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Methodology Booklet

Scanhereforthe MethodologyBooklet anditsannexes

The Methodology Booklet is a project developed by EPSA that aims to showcase theopinionofPharmaceuticalstudentsand recent graduates regarding the current curriculabeingtaughtthroughoutEurope.


Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that those represented by EPSA have the opportunitytoexpresstheirviewsonhowit canbeimprovedinthePharmacyarea.

The1stMethodologyBookletwaspublished in2018andconsistedoftheoutcomesofa survey composed of 80 questions divided into15differentparts.

Over 1400 responses from 31 different European countries were recorded and helpedcreatethisimportantdocument. After this, it was decided that Annexes shouldbecreated,offeringamoredetailed follow-up on the main outcomes of the MethodologyBooklet

Annex 1:SoftSkillswaspublishedaimingto propose how Soft-Skills should be taught from the pharmaceutical students’ perspective.

Annex 2: Teaching Methodologies Proposes how different teaching tools should be implementedinpharmaceuticaleducation. Theaimistoimplementthesechangesand promote the Methodology Booklet near students,FacultyDeansandotherswiththe capability of making a difference on behalf of Pharmaceutical students. You can find out more about Methodology Booklet and theAnnexesonEPSA’swebsite!

We are currently working on a survey on preparing future pharmacists for patient education, and discussing how we can take our work on the pharmaceutical curricula further. Stay informed and get involved to advocatewithus!

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