Epoch Fit 8-21-2015

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The All New Epoch Fit Section

B1 August 21–27, 2015

Lifestyle & Fitness Diet & Nutrition Medicine


Herb of Scorpions, Doctors, and Kings Medicine for stress, detox, and aging


By Conan Milner | Epoch Times Staff

or most Americans, the scent of basil usually means Italian food. But this herb is good for much more than just pasta.

See Basil on B2


Some say the basil name comes from “basilisk”—the Greek word for dragon or lizard. Others say it comes from “basileus,” the Greek word for king. Tales from basil folklore support both interpretations. Basil seems to have always been an herb symbolizing extreme opposites, such as love and hate, royalty and poverty. In Medieval Europe, basil was serious magic, believed to both cause and cure evil. Since the oldest written records, basil was

In the Middle Ages, basil was believed to be poisonous simply because it would not grow near rue.

associated with creepy-crawly things such as snakes and lice—but especially scorpions. In the Middle Ages, scorpions and worms were widely believed to be conjured from basil leaves. In the 1500s, doctors of the day warned that merely smelling basil would breed “scorpions of the mind.” It’s strange that a plant with such a vile reputation would also be called the “king of herbs,” but many ancient cultures treated this plant with great reverence. In India, basil was associated with two of the highest gods in the Hindu pantheon, Krishna and Vishnu. Christians dubbed basil St. Joseph’s Wort, in reference to the earthly father of Jesus. In Bulgarian and Catalan folklore, the smell of basil is identified as the medium for impregnating the Virgin Mary.

Epoch Fit

B2 August 21–27, 2015


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Basil continued from B1 Traditional Medicine Today we primarily think of basil as a culinary herb. But historical evidence suggests it was used for medicine long before it was used for food. Ancient cultures used basil for many different health issues. In traditional Chinese medicine, basil is used to remove heat and toxins trapped deep in the body. Basically, basil clears obstacles and gets things moving again. Any internal organ experiencing congestion and stagnation seems to benefit from it. One of the most common applications for basil is to treat lung problems such as asthma, cough, and chronic bronchitis. It also promotes menstruation and helps with the birthing process, relieves gas, and improves circulation.

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Holy Basil Basil comes in a variety of colors and flavors. There may be more than 50 different cultivars, but ongoing disputes among botanists make it hard to draw clear lines. All basils are fragrant, with a distinct clove and floral quality that is unique to this herb. Americans mostly know the typical Italian sweet basil, but the varieties favored in Asia tend to be spicier. Collectively known as Thai basils, these Asian varieties have stiffer, pointier leaves. Some are green, others purple. One of the Thai basil varieties getting a lot of attention now is called holy basil or tulsi (the name of a Hindu goddess honored for her faithfulness, and a Sanskrit word meaning “the incomparable one.”) As the name suggests, holy basil is held in high esteem in Ayurvedic medicine. This herb is used to treat many of the same ailments that Europeans use the sweet variety for, and then some. Modern herbalists consider holy basil an adaptogen—an herb that helps the body better cope with stress and aging. Holy basil is best known for treating issues associated with adrenal health, such as regulating the sleep cycle, improving fertility and immunity, and invigorating the chronically exhausted. Like the sweet basil of Europe, holy basil frees stuck energy in all the organ systems—even the brain. It is traditionally used to both relax and stimulate the mind. It relieves stress and insomnia, and also promotes clear, focused thinking. The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends holy basil for PTSD. Several herbalists use basil to treat the excesses of marijuana use, such as paranoia, foggy headedness, and habitual dependency. This application is mostly found in regions that have a long history of marijuana use, such as India and the Middle East. According to herbalist Matthew Wood, basil also helps rid the body of pharmaceutical drug residues too. Some believe that holy basil may give marijuana some non-psychoactive competition. Chemical similarities in both plants suggest that Holy basil can effectively treat many of the same issues for which people use medicinal marijuana, but without the high. Basil Essential Oil Basil has been traditionally used for pain, and research suggests this herb may be just as effective as many modern drugs. The source of basil’s pain-relieving abilities is its essential oil, which exhibits the same anti-inflammatory, COX enzyme-inhibiting properties as aspirin and ibuprofen. For those who suffer from arthritis or other chronic pain, generous amounts of basil may be a wise addition to the diet. Those concerned about food-borne illness would also benefit from regular basil consumption. Basil has been traditionally used to repel insects and soothe bug bites (particularly scorpions), but this herb may also be used against microscopic bugs as well. Components in basil essential oil have been shown to inhibit a wide range of bacteria, including strains that have developed significant resistance to antibiotic drugs. A 2004 study from the journal Food Microbiology found that washing produce in a diluted concentration (1 percent) of either basil or thyme oil could fend off bacteria known to cause diarrhea and stomach cramps. How to Use Since much of basil’s medicinal punch comes from essential oil, it’s important to make preparations that preserve it. Heat dissipates essential oils, so add basil at the very end of the cooking process, just before serving.

Basil woodcut by Leonhart Fuchs (from 1543). Basil may have been used for medicine before it was used for food. When making a basil tea (which is especially welcome for headaches and sore eyes), cover the pot to prevent the volatile oils from escaping. Once the water comes to a boil, turn off the heat before you add your basil leaves and immediately put a lid on it. Steep covered for at least 20 minutes before straining. For both flavor and medicine, fresh herbs are best, but since basil requires a warm climate, it can be hard to have enough on hand all year round. Freezing is a worthwhile method of preservation. Combine fresh chopped basil with olive oil and pour the mixture into ice cube trays to make convenient portions for later use. Dried leaves can still retain much of their essential oil if prepared and stored properly. But remember that the fresh, herbal fragrance is what makes basil so great. If dry leaves no longer have a scent, toss them. The good stuff is gone. A tincture is the preferred choice if you want a basil supplement because the alcohol helps preserve the essential oil. Capsules are fine too, but they may not stay as potent for long after opening the bottle. You can also buy straight basil essential oil and dilute it for topical application. Do not use straight oil internally unless working with a well-trained aromatherapist. Some of basil’s medicinal benefits are immediate, but others take time to manifest, especially if you’re using it for chronic pain, adrenal imbalance, or blood sugar issues. It may take a few weeks or even months of regular doses before you notice a profound change. A typical dose ranges from about 300 milligrams to 600 milligrams a day and is considered very safe. Consult a qualified herbalist for best results. Fun Basil Facts In the Middle Ages, basil was believed to be poisonous simply because it would not grow near rue. Rue was considered the “enemy of poisons,” and any herbs that would not grow near it were suspect. Basil is considered a good companion plant for tomatoes. Grown close together, basil keeps away common tomato pests. Some gardeners insist that a basil plant in close proximity also improves tomato flavor. In northern Italy, a man who accepts basil from a woman is believed to remain faithful. In ancient Greece, a symbol for poverty was a woman looking at a basil plant. Basil has been cultivated across Asia and Africa at least 5,000 years. Alexander the Great was said to have brought basil to Greece in about 300 B.C. In ancient Rome, it was believed that the more harshly one cursed their basil seeds before sowing, the stronger the seedlings. Basil is brimming with powerful phytochemicals and nutrients. It’s low in calories and high in beta carotene, vitamins A and C, and other antioxidants. It is also considered a good source of zinc, iron, and protein. Promising preliminary research shows that some phytochemicals in basil may help with cervical, prostate, and breast cancers. Other studies show that basil may be useful for diabetes, high cholesterol levels, heavy metal poisoning, radiation sickness, and cataracts.

Epoch Fit

B3 August 21–27, 2015


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Erectile Dysfunction (E.D.)

When the “Magic Pill” isn’t so magic Erectile dysfunction (E.D.) affects more than 30 million men in the U.S. It is especially common in men with prostate surgery, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and obesity. However, it is now possible to treat almost all men with E.D! E.D. undermines a man’s sexual confidence—but successful treatment can restore it! Many E.D. treatments are covered by most insurance and prescription plans. Attend a FREE seminar to educate men and their partners about approved E.D. treatment options. Partners are encouraged to attend. Trigger point therapy works especialy well if you get treament in the first couple of days after injury.

Get Rid of Muscle Spasms for Good With Trigger Point Therapy


ohn F. Kennedy might never have been president if not for an early form of trigger point therapy. As part of his ongoing saga of health woes, six years before his presidency Kennedy was having muscle spasms so severe in his low back that he could barely walk and felt he was facing the end of his career. Then he consulted a doctor who offered him a controversial treatment—injections of a local anesthetic called procaine into the foci of the spasms. The treatment is credited with getting him to the White House. Trigger point therapy, now widely accepted and covered by insurance plans, works because injections break the cycle of pain that causes muscles to spasm. When the body is injured, muscles contract to protect the area from further harm. However, spasms can beget more spasms and continue long after the initial injury has healed. “More spasm makes you hurt more, then more muscles get involved and each one of them will increasingly spasm,” explained Dr. Alexander Kulick, an integrative physician who has been treating pain with trigger point therapy for around 15 years. “Once you’ve broken that cycle, the body resets itself. The natural state of the body when not in pain, is to be pretty relaxed,” he said. He injects a solution that’s a mix of saline and procaine. Saline is a mild irritant, which causes the muscle to start a series of twitches, some of which are visible but most are too small to notice. The spasms last as long as muscle cells have energy. Once the cellular energy (ATP) is used up, the muscle can no longer contract and has no choice but to relax. Procaine numbs the area so the twitches don’t hurt, and it dilates blood vessels so the muscle gets the blood it needs to function optimally. Dr. Kulick said trigger point therapy works extremely well for acute pain, and when patients come within 24–48 hours of onset, they can walk out the door pretty much pain free. “[With trigger point therapy] I can literally take someone who crawls in on their knees and have them walking,” he said. Pain Often Not What We Think Around 20 percent of his patients have pain that is misdiagnosed by other doctors, Dr. Kulick said. For example, pain around the eyes is deemed sinusitis, and pain in the back of the knee is misconstrued as a knee problem. But one of the key aspects of trigger point therapy is that muscles have patterns of radiation, so the location of pain won’t necessarily be the source. He said a patient’s “sinusitis” symptoms can actually be relieved by relaxing the occipitalis muscle behind the ears, and the knee pain can be cured by releasing a contracted calf muscle. And sometimes when he releases a contracted glute muscle, the piriformis, people find the pain they thought was sciatica disappears. About once or twice a year, he sees patients like JFK who believes their pain means the end of their career, and are delighted to find out that a few injections can cure them.

[With trigger point therapy] I can literally take someone who crawls in on their knees and have them walking.

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Epoch Fit

B4 August 21–27, 2015

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After Picky or selective eating can be a sign that something is not right with a child.

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Selective Eating Children with both moderate and severe selective eating habits showed symptoms of anxiety and other mental conditions. The study, published in the journal Pediatrics, also shows that children with selective eating behaviors were nearly twice as likely to have increased symptoms of generalized anxiety at follow-up intervals during the study, which screened an initial 3,433 children. “These are children whose eating has become so limited or selective that it’s starting to cause problems,” Zucker says. “Impairment can take many different forms. It can affect the child’s health, growth, social functioning, and the parent-child relationship. The child can feel like no one believes them, and parents can feel blamed for the problem.” Both moderate and severe selective eating are associated with significantly elevated symptoms of depression, social anxiety, and generalized anxiety, researchers say. Although children with moderate picky eating did not show an increased likelihood of formal psychiatric diagnoses, children with severe selective eating were more than twice as likely to also have a diagnosis of depression.

Demystifying Foods “What’s hard for physicians is that they don’t really have data to help predict which children will age out of the problem and which children won’t, and so they’re trying to do the best they can with limited information and interventions.” Some children may benefit from therapy, which may include demystifying foods that cause anxiety through exposure. But traditional methods may not address children with sensory sensitivities, for whom some smells and flavors are too intense and may never be palatable. New interventions are needed to deal with children who have sensory sensitivity and frequent experiences of palpable disgust, Zucker says. Treatments also need to be better tailored to a patient’s age range. One benefit to spotting picky eating in young children is that it’s a condition parents can easily recognize, and it could be a good tool for identifying who may be at risk for anxiety and depression. “It’s a good way to get highrisk children into interventions, especially if the parents are asking for help,” Zucker says. The National Institute of Mental Health supported the research. This article was originally published by Duke University. Republished via Futurity.org under Creative Commons License 4.0.


By Derek Henry

• American Shoulder & Elbow Surgeons


Picky eating among children is a common but burdensome problem that can result in poor nutrition for kids, as well as family conflict and frustrated parents. Although families see picky eating as a phase, a new study suggests moderate and severe picky eating often coincides with serious childhood issues such as depression and anxiety that may need intervention. More than 20 percent of children ages 2 to 6 are selective eaters. Of them, nearly 18 percent were classified as moderately picky. The remaining children, about 3 percent, were classified as severely selective—so restrictive in their food intake that it limited their ability to eat with others. “The question for many parents and physicians is: when is picky eating truly a problem?” says Nancy Zucker, director of the Duke Center for Eating Disorders. “The children we’re talking about are not just misbehaving kids who refuse to eat their broccoli.”

Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), a new diagnosis included in the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The findings also suggest that parents are in conflict with their children regularly over food—which does not necessarily result in the child eating—and families and their doctors need new tools to address the problem, Zucker says. “There’s no question that not all children go on to have chronic selective eating in adulthood,” Zucker says. “But because these children are seeing impairment in their health and well-being now, we need to start developing ways to help these parents and doctors know when and how to intervene.” Some children who refuse to eat might have heightened senses, which can make the smell, texture, and tastes of certain foods overwhelming, causing aversion and disgust. Some children may have had a bad experience with a certain food and develop anxiety when trying another new food or being forced to try the offensive food again, she says.

AppleGinger Zing Juice

• Muscle weakness

Orthopaedic Shoulder Surgeon

By Samiha Khanna

Heightened Senses Children with moderate and severe patterns of selective eating would meet the criteria for an eating disorder called Avoidant/Restrictive


Dr. Francis Mendoza

Is Picky Eating a ‘Red Flag’ for Depression?

Juicing is a very simple way to get your recommended intake of fruits and vegetables, all in the convenience of a single cup. Don’t be fooled into thinking that juicing at home is not as tasty as those juices you see in the store. In fact, with a little practice, your fresh, clean, and delicious juice will make you wonder why you ever stopped at the store in the first place. This apple-ginger zing juice recipe is a great example. The purpose of this juice recipe is to provide something loaded with nutrients that you, the other half, and the kids will drink! The simple combination of greens, apples, and ginger gives you an antioxidant boost full of chlorophyll, antioxidants, and digestive support. You also get a nice does of calcium, vitamin K, vitamin C, and plenty of beneficial enzymes and probiotics. This is a great morning juice, or drink it 15 minutes before a meal to improve digestion.


2 handfuls of kale or spinach 2 green apples 1/2 inch nub of ginger Optional add-ins: celery, cucumber, and turmeric root

DIRECTIONS Throw in spinach, ginger, and apple (cut in pieces if your juicer is not powerful enough) into a good quality juicer. Derek Henry is a holistic health coach for HealingTheBody.ca

Epoch Fit

B5 August 21–27, 2015


Side Sleeping May Clean Up ‘Mess’ in Brains

HYDRODISSECTION A Holistic Treatment Without Drugs Or Surgery


By Lauren Sheprow leeping on your side—rather than your back or stomach—may be the best way to rid your brain of waste. It may even help reduce the chances of developing Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other neurological diseases. Researchers used dynamic contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to image the brain’s glymphatic pathway, a complex system that clears wastes and other harmful chemical solutes from the brain. A lateral sleeping position is the best position to most efficiently remove waste from the brain. It’s also the most common way to sleep for humans and many other animals. The buildup of brain waste chemicals may contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological conditions, researchers say. Researchers have used dynamic contrast MRI for several years to examine the glymphatic pathway in rodent models. The method helps identify and define the glymphatic pathway, where cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) filters through the brain and exchanges with interstitial fluid (ISF) to clear waste—similar to the way the body’s lymphatic system clears waste from organs. Body Posture and Sleep Quality It’s during sleep that the glymphatic pathway is most efficient. Brain waste includes amyloid (amyloid) and tau proteins, chemicals that negatively affect brain processes if they build up. In the new study, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, researchers used the dynamic contrast MRI method along with kinetic modeling to quantify the CSF-ISF exchange rates in anesthetized rodents’ brains in three positions—lateral (side), prone (down), and supine (up). “The analysis showed us consistently that glymphatic transport was most efficient in the lateral position when compared to the supine or prone positions,” says Helene Benveniste, principal investigator and a professor of anesthesiology and radiology at Stony Brook University School of Medicine. Most Popular Position Benveniste and first-author Hedok Lee, assistant professor of anesthesiology and radiology, developed the safe posture positions for the experiments. Lulu Xie, Rashid Deane, and Maiken Nedergaard, all at the University of Rochester, used fluorescence microscopy and radioactive tracers to validate the MRI data and to assess the influence of body posture on the clearance of amyloid from the brains.



Our brains detox at night via the glymphatic pathway. In rodents, side sleeping promotes the most thorough cleansing. “It is interesting that the lateral sleep position is already the most popular in human[s] and most animals—even in the wild—and it appears that we have adapted the lateral sleep position to most efficiently clear our brain of the metabolic waste products that built up while we are awake,” Nedergaard says. “The study therefore adds further support to the concept that sleep subserves a distinct biological function of sleep and that is to ‘clean up’ the mess that accumulates while we are awake. Many types of dementia are linked to sleep disturbances, including difficulties in falling asleep. “It is increasing[ly] acknowledged that these sleep disturbances may accelerate memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease. Our finding brings new insight into this topic by showing it is also important what position you sleep in,” she explains. Researchers caution that while the research team speculates that the human glymphatic pathway will clear brain waste most efficiently when sleeping in the lateral position as compared to other positions, testing with MRI or other imaging methods in humans is a necessary first step. Other researchers from Stony Brook, the University of Rochester, and New York University are co-authors of the study.

The outstanding nutritional benefit of this veggie burger recipe is the quantity and quality of fiber and protein the beans provide. You are guaranteed to reach the recommended 25 grams of fiber daily if you add this burger to your meal plan. Beans, oats, and nuts are high in fiber. What most people do not understand are the benefits of the special fiber found in psyllium. Psyllium husks are seed coverings that are rich in a gelatinous, water-adsorbing substance called mucilage. It has the ability to absorb 10 to 50 times its weight in water, which contributes to a feeling of fullness. In other words, it’s all but impossible to overeat a meal that contains psyllium, making this a great meal choice for weight loss.


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The Miracle Medicine Intravenous Ozone Therapy

This article was previously published by Stony Brook University. Republished via Futurity.org under Creative Commons License 4.0.

Toxins, Virus, Bacteria, Fungus, Yeast and Parasites are Destroyed by Ozone Therapy, Safely!

DIRECTIONS Soak beans at least 12 hours (change out water several times) and cook slowly until they are soft, about two hours (or use two 15-ounce, BPA-free cans of beans). Finely chop a quarter or half a head of cauliflower in blender (this should make approximately 2 to 3 cups of cauliflower). Place in separate bowl. Add all ingredients except cauliflower, oats, and sunflower seeds into blender and purée. Add water as needed until consistency is smooth and creamy. Place purée in bowl with chopped cauliflower. Add in other dry ingredients (oats and sunflower seeds). Mix well. Shape the “hamburger” dough into patties and store in refrigerator up to four or five days. For easier handling, cool dough in refrigerator for a couple of hours or overnight. When ready to eat, place on parchment paper with a portabella mushroom cap and bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 to 20 minutes. Alternatively, you can barbecue on the top rack. Add toppings of choice. Serve alongside a salad and root-vegetable fries.



• • • • • • • •

The purée makes an excellent vegan dip or pâté for wraps, chips, or veggies, so set some aside before mixing in with the dry ingredients.

2 cups black beans or a 15-ounce can 2 cups navy beans or a 15-ounce can 1/4 cup coconut oil 2 tablespoons psyllium husks 2 tablespoons chili flakes 2 tablespoons cumin 2 garlic cloves 1 tablespoon sea salt (use less if concerned about sodium intake) • 2 cups finely chopped cauliflower • 1 cup whole oats • 1/4 cup sunflower seeds, whole or coarsely ground

release a compressed nerve from its surrounding tissues.

Did you know Hydrodissection can treat:

Zesty, Vegan Two-Bean Burgers By Louise Van Blyderveen

Nerve hydrodissection is an outpatient procedure, usually taking less than an

When nerves fail to interact properly with muscles, whether through overuse, injury or age, the nerve can get stuck, no longer allowing for normal motion. From this loss of quality of life from pain, chronic pain or other sensations can develop. This often leads to major long-term pain management methods and medications, or even surgery.

For a gluten-free option, take out the oats and use more cauliflower, or add in some ground flax instead. Mushroom caps will shrink as they lose water in the heat, so be sure to choose larger caps. Louise Van Blyderveen is a holistic nutritionist. This article was originally published on NaturallySavvy.com

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Epoch Fit

B6 August 21–27, 2015



Benefits of Exercise During

Single Leg Cross-Overs

Goblet Squats

Single Leg Cross-Overs • This exercise is good for maintaining balance, which can be altered during pregnancy. It is also a good warm-up. • Stand tall with hands on hips. Lift one leg up so you’re balancing on one foot, this is your single leg stance.

• Then cross the lifted leg over the body and tap the toe on the floor to the front and side of your standing foot. Bring your lifted leg back and send it out to the side to tap the floor again. Return to single leg stance and repeat the tap pairs 10–15 times before switching with other leg.

By Ashley Whitson


lthough it’s been widely acknowledged for decades that exercise throughout pregnancy greatly benefits both mom and baby, I still meet women who think they should take it easy and avoid lifting weights. Below are four benefits of exercise first proven by James F. Clapp III, M.D., in the ‘70s and ‘80s. Clapp is a pioneer researcher on exercise and pregnancy, author of the book “Exercising Through Your Pregnancy,” and still considered one of the foremost authorities on the subject today. 1. Better Circulation and Post-Baby Fitness During pregnancy, the elasticity and volume of a woman’s circulatory system increase to support the needs of the developing baby. This causes a reduction in the amount of blood returning to the heart and the amount of blood the heart pumps out. As a result, blood pressure drops and the body recognizes that the vascular system is under-filled. While the body is adjusting to this change, the woman may experience sudden fatigue, a racing pulse, nausea, unusually pale skin, sweating, and dizziness, especially when getting up quickly or when standing. Many studies have shown that exercise increases blood circulation, the ability of the body to dissipate heat, and the delivery of oxygen to the tissues. Therefore, women who exercise regularly during pregnancy have an easier time dealing with the above-mentioned symptoms of vascular under-fill. In addition, both pregnancy and exercise improve the ability of oxygen utilization. Regular exercise during pregnancy improves gas transfer through the tissues, allowing more oxygen and nutrients to get across to the baby. This results in the faster growth and better function of the placenta than those who are healthy but don’t exercise regularly.

Remember Me Run at St. Michael’s

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Regular exercise during pregnancy allows more oxygen and nutrients to get across to the baby.

During pregnancy the heart and lungs are working hard. Combine that with exercise and you can build a training technique that will help you perform better post pregnancy! This explains reports of female athletes’ enhanced performance after birth. 2. Limited Weight Gain To support the growing baby, mom’s metabolic rate increases by 15–20 percent. This increase in metabolic rate and regular exercise combined can increase the use of fat as an energy source. So if a woman exercises consistently at a moderate-intensity during pregnancy she will experience limited weight gain and fat deposition, which is good for both mom and baby. But moms-to-be need to make sure they eat at least every three hours if they plan to exercise because of the suppression of glucose during pregnancy and the increased insulin sensitivity that regular exercise produces. If food intake is sporadic, there can therefore be a decrease in the glucose available to the baby. If you are worried about excessive weight gain a good rule of thumb for pregnant women is to gain 1/2–1 1/2 pounds per week. The optimal range of weight gain during pregnancy is 25–35 pounds. The preferred scenario is to gain 4–6 pounds in the first trimester, 11–15 pounds in the second trimester, and 11–15 pounds in the third trimester. 3. Easier Pregnancy and Delivery With regular exercise, women can experience an easier pregnancy. Exercise lowers the incidence of symptoms like back pain, constipation, fatigue, insomnia, nausea, swelling, urinary incontinence, varicose veins, leg cramps, gestational diabetes, pregnancyinduced hypertension, diastasis recti (when the rectus abdominal muscles at the front of the abdomen separate along the midline), blood clots deep in the veins, and pelvic and rectal pressure. Women who continue regular weight bearing exercises during pregnancy also experience easier labors. These women have a lower incidence of induced labors, episiotomies, abnormal fetal heart rates, and cesareans. Researchers also find a reduction in the overall duration of labor, which is enough to make any pregnant woman exercise! Not to mention, exercising women tend to recover more quickly after birth. 4. Helps Balance Emotions Hormonal changes during pregnancy can make women quite emotional. Many suffer from anxiety and depression as their bodies undergo huge changes. The pressures of being a new mom can also be overwhelming and there may also be career changes, family dynamics, or financial issues to deal with. Exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, eating well, and practicing deep breathing and relaxation techniques for labor can be helpful. Diaphragmatic breathing relaxes muscles, improves blood flow to the abdominal region, and calms the nervous system. These will all go a long way to helping relax the pelvic floor for an easier delivery. If you plan to exercise when pregnant make sure to get clearance from your doctor first. The exercises below can be beneficial, however, they may not be for everyone, so only do those you are comfortable with. If you’re new to exercise and want to start while pregnant, finding a qualified trainer who is knowledgeable about prenatal workouts is more than worth it.

Goblet Squats This exercise will help prepare you for labor by keeping your pelvic floor strong and strengthening back muscles, which tend to weaken during pregnancy. If done right, it will also help you maintain correct alignment in your pelvis, which will keep the spine in a healthy position. It is imperative that this exercise be done with proper technique—keeping the pelvis centered, neither tilted forward or back—to avoid strain to the sacroiliac joint and pelvic floor. • Stand tall with feet slightly wider than hips. Toes can point out to the side 10–15 degrees if necessary. Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell close to your chest. Women may want to hold kettlebells bottom up to protect the breasts. The weight you choose will depend on your comfort and whether your are experiencing any ligament pain. If you were squatting pre-pregnancy, definitely use a lighter weight while you’re carrying. • Take a breath in and send your hips back and down to your full range of motion, which is ideally buttocks to heels. • Press into your heels to return back to standing. Make sure to keep your back tall and chest open. Never round your spine when you’re lifting weight. • Aim to perform 10 squats. Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercise • Sit up comfortably with good posture. You can sit on pillows, roll up a towel or yoga blanket, or sit on a stability ball (unless you have back pain). You can also sit with your back against a wall for support. • Inhale as you count to four, then exhale for four counts. Pause for four counts before your next inhale. Then repeat the entire sequence. Stay with this for 1–2 minutes. Be aware of places in your torso that feel tight, maybe the ribcage, and try to send the breath into these areas. • Then if you feel ready, increase the breath count to five and perform for another 1–2 minutes. • Continue so on to six and higher at your own pace. • Return to your normal breathing and notice the difference in how you feel. Sit quietly and breathe naturally for 1 minute.

Ashley Whitson is an ACE-certified personal trainer, Pilates-certified instructor, pre- and postnatal exercise specialist, Functional Movement Systems professional, Neurokinetic Therapy practitioner, and professional dancer in New York. For more information, see AshleyWhitsonPersonalTrainerNYC.com WORKOUT PHOTOS BY PETR SVAB/EPOCH TIMES

Epoch Fit

B7 August 21–27, 2015


Pregnancy TRX Suspension Cable Rows

Tall Kneeling Palloff Press

TRX Suspension Cable Rows This exercise will work your core and back to help counter the effects pregnancy can have on posture. • Attach the suspension cable to a secure object. • Grab the handles and walk your feet forward to a comfortable yet challenging distance so you can perform the row without buckling your torso (You want to hold your body in one straight line with your

abdominals and buttocks engaged like you would in a plank position.) • Retract and depress your shoulder blades as you bend your elbows to pull your body up. • Squeeze your armpits together and do not let the elbows go behind the ribcage as this will let the shoulders move too far forward. Hold for a count of 2. Perform as many as you can do well.

Side Plank

Side Plank This is a core strengthening exercise and great for back rehabilitation. • Lie on your side. Flex your feet so you have a platform to balance on. You can also put one foot in front of the other for a wider base, or place your feet against the wall. Your other balance point will be your fore-

arm. Place the elbow under the shoulder. • Brace you abdominals and buttocks, press away from the floor and lift your body up off the floor. Your spine should be in one line and shoulders directly on top of one another. • Hold for 7–8 seconds. Do three to five planks on both sides.

Tips for Exercising Right While Pregnant 1. Drink a cup (8 ounces) of water every 15 minutes during exercise and eat an hour before starting exercise. 2. Exercise in a cool, well-ventilated area, especially in the first trimester. Avoid hot, humid environments. A pregnant woman’s temperature is already higher than usual so you don’t want to risk heat exhaustion. 3. Listen to your body and exercise within a comfortable range. On a scale of 1 being no exertion and 10 being maximum exertion, aim to exercise at a rate of exertion that feels like it’s 5–8. 4. Wear a supportive bra and cool, dry clothing. 5. Be aware of and stop exercising if you have any of the following: • • • • • • • • •

Vaginal bleeding Preterm labor Uneven or rapid heartbeat Decreased fetal movement Dizziness or faintness Headache Increased shortness of breath Chest pain Calf pain or swelling

Moms-to-be need to make sure they eat at least every three hours if they plan to exercise.

Tall Kneeling Palloff Press • This is a good exercise for core stabilization. It will keep your abdominals strong, which is important because they also tend to weaken during pregnancy. • You can use cables or attach a resistance band to a secure object. Set the cable or band at about shoulder height when you are on your knees. You may want to place cushioning under your knees. Assume a tall kneeling position with ears over shoulders, shoulders over hips, and hips over knees. • Brace your abdominals, grab the cable or band in both hands and pull it so your hands are directly in front and close to your sternum. • Straighten your elbows, pressing the cable or band directly out from your sternum without changing your body position. • Hold for 3 seconds then bring the cable or band back in toward your chest. Repeat pressing out and back in. • Do this 10 times and then turn around to so the resistance comes from the opposite side.




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Epoch Fit

B8 August 21–27, 2015


5 Things Every Guilty Parent Needs to Know By John Pickering & Margaret Crane It’s the guilty secret many parents are reluctant to admit aloud: No matter how much you love your kids, being a parent can make you feel bad. But Google knows you’re not alone. Look up the phrase “guilty parent,” and you’ll get more than 70 million results. Unfortunately, most of that advice is based on opinion, folklore, or individual experience—it’s rarely based on evidence. So what exactly do we know about the causes of parental guilt? And how can you turn feeling bad into a change for the better? Don’t Worry, It’s Normal The first and perhaps most important thing to know about parental guilt is that, at some point, every parent will experience it. One of the best parts of our work is running parenting classes where complete strangers from all walks of life come to learn evidencebased strategies to increase their confidence and skills. We start each new class by asking parents why they’ve come. And in every class, as we work our way around the room, parents, one after another, admit that they are not sure what to do. They’ve read the books, Googled the answers, listened to their neighbors, tried the old wives’ tales, and whatever they try still isn’t working. As they share their stories, the mood in the room lifts. People start to smile in recognition: Maybe they’re not the only ones who are struggling with life’s greatest gift—their children! Understanding the Guilty Brain People feel guilt when their actions or thoughts don’t match their standards for themselves. It is considered a moral emotion that helps us regulate our interactions with others. Guilt can be useful when it enables us to be self-reflective and to pay attention to others’s emotions. When we feel guilty, we experience an increased activation of brain areas involved with taking another person’s perspective and being empathic. As a result, guilt often motivates us to make amends. However, guilt can be a harmful emotion—especially because not everyone who feels guilty takes action to decrease the guilt. When people feel guilty, they are likely first to withdraw from the situation. Guilt has been described as a way to punish oneself. One study even found that parents cited guilt

People feel guilt when their actions or thoughts don’t match their standards for themselves.

You are not alone, parental guilt is something everyone goes through.

as a barrier to exercise. There is evidence that supports the common saying that people feel “weighed down by guilt.” Common Causes of Guilt, From Work to Play Balancing a career and a family is a great source of guilt for both men and women. Research also has shown that women can feel a sense of guilt and failure about having lowered levels of libido and subsequent intimacy with their partners following childbirth. An annual checkup with the pediatrician can be another source of guilt for parents, especially if they find out that their child may be at risk for obesity. Then, as children grow and other siblings come along, parents can feel guilty about favoring one child over the other. Discipline is another common source of guilt. Parents will often say they feel guilty about being too lenient with their children and “caving in.” They can feel equally guilty about becoming aggravated and resorting to yelling or smacking. Then there’s techno-guilt: worrying about phone use in the playground and feeling unease about using phones and other devices to distract toddlers and preschoolers. Five Tips for Parental Guilt Given these and many more potential causes of parental guilt, how can you avoid becoming overwhelmed? 1. Remember, Parental Guilt Is Normal. The next time you’re feeling like the worst parent in the world, remember that every parent feels like that at times. Sometimes, simply reminding yourself of that can be enough to get you through the day. 2. Let Go of Perfection. Having realistic expectations of yourself and your children can make a big difference. At the end of a long day, dealing with a toddler who refuses to go to bed will never be easy. Be realistic about your capacity to solve every problem effortlessly and without stress. It’s not always possible.

Nobody’s perfect. Not you and not your kids. And that’s OK.

Every parent feels guilty at some point.

3. Channel Your Thoughts and Feelings Into Action. Guilt can weigh you down and hold you back—or it can be the start of a change for the better. While guilt can be harmful, it’s also associated with positive traits, such as being more empathetic. Let the knowledge that guilt is linked to a desire to do something differently motivate you to change what’s making you feel guilty. 4. Seek Out Reliable, Evidence-Informed Parenting Advice. Look for programs that have evidence of their effectiveness, including evidence of scientific success in actually resolving the issue at hand. And consider what form of help suits you best: Are you looking for resources online, in a group setting, or oneon-one and in person? If you’re looking for places to start, some good options to check out include the Raising Children Network in Australia, Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development in the United States, or the U.K. government’s Department of Education. 5. Create a Network of Encouragement With Other Parents. You can also build your own network of encouragement with other parents. Share your stories—not just the highs, which are natural to want to talk up, but also the lows—and offer positive feedback. The goal is to create a connected group of people who prompt one another to share ideas and access evidence-informed information. And whenever you need to, go back to Tip 1: Remind yourself and your friends that feeling guilty is a normal part of being a parent. John Pickering is the head of the research initiative Triple P Innovation Precinct at the University of Queensland in Australia. Margaret Crane is a research and innovation officer at the University of Queensland. This article was previously published on TheConversation.com



intact, 1-inch thick. Paint with olive oil and season with salt, pepper, and fresh rosemary. Grill on each side to form grill marks. Why You Should: Sweet potatoes contain carotenoids that help stabilize blood sugar and your metabolism. They’re also tied in first place with carrots for beta-carotene, which is great for fighting chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. They are good for fighting diseases related to inflammation like asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.


Vegetables You Should Grill

By Sara Novak With summer comes a wealth of glorious veggies just waiting to be grilled. We’re not talking summer standbys like peppers, zucchini, and mushrooms—we’re going a step further, grilling vegetables that you haven’t necessarily thought of grilling ... until now. These last days of summer grilling, consider hitting up the farmers market (or even better, your backyard garden) for some of these delicious eats. You’ll take grilling vegetables to new heights for vegetarians and meat-eaters alike. 1. Asparagus How to Grill: Remove the hard ends of the asparagus. They’ll usually just snap right off in the appropriate

place or you can use a knife. Paint with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Grill just a few minutes. Remove from the grill and dress with lemon juice and a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese. Why You Should: Asparagus is a good source of fiber, folate, vitamins A, C, E, and K as well as glutathione, a detoxifying compound that helps break down carcinogens and harmful compounds like free radicals. 2. Sweet Potatoes How to Grill: Boil sweet potatoes, skins on, until they are cooked through, about 20 minutes. Carefully slice into disks or thin wedges to keep them

3. Brussels Sprouts How to Grill: Remove the stem and cut in half. Boil for 3 minutes. Drain and pat dry. Combine olive oil, tamari sauce, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper. Toss in a bowl with Brussels sprouts. Skewer sprouts and grill until charred on each side.


Why You Should: Brussels sprouts are known for their cancer preventing qualities related to four specific glucosinalates including glucoraphanin, glucobrassicin, sinigrin, and gluonasturtlian. 4. Cabbage How to Grill: Quarter the cabbage and remove any tough ends. Dress with lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Keep the cabbage sections facing up so that the lemon juice doesn’t leak out and then place the sections on the cool part of the grill. Close the lid and let them roast on the grill for about 45 minutes, or until the tops are a little charred and the inside leaves are nice and tender. Why You Should: Cabbage provides special cholesterol lowering qualities. It’s also a Brassica vegetable along with cauliflower, kale, and broccoli so it has loads of fiber. Purple cabbage is chock full of the antioxidant anthocyanins, found in blue, purple, and red plants.

5. Cauliflower How to Grill: Remove the hard stem and slice the full head into cauliflower steaks. Dress with olive oil, sea salt, pepper, cumin, and chili power. Close the lid and let roast for 15 minutes. Why You Should: Cauliflower is loaded with vitamins C, K, and folate. It provides detox support and an antiinflammatory response. Sara Novak is a journalist who specializes in health and food policy. This article was originally published on NaturallySavvy.com

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