Editorial Comment Table of Contents
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. I'm impressed with the theme this year — Disability: Part of the Equity Equation, because it's important to look at it that way. In the past, society has recognized and even praised businesses for doing what should have been common place all along – directly hiring people with disabilities for jobs with competitive wages, good benefits, and opportunities for advancement.
Oddly, the COVID-19 pandemic created a bit of a positive change-up for disabled workers. Many more people were working from home during this time, and this opened up opportunities for those with disabili ties, especially those who would have had a difficult time traveling to and from a place of employment.
Traditional workplace structures changed, caus ing employers to rethink how essential tasks could be done. This broadened their views of workplace requirements, and working from home became the new normal. If this trend continues, more and more disabled workers will have the opportunity to be gain fully employed.
There is still much awareness to be raised in regards to disability employment. We hope the awareness this October brings will be the beginning of more equity for all workers.
Lisa Petty, Editor OpportunityThe eoejournal is published bimonthly by EOEJournal, Inc. The ownership and management of EOEJ fully and actively support equal opportunity for and advancement of all people without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, sex, pregnancy, citizenship, ancestry, veteran status, marital status, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, age, gender identity, and sexual orientation or any other characteristic protected by state or federal law.
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Disability Equity in Workforce
Top 8 Reasons Why Technology is The Best Career Path
Essential Self-Care for Nurses
Interview with a Community Health Worker
Disability in the Post-Pandemic Workplace
14 Manufacturing Transforms a Job into a Successful Career
What Civil Engineers Do
Women in the Workplace: Creating a Culture of
& Inclusion
8 Reasons Why You Should Consider Working for
U.S. Department of Labor Recognizes the Importance of Disability Equity in Workforce
The U.S. Department of Labor announced that, in recognition of the vital role people with disabilities play in making the nation’s workforce diverse and inclusive, “Disability: Part of the Equity Equation” has been chosen as the theme for October’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2022
Led by its Offi ce of Disability Employment Policy , the department’s annual observance of National Disability Employ ment Awareness Month acknowledges the contributions to the nation’s economy made by workers with disabilities, current and past. The commemoration also showcases supportive and inclu sive policies and practices benefiting workers and employers.
“A strong workforce is the sum of many parts, and disability has always been a key part of the equation,” said Assistant Secretary for Disability Employment Policy Taryn M. Williams. “People with disabilities make up a wonderfully multifaceted group. By recognizing the full complexion of our community, we can ensure our efforts to achieve disabil ity inclusion are, in fact, truly inclusive.”
The Biden-Harris administration has taken a whole-ofgovernment approach to identify and eliminate barriers to help ing historically underserved communities, including people with disabilities. On his first day in office, President Biden signed Executive Order 13985 , “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Govern ment” and directed all federal departments and agencies to examine their policies and programs.
In April 2022, the department published its Equity Action Plan to support marginalized, vulnerable and underserved communities, and outline its efforts to advance equity across the department.
The federal effort to recognize people with disabilities be gan in 1945, when Congress declared the first week in October to be “National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week.” The word “physically” was dropped in 1962 to include individ uals with all types of disabilities. I n 1988, Congress expanded the week and christened the month of October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month.
Top 8 Reasons Why Technology is the Best Career Path
by Rohit SharmaAre you wondering if the tech sector is right for you? Then you’ve come to the right place. You’re not alone, many people wonder the same thing. To help you find the answer, we have prepared the following list.
Today, we’re discussing the top eight reasons why technology is the best career path for you. We have also covered how you can enter this industry and reap its multifaceted benefits.
1. Attractive Pay
A six-figure salary never hurts. For anyone aiming to earn a six or sevenfigure salary package, technology is the perfect career choice. The tech sector houses some of the biggest companies in the world, such as Apple, Samsung, Google, and others.
These companies are always looking for talent and thus, pay hand somely to those who fit their criteria. The demand for tech professionals is sky-rocketing because the industry is booming.
During the pandemic, the technology sector fared better than all the
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other industries. It is ex pected to grow by 4.2% in 2022 , even when there’s a pandemic raging on. When an industry expands at such a rapid pace, demand for skilled professionals in creases accordingly.
When the demand is high, companies offer high salaries to their pro fessionals. For example, a data science manager makes $137,242 per year on average. Their pay can go up to $180,000 per year with experience and skills.
2. Flexible Career
A huge reason why the pandemic had the least im pact on the tech sector is because of the flexibility tech careers offer. Thanks to the latest technologies such as video conferencing and cloud storage, the work conditions of tech profession als have become highly flex ible.
Remote work, which became widely popular due to the pandemic, is quite common in the tech industry. According to a recent study, 86% of IT developers work remotely.
Remote work, which became widely popular due to the pan demic, is quite common in the tech industry. According to a recent study, 86% of IT developers work remotely. Moreover, nearly one-third of IT developers work full-time from home.
This is a notable feature because it means your professional life wouldn’t get interrupted by various disruptions such as the pandemic. You can work from the comfort of your home.
3. New Challenges
The tech sector is famous for offering new challenges con stantly. As a tech professional, you’d always be on your toes, preparing for various issues while solving the existing ones.
Technology profes sionals have to solve a wide range of complex problems while develop ing innovative solutions that best match an orga nization’s requirements.
The technology sector offers variety, which is an other reason why it’s worth entering. On top of that, because technology has become an integral part of modern-day operations, nearly every industry re quires tech professionals to oversee their technical implementations.
So, in this field, you can enter any area of your choice, including health care, finance, retail, trans port, etc. From media companies to investment banks, they all require the expertise of tech profes sionals to help them meet the demands of the current market.
5. Facilitates Growth
An ideal career would fos ter your personal growth along with your professional progress. It will enable you to develop as a person, instead of simply making you fret about your office and your boss.
In the tech sector, you’d have to work on yourself constantly. That’s because you’ll have to stay up to date with the latest industry trends and develop the necessary skills to get ahead in this industry.
As a tech professional, you’d be constantly studying new tools and programming languages. Companies in this field are always releasing solutions that make it easier to work on projects.
Learning new things and enhancing your skill set will also help you boost your confidence, making you a better person as a whole. Tech professionals have to develop soft skills, too, as they work in teams. Some of the skills you’ll develop are communication, leader ship, teamwork, analyti cal skills, and problemsolving.
Tech professionals have to develop soft skills, too, as they work in teams. Some of the skills you’ll develop are communication, leadership, teamwork, analytical skills, and problem-solving.
Facing new problems can serve as a learning curve for you. No matter which role you take in the tech sec tor, you can be certain to come across new challenges in your day-to-day work life. Thus, a tech career is perfect for those seeking mental stimulation.
4. Numerous Options
There is something for everyone in the tech industry. If you’re a person who likes to work with numbers, you can become a data scientist. On the other hand, if you are interested in arts and communication, you can pursue a career in digital marketing.
The more skilled you are, the higher you’ll earn. For example, the average pay of a ma chine learning engineer in the US is $124,800, while those with the Scala skill make an average of $144,247. That’s a notable difference, and it doesn’t account for other skill sets.
Learn data analytics courses online from the World’s top Uni versities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs, or Masters Programs to fast-track your career.
6. Meritocracy
Many work environments prioritize seniority or age over merit. You won’t find that in the tech sector.
Essential Self-Care for Nurses
Acareer in nursing has long been known as one of the most difficult job options available. Long hours, shift work, dealing literally with the blood, sweat, and tears of patients, supporting family members suffering loss and grief, working short-staffed, skipping breaks, and barely having time to use the washroom -- these are only some of the factors that make nursing so difficult. A career in nursing has become even more difficult since the onset of COVID-19. Many nursing units have become even more short-staffed than pre-COVID due to nurses leaving the profession due to burn-out. Nurses are critical members of the healthcare team and patient wellness.
Helping nurses prioritize self-care is instrumental in saving a currently vulnerable workforce. Below are a variety of helpful ways for nurses to look after themselves mentally, emotionally, and physically.
1. Socialize with nurses and non-nurses
Spending time with friends and family during off-work hours is a great way to decompress. However, it is important for nurses to be mindful and aware of the content of their discussion. While ‘venting’ about work can help process stressful work place events that have occurred, too much time spent talk ing about work and not about other topics can become tox ic. Spending time with non-nurses helps move the discussion
At UCLA Health, it takes people from all backgrounds, as well as those from a wide-variety of non-clinical specialties to make our world-renowned care possible. We’re proud to be one of Forbes’ “Best Employers for Diversity” as well as U.S. News & World Report’s #1 hospital in California and #3 in the nation.
At UCLA Health, it takes people from all backgrounds, as well as those from a wide-variety of non-clinical specialties to make our world-renowned care possible. We’re proud to be Forbes’ “Best Employers for Diversity” as well as U.S. News & World Report’s #1 hospital in California and #5 in the nation.
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work and towards other areas of interest,
catching up on the lives of
other non-work-related topics.
2. Head outdoors
‘Forest bathing’ has become a buzzword over the past few years. Forest bathing pertains to the idea of getting away from life stressors by immersing oneself in the colors, smells, sounds, touches, and experiences of nature. Whether it has a catchy name or is simply regarded as spending time in the woods, being in nature has a calming effect. Nurses are encouraged to use some of their time off from work taking a light walk or an intense hike either in a nearby city park or off in a forest. Winter in many snow-filled areas may be better for snowshoeing or crosscountry skiing.
3. Fitness
Exercising is not just important for healthy weight management, condition ing, and strengthening but, of course, ex ercise is just as important for mental and emo tional health. Nurses working in busy acute care units are far from sedentary with the amount of standing and moving that’s required to provide good patient care often for multiple patients. However, the physical requirements of a job in nursing do not provide the same mental and emotional
health benefits that a regular exercise routine can provide.
Many high-functioning individuals holding jobs that require high levels of responsibility rely on exercise as a mental escape and time to oneself -- and nursing is no exception. Whether a fitness routine involves exercising alone at home using an online fitness program or with a group at a gym, physical activity releases endorphins to help people feel well and become better at managing stress.
4. Prioritize rest
Although it may be tempting to stay up late on days off to maximize that time, it’s important to also use the time to catch up on much-needed rest. While nonnursing friends may joke that they need to return to work for a ‘vacation from their vacation’, nursing is not like this. Nurses need to re-energize during their days off, and part of this involves getting a good night’s sleep.
Important tips for sleeping well include limiting caffeine intake in the day, avoiding caffeine altogether in the afternoon and evening, limiting alcohol before bed, going to bed tired versus tossing and turning when not yet tired, avoiding screens and bright lights an hour before bed, and opting for quiet reading and listening to relaxing music before bed. Plenty of podcasts and apps are also available for sleep-enhancing meditation and relaxation.
Continued on page 10
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5.Pursue a hobby
Having a focus other than work is important for taking the mind off of work. Whether it be a physical activity like biking, running, hiking, tennis, or going to the gym to work out or rather, an at-home hobby such as having a craft to work on, playing an instru ment, spending time with pets, or reading a book, having activities outside of work provides huge benefits for taking the mind off of work.
There is no shame in doing therapy. While good friends can be a great resource to talk with, a trained counselor will have a professional stance on how to help manage the concerns. Therapists are uniquely trained in areas such as talk therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and trauma-focused care, to name just a few specialized areas.
Counseling sessions can be a onetime appointment to support nurses going through a particularly difficult time, or longer and more regular sessions for ongoing support. Therapy is also
increasingly available both virtually and over the phone, in addition to in-person appointments, to make scheduling and travel to appointments more convenient.
Most extended healthcare insurance plans will cover at least a portion of ses sions, or employers may have employerassisted programs to cover the costs.
employees even being denied vacation requests. If speaking to management about this does not resolve the situa tion, it may be time to consider another patient-care unit within the hospital or a different nursing environment altogether, such as outside of the hospital in public health or community health.
Additionally, some community mental health organizations are also able to provide free sessions. If every therapy is not sufficient to obtain the necessary support required, it is important that in dividuals follow up with a healthcare pro vider or the emergency department for appropriate assessment and treatment.
7.Set workplace limits
If the above self-care management tips do not suffice to ensure manageable levels of stress, it may be time to take a hard look at the particular nursing job causing such high levels of stress. Busy nursing units are notorious for resulting in skipped meals and rest breaks and
Being denied breaks and vacations, working short-staffed, and working long hours are all factors that can lead to unsafe patient care. The stress and burden that nurses carry when they feel patient care is unsafe is worrisome. Nurses owe to themselves as individuals with their own lives outside of the work place to move on to another area, hopeful ly within their nursing career, when they are feeling overwhelmed and overburdened by the workplace environment.
Nursing can be an amazing life-long career working with other amazing nurses. However, nurses need to keep their own well-being in check. This includes ap plying practices of self-care while also expecting support from management in order to provide safe patient care.
The professional team members at Benefis
Nursing can be an amazing life-long career working with other amazing nurses. However, nurses need to keep their own well-being in check.
Interview with a Community Health Worker
Mikayla Trujillo is interviewed by Ryan FarrellWhat do you do?
As a community health worker,
help people experiencing homelessness or living with mental health or substance
also work with at-risk youth and families of gun violence.
addition to that work, I’m employed by the National Association of Community Health Workers , where I currently support 12 community health workers across the United States.
some of your community-specific tasks.
participate in collaborative activities that focus on keeping youth in their communities and out of incarceration. I mentor at-risk youth by providing peer support and helping with job searches, resume building, and other life skills. Every day is different and requires that we adapt to our commu nities’ changing needs, which may mean doing things like meeting with community members, coaching, or conducting motivational interviews (a counseling method that encourages clients to make positive changes).
My work might involve some evenings and weekends. For example, I facilitate workshops for the city that cover life-skills topics for community members affected by gun violence. I no longer have a caseload in my current position, but in the evenings I mentor at-risk youth and adults who are directly or indirectly affected by judicial, prison, or youth and family systems.
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Mission Regional Medical Center
What attracts people to the occupation?
Many community health workers speak of the people in their own com munities who are struggling as a moti vating factor for why they do this work. They’re typically not motivated by fi nancial gain or recognition, because they often receive neither. There is a calling to this work and a desire to fix the root causes of community issues because they have experienced, and possibly overcome, these same issues at some point in life.
How did you shape your career path?
I unknowingly trained for this occu pation through life experience. While serving time in the penitentiary system, I wanted to become a peer mentor but needed a high school diploma. I start ed working toward my diploma, and a teacher recommended me for the men toring position before I finished the diploma program. I got hired for the position and started teaching a community re-entry program.
I began managing peer cases. At the time, I had no idea that the service I was providing was the same as that of a
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community health worker. After my release from prison, I continued to build my capabilities in my community. I persisted in receiving state training and certification, after initially being denied because of my criminal record, and became a community health work er with an active client caseload.
My background has had a tremen dous effect on my current work. It gave me the courage to speak about my lived experience, as well as the trans ferrable skills that I use when meeting other community members where they are. I’m able to offer respect and un derstanding of the valuable role they have in uplifting their own community.
Without finding myself through lived experience, I don’t think I would’ve found this occupation. It has equipped me with a sort of internal survival guide, which I then use to help others create their own plan of change. I’ve also taken some social work classes, and that formal education supplements my lived experience and certifications.
Why is Unity Health where you want to be?
we are who you are—dedicated, stable, and loyal to our community.
dedicated, stable, and loyal describes you,
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We consider applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, religion, creed, gender, national origin, age, disability, marital or veteran status, or any other legally protected status.
It sounds like your background uniquely prepared you for this occupation.
What’s most challenging about your job?
At the national level, it’s frustrating to see the lack of un derstanding about just how valuable community health work ers are to their community. These workers are strategically placed in underserved environments and produce sustainable outcomes for their clients, and they should be valued and re spected for doing so.
At the community level, I often experience secondary trau ma from working with individuals who are still in crisis. I must make sure to create boundaries and detachment between my work and my personal life so that the heaviness doesn’t weigh me down outside of work. I’ve also learned to be grateful for the small actions that go a long way: getting someone a cup of coffee, or getting a client to complete their goals.
What do you like best?
I love hearing about other community health workers’ achievements, whether they have a successful client base or leadership opportunities. I’m happy just having them express gratitude to me for listening to them talk about their day. I love to support growing community health workers in going outside their comfort zone, building their leadership, and find ing their voice.
Most importantly, it stirs my spirit to meet and interact with community members. To support them from their first stage of change all the way until they have reached their goals is the greatest gift for me. Watching a person or family go from hopeless and broken down to having a firm foundation is such an honor.
Are you passionate about expanding your impact on diversity, equity
Watching a person or family go from hopeless and broken down to having a firm foundation is such an honor.
What advice would you give to someone interested in this occupation?
Take a personal inventory and see what experience you already have that serves to benefit others in your commu nity. You might have all the qualities of a community health worker through your own lived experience. Community health workers are dedicated to showing up on the hardest days and giving selflessly to the people they serve.
inclusion in nursing?
You are invited to submit an application to be considered for a position with more than one opening. The number of positions varies depending on the needs of the department. Rank and compensation will be based on experience and academic credentials.
Reaffirming our commitment to preparing a diverse, culturally humble nursing workforce, the University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Nursing has established the Greer Glazer Endowed Chair in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, one of the first endowed nursing chairs with such focus.
The College of Nursing at the University of Cincinnati is seeking to fill non-tenure, non-tenure earning faculty positions to contribute to the College of Nursing’s mission of teaching, service, and scholarship.
This is a rare opportunity to direct diversity and inclusion efforts, conduct research in the area and impact the nursing profession and community by leading students, faculty, staff and alumni.
We are currently seeking candidates who are prepared to lead and/or teach in the Certified Nurse-Midwifery and/or Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner programs at the rank of Instructor or Assistant Professor.
The selected candidate will have a commitment to diversity and inclusion in working with diverse populations.
To learn more and apply for Job Requisition ID 88769, click here.
For additional details, contact Greer Glazer, PhD, RN, CNP, FAAN at or 513-558-5200
DIVERSITY & INCLUSION: Disability in the Post-Pandemic Workplace
The pandemic has given us an opportunity to rewrite the rules for workplaces in the future – let’s make them more inclusive for disabled people.
Covid-19 has turned our working world on its head, but whilst there have been many challenges, there have been positives too. Now there is a crit ical role for HR professionals in building a positive legacy for their workforce and reimagining an economy of work that could suit everyone.
One legacy of the pandemic must be a much deeper acceptance and appreciation of working differently and a blended economy of work.
We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to re-imagine and redesign what work looks like – a unique set of circumstances that has led to this chance to create lasting change.
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across every stage
We Are All Working with Adjustments Now
Workplace adjustments are critical for so many disabled people, and home working is the most frequently requested adjustment, so arguably, we are all working with adjustments now. There are benefits for many in terms of work/life balance but for anyone who lives with a pain or fatigue, or strug gles to commute – whether that is due to the logistical difficul ties of navigating transport as a wheelchair user or anxiety in travelling in rush hour – the benefits of home working are even greater.
A Blended Economy of Work
One legacy of the pandemic must be a much deeper accep tance and appreciation of working differently and a blended econo my of work. In a survey carried out by Business Disability Forum to find out how our members were responding to the challenges of Covid-19, 90% of respondents agreed that responses to Covid-19 will result in a lasting change in attitudes to flexible and home working. Finally, we are realizing that being in an office is not a prerequisite for productivity.
Technology Has Been a Game Changer
Thanks to Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google hangouts and more, we now know many of our teams better than we knew them before. The blurring of lines between work and home has its downsides but also posi tives as we start to see each other without our workplace ‘armour’. The intimacy of letting people into our homes (albeit via our video camera) is a powerful thing.
… But it Is Not a Panacea
Technology can exclude as well as include; the importance of enabling subtitles and turning the camera on for people who need to lip-read is an obvious example. While some disabled people are tech-savvy and com pletely at home with the world of technology, others have had a steep learning curve, and some still remain ‘no tech’, and need to shop, bank and work in person.
Don’t Call Me ‘Vulnerable’
Disabled people have been disproportionately impact ed by previous recessions and we need to do every thing we can to make sure that doesn’t happen again. As
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businesses plan a return to previous ways of working, HR professionals are critical in making sure that disabled people are not discriminated against.
The use of the term 'vulnerable' has not helped; those who are more vulner able to Covid-19 are not necessarily the same as those who are vulnerable in other ways. Disabled people may have no increased risk factor related to Covid-19, but there is a real risk that these two things become conflated and disabled people are seen as a health and safety risk and prevented from return ing to the workplace. Instead, we need an individual, person-cen tred approach to risk which focuses on ad dressing barriers rath er than medicalizing conditions.
Conversely, people with ‘hidden’ or nonvisible disabilities who are vulnerable to Co vid-19 may be over looked, particularly if they have an im pairment that their employer doesn’t know about. An employee may not have told their employer that they have a re spiratory condition – and never have needed to. Now, overnight, they need to share this sensitive information, at a time when they are likely to be acutely aware that many businesses will need to make difficult decisions about redundancies and their workforce. Creating a culture that makes asking for literally life-saving adjustments feel safe for those individu als is crucial.
The Law of Unintended Consequences
We also need to be aware of unintended consequences, particularly as businesses navigate unchartered waters and need to make policy decisions at pace. Mak ing sure that disabled people are con
who need to lip-read or understanding that some employees will find it difficult or nigh on impossible to socially dis tance (if they have a visual impairment or dyspraxia, for example, that makes it hard to visualize distances), we need to build and show genuine understanding, kindness and support.
Learning from the Experts
Disability is still too of ten parked in the ‘too difficult’ box, though when it comes to work ing differently, arguably disabled people are the experts. We need to learn from disabled colleagues in thinking differently about work ing flexibly and to focus on outcomes: what we need to achieve, not how or where it should be done.
We need to learn from disabled colleagues in thinking differently about working flexibly and to focus on outcomes: what we need to achieve, not how or where it should be done.
sidered – and involved – up front when designing new processes (such as oneway systems round the office) is critical to ensuring they work for everyone.
Education, Education, Education
There is a key role too in educating the wider workforce. Sadly, we are already seeing disabled people subjected to abuse due to a lack of awareness of ex emptions from wearing a face mask, for example. So, whether it’s awareness of the difficulties of face masks for people
No One Left Behind
If there’s anything that Covid-19 has shown us, it’s that we truly are global. Technology has enabled us to communicate cross borders and though we may have been physically separate, in many ways, it has brought us closer together. We need to build on this legacy with an opportunity to be creative and find new ways to be inclusive and make sure – to quote the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals – ‘no one is left behind’.
Article provided by is an online destination for HR professionals and business leaders offering advice, guidance, opinions and up-to-date information on how the working life and responsibilities of the modern HR profes sional are being shaped.
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Manufacturing Transforms a Job into a Successful Career
by Evelyn LindellOptions. Possibilities.
More positions than people to fill them.
Entry-level opportunities with on-site training.
Manufacturing Offers More Than Just Financial Gain
Not many career sectors offer as much position diversity and opportunity as manufacturing. From pursuing a career as an engineer to a fabricator to a welder to a division manag er, manufacturing offers advancement opportunities like no other and as you advance, so does your pay. The average salary for the manufacturing industry is $70,818, and that’s just the average.
An article entitled 8 Reasons It’s Great to Work in Manufac turing aimed to explain what it’s like for the millions of people who work in manufacturing beyond just financial gain. That article concluded that a career in manufacturing was “fantastic” for the following reasons: Contribution to the Economy
“Deloitte research has shown that manufacturing ranked among the most important industries in maintaining a strong U.S. econ omy and eight in 10 Americans believe U.S. manufacturing is important to maintain Americans’ standard of living.”
On the Cutting Edge
“American manufacturing innovations have helped shape the country since it was founded, and today new technologies like automation, wearables, 3D printing, drones, and the loT continue to push the boundaries of what is possible.”
Exciting Sectors of Work
“For some, relating details about their jobs may be met with disinterest and boredom. But that’s not the case for those in manufacturing who can regale friends about developments in the automotive industry, share the latest in food manufactur ing with families over Thanksgiving dinner, or tell neighbors about the newest pharmaceuticals they are processing.”
Increased Safety
“Robots are making our jobs safer, and technology like the Internet of Things and automation keeps us out of harm’s way. We are working smarter, and safer, than ever before.”
Fruits of Your Labor
“Whether working on everyday items you can buy at the store or huge set pieces for the next great Netflix movie, you can point to something and get the very satisfying pleasure of say ing “I made that.” When you work in the industrial sector, you can actually see the outcome of your work in a tangible object.”
Career Growth
“Once you choose a sector to go into, there are plenty of options for your career path.”
“And as the baby boomer generation begins to retire, lead ership opportunities will be available for the next generation of manufacturers to take the reigns.”
More than an Assembly Line
“Manufacturing covers various industries and jobs within the manufacturing sector for those from other disciplines, such as sales and business development, marketing, human resourc es, and many others. These positions afford all of the benefits of working in manufacturing– the pride, stability, competitive salaries, excitement, great technology, and others– to people from many different backgrounds.”
It Saves Lives
“Vaccine manufacturers and their supply chains are at the fore front of the COVID-19 pandemic and other manufacturers are stepping up to repurpose their facilities to help meet mass demands for supplies.”
“Innovations like 3D printing and additive manufacturing continue to represent the next frontier in manufacturing and the medical field.”
The conclusion is simple: Manufacturing offers an enor mous opportunity to create a life and a career that you’re proud to call your own.
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What Civil Engineers Do
Civil engineers design, build, and supervise infrastructure projects and systems.
Civil engineers generally work in a variety of locations and conditions. It is common for them to split their time between working in an office and working outdoors at construction sites so that they can monitor operations or solve problems on site. Most work full time.
Civil engineers also must present their findings to the public on topics such as bid proposals, environmental impact statements, or property descriptions.
Many civil engineers hold supervisory or administrative positions ranging from supervisor of a construction site to city engineer, public works director, and city manager. As supervi sors, they are tasked with ensuring that safe work practices are followed at construction sites.
Other civil engineers work in design, construction, research, and teaching. Civil engineers work with others on projects and may be assisted by civil engineering technicians.
Civil engineers prepare permit documents for work on projects in renewable energy. They verify that the projects will comply with federal, state, and local requirements. These engi neers conduct structural analyses for large-scale photovoltaic, or solar energy, projects. They also evaluate the ability of solar array support structures and buildings to tolerate stresses from wind, seismic activity, and other sources. For large-scale wind
projects, civil engineers often prepare roadbeds to handle large trucks that haul in the turbines.
Civil engineers work on complex projects, and they can achieve job satisfaction in seeing the project reach comple tion. They usually specialize in one of several areas.
How to Become a Civil Engineer
Civil engineers need a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, in one of its specialties, or in civil engineering technology. They typically need a graduate degree and licensure for promotion to senior positions. Although licensure requirements vary by state, civil engineers usually must be licensed if they provide services directly to the public.
The median annual wage for civil engineers was $88,050 in May 2021.
Job Outlook
Employment of civil engineers is projected to grow 7 percent from 2021 to 2031, about as fast as the average for all occupa tions. About 24,200 openings for civil engineers are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those open ings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire.
Article provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistcs. Learn more at
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Women in the Workplace: Creating a Culture of Equity & Inclusion
by Herrmann InternationalThe Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade had to change things up a bit in 2020 to accommodate a COVID-19 world. But the floats ride on, and there’s one new participant in the line-up that caught our eye.
Highlighting the fact that only 24% of jobs in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields are held by women, Olay introduced the Her Future is STEMsational float as a way to remind parade viewers about “the importance of maximizing women and their accomplish ments.” It’s part of the company’s 10-year com mitment to double the number of women in STEM and triple the number of multicultural women in STEM.
Diversity and inclu sion has been an ongo ing issue in the tech sec tor in particular, which continues to lag behind the rest of the job mar ket when it comes to hir ing women and people of color.
The overall work force of the GAFAM group (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft) is comprised of only about 34% women.
As the report bluntly puts it: “This is an emergency for cor porate America.”
Gender Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace: Why it Matters
From a business perspective, the negative impacts of a lack of gender diversity and inclusion can be all-encompassing, affecting everything from financial perfor mance to customer in sight to collaboration to innovation. Study after study reinforces the benefits of having greater women rep resentation, women in leadership positions and on boards, and of instituting policies that support gender diversity and inclusion.
From a business perspective, the negative impacts of a lack of gender diversity and inclusion can be all-encompassing, affecting everything from financial performance to customer insight to collaboration to innovation.
Here’s just a snapshot of what the research has shown:
Inclusive organiza tions are twice as likely to meet or exceed their financial targets .
Company profits and share performance can be close to 50% higher when women are well represented at the top.
As Sam Daley writes at Built In, “While controversial technologies or flashy CEOs get most of the negative airtime, it’s the lack of women in the tech industry that seems to be the largest problem looming overhead.”
Across all industries, progress toward gender parity in the workplace has been glacially slow. And now, what little progress has been made is at risk, according to McKinsey’s latest report on Women in the Workplace .
With “double-shift” responsibilities like childcare, home schooling and other challenges magnified by the pandemic, women’s careers are taking a hit at a disproportionate rate.
McKinsey data reveals that as many as two million women are considering leaving the workforce. That means fewer women in leadership positions today—and fewer women on track to become leaders in the future.
Companies with higher levels of gender diversity and with HR policies and practices that focus on gender diversity are linked to lower levels of employee turnover
Gender-diverse and inclusive teams outperform genderhomogeneous, less-inclusive teams by an average of 50%.
Senior-level women influence company culture in positive ways, particularly when it comes to championing diversity and inclusion and mentoring other women.
Organizations with inclusive cultures are six times more likely to be innovative and agile
From a diversity of thought standpoint, gender diversity supports cognitive diversity as well.
Our research shows that, statistically, more men prefer analytical thinking and least prefer relational thinking. For women, it’s the exact opposite. That diversity of thought is critical for innovation
Why Diversity and Inclusion are Both Essential
The tech sector has a hiring problem.
But simply hiring more women doesn’t solve the issue of gender equity in the workplace. Nor does it automatically create the benefits described above.
Diversity without inclusion leads to burnout, turnover, a lack of parity and other challenges like those we’re see ing at an even more intensified level as a result of the pandemic.
Hiring for talent and what someone brings to the table — including their diversity of thought, perspectives and background — is an important first step.
But what you do next can make all the difference. Here are a few tips for creat ing an inclusive environment that fosters success among women at all levels: Rethink policies and practices: Flex ible working hours, family-friendly poli cies and equal pay for equal work don’t just benefit women; they benefit the
business. They’ll allow you to attract and retain more women, and a more diverse workforce overall.
Look at potential, not just experi ence: If your job descriptions are heavily based on current competencies and prior experience, you’re likely missing out on a vast pool of talented women who haven’t been able to take the first step up to man ager due to the “broken rung.” Focus on potential, keeping in mind that technical expertise is only one of many qualities a successful tech leader needs to possess. Communication skills, curiosity, empathy and agility, for example, are also critical.
Give voice to everyone: When Micro soft was developing its Kinect peripher al for Xbox 360, the head of the studio, Shannon Loftis, used the HBDI® assess ment to make sure she had diversity of thought on the team. The team then used Whole Brain® Thinking tools to make sure everyone had the opportunity to really be heard, and that people were recognized for their contributions.
Invest in developing an inclusive, learning-driven culture: If you want to
hire, develop and keep a diverse work force, you have to be willing to have the tough conversations about bias. You also have to be committed to providing learning, mentorship and other oppor tunities to develop the women in your workforce and help them become inclu sive, collaborative leaders themselves.
The diversity and inclusion movement has made some inroads in the technol ogy sector over the past few years, but the pace of progress has been slow, and women continue to face significant obstacles in advancing their careers.
New barriers caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are threatening to set women leadership back even further.
Now’s the time to take positive, deliberate steps to start building a more inclusive environment. It will not only help you build a pipeline of talented women leaders; it will give your business a sustainable competitive advantage.
Article provided by
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8 Reasons Why You Should Consider Working for the Government
There are many reasons why you should consider working for the government. Here are just a few of them:
The Government Is a Stable Employer
Unlike many businesses, the government is not susceptible to sudden changes in the economy that can lead to mass layoffs. This makes it a great choice for anyone who wants stability in their career. While the private sector sheds jobs during an eco nomic downturn, the government generally continues to add jobs. This stability can be attractive to workers who are looking for a secure job during uncertain times.
Government Jobs Often Come with Good Benefits
When it comes to finding a job, many people focus solely on the salary. While it’s certainly important to find a position that pays a fair wage, there are other factors to consider as well.
One of the biggest advantages of government jobs is the ben efits package. Most government positions come with health in surance, paid vacation days, and retirement savings plans. This can save employees a lot of money and stress in the long run.
Government Jobs Can Be Interesting and Challenging
Many people believe that government jobs are dull and bureaucratic, but this is often not the case. There are many different roles to choose from in government jobs, which can be fascinating and challenging. For example, government jobs can involve policy making, working with the public, or managing large projects.
The Government is a Large Employer
Having said earlier that the government is the largest em ployer in a country, it also requires the largest workforce. The government employs contractors to provide goods and ser vices to the government. This means that there are a lot of slots for jobseekers here that may fit their skills and interests.
Government Jobs Tend to Be Well-Paid
Government jobs have a reputation for being well-paid. However, it is important to remember that the pay scale for government jobs can vary based on factors such as the level of experience an applicant has and the location of the job. In general, though, government jobs do tend to offer higher salaries than comparable private-sector positions.
The Government Offers Job Security
Job security is often thought of as a key benefit of work ing for the government. In general, government jobs have a higher level of security than private-sector jobs. The reasons for this are twofold. First, governments are less likely to downsize or close entirely than private businesses. Sec ond, even if downsizing does occur, government employees usually have greater job protection than private employees.
It’s a Great Way to Promote the Advancement of Your Career
Working in the government can be a great way to promote the advancement of your career. There are many opportuni ties for career growth and development in the government, and the pay and benefits are usually very good. In addition, working in the government can give you a chance to make
a difference in your community and country. If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding career, work ing in the government is a great option to consider.
Government Employment Is in Every Location
If you’re looking for a government job, you’ll have plenty of options to choose from. Whether you’re interested in working for the federal government or your local state or municipality, there is a wide range of opportunities available. And because government employment is spread out across the country, you’re likely to find a position in a location that’s convenient for you. So if you’re interested in public service, don’t hesitate to start your search for a government job today. There are many fulfilling and rewarding careers to be had at all levels of government.
Working for the government can be a very reward ing experience. You can help make a difference in your community and have the satisfaction of knowing that your work is making a positive impact. There are many different types of government jobs available, so you are sure to find one that matches your skills and inter ests. The pay and benefits are usually good, and you may be eligible for retirement after a certain number of years. If you are looking for a stable career with good job security, working for the government is a great option to consider.
If you’re looking for a government job, you’ll have plenty of options to choose from. Whether you’re interested in working for the federal government or your local state or municipality, there is a wide range of opportunities available.
That’s because companies in this industry care a lot about their results. They want people who can accelerate their growth, solve their business problems, and tackle the ever-in creasing competition. Working in a meritocracy means you can get faster promotions and climb the corporate ladder quickly.
Tech companies prioritize their efforts over other factors. The chances of finding a company that values your work over your age are higher in the technology sector than in any other. There are countless examples where companies ignored con ventions in the technology industry.
Sundar Pichai, the current CEO of Google, was 47 years old when he was assigned that role. The average age of a CEO of a Fortune 500 company is 58 years old . A career in tech nology will enable you to accelerate your professional growth significantly.
7. Optimistic Culture
When you’re developing products quickly and innovating ac cordingly, you don’t have time to stay gloomy. That’s a big reason why the tech sector oozes optimism. It’s responsible for the current startup culture we have. Many people start a career in this field because they want to make a lasting impact (like Steve Jobs did for us).
Being around people like this changes you as it positive ly impacts your performance, behavior, and outlook towards work. People who have a passion for what they do are certainly the kind of co-workers you should have.
Entering the technology industry will help you become a part of this optimistic culture. Who knows, you might find your passion here too?
8. Home of Innovation
Do you like to come up with solutions for different problems?
If so, and if you have a knack for invention and innovation, a career in technology would be perfect for you.
The technology industry is always the driving factor behind innovations in other sectors. Currently, it influences all aspects of our lives. Take transport, for example. The inception of digi tal cab-hailing services such as Lyft and Uber has completely transformed the transport sector.
Another revolutionary solution is AI assistants. You can now order groceries, find the answer to a question, or look up the lyrics of your favorite song by simply saying “Ok Google” or “Hey Siri” into your device. You don’t have to type in such stuff.
Such innovations drive growth in other industries as they use technology to ramp up their productivity and efficiency.
If you want to work on innovative solutions or things that are changing the world in real-time, you should enter the tech sec tor. You’d have many opportunities to analyze, develop, and test innovative solutions as a tech professional.
How to Pursue a Career in Technology?
To pursue a career in the tech sector, you’d need to pick the role you want to pursue and prepare accordingly. Be sure to get the necessary qualifications because recruiters in the tech sector are always looking for skilled and qualified candidates.
Also, you should pick a role that matches the recent industry trends and has a bright scope. For example, one of the most popular tech roles currently is data scientist.
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To become a data scientist, you’ll need to get a certificate in data science. Completing a program in data science will teach
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We offer the Executive PG Program in Data Science with the International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore. It’s a 12-month long online course with six unique specializations – data engineering, business analytics, business intelligence/data analytics, natural learning process ing, deep learning, and data science generalist.
The program comes with our career essential soft skills program to help you stand out as a tech professional. You will receive 360-degree career support from upGrad’s team and learn key subjects such as machine learning, predictive analysis, and data visualization, among others.
Now you know why tech careers are among the most highly coveted roles by millions worldwide. If you want to enter an industry that’s expanding rapidly, pick technology. From big names such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter to new start ups, the tech industry has numerous options for aspirants. Not only will it help you pursue your interests, but it will also provide you with a lucrative career.
Do check out the course we mentioned above if you want to pursue a career in technology.
Rohit Sharma is the Program Director for the UpGrad-IIIT Bangalore, PG Diploma Data Analytics Program. upGrad is an online higher education platform providing rigorous industry-relevant programs designed and delivered in collaboration with world-class faculty and industry. Merging the latest technology, pedagogy, and services, upGrad is creating an immersive learning experience – anytime and anywhere. upGrad — Building Careers of Tomorrow
Tech careers are among the most highly coveted roles by millions worldwide.