Children learning to read a second language often encounter problems because they do not have the pre-reading skills needed to be successful. This book has been written to prepare students and guide them into becoming readers at an early stage. The use of spelling patterns will help students become familiarized with words that they will use in their grade level textbooks. All students can learn! It is just a matter of providing them with the tools they need. We welcome our children to this reading series.
Pennsylvania State University
Curriculum & Instruction and Language & Literacy
Cover, Diagramming and Design
Graphics Department of Editorial Panamericana, Inc.
Copyright © 2011 Editorial Panamericana, Inc.
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ISBN: 978-1-61725-031-6
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A is for apple
D is for doughnut A C B D a c b d
C is for car
B is for bee
E is for elephant
G is for goat F is for fish H is for heart
I K J L i k j l
I is for ice cream
K is for kiwi J is for jellyfish
L is for lemon
M is for moon O is for owl N is for nine P is for parrot
Q is for queen
S R T q s
R is for radish
S is for seahorse
T is for tree
U is for umbrella W is for whale V is for vegetables X is for xylophone
Y Z y z -
Y is for yo yo
Trace the letters and write your name.
Z is for zebra
My name is
Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp
Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu
Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Draw a line from the picture to the word. Follow the example.
Organize the words into sentences. Write the sentences in the lines provided. Follow the example.
Correct the following sentences. Write them in the lines provided.
1. Tim and jill are twins.
5. this fish is big Tim
and Jill are twins.
2. tim is sitting
3. Sing tim sing
4. tim has a fish
Draw a line from the words to the picture.
Look at the picture and read sentences. Underline the correct sentence.
Jill is drinking milk.
Jill is singing.
Tim is fishing.
Tim is drinking milk.
Tim is sitting.
Tim is singing.
Tim is sitting.
Tim is fishing.
Cut out the fish. Paste the fish in the right fish tank. S X E A B O I M W U
Write the word below the pictures. Color the pictures.
Put a circle around the words that your teacher reads. Follow the example.
Let’s practice reading words with the i + c pattern:
Let’s practice reading words with the i + c (plus other consonants) pattern:
Let’s practice reading words with the i + c pattern:
Let’s practice reading words with the i + c pattern:
Let’s practice reading words with the i + c (plus other consonants) pattern:
Let’s practice reading words with the i + c (plus other consonants) pattern:
What do you see? Write the words in the spaces provided.
Organize the words into sentences. Write the sentences in the lines provided. Jack a big with a cap It’s is has bat Tim dad . . . his
Practice reading the following groups of words. Copy them in the spaces provided.
In the spaces provided, add a consonant at the beginning to make up new words or nonsense words.
EXTRA Reading practice, read the story.
A big fat cat sat on a mat.
A big fat cat is taking a nap.
A big fat cat has a black rat.
Write five times the two words that make up the word it’s.
it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s
Who does it belong to? Write each sentence twice.
This is Jill’s hat. This is Jill’s cat.
Practice reading and writing new words.
What is missing in the statements below? Please correct them.
1. This is jack
2. Jack is my dad
3. It s a red cap.
4. it s a big bat.
5. This is Jill s cat.
6. This is jill s hat.
7. What is that
Let’s practice reading words with the a + c pattern:
Let’s practice reading words with the a + c (plus other consonants) pattern:
Let’s practice reading words with the a + c (plus other consonants) pattern:
Let’s practice reading words with the a + c pattern:
cash dash mash chap chat Chad blab black blank
brat brass catch hatch match than that thank clam clap class crab crack crash bath math path shack shad shag slam slap slack drab drag drank
Let’s practice reading words with the a + c (plus other consonants) pattern: act and aft ant ast amp ask fact pact tact hand sand brand raft shaft craft pant chant grant fast last past camp lamp champ cask mask task
Write the word for each picture.
Read and color.
I fell and hit my leg.
Fred fell and hit his leg.
Fred hit his leg with the bench.
Organize the words into sentences. Write the sentences in the lines provided. The is bell rings It when bell three the I fell . . rang
Let’s read.
bell rang the bell rang when the bell rang fell when the bell rang I fell when the bell rang.
leg my leg hit my leg and hit my leg fell and hit my leg I fell and hit my leg.
bench the bench with the bench leg with the bench my leg with the bench hit my leg with the bench
I hit my leg with the bench.
Let’s make a word list. You can make up nonsense words, too.
ess ell ench
press fell ench bless ell ench
less ell ench
ess ell ench dress tell wrench mess ell ench
ess ell ench
ess ell ench
Who is next to Fred? Complete each sentence. is next to Fred. is next to Fred. is next to Fred.
Draw a picture of yourself and complete the statement.
Hello, my name is Fred.
What is your name? Hello! My
Color the flower and write five new words that you learned in the lines.
Match the pictures with the sentences. Follow the example.
The cat fell into the pond.
The cat is on a mat.
The cat is in the box. The cat has a bat. The cat is fat.