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In this issue of E N V Y Page 2 Executive Editor in Chief Kiett D. Prince Page 4 A word from our President & CEO Aubrey Ricci Page 6 Greeting from Analena Darkbyrd. Executive Editor in Chief.

Page 8

Kiett D. Prince

FEATURE : Model’s Haven Mall

Random thought: I wish The Count from Sesame Street would wake me up. “Kieeetttt – ha- ha – ha – ha! It’s time to vake up! 1! 2! 3! Ha-ha- ha-ha!

Page 21

“ That’d be fun times.


Page 38

I’m glad that we have two brand new Editor-InChiefs joining the family here at E N V Y MAGAZINE! Scott Nobody and Emmy Wiskee

Employment & Opportunities

will alternate publishing the magazine with me. I am so thrilled they are with us and I am already

Game of Thrones

excited for their creative publishing flair!

Page 45

Please welcome them with FIERCE LOVE!

Community Announcements & Society

Kiett We want your photo for the next theme of the week

Brazilian Carnival Contact us HERE for details! 2

5677 Queens Blvd., Cumberland City, SL (202)-212-4812


E N V Y Crew

President & CEO : Aubrey Ricci Chief Operations Officer : Analena M. Darkbyrd. Executive Editor in Chief : Kiett D. Prince Editor in Chief (this issue) : Scott Nobody Content Director : Wei Wei Runt Model Manager : Lady Falina Katze-Elmer Executive Assistants :Kessidy Carmona & Zoria Kealona

It is my absolute pleasure to welcome you to the 7th issue of E N V Y MAGAZINE, my first as Editor.

Social Media Marketing : Veronica Dotterkelch Photographers : Maiya Gant, Scott Nobody & Kiett D. Prince Models : Addy Omena, Analena M. Darkbyrd Catalysis, Arianna Jasmine, Resmay Bloodstone Vann Underwood, Veronica Dotterkelch Zarya Swashbuckler, Lisana Rossen Max Takahiro, Arianna Lis Darkfold

The model theme of this magazine is our second and last round of Game of Thrones. Who knows, it may come back because we have had so many incredible models styling for this theme, and it would be a shame not to show case them all. I’d also like to do a shout out to all the owners and staff on the sims that we have used for the Game of Thrones shoots. They have all been very accommodating in letting us shoot there, so on behalf of all our photographers, I’d like to say a big Thank You.

Marketing: Shivah Fury Writers : Kessidy Carmona, Arianna Carmela, Kiett D. Prince Max Takahiro, Analena M. Darkbyrd Model intern : Arianna Carmela, Indigo Vi Fenti


Model Haven is our feature this week. Read more on page 12. Resmay Bloodstorm and her partners have opened a new one stop shopping mall with focus on models. It includes many outlets from some of the most popular designers in Second Life. Resmay is also hosting a model support center as part of the mall,, and is planning to hold model and photography seminars. She has already had a few inquiries from new models. It looks like you have the beginning to an empire, Resmay :)

Resmay Bloodstone & Drawde Cuba from Model’s Haven Mall Photo by : Scott Nobody

A work of love by Human Avatars. Photographers and Writers from California, New Mexico, Georgia & Ontario IN ASSOCIATION Models from Argentina, Brazil, Germany, United States and Japan

Welcome to E N V Y - episode 7.

Scott Nobody



Photographer: Maiya Gant 4

My dream has always been to bring a better way to shop to Sl. Yes, SL has hundreds of bloggers with pages and groups, impossible to keep up with. Yes, you can get alerts from your favorite creator but you know that you just don’t have the time to review the 42 group notices, dozen or so Facebook groups and bookmark all the bloggers who pop up every other day. E N V Y, a magazine full of the exclusives that are dropping now without waiting a month between publications, the lag of shopping , time consumption or forgetting to check blogger pages and Flickr. Click & Shop directly from the pages here. You’ll see them highlight as you turn the page or hover over their ads to go directly to the Marketplace or SLURL. Come back here to always find what you’re looking for, in one easy and accessible place, E N V Y MAGAZINE. Happy Good Friday and Easter to you and yours.

Aubrey Ricci President & CEO 5

Photographer: Kiett Prince


Thank you for choosing E N V Y MAGAZINE as your advertisement. We are happy to welcome you as our newest readers and clients. With E N V Y, you get nothing less than excellent and dedicated advertising service at the most reasonable rates ever! We feel honored that you have chosen us to fill your business advertising needs, and we are happy to give all of our clients and readers exactly what they need. As you know, we carry everything your office may need for advertising. We have a great variety of packages to choose from, all at competitive prices. We have a complete line of ad space for new or established business owners like you. We have a guaranteed satisfaction to readers to read about their favorite designer. Our readers just click on the link inside of the ad and they’re in your store! We would be happy to visit with any potential clients inquiring about ad space at your convenience to discuss advertising needs. Just call us at (207) 212-4812 (for Cumberland Residents), or come by any time between 8:00am and 8:00 pm, Monday thru Saturday. When you come in, we would like to present you with a $500L Gift Card to {R E V E N G E} as a token of our appreciation for your business. Thank you again for your choice of E N V Y MAGAZINE to fill your advertising needs. We look forward to a long and successful relationship with our readers and clients.

Analena M. Darkbyrd Chief Operations Officer 7



Congratulations on the successful build of Model's Haven Mall. I cannot begin to imagine how many hours you all have put into this beautifully elegant mall. Thank you so much for letting me get a sneak peak. I love it and of course can't wait to shop there myself. For our viewers in case they haven't heard the buzz around SL, Model’s Haven is a non-profit Second Life (SL) Group and Land Parcel, dedicated to providing visibility to merchants, and support to male and female SL models. I also need to add you have space available and rental carts as well.

AG: Would you say that Model's Haven is a

way to "give back" to the modeling community? Resmay: I would like to advise people who are thinking about getting into modeling. It is not as easy as it looks. You spend hours finding just the right accessories or hair to go with an outfit and hours looking yourself over with a fine tooth comb for prim breaks where you skin may show when you walk or when you pose that your arm does not go through you when changing poses.

AG: So tell me about you all, the owners,

the creators.

Resmay: Drawde is the brains, brawn and mastermind of the center, WilloBreeze,, our creative director, has incredible and very creative ideas since she is in the business too and me I try to help where I can with ideas. I can talk, as you can tell so I tell everyone. AG: How did you all come up with this

idea "a mall for models"?

Drawde: Resmay is my muse, she loves modeling, and I have watched her and other models shop. I also know that creators and merchants need exposure. With the mall I am bringing them together. I am doing it knowing how hard it is to sell inworld, so I am keeping shop rental rates very low. Resmay: Models are always looking for clothing, hair, jewelry, shoes, poses or many different items for shows or photos. It is not always convenient to run all over SL to find exactly what you are looking for. When Drawde came up with the idea I asked models what they would like to see in a mall and we tried to meet as many of those requests as we could. AG: Do you have any other business

partners involved ?

You also have to keep in mind what the designer is trying to portray with their vision and be true to that designers’ style. You are selling the design, not yourself. It can also be quite expensive. You are given the clothes the designer would like you to present, but you still have to have the right jewelry, hair, shoes so that is where you have to really work to know your inventory and be creative. It is tough but also so rewarding.

Drawde: Resmay is my SL partner, and my business partner. I also have WilloBreeze helping me, creatively.

I was told by a friend a long time ago when I asked her about it, she said it is something you do not want to do. It is "cut throat" and 10

AG: I truly believe you've accomplished just

everyone is out for themselves. That is something I have found so far from the truth. I have had so many models reach out to help me, it is amazing. You become like a family.

that. Your grand opening is April 23rd. I see L'Amour Productions will be having a fashion show at the mall. Tell me a little about that. What will the models be showing off? What time is the show? Can anyone come to the show?

Model's Haven is a great way for me to try to help others pay it forward. Our dream, Drawde and mine also with our creative director WillowBreeze have spend countless hours brainstorming over exactly what is it that models could benefits from in a mall other than just shop. If it weren't for my besties Willo and Drawde

Drawde: Ava Jhamin of L'Amour Productions is producing the fashion show. I can tell you the show will feature male and female garments brought to you by a secret designer. The show is going to start at 1 pm slt but it would be advisable to get there no later than 30 minutes before hand. We are expecting a good turnout and would hate for anyone to miss out on a great show. There will be a party after the show with a DJ and dancing. AG: What types of products do you currently

have at the mall? Drawde: We currently have a diverse selection of high quality, men and women's fashions, jewelry, poses, and hair. We also have an option on a store that will sell makeup. We are proud to say that currently, we have three creators who have chosen our mall to house their main stores. AG: You say this is a mall that caters to

models, are you just about selling clothes? Resmay: We are not only about shopping, we are here to help models of all levels of experience in any way possible. While you do not have to be a group member we are hoping that models will want to join our group for the extra perks we will be offering. There is no cost to join the group and we have areas around the mall to take photographs without a cost unless you choose to download the photos inworld. The bottom line is not about money. We just want to make enough to pay the rent & be able to offer classes here. We are hoping in the future to offer free classes such as photog-

I would not have learned what I have. Willo is a model herself and one of the best stylist out there. She helps get me fine tuned when I am missing that little something to an outfit. She is amazing and Drawde helps look for prim breaks. He is the best supporter of models that anyone could ask for. Without Drawde this center would not exist.


raphy classes or maybe have speakers now and them. We are not out to compete with anyone, we just hope to help add to what is already out there.

Resmay: We have areas where group members can take pictures without a cost. There is a place in the mall with poses and backdrops. We have a fantasy photo area with many different poses, and we have a general area with a few different places to even do small group photos.

AG: You also have Practice runways? Could

you tell me how that works for those interested. Do you need to contact someone and reserve time?

AG: Are there any other "perks" you will be

offering for group members? Resmay: Yes we do. We are doing the show in our garden. We are using it as a runway. Contact will be either Drawde Coba or myself. Mine is listed as meishagirl but I go by resmay or our creative director who is Willobreeze

Drawde: I have tried to build a beautiful sim that is inviting where people can come and shop or even just sit around and have a cup of coffee with friends or even use the gardens for their special wedding day. Resmay: As a model you are always learning so we are planning on offering seminars for free to group members. This is still being determined what will be offered and how often. I would love to see it as opportunity for models to reach out and offer some of the knowledge they have learned along the way. It would be so rewarding to see newer models get with the more experienced as a mentor. AG: Resmay, How did you get

started in modeling? Did you always know you wanted modeling as your career? Resmay: Like most of us in RL I had the dream of being a model when i was young and my grandmother called a modeling school sand checked if they needed hand models. It is funny now. my bestie was approached by someone telling her she should be a model and when I heard what she was doing I jumped on it. i knew i wanted to be a model when I heard SL had them but had no idea how to begin. As for making it a career this has been a whirlwind and I keep thinking I am going to wake up from this awesome dream.

Photo areas. What is a photo area or why would a model benefit from a photo area? AG:

Drawde A: It is expensive to get started in the modeling world & models need to have a portfolio so many models are learning to take their own photographs to help cut costs where they can. 12

Resmay: I am really pretty young in the modeling world. I think i would say do your research on schools, find ones that fit you. Get your name out there early don't be afraid of rejection, take it as a learning opportunity and grow from it. Find someone to help or mentor you. I have been very blessed to have had some amazing mentors along the way that have helped me in so many ways. Join as many modeling groups as you can. This will keep you informed when castings are being held. The modeling world is very competitive but there are so many willing to help. I could go on and on but having a buddy helps tremendously. My bestie Willo and I have spent many long hours helping bounce ideas off each other to find just the right accessory for that show and when it comes to prim breaks you have to have someone help in this area. They will see things you do not. AG: Again, I am so excited for you all and

for the model community. Thank you so much for your time today. I noticed you are quite the accomplished model. You have walked many runways. What sort of advice would you give to new models just starting out? AG:



Meet Keith Ferguson, founder and creator of Nouvelle Aube. Nouvelle Aube will be opening as the anchor store at Model's Haven and will be featuring clothing that is smart and classy with a hint of sexy, for both men and women.

Keith came to SL almost 8 years ago and has been intrigued with designing and creating in SL. The inspiration for Keith's brand is to sell quality clothing, applying himself to present each item in the best possible way. His future plans include Marketplace, Facebook, Tumblr, and Flickr as well as an update to his own website. 15

Model's Haven: Where models can come to shop, relax, get help with poses, take photos and get school information, among other things. 16

Vichonette Constantine has been a

of her in her endless quest for

model in Second Life since the

poses, Vich began to dabble with

summer of 2009.

making poses herself. Fast forward

With that sort

of longevity, she's learned a thing


or two about posing over the

With Attitude opened its doors to


the public for the first time.

With the advent of mesh clothing,

PWA offers quality poses for both

Vich discovered that a lot of the

men and women, with realistic














longer worked with the changing


dimensions of mesh. Fingers went




there is a bit of something for

would become twisted, and other

everyone in this up and coming

things that, for a model, would be

little shop.



monthly group gifts, as well as


group discounts and non-group




respectable runway.


frustration having gotten the better




bulk discounts.






They also offer

Since launching in 2008, W omanity has established itself as the inworld’s premier luxury fashion destination. A pioneer of innovation, W omanity speaks to a daily (Monday to Friday) audience of almost 9,000 via group notices and chat, offering a seamless shopping experience and our popular group gifts.





you ready for the next installment of

Game of Thrones – Winter is Coming? Our talented models liked the challenge so much that we have decided to make a second issue with the theme. In this issue :

Catalysis — White Walker

Resmay Bloodstorm — Ellaria Sands

Addy — Ygrette

AriannaJasmin — Arianne Martell

Veronica Dotterkelch — Queen of Meeren

Vann Underwood — Daenerys Targaryen n

21 Model: Lisana Rossen Photographer: Scott Nobody

Model: Vann Underwood Photographer: Maiya Gant



Model: Catalysis Photographer: Scott Nobody 24


Model: Addy Omena Photographer: Scott Nobody 26



Model: Veronica Dotterkelch| Photographer: Maiya Gant 29

Model: Arianna Jasmine Photographer: Scott Nobody 30


Model: Resmay Bloodstorm Photographer: Scott Nobody 32




Whose favorite food is spaghetti? A.Analena Darkbyrd B. Big Bird C. Donald Trump D. Aubrey Ricci E. Mrs. Butterworth’s 36



Employment E N V Y Magazine EMPLOYEE BENEFITS include paid holiday leave, paid maternity and paternity leave. Cumberland City residents are eligible for dental and medical benefits.

E N V Y would like to thank 

Black Wall Street 

Model’s Haven Mall 



Mr. & Mrs. Myles and Love Darkbyrd 



Mr. & Mrs. Carmela’s New Bundles of Joy 

Cumberland City & CC Residents 

Friends and Family  E N V Y Fans! 38




Editor in Chief It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 7th issue of E N V Y MAGAZINE, my first as editor. The model theme of this magazine is our second and last round of Game of Thrones. Who knows, it may come back because whave had so many incredible models styling for this theme, and it would be a shame not to show case them all. I’d also like to do a shout out to all the owners and staffs on the sims that we have used for the Game of Thrones shoots. They have all been very accommodating in letting us shoot there, so on behalf of all our photographers, I’d like to say a big Thank You. Model Haven is our feature this week. Read more on page 12. Resmay Bloodstone and her partners has opened a new one stop shopping mall with focus on models. It includes many outlets from some of the most popular designers in Second Life. Resmay is also hosting a model support center as part of the mall, and is planning to hold model and photography seminars. She has already had a few inquiries from new models. It looks like you have the beginning to an empire, Resmay :) Welcome to E N V Y - episode 7.

Scott Nobody






Announce your wedding, engagement, divorce party, rezz-day, pregnancies, births, sweet 16/cotillion and more here in the

E N V Y Society & Announcements Page for only $10L! Announcements must be in by Thursday before the publication day. Click HERE for details!

Envy Society &Announcements


Envy ‌ to be continued 46

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