Kikky Koala

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Y. Mei Setiyanta


Kikky Koala 021,1,66

@ Kanisius 1998

PENERBIT KANISIUS (Anggota IKAPD Jl. Cempaka 9, Deresan,Yogyakata 55281. I(otak Pos 1125/Yk, Yogyakzrta 55011 Telepon (0274) 588783, 565996,Fax (0274) 563349 \Website : wwv/ E-Mail : Cetakan ke-






Ilustrasi oleh Yulius Sutyono

tsBN 979497-836-1 tsBN 979497-838-8 Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak karya tulis ini dalam bentuk dan dengan c r^ ^p^pun, termasuk fotokopi, tanpaizin tetulis dari Penerbit. Diceul oleh Percetakm Kmisiu Yogyakra

Introduction eading is a good way


of getting knowledge. It should be introduced

it becomes a habit in people's lifestyle. To encourage children to love reading, we provide interesting stories tn a fable series. \We believe that antmal kingdom stories have their own to amuse children with fantas^ttractiveness tic stories. Thus, children are also encouraged to build their own fantasies, to open their mind to knowledge and different views, and to have in their soul good moraT early childhood, hence

values that arc always enriching every story.

t the


of a quiet busly land lived a couple

of l(oalas, Mr. Biggy

and Mrs. Shorty. They hzd


child that they loved very much. His name was

I{ikky. In the moning, he climbed trees to look forfesh and young leaves to eat. After he had been full, he would lay on a big branch. Sometimes, he fell asleep and didn't wake unql the next morning. His parents, of course, worried when he did not spend the night at home.

"I{ikky, where are you honey? Come back home, please.

It's dark alreadll' shouted

Mr. Biggy m^ny times. t J nfortunatefi, I{i}4<y did not hear his father's call. Hopelessfi, Mr. Biggy '\r/efrt home.

He could not sleep all night

long because he kept thinking about where his son might be. Mrs. Shorry cried because she worried about her son's heahb. "How if he is sick? He was sleeping in the bush without a blanket. \flas he disturbed by wild animal?" ^ sobbed Mrs. Shorry. "Be cool, Mum. \We can't do anything N'l' 'i;;1a about it. I've been p{,{ed of looking for All we can 'Wihim. I oo now ls Pray ii to God. M"y $ He bless our " only son," Mr. Biggy comforted his wife. Kikky Koala, 1:,

__*, ffiffiffi

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on the connary, was sleeping soundly. He did not think of how confused his parents were. In his nice sleep, he dreamt of Mr. Parrot, his close friend. Mr. Parrot told him about his travelling experiences. Mr. Parrot had just finished travelling around the world. "Mr. Parrot, -hy do you like travelling? Isn t it tiring," asked Kikky Koala. "Exactly. Travelling is tiring. However,I like it very much because it provides me with so many different experiences," explained Mr. Parrot. "Also, I get the chances to meet many kinds of animals which do not exist in this jungle. You know. Not all animals can speak in our language. Sometimes I teach my language to them. In retwrn, they teach me their language."

"How many

Kikky Koala curiously. "So many places, I think. I went to Africa. There, I met Mr. Giraffe. He has a very long neck and legs. He is consid.ered as the tallest land animal in the world. He has so many spots on his skin. This fellow lives on a treeles and grassy place, called a savana. places have you visited?" asked

Also, I met Mr. Impala. He is like a deer with abrownish skin. He eats grass. Sometimes, rhis animal makes amazing leaps as far as L0 merers and as high as meters," explained Mr. Parrot.

"Ffow uonderful/" Kikky Koala amazed.




ffi *sffi:




"\flell. There are at least two



animals, namely rhinoceros and zorilla.

Rhinoceros is like a buffalo but he is shorter. His skin is very srrong and solid. He feeds on aegetation. Dealing with zorilla, he is acrive at night. His skin is black and white. This creature feeds on rodtnts: rats, mice, rabbits, reptiles such as, snakes and lizards, and birds' eggs."



to you, I have nothing to proud of. I'm only familiar with

native Australian animals such


possum, dingo, numbat and kangoroo. \flould

you please tell me more about your rnarvelows experiences?" begged ',*



Kikky humbly.

"\flith my pleasure, my friend. The d continenr I visited was Amerika. There, I met lots of funny and cute animals such as armadillo,

humming bird, jack rabbit, vicuna, puffin and quetzal." "'W'ait a minute. I know some of them but what do armadillo, vicuna and quetzal look like?'

"Poor, Kikky! Armadillo is a small animal covered in a hard shelL This animal spends his day in a hole in the ground. At night, he comes our to look for food. Vicuna is a deerlike animal but his legs are longer so he can run very fast,47 km/hour. Unfortunately, men like hunting this crearure. They take of the skin to make very good qualiry wool. Vicuna is a herbivorous animal. It means that he feeds on grass and small plants. \Well,


I really would like

to tell you about rhe quetzal.I feel jealous ffi::

of this bird. He has beautiful feathers. This bird is my close friend. \fle somerimes sbared

fruit and small insects rogerher."

"FIow lucky you are, Mr. Parrot. You have two strong wings to fly. You can visit any place you want to." "Right, my friend. I always thank God for his blessing. The third continent I visited was Asia. There I met orang-ut an, yakand tamier. Orang-utan is from

short tail. He is big with reddish brown fur. Orangutan feeds on fruit, leaves and seeds. Another animal is yak. His hair is long and his body is big. Yak is uild and usually found in groups. Yak is like a cow which feeds on grass. The funniest animal I met was tarsier. He is small. He has a big tail anduide eyes. Tarsier spends most of his time in trees. Tarsier feeds on insects.I am very fo"d of this creatvre," said Mr. Parrot cheerfully. "How did you make friends with Tarsier?" asked Kikky. "\(/e were just smilingat each other. That was the way we communicated", explained Mr. Parrot. "I know. It's almost impossible for both of you to communicate by language. Both of you speak different languages, don't you?" "Yes, we do," answered Mr. Parrot. "Do you still have some other experiences you can tell me about?" asked Kikky Koala. "Of course, I do. The last continent I visited was Europe. There, I met a very wild animal. FIe eats meat and I never dared to be close to him," said Mr. Parrot. the ape family. He is a monkey



"\flhat do you call him?" asked Kikky anxiously. "I call him ... Mr. Lynx" "\flhat does he look like?" asked Kikky.



r{ iff

"Ha...ha... Mr. Lynx is like this. Look at me! His head is like a cat with sharp teeth. His body is strong like that of Tiger but he has a shorter tail. His legs are long with sharp nails like this....! The most important thing is that he likes to catch any child who escapes from home!" Mr. Parrot's voice was suddenly getting hoarse. Gradually all parm of his body were becoming like tfre


Kikky Koala was shocked. The Lynx was standing in front of him. The Lynx was ready to pounce on him. ,r;.::l

Quickly, Kikky Koala turned

around and ranhome fast! \When he turned around again, he saw the Lynx was run-qr,,,1g,,$,te{ Kikky Koala shouted for ahelp. But no animal came to help !ip. *fuirtt. The Lynx was almost upon him when suddenly...... bump! ,Kkt y felt pain. He had fallen out of a big tree. '.liThank God. It's just a dream. Ouch... my legs are really hurt. -'What an odd nightmare.I think I should go home right away." On the w^y home, Kikky's heart was beating hard. He was sorry because he had been away from home for so long. Arriving home, he told his parents about his dream. His father did not give any attention to him at all. Kikky's father's eyes were red because he had stayed arpake all night. His father said, angrily.

"Naughty boy! Do you want asmack?, Quickly, Kikky ran away.

already (td") : sudah amazq amazed (t) : mengherankan, mengagumkan amazing ("dl) : menghe rankan, mengagumkan anxious ("dj) : khawatir, cemas anxiously (adv) : dengan cemas ape (n) : kera around (adv) : sekitar, sekeliling awake ("dj) : (rer)jaga beat, -ing (v) : berdetak, berdenyur blanket (r) : selimut bless, blessed (t) : memberkati blessing ("d) : berkat brownish (rdj) : kecokelat-cokelatan bush (r) : semak belukar. catch, caught (r) : menangkap cheer (r) : kegembi raan cheerful (rdj) : gembira cheerfully (adv) : dengan gembira comfort, comforted (") : menghibur

compare, compared (v) : membandingkan confuse, confused (v) : mengacaukan, membingungkan confused (rdj) : kacau, bingung consider, considered (v) : rnâ‚Źmpertimbangkan continent (tt) : benua contrary (t) : sebaliknya creatxre (t) : makhluk curious (rdl) : ingin tahu curiously (td, : dengan ingin tahu cute (adj) : mungil disturb, disturbed (t) : mengganggu edge (r) : pinggir experience (n) : pengalaman

fond ("d) fresh ("dil



senang, suka segar

full (ad) : penuh, kenyang


gradual (rdj) pelan-pelan gradually (rd") dengan pelan-pelan



health (r) kesehatan herbivorous (adj) pemakan rumbuh-tumbuhan hoarse ("dj) parau hole (n) lubang hopeless (tdil tak ada harapan however ("d, meskipun demikian humbly (rdg dengan rendah hati impossible (adj) tidak mungkin insect (t) serangga



: : :









marvelously (adv) bagus sekali nail (adj) kuku namely ("d") yaitu


: nightmar. (r) : mimpi buruk odd (adj) : aneh Pounce, pounced (t) : menerkam reddish (rdj) : kemerah-merahan rodent (t) : hewan pengerat seed (n) : biji-bijian



membagi, berbagi sharp (rdj) : tajam shell (r) : kerang smack (t) : tamparan sob, sobbed (v) : menangis terisakisak solid ("dj) kuat soundly ("d") : mendengkur spot (r) : noda treeless (t) : tak ada pohon unfortunately (rd") : sa/angnyz, malangnya vegetatior (") : tumbuh-tumbuhan wide (adj) : luas share, shared


wild (rdj)



wing (r) : sayap wonderful (rdj) : bagus sekali worried (td) : cemas, kuatir worr/, worried (r) : mencemaskan, mengkuatirkan

tn,, book ii on" of the sixteenl stories rtt

t"ue series

presented for children who learn English in the beginner to intermediate level. Each stories is delivered in an amusing way, illustrated with beautiful pictures and enriched with moral values. Have you had the complete stories of fables series?


1. False

Beauty Mr. Invoice

2. 3. Broken Fr:iend;ship 6. 7



,' ),

10. 1






L el,ief 15 Stainruay to Heaveii

Bad Habit


. Be' Your:self,

8. The Candidate Campaign


Kikky Koala Trouble Makers How the Tigâ‚Źf:, Got lts,'stripes



The Smartest




',i'n' F



e nds,h

iig,': ;,' ::":':;,;




Mr. Stork's Big Scherne

ililt ililil1ilt


ilill lllll llll llll 021166

lsBN 979497-836-1 rsBN 979497-838-8

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