Dogs Really Can Tell How Their Owners Are Feeling on B7
Cuddling Rabbits
Is Good Medicine at NYU’s Rehab Center
By Arleen Richards | Epoch Times Staff
EW YORK—Finding yourself in need of rehabilitation services for a serious physical injury or illness is a daunting experience, but at NYU Langone Medical Center’s Rusk Rehabilitation, you can get extra special therapy—from bunnies.
It was her way of coming back into the world. Gwenn Fried, manager, horticultural therapy program, NYU Langone’s Hospital for Joint Diseases
That’s right—rabbits. Patients pet the snuggly creatures or engage in therapeutic activities with them, and by the end of their session, some patients feel less pain than when they started out and even forget to ask for pain medication. For about 15 years, bunnies have been part of the hospital’s horticultural therapy program, an adjunct clinical practice that helps patients forget about their troubles by connecting with nature. In some cases, patients’ rehabilitation seems to progress quicker than expected. Resident bunnies Clovis and Nutmeg serve as companions and therapy buddies for patients suffering with brain injuries, strokes, orthopedic injuries, and spinal cord injuries.
See Bunnies on B6
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B1 April 15–21, 2016