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63rd EPSA GA in Porto


In the past couple of mandated, COVID-19 had severely affected EPSA's event calendar, so in order to allow the 63rd GA to take place, and start electing the current EPSA Team, a working group was assembled to organise this GA in Porto. It can be considered as a small Annual Congress and it allowed students from all over Europe to have a glimpse of what an Annual Congress can be. It was also during this GA that we elected the host for our 43rd Annual Congress, thus ensuring that all official EPSA eventsofthe2022/2023mandatewouldhappen normallyjustastheydidpre-pandemic.

Autumn Assembly

The EPSA Autumn Assembly is the second-largest event organised annually in October or November. It reunites over 250 pharmaceutical students from all over Europe to enjoy a combination of educational and social activities. The event is formed around the general assembly, where the Official Delegates and EPSA Team discuss the work that has been done and their plans for the remainder of the mandate. The educational programme has a scientific topic which is introduced during the symposium and further elaborated on during the workshops given. Additionally, the Educational Programmeconsistsofsoft-skilltrainings,apublichealth campaign and other sessions focused on advocacy, policy, event organisation and much more. The social programme provides students with the opportunity to networkandlearnabouteachother'scountries andcultures.

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