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equal opportunity employment journal
January 2022
The Art of Getting into Action and Getting Things Done by Long Yun Siang
ct now, if you want to achieve anything. Ever heard your people complain nothing ever gets done around here? Wonder why nothing ever gets done? That is because most people do not have a do it now attitude. People like to wait. Or they like to think that they are doing something even though all they do is talk about doing. 1. Talking is Not Doing And therein lies the biggest challenge. Most people like to talk and talking gives them a sense that they are acting out their plans. They can call this brainstorming, discussing or even planning, but these activities are not to be confused with doing. If you want something to happen, act now. Do what is planned and stop talking.
2. Plans Must Be Followed by Action
Am I saying that you do not plan? No, I will be foolish to say that. Of course you must plan ahead. The challenge is to get people to act upon their plans when they have planned it. Act now. Do not go back to the drawing board and start deliberating again and again. I am a big fan of the philosophy, “a good plan executed today is better than an excellent plan executed tomorrow.”
3. Nothing Moves until Someone Acts You must remember nothing moves until someone acts now. Plans put into action is the key to success regardless of what continued on page 24