the i:lotses ran' The tiger finally coulci not catch atiy h'orses' Thcy were 3*(



otrt of dctnger. Alra! I ncccl to be likc tlterlr' I rvalti {cl bcctllrlc a fas{ rllnncr." saicl Mr. Dog. .,1{iglrt. I ncecl to be like thcm too"" ttgrced N"{rs. Lla'{" "To etrerclse our muscles and lcgs, tet's have a race," urged Mr. Dog'

"All right. Br'rt how'/" asked Mrs. Cat.


have got an idea. Look at thc bcc's nest. Hil it as a sign to statl running,"

suggested Mr. Dog. "Right! Who will be the winner'/" asked Mrs. Cat. "Whoever can reach the

cocclnut tree over thcrc first is tlre winnet," exPlained Mr' Dog'


Slowly and quietly both animals approached the bee's nest. Reaching it, Mr. Dog whispered. "Let's hit it. One ... two ... three ..." The two animals were running as fast as possible. The bees were very angry. Sceing the trouble makers, the bees caught them up.

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Mrs. Cat ran straight towards the coconut tree. She wanted to be the winner. Indeed, she became the

winnerbutthe angry bees still followed her. As a result, her body was terribly swollen The bees had stung her angrily. She meowed with pain but nobody helped her. l;Tt.,.,,

What about Mr. Dog? He realized that thb bees were very angq/. To avoid the bees'stinls, he jumped into the river. He was saved from danger because the bees did not dare to approach the water. He only had his nose hurt. When he took a breath above the water, one of the bees stung him on the nose.


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"Damn dog! He has,, cheated me. Ia cannot forget'this accide:nt. :I'. .,'',, will never forgive him tigain even if he asks for it," cried Mrs. Cat 't angrlly.



Since then, Mrs,;;, and Mr. Dog have'be.,.,t

come ehemies of eabhri'l other again. Cheatiq$,, caused a frie




accident (n) : kecelakaan agree, agreed (v): menyetujui approach, approached (v) : mendekati arise, arose, arisen (v) timbul banyan tree (n) : pohon beringin be consumed (v): dimakan behaviour (n) : tingkah laku bcsides (prep.) : selain bone (n) : tulang breathe, breathed (v) : bernafas llrcathless (n) : terengah-engah c:atch, cought (v) : menangkap clr.rse, caused (v) menyebabkan cltlsc. chased (v) : mengejar clrat, chatted (n) : mengobrol cltclt, cheated (v) : menipu t'llccr' (n) : sorak-sorai clrccrlll (adj): riang, gembira r'lrcrrllirlly (adv) : dengan riang, dengan gembira ('()nsunle, consumed (v) : rnakan rlirrrgc:r (n) : bahaya rhrtr'. tlarcd (v): berani tlrst'r'irnination (n) : diskriminasi, pembedaan t't'lro (n)-- gema, gaung ('il('ilty (rr): tnusuh t'rr'Lritrr. cxclairned (v) : berseru r'\t'tt'isc. cxcrcised (v) : melatih crltirrtstctl (lrlj; : 1.1un

explain, explained (v) : menerangkan forget. forgot, forgotten (v) : lupa, melupakan forgive, forgave, forgiven (v) : mengampuni fortunate (adj) : untung fortunately (adv) : untung greedy (adj) : loba, rakus grow, grew, grown (v) : tumbuh herd (n): kelompok hit, hit (v): memukul hostility (n) : permusuhan humiliate, humiliated (v) : menghina, merendahkan humiliated (adj) : dihina, direndahkan inhabitant (n) : penduduk jealousy (n) : kecemburuan lately (adv): baru-baru ini listener (n) : pendengar meow? meowed (v) : mengeong miss, missed (v) : melalaikan missing (ajd) : hilang obey, obeyed (v) : mentaati peak (n) : pucuk, puncak quarel, quarreled (v) : berselisih race (n) : perlombaan reahze, realized (v) : menyadari reconcile, reconciled (v) : berdamai, rukun restless (adj) - gelisah ridiculous (adj) : menggelikan rock (n) : batu karang

scene (n)


pemandangan bayangan

shadow (n) :

startle, startled (v) : mengejutkan straight (adj): lurus suggest, suggested (v) : menyarankan support, supported (v) : mendukung swell, swelled, swollen (v) : membengkak

swollen (Adj) : bengkak terrible (adj) : mengerikan untidy (adj): tidak rapi, acak-acakan victim (n) : korban wet (adj) : basah whisper, whispered (v): berbisik


lrtris book is one of the sixteen stories from fable series presented

for children who learn English in the beginner to intermediate level. Each stories is delivered in an amusing way, illustrated with beautiful pictures and enriched with moral values. Have you had the complete stories of fables series?

1. False Beauty

2. Mr. lnvoice 3. Broken Friendship 4. Bat's Deed 5. A New House 6. Bad Habit 7

. Be Yourself

8. The Candidate Campaign fsBN 979497-8264 fsBN 979-497-829-9


ililil ililt illll lllll lllll lllll llll llll

9. The Smartest

10. Kikky Koala 11


12. 13. 14. 15.


Trouble Makers How the Tiger Got lts Stripes Missing Eggs Belief in Friendship Stainruay to Heaven Mr. Stork's Big Scheme

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