Mr Invoice

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tu Y. Mei Setiyanta

Mr. lnvolce @ PENERBIT KAilISIUS

Mr. Invoice 021 r58 @ Kanisius


PENERBIT KANISIUS (Anggota IKAPI) Jl. Cempaka 9, Deresan, Yogyakarta 55281 Kotak Pos I 1 25lYk, Yogyakarta, 550 I I Telepon (027 4) 5 88783, 56599 6, F qx (027 4) 563349 Website : E-Mail : Cetakan keTahun





Ilustrasi oleh Yulius Suryono

fsBN 979-,497-8264 rsBN 979497-828-0

Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak karya tulis ini dalam bentuk dan dengan cara apapun, termasuk fotokopi, tanpa izin tertulis dari Penerbit. Dicetak oleh Percetakan Kanisius Yogyakarra


Introduction eading is a good way of getting knowledge. It should be introduced in early childhood, hence it becomes a habit in people's lifestyle. To encourage children to love reading, we provide interesting stories in a fable series. We believe that animal kingdom stories have their own attractiveness to amuse children with fantastic stories. Thus, children are also encouraged to build their own fantasies, to open their mind to knowledge and different views, and to have in their soul good moral values that are

always enriching every story.

A long and hard dry seasonhappened in the jungle. The leaves were starting to fall from the trees. The soil looked so banm and cracked because of lacking water. No gentle'wind blew. As a consequence, the atmosphere became very hot.


The bad situation troubled the animals and plants. The air was very hot outside. Most animals prefered to stay at home. They looked exhausted and thirsty. Mrs. Buffalo was weak because there was no water in the rivers. Everyday she played in the rivers and wallowed inthe mud. Mrs. Swan, Mr. Duck and Mr. Scrab could not enjoy themselves in the water. They satbehind the rocks. Once, Mrs. Duckput outhq tongue. Mr. Bat went out of the cave he lived in. It was hot inside. This unluclq time went on for many days. The inhabitants, however could not overcome the strength.of nature. They just accepted the conditions.

The saddest animal was Mr. Grasshopper since there were no leaves to eat. He sat on the branch of a durian tree. He used his hands to cover his face from the sunshine thatbeat downonh'i times he brea




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"My God. How hot this day is. Where are my friends? What are they doing? . J I .lam o.,* How .r lonely .r,i5ii without them," murmured Mr. Grdsshopper.

"Who am I? I don't know. Neither do I know where I come from.-I have been with you since you were born," explained the voice. "Will you be my friend?" asked Mr. Grasshopper curiously. "Of course, I will. In fact, I'11 even be your best friend. You can ask me about goodness and badness." " Wow! How lucl<y

I am. Well my friend,


I give you a name?" asked Mr.


"With my pleasure," answered the voice. "But what?" questioned Mr. Grasshopper. "Whatever," answered the voice. "I have an idea. You are a mystery voice, aren'tyou? And you come from inside my body. What about: Mister Invoice? What do you think?" asked Mr. Grasshopper. 'All right. But remember, I know everything you are doing," reminded Mr. Invoice. "Are you a genius or something?" replied Mr. Grasshopper. "Not really." "Are you teasing me?" questioned Mr. Grasshopper. "No, I am not. I just know everything about you." "We11, Mr. Invoice. What am I doing now? what am I thinking about?" examined

Mr. Grasshoper. "You are sitting with your hands covering your face because of the sunlight. You are wondering now. You want to ask me about stealing," guessed Mr. Invoice. "Exacly! How do you know that?" wondered Mr. Grasshopper.

"f cannoi hear the singing birds, cock. Are they dying?"

the bleating goat, the roaring tiger or the crowing questioned Mr. Grasshopper. He was wondering about his


regret stealing Mr. Goat's . WhV I did mock Mrs. Spider? it;lii,,t/ V did I bite Mrs. Butterfly? silly t am. Forgive me, i.ii1 .,my friends," sobbed Mr.

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ii.]1 ' Ctasshopper. ;iffi :. .-, :"stop crying.,,


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Suddenlv. there was a :,*S.oft voice that disturbed ii$.i . Mr. Grasshopper ,tged. Once again, he J'

the voice. are you crying?"

"I've lost all of my friends. Who are you? Where are you from?" asked Mr. r.

"It's easy.'Because I am with you," answered Mr. Invoice. "Can I meet you? And how?" asked Mr. Grasshopper.


"You cannot meet me physically because I am shapeless, however, you can listen to my voice. Don't use your ears. Just close your eyes. Take a deep breath and relax. Concentrate your thought and mind. In this way, you can communicate with me." "By the way, what do you think about stealing?" asked Mr. Grasshopper. "Stealing is taking what belongs to someone else without permission. It makes others suffer. So, stealing is harmful. It's not good. Don't do it!" said Mr. Invoice sternly.

Mr. Grasshopper thought for

a moment. He found

truth in Mr. Invoice's words. He


"You stole Mr. Goat's leaves, didn't you?" reminded Mr. Invoice. "Yes, I did," said Mr. Grasshopper regretfully. "Will you bring them back to him?" asked Mr. Invoice. "Yes, I will. I am so sorr5r," replied Mr. Grasshopper.

Since then, Mr. Grasshopper has had a very loyal friend. He frequntly listens to Mr. Invoice whenever he is alone and lonely" First, he looks for a quiet place. Second, he closes his eyes. Third, he takes a deep breath and relaxes. He concentrates and ;.ii:




with Invoice for


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believes ii;, that every irnal has a



rgry close md. their .,Mr. IniT,'he



thing he never



harmful deed again.

atmosphere (n) = suasana, atmosfit

barren (adj) = gersang beat, beat (v) = memukul bleat, bleated (v) = mengembik

bleating (adj) = mstgembik cave (n) = gu&

murmur, murmured (v) = berbisik nod, nodded (v) =mengangguk overcome, overcame (v) =mengatasi pleasure (n) = senang hati prefer, prefered (v) = lebih menyukai put, put out (v) = menjulurkan

quiet (adj)



communicate, communicated (v) = berkomunikasi concenffate, concenffated (v) = 6ffkonsentrasi cover, covered (v) = menutupi-

regret, regretted (v) = menyesal relax, relaxed (v) = bersantai

crack, cracked (v) = pecah, retak crow, crowed (v) = berkokok

remind, reminded (v) = mengingatkan reply, replied (v) = menjawab

crowing (adj) = berkokok

roar, roared (v) = mengaum roaring (adj) =rn"ntuo111

deed (n)



disturb, disturbed (v) = mengganggu examine, examined (v) = mengUji

season (n) = musim

exhausted (adj) =

silly (adj) = bodoh sob, sobbed (v) = menangis terisak-isak sternly (adv) = dengankeras suffer, suffered (v) = menderita


explain, explained (v) = menerangkan fall, fell, fallen (v) =jatuh frequent (adj) = seringkali frequently (adv) = ssringleli guess, guessed (v) = menebak

harmfiil (adj) = merugikan lonely (adv) = sspi lucky (adj) - beruntung


shapeless (adj) = takberbentuk

mengolok-olok ftouble, troubled (v) = menyulitkan unlucky (adj) = sial, malang wallow, wallowed (v) =berkubang wonder, -ing (v) = berpikir, memikhkan tease, -ing (v) =




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