Cross border 2013 La Papeterie Magazine

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Economic Review/France 2012

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The representatives of the MIP who led this press conference.


here is strength in unity and for the industry’s members within the Maison des Industries des Papiers et Cartons, this will be all the more necessary in 2013.Whilst French industrial output fell by an average of 2.2% in 2012, manufacturing output at the end of 2012 was 16% below its level of February 2008. Quite logically, in the depressed context of last year, the many segments of the industry gathered together within the MIP were unable to avoid the slowdown. This was not just as a result of the fragility of the economy and its customer markets, but also as a result of the inexorable rise of dematerialisation.These structural trends therefore continued to negatively impact the industry as a whole, which currently, represented within the MIP, includes 6,930 companies and 136,000 employees. “This is a turnover of â‚Ź30 billion and a workforce of E GSQTEVEFPI WM^I XS XLEX SJ XLI IPIGXVMGEP IUYMTQIRX TVSHYGXMSR sectorâ€?, as Marc Sanchez, its President, points out.


allocation of the advertising spend. Advertising publications however held up, which does demonstrate the strength of printed documents as a vector for targeted messages, especially when advertisers are looking to maximise effectivenessâ€?. 2012 advertising revenues in the press sector were down 7.5% (-30% for the free circulation press, -5.7% for the daily press and -3.8% for magazines). Output within the printing sector between 2011 and 2012 declined by 2% and sales by 1.5%. By volume, whilst books and periodicals were down, respectively by 2.5% and 1%, printed advertising mailers remained almost static (-0.5%), whilst unsolicited advertising material dropped off sharply (-4.5%). In addition, last year according to Livres Hebdo FSSO WEPIW [IVI HS[R F] XLMW GLERKI LS[IZIV VIžIGted household expenditure decisions rather than the increased penetration of e-books. The impact of these globally negative changes in the downstream markets saw producers of printing papers upstream continuing to suffer with production at 3 Mt (-10.1%). Output of uncoated papers (mechanical and woodfree) was down sharply (-23.2%) with the closure of two mills in 2012 (M-real Alizay and Vertaris). This resulted in the withdrawal of almost 530,000 t of capacity; the decline is set to continue, although at a slower pace. Coated woodfree papers however performed better in the market. Following the chain downstream there was a logical slowdown in activity for the merchant sector, down -5.9% to 820,000 t, with turnover dropping even faster (-8% to â‚Ź900 M). Sales from stock at 480,000 t against 340,000 t performed better than indent sales (-3.4% against -9.4%). The outlook for 2013 remains fairly tough: “Companies are still under pressure, with the decline in demand working to drive up GSQTIXMXMSR 4VS½XEFMPMX] MW EPWS MREHIUYEXI FIGEYWI SJ VMWMRK GSWXW and falling selling prices, thereby explaining the extent of problems being experienced by players in the chainâ€?, as Isabelle Boccon-Gi-

According to Copacel, in 2012, total French paper & board output was down 5.7% at 8 Mt (-487,700 t). Pulp production fell by a similar percentage (-5.8% to 1.8 Mt), whilst recovered paper & board consumption was down 2% to 5 Mt. The printing paper market in 2011 amounted to 4.4 Mt (including imports), and this was a reduction of 4.6% on 2009. A further decline of 3% is expected for 2012. “We are seeing a trend towards the dematerialisation Output of printing papers of documents, invoices and bank statements, In thousands of tonnes. 2012 data. Percentage changes compared with 2011. Source: Copacel as companies look for ways to cut their costsâ€?, Total Press papers Coated Uncoated explains Isabelle Boccon-Gibod, President of (newsprint Copacel2 and Revipap3. “In terms of 2012, we and LWC) expect to see a further decline in the consumption Z Output 3,086 (-10.1%) 1,326 (-6.9%) 941 (-0.1%) 819 (-23.2%) SJ SJ½GI TETIVW SJ EVSYRH GSQTEVIH [MXL 2,870 (-9.6%) 840 (-5.3%) 770 (-17.5%) 1,270 (-6.9%) Z Imports* JSPPS[MRK XLI HVST FIX[IIR ERH 2,240 (-10.1%) 1,070 (-3.5%) 700 (-9.9%) 470 (-22.5%) Z Exports* 2011. This same downward trend is also likely for 3,716 (- 9.7%) 1,096 (- 8.8%) 1.011 (- 8%) 1,619 (- 11.2%) the printed press, with the closure of a number Z Apparent consumption* of publications, shrinking printing runs and page numbers, mainly associated with changes in the (*) Estimates. la papeterie 322 February-March 2013


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Economic Review/France 2012

bod summarises the situation. In global terms, XLI TVS½XEFMPMX] JSV TETIV FSEVH TVSHYGIVW (EBITDA/TO) has been in constant decline for a number of years now, apart from a slight improvement recorded in 2007. From a level of 9.8% in 2002, this had collapsed to 1.2% in 2012: “A well-known story of the deterioration of margins within a French paper industry that is in real need of a restorative”, she says in conclusion.

Z Exports

1,513.3 (-2.3%)

140.5 (+9.7%)

423.5 (-6.5%)

949.3 (-1.9%)

Z Imports

2,236.3 (-0.5%)

254.0 (-0.8%)

722.9 (+1.1%)

1,259.4 (-1.3%)

Z Apparent consumption

4,514.0 (-2.6%)

332.7 (-2.0)

940.7 (-1.2%)

3,240.6 (-3.0%)


Z Turnover (€ bn)

2.08 (- 10.6%)

0.28 (+2.8%)

0.43 (-5.5%)

1.37 (-14.4%)


Z Production

According to Christine-Noëlle Baudin, President of Cofepac4, “demand from the sectors that use paper-board packaging was weak in 2012; following a deterioration in the middle SJ XLI ]IEV XLI WMXYEXMSR ¾EXXIRIH SJJ XS[EVHW XLI IRH SJ XLI TIVMSH². The sector is heavily dependent on the agri-business sector which accounts for 55% of the market. In 2012, this sector recorded growth of just 1% by volume (+3.9% in 2011). The sector is very closely correlated with the state of the economy as a whole and consolidated activity within the paperboard packaging industry (board box, corrugated board, industrial sacks & labels) contracted by 1.5% by volume (to 5.2 Mt) and 2.3% by value (to €6.35 billion). Over a ten year period, whilst there was an average annual contraction of 0.4% in volume, there was however growth of 0.6% in value. It should also be noted that over the same period the trend towards lighter packaging continued. “Compared with other materials, paper-carton board packaging remains highly competitive in terms of price, even if there is still a degree of imbalance in the value chain”, as Christine-Noëlle Baudin also pointed out. In terms of corrugated board in 2012 there was a decline of 0.6% in the surface area (to 5.4 billion m2) and of 0.8% in weight (to 2.8 Mt) with sales down 1.5% to €2.9 billion. What are the likely trends for 2013? There is unlikely to be any increase in output among the leading client sectors other than in pharmaceuticals (+1.5%) and fertilisers (+3%). A 0.5% contraction is forecast for agri-business, and household consumption is going to remain weak. “The year ahead is going to FI E HMJ½GYPX SRI [MXLSYX QYGL KVS[XL EPXLSYKL [MXLSYX ER] VETMH ERH WIVMSYW [SVWIRMRK EKEMRWX XLI WMXYEXMSR EW MX [EW MR Activity will to a large extent depend on the scale of export opportuRMXMIW ERH ¾YGXYEXMSRW MR XLI GPMIRX QEVOIXW², is how the President of Cofepac analyses the immediate future. “Over the longer term, our markets are still growing, with a particularly strong contribution from the cosmetics, agri-business and perfumery segments. We do however want to drive home to the government the need for a national industrial policy”.

HYGIENE PAPERS In 2012, the 17 French tissue mills produced a total of 793,700 t of parent reels of cellulose wadding (+5.9% on 2011). This was achieved thanks to the bringing online of the ICT Montargis mill and the start-up of the machine at MP Hygiène.The utilisation rate for RCF (Recovered Fibres) was down 1.4% to 38.2%. Apparent consumpII

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Total Paper & Board

Packaging papers

Carton board

Corrugated case material

3,791.0 (-3.7%)

219.2 (+3.6%)

641.3 (-7.1%)

2,930.5 (-3.4%)

tion of sheeted hygiene articles was unchanged at 858,400 t (50% of which was toilet paper). Sales of worn hygiene products (baby products, incontinency protection, and feminine hygiene) amounted to 8.7 billion units (-1.4%). Output of converted products however increased by 1.7%, to 802,900 t, dominated by toilet paper (52% of the total). “The hygiene sector is closely correlated with household GSRWYQTXMSR TYVGLEWMRK TS[IV ERH HIQSKVETLMG GLERKIW WTIGM½GEPP] XLI KVS[MRK RYQFIV SJ TISTPI EKIH SZIV ERH XLI FMVXL VEXI², explained Valérie Pouillat, Managing Director of Group’Hygiène. Unsurprisingly, for 2013, Marc Sanchez predicts ±RIKEXMZI ½KYVIW SRGI EKEMR ERH Whilst the economy is expected to E HMJ½GYPX ]IEV VI¾IGXMRK XLI SZIVEPP IGSremain steadfastly nomic environment”. Nevertheless the ¾EX XLVSYKL XLI sector is revealing an ability to mobilise industry is hopeful and work together. The President of the that there will be a MIP would also like to be able to be see TSWMXMZI MQTEGX JSV “in some of the government’s measures, XLIMV FYWMRIWW JVSQ encouraging signs that could help improve decisions that will XLI IJ½GMIRG] SJ GSQTERMIW ERH JSWXIV VIMR- be more favourable dustrialisation. It now remains to be seen to investment and competitiveness. what concrete form these take”. In particular, discussions are underway within the new National Industrial Council (Conseil national de l’Industrie, CNI) which brings together 12 industrial sectors, with the paper industry involved in the one entitled “Chemicals and Materials”. Marc Sanchez also referred to the Gallois Report highlighting the positive elements relating to the modernisation of the French economy, without going into the details of current discussions being held with the government. In concluding, he stressed the on-going commitment to innovation, quality and training that drives everyone in the industry, as well as “the openness of the MIP to future consolidation and to further subject areas for working on together”. VALÉRIE LECHIFFRE (1) Cf. “La Papeterie” no. 312, October 2011, pg. 3 and 6 and no. 313, 2SZIQFIV (IGIQFIV TK (2) Copacel: Confédération française de l’industrie des papiers, cartons et celluloses (French Confederation of Paper, Board and Cellulose Producers). (3) Revipap: Groupement français des papetiers utilisateurs de papiers recyclables (French Grouping of Users of Recycled Fibres). ( ) Cofepac: Comité français de l’emballage papier-carton (French PaperBoard Packaging Committee).


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Signing of the agreement by senior managers from Double A, Jean-Louis Destans, President of the Conseil GÊnÊral de l’Eure, and Arnaud Montebourg, Minister of Redressement Productif (Productivity Improvement).


n 23 January a large crowd including a government Minister, a considerable number of wellORS[R ½KYVIW JVSQ XLI PSGEP ERH REXMSREP political and economic arena, members of trade union bodies, former employees and a major media mobilisation, gathered in the huge paper machine hall, an industrial cathedral of sorts, that had been reduced to silence for almost a year. Following the frantic mobilisation of everyone who might possibly be interested in this case and a lengthy period of doubt and continuous, often demanding, negotiations, carried out in great secrecy (one of the preconditions for the success?), the ceremony marking the sale of the Alizay mill to the Thais papermaker Double A took place in front of a large gathering.The mill had, until March 2012, an ERRYEP SYXTYX SJ EVSYRH X SJ SJ½GI papers and employed 330 people. It is due to restart before the summer with an initial workforce of around 200, with this eventually increasing to 250. This is, for Double % MXW ½VWX MRZIWXQIRX MR E TVSHYGXMSR JEGMlity outside its home country.




France’s Minister du Redressement Productif (Productivity Improvements), Arnaud

Montebourg, had made the journey to be there, alongside Jean-Louis Destans, Socialist Party President of the Conseil GĂŠnĂŠral de l’Eure, the Prefect, Dominique Sorain, as well as from Double A, Yothin Dumnernchanvanit, President and Managing Director, and Thirawit Leetavorn, Senior Executive Vice-President. “I have been the owner of the mill for one hour this morningâ€?, explained Jean-Louis Destans, describing the adopted solution as “a highly original answerâ€? 2SXMRK XLI HMJ½GYPXMIW MRZSPZIH MR

Jean-Louis Destans and Arnaud Montebourg.

Yothin Dumnernchanvanit, President and Managing Director of Double A, and Thirawit Leetavorn, Senior Executive Vice-President.

The Double A Public Company Ltd was founded in 1991 and started production in 1995. The company produces uncoated and coated woodfree papers and employs more than 3,000 people. Annual output: 600,000 t of bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp (two mills) and 600,000 t of paper (three mills). 40% of pulp output is integrated, 50% is sold on the domestic and export markets, with 10% as lapped pulp (50% humidity) marketed in Thailand and through its Hi-Tech Paper subsidiary. 65% of output is exported. Double A paper is available in over 120 countries. 2010 T.O.: â‚Ź424.3 M (paper) and â‚Ź40.4 M (pulp). 8LIVI EVI QMPPMSR ½FVIW MR IEGL gram of Double A paper. The group is based around its concept of “Paper From Farmed Treesâ€? (PFFT), grown by Thais growers under contract and located on the edges of rice paddies. The Double A brand was launched in Thailand in 2000, with the marketing extended as of 2001 to Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and China before being exported to Australia and the Middle-East in 2007. Double A then expanded its trading area to include Europe, Africa and the rest of Asia in 2011. Brands: Double A (80 g/m2), Hi Plus (75 g/m2) and Quality Blue (70 g/m2). %GGSVHMRK XS XLI GSRWYPXERG] ½VQ )1+) XLI GSRWYQTXMSR SJ SJ½GI paper in reams in Western Europe declined by 18 % between 2007 and 2013 (an average of - 3.3 % a year and expected to reach - 4.4 % in 2013 alone).

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The large crowd gathered in the huge paper machine hall, an industrial cathedral of sorts, reduced to silence for almost a year.

KĸĐĞ WĂƉĞƌƐ negotiating between the buyer and the seller(1), in return for €18 M, the Conseil Général bought the entire site (buildings and land, a total of almost 48 hectares) and the equipment (including the paper machine). A non-standard lease of 23 months has been applied to some of the land (6.30 ha) to give the occupant time to get set up. The initial idea was that Neoen would acquire the plant for €3 M, but in the end the Thais group also purchased this; talks are therefore continuing between Double A and the Direct Energie subsidiary, however without any completion date being agreed(2). The contribution from M-real, now known as Metsä Board, includes the demolition and decontamination work on the site with the aim of expediting the start of operations, and this will continue after the sale. Finding its echo in recent discussions – on occasion heated within the government – concerning the possibilities of direct involvement by the State in saving struggling industrial operations (ArcelorMittal as a case in point), the Ministre du Redressement Productif described this piggybacking operation as being “a sort of temporary local mini-nationalisation. (…) Our current national priority must be to work together to maintain TVSHYGXMZI GETEGMX] MR XLMW MRWXERGI IJ½GMIRX productive and unique, producing very high quality paper. (…) If the tool survives, hope

is possible”. In his own inimitable high energy style, the Minister drove home the point that, despite the current crisis and increasing layoffs, “pessimism is not obligatory”. He also praised the virtues of daring and imagination, saying that “there are Alizay battles taking place throughout France”. The President and Managing Director of Double A explained that the company had carried out conclusive trials on the Alizay paper machine in 2012 using its pulp made in Thailand. Acknowledging ±XLI HMJ½GYPX IGSnomic context facing France and the world”, he called on “everyone involved to work together to ensure the success of this operation”. A new page has been turned for Alizay and it is now up to its new owners and their future employees to write the next instalment, on Double A paper. VALÉRIE LECHIFFRE

(1) Cf. details in “La Papeterie” n° 321, December 2012-January 2013, pg. 6. (2) In addition, as part of a land transfer loan, the Département will sell it in turn to the EPFN (Etablissement Public Foncier de Normandie) for €4.2 M. The whole package includes the land (40 ha) and buildings, including the headquarters and the château.The EPFN will carry out the work needed to get the site ready for sale.

>>> Thirawit Leetavorn, SEVP of Double A: “Alizay is a tremendous opportunity”

Depending on a number of parameters (hiring process, reconditioning of the machine, deliveries of raw materials, etc.), the mill will be restarted in May or June.The workforce will be adjusted in line with the increase in production.We look to hire skilled work personnel from the same area. *SV [I EVI LSTMRK XS TVSHYGI X SJ TVIQMYQ SJ½GI TETIV [MXL ZIV] LMKL ½FVI GSRXIRX ERH PS[ EWL GSRXIRX ;I [MPP FI TVSHYGMRK XLI same grade as we produce in Thailand. The annual ream capacity at Alizay is 250,000 t and the total capacity is 300,000 t. The level of demand in the market will determine what happens with the remaining 50,000 t. We will focus on marketing under our own brands, although we could eventually consider other marketing opportunities, including retailers’ label brands.We will be looking to market most of our output in France, and then Europe.We already have our own marketing department, which we will be reinforcing, as well as a network of agents. However, if these markets cannot absorb all our output – namely because of the extent of overcapacities –, we will look to identify outlets in other regions in which we are already present, such as North Africa and the Middle-East. We recently boosted our pulp production capacity in Thailand and this will be used to supply the Alizay mill. However, given that the pulp market is global, with its ups and downs, we will make the most of any opportunities arising from price movements and we could therefore buy market pulp. For the production of our Evolve recycled paper, we will also be buying recycled pulp on the market. %X XLEX XMQI MX MW HMJ½GYPX XS JSVIGEWX E TVIGMWI HEXI JSV XLI VIXYVR SR XLI MRZIWXQIRX 8LMW MW RIZIVXLIPIWW JVSQ SYV TSMRX SJ ZMI[ ER I\XVIQIP] attractive prospect. It is a tremendous opportunity with regards to the quality of the equipment we have acquired and the geographic location of Alizay. We are absolutely convinced that this acquisition is ideally suited to develop our brands and our markets”. INTERVIEW BY VALÉRIE LECHIFFRE


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News Manufacturer ALLIMAND: A FIRST RATE 2012 WITH CREATION OF SUBSIDIARY IN SPAIN AND A PILOT FACILITY LAUNCHED IN THE USA “On the whole, 2012 was a good year with a TO of €70 M”, explains Franck Rettmeyer, Allimand Chairman and CEO. “As well as our traditional products, we experienced considerable expansion with our high added value technical papers, with successful sales growth in Europe and Asia. While the company structure remained unchanged, we managed to double our annual turnover through Franck Rettmeyer, Allimand CEO and President. an optimization of our production facilities and MRGVIEWIH IJ½GMIRG] MR QEREKMRK SYV HIPMZIV] WGLIHYPIW -R [I WE[ ER IEWMRK MR XLI EJXIVIJJIGXW SJ XLI ½RERGMEP GVMWMW MR [I [MPP be facing an unprecedented economic crisis in Western and European

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economies. Growth has collapsed and this is particularly worrying as companies will be investing more to improve the quality of their products rather than expand their output. 2013 will be a year of investment for Allimand, in terms of both work organization on our site in Rives and production capacity. We will increase our development efforts for new products and will be focussing on the global world as our key target!” In 2012, the company set up APMS, Allimand Paper Machine Spain. The new subsidiary, occupying over 200 m2, is located in the heart of the Zuatzu Business Park in San Sebastian. “We hope to consolidate our presence by being closer to our customers and thereby boosting our sales prospects in the Spanish and LatinAmerican markets”, explains Miguel Ibanez, Director of APMS and with over 30 years’ experience in the paper industry. This new operation follows the signing of a major order in 2010 with Terranova, a subsidiary of the Miquel & Costas group. Allimand also recently installed a new pilot-machine in the United States for carrying out tests on non-woven papers. “Our objectives”, explains Fabrice Gilet, Allimand Sales Director, “include on the one hand offering our customers the opportunity to carry out tests under industrial conditions on our equipment ; and on the other, being closer to the market through this new pilot and the exceptional marketing innovation it creates”. Allimand has designed, developed and installed over 89 paper machines around the world since 1950. 80% of its annual turnover is generated abroad. The company employs 300 people.

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Ports HAROPA: ONE YEAR OLD ALREADY! %PXLSYKL XLI ½REP ½KYVIW EVI RSX EW ]IX EZEMPEFPI WIEFSVRI XVEHI I\GPYHMRK VMZIV XVEJ½G through the Grand Port Maritime de Rouen (GPMR) in 2012 is likely to have exceeded 21 Mt. The year included events such as the closure of Petroplus and a poor level SJ GIVIEP WLMTQIRXW 8VEJ½G XLVSYKL XLI 4SVX du Havre was somewhere around 67 Mt by sea. For 2012, the Haropa1 EIG was in 4th Philippe Deiss, place among the northern European ports, MD of GPMR. behind Rotterdam, Antwerp and Hamburg. -R JSVIWXV] ERH TETIV MRHYWXV] XVEJ½G MRGPYHMRK GSRXEMRIVW through the GPMR amounted to approximately 590,000 t. “Haropa is now a complex on an international scale, whilst before the )-+ [I [IVI PIWW SJ E ±TVIWIRGI² VIPEXMZI XS XLI SXLIV RSVXLIVR )YVSpean ports”, as Philippe Deiss, MD of the GPMR and President of Haropa until 1st January 20131 points out. “We are now able to offer end-to-end logistical services for Le Havre-Rouen-Paris. Almost all the imported cargos that arrive at the ports of Le Havre and Rouen EVI MRXIRHIH JSV XLI -PI HI *VERGI VIKMSR 8LI GSRXEMRIVW EVI YRPSEHIH in Le Havre, the breaking-consolidation can be performed in Rouen and everything is consumed in Paris and its region. Previously the customers had to manage all these various stages”. (1) On 1st January 2013, Philippe Deiss handed over to Alexis Rouque, MD of XLI 4SVXW HI 4EVMW 4VIWMHIRX SR E VSXEXMRK FEWMW SJ XLI )-+

Handling BA SYSTÈMES SUPPLIES PAPECO WITH A NEW AUTOMATED LOGISTICS SYSTEM BA Systèmes has automated the logistics warehouse for Papeco, a French family business specialized in the manufacture SJ L]KMIRI ERH WERMXEV] TETIV [MXL E ¾IIX SJ %+: %YXSQEXIH +YMHIH :ILMGPIW )QQERYIP 'SYPSR 4ETIGS´W 4VSHYGXMSR (MVIGtor explains: ±8LI SFNIGXMZI [EW XS WXVIEQPMRI SYV [SVO¾S[W ERH to organize and optimize our surface area. The solution designed by BA Systèmes allowed us to implement rigor and traceability. This has helped us to develop and to focus on our core business and expertise. After just a few months in operation we seem to have achieved what we set out to do”. Papeco has been a papermaker since 1925 and manufactures and converts cellulose based hygiene and cleaning products. Using FSXL ZMVKMR ERH VIG]GPIH ½FVIW MXW XYVRSZIV MR VIEGLIH almost €11 M. Based near Coutances in the north of France, the company employs 47 people. It moved into its new 5,000 m2 building housing a new industrial system and fully automated logistics warehouse in September 2012. With an annual output of 8,000 tons of paper, Papeco packs 30 tons per day. %W [IPP EW SJ½GIW XLI TVSHYGXMSR WMXI EPWS LEW E Q2 storage area. The logistics area can hold 1,550 pallets, has four shipping docks and four marshalling areas (33 & 39 pallets) which are fully VI

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QEREKIH F] XLI ;17 HIZIPSTIH F] &% 7]WXrQIW %+: 1EREger. This control software manages the priority tasks, scheduling SVHIVW XS FI WXSVIH ERH HMWTEXGLIH ERH YRMUYIP] MHIRXM½IW XLI pallets via output production PLC. As part of its mission BA Systèmes developed a system with two GSYRXIVFEPERGIH %+: +* X]TI JSV EYXSQEXMRK ¾S[W JVSQ XLI production area to the shipment area.These travel at a speed of 2 meters per second, carrying 2.5 m high pallets, which can be lifted up to 6 meters high.

Deinking and Recycling Technologies ADVANCED TRAINING COURSES ORGANIZED IN MAY AT CTP, GRENOBLE On 28-30 May, the Centre Technique du Papier (CTP) will be holding its next Training Course Sessions on Deinking and Recycling Technologies, in Grenoble (France). The conference will be following by a Practical Training Course on Friday 31st, at the CTP Laboratories. The programme is aimed at an international audience and will cover topics of interest to people in R&D, specialists working in the pulp and paper industry, as well as those in allied industries. International level experts from CTP (France), PTS (Germany) and other research institutes, together with industry representatives, will be talking about their knowhow concerning fundamental techniques and technologies and some of the most recent research results. These courses will FI SJ WTIGM½G MRXIVIWX XS QEREKIVW IRKMRIIVW XIGLRMGMERW WGMIRtists and technical staff from the paper industry, chemical suppliers, and the machine manufacturing and engineering sectors. The conference aims to provide an overview of the state-of-the art and recent national and international developments in the various areas of paper and board based deinking and recycling. 8LI SJ½GMEP PERKYEKI JSV XLI XVEMRMRK GSYVWIW [MPP FI )RKPMWL


Wet End Chemistry training in Istanbul in October 2012.

A French company founded in 2006 by Isabelle Baret, IBC Paper Training organizes face to face (public) training course, live eLearning training and tailor-made solutions (on site and SelfPaced e-Learning) for paper, pulp and tissue makers from all over the world. The company has expanded areas of expertise, gathering experts and participants from almost every corner of the world. Currently with a presence in Dubai, Istanbul and Paris

News (only for the face to face trainings), IBC has a new target zone for next year: the Asian market - Indonesia. The company offers training at both the operational level and the expert level. The face to face seminars or Live e-Learning (via Internet), always held in English, are specially designed for high level personal in the Paper Industry, such as Production/Technical/Mill/Quality Managers as well as for suppliers. All the topics it provides training in (such as Energy Savings, Water Management,Wet End Paper Chemistry Management, Deposit Control Strategy in Papermaking, etc.) are focused on reducing total operating costs and increasing productivity.The lectures are given by consultants from Europe and North America, all of them specialists in their ½IPHW MR XLI TSVXJSPMS 8LI WIQMREVW EVI JSV E QE\MQYQ SJ 25 participants. IBC Paper Training also organises Training soluXMSRW WTIGM½GEPP] HIHMGEXIH XS 8MWWYI 4ETIVQEOMRK In addition, IBC offers tailored-made on-site training. Those courses are either in English and French, depending on the clients’ requirements. IBC Paper Training provides much of its training in France but is also moving abroad into countries such as Malaysia and Egypt. In addition, IBC has also developed some training solutions dedicated to Tissue production. Those receiving training from IBC over the years have included TEVXMGMTERXW JVSQ GSQTERMIW WYGL EW 7'% 7S½HIP (7 7QMXL Norske Skog, Ahlstrom, Unipak, IPI, UPM-Kymmene, Billerud, 1SRHM 7QYV½X /ETTE 7'+ 7EYHM 4ETIV ;EVEU 1EPE]WMER 4ETIV Mill, Sappi, Stora Enso, CMPC, Tembec, Dantas Kagit, Tul-Kagit, Modern Karton, Akasan, etc.

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Bivis Technology CLEXTRAL REPORTS RECORD 2012 REVENUES AND PURSUES ITS INTERNATIONAL EXPANSION In 2012, Clextral, a division of the Legris Industries Group, generated sales worth €62.5 M, a 29% increase over the previous year. The world leader in twin-screw extrusion and couscous lines makes 81% of its sales outside France and 73% outside the Euro Zone. South America was high on Clextral’s 2012 agenda with the company opening a subsidiary in Brazil and acquiring its Chilean supplier Sudamerinox. Alongside the historical supply of equipment and complete production lines to the food industry, ½FVI TVSGIWWMRK MW EPWS ER EVIE SJ KVS[XL JSV 'PI\XVEP -XW [Eter and energy saving twin-screw technology is acknowledged worldwide as the solution for bank notes and security paper pulp production. It is also preferred over conventional solutions for the production of environmentally friendly products such as biodegradable packaging and horticultural products made with bio-sourced raw materials. ±-RRSZEXMSR LEW FIIR SRI SJ 'PI\XVEP´W core development drivers since its creation”, explains Georges Jobard, Clextral’s President. “We invest 3.6% of our sales in R&D and [SVO XSKIXLIV [MXL E RYQFIV SJ *VIRGL ERH JSVIMKR SVKERMWEXMSRW². Clextral now employs 275 people, 227 of whom are located in *MVQMR] MXW *VIRGL LIEH SJ½GI -R RI[ WXEJJ [IVI LMVIH MR France, in addition to the 17 employees of Sudamerinox in Chile.

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Cross Border is a Supplement of the French Magazine La Papeterie-Corrugated

N° 322 FEBRUARY-MARCH 2013 EDITORIAL OFFICE Editor-in-chief VALÉRIE LECHIFFRE 19, rue du DĂŠpart 75014 Paris TĂŠl. & Fax : +33 143 201 856 TRANSLATION PETER WEEKS ADVERTISEMENT MANAGER FRANÇOIS HÉNIN TĂŠl. : +33 238 422 902 Fax : +33 238 422 910

SUBSCRIPTIONS MATHILDE SEVESTRE TĂŠl. : +33 238 422 900 Fax : +33 238 422 910 France : 1 year 182 â‚Ź, 2,10 % TVA Foreign countries : 1 year 215 â‚Ź Issue : 25 â‚Ź, 2,10 % TVA


ORDER REPRINTS, ARTICLES AND PDF MATHILDE SEVESTRE TÊl. : +33 238 422 900 Fax : +33 238 422 910 LAYOUT/DESIGN SIMON & PARTNER’S PUBLISHER-MANAGEMENT ENP Publisher Manager STÉPHANE RICHARD 36, rue Stanislas-Julien 45000 OrlÊans TÊl. : +33 238 422 901 Fax : +33 238 422 910

Publisher of La Papeterie, l’Annuaire de la Papeterie 2010, La Carte papetière France, La Carte papetière IbĂŠrique, El Papel, l’Annuaire ibĂŠrique de l’industrie papetière, Pasta e Papel, Turkiye Kagit Sanayii and Paper Middleast.



la papeterie 322 February-March 2013


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