Reach for ther Stars 5 vzorcne strani

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Magdalena Novak

Magdalena Novak


za angleščino v 5. razredu osnovne šole

REACH FOR THE STARS Učbenik za pouk angleščine v 5. razredu osnovne šole






nadaljujemo s prenovo učbeniškega kompleta Reach for the Stars 5, ki nadaljuje lepo sprejeto in temeljito prenovljeno, razširjeno in posodobljeno izdajo Reach for the Stars 4. Pri prenovi smo se močno oprli na mnenje uporabnikov, saj učbenika zagotovo nihče ne pozna bolje. Na kaj ste nas pred prenovo opozorili? Sistematična struktura 99 Razširjeno, dopolnjeno in posodobljeno besedišče 99 Več poudarka na utrjevanju in konsolidaciji 99 Priprava na NPZ s primernimi tipi nalog 99 Sistematično in postopno opismenjevanje 99 Vaše izkušnje smo povezali s strokovnim znanjem avtorske in uredniške ekipe. Reach for the Stars 5 prenavlja mag. Magdalena Novak in ureja mag. Irena Škulj. Recenzentk sta izr. prof. dr. Mihaela Brumen in Nataša Puhner, mag. phil., ki bo novosti tudi predstavila na regijskih delavnicah.

Vse informacije o prenovi in datume predstavitev najdete na


Učbeniki Reach for the Stars tudi po prenovi ostajajo eni izmed najbolj priljubljenih učbeniških kompletov za angleščino v 2. triletju! Hvala, da ste z nami!

Brezplačna podpora za uporabnike na portalu eVedez. Zvočno gradivo v mp3 formatu 99 e-učbenik za projiciranje 99 letna in dnevne priprave 99

Napovedujemo tudi: dodatne teste in fotokopirno gradivo yy interaktivne naloge yy

And remember, always Reach for the stars!

Gradivo je v nastajanju, kar nam vsem skupaj daje priložnost, da ga sproti sooblikujemo, tako da bo resnično odgovarjal potrebam sodobnega pouka v slovenskih šolah. Pri tem pa je nepogrešljivo prav vaše mnenje. Ostanite z nami!

Starter Unit 6 Starter Unit

Hello again! The hello song



Tudi v prenovljeni izdaji za 5. Razred je velik poudarek namenjen izboljšani sistematičnosti.

Do you remember The hello song? Let's greet each other and sing. Ali se spomniš pesmi The hello song? Pozdravimo se in zapojmo.



Listen. Who is the boy in photo A? Who is the girl in photo B? Say. Prisluhni. Kdo je deček na fotografiji A? Kdo je deklica na fotografiji B? Povej.



This is … He/She is …. years old. He/She is from …

Read Domen's letter. Then copy Domen's identity card and fill it in. Preberi Domnovo pismo. Nato prepiši Domnovo kartico in jo izpolni.

1. Name: 2. Last name: 3. Age: 4. Hair (colour): 5. Eyes (colour): 6. Brothers / sisters: 7. Favourite colour: 8. Favourite animal: 9. Favourite food: 10. Email address: 11. Skype handle: six


Dear Sarah,

ten. I've got st name is Kralj. I'm la y m , en m Do is my name Ljubljana is I live in Ljubljana. . es ey n ow br d an blond hair is Boris and . My dad's name ia en ov Sl of ty ci the capital njamin, and got one brother, Be e I'v a. ojc M is e m my mum's na mily? My e names of your fa th e ar t ha W a. an one sister, H because haven't got a pet, I e. rs ho a is al ue. My favourite anim vourite colour is bl fa y M s. at fl of k ings? we live in a bloc e your favourite th ar t ha W a. gn sa la favourite food is address u'd like. My email yo if l, ai em an in skype You can answer e can also talk via W . zs s.d ar st he rt is domen@reachfo _ljubljana. handle is domen10 e yp sk y M e. tim e som Best wishes, Domen

This is my first letter to Sarah.



Listen to Domen and write the letters in your notebook. What has he written? Poslušaj Domna in v zvezek zapisuj črke. Kaj je napisal?


Write an English sentence in your notebook. Dictate the letters to your classmate.

I'm listening to music and writing a letter to Sarah on my tablet. I'm very slow.



6. S-4

Work in pairs. In turns, continue the sentences. Then write the sentences down. Delajte v dvojicah. Izmenično nadaljujte povedi. Nato povedi zapišite. 1. On the way to school I see …

6. At home I …

2. I go to school by …

7. My favourite things are …

3. In my school bag I have got …

8. My birthday is in … (month)

4. I can ...

9. My favourite English song is ...

5. At school I …

10. Every morning I ...

Happy dance

Are you happy? Ready to go dancing along with me? Let’s start.

Do you like dancing? Listen, sing and dance along. Ali rad plešeš? Poslušaj, zapoj in pleši po navodilih. Stand up! Feel the beat! And let’s do the happy dance! I’m so happy that’s why I clap my hands, because I’m feeling happy. I’m so happy that’s why I twist my hips, because I’m feeling happy. I’m so happy that’s why I march in place, because I’m feeling happy. I’m so happy that’s why I wave my arms, because I’m feeling happy. Happy is a feeling I like to feel, and I like to spread it too. I'm happy just to be here singing this song and dancing along with you. Dance your happy up, dance your happy down, dance your happy side to side and dance it all around. seven


Unit 1 MY HOME

Sarah’s home 1.a 1-1

1.b To...

Listen to Sarah's email about her home. What is missing in the picture? Tell your classmate. Poslušaj Sarino e-pošto o njenem domu. Kaj manjka na sliki? Povej sošolcu.

Kot Reach for the Stars 4 je tudi 5 temeljito prenovljena, posodobljena in razširjena.

Now read the email and answer the questions. Sedaj e-pošto preberi in odgovori na vprašanja.

Cc... Subject

My home

Dear Domen, My family lives in a lovely house in Croyton, a town in south London. It has got two floors. It has also got an attic and a basement. On the ground floor there is the kitchen, the dining room, the study and the living room. On the second floor there is my bedroom, my parents´ bedroom, my brother's bedroom and the bathroom. I share my bedroom with my sister, Alice. Our bedroom has got its own balcony. I love it! In the basement there is our laundry room, where we keep the washing machine and the drying machine. In front of our house, there is a white fence. Next to the house, on the right, there is a garage. At the back of the house there is a pretty garden, with many green spaces, flowers, a tree and a swing. Next to the house, on the left, there is a kennel for our dog Rusty. I love my house. It's very comfortable and cozy. Write soon and tell me about your home. Love, Sarah

1. Which room has got a balcony? 2. Where is the drying machine? 3. What colour is the fence? 4. Where is the garden? 5. Where is the kennel? 6. What is the house like?


Write an email to a penfriend about your home.


2.a 1-2


Look at the list of household chores. Listen and point. Which household chores does Domen have to do? Oglej si seznam hišnih opravil. Poslušaj in pokaži. Katera opravila mora Domen narediti?

put the food away wash the dishes

scrub the floor mop the floor

wipe the dishes sweep the floor vacuum the floor

load the dishwasher set the table take out rubbish

Look at the table. Ask and answer. Oglej si tabelo. Sprašuj in odgovarjaj. Family Brown - This week's household chores Daily: make your bed Daily: get Rusty fresh water outside Tidy up your room Dust the shelves in the living room Clean the bathroom Sort the laundry Water the plants Water the flowers in the garden Collect all house rubbish and take it outside Check the kitchen rubbish and take it outside Vacuum the floor downstairs


Sarah, Alice, Henry Henry Sarah, Alice, Henry Alice Sarah Who gets Rusty Alice fresh water outside Sarah this week? Henry Alice Henry Who tidies up Sarah their room?

Look at the list of chores in the table and the list of chores in exercise Who usually makes your bed? 2. a again. Ask and answer about yourselves. Znova si oglej seznam opravil v tabeli in v nalogi 2. a. Who usually Sprašuj in odgovarjaj cleans the bathroom? o sebi in sošolcu.

Henry does.

Sarah, Alice and Henry do.

I do. My mum does. But sometimes I help her. nine

10 Unit 1 MY HOME

In the house 1.a 1-3

Listen. What is the treasure? Poslušaj. Kaj je skriti zaklad? It’s raining. What can we do today?


Let’s play a game.

Let’s play treasure hunt. That’s a good idea!

I’m going to prepare everything. OK. Give me fifteen minutes. Stay here and don’t move.

Done! Let’s start. Here are your first instructions.


It’s a secret message. “Look behind something beautiful on the wall.” It's a square.”

Hm, but where’s the message? Look, it’s me in the mirror. The mirror is on the wall and I'm beautiful. I know! The curtains!

You’re right! Here’s another message: “It’s hanging from the ceiling to the floor. Look under it.”

The picture is beautiful! Look behind it. Yes! A new message!

“Look for something old. What’s on it?”

Something old … Of course! The sofa! ten

Something beautiful ... something beautiful on the wall ...

Here’s another message: “Look behind something green.”


Here’s a piece of paper in the umbrella.

Look! Behind the plant! “You need something long. It’s raining.”

What’s this? I can’t read this!

I know. An umbrella! Stripi ostajajo pomemben element, ki poskrbi za večjo čustveno angažiranost in identifikacijo z junaki ter nekaj humorja.

There’s a code at the back. Can you read this?

Don’t forget the umbrella! It IS raining!

“Good for three pieces of apple pie at my auntie’s.”

I can see you’re good detectives. Do you like the treasure?

That’s the treasure! Let’s go!

I like this game!

Yes, we do! Yummy!


2. 1-4

Let’s play theatre. Act the story out. Igrajmo se gledališče. Zgodbo odigrajte.

Variety show There are many different things in this world. Do you like variety? Tell your classmate. Then listen and sing. Na svetu obstaja veliko različnih stvari. Ali ti je všeč raznolikost? Povej sošolcu. Nato poslušaj in zapoj.

A rabbit is quick, a tortoise is slow, oh, how I love it, variety show. A butterfly is beautiful, I'm sure you know, oh, how I love it, variety show.

In summer it’s hot, in winter it’s cold, my jacket is new, my trousers are old. One day I'm happy, the other I'm sad, sometimes I'm joyful, sometimes I'm mad.

An elephant is heavy, a mouse is light. I play all day, I sleep at night. My cousin is short, his daddy is tall, our house is big, my room is small.

I think it's amazing, how different we are, oh, how I love it, variety show. Sometimes we are near, sometimes very far, oh, how I love it, variety show, oh, oh, how I love it, variety show. eleven

14 Unit 1 MY HOME


Sarah loves reading stories about the Spooky family. Do you know what the word spooky means? Look it up in the dictionary. Look at the picture. Why do you think this family is called the Spooky family? Tell your classmate. Who is not described? Write the description of this person. Sara rada bere zgodbe o družini Spooky. Ali veš, kaj pomeni beseda spooky? Poišči jo v slovarju. Oglej si sliko. Zakaj misliš, da se ta družina imenuje the Spooky family? Kdo ni opisan? Napiši opis te osebe. C





The F








Look at the picture again and read the text below. Who is who? Znova si oglej sliko in preberi besedilo pod njo. Kdo je kdo? We're the Spooky family. We do spooky My dad's name is Rudolf. He's forty things. We love having toast with years old. He's short. He's got a long dark hair and big brown eyes. parsley and artichoke for breakfast. My name's Olivia Spooky and I'm ten. My grandma and grandpa are very I've got long blonde hair and green old. They both wear glasses. Grandpa is very tall. He's bald. He's got very big eyes. I'm tall. ears. Grandma is short and fat. She's My sister Penelope is seven. She's very got long white hair. short and fat. She's got short black hair My uncle's name is Godrick. He's and blue eyes. Her nose is very big. Roberta's husband. He's thirty-seven My brother Oscar is fifteen. He's very years old. He's tall and fat. He's got tall. He's got short orange hair. He's got short green hair and orange eyes. one blue and one brown eye. His ears My cousin's name is Baby Boy. He's a are very big. boy. He's only two years old. He's big My mum's name is Constance. She's and fat. He's got short purple hair and thirty-eight years old. She's very tall. orange eyes, like his father. She's got curly orange hair and blue eyes. She's got a very big mouth. Her nose is small.




Look at the photo of the Spookies' fridge. Then ask and answer. Use the words from the list. Oglej si fotografijo hladilnika družine Spooky. Nato sprašuj in odgovarjaj. Uporabi besede s seznama. apples – artichoke – avocados – broccoli – butter – carrots – – eggs – garlic – cottage cheese – cucumbers – eggplants – orange juice – parsley – green peppers – lemons – milk – onion – strawberries – tomatoes – potatoes – pudding – red pepper – spinach tomato juice – watter bottles

This is the Spookies' fridge. Have they got any delicious food?

Have the Spookies got any eggs?

Yes, they've got some. / No, I don't think so. They haven't got any.

Have they got any apples? Have they got any milk? Have they got any butter? Draw a picture of your own fridge with some foods into it.


Then walk around and talk to different classmates. Ask and answer.

Compare the words in English and in Slovene. Copy the words that are similar in both languages. Why do you think that is? Primerjaj besede v angleščini in slovenščini. Izpiši besede, ki so podobne v obeh jezikih. Zakaj misliš, da je tako? fifteen

16 Unit 1 MY HOME

In the sky 1.

Listen. Who does Little star see in the Fairytale world? What are they like? Poslušaj. Koga Mala zvezdica vidi v pravljičnem svetu? Kakšni so?


I’m sorry, could you repeat your name?

Booh! I'm Booh! I'm a ghost!



Nice to meet you, Booh. I'm Little Star. L-I-T-T-L-E S-T-A-R.

What a beautiful castle!

Duhec Booh ima novo podobo! Hvala, da ste nas opozorili.

Let's go upstairs, to the tower.

Aaaaa! ?

Who's this? This is a fairytale castle and she is a fairytale princess. It's her job to be spoiled and moody. But she'll be fine. All fairytales have got a happy ending.


It's a princess. She's throwing a tantrum. She's very difficult.

She's moody and bad-tempered. She's extremely spoiled.

Aaaaa! ? Who's this?

She wants the prince.

Psst! Not so loud! She'll be angry.

Don't worry, she can't see us. It's a dragon. It's breathing fire. It wants to eat everybody. It is very dangerous. Where is the prince? The prince needs to kill the dragon.


But it can't hear us. Dragon,dragon, come here, silly!

Yes, I know. This is a fairytale dragon in a fairytale world.

… the dragon looks REALLY dangerous.

Don't worry. Aaaiiee! ?

It's your luck that it can't hear us. Only ... It's a wicked witch. She is not very nice, to say the least.

Utrjevanje besedišča je epljeno z novo okrSNAP SNAP rubriko. SHOTS SHOTS


1.a 1-4

She can cast a spell on us.

All fairytales have got a happy ending. I'm sure the prince is on his way.

But she can't see us. This is a fairytale world and she is a fairytale witch.

Who's this?

Luckily, we've managed to escape.

I'm afraid she CAN see us. Witches are different, you know. Quickly! Run!

This is a happy ending, after all!

Opposites Sing Variety show again. Then find the words from the orange box their opposites from the green box. Copy them into pairs of opposites. Še enkrat zapoj Variety show. Nato besedam iz oranžnega okvirčka poišči nasprotja iz zelenega okvirčka. Prepiši jih v dvojice nasprotij. late, long, little, stupid, happy, right, small, tall, thin, beautiful, young, good, smooth, sweet, loud, soft, large, true, different, pretty, quick, hot, dark

old, thick, similar, ugly, early, false, sad, clever, short, big, bad, short, left, ugly, rough, light, sour, hard, small, slow, cold

late – early 1.b

Find the oppposites to the words from the box. Use a dictionary, if necessary. Besedam iz okvirčka poišči nasprotja. Po potrebi si pomagaj s slovarjem. nice, healthy, rich, important, comfortable, cozy, lovely


18 Unit 1 MY HOME

A little bit more 1.

Find different shapes in your classroom. Write sentences. V svoji učilnici poišči različne oblike. Napiši povedi.

The blackboard is a rectangle. My ruler is a triangle. 2.a

Utrjevanje besedišča z nalogami na dveh težavnostnih nivojih, osnovnem in višjem.

Look at the words/phrases and make sentences. Preberi besede/besedne zveze in tvori povedi. always busy – always late – beautiful – clever – dangerous – different – happy – kind – loud – lovely – moody – nice – old – pretty – spoiled – stupid – sweet – bad-tempered – ugly – young I think Michael is clever.

2.b 3.

I think Annie is moody.

Read the dialogue. Then make your own sentences. Preberi dialog. Nato tvori svoje povedi.

Look at the phrases. Make sentences about you. Then make sentences for your mum/brother/sister/dad ... Preberi besede/besedne zveze. Tvori povedi o sebi. Nato tvori povedi o svoji mami/bratu/sestri/očetu … • • • • •

always often sometimes rarely never

I never clean the bathroom.


I don't think Annie is moody. I think she is clever.

put the food away – wash the dishes – wipe the dishes – sweep the floor – vacuum the floor – scrub the floor – mop the floor – load the dishwasher – set the table – take out rubbish – make your bed – tidy up your room – dust the shelves in the living room – clean the bathroom – sort the laundry – take the rubbish to the rubbish bin – water the plants My mum always cleans the bathroom.




Spinners Make two spinners in the form of a hexagon – a shape with six sides. Pick 12 adjectives from Opposites on page 17 and write them in the spinners. Izdelaj dve vrtavki v obliki šesterokotnika – lika s šestimi stranicami. Izberi 12 pridevnikov iz poglavja Opposites na str. 17 in jih napiši v vrtavki. You need: – a cardboard, – a pair of scissors, – a pen, – a toothpick.



Spin both spinners and make sentences with the adjectives. Make another two sentences with the opposite adjectives. Obe vrtavki zavrti hkrati in tvori povedi s pridevnikoma. Tvori še dve povedi z nasprotnima pridevnikoma.

Little Star is nice. The dragon is dangerous. My schoolbag is new. My pencil case is old.



1.a 1-9


Look at the photos and listen. Which photo is described, A or B? Oglej si fotografiji in poslušaj. Katera fotografija je opisana, A ali B?

Describe the other photo. Compare both photos. Opiši drugo fotografijo. Fotografiji primerjaj.


B nineteen

Prenovljena izdaja prinaša torej kar nekaj novosti! Nekaj jih je predstavljenih na vzorčnih straneh pred vami, več vam jih bomo predstavili na dogodkih, ob predstavitvi na vaši šoli ali ob naročilu oglednega izvoda.

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#EPIdogodki #AlwaysRFS

And remember, always Reach for the stars!

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