San MarƟn en movimiento Inversiones e innovaciones industriales 2010-2011 exportación. La asociatividad se manifiesta con la intensa actividad de las Cámaras Empresariales que interactúan, tanto con la Universidad Nacional de San Martín como con los distintos estamentos del Estado, para generar políticas comunes. Cada año, además, se organiza la EPSam, evento único que genera incontables rondas de negocios y contactos para el crecimiento industrial. A su perfil industrial se suma la tradición, otro aspecto que hace de San Martín un municipio diferente, distinto, pujante, con fuertes raíces históricas, un presente laborioso y un futuro promisorio.
The district of San Martin represents 2 per cent of the country’s industrial force, 5 per cent of the national GDP, and about 12 per cent of the GDP of the province of Buenos Aires. Thousands of businesses of the most diverse kind add to the identity of San Martin, which has been truthfully named the “Capital of the Industry”. Its territory comprises the largest number of SMBs in Argentina, supported by an appropriate urban infrastructure for logistics, such as a large transportation network and urban services. But that is not all. The Municipal Government plays a major role, promoting and passing laws and regulations that help production and encourage exports. Cooperation between businesses is shown
through the very active Business Chambers that interact both with the University of San Martin and the different areas of the state to develop common policies. Moreover, every year the EPSam business exhibition is held. This unique event generates numerous business rounds and networks that help promote industrial growth. Besides its industrial side, San Martin boasts another characteristic that makes it different, pushing, historically rooted, owner of an industrious present and a promising future: Tradition.
Ý Ä Ã Ùã®Ä en movimiento
En su superficie se genera el 2 por ciento de la fuerza industrial del país; el 5 por ciento del PBI nacional y se calcula que el 12 por ciento del producto bruto bonaerense. En miles de empresas de los más variados rubros se construye la identidad de San Martín, certeramente bautizada como “Capital de la Industria”. En su territorio existe la concentración de pymes más importante de la Argentina, sostenida por una infraestructura urbana adecuada para la logística, como son sus numerosos medios de transporte y servicios urbanos. Pero ello no esto todo: el Estado Municipal asume un rol protagónico, con la sanción y el impulso de normas que aportan a la producción y fomentan la
San MarƟn
en movimiento
Inversiones e innovaciones industriales 2010-2011 1
San MarĆ&#x;n
en movimiento
Inversiones e innovaciones industriales 2010-2011 SM En Movimiento INTERIOR 1106v44.indd 1
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San MarĆ&#x;n
en movimiento
Inversiones e innovaciones industriales 2010-2011 SM En Movimiento INTERIOR 1106v44.indd 3
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Sebastian Stupenengo
Stupenengo, Sebastián San Martín, Capital de la industria / Sebastián Stupenengo ; edición literaria
a cargo de Sebastián Stupenengo. - 1a ed. - Buenos Aires : Epyca, 2009.
Diego Ay
192 p. ; 23x31 cm.
Horacio Papaleo ISBN 978-987-24720-2-3
Natalia Gigante 1. Fotografías. I. Stupenengo, Sebastián, ed. lit. II. Título FOTOGRAFÍA
Ariel Vicchiarino Ricardo Castiñeira
CDD 770 Fecha de catalogación: 02/06/2009
Gustavo Charino Nicolas Grande CORRECCIÓN
Daniela Bordet La reproducción total o parcial de este libro, no autorizada por los editores, viola los derechos reservados, cualquier utilización deberá ser previamente solicitada. Impreso Brapack S.A. Saraza 1354 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Tel. (54) (11) 4926-2800 / Junio 2009 Es una publicación de EPYCA: Lavalle 557, 9 piso, oficina 902, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Tel.: (54) (11) 4393-5764
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10/08/2011 04:33:03 p.m.
exto simulado, prologo Daniel Ivoskus, texto simulado, a continuación se presenta una muestra de texto simulado para bocetar el prologo del presente libro, en lineas generales para todo tipo de presentación. Dentro de las posibilidades, texto simulado, del alcance nacional de proyectos y observaciones, texto simulado, prologo Daniel Ivoskus. Continua la simulación de texto para el presente prologo. Texto simulado, prologo Daniel Ivoskus, texto simulado, a continuación se presenta una muestra de texto simulado para bocetar el prologo del presente libro. Dentro de las posibilidades, texto simulado, del alcance nacional de proyectos y observaciones, texto simulado, prologo Daniel Ivoskus. Dentro de las posibilidades, texto simulado, del alcance nacional de proyectos y observaciones, texto simulado, prologo Daniel Ivoskus. Continua la simulación de texto para el presente prologo. Texto simulado, prologo Daniel Ivoskus, texto simulado, a continuación se presenta una muestra de texto simulado para bocetar el prologo del presente libro.
Dentro de las posibilidades, texto simulado, del alcance nacional de proyectos y observaciones, texto simulado, prologo Daniel Ivoskus. Dentro de las posibilidades, texto simulado, del alcance nacional de proyectos y observaciones, texto simulado, prologo Daniel Ivoskus. Continua la simulación de texto para el presente prologo. Texto simulado, prologo Daniel Ivoskus, texto simulado, a continuación se presenta una muestra de texto simulado para bocetar el prologo del presente libro. Dentro de las posibilidades, texto simulado, del alcance nacional de proyectos y observaciones, texto simulado, prologo Daniel Ivoskus. Dentro de las posibilidades, texto simulado, del alcance nacional de proyectos y observaciones, texto simulado, prologo Daniel Ivoskus. Continua la simulación de texto para el presente prologo. Texto simulado, prologo Daniel Ivoskus, texto simulado, a continuación se presenta una muestra de texto simulado para bocetar el prologo del presente libro.
Daniel Ivoskus
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CONTENIDO Avances Sector Privado-Industrias Dos décadas de crecimiento constante ALFAVINIL
Historia de la empresa ANICETO GOMEZ
El predio que se gano un lugar en el mundo de los eventos CENTRO MIGUELETE
Valor agregado en toto tipo de obra COEHLO CONSTRUCCIONES SRL
Una marca registrada COLOMBRARO HNOS.
Desarrollo de Complejos Industriales para cimentar la producción COMPLEJO INDUSTRIAL SAN MARTÍN
8 12
16 20 24
28 32
Actualización tecnológica y calidad
Fortalecer el sabor artesanal HELADOS CREMOLATTI
Un hito en Bahía Blanca
Pionera en Argentina, referente en el mundo
Con casa propia
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Lider en el mercado MECALUX
Inversión permanente; sinónimo de calidad asegurada MECATROL S.A.
85 años de calidad en ladrillos refractarios FARA (FABRICA ARGENTINA DE REFRACTARIOS Y AFINES)
Avances Sector Público
Al servicio de cada vecino
Tecnología, calidad y crecimiento MI-PA-MET
Trabajar para hacer el mundo PENTA-KA
La exposición PyMe más grande del país
Desde Lituania, a la conquista de Europa
Trabajar para fortalecer la industria
Por el camino del trabajo
Protección Ciudadana
Nuevas Luminarias en todo el municipio
Obras en beneficio de vecinos y comerciantes
Un Hospital moderno, acorde con la demanda
Un estadio de primera
Datos útiles
English Translation
Soluciones a medida, en tiempo y forma
El reciclado de los NFU REGOMAX S.A.
Herramientas para la producción
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Dos décadas de crecimiento constante
punto de cumplir 20 años de vida, Alfavinil consolida la calidad de sus productos y su atención personalizada a clientes como parte de una filosofía empresarial que distingue a esta empresa dedicada a la producción de compuestos de PVC en la industria Argentina. Alfavinil fue fundada en 1992 por el Ing. Alberto Francica, quien con más de 30 años de experiencia en el mercado inicio este camino hacia la “Excelencia en compuestos
de PVC” con el afán de cubrir las exigencias en calidad y servicio de los principales mercados transformadores de compuestos de PVC como el de conductores eléctricos; envases y embalajes; construcción civil y calzado. Esta empresa familiar, hoy también conformada por la segunda generación y un amplio equipo de profesionales, trabaja diariamente bajo claros valores apostando a mejoras continuas basadas en la solidez técnica y ser-
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vicios calificados para contribuir al desarrollo de sus negocios. La planta fabril de 15.000 m3 ubicada en San Martin, cuenta desde sus inicios con extrusoras Krauss Maffei de alta tecnología de origen Alemán y un laboratorio con buen equipamiento que permite llevar a cabo pruebas personalizadas en planta ante cada requerimiento y desarrollo de proyectos basados en la combinación costobeneficio para el cliente. Con la mirada siempre puesta en el cliente la empresa
se compromete en la entrega en tiempo y forma de sus compuestos. Para eso posee una óptima planificación en términos de logística, tanto en el territorio nacional como en el exterior, a lo que suma un stock permanente que garantiza la prestación de los servicios. Además incluye depósitos en distintos puntos del país y representantes en el extranjero. Se trata, en síntesis, de cumplir con lo comprometido para lograr una atención de excelencia que beneficie una relación comercial basada en la confianza.
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El predio que se ganó un lugar en el mundo de los eventos
l Centro Miguelete fue creado para el desarrollo de múltiples actividades. Exposiciones, eventos, convenciones, reuniones sociales y empresarias tienen las instalaciones ideales para su desarrollo. Cuenta con una superficie total de cerca de 10.000 metros cuadrados, distribuida en tres pabellones, sectores de servicio, maniobras y estacionamiento.
Ubicado estratégicamente sobre la Avenida General Paz y Avenida 25 de Mayo, en la localidad de San Martín, lindante con el Parque Irigoyen, su sólida estructura edilicia que antiguamente albergó una fábrica textil fue refuncionalizada, realizándose las mejoras necesarias para lograr un espacio funcional a las actividades del predio.
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En el Centro Miguelete se realizó un trabajo especial en cuanto a instalación eléctrica, iluminación general y de emergencia, instalaciones contra incendio, salidas de emergencia, señalética, instalación para gastronomía y servicios sanitarios acordes para el público visitante. “Hoy seguimos trabajando en mejorar la infraestructura y la ampliación del predio. Nuestro objetivo es lograr un espacio con todos los requerimientos necesarios y transformarlo en un referente para exposiciones y eventos”, afirman sus responsables.
El Centro Miguelete tiene un Pabellón A con una superficie total de 2.800 metros cuadrados; superficie del salón de 2.200 metros cuadrados; superficie de auditorio de 125 metros cuadrados; altura total de 5,65 metros; altura fondo de viga 4,50 metros y potencia máxima disponible de 300 Kva. El Pabellón B tiene una superficie total de 2.800 metros cuadrados con la superficie del salón de 2.450 metros cuadrados. Su altura total es de 5.80 metros y su potencia máxima disponible es de 300 kva.
El Pabellón C cuenta con una superficie total de 830 metros cuadrados; altura total de 6.70 metros; altura de fondo de viga de 4.00 metros y una potencia máxima disponible de 100 Kva. En sus instalaciones se realizan eventos y exposiciones que año a año ganan en participación, en prestigio y que comienzan a instalarse como tradiciones anuales con fuerte arraigo en la comunidad. Cuenta con todo lo indicado para eventos sociales, corporativos, congresos, jornadas de trabajo, alm19
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uerzos, cenas, cocktails, exposiciones y recitales. Además, presenta un auditorio o sala de usos múltiples, ideal para charlas, capacitación, recepciones y proyección de imágenes, con una superficie de 125 metros cuadrados. Uno de esos ejemplos de eventos con peso propio es la Epsam, exposición Pyme de la industria y el co-
mercio de San Martín, con cientos de expositores de primer nivel y la posibilidad de potenciar cada emprendimiento con contactos y capacitaciones en los más diversos rubros. El Centro Miguelete sede parte de sus instalaciones para esta feria que trasciende fronteras. Con el correr de los años, Expomoto encontró en el Centro Miguelete el espacio para crecer y consolidarse,
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con stand imponentes, exhibiciones, pista de pruebas, entretenimientos para toda la familia y la asistencia de las grandes marcas, además de expositores de motos clásicas, customizadas y clubes de motos. Se trata de una exposición que necesita de un predio como el que ofrece el Centro Miguelete, con amplios y confortables espacios cerrados, pero también sitios al
aire libre que permitan las pruebas, las competencias y el recorrido de los rodados. Como una expresión más de la versatilidad del Centro, también alberga hace un par de años a la particular “Panter Fest”, un fenómeno que empezó en un garaje y que en la actualidad reúne a más de 10 mil fanáticos que mezclan cotillón, disfraces, música y fiesta. 21
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Valor agregado en todo Ɵpo de obra
l día que Pablo Coehlo decidió pegar el salto sabía que el desafío de formar una Pyme en el competitivo sector de la construcción no iba a resultar una tarea sencilla. 17 años después, el presente demuestra que la decisión tomada estuvo en la dirección correcta. Con más de 30 empleados, la firma con base en Villa Ballester tiene ganado un nombre asociado a la confianza y la responsabilidad tanto empresarial como social.
Coehlo Construcciones brinda hoy servicio integral en obras industriales y civiles. Trabaja con clientes e industrias que requieren un alto grado de exigencia. Desde viviendas hasta edificios torres o desde demoliciones hasta grandes obras de pinturas, tanto para el inversor privado como para el Estado, forman parte del universo de prestaciones y del amplio abanico de clientes que contratan a esta empresa con fuerte presencia en San Martín.
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Construcción y reformas de obras públicas, locales, comerciales, viviendas son algunos de los servicios que ofrece con mano de obra especializada, logrando una relación calidad-precio muy competitiva y dentro de los plazos preestablecidos. La sencillez de la estructura organizativa de la empresa es también un sello de garantía para sus clientes, ya que disponen de contacto directo y continuo con los directivos.
Uno de los logros de Coehlo Construcciones es la identificación de la firma como garantía de calidad. Calidad contrastada y reconocida en el sector, que genera confianza tanto en los clientes como en los autores del proyecto. El prestigio resulta de la colaboración activa y exitosa de los gabinetes de arquitectura e ingeniería en el desarrollo de proyectos, tanto durante la fase preliminar de los mismos como durante su fase de ejecución.
El crecimiento de Coehlo Construcciones se basa en dos ejes fundamentales: el personal altamente capacitado y la maquinaria de primera línea que garantizan la concreción de cualquier tipo de trabajo. Al trabajar con profesionales y operarios especializados afincados en San Martín, genera de este modo la creación de puestos laborales genuinos para vecinos del distrito. Precisamente con el municipio, Coehlo 23
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COEHLO CONSTRUCCIONES S.R.L. MARIA SILVA 4385 ΈCP 1653Ή VILLA BALLESTER ͳ BUENOS AIRES Έ011Ή 4727ͳ0045 / 15ͳ5307ͳ2547 Έ011Ή 4727ͳ0045 FAX ID 263*126 24
Construcciones entabló una relación de prestador de servicios mediante la realización de varias obras como el montaje de la Planta Municipal de Biodiesel en Villa Libertad; la puesta en valor de las tierras donde se encuentra el Parque del Sesquicentenario en José León Suárez; los trabajos de pintura del edificio de la Municipalidad; la construcción de los caniles del Departamento de Zoonosis; la pavimentación de caminos internos y sendas para transitar en bicicleta y las oficinas del Parque Yrigoyen o el recientemente inaugurado Parque
del Bicentenario. En cuanto a servicios para industrias, trabaja con profesionales especializados en realizar pisos especiales, pisos de hormigón, alisados con endurecedor no metálico y pisos con pintura epoxi ideales para naves industriales. Fuera de los límites del distrito, Coehlo Construcciones lleva realizadas obras en todo el país sobresaliendo la construcción de viviendas en el complejo Villa Nueva, una urbanización compuesta por 11 barrios de diferen-
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tes diseños urbanos en la que todos tienen al menos una laguna para la práctica de actividades náuticas como así también para el Consorcio Jardines de San Isidro, Hipódromo de San Isidro, Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Municipalidad de Ituzaingó y Los Cardales Country Club, entre muchos otros. Para el 2012 la constructora tiene previsto incursionar el sector de las obras viales, más específicamente en la división de pavimentos y levantar dos edificios torres en San Martín para emprendimientos privados. 25
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Una marca registrada D
e firme estirpe nacional, con más de 50 años de trayectoria, Colombraro Hnos. es garantía asegurada y reconocida en el rubro artículos para el hogar moldeados en plástico. Algunos números expresan por sí solos el crecimiento sostenido de una empresa característica del partido de San Martín. La firma posee unos 1.200 artículos y más de 3 mil moldes. Además, como parte de su sistema de comercialización directa, cuenta con unos 90 locales en todo el país.
En el último tiempo sumó otros 100 nuevos productos a su extensa oferta, dirigida especialmente a las amas de casa. En esa expansión se incluyeron moldes de última tecnología traídos de Europa. Las incorporaciones permiten una mayor producción y un valor agregado. En palabras de Ricardo Colombraro, fundador de la fábrica, sumar tecnología resulta “un aprendizaje para los trabajadores de la empresa, vemos moldes diferentes en cuanto a sistemas de inyección, espesores y sistemas de enfriamiento, y eso
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COLOMBRARO HNOS. VILLEGAS 2283 ͳ SAN MARTÍN 011 4754ͳ4662/68 28
permite capitalizarnos tanto en tecnología, como en recursos humanos”. Con esa misma perspectiva de ampliación, Colombraro apunta a la instalación de locales en Uruguay, donde pueda exponer y vender la producción generada en San Martín, en lo que es la filosofía que caracteriza a la empresa desde su nacimiento. El objetivo es demostrar que “cuando uno se pone ciertas metas, éstas se pueden cumplir, a partir del esfuerzo permanente y responsable”, afirman desde la empresa.
Las instalaciones en el barrio de Villa Maipú ocupan un total de 50 mil metros cuadrados de superficie. Allí trabajan más de 200 empleados. Muchos de esos trabajadores tienen una antigüedad en la empresa mayor a los 25 años, como parte de una política empresarial que apunta a un contacto directo con su personal. Ricardo Colombraro ve en esa característica una de las claves del éxito: “Le damos muchísimo valor a la permanencia de la gente en la empresa, algo que nos parece fundamental”.
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Desarrollo de Complejos Industriales para cimentar la producción CISM COMPLEJO INDUSTRIAL SAN MARTÍN 30
l CISM, Complejo IndustriaI San Martín, de 10 mil metros cuadrados, con 17 unidades operativas, surgió como concepto de desarrollo del negocio de complejos industriales para la instalación de empresas PYMES, creando un espacio capaz de alojar a pequeñas y medianas empresas de la zona.
Invertir en una renta inmobiliaria del segmento industrial, es hoy uno de los negocios más seguros y de más desarrollo en nuestro país. Sus gestores consideraron que hay un importante crecimiento del mercado logístico y eso requiere la construcción de nuevos depósitos para abastecer la demanda, situación a la que se suma
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una escasa oferta de depósitos y plantas industriales. Sin duda, este segmento inmobiliario será el que más crezca en los próximos 10 años. Se sabe que en el corto plazo el segmento de inmuebles industriales de uso logístico tendrá el mayor desarrollo y un gran potencial a futuro. La mayoría de los depósitos
disponibles están concentrados en el corredor Norte de la ciudad, a pesar de que los precios de los alquileres son los más altos debido a la mejor ubicación que tienen respecto de los accesos y los puertos. Pero poco se hace en otras zonas del GBA, que también tienen buenos accesos. 31
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En ese contexto nació el Complejo Industrial San Martín (CISM) que está destinado al alquiler de galpones industriales y comerciales, con una entrada para camiones y contenedores con playa de carga y descarga cubierta y con servicios de control de accesos de portería, a través de una administración. La clave del proyecto fue amoldar las instalaciones de un antiguo pero sólido edificio, haciendo las reformas necesarias para las necesidades de los clientes que requerían espacios físicos de diferentes metrajes, de acuerdo a
sus variadas actividades. Un tema fundamental es su ubicación estratégica: a sólo 20 cuadras de la autopista General Paz, con fácil acceso desde la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. “En estos últimos años hemos crecido hasta completar la capacidad instalada, incorporando nuevas empresas PYMES al complejo, que han decidido trasladarse a estas instalaciones por motivos de seguridad, por la opción de compartir costos y por el apoyo logístico con sus vecinos, como ser el uso de autoelevadores y per-
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sonal de cargas; y también por las facilidades de instalación que da el municipio”, cuentan quienes están detrás del CISM. La experiencia basada en el éxito obtenido en el primer proyecto realizado en el municipio de San Martín, decidió a los responsables del CISM a ampliar su negocio, no sólo construyendo más unidades en el primer complejo sino también para construir nuevos Complejos Industriales en distintos municipios del Conurbano Bonaerense.
Un completo equipo de profesionales se ocupa del proyecto, desde la compra del terreno, el diseño arquitectónico, la construcción, la administración del consorcio, la comercialización inmobiliaria, la administración general de alquileres y la seguridad jurídica, entre otros servicios. La solidez del negocio y del equipo, ha garantizado el convencimiento en esta empresa.
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85 años de calidad en ladrillos refractarios
a trayectoria de FARA (Fábrica Argentina de Refractarios y Afines) comienza hace 85 años, dedicándose a la fabricación de toda la gama de productos sílicos aluminosos y de alta alúmina hasta 90%, cordieritas, antiácidas, aislantes, entre otros. Cuenta con tres plantas ubicadas en la localidad de Villa Ballester (San Martín) y en Santa Rosa (Pilar). Su
capacidad anual de producción es de 30.000 toneladas. A través de los años, FARA fue adaptándose a las variadas exigencias de los clientes, sin dejar de lado el cumplimiento de exigentes normas de calidad nacionales e internacionales. Avalan este prestigio conseguido en el sector, las continuas mejoras e innovaciones apoyadas por un equipo técnico altamente capacitado
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y la más avanzada tecnología que permite la cobertura de aquellos productos que asiduamente requiere la industria química, cementera, frigorífica, vidriera, siderúrgica, cerámica, etc. Con más de 60 años de presencia en la fabricación de materiales refractarios, la empresa se ganó un lugar posibilitando su proyección hacia la conquista de mercados nacionales e internacionales. Luego de grandes inversio-
nes en instalación de equipos y maquinarias nacionales e importadas, logró convertirse en la más importante y moderna fábrica de refractarios en Argentina. FARA distingue su producción en tres divisiones: Construcción, Gastronomía e Industria. Uno de los ladrillos que produce es el Fara de Alta Alúmina que suman a una alta refractariedad, una estructura libre de fundentes, ideal para trabajos de extrema severidad. El Fara 35
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www. 36
Súper Refractario tiene como principales características de los ladrillos la alta refractariedad, 45-48 % de alúmina, una inusual resistencia mecánica, mantiene de manera constante el volumen a alta temperatura y presenta alta resistencia al choque térmico. Al ser resistes a las elevadas temperaturas y la abrasión, lo recomiendan para la construcción de todo tipo de parrillas, estufas, hogares y chimeneas. Al tener alto contenido de alúmina posee un coeficiente de dilatación té-
rmica bajo, por lo que soporta calor sin llegar a presentar deformaciones o dilataciones que lo afecten. Los de alto contenido de sílice, en cambio, sí se ven afectados a estas dilataciones aunque también soportan grandes temperaturas, mas debe tenerse en cuenta que el continuo cambio de temperatura lo termina desintegrando, por lo que se recomienda su uso en lugares donde las altas temperaturas son permanentes.
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La aplicación de estos elementos está muy vinculada a hornos, siendo la industria del acero la que usualmente demanda más de estos elementos, ya que se los utiliza como recubrimiento para impedir que el metal fundido deteriore los crisoles. La planta de FARA se encuentra en el partido de Pilar en Provincia de Buenos Aires. Es considerada una de las fábricas de materiales refractarios más importantes del país. Produce material para varias industrias, manteniendo un riguroso sistema de control de calidad.
Para mantener una línea de productos de alta calidad, en FARA se lleva a cabo un riguroso proceso de control de calidad. Para esto se cuenta con un laboratorio de análisis y diagnóstico de materiales. Es importante hacer diagnóstico de las materias primas y los productos fabricados. En el laboratorio se aplican a las piezas pruebas de flexión, compresión y densidad. También se aplican análisis químicos para controlar impurezas. En términos de calidad, se trabaja a especificaciones de la fábrica y al cliente se le entrega un certificado de calidad. 37
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Actualización tecnológica y calidad
ittinox fue fundada en la década del 90, dedicada en su origen a la fabricación de accesorios forjados en aceros inoxidables y aleaciones especiales. A partir de 1997 adiciona un nuevo producto identificado como conector a compresión para tuberías del tipo doble virola doble mordedura. Actualmente es una industria metalmecánica, certificada ISO 9001:2000, especializada en el mecanizado de pre-
cisión de aceros inoxidables y aleaciones especiales, tanto a partir de barras trefiladas como de piezas forjadas y dedicada a la fabricación de conectores y accesorios en aceros inoxidables, carbono y bronce, accesorios forjados en las versiones roscados y para soldar a enchufe, como así también la de accesorios de chapa para soldar a tope, válvulas aguja, multiválvulas y manifolds, productos que ha logrado posicionar adecuadamente en
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el mercado compitiendo aún con los importados en el mercado local y en el exterior en plazas como Uruguay, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile y Sudán. Otro tópico destacable de la empresa es la comercialización de insumos industriales como cañerías y tuberías con o sin costura, válvulas, soportería y demás accesorios para la conducción de fluidos, teniendo un importante desarrollo desde 1995 a la fecha, suministrando a sus cli-
entes una solución eficaz y rápida para la obtención de los insumos necesarios para completar sus instalaciones. Una preocupación constante en la firma es la actualización tecnológica y la calidad de sus productos, así como el cumplimiento de los plazos y obligaciones contractuales, temas sobre los que -además de las inversiones económicas correspondientes- se destina una importante cantidad de horas hombre, permitiendo ase-
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gurar un servicio eficiente con la mejor ecuación técnica económica. Otro aspecto relevante son las relaciones humanas, con la implementación de una gestión gerencial compartida, la fijación de objetivos claros y precisos y la determinación de metas alcanzables, con una capacitación que redunda en un desarrollo personal y profesional adecuado.
Su listado de productos es amplio, dentro de los siguientes rubros: accesorios para instrumentación y control de procesos y accesorios de acero inoxidable para cañerías. También es extensa la nómina de clientes que confían en Fittinox, tanto en el país como en el exterior, con el aval productivo que le generan no sólo sus años de experiencias en el rubro, sino también las certificaciones ISO 9001, ISO/TS 29001 y Det Norske Veritas. 41
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Fortalecer el sabor artesanal
on más de 20 años en el mercado y una larga trayectoria familiar de tres generaciones vinculadas a la fabricación de helados, Cremolatti apuesta a la inversión tecnológica permanente como forma de articular grandes niveles de producción con calidad y sabor artesanal. En 2010 la empresa inició un proceso de innovación con
maquinarias de punta importadas de Italia para lograr un proceso computarizado, capaz de perfeccionar los estándares de calidad y salubridad. En el sector cocina, por ejemplo, se montó una planta ultrapausterizadora que garantiza un proceso perfecto a través del control de distintos parámetros.
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Los cambios tecnológicos posibilitan un helado de mejor textura, más suave, mediante una impecable homogenización. Los paladares disfrutan así de nuevas sensaciones. Hoy, la planta ubicada en San Andrés duplicó su capacidad productiva con esta inversión. Para la instancia del transporte, Cremolatti cuenta con
una flota de camiones con cámaras frigoríficas y equipos autónomos que aseguran la temperatura correcta para que el helado llegue en perfectas condiciones a los puntos de venta, sin perder sus propiedades naturales. Con ese objetivo de innovación permanente, tanto en términos tecnológicos como de nuevos productos, el
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presidente de la firma participó de la exposición de helados más importante del mundo que anualmente se realiza en Rimini, Italia. Durante cinco días, los asistentes toman contacto con nuevos productos, materias primas, maquinarias y decoraciones. Mientras nuevos productos esperan salir a la venta, Cre-
molatti avanza en un cambio de imagen, como parte de un proceso iniciado hace tres años. Esto incluye nuevos diseños en logotipos y en los más de 50 puntos de venta en distintos puntos del país. Al igual que ocurre con el aspecto tecnológico, los cambios buscan actualizar la visual de la firma. 45
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Un hito en Bahía Blanca
a sequía que afectó al sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires produjo una disminución del caudal del acuífero. Sumado esto a un alto consumo de la población, la consecuencia fue inevitable: escasez del recurso hídrico. Ante el descenso histórico de la cota del Dique Pasos de las Piedras -1,5 cm. diarios- y la posibilidad concreta de que el suministro para los bahienses se vea en serio
riesgo, la Autoridad del Agua (ADA) tomó una medida crucial. La prioridad fue el abastecimiento y calidad para el consumo de la población, relegando al sector industrial de la provisión de agua con mayor nivel de salinidad. Esto en las industrias implicaba alterar sus procesos. Frente a esta situación, a Inquinat se le presentó la oportunidad de mostrar sus plantas de tratamiento. “El desafío
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era la entrega, llave en mano, de las plantas en el menor tiempo posible dado que la situación se desató con una rapidez inesperada. En menos de dos meses pudimos atender esta problemática de la mejor manera”, cuenta David Granovsky, uno de los directores de la firma. Inquinat instaló dos plantas desmineralizadoras de agua para dos empresas multinacionales de primera línea, in-
staladas en el Polo Petroquímico de Bahía Blanca. Fue una operatoria que implicó todo un reto, pero a la vez demostró eficacia, eficiencia y con resultados altamente satisfactorios. Los componentes electrónicos y el instrumental de los equipos fueron armados en la planta industrial que tiene Inquinat en Billinghurst, acostumbrada a estos desafíos 47
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CALLE 86 GUIDO SPANO Nº 5792 TEL: 011 4844ͳ5560
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productivos. En Bahía Blanca se terminaron de ensamblar las piezas. No habían pasado 60 días para que Inquinat pusiera en marcha ambas plantas de tratamiento de agua. En una de las empresas se instaló un equipo con capacidad para potabilizar 280 metros cúbicos por hora –280 mil
Lts/h-. En otra empresa, se colocó otro equipo de 120 metros cúbicos bajo la modalidad de leasing. “Fueron dos hitos relevantes por el esfuerzo que se hizo”, dice Granovsky. El resultado de la operatoria se tradujo en un abastecimiento de agua de baja salinidad en cantidad suficiente como para permitir la nor-
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malización de los procesos productivos de estas empresas. “Para Inquinat significó una facturación mayor a los índices habituales. Pero también la incorporación de mano de obra en tres niveles como son técnicos, ingenieros y operarios, ya que no sólo estamos con la pro-
visión de las plantas sino también con la operación”, explicó Granovsky y agregó: “Nadie puede saber si en otras ciudades puede pasar algo igual, pero esto nos posesiona como empresa de manera tal que ante una situación de necesidad que se suscite, corremos con ventajas”. 49
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Pionera en ArgenƟna, referente en el mundo
E IPS 50
n 1948, Erwin May, junto a su padre Otto, comenzaron a investigar y desarrollar en Argentina las primeras máquinas para la transformación de polímeros. Fue el primer paso para una empresa que suma su tercera generación familiar dedicada a la fabricación de tuberías plásticas para conducción de agua y desagües.
IPS es la firma referente del rubro en el país. Desde 1997 sus instalaciones funcionan en una planta modelo ubicada en San Martín, con una superficie de 12 mil metros cuadrados. Posee el plantel de máquinas más moderno gracias a la reinversión permanente que, entre otras ventajas, per-
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mite optimizar el espacio físico disponible y acrecentar los niveles productivos. Cuenta con más de 800 matrices propias y líneas de última generación de origen europeo. Todos esos números son posibles gracias al crecimiento constante planteado como política empresarial a través de las décadas. Esto se refleja en una insistente búsqueda de nuevas tecnologías, investigación constante y en
el compromiso con los productos ofrecidos al mercado nacional y a otros 35 países. IPS cuenta con la certificación de calidad ISO 9000; y en el ámbito internacional su producción es avalada por el ente español AENOR, líder de la Comunidad Europea. La empresa incluye tres líneas de conducción de agua y una para desagüe. Para eso desarrolla dos tipos de procesos. Uno denominado de extrusión y el otro de 51
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IPS CALLE 70 4467, SAN MARTÍN TEL: Έ011Ή 4724ͳ8930 / 4724ͳ8931
inyección. En ambos casos se pone a disposición de los clientes el sistema completo: tubos, conexiones y herramientas para la instalación. En ese camino de crecimiento sostenido, recientemente la empresa lanzó al mercado su nueva línea de productos IPS Alta Gama: Calefacción y Sistema Push. Se trata de las últimas producciones en tecnología y desarrollo a nivel mundial, y llegan al mercado nacional y latinoamericano de la mano de la firma radicada en San Martín. 53
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Con casa propia
n enero de 2010, Laminación Paulista inauguró su propio inmueble, en el sitio donde antiguamente funcionaba el denominado Mercado de Materiales, en el primer cordón industrial del Conurbano Bonaerense. Las instalaciones cuentan con una superficie cubierta de 4.000 metros cuadrados, y están ubicadas a unos 200 metros de la Ruta Nacional Nº 8.
El edificio está dividido en tres naves, y además de la distribución puramente industrial cuenta con oficinas y cómodos vestuarios para los trabajadores. La remodelación y puesta en valor del espacio fue una labor ardua lograda gracias a la colaboración y el trabajo de todos los integrantes de Laminación Paulista. El logro también pone en evidencia el crecimiento alcanzado por la empresa. En sus inicios, la industria funcionó
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en instalaciones alquiladas en una extensión 820 metros cuadrados, a los que luego se sumaron otros 400 metros. PROVEEDORA DE RUBROS VARIADOS Desde 2003, Laminación Paulista brinda productos que constituyen materias primas para industrias de rubros diversos: fabricación de menaje de aluminio
(cacerolas, ollas, moldes, asaderas, etc.), iluminación (pantallas, spots), panificación (bandejas, placas), envases (aerosoles, pomos, descartables, etc.). En sus instalaciones se fabrican discos, chapas, tiras, flejes en aleación 1.050, 1.070 y 3.003. Esa oferta llega a una cartera que supera los 200 clientes ubicados, principalmente, en los grandes centros urbanos del país. 55
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En la actualidad, Laminación Paulista también exporta a países del MERCOSUR como Paraguay, Uruguay y Brasil.
Tres principios distinguen y explican el crecimiento de esta empresa: calidad, buen precio y rapidez en la entrega. 57
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Apuntando al futuro
ecalux Argentina es una compañía del Grupo Mecalux, empresa de origen español con su sede central en Barcelona que, con 45 años de existencia en el mercado, es una de las líderes mundiales en la fabricación de soluciones de almacenamientos para depósitos. La firma se basa en el uso de las tecnologías más avanzadas de la industria y en una extensa red de distribución
implantada en Alemania, Bélgica, Eslovaquia, España, Francia, Holanda, Italia, Reino Unido, República Checa, Polonia, Portugal, Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Perú, México, Canadá y Estados Unidos. Mecalux Argentina fue la primer planta del grupo que se instalo fuera del país ibérico. Inicio sus actividades en 1980 en el partido de General San Martín, en un galpón de 3.800 m2.
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Como parte de un crecimiento sostenido durante más de tres décadas a través de continuas reinversiones, en la actualidad la planta ocupa una superficie de 21.000 m2. Su trabajo incluye el diseño, fabricación, comercialización y prestación de servicios relacionados con estanterías metálicas, almacenes automáticos y otras soluciones de almacenamiento.
Los diferentes elementos utilizados para el armado de los productos terminados son trabajados en modernas líneas automáticas de fabricación, corte, estampado, perfilado y robots de soldadura de la mas avanzada tecnología. Paso siguiente, tiene lugar un proceso automático de pintura que aporta la protección adecuada. Además, los materiales mas expuestos al desgaste y a la corrosión reciben una terminación mediante el proceso 59
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MECALUX Boulogne Sur Mer 2538 (011) 4006-4444 60
de cataforesis, algo que proporciona un grado de resistencia tres veces superior al del pintado convencional. La apertura de nuevas delegaciones, la ampliación de las redes comerciales y de distribución, la inversión de recursos destinados a Ingeniería, Desarrollos e investigación, la división de almacenamiento automatizado y el portal de logística Logismarket son las fuentes de crecimiento y desarrollo del Grupo Mecalux. Como consecuencia de una gran trayectoria, caracter-
izada por abastecer al mercado con una amplia gama de productos, que abarcan desde una simple estantería para archivo, hasta el más complejo depósito robotizado, la empresa ostenta en el país, desde hace ya varios años, el indiscutible liderazgo del sector.
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Inversión permanente; sinónimo de calidad asegurada
on la adquisición de dos modernos tornos de control numérico de última generación importados de Japón, la metalúrgica Mecatrol sigue adelante con su plan de actualización y ampliación del plantel de maquinarias, para continuar desarrollando elementos de alta calidad tanto para su División Militar como para la División Racing Cars. En forma paralela, proyecta culminar con la construcción
de un amplio hangar para reparar sofisticadas maquinarias, restando para la etapa final el sector destinados a oficinas como así también la reconstrucción del edificio donde actualmente se encuentra la administración y producción. Siempre teniendo la misma premisa: seguir siendo una empresa proveedora de primera línea en la fabricación
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de la más variada gama de piezas y conjuntos mecánicos, principalmente destinados al sector competitivo de la industria automotriz y metalmecánica, especializándose en la fabricación de cilindros hidráulicos. Respaldan el presente de Mecatrol la certificación de Normas para la Gestión y el Aseguramiento de la Calidad con validez nacional e internacional como la serie ISO9002, Iqnet, EAQF’94 y QS-9000, y una trayectoria que se inició en 1973. A partir de haber obtenido la adjudicación de la Licitación Pública Nacional en 2005 consistente en la repotenciación y reparación integral de un vehículo anfibio a oruga LVPT7, Mecatrol se convirtió en la primer empresa en realizar
este tipo de trabajo a nivel nacional y en Sudamérica, con desarrollo de componentes totalmente nacionales. En el caso de los vehículos argentinos, la repotenciación consistió en llevar todos los sistemas a un grado óptimo de confiabilidad operativa, y el estándar general del vehículo a un nivel similar al del LVTP-7 A1. Una de las ventajas que tiene este tipo de trabajos es el menor costo y el corte en la dependencia del fabricante del vehículo, que en este caso es la FMC USA. Por todo esto, resulta importante destacar que el resto de los países poseedores de este tipo de vehículo efectúan el mantenimiento preventivo y la reparación de los conjuntos con repuestos importados, razón por la cual
continúan dependiendo del fabricante americano para la obtención de repuestos e insumos necesarios. Ese aspecto conlleva un alto costo por la erogación de divisas que se requiere a ese efecto, aunque también existe una razón más profunda: la estrategia militar. Excepto el motor, Mecatrol desarrolla todos los repuestos y partes a ser utilizados en el país. A todo esto, en los últimos meses, Mecatrol repotenció tres camiones AM 35 de la Armada Argentina que estuvieron cumpliendo misiones de paz en Haití. Los vehículos de defensa fueron prácticamente reconstruidos desde el chasis hasta su impulsor, para quedar en condiciones de volver a prestar servicio. Asimismo, con63
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MECATROL S.A. CALLE 97 ΈSAN PEDROΉ NRO. 1598 TEL: 4755ͳ1641 ͳ 4753ͳ5274 FAX: 4753ͳ5284 64
templa la renovación de seis vehículos anfibios Panhard y dos VAO (Vehículo Anfibio Oruga) para desembarco, incluyendo el refit de todos los sistemas componentes y el reemplazo del motor original por uno nuevo. Todo en el marco de un plan de la Armada Argentina que apunta a modernizar la flota para uso de defensa. La calidad de los trabajos llevados a cabo por Mecatrol a través de su División Militar en la repotenciación de los tanques anfibios de Infantería de Marina llevó a que Infantería de Marina de Venezuela negocie en Argentina la recuperación y modernización de sus vehículos blindados de asalto anfibio LVT-7, según destacó la publicación brasileña -especializada en temas militares- “Segurança &
Defesa”. Agrega esa publicación que los oficiales navales venezolanos se mostraron “impresionados” por el desempeño del vehículo. A partir de ese momento, se iniciaron las negociaciones entre el gobierno venezolano y la empresa Mecatrol responsable de modernizar los LVT-7. Aunque desarrollado por CITEFA, otro de los elementos producidos por Mecatrol en su División Militar es el episcopio de visión nocturna utilizado en cualquier blindado de las familias de TAM. Un equipo que puede ser insertado, con su correspondiente adaptador mecánico, en el mismo lugar que el episcopio diurno central del conductor de todos los blindados permitiendo la conducción desde la posición normal del conductor, alejado del episcopio.
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En el M113 también puede colocarse sobre la escotilla del conductor, en el lugar del antiguo M19. Es simple de operar ya que no posee controles externos, cuenta con protección automática contra excesos de luz que pudieran dañar al equipo, y posee un ocular con protector facial de goma que permite observar la imagen con ambos ojos, pudiéndose colocar el conductor pegado al episcopio o a una distancia de hasta 40 cm. del mismo en su posición normal de manejo, protegiendo su cara de posibles golpes. En lo referente a vehículos de transporte de uso civil de apoyo en tierra para aeropuertos, fueron reacondicionados tres tractores para remolcar aeronaves a pistas de la
empresa Intercargo, al tiempo que para Transporte de Cargas Argentina se hizo el servicio de mantenimiento de los tractores livianos. En lo inmediato, Mecatrol se encuentra desarrollando una línea de piezas para alta tensión por encargo de una empresa de electricidad canadiense. La política de calidad total de la empresa está basada en seis objetivos: adecuado servicio al cliente; cumplir los acuerdos pactados; mantener una calidad constante; contar con confiabilidad; costos competitivos y sustentada por una mejora continua de sus sistemas de calidad. Además, cuenta con personal altamente calificado para la programación y cumplimiento de las distintas tareas
que implica el desarrollo de nuevos productos. Sus servicios de terceros y laboratorios externos están integrados por proveedores certificados por la Industria Automotriz. Al estar equipada con máquinas de primera línea, totalmente automatizadas, y con comandos a control numéricos, hace que la capacidad de producción sea muy amplia y esté en condiciones de desarrollar cualquier tipo de pieza, ya sea de acero, aluminio y todo tipo de material. Esto redunda indefectiblemente en mayor empleo, generando Mecatrol más de 40 puestos genuinos de trabajo y apuntando de manera permanente al crecimiento sostenido del sector Pyme de San Martín. 65
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Al servicio de cada vecino
icroómnibus General San Martín tiene 50 años de experiencia en el servicio. Los accionistas actuales son, en su mayoría, los iniciadores de la firma. “Están en el transporte hace 50 años y por eso saben lo que hacen”, afirma Pablo Terenziani, uno de los eslabones de esta fuerte empresa familiar que trascendió generaciones. En el año 2000 la empresa apostó a la proyección que los llevó al partido de San Martín. “Otras empresas no
pudieron continuar con su servicio en la zona y en 2001 se juntan Ricardo Ivoskus con sus funcionarios y el responsable de nuestra empresa para acordar los servicio de la Línea 670; servicio comunal fuerte de San Martín”, explica Terenziani. Si bien los comienzos no fueron sencillos, Microónmibus Gral. San Martín recibió un fuerte apoyo del municipio para reforzar cuestiones de seguridad y mejorar las
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condiciones de ciertos recorridos. Desde ambas partes se cumplieron todos los requisitos y el crecimiento hasta la actualidad fue notable. La Línea 670 creció mucho, pero de la mano de la gente. “El fuerte está en la gente, porque si ellos no responden, no se avanza”, admite Terenziani. El servicio une los barrios Suárez, Ballester, Libertador, Las Heras, con fuerte arraigo en Suárez y la Estación
San Martín, cercana a la Municipalidad, a la Estación, al Juzgado y a la pujante Facultad de San Martín, además de la peatonal. “Creció el partido y nosotros junto a ellos”, dicen desde la empresa de colectivos. Tiempo atrás se compró una cabecera del Barrio UTA, con gran cantidad de beneficiarios en ese recorrido. Y este año, con el apoyo comunal –el asfaltado y la iluminación de trazas clave- se agregó un recorrido que se
hacía hace años a través de la Línea 691, que salía de un vértice del partido de San Martín, lindante con San Isidro, y cuya ausencia complicaba la llegada al centro de San Martín. Sus unidades tienen cartel naranja y contemplan un paso por puntos importantes, incluido el futuro Parque Industrial. “Con ese recorrido logramos alivianar el tráfico en la calle 9 de Julio que estaba muy afectada, pero también 67
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(011) 4737 4210
se pasa por ruta 8 para terminar en la Estación de San Martín”, repasa Terenziani. La empresa también aporta a la unión mediante el transporte público del barrio Independencia, cuyos vecinos se muestran muy satisfechos con el servicio. Con ese esquema, Microómnibus Gral. San Martín apunta al futuro; a seguir creciendo en presencia dentro del partido. “Por suerte todos los desafíos que nos planteamos en San Martín nos fueron favorables. En especial,
por el apoyo que tenemos de las autoridades y de cada área específica del gobierno. Es un respaldo mutuo”, asegura Terenziani, jefe de Personal de la firma, quien destaca la atención recibida por parte del intendente Ricardo Ivoskus; el secretario de Gobierno Daniel Ivoskus; Juan Galager, presidente del Concejo Deliberante y Gesualdo Colombo, director de Tránsito. En la actualidad, la Línea 670, con la 310, tiene 180 trabajadores –el 90 por ciento oriundos de San Martín- y
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salen entre 80 y 90 unidades por día, con unidades que se resguardan de modo constante para mantenimiento. En todos los casos, cuentan con asistencia de GPS, una herramienta que facilita el trabajo, en especial ante cambios bruscos en el recorrido, y sistema de prepago. También se mejoraron las instalaciones de la cabecera, con sanitarios que permiten la higiene y el revelo adecuado de los choferes.
“En la empresa, los empresarios no están en un pedestal. Se sale, se recorre, se camina la calle para conocer los detalles del servicio y buscar soluciones. La realidad es que nuestro servicio se ve en la calle y no en otro lado”, explica Terenziani. En ese contexto, “San Martín apunta mucho el crecimiento y nosotros queremos seguir siendo parte de ese crecimiento”, afirma. El servicio de Micvroómnibus Gral. San Martín lo ratifica. 69
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Tecnología, calidad y crecimiento
lo largo de sus 30 años de trayectoria, la firma ha sido capaz de expandirse en clientes y producción. Para eso apunta a la innovación tecnológica constante y a la confección de nuevos productos y servicios. Mi-pa-met cuenta con una línea de prensas mecánicas e hidráulicas que oscilan entre las 200 y 600 toneladas, como así también con balancines de gran porte. Esa infraestructura posibilita la elaboración de piezas estam-
padas y embutidos de gran magnitud para cubrir las necesidades de terminales automotrices y el mercado de repuestos. La empresa se dedica al abastecimiento de servicios estampados, conjuntos armados, soldados, fabricación de herramientas, dispositivos y calibres, para el mercado autopartista original, de reposición y otros productos industriales.
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En ese camino de ampliación tecnológica, la firma adquirió un primer alimentador y planchador, y una máquina que permite efectuar mediciones en tres dimensiones. A su vez, Mi-Pa-Met incorporó recientemente tres robots de soldaduras y dos de manipulación de productos destinados al sector prensas. A eso se suma un equipo de trabajo dedicado al diseño de herramientas, dispositivos y calibres. Desde 2003, la empresa cuenta con la certificación
según las normas ISO TS 16949 (base 2002). Dicho sistema le ha permitido obtener excelentes resultados en la calidad del producto al tomar como base el diseño de procesos robustos formando grupos de trabajo en interrelación con los clientes. En ese camino de crecimiento, a partir de 2007 incursionó en el rubro denominado “línea blanca”, como proveedor de componentes de cocinas y heladeras para la firma Mabe, fabricante de los artículos para el hogar Patrick. 73
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Trabajar para hacer el mundo
enta-KA trabaja de manera ininterrumpida desde 1993. Sus impulsores tienen una trayectoria que supera los 30 años en la industria metalúrgica. La empresa se especializa en el rubro de perfiles estructurales, materiales que ofrecen una excelente solución en el campo de estructuras de acero. Sus productos son utilizados en el armado de plantas industriales, galpones avícolas, astilleros, supermercados, viviendas industrial-
izadas y túneles para gas y petróleo, entre otras aplicaciones. Esas estructuras de acero realizadas con perfiles poseen muchas ventajas. Entre ellas la posibilidad de economizar tiempo en el montaje, además de facilitar una posterior ampliación. Por otra parte, permiten la construcción de grandes espacios con menos columnas internas. Desde sus inicios, Penta-KA mantiene un crecimiento
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Wx cm3
Peso Kg/mt
Wx cm3
Peso Kg/mt
% Ahorro 23% 32%
Equivalencias entre perfiles estructurales U y UPN UPN 240
PU 360x90x6,35
UPN 300
PU 520x90x6,35
Equivalencias entre perfiles estructurales U e IPN IPN 240 354,20 36,10 PU 420x90x6,35
IPN 300
PU 600x90x6,35
Equivalencias entre perfiles estructurales C y UPN UPN 240 300,00 33,10 PU 300x100x35x4,75
UPN 300
2u PC 440x100x35x3,20
Equivalencias entre perfiles estructurales C y IPN IPN 240 354,20 36,10 PU 420x100x35x4,75
IPN 300
2u PC 400x100x35x4,75
21% 39% 37% 29% 12% 18% 75
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www. 76
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sostenido atado a las innovaciones y a la comprensión de un mercado en constante cambio y adaptación. Se trata, entonces, de anticiparse a las transformaciones de los sectores industriales. Entre sus principios empresariales figuran la valoración del trabajo calificado y la constante ampliación de la capacidad técnica y de manejo de materiales para poder satisfacer la demanda de productos a medida, con la mirada en aquellas personas que desde las ideas buscan
un mundo mejor, más grande y cómodo, porque al estar del lado de un hombre que cumple su sueño, se cumple el de Penta-KA. En síntesis, para esta empresa radicada en San Martín “crecer es acompañar al mundo que nos rodea y adaptarnos a sus cambios”, por eso sus perfiles son cada vez más grandes y fuertes como parte de un trabajo que significa una manera de hacer el mundo.
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El reciclado de los NFU
egomax es una empresa dedicada al reciclaje de neumáticos fuera de uso (NFU). Desde sus instalaciones provee una solución para generadores públicos y privados de residuos de caucho, ofreciendo una forma de disposición gratuita, con certificado de disposición final emitido por el Ceamse. Empresas como Fate, Michelin, Goodyear, Pirelli, Firestone, Bridgestone, Transportes Don Pedro, Neumen, Transportes Laurezano, ExoLogística, en-
tre otras, ya cuentan con el servicio de Regomax, reduciendo sus costos de disposición final de sus residuos de una forma ambientalmente y socialmente responsable. Mediante un proceso ambientalmente amigable de reducción de tamaño del neumático y separación de los diferentes materiales que lo compone en la planta ubicada en San Martin, la firma logra darle valor a estos productos que anteriormente se enterraban, reduciendo
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la saturación de los rellenos sanitarios. Para comprender la magnitud de un problema residual que Regomax convierte en materia prima, sirve señalar que al año en Argentina se generan 90.000 toneladas de residuos de caucho, cuyo 50 por ciento se genera en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y el Gran Buenos Aires. Anteriormente esos residuos se quemaban, contami80
nando al medio ambiente; o se almacenaban, convirtiéndose en refugios para insectos que producen un espectro de enfermedades muy amplio dentro de las cuales se inscribe el dengue. En Regomax la materia prima se somete a un proceso de corte, trituración, molienda mecánica y separación de sus componentes, ya que los neumáticos están formados
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por un 80 por ciento de caucho, 15 por ciento de acero y 5 por ciento de fibras. El acero se extrae por un sistema de imanes y las fibras textiles por aspiración, quedando almacenados para su posterior comercialización. Una vez procesado, el neumático se convierte en la materia prima para superficies deportivas, asfaltos modificados, calzados y artículos de acero y plástico, entre otros. 81
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Soluciones a medida, en Ɵempo y forma
ecnolam S.R.L. es una empresa joven en constante crecimiento, dedicada a la producción de láminas termoplásticas con múltiples aplicaciones y utilizada especialmente para publicidad. Se observan en exhibidores de grandes cadenas de mercados, marquesinas, cartelería en vía pública, serigrafías o en moldeo de un producto determinado o cobertores de camionetas, siendo en este sector de la industria automotriz pioneros en el país.
Ubicada desde siempre en Villa Maipú, posee en la actualidad una moderna planta de unos 6.000 m2 de superficie aunque en los planes inmediatos está previsto seguir expandiéndose en virtud de nuevas inversiones. Pero no siempre la realidad empresarial fue así. 15 años atrás Tecnolam comenzaba a producir planchas de poliestireno de alto impacto en lo que era una vieja carpintería de unos 800 m2. Tampoco contaba con el medio de
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centenar de trabajadores que hoy integran la firma: eran apenas tres personas que llegaron a trabajar 36 horas continuas con una laminadora para cumplir en tiempo y en forma con los pedidos de los primeros clientes. En la actualidad tiene 8 líneas de laminación. Aunque hoy en día la planta produce las 24 horas, esa premisa se sigue respetando. Y, sumando a la inquietud constante de su dueño por progresar y mejorar la cali-
dad, Tecnolam tiene ganado un lugar en el sector siendo líderes absolutos en la fabricación de láminas de hasta 2 metros de ancho, primera empresa del país en producir dicho tamaño. Mara Mazzeo, gerente y “mano de derecha” –como prefiere definirse- de Rubén Martínez, propietario de la firma, recordó que lo que es hoy una moderna planta con todas las comodidades en cada una de sus sec-
ciones, era “algo chiquito: un páramo, desierto y sucio con los pastos crecidos”. Por eso, cambiar el entorno de la fábrica fue una inquietud que se tuvo desde sus orígenes y esto hoy se refleja en el cuidado de hasta los más pequeños detalles como la señalética colocada en las paredes exteriores, o la mejora en la iluminación beneficiando no sólo a los clientes o proveedores, sino también a los vecinos del barrio. “Si está bien la fábrica, 83
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TECNOLAM S.R.L. CALLE 54 Nº 1808 VILLA MAIPÚ ΈB1650JUJΉ SAN MARTÍN TEL: Έ011Ή 4754ͳ5823 / 4753ͳ0528 FAX: Έ011Ή 4713ͳ4623 84
está bien el lugar y está bien el municipio. Esa es también una manera de crecer”, resume Mazzeo. El fuerte de Tecnolam es el plástico de extrusión de alto impacto, que abarca el 70% sobre el total de la producción. “Con el tiempo se fueron introduciendo otros productos a pedido del cliente. Tratamos de evolucionar junto con el cliente y las exigencias del mercado”, agrega. Cada dos años, Tecnolam participa en Argenplás, la muestra internacional de la industria plástica más impor-
tante que se hace en el país. En el ámbito local, desde la empresa reconocieron que las veces que recurrieron al municipio fueron atendidos apropiadamente y les resolvieron todas las inquietudes. Con permanentes planes y proyectos, Tecnolam tiene previsto en 2012 elaborar y comercializar un producto que hasta ahora es importado. Se trata de PVC espumado y para ello adquirieron maquinaria apropiada que está llegando en los próximos meses desde China, al
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tiempo que se encuentran acondicionando nuevas instalaciones para este desafío. Tecnolam cuenta con una cartera de clientes activos que ronda el medio millar, repartidos por todo el país y abasteciendo de este modo el mercado interno, aunque la mayor porción cantidad de demanda se encuentra en el Gran Buenos Aires. “La empresa fue ganando prestigio porque tenemos una respuesta muy rápida. La gente que hace publicidad
pide algo hoy y lo necesita mañana. Entonces, lo que queremos es que el cliente no tenga otro problema más. Tratamos de ganar en calidad, servicio, tiempo y precio. La empresa tiene éxito, en gran parte, porque se reinvierte en maquinaria y ese crecimiento hace a la entrega rápida. También porque formamos un conjunto de personas con buena relación y en la que todos tiramos para adelante. Esa es la clave y la realidad de Tecnolam”, sintetizó Mazzeo. 85
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Herramientas para la producción
l partido de General San Martín es considerado la “Capital de la Industria”. Esa denominación encuentra asidero en las más de 3000 empresas que funcionan en el distrito. Para acentuar esa orientación, desde el Estado Municipal, a través de la Secretaría de Industria y Comercio, se promueven diversas iniciativas que facilitan la instalación y el desarrollo de emprendimientos productivos.
Ese listado incluye al Fondo de Promoción a las Exportaciones (FOPEX), a los Consorcios Exportadores y Redes Productivas y al plan de promoción MIPYME, entre otras alternativas habilitadas para tal fin. Como complemento de esos espacios, existen diferentes normas sancionadas por el Honorable Concejo Deliberante que, desde el marco legal, colaboran con el apelativo que mejor define a San Martín.
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Fondo de Promoción a las Exportaciones (FOPEX) La iniciativa apoya a aquellas empresas sanmartinenses que viajan al exterior para participar en exposiciones, capacitación y búsqueda de nuevos clientes o proveedores. Desde el municipio se gestiona un decreto de misión oficial, y los gastos surgidos, como por ejemplo los costos de pasajes, hotelería, stand y otros que tengan que ver con la actividad, son reconocidos por la Mu-
nicipalidad en 40%, tomado esto como crédito fiscal, a cuenta de tasas municipales que deben abonar los empresarios.
Consorcios Exportadores y Redes Productivas Desde el 2001, la Secretaría de Industria y Comercio de la Municipalidad, ha elaborado un plan industrial basado en la conformación de grupos asociativos a partir de las realidades productivas, económicas y sociales que presentaba nuestro país.
La propuesta cuenta con el apoyo del Ministerio de la Producción de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, del Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial, de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín, del Polo Tecnológico Constituyentes y del Programa Integrado de Cooperación Técnica de la embajada italiana. De esta manera se busca “incrementar la competitividad y complementariedad de las empresas de San Martín, mediante el desarrollo de actividades que garanticen la formación de una mentalidad exportadora en los empre89
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sarios y la orientación de los mismos hacia los mercados internacionales”. Por otra parte, el proyecto trabaja en el desarrollo de una cultura exportadora en el empresariado local, que le permita aumentar y diversificar la oferta exportable de bienes y servicios en función de la demanda mundial. Todos los grupos creados fueron declarados de interés municipal. En este sentido, tanto el Consorcio Exportador del Mueble Madera y Accesorios (COEMMA), como el Distrito Industrial del Mueble (DIM), recibieron el reconocimiento provincial. 90
Promoción MIPYME MIPYME es un plan de promoción que protege a toda actividad económica industrial, comercial o de servicios, establecida o próxima a establecerse en el Partido de General San Martín. Esta protección se materializa en beneficios tributarios de hasta dos años, fomentando también la incorporación de personal. El estado de promoción de estas micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas, incluye exenciones en las tasas de inspección de Seguridad e Higiene, Derechos de
Oficina, Inspección de Pesas y Medidas, Servicios Especiales de Limpieza e Higiene y Derecho de Publicidad y Propaganda.
Responsabilidad Social Empresaria (RSE) El 27 de noviembre de 2007, el Honorable Concejo Deliberante de General San Martín promulgó la ordenanza 9888. Dicha norma estableció la creación del Banco de Datos de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y el Reconocimiento a la Responsabilidad Social Empresaria.
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Los objetivos del reconocimiento incluyen la generación de mecanismos de adhesión voluntaria que promuevan conductas empresariales social y ambientalmente responsables, la valoración del apoyo que el sector privado brinda a la comunidad y el esfuerzo por cumplir los preceptos de la responsabilidad social. Por su parte, el Banco de Datos permite elaborar diagnósticos adecuados acerca de los vínculos entre el sector privado y la comunidad local. Así como también contar con ejemplos susceptibles de ser reproducidos por otras entidades privadas.
Promoción de la Industria del Software El partido de General San Martín fue declarado en estado de promoción de la Industria del Software. Las empresas dedicadas a este rubro, constituidas o próximas a constituirse en la zona, acceden a una serie de beneficios impositivos que les permiten incrementar sus inversiones y tomar más empleados. El objetivo central de la ordenanza es la incorporación del sector de la Industria del Software como una entidad estratégica dentro de la agenda política y económica del país, a través de un tratamiento fiscal e impositivo.
Los beneficios: eximiciones o descuentos en las tasas por inspección de seguridad e higiene, derechos de oficina, derechos de publicidad y propaganda y servicios especiales de limpieza e higiene. La Industria del Software por ser de capital humano intensivo, mejora de la calidad educativa de la población, a partir del incremento de una demanda laboral que requiere de personas de alta formación y capacitación constante. La producción de software no produce contaminación ambiental. De esta forma, se apuesta al desarrollo protegiendo el medio ambiente. 91
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La exposición PyMe más grande del país
efinir qué es la EPSam puede resultar sencillo: una iniciativa ferial de la Municipalidad de Gral. San Martín y de la Cámara Económica Sanmartinense que busca impulsar la actividad económica de las pequeñas y medianas empresas de esta localidad. Explicar o explayarse sobre los alcances que año a año logra esta propuesta gestada por la gestión de Ricardo Ivoskus resulta complejo, por el gran entramado que se consigue
a través de las exposiciones, las charlas, las rondas de negocios, los contactos y las relaciones que se establecen bajo su techo. El portal oficial de la muestra ( resume sus alcances: Ofertar y Demandar; Contactar directamente potenciales proveedores y clientes; Obtener información sobre su sector; Dar a conocer nuevos productos (sondeo de opinión); Fortalecer la relación con
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clientes habituales; Iniciar nuevos negocios e Identificar soluciones para su empresa. La Epsam surge por una idea del gobierno de San Martín, en conjunto con la Cámara Económica Sanmartinense (CES), integrada por la Liga de Comercio y la Industria de San Martín, la Unión Industrial de Gral. San Martín, la Cámara Empresaria del Partido de Gral. San Martín, la Asamblea de Pequeños y Medianos Empresarios
(APYME), la Asociación de Industria, Comercio y Afines de Villa Maipú y la 1º Asociación Civil de Empresarias y Profesionales de San Martín (ACEP). Desde 2008, la EPSam fue declarada por el gobierno nacional como de “interés nacional”. Esa distinción se sumó a la declaración de “interés parlamentario” efectuada por el Congreso de la Nación, en sintonía con la declaración de San Martín como “Capital Nacional de la Industria”. 93
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EPSAM Έ5411Ή 4830ͳ0348 Έ5411Ή 4830ͳ0349 94
“Entiendo que esta exposición, que es un claro reflejo de la cultura del trabajo, del desarrollo productivo y del crecimiento económico y social recuperados, también debería ser -por todo lo que significa- noticia de primera plana en los medios nacionales, con no menos entidad y despliegue que los que se dispensa a los hechos de inseguridad que nos preocupan y nos duelen a todos, o a las carencias sociales que aún subsisten, y que
desde los distintos niveles de gobierno intentamos revertir día a día con resultados que revelan claramente que vamos por el camino correcto”, expresaba el intendente Ivoskus en una de las últimas inauguraciones del megavento. Para conseguir su propósito, la EPSam se presenta como vitrina de los productos y servicios de las pymes locales y como centro de negocios para sus asistentes. Reciente-
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mente, el gobernador Daniel Scioli elogió la propuesta al señalar que “la mejor política social es la creación de empleo, y especialmente aquí San Martín es un ejemplo, donde año a año se realiza la exposición Pyme más grande del país”. Las palabras de Scioli tuvieron como marco la presentación en San Martín del plan de Regionalización, efectuada en el Campus Miguelete, en la sede de la Universidad
Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM), institución académica donde se realizó la “Cumbre Mundial de Comunicación Política 2010” (, cuyo presidente es Daniel Ivoskus. (Cumbre 2011, Quito, Ecuador) . La EPSam se desarrolla año a año en el Parque Hipólito Yrigoyen, anexando las instalaciones del centro permanente de exposiciones lindante al mismo. Esta feria es considerada la más importante de este tipo en el país,
acentuando con cada edición su perfil y resultando un importante vehículo de interrelación empresaria. Sus rondas de negocios entre sectores facilitan relaciones directas y emprendimientos de asociación empresaria con la formación de consorcios exportadores. También la presencia de empresarios en los últimos años sumó participaciones de delegaciones de México, Ecuador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Perú, Paraguay y Bolivia. 95
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Desde Lituania, a la conquista de Europa
n Lituania, lejana tierra paterna del intendente Ricardo Ivoskus, comenzó a funcionar una Oficina de Promoción de San Martín en Europa. El objetivo de contar con una representación oficial en la ciudad de Kaunas busca promocionar los productos de empresas sanmartinenses y abrir nuevos mercados para exportar principalmente a los países bálticos. Con esta iniciativa se ahorran 30% en costos, al tiempo
que el municipio se comprometió a financiar el primer año de gestión. La misión comercial debutó con unas 25 pequeñas y medianas empresas de diferentes rubros. Las perspectivas son auspiciosas para generar mejores condiciones de negocios de modo que las pymes de San Martín puedan aumentar su caudal de ventas con el Viejo Continente. De hecho, una de las principales ventajas de esta ofi-
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cina es la reducción de los tiempos: “Si a una compañía europea le interesa un producto sanmartinense que pudo haber visualizado en alguna misión comercial, ese empresario debe reunirse lo antes posible con su fabricante; no puede esperar todo el tiempo que demanda enviar un producto desde Sudamérica. Por eso es importante que el producto lo tenga cerca”, precisó el jefe comunal durante su viaje a Lituania en 2010. En tanto, el embajador de Lituania en la Argentina, Vaclovas Salkauskas, hizo hincapié en la estratégica posición geoeconómica de Lituania, un país cuya economía experimentó una gran aceleración: “Como país que consiguió su independencia hace pocos años, estamos en pleno proceso de expansión: queremos ampliarnos en el campo económico, social y en todos los ámbitos en que nos sea posible”. En este contexto, el país se configura como plataforma para ingresar a mercados de alto potencial como el de Rusia, estableciendo un corredor para el comercio internacional, orientado tanto a la Unión Europea como a Europa Oriental, en especial a los países de la ex Unión Soviética, como Letonia, Estonia, Bielorrusia, Moldavia y Eslovaquia, además de enfocarse en Polonia y en Alemania. Allí las pymes sanmartinenses prevén exportar materiales para la construcción, membranas, pinturas, herrajes para la fabricación de muebles en todas sus líneas (desde las económicas hasta las premium), salamandras artesanales para calefaccionar, toallas y alfombras. En esta etapa inicial, confiaron en esta propuestas las firmas Arquimex (Pigmentos), Colombraro Hnos. (Fabricación de artículos plásticos para el hogar), EMR (Fabricación de herrajes para obra y muebles), FARA (refractarios y afines), FABHER (herrajes para obra y muebles), FERRIMEX (herrajes para obra y muebles), FUMACA (her-
rajes para obra y muebles), Hierromas (metalúrgica, fabricación de puertas de seguridad, cortafuego y portones de abrir, corredizos y levadizos), Il Posto (sillas y mesas), Inter Ruedas (ruedas y accesorios para muebles), Mercomac (herrajes y accesorios para muebles), N Rossi e Hijos S.A. – DIWAR (equipamientos de oficina), Nildatex (fábrica de lonas plásticas) Pescara (industria plástica, laminados y termoformados en plástico), Pinturas Andina (elaboración de pinturas), RIALPA (Fabricación de herrajes y accesorios para muebles) San Up (fabrica de nebulizadores, vaporizadores, almohadillas térmicas), Elite Entretenimientos (fábrica de carruseles y kiddies) y Vinos Herbert & Helmut Distsch Winemakers (vinos de alta gama). La apertura de la oficina comercial en Lituania se enmarca en el convenio celebrado oportunamente por la Municipalidad de San Martín con la Cámara Argentino-
lituana. El intendente Ivoskus explicó en el acto que “el objetivo fundamental que persigue el Municipio es facilitarle a los empresarios de San Martín los caminos para que encuentren nuevos mercados, eliminando intermediarios y accediendo esos mercados con un dólar que en algunos casos es un 30% más competitivo”. “Esta es una herramienta completamente nueva, sin ningún tipo de precedentes a nivel municipal. Y eso se demuestra en el eco que generó este lanzamiento, por el cual ya nos han llamado desde diversos estamentos para conocer de qué manera vamos a implementarlo”, admitió el intendente, y subrayó en declaraciones reproducida por la prensa que “a la vez que se producen exportaciones, se produce trabajo en el distrito. Y este no es un dato menor. A través de esta nueva oficina hacemos girar a toda la rueda productiva sanmartinense”. 97
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Trabajar para fortalecer la industria
n sintonía con la fuerte impronta productiva que convierte al distrito en la “Capital de la industria”, el Parque Industrial General San Martín es una realidad que se consolida y crece mediante la promoción de empresas que fomentan el desarrollo de la actividad económica. Ocupa un espacio estratégico, a partir de la cercanía con el Camino del Buen Ayre, conector de los Accesos Oeste y Norte, y las redes de circulación primaria y secundaria.
Las firmas que desarrollarán su proceso productivo en este emprendimiento público-privado tendrán como característica distintiva el empleo de tecnologías de avanzada en los procesos productivos y la utilización de mano de obra local, como así también la permanente innovación en el desarrollo de sus productos, con el objeto de convertirse en destacados abastecedores del mercado regional y nacional.
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El proyecto ocupa una superficie de 13 hectáreas con aproximadamente 90.000 m2 disponibles. En palabras del intendente Ricardo Ivoskus, expresadas durante la firma del contrato que dieron inicio a las obras, se trata de “un anhelo largamente esperado por el gobierno comunal”, ya que “siempre existió el concepto de que el distrito de San Martín necesitaba un Parque Industrial de estas características y avanzamos hacia ese objetivo”.
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Fomentando el desarrollo
l desarrollo industrial es para el partido de General San Martín una cuestión de estado. Es por ello que desde el gobierno municipal en general y la secretaría de gobierno en particular se lleva adelanta el “Programa de Fortalecimiento Industrial”. Este programa consiste en una serie de medidas para acompañar el esfuerzos de los industriales sanmartinenses. El programa comienza con el conocimiento de cada una de las problemáticas.
Es así que se lleva a cabo un cronograma de visitas de las máximas autoridades del municipio a distintas industrias del partido. Todos los jueves el secretario de Gobierno, Daniel Ivoskus, muchas veces acompañado por el intendente municipal. Dr. Ricardo Ivoskus, recorren las industrias básicamente para escuchar sus problemáticas, déficit y también sus logros y avances, de manera de replicarlos a otros sectores.
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“Es básico conocer in situ y escuchar de la boca de los industriales qué es lo que necesitan, qué dificultades están teniendo y a partir de ahí asistirlos con distintas herramientas de gestión”, aseguró Daniel Ivoskus.
Trabajo en red Este programa deriva en programas de asesoramiento y asistencia, facilidades y reglas claras para la realización de gestiones administrativas, conformación de consorcios exportadores, participación de ferias internacionales, realización de misiones comerciales para la generación de vínculos fructíferos entre empresarios de San Martín y el resto del mundo, son algunas de las ventajas que ofrece el distrito a sus industriales.
El objetivo de este programa es generar las mejores condiciones de inversión productiva.
En busca del pleno empleo Asistir a las industrias y escuchar sus necesidades tiene para el gobierno municipal el fin último de fomentar aquello que genera empleo. Es justamente el trabajo lo que dignifica y genera inclusión. “Somos un distrito industrial, cuyo 50% del suelo está destinado a las industrias y es nuestro deseo preservarlas ya que así estaremos resguardando el trabajo de nuestra gente y la inclusión social, la mejor herramienta para mejorar el estilo de vida de nuestra gente y luchar contra la inseguridad”, aseguró Ivoskus. 103
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Un sistema que ya comenzó a dar excelentes resultados
n agosto de 2010 se dieron los primeros pasos firmes. Fue por entonces cuando se inauguró en San Martín la primera etapa del proyecto de monitoreo con cámaras de seguridad en el distrito. Se trataba de unas 20 unidades ubicadas principalmente en lo que refiere al centro comercial y alrededores, porque corresponden a la Seccional 1º de la Policía.
Con la asistencia del gobernador de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Daniel Scioli, se cortaron las cintas del Centro Operativo Municipal y enfatizó en el desafío de lograr, en lo que refiere a seguridad ciudadana, “que el Estado llegue antes, y no después”; en esa dirección, y acompañado por el jefe de la comuna, Ricardo Ivoskus, apeló al compromiso de toda la comunidad en la lucha contra
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el delito, al señalar que “la seguridad la hacemos entre todos, y aquí hay un intendente que entiende esto y por eso quiere agradecerle su compromiso”. Ya en referencia al COM, Scioli recordó que en su visita de días atrás a San Martín -para presenciar el lanzamiento de Obsesión Digital, el nuevo libro de Daniel Ivoskus-, “hablábamos con Daniel de las posibilidades de la tecnología aplicadas a la seguridad. En este caso, esto queda reflejado: estamos refiriéndonos a ojos tecnológicos ubicados en lugares muy sensibles”, añadió.
En su discurso, el gobernador también se explayó sobre las políticas sociales que se llevan adelante desde la provincia, como elemento de prevención, aunque aclaró que no son suficientes: “Es necesario trabajar en lo social, urbanizar villas, generar más inclusión. Pero también realizar procedimientos, ir a fondo en la lucha contra el narcotráfico, desbaratar desarmaderos, que son el último fin del delito. Estas son las lucha que tenemos que dar entre todos”, convocó. El Centro de Monitoreo, ubicado sobre la Av. San Lo-
renzo al 2200, cuenta con una sala de 24 monitores que funciona a jornada completa y es comandada por 15 operadores y 5 supervisores. Según explicó a 24CON la secretario de Gobierno Nilda Romero, dentro del personal también fueron contratados franqueros para atender la franja horaria de los fines de semana. La funcionaria reconoció que este es el comienzo del proyecto, y que está previsto la colocación de un total de 140 cámaras (tanto fijas como DOMO) para octubre próximo. 105
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El Gran Hermano de San Martín Por su parte, el intendente Ricardo Ivoskus manifestó su convencimiento sobre los prontos resultados que se obtendrán a partir de la implementación de Protección Ciudadana en San Martín. “Este programa contribuirá decisivamente en la disminución del delito”, se esperanzó.“Lo real es que todo el distrito va a estar controlado, y eso tiene un efecto disuasivo muy importante”, opinó el intendente; en otro sentido, destacó que todo el herramental es de última generación, detallando además que cada uno de los móviles que participarán del programa fueron provistos con un aparato Nextel para estar interconectados. 106
Por otra parte, las autoridades municipales entregaron 9 patrulleros y 4 camionetas, vehículos que en parte serán utilizados por personal contratado por el municipio y supervisados por la fuerza, para completar el plan de seguridad en la Comuna. Asimismo, donaron 3 móviles a la Provincia de Buenos Aires. En el marco del Programa de Protección Ciudadana, se incorporó también la nueva Unidad de Monitoreo Móvil. El nuevo vehículo, que se suma a la estructura disponible dentro del programa está equipado con dos cámaras Domo ubicadas en la parte superior de la camioneta, que tienen una capacidad de rotación de 360
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grados y un alcance superior a los 300 metros. Dentro de la unidad se ubican dos pantallas LCD que reflejan las imágenes de las cámaras Domo y de otras dos cámaras fijas preparadas para instalarse en el sitio donde el móvil se detenga. Además, la unidad está en condiciones de monitorear las cámaras de seguridad instaladas en San Martín. Según informó el secretario de Gobierno de la Comuna, el móvil recorre diferentes barrios del municipio -sobre todo en aquellos en los cuales la presencia de cámaras de seguridad sea menor-, y participa en operativos preparados para eventos masivos. También se sumaron
cinco nuevos automóviles cero kilómetro Citröen C4. De esta forma, ya llegan a 16 las unidades adquiridas para el Programa de Protección Ciudadana, que impulsan conjuntamente el gobierno nacional, el de la provincia y la administración municipal. Daniel Ivoskus señaló con esas herramientas permiten seguir trabajando para brindar mayor seguridad a los vecinos y afirmó, en esa dirección, la intención de la comuna es seguir interviniendo en los diferentes barrios: “Con estos móviles también apoyamos el trabajo de las casi 200 cámaras instaladas a lo largo y a lo ancho del distrito, presentadas por el gobernador”, expresó.
Los resultados obtenidos con la aplicación del Programa comienzan a asomar. “En lo que tiene que ver con el casco urbano, el delito del automotor ha bajado un 50%”, puntualizaron desde el gobierno municipal. Y en lo que tiene que ver con cuestiones netamente municipales, se subraya que, por ejemplo, el arrojo clandestino de basura en la vía pública ha disminuido mucho, dado que al visualizar cuestiones de este tipo, la Patrulla de Higiene Urbana y el móvil de Protección Ciudadana pueden actuar rápidamente y labrar las infracciones correspondientes a quienes comenten esta falta. “Ha sido muy provechosa la implementación del Centro Operativo Municipal, pero tenemos que seguir trabajando, para llegar a índices tolerables para todos”, reflexiona ante los medios la Subsecretaria de Seguridad de la Comuna. “Estas nuevas incorporaciones que ponemos al servicio de la ciudadanía, y al servicio de las fuerzas policiales, sirven para trabajar mancomunadamente en la prevención de los hechos de inseguridad, y para brindar más protección ciudadana a todos los vecinos de San Martín”, cerró. “La Unidad de Monitoreo Móvil es una novedad en todo lo que tiene que ver el Programa de Protección Ciudadana. Creemos que va a tener muchísima actividad, no solamente para monitorear eventos netamente municipales, sino también policiales, en el caso de que se requiera”, completó Stella Maris Gabina, subsecretaria de Seguridad del Municipio. “Podrá dar asistencia en aquellas zonas conflictivas que tal vez no tengan cámaras de seguridad fija”. Y en ese sentido, adelantó que va a estar acompañada por un móvil correspondiente al citado programa, lo que permitirá que “ante la visualización un hecho delictivo puedan actuar de forma inmediata”. 107
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Nuevas luminarias en todo el municipio
l municipio de General San Martín continúa llevando adelante exitosamente el Programa de Reconversión Lumínica, que según un informe emitido por la Secretaría de Obras Públicas ya propició la instalación de más de 15 mil luminarias a lo largo del tejido urbano del municipio. El plan que ininterrumpidamente desarrolla la comuna desde 2005, prevé la renovación, por artefactos de última generación, de
un parque lumínico de más 40 años con un sensible grado de deterioro. Las luminarias se inscriben en un contexto de realizaciones. Con un municipio administrativamente ordenado y equilibrado en sus cuentas, se pudo seguir vigorizando un programa de acción que muestra, entre algunos perfiles destacados, el avance del Plan de Recuperación Vial que ya permitió recuperar al tránsito
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cerca de 100 kilómetros de calles, y del Plan de Alumbrado Público, a través del cual ya fueron reemplazadas 7000 luminarias por artefactos de última generación; la definición del Plan Maestro para la concreción de la nueva estructura edilicia y la modernización técnica del Hospital “Diego Thompson”, y las más de 30 mil prestaciones que ya lleva efectuadas el Hospital Móvil Municipal en diferentes barrios del distrito. En materia de luminarias, los trabajos son intensos en diferentes barrios, donde primero se demarca y más tarde se ejecutan las bases para la instalación de columnas lumínicas. “El estado general de las instalaciones era totalmente deficiente, y en particular las luminarias resultaban
técnicamente obsoletas, debido a la ausencia de mantenimiento y cuidado”, señaló el titular de la secretaría de Obras Públicas, Maudillo Dieguez. Las tareas de recuperación y reacondicionamiento de las luminarias son llevadas adelante en la Unidad Operativa N° 1 con el objetivo central de, al final del programa, haber sustituido la totalidad de los artefactos del municipio. En la web oficial de la Municipalidad de San Martín se ofrecen, para todos los vecinos, el detalle de cada cuadra afectada por los trabajos, además de los contactos para reclamos y un resumen de las tareas concretadas: mantenimiento de 182 cruces semafóricos y mantenimiento del parque lumínico en 27.000 luminarias. 111
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Remodelación de la peatonal
ace poco más de un año se logró otro de los objetivos concretos trazados por la gestión de Ricardo Ivoskus: la remodelación de la peatonal Belgrano, en el epicentro de San Martín. Los trabajos se extendieron desde el cruce de Belgrano con Yapeyú, hasta la calle Saavedra, a una cuadra de la estación San Martín. Con el clásico corte de cintas quedó oficialmente inaugurada la segunda etapa de la Peatonal Belgrano, que
abarcaba tres cuadras desde la calle Yapeyú hasta Saavedra. Se completó de ese modo el proyecto total de la obra. Y si bien para una próxima etapa se prevé continuar hasta la estación San Martín, esa propuesta demandará un replanteo de tránsito automotor y paradas de colectivos. En relación con la obra, Ricardo Ivoskus comentó que “este es un proyecto que se promete desde hace más de
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343ͳ304ͳ289ͳ161ͳ169ͳ175ͳ176ͳ670 240ͳ237ͳ87ͳ78ͳ252ͳ328ͳ57ͳ310 TRENES:
40 años, pero que nunca se cumplió. Por suerte en esta gestión pudimos lograrlo. Esto también es un indicio de la recuperación productiva del distrito”, aseguró. Ivoskus definió la inauguración como “espectacular” y anticipó que “de la misma manera vamos a tratar de hacer lo mismo en otras localidades de San Martín. Esto también se debe a la actitud positiva del comerciante y a las políticas de producción del Gobierno de la Ciudad y de la Provincia”, destacaba entonces.
En el mismo orden, Armando Giglio, ex presidente de la Liga de Comercio e Industria, impulsor de la obra, señaló a la prensa que “es una concreción que esperamos muchos años, hubo soluciones intermedias pero vino Ricardo y la hizo realidad”. Además aseguró que “la peatonal potenció la actividad también en las zonas aledañas”, de esta manera, “hay más comercio, más personal y todo se mejoró”. El secretario de industria y comercio, Esteban Casaburo,
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dijo estar sobre los problemas pendientes, de esta forma “se comenzaron a remover los antiguos quioscos de diario trasladándose a los modernos instalados, se dio un plazo para que los propietarios adecuando construcciones a las normas retirando instalaciones en desuso”. Finalmente estimó que antes de una tercera etapa en la peatonal se trabajará en otro centro comercial que todavía no está determinado. Nuestro Centro Comercial Paseo Crucero General Bel-
grano y anexos posee más de 500 comercios de diferentes rubros. Las visitas frecuentes de compradores de varios sectores de la Provincia de Buenos Aires hacen que el “corazon” de San Martin este ubicado entre las primeras peatonales del pais La variedad en comercios, la calidad de sus servicios y la frecuente demanda de clientes ayudan dia a dia al crecimiento de esta gran apuesta comercial. 115
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Un Hospital moderno, acorde con la demanda
l proyecto del Hospital Dr. Diego Thompson se encuentra inscripto en un marco más amplio que nace con el Plan Estratégico San Martín 2010 y continúa con el Plan Estratégico Hospital 2010. Es una propuesta de la gestión de Ricardo Ivoskus que se perfecciona con el llamado a concurso de servicios de Consultoría de Estudios
Profesionales de Arquitectura para la elaboración del Plan Maestro del Hospital Municipal Dr. Diego Thompson. Una idea moderna, funcional, que responde las necesidades de atención y no desatiende los aspectos. Del Plan Maestro surge un programa de las necesidades del Nuevo Hospital, compuesto por su Zona
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crítica (cirugía, obstetricia y esterilización), Servicios de apoyo, Diagnóstico y tratamiento, Gobierno, Hospitalización, Docencia, Servicios generales, Áreas de confort, una superficie aproximada de 11.000 m2, un costo aproximado de 1.000 u$s/m2 y un plan de construcción en etapas, basado en la necesidad de continuar con las prestaciones sanitarias durante la obra. El área de influencia del Hospital Dr. Diego Eusebio Thompson, de acuerdo a los datos suministrados por el Departamento de Estadísticas de la institución, está integrada en un 87% por residentes del partido de Gral. San Martín. El indicador utilizado para determinar este parámetro está constituido por el número de egresos hospitalarios. Gran parte del 13% restante del total de egresos del hospital provienen del partido vecino de Tres de Febrero. Una larga lista de localidades de procedencia de pacientes completan la cartera de usuarios del Hospital Dr. Diego E. Thompson, principalmente San Miguel, José C. Paz y Moreno entre otros. En el año 2005, el Hospital atendió pacientes de localidades tan lejanas al mismo como los son Pilar, Quilmes y Moreno, ubicadas al norte, sur y oeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. El total de egresos hospitalarios del año 2005 fue de 3.808. La falta de cobertura de salud en casi la mitad de la población del distrito es producto de un circuito cíclico que comienza con la crisis económico-social de los años 90 que ocasionaron el cierre de innumerables fábricas y negocios en San Martín. Dentro de un partido como éste, con una gran presencia industrial, el efecto en la tasa de desempleo se magnificó. La falta de trabajo trajo como consecuencia el incremento de familias que quedaron sin acceso a una cobertura de salud. También, cabe aclarar que esta cifra no contem-
pla los habitantes de otros partidos que se atienden en dependencias de salud que pertenecen al partido de Gral. San Martín, lo cual incrementa la cifra estimada. En ese esquema se inserta el sistema de Salud Municipal del cual forma parte el Hospital Dr. Diego E. Thompson. Los hospitales municipales y Centros de Atención Primaria de Salud (CAPS) están agrupados en áreas que poseen características socio sanitarias similares y se encuentran en un área geográfica, estando delimitadas de forma conjunta por un grupo de efectores. Con estos principios, la Secretaria de Salud de la Municipalidad de San Martín determinó 3 áreas de influencia: Reconquista, Centro Nordeste y Centro Oeste. El Hospital Dr. Diego E. Thompson forma parte del Centro Oeste, del cual es su Centro Nodal. En ese marco se diseñó el Plan Estratégico del Hospital. Se busca intensificar la consolidación de un hospital general de agudos, resolutivo y ágil, donde la comunidad sienta que pueda confiar para restablecer la salud, que además forme parte de una red articulada -el sistema público y privado- eficazmente con la atención primaria y el tercer nivel, con acceso rápido a la alta complejidad tecnológica y con una alta formación de sus recursos humanos. La misión en marcha es la contar con una infraestructura hospitalaria moderna que pueda dar respuesta de calidad a las necesidades sanitarias del área de influencia, y ser el segundo nivel eficiente tanto profesional como tecnológico. Ello se cimenta en recursos humanos capacitados, motivados y comprometidos con su tarea en un ámbito organizacional que establezca mecanismos ágiles que permitan lograr eficiencia, costo efectividad y eficacia 117
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en la atención del paciente en condiciones dignas de trabajo tendiendo a aumentar la complejidad. El Hospital Thompson apunta a ser un centro de formación de excelencia de profesionales de la salud y que fomente la investigación clínica y aplicada como aporte para mejorar la salud de la población. Uno de los objetivos centrales es la mejora en la accesibilidad de la población al Hospital, mediante una serie de estrategias: turnos telefónicos, informatización, ampliación de horarios de atención, mejorar y facilitar el acceso de los pacientes del área programática, cubrir necesidades de las patologías prevalentes y consultorio de atención inmediata y orientación. También se busca mejorar la calidad en la atención, mediante una nueva infraestructura hospitalaria; modalidad de cuidados progresivos; cirugía ambulatoria; hospital de día; internación domiciliaria; protocolización de patologías; adecuar los Recursos Humanos respecto de las normas de calidad; aumentar el giro cama; agilizar la realización de estudios complementarios; implementación y evaluación de normas de calidad y elaboración de historia clínica única. En materia de Recursos Humanos, se ahonda en mejorar y aumentar el sistema de residencias; la creación de una escuela de enfermería; el incremento de la docencia hospitalaria a través de la unidad hospitalaria-pre grado; cursos de actualización, post grado; concurrencia a congresos; organización de jornadas de perfeccionamiento; sueldos acordes con la necesidad de capacitación y régimen de becas para capacitación. También se inscribe en el plan maestro para el Hospital la descentralización en el manejo de los recursos, con un programa de informatización y mejoramiento de la
información y planificación de necesidades de instrumental técnico y científico. Este cúmulo de acciones se ata a las obras arquitectónicas, divididas en dos etapas, una de ellas concluida. La segunda etapa de edificación del nuevo hospital municipal, Dr. Diego Thompson de San Martín se inició con los trabajos correspondientes al nuevo sector de internación del establecimiento, que estará constituido por un total de 32 habitaciones dobles, todas con baño privado, en las cuales se instalarán unas 64 camas. A ello se agrega un gran núcleo vertical que servirá como conexión con los consultorios externos e incluirá ascensores más todas las instalaciones de servicio. Los aportes para esta nueva etapa, que dotarán al nosocomio de una hotelería inusual en efectores públicos, son mixtos: el comienzo de obras será absorbido por la comuna y el dinero restante, unos 40 millones de pesos, será aportado por el gobierno nacional. Esto se suma a la primera etapa de obras, ya inaugurada, solventada íntegramente por la comuna y que incluyó la construcción de un gran módulo de 34 nuevos consultorios externos y un estacionamiento subterráneo. Todas las etapas de construcción, que contemplan el reemplazo total de la centenaria estructura del hospital, son contempladas y supervisadas por un Plan Maestro desarrollado cuidadosamente por arquitectos especialistas en construcciones hospitalarias. “Estas nuevas obras nos permitirán, al fin, decirle adiós a esas enormes dependencias en las cuales permanecían los pacientes internados en gran cantidad, dificultando la atención de los médicos. Se trata de una etapa importante, que avanza a gran ritmo, para la cual hemos recibido importantes aportes de la nación”, expresó el intendente Ivoskus en rueda de prensa. 119
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Un estadio de primera
mblema que identifica al pueblo de San Martín, Chacarita Juniors cuenta con un estadio que nada tiene que envidiarle a los equipos llamados grandes del fútbol argentino. El 30 de enero de 2011, estando la primera etapa de la construcción finalizada, jugó su primer partido en la nueva cancha ubicada en Villa Maipú. El partido inaugural, disputado contra Argentinos Juniors, terminó en un empate sin goles. El resultado fue lo de menos.
Los 15.000 “funebreros” que estuvieron presentes fueron testigos de un día histórico para la institución. Atrás quedaban años de alegrías y sufrimientos vividas en un estadio de tablones y una platea lateral de cemento. Inaugurado el 8 de julio de 1945 cuando se mudó a San Martín, Chacarita se hizo fuerte en ese reducto hasta el día 21 de octubre de 2005 cuando superó a Tigre por 3 a 0.
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“Sin lugar a dudas en este estadio se vivieron momentos inolvidables, victorias históricas, pasajes por los que se tornaba casi inexpugnable, donde caían los grandes y sufrían los chicos y en contraposición otros momentos en los que Chacarita era capaz de perder contra el más desatinado de los rivales. Vivimos ascensos, y toda la inolvidable campaña de 1969 coronada con la obtención del torneo metropolitano. Pero también tuvimos
que padecer descensos, hasta tocamos lo más bajo de nuestra historia que fue tener que jugar en la Primera C”, resume en su sitio oficial. A la altura de las exigencias que impone el fútbol en la alta competencia, las tribunas de madera y la infraestructura fueron quedando obsoletas. A mediados de la década pasada comenzó a delinearse el proyecto del nuevo estadio con una capacidad aproximada de 121
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41.244 espectadores parados o 20.844 espectadores sentados. El jueves 10 de agosto de 2006, la Sub Comisión de Estadio le presentó a la Comisión Directiva de la institución el proyecto de construcción del futuro estadio de Chacarita Juniors. La obra incluía cuatro tribunas de cemento y en dos de ellas la construcción de dos bandejas. En una primera etapa el objetivo fijado fue construir la bandeja inferior de la Tribuna Centenario (calle Mitre), la totalidad de la Tribuna Gutiérrez (calle Gutiérrez), la bandeja inferior de la Tribuna Matheu (calle Matheu) y la totalidad de la Tribuna French (calle French). La segunda etapa se propone la finalización de la obra y esto comprende la construcción de la segunda bandeja Tribuna Centenario (calle Mitre), segunda bandeja superior y losas intermedias con palcos y cabinas de transmisión para TV, radio y sector de medios gráficos, Tribuna Matheu (calle Matheu). El proyecto del nuevo estadio contó con el aval del intendente Ricardo Ivoskus quien se comprometió a declararlo “de interés municipal” debido a la importancia social que tiene obra para la sociedad local, destacó en 2006 la Sub Comisión de Prensa del Club Atlético Chacarita Juniors en la prolija y detallada web oficial ( La obra obtuvo la aprobación a fines de ese año por parte del Concejo Deliberante de San Martín que por medio de una ordenanza otorgó el permiso necesario para efectuar los trabajos de desmantelamiento de tribunas y la posterior construcción del estadio, en el predio ubicado en Gutiérrez 351. La aprobación era de vital importancia debido a que la zona en donde se encuentra 122
la cancha de Chacarita Juniors no posee reglamentación alguna para la realización de este tipo de emprendimientos. Asimismo, la Municipalidad liberó del cobro de los Derechos de Construcción de la obra y de otras tasas municipales. El costo de la primera etapa de la obra fue valuada en 2 millones de dólares aproximadamente y en 1 millón más oscilará la terminación de los trabajos. En febrero de 2007 dio inicio la tarea de desmonte de la vieja estructura y demolición de las legendarias tribunas. En julio, la Sub Comisión de Estadio de Chacarita Juniors resolvió por unanimidad contratar a la Sociedad de Hormigón Armado Pretensado (SHAP) S.A., para realizar la construcción integral del nuevo estadio al presentar los mejores presupuestos y superando a otras cuatro empresas constructoras especializadas en este tipo de obras. El 1 de mayo de 2007 se coloca la base fundamental para construir el nuevo estadio de Chacarita Juniors. La construcción, formalmente, comenzó el 1° de septiembre de 2007. Dos años mas tarde, el Concejo Deliberante del partido de General San Martín declaró de interés legislativo al proyecto Centenario nuevo estadio Club Atlético Chacarita Juniors, social, cultural y deportivo “el cual está basado en solidificar y recuperar el compromiso social barrial, cultural y deportivo fundacional de la mencionada institución”, sostuvo en los fundamentos. El Estadio, con una capacidad inicial 19.000 espectadores, en la primera etapa de construcción, y 31.800 tras la finalización de la obra, cuenta además con 20 palcos con una capacidad de seis personas cada uno, un palco para transmisión de TV y diez cabinas de transmisión de radio. Pero esto es sólo el comienzo.
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Incubadora de empresas
ue la primera que comenzó a funcionar en el país. Con ese antecedente y dos décadas de trayectoria, la Incubadora de Empresas de General San Martín “Fray Luis Beltrán” impulsa el surgimiento y la consolidación de nuevos proyectos productivos. La entidad trabaja en la formación y capacitación empresarial, y otorga un espacio físico para la puesta en marcha de emprendimientos que, además, reciben asesoramiento gratuito.
En los últimos 10 años, su intervención permitió el nacimiento y la consolidación de unas 20 empresas que actualmente funcionan en el distrito. Con la convocatoria para la inscripción de proyectos se inicia la marcha productiva. El primer paso para un emprendedor comienza con la presentación de su propuesta. A partir de ese momento tienen lugar distintas instancias de asesoramiento y selección que, después
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de un período de preincubación, pueden derivar en la incubación definitiva. Las tareas de promoción y seguimiento se encuadran en el Programa MIPEs, implementado a partir de 2002 de manera conjunta entre el municipio y la Universidad Nacional de General San Martín. La Municipalidad aporta el predio donde se desarrollan los emprendimientos seleccionados. La casa de altos estudios, por su parte, pone a disposición de los nuevos proyectos un equipo de ingenieros y licenciados en comercialización y administración, entre otros profesionales
encargados de brindar asesoramiento en cada una de las disciplinas. La Incubadora también cuenta con un sistema innovador que permite una incubación a distancia para aquellas empresas que, por su rubro o dimensiones físicas, no pueden funcionar en las instalaciones habitadas por la entidad. Fiel al espíritu vanguardista que coronó su nacimiento, es la primera incubadora del país en funcionar bajo un sistema de gestión de calidad con reconocimiento nacional e internacional. 125
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Sarmiento 2051 / San Martín 4755-0354 / 4713-6923 /
Calle 52 Belgrano 3747 (011) 4830-0693 / 4512-6220/6221
Calle 52, Belgrano 3757 / 4830 0689 / 0348 /
Av. Balbín 2560, San Martín 4755-8500 / 4753-6785 /
Buenos Aires 75, Villa Ballester 4768-1171/81 /
Rodríguez Peña 2704 / (011) 4753-5588 /
Parque Irigoyen /
Belgrano 4146, San Martín 4713-2633 /
Rodríguez Peña 2704 / 011 4753-5588 /
Belgano 3747 1º Piso / San Martín 4830-0689/0348 /
Sarmiento 2051 / San Martín 4755–0354 / 4713–6923
Estrada 1834, Villa Maipú 4752-6272 /
Avda. Juan Manuel de Rosas (ex Avda. Bernabé Márquez) 2969 011 4720-2200/4394 /
Pueyrredon 3822, San Martín 4755-4071 /
Ecuador 3000 011 4713-6240 /
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Rivadavia (calle 60) Nº 1831 /
Calle 133 Nº 2320 011 4750-5010 /
Villegas 2283 / 011 4754-4662/68
Casa Central, Av. 25 de Mayo 1680 (San Martín) / 011 4580-7887/7886 Sucursal San Martín, Av. Pte. Juan D. Perón 3420 Sucursal San Isidro, Av. Bernabé Márquez 2916 Sucursal Martínez, Av. Dardo Rocha 3492 /
Int. Ballester 3860 (San Andrés) / 011 4753-0500 /
Municipalidad de San Martín (y Urbanizadora Norte) Secretaría de Industria y Comercio Calle 52, Belgrano 3757 4830-0689/0348 /
Av. 85 Nº 1113 / 011 4754-6000 CASA ALBERTO ALGOSELAN
Avenida San Martín 1562 / 011 4755-3030 y líneas rotativas /
Ayacucho 2767 Capital y Gran Buenos Aires 011 4752-3440 / Interior 011 4755-8833 /
Yrigoyen Nº4286 / 011 4755-6889
Hipólito Yrigoyen 4173 / 011 4752-7098 /
Calle 47 8029 José L. Suárez 011 4729 3020 / 4729 3720 / /
Casa Matriz Yapeyu 5299 / 011 4768-3800 /
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Av. Pte. Perón 4577/79 / 011 4713-3333 /
Calle 49 Nº 70002 011 4720-2080 /
Calle 33 (ex Lavalle) Nro. 1977 / 011 4752-5935 /
Calle 86 Nº 5792 011 4844-5560 /
Avenida Márquez 5145 Loma Hermosa 011 4841-3412 / 4739-2503 /
Calle 122 nro. 4785 (Ex. Gral. Roca) / 011 4738-7400
Valentin Gomez 639 / 011 4754-9626 / LINDE ARGENTINA
Admin. Central: Calle 54 (ex Mitre) Nº 2075 Sucursal San Martín: Calle 47 Nº 2143 011 4724-8800 /
Av. San Martín 645 / 011 724-8314 UNIONBAT S.A.
Av. Pte. J.D. Perón Nº 4670 / 011 4754-2900 /
Boulogne Sur Mer 2538 011 4006-4444 /
Calle 97 Nro. 1598 011 4755-1641 / 4753-5274 /
Guido Spano Nº 5537 / 011 4844-6000 /
Sarmiento 2051 / 4755-0354 / 4713-6923
Sarmiento 2051 / 4755-0354 / 4713-6923
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Av. Balbín 2560, San Martín 4755-8500 / 4753-6785 /
Oficina de Coordinación: Belgrano 3747, 3er piso 011 4830-0633 /
Parque Tecnológico Miguelete / Avda Gral. Paz 5445 011 4724-6200/6300/6400 / /
Buenos Aires 75, Villa Ballester / 4768-1171/81
Entidades: Municipalidad de San Martín, UNSAM, Cámara Económica Sanmartinense e Instituto de Desarrollo Empresario Bonaerense Belgrano 3747 / 011 4830-6033 /
Belgrano 4146, San Martín / 4713-2633 - 24CON
Mitre 3821 1º piso. General San Martín / 011 4752-6328 / 4755-7581 / /
Av. Eva Perón 3055 / 011 4752-4359 - Fax int. 182 /
Estrada 1834, Villa Maipú / 4752-6272 - INCUBADORA DE EMPRESAS
Av. Ricardo Balbín 2652 (ex Ruta 8) / 011 4830-0671 / 4755-5464 Horario de atención: lunes a viernes de 7 a 17 hs.
Pueyrredon 3822, San Martín / Tel: 4755-4071 -
Campus Miguelete, 25 de Mayo y Francia 011 4006-1500 / 4724-1500 /
Presbítero Carballo (Pasaje 111) 5042 / Villa Ballester 011 4847-5035 / 5039 (Fax)
Diego Pombo (Calle 72) 3324 / San Andrés 011 4830-0683
Distrito Industrial Patagonia/ Consorcio de Cooperación Casa Matriz Yapeyu 5299 / 011 4768-3800 /
Calle 110 Pueyrredón 2720 / Villa Ballester. 011 4847-5035 / 4830-0683
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10/08/2011 04:36:50 p.m.
ENGLISH TRANSLATION MARCO PRODUCTIVO Geographical location General San Martin is a district in the province of Buenos Aires, located north of the city of Buenos Aires, and divided from it through the General Paz Avenue. Its entire territory is part of the Greater Buenos Aires (northern area), also called Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (AMBA, for its Spanish initials). Its seat is the city of San Martin. The district is located in the northern area of the Province of Buenos Aires. At northeast, it borders on the districts of San Isidro, Vicente López and Tigre; at east, on the city of Buenos Aires, whose dividing limit is the General Paz beltway; at southwest with the district of Tres de Febrero; and northwest, with General Sarmiento. Its area is 21.6 sq miles (56 km2). Just like the other districts surrounding the area of the Capital in the so-called first belt of the GBA, the political map of San Martín follows the road and railroad network layout. The district’s buildings make up a continuous construction line, which is currently almost fully urbanized and whose political limits blend with those of its neighboring districts. San Martin is known as the “Capital of Tradition” for being the home of writer José Hernández, author of Martín Fierro, the quintessential Argentine “gauchos” epic novel. Also known as the “Capital of Industry” for being the district with the largest industrial concentration in the country.
Origin of its name Its name originated from the general José de San Martín, the Argentine national hero who led the country’s battles for independence. Its old name “Santos Lugares de Rosas” was changed in 1856 to avoid feelings of resentment in a town which was strongly associated with the defeated former Governor Juan Manual de Rosas. Moreover, the name “Santos Lugares” was originated from the first Franciscan friars in the area: Santos Lugares de Jerusalén.
Population San Martín has a population estimated in 422,312 inhabitants; according to projections made for 2007 by the Provincial Statistics Bureau. It recorded an intercensal annual average growth (census ‘91/’01) of -0.4% inhabitants. The population density is 7,541 inhabitants/sq km, the third highest density in the AMBA, after the district of Lanús and its neighbor district, Tres de Febrero. 23.2% of its population is under 14 years of age, 63.9% is between 15 and 64 years of age and 12.9 is older than 65, with a dependent index of 57% and an old age index of 41%. Despite its highly demographic density, the number of inhabitants has been very slowly modified over time. From the 1991 census to the 2001 census, a negative population growth was recorded, which translated as a relative loss of its demographic strength in the metropolitan area. The district is divided in 27 towns. The main urban concentrations are: Ciudad Jardín del Libertador with 61,780 inhabitants; Villa Ballester, 35,301 inhabitants; Villa General Eugenio Necochea, 29,179 inhabitants; General San Martín, 26,399 inhabitants; Villa Maipú, 24,447 inhabitants; Villa Coronel Zapiola, 21,770 inhabitants; Villa Granaderos de San Martín, 20,548 inhabitants; Billinghurst, 19,138 inhabitants; Villa
General Tomas Guido, 18,324 inhabitants; Villa Juan Martín de Pueyrredón, 17,598 inhabitants; Villa Gregorio Matorras, 15,938 inhabitants; José León Suárez, 15,740 inhabitants; Villa Libertad, 14,018 inhabitants; Villa Marqués de Aguada, 13,080 inhabitants; Villa Las Heras, 11,548 inhabitants; San Andrés, 9,750 inhabitants; Villa Bernardo Monteagudo, 8,291 inhabitants; Villa General Antonio de Sucre, 6,142 inhabitants; Villa Godoy Cruz, 5,952 inhabitants; Villa Chacabuco, 5,040 inhabitants; Villa Parque San Lorenzo, 4,445 inhabitants; Villa Lynch, 3,987 inhabitants; Villa Ayacucho, 3,834 inhabitants; Villa Parque Presidente Figueroa Alcorta, 3,661 inhabitants; Villa Yapeyú, 3,556 inhabitants; Villa María Irene de los Remedios de Escalada, 1,231 inhabitants; and Barrio Parque General San Martín, 410 inhabitants. As every district in the metropolitan area, it received migration from the provinces and from bordering countries. The percentage of internal immigrants reaches 32%, while 3% come from bordering countries and 6% from other countries.
Housing and services Of a total of 123,573 homes, 87.9% are in good inhabiting conditions, 9.3% show poor characteristics, while 5.2% are precarious. As to service infrastructure, 100% of San Martín has access to the provision of power supply, 95% has running water from the drinking public network, and 49.2% of home population has sewage service. According to a study conducted by researchers from the UNSAM (National University of San Martín), Hilario Wynarczyk, Mario Costantino and Mónica Monteira, San Martín is characterized for its greater number of tenement houses and rooming houses and for being a highly industrialized area. They point out “this fact allows us to assume that there are men in the population, either single or with no family, who decide to live in hotels and rooming houses near their workplace.”
Access roads San Martin’s street layout does not seem to follow any carefully designed city plan. Its streets made their way into existence as the population grew and factories and industries started to settle. Old maps show two clearly defined checkerboards that ran longways by the railroad tracks: San Martín and Villa Ballester, plus two emerging parcels named, in the early decades of the XX century, Villa Billinghurst and Villa Lynch. The spiral industrialization process that took place in Argentina in the 40’s made that urban spot to spread out in full force, giving way to endless streets and avenues that today cover nearly the entire district of San Martín. As one of the districts of the Greater Buenos Aires, San Martin witnessed that growth, due to the internal migrations caused by industrial policies and the expansion of the transportation system. Besides the traditional means of transportation, in the thirties came the bus. Two of the district limits are basically matched to main access roads. On the one hand, General Paz Ave. wraps a section of the city of Buenos Aires. On the other end, the Santa Maria del Buen Ayre Road winds through the district, alongside the Reconquista River (the natural limit that divides it from the district of General Sarmiento) and serves as the connecting point to the Northern access (Panamericana highway) and the Western access (Gaona road). Amidst these two, we find the so-called Camino de Cintura, or Marquez Ave., which runs north-south and goes across highly populated areas, such as José León Suárez. Running across, the former National Road 8 is the main access to the district of San Martin. Also called Dr.Ricardo Balbín Ave., this freeway merges into a city street and
changes its name to Iturraspe Ave. at its intersection with Perdriel St. When it goes by military school General San Martín, it runs into another key road in the district’s street layout, 9 de Julio Ave. The fast access roads to the city of Buenos Aires are San Martin Ave, 25 de Mayo Ave. in the town of Miguelete, and De Los Constituyentes Ave., which also serves as the political boundary in the north with the district of Vicente López. The redesign of the city street layout is still pending. In many areas, the old numbers of the streets overlap with the new ones, causing a great deal of confusion for those who do not know the district.
San Martín transports The train crosses the district from east to west. The Mitre line —today under TBA (Trenes de Buenos Aires) management— in the district of San Martín alone has seven stations (Miguelete, San Martín, San Andrés, Malaver, Villa Ballester, Chilavert and José León Suárez) and includes two branches. The electric service links José León Suárez and Retiro stations and the diesel service serves the Zárate-Villa Ballester route. Along the southern limit, the service is covered by the Urquiza line, operated by Metrovías. The arrival of the train goes back to the end of the 19th Century, but it is at the beginning of the 20th Century when it gathers momentum. Due to the intense passenger traffic in the northern area of Buenos Aires, in 1910 the former Ferrocarril Central Argentino starts the initial work for changing the drive. Despite the difficulties caused by the state of war in Europe, in 1916 the first electric trains services are launched in the country and in South America, running from Retiro to Tigre, and in 1931 those connecting Belgrano with Tigre and Villa Ballester. Since 1995, these branches are managed by TBA. The company plans to extend the electric sectors. As to the Mitre line, the company is planning to build a multimode transfer center, a project originally proposed in 1998 and which will serve as connection, electrification and adaptation of 14 kilometers of tracks in the so-called “Northern Circuit Closure.” This is a section between José León SuárezBancalari-Victoria stations, creating a ring track circulation, which will link the Retiro-José L. Suárez branch with the Retiro-Tigre branch. In 2007, the Mitre line was traveled by 32,471,000 passengers on the Retiro-José León Suárez branch and the Villa Ballester-Zárate branch served 891,000 passengers. The train also serves as southern limit with the district of Tres de Febrero. In that case the tracks of the Urquiza line divide the districts sharing the following stations: Coronel Lynch —widely known as Villa Lynch—, Fernández Moreno, Lourdes and Tropezón, where a few meters ahed, the tracks get into the district of Tres de Febrero. Hand in hand with progress and the increase in the number of passengers, this service was authorized in May 1907, but at that time, it only ran between Chacarita and Villa Lynch stations. Following this ordinance, came another one that would greatly benefit the public: the authorization by decree, dated March 14th, 1908, to apply electric drive throughout the section between Federico Lacroze and San Martín stations. The branch to San Martín, served by electric trolleys, was opened on November 23rd, 1908. For over a century, the train has been an irreplaceable means of transport in the district for commuting people.
San Martín buses
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Short or medium distance, inter-city or provincial, bus lines cross San Martín in all directions and at any time of day or night. Some of them cross over General Paz Avenue, others get inside neighborhoods and many get to unexpected places, thus providing an irreplaceable service for thousands of people. In the order assigned, the following lines run across the district of San Martín: - 57 “Transportes Atlántida” with its routes to Palermo, Luján, Pilar, Mercedes and Capilla del Señor. - 78 “Transporte Los Andes” (Today “Los Constituyentes”) from the intersection of Dorrego and Corrientes Avenues to Villa Ballester station, Chilavert station. - 87 “La Argentina” (Today “Los Constituyentes”) - 111 “Los Constituyentes” from Aduana to José León Suárez. - 123 “Transportes Línea 123” to Chacarita and El Palomar. - 140 “Transporte Automotor Plaza” to Boulogne and Correo Central. - 161 “Transporte Larrazábal” to Palermo and Liniers. - 169 “Transporte Escalada” to Villa Pueyrredón, Martín Coronado, Loma Hermosa and Pablo Podestá. - 176 “Expreso General Sarmiento” to Chacarita, Escobar, Pilar, José C. Paz, Tortuguitas - 237 “Transporte Villa Ballester” to José León Suárez, Liniers, Chilavert, Villa Ballester, William Morris, Caseros, San Martín and Martín Coronado - 252 “Transporte José Hernández” to El Palomar, Carapachay and San Martín station 289 “Compañía Noroeste” to Liniers, El Palomar, San Martín, Caseros. - 310 “Micro Ómnibus General San Martín” to Loma Hermosa and San Martín. - 328 “Transporte Villa Bosch” to Pablo Podestá, Villa Bosch and Caseros. - 338 “Transporte Automotores La Plata” to La Plata and San Isidro. - 343 “Compañía Noroeste” to Tigre, Lourdes, Villa Ballester, Ciudadela, Carupá and Liniers. - 429 “Transportes Atlántida” to San Miguel and Pilar - 670 “Micro Ómnibus General San Martín” to Miguelete, Loma Hermosa, José León Suárez, Camino del Buen Ayre and Independencia neighborhood.
Industry and labor San Martin represents 2% of the country’s industrial workforce, and is responsible for about 5% of the national GDP, and 12% of the province’s gross regional product. About 80% of the district’s global revenue is originated in the industrial sector; 16%, by trade and 4% by the services industry (based on the data supplied by the Statistics Bureau of the Province). Indeed, San Martín is characterized by the coexistence of trade, industrial and services operations with a highly urbanized environment, explained by its proximity to distribution and exchange centers, and to work and consumer areas. A study developed by researcher Enrique Déntice, from the University of San Martin (UNSAM), shows that the industrial sector is the main business activity in the district’s production sector. The study points out that the industrial sector has experienced significant growth over the last few years due to the joint efforts of the private sector and the municipal government. In the period 2002-2005 alone, the number of industrial businesses in the district increased by 33%. Based on the data from the Industrial Survey 2005, the University’s study reveals that the employment rate in the district’s industrial sector grew twice as much
the national rate, and between 2003 and 2005, employment increased by 35%. “The wage earners in the industrial sector increased by 15%, which means that a significant number of new industries was created in the last two years”, states the researcher. However, this does not come as a surprise since, traditionally, San Martin is characterized as a highly industrialized district. The UNSAM’s study shows that, originally, the district was part of a territory that was shaped and reshaped by the migratory currents that flooded the area to supply the labor required by the industrial growth process in the early 1940s. Due to its economic profile, the district is known as the “Capital of Industry”. Indeed, 93% of its regional gross product comes from the industrial sector and 7% from the services sector. Its economic profile, then, is basically focused on the secondary and tertiary sectors. Déntice’s study does not make any reference to the data obtained from the National Economic Survey of 1993 to support the essentially industrial profile of the district. Figures show that 7% of the local GDP comes from the services sector, while 93% is originated in the industrial sector. Eight industrial sectors account for 76.7% of the industrial establishments in the district. Among their major lines of business are: 1) metal products manufacturing (22.3%), 2) textile (11.6%), and 3) rubber and plastic (11.3%), which combined represent 45% of the industrial estate. This trend remains the same in the present. “It is quite evident that the district of San Martin is in a good position for development in the industrial sector compared to the rest of the province, and this indicates clear potential for future growth,” says Déntice. Specifically, the last field survey conducted in the district -the Industrial Survey 2005- shows that industrial establishments total 2,828; of which 2,019 are in operation and 809 are inactive. The survey of the UNSAM underlines the coexistence of industrial, trade and services operations along with a highly urbanized area, which can be explained by the proximity to goods distribution and exchange centers, and to work and consumer areas. Along these lines, the economist underscores that “the industry is the main economic activity in the district’s production sector, and goods and services are meant both for internal consumption and for export”. According to the survey, 72.7% of sales revenue comes from the rest of the country, 24.4% from within the district, and 3.4% from abroad. Its main markets are the province of Buenos Aires, the city of Buenos Aires and Córdoba, while foreign markets include the MERCOSUR block, Brazil and Chile. As to exports, the University survey highlights that 17.6% of the industrial establishments sell their products abroad. The industries with a higher selling rate are clothing manufacturing, leather treatment and tanning, shoe manufacturing, and manufacturing of other mineral non-metal products. The economic report also shows that nearly 35% of professional staff employed (and required) in the industrial sector are specialized in engineering (11.8%), accounting (9.7%), and business administration (5.4%). Déntice adds: “Educational programs in chemistry and marketing are the most required, as a result of the higher level of activity in the area”. The figures in the research study indicate that demand for skilled technicians is on the rise. However, there doesn’t seem to be an adequate educational offer to match that demand. As to staff ’s participation in training courses, the economist points out that “in very
dynamic industrial branches and in exporting companies, training courses are more frequent”. The most common topics in training, according to the study, are industrial health and safety, the environment and technical quality standards for manufacturing and maintenance. This phenomenon, rounds off Déntice, suggests an improvement both in expectations and industrial activity. The last industrial survey conducted in the district shows that the employment rate in San Martin’s industrial sector doubles the national rate. In the last few years, the employment rate increased by 35%. Wage earners by establishment increased by 15%. This implies a substantial increase of new industries (20%) in the last two years. When the economic liberalization process started in the 90s, the secondary sector came to a halt, while the tertiary sector experienced an increase, a trend which still lingers over the last few years. In the year 2001, one of the worst economic crises of the last 50 years took over the country. Social outbreaks and institutional vacuum became usual. This situation particularly affected the northern area of Greater Buenos Aires, where, according to official figures, unemployment reached 28% as a whole. Due to its large industrial base, the district of San Martin, particularly, was badly beaten, with an unemployment rate of 33%, and a women’s unemployment rate of 39.5 %. During the times of crisis, 17,724 people received help through the “Household Heads” welfare program. This number represented 4.4% of the population and 14.8% of households. To date, the situation has changed significantly. After the economic recovery period 2003-2008, the country’s unemployment rate fell to 9.8%, and in San Martin, it dropped to 11%. It is clear that the change to date has been for good. In fact, the 2005 industrial survey showed that between 2003 and 2005, the employment rate rose by 35%, on top of the country’s average rate. Chiaramonte’s research study states that the great majority of businesses in the district are SMBs. In that category, San Martin holds the largest concentration of SMBs, along with the City of Buenos Aires, General Alvear (Mendoza), Iriondo (Santa Fé), Colón (Córdoba) and the district of General Pueyrredón (Buenos Aires), based on the analysis in the study by María Pía Vallarino (Política, agenda y coaliciones en el municipio de San Martín: el caso de las gestiones de Ivoskus 1999-2006 – Politics, agenda and coallitions: the case of Ivoskus’ administrations 1999-2006).
The SMBs force San Martin has above average participation in the incentive program MIPYME, among the districts of the Greater Buenos Aires and the Province of Buenos Aires, since the local players share the following vision: “…to achieve local growth, the key does not lie only with achieving large industrial projects, but with encouraging efforts that resort to an endogenous development potential and promote the progressive adjustment of the local economic system, regardless the scale of investment (Albuquerque, 2001).” The social aspect in the district of San Martin is closely related to SMBs and their evolution, emphasizes Vallarino, quoting Chiaramonte, which originated in the industrialization process in place to substitute imports. This was intended to meet the domestic market demand and supported by state-devised policies that resulted in today’s MIPYME network. To classify job types in the district of San Martin, we can base on the conclusions drafted in Juana Carrizo and Celeste Patriarca’s study from 2005 (Situación demográfica y social de los partidos del conurbano bonaerense UNSAM – Demographic and
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ENGLISH TRANSLATION social status of the districts in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area, UNSAM), and on the Industrial Survey 2005 of General San Martín. As to jobs in the public sector, the district of San Martín shows a lower rate than the average in the Greater Buenos Aires districts, and significantly lower than the weighted average in the Province of Buenos Aires. This is due to the extensive industrial sector in the district, which in Argentina is mainly private. Regarding employment in the private sector, San Martín’s rate is higher than the average rate in Greater Buenos Aires and much higher than that of the province of Buenos Aires, for the abovementioned reasons. As to the percentage of business owners, San Martín equals the Greater Buenos Aires and is slightly below the province of Buenos Aires. As to the percentage of self-employed people, San Martín outweighs the Greater Buenos Aires, and its average rate is higher than that of the Province of Buenos Aires. Summing up, San Martín’s employment rate in the private sector is higher than that of the Greater Buenos Aires and the Province of Buenos Aires. The Industrial Survey 2005, carried out by San Martín’s Business Chamber, the Municipality of San Martín and the University of San Martín, showed and underscored that, after the economic crisis of 2001, the local industry achieved a remarkable recovery. The survey recorded 2,828 industrial establishments (2,019 in operation and 809 as potentially active); in an area of 3,318 total blocks, of which 3,132 were surveyed. The following are the main business sectors that characterize the district’s production: metalmechanic, autoparts, shoes, textile, furniture and wood, chemical, food products, precision tools and plastic. From the survey data, we can gather that 10% of all industries employ 56.4% of workers, for a total of 38,200 wage earners in the sector. Following on this, Adrián Gutiérrez Cabello throws light with an interesting comment: Eight out of 10 active workers is a wage earner and 1 out of 10 is a partner or a business owner. The goods and services offer by market is the following: Sixty-two percent goes to the domestic market and 27.9% is allocated to exports. The exporting sector also benefited from significant incentives through a program called “San Martín’s Exporting SMBs” (from a study by Daniel Ivoskus). The country’s economic policies certainly played a major role in the recovery process by means of a key tool: the competitive exchange rate (though not the only one, which made exports cheaper and imports pricier), which enabled nationallyproduced goods, specially those manufactured in San Martín, to regain presence and participation in the domestic market. In 2008, in the Jan-Dec period, the incentive program MIPYME allowed for the establishment of 1,325 new businesses in the district. Sources: Buenos Aires Económico. Industrial Report, DÉNTICE, Enrique, UNSAM. Analysis by Enrique Déntice, Senior Economist, CIME, EEyN, UNSAM. Municipality of San Martín
State policies that benefit the industry The district of General San Martin is considered the “Capital of Industry”. The reason for this name is clearly explained by the plus 2,500 businesses operating in the district. Along these lines, the Municipal Government promotes several efforts meant to enable the creation and development of productive ventures. Among these are export incentive programs “Fondo de Promoción a las Exportaciones (FOPEX)”, “Consorcios Exportadores y Redes Productivas”, and the SMB incentive program “MYPYME”, among other plans to support this effort.
To supplement this, the district’s legislative body passed several rules and regulations which provide the legal framework to support the industrial efforts in San Martín.
Exports Promotion Fund Fondo de Promoción a las Exportaciones, FOPEX) This effort is meant to support companies based in the district of San Martín that travel abroad to participate in international trade fairs, to get training, or search new clients or suppliers. The municipal government issues an official mission order which allows for travel costs, accommodation, participation in trade fairs, and other business-related expenses to be acknowledged by the municipality as tax-deductible expenses at 40%. This amount is taken as tax credit for the municipal rates these companies must pay.
Export Consortium and Production Networks Since 2001, the Secretary of Industry and Trade of the Municipality of San Martin has put in place an industrial incentive plan which encourages businesses and industries to join their business efforts based on their similar production, economic and social realities. This program is supported by the Ministry of Production of the Province of Buenos Aires, the National Industrial Technology Institute (INTI), the University of San Martin, the Constituyentes Technology Hub, and the Italian Embassy’s Technical Cooperation Integrated Program. Through this initiative, we look for “San Martin’s businesses to become more competitive and supplement each other through activities that ensure that their leaders start to envision their business as a global venture and to start targeting international markets.” Moreover, the project is meant to develop an exports culture among local businesses, which will enable them to increase and diversify their offer of goods and services for export in terms of the world’s demand. All the groups created have been declared as bearing an interest for the community. Along these lines, exporting wood and furniture joint-ventures “Consorcio Exportador del Mueble Madera y Accesorios (COEMMA)” and “Distrito industrial del mueble (DIM)” were acknowledged by the province as having a provincial interest.
MIPYME Program MIPYME is an incentive program that is intended to protect current or future industrial, business or services ventures in the District of San Martín. This is done by granting tax exemptions for periods up to two years, and also by encouraging the hiring of labor. The incentives for this micro, small and medium-sized businesses include the exemption of the following taxes: Safety and Health Inspection, Municipal Administrative Fees, Weights and Measures Inspection, Special Cleaning and Health Services, and Advertising and Propaganda Duties.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) On November 27, 2007, the Municipal Council of General San Martín ratified ordinance 9888. This rule determined the creation of a data bank for “Corporate Social Responsibility” and the acknowledgment of “Corporate Social Responsibility” for businesses. The aim of this acknowledgment is to create volunteer adhesion mechanisms to promote social and environmentally responsible business behaviors, to value the private sector’s support for the community, as well as the efforts to observe the rules of social responsibility. Also, the Data Bank allows for the appropriate analysis of the links between the private sector and the local community, and for the supply of cases that can be used by other private institutions.
Promotion of the software industry
The district of General San Martin has set to promote the software industry. The companies in this field, already in business or soon to be started, can benefit from a number of tax deductions that will allow for an increase in their spending and the hiring of labor. The key of this ordinance is to attract the software industry by granting tax benefits and include it as a strategic player in the country’s political and economic agenda. Among these benefits are tax exemptions or deductions of the following: Safety and Health Inspection, Municiapl Administrative Fees, Special Cleaning and Health Services, and Advertising and Propaganda duties. The software industry is characterized by being intensive human capital, since it requires highly-skilled labor. The promotion of this kind of industry is also intended as a way to improve the educational quality of the population, since it creates and increase in demand of highly-skilled workers and constant training. A key issue here is that software production is regarded as a “white industry”, as it does not pollute the environment. This way, we foster development without damaging the environment.
EPSAM (EXPOSICIÓN PYME SAN MARTIN) The most significant event in the city Each year, Epsam represents a new challenge, a task that requires the greatest commitment from its organizers, the Municipality and the Chamber of Economy of San Martín. This is the only way of achieving a better and better exhibition of small and medium companies. “Our determination is renewed to effectively promote productive investments, growth and sustained and genuine work, actions that are paying off in a favourable framework”, said the Mayor of San Martín, Mr. Ricardo Ivoskus, within the context of the presentation of the last Epsam, which was mounted in Parque Yrigoyen and the exhibition center Centro Miguelete. The organization of such an event can only progress with the hard work of different actors. One of the leading roles is played by the Municipality of General San Martín, through the Department of Industry and Commerce. The Chamber of Economy of San Martín is essential in the development of Epsam. And contributions are added up by the League of Commerce and Industry of San Martín; the Industrial Union of San Martín; the Business Chamber of the General San Martín District; the Assembly of Small and Medium Entrepreneurs (APYME); the Assembly of Industry, Commerce and Related Areas of Villa Maipú and the first Nonprofit Civil Organization of Entrepreneurial and Professional Women of San Martín (ACEP). With the incentive given by Epsam, results are shown in the high rates of economic recovery that San Martín can proudly demonstrate. There are significant data on this issue: it is the leading district as regards industrial recovery in the whole province of Buenos Aires and it also has the highest industrial employment rate in the country. The fruits of Epsam are immeasurable, as it is impossible to measure contacts made between exhibitors, authorities and visitors.
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The services offered by Epsam to small and medium companies can be summed up in four points: promoting a company and its products; attracting new customers and contacting suppliers; establishing national and international commercial relationships and participating in rounds of business. However, Ivoskus highlights some scopes of Epsam that go beyond industrial production and business development. Some numbers of the exhibition are convincing: about 200 thousand people visited the last exhibition (in only four days); 14 thousand meters covered; 600 exhibitors from industry, commerce and services; and 212 accredited media journalists.
The evolution of the exhibition Epsam was presented for the first time in 2004. It was an initiative of the Secretary of Industry and Commerce at that moment, Mr. Daniel Ivoskus, who is a councilor at present. “Previous exhibitions in San Martin were not good. They were events used for political purposes and were more like a political act instead of a real space for promoting the development of small and medium companies of the district”, states Daniel Ivoskus. In 2003, the League of Commerce organized an exhibition that, though small, represented the germ of Epsam: “a joint, serious and sustained work of the private and public sector”, defines Ivokus. As current president of the local City Council’s Industry Commission, Ivoskus states that “the exhibition was thought with clear aims: helping small and medium companies in their development by means of better contacts, better suppliers, more sales and foreign missions. It was also proposed as a meeting point for industries and residents, and as a cultural space, with free shows for all the community”. The growth of Epsam has been constant since its creation. In 2004, it had 200 exhibitors, occupied an area of 5,300 square meters, and was visited by more than 26 thousand people. The following year, the number of exhibitors was doubled and it reached an exhibition area of 8,100 square meters. 60,916 people visited the exhibition that year. In 2006, Epsam attracted 500 exhibitors, needed 11,700 square meters for its stands and exceeded 100 thousand visits. Growth was sustained in 2007 and 2008, with 600 exhibitors in each occasion and 14 thousand meters of exhibition. This year’s Epsam was visited by about 200 thousand people interested in the options offered by exhibitors and also in the strong cultural stake that shows not only the potential of San Martin but also the greatest musicians. Main exhibitors correspond to the following areas: metallurgy; furniture and wood; textiles, footwear and clothing; computing and communications; auto parts; financial and banking services; plastics; educational and health services; construction; chemical products; printing and graphic design; and food. Moreover, Epsam is the suitable place for the shopwindow of the most varied small businesses, having there a possibility of contacts and relationships that, in a direct or indirect way, usually allow growth. Epsam has an international pavilion with a significant presence and a strong level of visits. In the last exhibition, there were international rounds of business with the participation of entrepreneurs from Mexico, Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, Brazil and Ecuador. And it was graced with the presence of Ambassadors from Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, United States, Lebanon; and also diplomats from Paraguay, Hungary, Colombia, among others. “Epsam does not intend now to increase the number of exhibitors or visitors but
to offer an exhibition of excellence as regards quality and organization”, pointed out the member of the Chamber of Economy of San Martín, José Martorell, in the presentation of the 2009 exhibition.
Galaxia Industrial (Industrial Galaxy) A little over a week after the opening of Epsam 2008, a work of art that represents Working Culture began to be exhibited in the center of Parque Yrigoyen. The sculpture, created by the plastic artist Alejandro Marmo, was made with materials related to the industry. It is made of stainless steel and waste materials from factories of the district. Cogwheels, axles, iron links are joined together in the center of a metallic star, representing an industrial galaxy, as an artistic metaphor of the working universe. This work of art placed in Parque Yrigoyen, precisely on 25 de Mayo Avenue and General Paz, is aimed at representing a district that has managed to establish itself as Capital of the Industry. Its author, Alejandro Marmo, was born in 1971. He took his first steps in Plastic Arts during his childhood, at his father’s workshop, who was a blacksmith. At the age of 25, he started presenting his first individual exhibitions. And in 1998 he displayed his first exhibition in Europe. One year later, he mounted a studio in Italy, and from the year 2000 he has been developing a constant plastic, cultural and social activity in Europe, the United States and Argentina. His work has been endorsed by institutions with a great deal of academic prestige, such as the University of Bologna, the Consortium of Italian Universities and the Boston University. The creator of the Galaxia Industrial built, between 2001 and 2004, a path of giant sculptures with the aim of linking symbolically three Argentine provinces, and having in mind the idea of federating Argentine art. The highlights of this project are the works La Abeja (The Bee) (built with pieces of wreckage from the 1995 explosion of the Military Factory at Río Tercero) and the Monumento al Almirante Irizar (Monument to Admiral Irizar), among twenty pieces of work located in public places. In his important artistic career, Marmo includes the presentation of an itinerary exhibition within the framework of his project “Arte en las Fábricas” (Art at Factories) through the Argentine Republic, offering art workshops for workers.
First class cultural activities and shows Epsam is an open door for a great number of business opportunities and commercial contacts, but it also opens San Martín to culture, becoming a bridge between local and internationally renowned artists and the thousands of residents who visit the center every year. Its stages have hosted musicians of the most varied styles, who in Epsam reach people free of charge. Latin American folk ballets, popular singers, great rock bands, groups and distinguished voices have shown their art in this mega exhibition. But Epsam also lets its thousands of visitors know about the enormous artistic values of the region, which not always find favorable channels to display their work. A tradition in all renowned exhibitions is also present in Epsam: the election of the
Queen of Industry, emblem and beautiful ambassador of the exhibition throughout a year, after which she will have to give the scepter to another pretty woman. In Epsam’s last edition, Tatiana Gemetto was crowned queen, while Natasha Figueroa was named first princess and Rocío Agorreca second princess.
Parque Yrigoyen: The city’s green lung Parque Yrigoyen is the largest integrated public space in San Martín. This public area of four and a half hectares, located on 25 de Mayo Avenue and the feeder street of General Paz, is a daily recreational place for a great number of residents, and also a space given to Epsam each year. Parque Yrigoyen opened its doors in 2001. Most of its surface is wooded with a variety of species, and it is landscaped, with internal paths that have been paved for pedestrian use. It has a bicycle path, and among its amenities, some that stand out are wooden benches, trash cans and bathrooms for visitors, in addition to a playground. The park has a thatched barbecue area available for all the town’s residents and it is possible to state that, in a context that is not simple, families usually feel safe in the park, enjoying a free space with all the amenities and near their homes. Improvements and reforms were carried out in Parque Yrigoyen in 2006, within the framework of an intense work of remodeling and adequacy. The bicycle path was repainted and deteriorated spaces were repaired. According to the official estimates of the San Martín Municipality, the park is visited by more than two thousand people each week.
City Marketing As Daniel Ivoskus shows on his website (, a City Brand is more than a logo; it does not only refer to a simple product or to direct marketing strategies. On the basis of a text by Gonzalo Brujó, Managing Director, Interbrand, Spain, it can be stated that a product is consumed, there is a desire of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Unlike a product, a brand persists in time, accompanies us, identifies us and creates values that we adopt as ours. A brand is linked to those who live it. Beyond consumption, the city is enjoyed, is built from permanent ties, value is given to time, space, the place we live in as citizens. In this respect, Epsam’s contribution is essential and unavoidable. A city accompanies, creates networks, allows interaction. And that is the true link of the brand. Some characteristics of the city belong to each citizen. “The city brand is a name, and therefore, a sign that defines it and from which it has meaning. It refers to tangible indicators and contextual situations that mark residents”, points out Brujó. In this text about city marketing, it is stated that “a city cries for us to breathe it, live it, renew it, exploit it with all its potential”. It is also pointed out that “cities are like big arteries linked to knowledge, technology, mental openness, relationship with others, own and other people’s identity, freedom that transcends”. Cities are therefore opened to diversity and even more when they are large cities, as it is the case of San Martín. That is the aim, maybe intangible, set by municipal authorities, taking examples from European cities that have managed to create the concept of a city as brand, concept grasped by residents and valued by potential visitors and investors.
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ENGLISH TRANSLATION Centro Miguelete: A place for all events Chosen by the Chamber of Commerce of San Martín as the ideal place to host EPSam, Centro Miguelete-Exhibition Center will always be related to this mega industrial exhibition in the district. It covers an area of 10,000 m2, distributed into 3 pavilions of 6,500 m2, adaptable to different use alternatives, a hall with capacity for up to 2,300 people, an auditorium for 100, restroom areas, a railroad yard and a large parking lot. Strategically placed between the avenues General Paz, San Martín and 25 de Mayo, and next to Parque Yrigoyen, Centro Miguelete is easy to access either through fast roads or by the eleven bus lines that come up to its doors, and by train (Línea Mitre – Estación Miguelete), which leaves the visitor very near. This old Martini aperitif production plant was also a textile industry until one day the buildings where the spacious halls are placed today ceased producing and were abandoned. It was in 2005 when the entrepreneur Carlos Diforti purchased the property, with the original aim of creating a distribution center for all Algoselan products. However, he had never imagined that fate had something else in store for him. At the beginning of 2006, work began to be done in order to refurbish and transform the old factory into what it is today: a place for all kind of events. Centro Miguelete was opened in September, with that year’s EPSam. Requests to mount different exhibitions arrived soon and artistic shows appeared too. In 2008, corporative events, social and business meetings were added. Centro Miguelete hosted Expo Mecánica, the Hot Wheels exhibition, which was visited by more than 30,000 people, Expo Hot Rods and Expo Auto. Moreover, it has a team of professionals that offer advice on all kind of events. “At present, we keep on working to improve and enlarge the building. Our aim is to create a space will all the requirements and transform it into a referent for exhibitions and events”, this is the creators’ wish. Centro Miguelete is located 20 minutes away from Jorge Newbery Airport and 40 minutes from Ezeiza International Airport.
Hotel: Exclusively aimed at business people “The hotel proves an ideal complement to the Miguelete Center. The large industrial concentration in the area attracts business people who require accommodation.” With these words, architect Fernando Betoldi sums up his project of equipping San Martin with a hotel exclusively aimed at business people. The blueprint of the future hotel was approved by the Municipal Council in November 2008. Its construction is estimated for completion in two years, the exact same schedule the municipality has in place to carry out one of the items in its strategic plan “San Martin 2010.” Designed for and targeted at business people, the hotel will feature all the amenities a business executive expects when visiting the district with a business agenda, to attend a congress or an exhibition. Instead of rating the hotel with a number of stars, architect Betoldi prefers to describe this venture as a “first-class hotel, intended to provide accommodation and excellent service,” rather than a luxury but hardly functional facility.
The hotel will have 96 rooms, a swimming pool, a high-cuisine restaurant, a multifunction room, a spa center with sauna, a business center and a gym. Set only meters away from General Paz Ave., Betoldi believes the hotel’s location will add to the image of the district by welcoming visitors on their entry from the Capital. “Both for the district and the region, the hotel will prove an asset, since it will change the image of San Martín. The hotel and the Irigoyen Park and the Miguelete Center will become a unique setting in the metropolitan area, and the province at large, because of their singularity. “The hotel is a privately-funded venture backed by the municipal government. The construction of the hotel and the extension of the exhibition center emphasize the district’s decision as one of the players that promote business activity in the area. This was confirmed in the latest edition of business fair EPSam, the country’s largest industrial show. Furthermore, it revitalizes and revalues the zone, which has been long left behind, despite its strategic location,” said Daniel Ivoskus, head of the Industry and Trade Committee of the Municipal Council before the press.
PARQUES INDUSTRIALES Suárez Park: The environment for work Production has started again. The years of uncertainty and and unease were over. The facilities began to fill again with workers. The machines that had been quiet last decade broke the silence. The initial hopes of a productive project which was taking its first steps became a reality anchored in the old and healthy culture of work. In order to redefine itself as a complex of industrial buildings and offices with areas of common use, central services and security for the establishment of small and medium- sized industrial companies and/ or warehouses, Parque Suárez is nowadays the only private industrial park in the first belt of the suburbs of Buenos Aires. The premises have a long history linked to production. During approximately half a century, the premises accommodated IVA, one of the most important textile factories in Argentina, which manufactured the well-known Spencer suiting. The company had as many as one thousand employees and, it had a strong influence in the economic and social development of the area of José León Suárez. Nevertheless, in the past decade the company shared the same fate as many other long standing enterprises in the national market.IVA closed down in 1994. Later, the premises were rented out to companies devoted to logistics, transport and the distribution of goods. The present dream of creating an industrial gated community started to take shape at the beginning of the new millennium. Parque Suárez was born in the middle of 2002, “with a strong business conviction aimed at supporting the building of an economic and productive model based on industry, business and services as the driving force of the undeniable development of a country in crisis but with a strong vocation for success”. In 2004, the government of the province granted the legal framework for the new initiative. From that moment on, the initial idea has not ceased to grow.
Infrastructure, services
and legal framework Parque Suárez takes up an area of 50,000 m2; from which 38,000 m2 are covered. Within the common areas, there are 15,000 m2 for maneuvers, which allows for the immediate access to the plant and for comfortable loading and unloading. In addition, there are rest-rooms and locker rooms, and a complimentary parking for customers, guests and freight transportation. Inside the park there is a restaurant with a lounge to rest, and a small branch of Banco Francés. A neat central park with old trees is used as a green lung. The premises have a series of advantages that favor and foster the establishment of new companies: legal certainty, excellent geographical location, and important infrastructure for services, permanent security service, as well as availability and a variety of spaces in a friendly environment for the development of activities. The complex is on National Route 4 (Márquez Avenue), a few minutes away from Panamericana and Del Buen Ayre highways, Route 8, and close to the train station of José León Suárez. Parque Suárez has a permanent security service at the entrance and inside the premises through a close TV circuit and an electronic system for access control. As part of the services rendered, the people in charge of the initiative provide the maintenance and the cleaning of the common areas, protection against fire hazard- a reserve tank of 50,000 liters of water, a meeting room for hourly rental and an office for customer service and administrative duties inside the premises. Within this framework, to join the park allows the companies to improve their category in case they need to deal with tax benefits derived from the Law of Industrial Promotion of the Province of Buenos Aires.
San Andrés Textile Center The companies which set in motion the Textile Center San Andrés know there is strength in numbers. With this premise in mind, they resorted to associative work to generate a greater degree of competitiveness on one hand; and to face articulatory actions with local actors and others from abroad, on the other. The general purpose is to increase sustainability, growth and exportation at each link of the productive chain with huge potential. In order to achieve this, the participating companies, characterized by their associative attitude and adaptability to rules and procedures at the same time, recognize the need to bind with technical organizations and entities focused on the neighborhood and the area. In fact, this means resorting to networking to overcome obstacles and individual limitations. The wheels were set in motion in 2007, in the old premises of the late company Establecimientos Textiles San Andrés had in an area of approximately 4 hectares, with a covered area of 31,980 m2. This piece of land is located in a basically industrial area, few kilometers away from Buenos Aires city and its main accesses. The San Andrés Center is organized within an “industrial organized sector”. This entails several advantages for the companies established in the area: the existence of basic infrastructure, facilities to gain access to public policies of incentive for the industry, improvement of the conditions of security as there is an only vial and pedestrian entrance, perimeter protection and permanent surveillance, among other benefits. General San Martín represents a highly favorable environment for textile ventures. Close to 15% of the industrial activity in the district is devoted to this line of work. The county is characterized by a long history of textile tradition; it is in the second
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position nationwide concerning the index of specialization in the sector, with a wide range of products (knitted fabric, plain weave, spinning mills and cleaners). Having this history and favorable present, the Center rises as an organizing space for the joint acquisition of supplies and for the generation of new ways of commercialization and market development. At the same time, this project is analyzing the possibility of widening the knowledge on management tools, telecommunication and computer science, foreign trade and specific markets.
Facilities with a history At its most productive peak, the company Establecimientos Textiles San Andrés, also known as “Lanas San Andrés”, employed approximately three thousand workers. The origin of the factory dates back to 1948, and it belonged to the enterprising Pareira family. As years went on, the production, the amount of employees and the physical space grew. This expansion made the company a leader in the market, along with the textile companies Oeste, Lugano and Algodonera Flandria. It produced woolen yard, and to a lesser extent, synthetic fiber. Its sections included several productive stages: wool cleaning, carding, brushing, cleaning and spunlace. The economic conditions during the ‘90s brought about its extinction. Establecimientos Textiles San Andrés shared the fate with many other factories in this line of work. After many years of uncertainty and decadence, the factory closed its doors in 1995.
Industrial Complex San Martín (CISM; Complejo Industrial San Martín) Cold measurements indicate that the facilities take up 10 thousand square meters, divided into 17 units. History, on the other hand, tells about a rich past linked to the productive history of General San Martín. The land was, during several decades, the backyard of an important textile company that the Goldstein family opened when they arrived in Argentina in the 40’s. This productive project, that along with other projects earned the name of “Capital of Industry” for the district, employed as many as four thousand workers. At a later stage, the pioneers added bread-making to the original line of work. The economic ups and downs in Argentina caused this important endeavor to decline. During several years, the facilities became silent. But at the beginning of the last decade, a new generation took up the dream to reactivate the premises. At that moment an idea, which was by no means simple, arose in order to create a space capable of accommodating small and medium- sized companies. Thus, the Industrial Complex San Andrés was born. The CISM is devoted to renting industrial and commercial warehouses. It has a covered loading area, cleaning services, maintenance and third- party insurance through the management of expenses that also include the general servicing of the common streets, repairing of common spaces, property tax and administrative expenses. Daniel Goldstein, chairman of CISM, states that the key is “to adapt to the needs of the clients who need physical space to carry out their activities”. Another advantage the Complex offers is its location: just two kilometers away from General Paz Avenue, which makes access to and from Buenos Aires easy. The Complex also offers temporary units, an innovation still in development. “In one of the units there is a textile industry already set and the idea is to offer this
service as a temporary company. This entails a mentality change”, Goldstein, heir to a last name linked to the “Capital of Industry” states.
General San Martín Industrial Estate General San Martín distinguishes itself for being a strategic place to favor the development of local, national and international industrial projects. The proximity the Industrial Estate has with Camino del Buen Ayre highway, which connects the metropolitan area Western and Northern access ways, and primary circulation networks R. P.4, and secondary Italia street (borderline) together with the F.C.G.B. (borderline) and the F.C.M.B. train networks and the Don Torcuato Airport area, establish a strategic link with respect to its location for industrial development. The concentration of a series of interrelated activities make up a logical chain, thus, the site of production must be immersed within a spatial system including productive and consumer centers, their transport, distribution and storing systems, as well as other related activities. Among the most relevant conditions of the companies to be settled in the General San Martín Industrial Estate, we can mention: high end technologies in productive processes, local workers employment and permanent innovation in the development of their products, with the purpose of becoming outstanding providers of both regional and national markets. The settlement of new businesses in the General San Martín Industrial Estate will be incentivized, as from Law 10,119/83 of the Province of Buenos Aires and Regulating Decree 3487/91 which purpose is to promote the creation of Planned Industrial Estates and Sectors. The Industrial Estate, which covers 13 hectares with approximately 90,000 sq. meters available, will have national companies and high end technology in productive processes, generating a regional socio economic reactivation which, in turn, will impact on the development of the district.
Objectives To favor tax benefits for small and medium-size companies, granting exemptions on Municipal Rates (Safety and Hygiene Inspection Rate – Weight and Measure Inspection Rates – Special Cleaning and Hygiene Service Rate – Advertising and Propaganda Rights). Financing: Banco Provincia, Banco Nación, Banco Ciudad, Banco Galicia. • To foster the development of the economic activity. • To promote the settlement of new companies. • To favor the execution of new projects. • To complete the service and equipment infrastructure. The entities involved in this project are the Municipality of Gral. San Martín and Empresa Urbanizadora Norte S.A.
INDUSTRIES Algoselan Algoselan Flandria is a textile company dedicated to the manufacturing and commercialization of a wide variety of cotton and blended fabrics, yarns, chains and to
the services of warping and sizing. Its main product is denim. It was founded in 1951 under the name of Algoselan. It was for many years a typical SEM in the city of San Martín. With time, it evolved under different settings, not always favorable, of the Argentine market until the recent 90s. It is defined as “a dynamic and versatile company that, besides offering a wide variety of products, is aimed at adjusting itself to customers’ needs as regards quantity, quality requirements and delivery speed”. The company has its administration and commercial offices in the city of San Martín. The showroom, the distribution center and one of the two factories are in the same place. In the main office, it has important equipment of warping and sizing machines. The company provides door-to-door services of warping and sizing of cotton yarns and synthetic fibers. There was a before and after in Algoselan’s history. In 2001 it purchased the old Algodonera Flandria and a new era of Algoselan, which added the name Flandria to its name, began to be woven in a propitious business environment for relaunching the national textile industry and for textile manufacture. With Flandria as inspiring idea and taking advantage of this company’s profile in the manufacturing of denim, it started in 2002 a process to become supplier of the important jeanswear market. The company has long experience as supplier of complete chains, but from the expansion and improvement of Flandria’s spinning mill, it has added the sale of water twist cotton yarns and notions. From those small and medium sized companies of the beginning of the 50s to this present, Algoselan has broadened its range of products with the same intensity that it has renewed the technology of its plants. Nowadays, it manufactures a range of products thought to achieve a good relationship of value, so that they have a competitive price, versatility of use and reliable quality standards. Fabrics compose a collection that goes from a weight of 8 ounces to 12.5 ounces in different weaves and dyeings (indigo and black). In color cloths, it has a line of 100% cotton and blended woven fabrics. The collection includes gabardine of 6 and 8 ounces, gross (cotton and polyester) and dyed broadcloth. Gabardines are aimed at the informal market as well as at professional uniforms in a variety of colors and neatening. Algoselan is a traditional supplier of bonded cloths aimed at sport and casual footwear, in a range of adhesive 100% cotton fabrics and resin cloths, with different variants of light brins for espadrilles up to more heavy brins for tennis shoes. In addition to cloths for flannels, honeycomb weaves, and some fabrics with special finishing such as moleskin, it manufactures grey cloths mainly in cotton fabrics and in a wide variety of constructions and grammages aimed at different uses. Some products that stand out are the broadcloth called “2020”, pocket linings and different grey goods to be finished in dyehouses.
All Gasket Co. S.R.L. Jacketed, spiral wound, solid metal, diesel engine, large, medium or small, round or die cut, in any other form, in soft iron, copper, graphite, stainless steel, rubber or pressboard, for the oil and rail industry, standard or custom-made. No matter which type of gasket is needed: All Gasket & Co. manufactures it because “where there is a flange, there is a gasket”, says the company’s president, Ricardo Luna. The precision of handmade cuts and the quality of raw materials are two inseparable allies that sustain this SEM dedicated to the manufacturing of industrial gas-
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ENGLISH TRANSLATION kets since 1994. All Gasket Co. is a representative of Flexitallic in Argentina and South America, the British company that invented a gasket for the oil industry in 1912 that has not ever been beaten. “In the gasket business, there is a wide range of products but all is controlled by pressure”, states Luna in the middle of an endless number of essential parts for the functioning of the most demanding and strange engines that could be imagined. Luna was for years an expert in the business of rail spare parts. But one day he realized that what would make him a medium and thriving entrepreneur was far from trains. And that is how he passed from the valve business to the industrial gaskets. What at the beginning seemed an adventure, started then to give shape to this modern industrial plant of 800 m2 that has machines imported from China and a two-stored plant where it designs, manufactures its moulds and distributes its products to the whole country and also exports them to Bolivia, Ecuador and Canada. However, not everything was perfect. In the 1990s, trains passed to private hands and sales slumped. It was necessary to manage to fix that. “I sent 101 faxes to all large gasket companies in the world, including Flexitallic, which is the number one”. And it was precisely the world’s most important company the one that trusted Luna and All Gasket & Co. The short but prolific history of the company began writing another chapter. In the year 2000, it obtained the ISO 9001 quality standard. With these guarantees, it was only necessary to test the quality of gaskets. In September 2005, All Gasket & Co.’s products were subjected to strict requirements. “The only Argentine company passing this crucial test”, remembers Luna. The test was carried out in Houston, United States, and was certified by the American Petroleum Institute. This achievement was a milestone for the company, and has positioned it in an honorable position within the field of industrial gaskets manufactured in the country.
Arquimex The company was born more than 50 years ago, with the commercial objective of providing the Argentine industry with first quality consumables. Arquimex improved on an on until one day it started to put a step outside the national territory. Its aluminum paste and aluminum powder, which excellence is widely known, are exported to several countries in South America, the United States, Europe and the South East. Arquimex’s offer constantly diversifies itself with the incorporation of a wide range of consumables imported through the exclusive representation of companies such as Québec Metal Powders, Petroquímica Uniao, Maha Chemicals (Asia), Rio Tinto Iron & Titanium, and Richards Bay Minerals. By means of a total quality program and of continuous improvement, the company serves the national productive sector and joins the business growth. Examples of this are its technical and professional pre- and post-sale advice, delivery of materials in due time and manner, and an excellent production for optimizing the quality of the industry here and around the world. Arquimex is, globally speaking, one of the few businesses in its field which elaborates its own raw materials. This is the reason why it can offer first level aluminum paste and aluminum powder. In Arquimex, one of the basic rules for labor is the wellness of both present and
future generations, which is realized through the respect and care given to the planet. In this respect, the company adhered to the Responsible Environmental Care Program launched by the Chamber of the Chemical and Petrochemical Industry, which is considered “much more than a declaration of principles. It is a real commitment.” Arquimex has been one of the first companies to join this program, thus in line with the world tendency towards a greater ecological consciousness of the protection of life in all its forms. In this scenario, it is deemed satisfactory to work with aluminum, as it is one of the noblest metals, a hundred percent recyclable. The product Arquimex elaborates in its plant located in the district of San Martín hast multiple applications: paintings, coverings, plastics, coatings, fillers, textiles, medicine, leathers, decoration, reflectivity, stationery, masterbach and press dyes. Arquimex works based on three concepts: mission, vision and culture. Its mission is to guarantee the excellence of its products and services, providing solutions, confidence and tranquility to its clients. Its vision is to provide quality raw materials and services to the Argentine industry and to the whole world. And as its culture, it supports the ideas of responsibility, confidence, creativity, conviction, and credibility. Due to its investment in people, Arquimex received, besides several prestige certifications, the “Carlos Pellegrini” award given by the Argentine Industrial Union. As it was highlighted in its 50th Anniversary, “Arquimex is the brand of an attitude towards life based on an integrated work and on participation, with responsibility focused on quality and efficiency.”
Calzetta Neumáticos For more than 25 years now, Calzetta Neumáticos has dedicated its business efforts to a fast and efficient solution to problems, with proper answers for each and every car around. In this way, it can meet the needs of both end users and companies. The company specializes in alignment, balance, tire and tire accessory sale services for all kinds of vehicles. Calzetta Neumáticos represents leader brands such as Michelin, BFGoodrich, Fate, and Continental, among others. Moreover, it distributes its services all around the country. Each of its branch stores is equipped with modern machinery, which allows it to respond to the requirements of the latest imported car models, industrial and agricultural vehicles, and also vial machinery. The fact that the company has highly trained personnel and a varied stock of products makes it possible for it to offer a proper customized attention and the best service, but at a convenient cost. As far as the business itself is concerned, it should be noted that thanks to the effort dedicated to improve everyday its range of services, it finally turned into the first tire company in the country to certify its quality control system under ISO 9001:2000 standard. In its branch located in the district of San Isidro (Avenida Márquez 2916), in its branch located in the district of Martínez (intersection of Fondo de la Legua and Thames) and in its branch located in the district of San Martín (Juan D. Perón 3420), Calzetta Neumáticos serves the client. But also from its web site ( it offers a number of useful pieces of advice, absolutely practical for drivers. There, among other details,
it informs on an adherence guide, tips on the lifespan of a tire, a simple program for calculating rotation, brake calculations according to the pavement state and all the necessary data for choosing the most adequate tire for any planned use.
Cotillón Casa Alberto (Party Supplies) More than 22 thousand items make up the range of products offered by Cotillón Casa Alberto to his customers of the whole country. In the interior of the grand store located on the Ayacucho Avenue, a variety of colors mix on endless shelves that contain the latest products in the field. The store was created 20 years ago by the initiative of Alberto Cantarín, its founder and main responsible. In two decades, the company grew to the point that it became the most important in Argentina in its specialty. At present, it supplies 70 percent of the retail market. The passage of time also allowed it to expand to fields such as pastry-making and handicrafts, as well as to add sugar confectionery to the conventional offer of party supplies. Besides being a wholesaler of stores dedicated to this commercial activity, it is an ideal place to buy things for a wedding or a fifteenth birthday. About 30 percent of the products offered are imported. Moreover, Cotillón Casa Alberto is present at different business events and on television programs about handicrafts. The customers from different parts of the country who visit the store move there as in a supermarket. With their shopping carts and assistance from a vendor, they choose without middlemen the products that they will then sell for retail consumption. The founder highlights that his store “has made a company out of the field of party supplies”. Cantarín also points out a characteristic of this specialty: “It is a very funny field, because while people buy, they try different products. It is a happy field”. “We bet on San Martín. That is why we say that our work is from San Martín to the whole country”, states Cantarín about his firm conviction of growing in the district that saw the birth of his store 20 years ago.
Cimet Cables S.A. Since 1951, Cimet is the most important Argentine company dedicated to the manufacturing of electric and telephone cables. In its plant of 71,300 m2 in José León Suárez, it employs more than 300 people, including plant workers and administrative staff. It also has offices in Chile and commercial representation in Sao Paulo, Brazil. As a supplier in the demanding industrial and telecommunications sector, Cimet has a test laboratory where it constantly designs, develops and tests new products for special applications and cutting-edge technology. That allows it to meet strict quality standards and manufacturing technical specifications both at a national and international level, such as the ISO 9001 granted by the Bureau Veritas Quality, acquiring prestige and raising the possibility of new markets. With a strong presence in Peru, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay and Venezuela, Cimet exports to all Latin America and at present also to France and Spain, a gateway to the European Community. Absolute leader in the manufacturing of telephone cables, its flagship products
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are cables with copper or aluminium conductors insulated with reticulated polyethylene as PVC, for networks up to 35 kv. Moreover, it produces cables with low gas emission and resistant to flames. Today, the star line is called “Zerotox”, an energy conductor ideal for cinemas, shopping centers, airports or micro stadiums and large indoor facilities. Cimet supplies Edesur, Edenor, Telefónica, Seneca of Venezuela, Eden, Transener, Edesa, Epec, YPF Repsol, Skanka, Astra Evangelista, Petrobras, Pan American Energy, Plus Petrol of Peru, among others. 650 tons of copper from Brazil and 400 tons of aluminum from the south of the country arrive monthly at the plant in José L. Suárez to be transformed in thin filaments of essential use in the modern world. The experience gained in more than half a century of life makes Cimet Cables be a core company that adapts itself to as different requests as those made by the nautical, fishing, naval, mining, civil and oil industries. Present in each EPSam exhibition, Cimet recognizes the promotion policy implemented by the municipality for industries in the district. They consider this contribution an essential link between the public and private sector at the time of participating in rounds of business in other countries and for Cimet to keep its slogan up: “Always a step forward”.
Colombraro, The Factory Colombraro Hnos. has its industrial plant, administrative offices, storehouse, molding workshop, and even an ecologic area in the center of Villa Maipú. It covers five blocks and an area of 50,000 square meters where it manufactures, mainly with its own molds and cutting-edge technology, a range of 1,050 high-impact plastic items. It is planning to launch 70 more at the end of the year. There are also plans to increase its distribution and commercialization chain throughout its own stores. The idea is to pass from the 80 “Paseo de Compra Colombraro” that it currently has –visited by an average of 30 thousand people every day- to 120 or 130 stores. Colombraro Hnos. employs 200 people directly and 500 more indirectly. Its products are accepted by the public that recognizes them as a synonym of quality and durability. Paying attention to what people like, Colombraro never rests. People from the company go over the world looking for the product required by people. Therefore, new products are constant. “The public is always waiting for the new product launched in the last week. That is what keeps us alive”, states Ricardo Colombraro, who together with his brother Enrique started manufacturing a spatula in their workshop of Villa Devoto more than half a century ago. In contrast to the erratic economic policy, the process of disindustrialization of the last decades and the indiscriminate entry of imported products, Colombraro has done the opposite: it has bet on effort, permanent investment, employee training and improvement to achieve a privileged position in the plastic products sector. Colombraro has overcome even the hardest periods. It is a company that adapts itself to circumstances. “Some boxers are very technical and look at the referee asking him to act accordingly. That is a kind of fight. Another kind of fight is when items from outside appear and start beating us. As the most important manufacturers of household items in Argentina, we also start beating. Sometimes we receive low blows but we keep our balance”, sums up, with a metaphor, Ricardo Colombraro.
In 1985 the company from San Martín opened its first own store in Munro. Pure and difficult intuition, but profitable. “An act of courage”, says the creator of an empire molded in plastic. The “Paseo de Compra Colombraro” gradually replaced the old commercialization chain. “Without wishing to be pedantic, if we ask women, I think 95 percent of them know Colombraro”, states its creator.
Cremolatti More than 50 years ago, grandpa Giuseppe and grandma Gina decided to start selling the ice creams they made at home sticking to the recipes of the traditional and authentic Italian gelato. And they soon gain public acceptance. Shortly after, they began opening ice cream shops that rapidly became a trademark in all San Martín. With the passage of time, changes arrived. In 1988, the third generation of master ice cream makers merged those ice cream shops creating Cremolatti, but the home-made and natural quality of the product has never been altered. Nowadays, the company has in San Andrés a plant equipped with cutting-edge technology imported from Italy and has even a quality control laboratory that guarantees the highest safety standards. And this is also reflected in customers’ loyalty, who show constant approval for Cremolatti in a chain formed by more than 50 ice cream shops in strategic points of the city of Buenos Aires, Greater Buenos Aires and the interior of the country. The creators of the creme caramel flavored ice cream proudly highlight that in Cremolatti the gelato is made in the old style. Vanilla is not artificial but directly imported as it comes out of the plant; the tiramisu flavor is the star of the shop and it has no point of comparison, while the dulce de leche “3 sensaciones” (3 sensations caramel) becomes an irresistible temptation even for the most demanding palates. In short, “our flavors do not have extracts and colorants. They are totally natural food, with all their proteins, calcium and vitamins, converted into ice cream”, they point out. Today Cremolatti employs 240 people indirectly and keeps on betting on the future in “a firm but constant manner”, they say. Proof of this is the updating of the business image recently undertaken; the creation of the Club del Helado (ice cream club), an exclusive space of which customers can become members and receive promotions, benefits and special discounts; and the incorporation of a range of ice creams with more than 40 special flavors for celiac people; which make the company to be leader in the competitive market of home made ice creams but without forgetting about the origin as a familiar company that saw its birth and growth up to these days. “They are goals that we could achieve thanks to the commitment and responsibility of each member of the team, reaching a privileged place in market leadership. For this reason, we have decided to double the challenge and improve day after day, for our products to exceed customers’ expectations”. A declaration of principles that, like Giuseppe and Gina’s recipe, is not modified for anything in the world.
Distritec S.A. Since 1976, Distritec S.A. develops control and automatic control systems in devices, machines and processes, besides the commercialization of components mainly belonging to the hydraulics and industrial pneumatics areas. It aims at positioning itself as the best supplier in the industrial automation area, satisfying its clients with the highest professionalism and honesty, and providing
intelligent and balanced solutions to improve its productivity. The company is divided in several areas, with the objective of interpreting the needs of each client: Pneumatics Division; Oleodynamics Divison; Training Service; Repair and Installation Service; and Manufacturing Service. Each area has professionals trained to discuss the problem and thus rapidly and economically coordinate and implement a solution. Moreover, it offers its clients a team of the highest level advisors who make it possible to approach high technology difficulties. Due to its specialization, Distritec is able to provide products, engineering and maintenance services, spare components, control assemblies, installation of systems on machines, personnel training, and software. So as to quickly meet the needs of its clients, the company has a stock of proprietary products of the following manufacturers: Micro Automación, Yuken, Jefferson, Drecaf, Stauff, Hydraforce, Prayco, and Livenza. The company is strongly committed with training and it frequently offers courses on different specialties. In turn, it developed a Training System on Hydraulics, particularly for students. And, among a long list of products, it offers a Power Save Control System, devices for the Control of Pollution, Prayco Hydraulic Cylinders, Edge Guides and Oil Filtering and Decanting Units. In its modern web site (, the company offers useful services. For example, a variety of schematic oleohydraulic cuts and a system for applying pneumatic cylinders. In this same site, now budget requests can be submitted. From its headquarters located on Avenida 85 N° 1113 or through its web site, Distritec follows different objectives; among them, to meet the requested deliveries within 24 hours of submittal of the order.
Electro Dos Electro Dos has long experience in the market of electrical supplies. The company, founded in 1978 by Juan Caruso, is a referent for about 500 SEMs of the General San Martín district and contiguous areas. Although in a lower proportion, it supplies the construction sector and individual customers. Anyway, its development and growth is linked, from its origins, to the industrial profile of the district. Being links of the same production chain, the company contributes its experience and quality assurance to companies of various areas. As supplier of electrical items, Electro Dos is today a family business. Since the 1990s, Juan Caruso’s sons joined the business. Experience and youth combined in a renewed impulse that allows maintaining permanent updating in industrial automation. Its offer of material supplies includes about 25 thousand items of leading trademarks in the electricity market. As part of a comprehensive customer service, the company has a fleet of vehicles to send orders in less than 24 hours. In October 2001, Electro Dos opened its current store, located on 4286 Irigoyen Street. In that expansion phase, the company opened a branch in the city of Campana. The keys for the success achieved can be summed up in a handful of characteristics that link the past and present of Electro Dos: responsibility, good prices, personalized attention, top quality products. Pablo Caruso, the company’s commercial manager, explains that the business he manages together with his three brothers and his father stands out for maintaining
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ENGLISH TRANSLATION a good relationship with customers, which involves “being alert to the needs and problems that may appear”. “In spite of having more than 30 employees, the company is still managed by its owners, what allows us to have direct contact with our customers”, adds Pablo.
EMR Founded in 1932 as a molding and automation factory, EMR de Argentina is a young company with many years of experience. The family that gave origin to its history, in its third generation, maintains the clear aim of providing quality and service in the production of a wide variety of products for the furniture industry, a horizon drawn 25 years ago. Its products are the fruit of a strict manufacturing process that starts from highly qualified industrial designers and passes through production processes with the strictness of the ISO 9001 standards, assuring quality in the whole range of products, both metallic or wooden, or combined. From its origin, EMR develops products on request. More than 12 years ago, it started participating in national fairs and about 10 years ago it began making its way through exports. EMR has an Engineering department for prototype development and an innovative management system. Administration, sales, engineering and quality are centralized, while production and distribution are decentralized. Faustino Rodríguez, its manager, presents the company as “the EMR flower” whose center is the management, and the petals are the machining of steel, machining of wood, zamac injection, vibratory polishing, screw thread, finish and distribution. Production management is “atomized”; production is outsourced and works with a detailed distribution system. Another differential characteristic of EMR is its respect for the “EMR Concepts”, such as “The company as a product”; “Not believing in failures but in negative results”; “Aiming at constant improvement and innovation”; “Not seeking customer satisfaction but royalty”, “Not managing human resources but organized teams” and “Not meeting expectations, surpassing them”; among others. As part of its growth, EMR has been participating of the heterogeneous exporting group AREXSAM for the last 8 years and is founder of the exporting group Patagonia Herrajes, with participation in fairs of Mexico, Peru, Bolivia and Colombia and commercial missions to Venezuela, Chile, Guatemala, El Salvador, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru and Bolivia. At present, EMR belongs to both groups and is founding partner of the DIPAT Distrito Industrial Patagonia Herrajes de San Martín (Industrial District of Patagonia Herrajes in San Martín). The company updates and informs its customers constantly about news and new launchings. “We strongly believe that permanent communication with customers is essential for genuine development”, states its responsible.
Establecimientos Romet S.A. The founding partner of Establecimientos Romet created the company in 1980. He did it accompanied by a wealth of 20 years of experience in the automotive parts industry. In its origins, the company was dedicated to the supply of stamped parts and light machining for the Argentine automotive industry. In 1990, a strategic decision that marked the future of Establecimientos Romet S.A.
was made. The company professionalized and started adding value to its products. From then on, its growth was exponential and was the pillar for its current position as a leading company in the automotive parts field. That change showed terminals and labor unions that there was an opportunity for fitters to obtain systems that at that moment were assembled “in house”. At present, Establecimientos Romet S.A. produces the most demanding automotive parts as regards quality made by terminals: pedals, gear levers, parking brakes, window risers, hood, doors and trunk locks, door limiters, and a great number of welded assemblies. This complex, multiple work guaranteed by different quality certificates is carried out daily with a staff of 200 people, among which there are engineers, quality technicians, mold makers, administrative and plant staff, coordinated by the Manager’s Office and the Director’s Office. Establecimientos Romet has all its operative system distributed in three plants within José León Suárez. The three pursue the same production aim. Plant 1 is located on 7002, 49 Street. It has an area of 1,900 square meters and a staff of 73 people divided into logistics, administration and assemblage workers. Plant 2 is a few meters away from the first plant, on 6832, 49 Street. It covers an area of 2,800 square meters and has 108 workers: engineers and quality, administration and stamping and welding staff. Moreover, Plant 3 is placed in 2052 San Vicente Street. It has an area of 400 square meters and a staff of 10 people working in molding. A new plant has been added to these. It is located inside the area of Plant 1 and covers an area of 1,200 square meters and its working capacity is added to the company’s production with assembly, welding and quality control. Establecimientos Romet S.A.’s customers prove the quality of the company’s work: Ford, Volkswagen, Toyota and PSA Peugeot Citroen give this company the production of a long list of automotive parts. “Producing original automotive parts meeting our customers’ expectations and pursuing our quality and environmental management policy”, is a motto present in each worker, in each machine, in each product of Establecimientos Romet. And it is put into practice every day, since 1980.
Inquinat S.A. Founded in 1977, Inquinat S.A. is a company that, along its path, has consolidated its leadership in the market of water treatment and related processes. Its building located on 5792, 86 Street, with an area of 2,000 square meters, consists of the general administration, the plant of chemical products, laboratories, a workshop for the assemblage of equipment and storages. A brand-new plant placed a few meters away the original one and branches in Chile and Brazil have been added. “We are a traditional SEM, created by two young men, that has grown with the passage of time in water treatment and has managed to achieve the fact that today more than 50 people work in it in direct relation. It is a production that in the last years has added processes for manufacturing juice concentrates”, says David Granovsky, one of the directors with a B.S. in Chemistry, who shares his business responsibility with his colleague Víctor Hugo Rizzo. Both try to use and provide the tools for the growth of work of people in the area. Inquinat S.A. manufactures and commercializes its own trademarks and distributes worldwide-recognized products such as Dow (United States and Europe), Filmtec (United States), Amiad (Israel), Siata (Italy), Pevasa (Spain) and Carbon Resources
(United States). Understanding that water is a highly important natural resource, and that its provision in quantity and quality is crucial for the functioning of industries, plants and buildings, Inquinat maintains a permanent stock of products and spare parts, in order to be able to rapidly meet users’ needs. With the aim of assuring the correct installation and use of the equipment and materials provided, Inquinat S.A. has representatives and distributors in different cities of the country, so as to improve the efficiency of the service, advise and offer technical support. “We always emphasize business social commitment. We do not want Inquinat to become just a lucrative instrument, but a company that transfers part of the benefits obtained to the society that surrounds it. That aim never has to be lost. A company makes sense provided that it is a dynamizing element of the social activity”, states Granovsky.
Linde Gas Argentina Grupo Linde is one of the leading companies, in Argentina and the world, in the production and marketing of industrial and medicinal gases, and its associated services. In Argentina it has more than 300 direct employees. Up to 2008, it operated under the name of AGA, business settled in our country since 1920, having its Central Administration office in the district of San Martín since 1949, contributing to the development of the national industry constantly improving the productive processes of its clients. Industrial gases are involved in the productive processes of most industries, and medicinal gases are used in health care centers and by individual patients all around the country. Grupo Linde is focused on providing its clients an excellent service through the high end technology and a vast and rich experience in its specialization field: industrial and medicinal gases. Safety and environmental care are priorities for Grupo Linde, reason why its commitment is promoting and developing solutions for improving such areas. It covers a wide geographical area all along the country through its branches and a vast distribution network. It has 14 manufacturing and fractioning plants located in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Córdoba, Mendoza, Tucumán, Corrientes, and Neuquén.
THE LINDE GROUP World leading company on engineering, industrial and medicinal gases. With a history of 125 years in the market, the group consolidated its position in 2006, when it acquired the British group BOC. At present, it operates in 100 countries distributed in seven big regions. One of them is the South American Region, encompassing Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Mecalux Argentina Mecalux Argentina is a company of the Grupo Mecalux (a Spanish company with main office in Barcelona) that with 43 years in the market is one of the world leaders in global storage solutions.
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The company is present in more than 70 countries, with production plants in Spain, France, Poland, Mexico, United States, Brazil and Argentina. Mecalux Argentina was the first industrial plant of the group established outside the Iberian country. It started its activities in 1980 in the General San Martín district, in a shed of 3,800 m2. As part of its sustained growth during three decades by means of constant reinvestments, the plant covers at present a surface of 21,000 m2. Its work includes the design, manufacturing, commercialization and provision of services related to metal shelves, automatic storages and other storage solutions. The different elements used in the assemblage of final products are made in modern automatic lines for manufacturing, cutting, stamping, streamlining, and welding robots of cutting-edge technology. Then, there is an automatic process of painting that gives adequate protection. Moreover, the materials more exposed to wear and corrosion receive a finish by a process of cataphoresis, which provides a degree of resistance three times superior to conventional painting. Mecalux Argentina offers from simple archive racks to the most complex robotized storage. As an example, of the 21 self-supporting automatic storages existing in the country, 14 were supplied by the company, which has the main companies of the country among its customers. As a consequence of a path characterized by adding top quality products to the market, providing careful customer service and complying with all its commercial, work and tax responsibilities, the company holds in the country, since some years ago, the undisputed leadership of the field.
Mecatrol Since 1973, year of its foundation, Mecatrol S.A. has been dedicated to the manufacturing of the most varied range of mechanical parts and assemblies, mainly directed to the automotive and metal-mechanic industry. By means of a quality policy aimed at adequate customer service, fulfillment of agreements, constant quality, repetitive reliability, competitive costs and continuous improvement of its Quality System, Mecatrol has positioned itself as a leading-edge supplier, specialized also in the manufacturing of hydraulic cylinders. The company developed, implemented and certified national and international quality management and assurance standards, such as the series ISO-9002, IQnet, EAQF’94 and QS-9000. In its plant located on 1598, 97 Street, the company has cutting-edge machines, which are totally automated and equipped with numerical control commands. Its production capacity is very high. Mecatrol is able to develop any kind of part, either of steel, aluminum or other types of material. As regards the automotive field, the company supplies both the terminals and the replacement market with any kind of parts and assemblies with its own or original engineering. These parts can be in large series or in short productions. Outside the automotive sector, Mecatrol has considerable experience for developing any kind of parts or assemblies within the hydraulic and metal-mechanic field. Diego Lamelas, one of its owners, remembers that during the crisis of the beginning of this century Mecatrol chose the diversification of its production and it was then that the relationship with the Armed Forces was improved and it started working with spare parts for competition cars. Mecatrol won the national public bid for repowering and overall repair of an
amphibian LVPT-7 caterpillar vehicle. At present, in a large shed equipped as a multifunctional workshop, it is possible to see amphibious and panhard vehicles that are totally repaired to be used in different peace missions. In Argentine vehicles from the Armed Forces, all the systems are brought to an optimal degree of operative reliability, and the general standard of the vehicle to a level similar to that of the LVTP-7 A1. In order to do this, the original engine is replaced by one of similar Caterpillar benefits, of 6 cylinders in line and 4 strokes. “We are nationalizing absolutely all that is necessary to repair these vehicles, and this generates a strong interest not only within the country but also abroad”, points out Lamelas. The company is equipped with totally automated cutting-edge machines and numerical control commands that allow high production capacity. It has machining centers –CNC control; CNC lathes; automatic twin head lathe - cam control; automatic lathes, parallel lathes; turret lathes; centerless grinding machine; external-internal universal grinding machine; flat grinding machine with magnetic plate; tangential trimmer; milling machines; automatic laminating machines; cutting and drilling machines. Mecatrol’s main customers are Fiat Brasil (FIASA), Fiat Córdoba, Peugeot Argentina, Fabila S.A., Citefa, Eugenio Falloni e Hijos, Imeco S.A., Diacrom S.A., Close Tech S.R.L, Aluar, IATE, Yacimientos Carboníferos Río Turbio, Aceros Zapla, Fadac S. A., SKF Argentina, Armada Argentina, Motomecánica Argentina, Rotyl Frenos, Pringles San Luis, Ejército Argentino, Polaris Ind. (USA), TFC Engineering (Francia) and Kry-Tech Power Products. And among its special works: the TAM (Tanque Argentino Mediano), VAO and Panhard projects and various productions for Rail Material and Military Manufactures. In addition to having a highly qualified staff for programming and carrying out the different tasks involved in the development of new products, Mecatrol’s outsourced services and external laboratories consist of suppliers certified by the Automotive Industry.
Medoro Founded 70 years ago, Félix A. Medoro is a leading company in the manufacturing of paper envelopes and bags. With cutting-edge technology, it is positioned as one of the most important factories in the region. In a plant covering a block on Juan Domingo Perón Avenue –exactly 4,000 square meters- we manufacture both standard and custom envelopes. And it adds other items to its production, such as folders, paper blocks, notepads, lined index cards and air bags. From San Martín, Medoro supplies stationery and printing stores, supermarkets and companies, offering service, quality and experience. Medoro is, as it is proclaimed in its plant, “a synonym for envelope”, but its slogan is more generic: “at the service of international communication”. In normal working periods, the factory produces between a million and a million and a half envelopes each day, both in constant production sectors and in those that work a certain number of hours a day. Medoro has a permanent stock of 20 days and supplies the whole national market, exports and is absolute leader in its field. “From its founders up to our days, there have been three generations of constant struggle, inventiveness when resources were not available, joint effort, training of
human resources to reach these days in which we are happy for the achievements but with an open and roofless future”, stated Mario Melgin, a Medoro’s worker, within the framework of the celebration of the company’s 70th anniversary. A curiosity: On its website, Medoro offers what is called “The ABC of Envelopes”. There, for those that see an envelope as a simple paper element, each of its parts are detailed: top flap, throat, bottom flap, side flaps, interior, front, back, open-panel window, covered window, wallet flap envelope, commercial envelope and pointed flap envelope. In constant growth, Medoro keeps on planning the future. “When fax machines appeared, it was thought that there would be a decrease in production. Nothing happened. With e-mails fear was felt again. But production is still growing”, say its responsibles. The continuous movement in the factory certifies that.
Menudencias S.A. Next time you eat a great barbecue and somebody asks the rest to cheer up the cooker, also think the credits for the offal belongs to Menudencias S.A. The company was born in 1985 as a butcher’s shop strategically located on De los Constituyentes and General Paz Avenues. Like at the beginning, it continues being managed by the Pugliese family but today it has 175 employees, a plant in Loma Hermosa district where it concentrates its commercial offices and a shop it keeps for retail sales. It is supplied by six meat processing plants, it elaborates cold meat and it exports offal to remote locations such as Russia, Korea, or China. Luis Pugliese, director of the company, defines himself as one of the big offal makers of the area dedicated to the marketing of cold meat and especially of bovine giblets. “In 1998 we began to export mainly to Asian countries such as China, Korea, Taiwan, and in its season to Russia, and the European Common Market,” tells Pugliese. For offering export quality, the company counts on the support of first level meat processing plants which meet the needs of the foreign market, but at the same time without overlooking the internal market with all its offal variety which tempt every barbecue. Fresh products with the proper quality controls and respecting strict hygiene standards make it possible for Menudencias S.A. to have a strong presence in the main hypermarket chains in the City of Buenos Aires and its metropolitan area. Menudencias S.A. markets the following brands, Estancias del Sur, Matievich, Tango Meat and Freecop. Offal marketing means selling 29 different products being specialists in the elaboration, distribution and sale of giblets, even replacing products in the supermarket shelves and supplying butcher’s shops. Offal export prices are usually higher than internal market prices, but elaboration requirements are also higher. At the national level, national production of offal can be calculated around 220 thousand tons a year. In the internal market all bovine offal are sold (giblets and entrails): liver, kidney, heart, tongue, tripe, small intestine, sweetbread, lungs, cheek meat, neck, tail, rennet, small meat, chitterlings, to name a few. Exports, on the other hand, demand around 15 products the main ones, both in volume and price, being tripes, livers, omasums, tails, tendons, lungs, tongues, and hearts. “There are two or three articles the Russians won’t buy, but the Chinese will,” comments Pugliese, and he adds: “we grew thanks to the market because we won a position based on trust.”
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ENGLISH TRANSLATION Nobleza Piccardo Nobleza Piccardo is the Argentine tobacco company with the greatest commercial career in the local market. Since 1898, it produces in our country high quality cigarettes, guaranteeing the continuous transference of technology, experience and knowledge which lead to the constant innovation and adaptation to the growing demands of the market. In 1898 Piccardo y Cía. was born. Fifteen years later the Compañía Nacional de Tabacos was created, later renamed as Compañía Nobleza de Tabacos. In 1977 both companies merged into Nobleza Piccardo. Since 1981, the company’s headquarters and its manufacturing plant are located in the district of San Martín. Nobleza Piccardo presently employs more than 1200 people, who work to achieve excellence in all the areas of the business. It counts with the support of the furthest reaching tobacco holding in the world, British American Tobacco, and it offers a diversified portfolio made up of fifteen national and international trade names and 51 different presentations of cigarettes. It annually pays more than one thousand million Argentine pesos to the national, provincial and municipal treasuries. Its brands are distinguished by the search of a constant improvement in terms of quality; this objective goes hand in hand with the guarantee of supply, articulated through a large distribution network. Besides looking for the excellence of its products, building up value for its shareholders and fostering the development of its people, Nobleza Piccardo has assumed the commitment of listening, answering to the expectations the community poses on the company, and including them in the business strategy. That is the big challenge Nobleza Piccardo faces: to renew day after day the commitment of being a company socially responsible, transparent and open to the dialog with society. At the same time, Nobleza Piccardo aspires to collaborate with the development of the community in which it operates, mainly in the district of San Martín. That is why it implements a corporate volunteer program, in which all the employees of the company who wish to collaborate and devote part of their time to help those most in need participate. On the other hand, it offers schools and institutions of the area premises measuring ten thousand square meters certified as a sports center, where school-age children can practice sports and recreational activities. By means of a joint call made by the Municipality of San Martín, the National University of San Martín and Impulsar Foundation, it also trains and finances young entrepreneurs of the local community at not cost. In 2008 Nobleza Piccardo became 110 years old. At the opening of the 5th edition of EPSam (exhibition for small and medium-size companies declared of national interest, organized by the Municipality of San Martín and the San Martín Economic Chamber), the company received the acknowledgement for its history in the presence of Argentine President, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, and of the Mayor of San Martín, Ricardo Ivoskus.
Carpintería Metálica Orlando Since the times of that room where the bed and the drawing table didn’t leave space for much more and a dirt workshop floor to the modern and functional plant measuring 3,200 square meters, some years went by and tons of iron were turned into the most different forms until Carpintería Metálica Orlando S.R.L. came alive, an undisputed referent within the select and exclusive area of structures and staging for huge works which require precision works solely elaborated with high quality materials.
As its president Juan Carlos Orlando well defines it, this is a company dedicated to the development of projects and the manufacturing of metalwork which elaborates both customized and serial orders, and specializes in the manufacturing and treatment of aluminum, bronze, stainless steal and galvanization. But this is not all. Carpintería Metálica Orlando also elaborates glass skin, integral fronts, compound aluminum, courtaing wall, special lines such as steel furniture according to the client’s needs, and also technical advice. The company nowadays settled in a model plant located in the industrial core of Billinghursts disctrict is the result of the effort, the work and the vision of two brothers forged, like good iron pieces, by an Italian master who passed them on the trade and taught them the secrets to be able to reach a place reserved but for a few. “Our characteristic is we make high level exclusive works and with very good labor,” highlights David Orlando, founders’ heir. And in order to achieve this, the Orlando family coincides in saying that one of the keys lays on the human capital they have. “The best thing this company has is the level of its technical employees, the engineering and the development of what metalwork is,” assures its president. The experience accumulated through the years by draftsmen or real craftsmen who still today draw plans by hand using a pencil perfectly and peacefully coexist with a group of young people who project a certain model using sophisticated computer systems. “We learn with the personnel,” proudly points out David. The result can be clearly seen and it reflects on the capacity the workshop has to respond to even the most complex orders. That power of resolution allowed Carpintería Orlando to receive a “Quality Distinction” given by the government of the province of Buenos Aires while Aluar situated it on top of the Certified Metal Workers Network. These distinctions are supported by a series of works sealed by Carpintería Orlando as they are the remodeling of the B and D subway line stations, the building of the Municipalities of San Isidro and San Martín, TV América channel, the Association of Notaries Public of Lomas de Zamora, Esmeralda winery in the province of Mendoza, and the main apartment towers in the City of Buenos Aires and in the north metropolitan area, among many other works all along the country, while they try to open up their road into the Oriental Republic of Uruguay where they have already shown interest in having high performance systems. Employing around 60 people, Carpintería Orlando makes honor to the saying which characterizes itself. That one saying “big works are the sum of little details.” While some dedicate to big works, Orlando S.R.L. is in charge of the “little (but lately, big) details.”
Pinturas Andina Its slogan says it all: Pinturas Andina is a synonym for “the highest quality”. Since Mundi S.A. created the first concentrated water based sealer in 1965 up to the present, with more than 300 first class products in the market, the firm located in Villa Libertad has consolidated as a modern company. Today, as yesterday, it is a family undertaking that emphasizes strong values of respect for other people, both for its 50 employees and its customers and suppliers, healthily, economically and financially, and with sustained annual growth. Eduardo Wilk, its president, highlights these concepts that keep on being a guide as in its origins when José Kleinbourd, Bernardo Forscher and José Stupnicki, three friends, gave life to this powerful industry settled in the south of the district.
“We have always been in San Martín because the founders chose an industrial hub where they were rapidly allowed to work. Its origins were very difficult but the founders liked San Martín because it was an industrial area close to the capital of the country. In 43 years, we have never thought about moving, even though we have received tempting offers to transfer the factory to the state of Santa Catarina in the south of Brazil and with major benefits. Later, we were offered to move to Escobar and even to Mercedes, but we are from San Martín and we have an identity. We would like to be nearer the General Paz, but we will not leave San Martín”, declares Wilk. According to Eduardo Wilk, this motivation to continue betting on San Martín is based, to a large extent, on the incentive given by the municipality in favor of industries of the district. “If we did not leave when San Martín was in the hands of people of doubtful reputation, we are not going to leave now that it is in the hands of a pro-industrial and regionally focused municipal administration that solves the problems that we may have”. The evolution of Mundi S.A. was slow but constant. Reinvestment is permanent. Declared as leaders in the market thanks to its insignia products such as the sealer and the spackle compound, Andina has been gaining a place in the paint sector through the different variants of latex and a wide range of colors in synthetic enamels. New products have been added in the last years, such as the roof coating, the interior vanish, the premium line of interior latex called “Aspen” and exterior latex called “Vista”, the professional line “Bianca”, the “3 en 1” oxide converter and the recent latex for “Floors and Courts” in 9 colors. In its automated plant of 4,000 m2, Mundi S.A. has the administration, laboratory, production area, warehouse and delivery area. Moreover, it has a considerable production capacity to supply an extensive network of paint stores distributed throughout the country, and it can also create a specific color upon request of the customer. That first slogan that today is relaunched again has more than ever the support of the IRAM ISO 9001-2000 standard, which certifies and assures the quality management developed along more than four decades of incessant overcoming.
Sediana Desde hace más de tres décadas, Sediana se dedica a la fabricación de sillas y mesas, especialmente para el sector gastronómico y hotelero. Su planta de 7000 m2 refleja la expansión de su estructura industrial. Sus productos se caracterizan por la cuidadosa elección de las materias primas, un alto nivel de estacionamiento y un sistema de acabado de lustre con un secado en horno de línea continua que garantiza un producto confiable y de calidad total. Sediana cuenta, además, con un equipo de trabajo valiosísimo; es el grupo humano de la empresa, que suma ese “valor agregado” a un producto caracterizado como artesanal. La capacidad productiva creció con la incorporación de maquinarias de última tecnología; entre ellas, un centro mecanizado. Sediana tiene un compromiso constante con la cultura del diseño y cuenta con un departamento de ingeniería de producto, con técnicos especializados, para lograr un punto de equilibrio entre diseño, tecnología e innovación. Toda esa motivación a lo largo de estos años ha sido impulsada por los clientes, ya
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que el producto se adapta a sus necesidades y la respuesta de la empresa incluye asesoramiento técnico y servicio posventa. Sediana es líder indiscutible en el mercado nacional; sin embargo, su actividad se expande hacia otros países, lo cual marca nuevos desafíos a su carácter emprendedor.
tion Technology sectors are carried out there. The lot placed in the Gral. San Martín district is currently the biggest Operation Center of the company in Argentina and, together with the Main Offices located opposite Plaza de Mayo, is one of the most representative symbols of the presence and long path of Siemens in the country.
Trendy Vandryher
Siemens started making projects in Argentina in 1857 and its branch in this country was officially opened in 1908, permanently contributing since then to the development of the country. Its contribution in these more than 100 years has been in different areas through which the company has passed according to the passage of time. In its origins, the company worked in such diverse fields as construction, communications, transportation and lightning. As an example, it is worth noting that it actively participated in the construction of the 9 de Julio Avenue, the Obelisco (built in 1936, in a record time of 4 weeks) and the Costanera Avenue, real icons of Buenos Aires. At present, Siemens focuses on its business portfolio in the areas of Energy, Health, Industry, Transportation and Information Technology Tecnología, offering products, systems, services and solutions that stand out due to its excellence, technological innovation and environmental care. Its history of constant progress in the country is deeply rooted in the community of the Gral. San Martín district, because there has been for over 50 years what Siemens currently calls “Complejo Operativo R8” (R8 Operative Complex). In 1956, Siemens acquired a lot of 10 hectares on Route 8, in the district of San Martín, province of Buenos Aires, where it established, at first, part of its material warehouses. A short time later, works to install its new plant there were started. In 1958 the company opened in that place the first part of its modern factory complex, where it began with the production of edelmetal motor drawlers (technology known after as EMD) for telephone switchboards. Moreover, it decided to transfer several sectors placed in other cities, including the “Werner Von Siemens” Technical School, to the new complex, as a convincing demonstration of reliability on the community of Villa Ballester and the district of San Martín. One year later, the brand-new plant initiated the manufacturing of automatic switchboards for private use and electronic motor protection relays. In that same year, two students were the first to be graduated from the Technical School. In 1961, Siemens opened the second part of the plant located on Route 8, where the sectors of assemblage of relays, machines, bars, racks and switchers and cable forming started to work. At that moment, the area of the plant covered 14,000 square meters, and the production staff exceeded 700 people. In 1967 the National Council of Technical Education gave the “Werner Von Siemens” Technical School recognition and declared it pilot school. Some months later, it received the same recognition from the Secretary of Culture and Education. The staff working for the company in that year was 1,400 people. In the 1970s Siemens Argentina began an age of projection to Latin America, exporting motors to Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela. Accompanied by this peak, the company opened the last extension of the plant on Route 8, which had then 30,000 square meters and doubled its production capacity. At present, the complex has a Software Development Center with more than 200 engineers and a repair and service laboratory equipped with cutting-edge technology. Besides, a great part of the operations regarding Health, Industry and Informa-
Trendy Vandryher is an Argentine company established in the market since 1979. We are talking of a furniture manufacture, which imports from Europe, and exports to the Mercosur and the United States. In its 3000-square-meter industrial plant, they manufacture in our country the biggest variety of furniture pieces, from classic designs to the most modern ones, always with the best quality and functionality. From its onset to the present, Trendy keeps going after excellence, in home, hotel and gastronomy furniture. Functionality, harmony, beauty, and design have always characterized its products, providing it along the years a leading position in the market. It is a basic characteristic in the company to work seriously, with responsibility and commitment towards its clients. Trendy has collections of imported furniture pieces, mainly from Italy, who keeps leading the furniture offer, due to the end-point technology of that country for the use of noble materials such as beech wood and chromeplated technique. Settings, chairs, tables, furniture, armchairs, reclining armchairs, bedrooms, center tables, clothes racks and stands, puffs and stools are the products offered in a large variety of collections. With a team of people working every day, the company offers its clients the best service and excellent products, as a satisfied client is and will be the most important thing for Trendy. Architects, decorators, carpenters, upholsterers, seamstresses, drivers, clerk people and managers make up the staff of professionals in charge of living with the big responsibility of being better day after day. Its two branches (Av. San Martín 3300 and Talcahuano 1123, both in the City of Buenos Aires) are spacious, having 1000 meters and 3 floors for exhibition. Trendy deems it basic for furniture marketing to have large spaces and being able to offer lots of products. This guarantees the client’s full satisfaction as they can choose feeling secure and comfortable in face of numerous alternatives according to their needs and expectations.
UnionBat.S.A. As the “Pequeña Historia de una Gran Empresa” (A small history of a big company) tells, the company Gino Bocci y Hno. was founded in 1914. It was the cornerstone of a fruitful story in the center of San Martín. Four years later, in 1918, Ostilio Bocci S.A. obtained exclusiveness in the commercialization of the Willard trademark in Argentina. In 1940 it started manufacturing automotive batteries on a large scale and in 1957, Ostilio Bocci S.A. was designated official supplier for automotive terminals, due to product processing and quality. In 1981 Ostilio Bocci S.A. and Baterias WAO S.A. became partners. The knowledge and experience of both companies was reflected on the launching of the first “Low
Maintenance” battery manufactured in South America. It was in 1990 when the company entered into the telecommunications market. Four years later, it decided to certify the quality system under the ISO 9000 standard and to implement the Total Quality Program. In 1996 Ostilio Bocci S.A. became partner of Yuasa Exide Inc. (USA) and Yuasa Exide Argentina S.A. was born. This was aimed at strengthening its positioning in the Telecommunications market. UnionBat S.A. was founded in 1997, as a corporate name resulting from the merger between Ostilio Bocci S.A. and Baterias WAO S.A. Two years after being created, UnionBat S.A. achieved the manufacturing of hybrid batteries and calcium calcium maintenance-free batteries, with melted grids. In the year 2000 the company produced batteries under JIS standards for Japanese vehicles, and one year later it received the approval of its Quality System by the following standards: ISO 9001/2000-ISO 9002/1994 y QS 9000(BVQI)- Operator of Hazardous Waste (SDS and PA). Despite the crisis arisen at the end of 2001, UnionBat S.A. kept on betting on growth. It received the approval of its quality system by the ISO TS 16949 standard. With a 20 percent increase in its staff, in 2003 Unionbat S.A. was considered a leading company in its activity in Argentina. It was then that it started a reengineering process that increased production to levels never reached in the country before. Unionbat S.A. has a distribution network with more than 1,000 points of sale throughout the country that commercialize its products and provide technical support and warranty. Moreover, it supplies the Automóvil Club Argentino (Automobile Club of Argentina)and the companies Peugeot Citroën Argentina S.A., Volkswagen Argentina S.A., Ford Argentina S.A. and AGCO Argentina S.A. The company has also opened itself to the exporting market, with customers in Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile.
INSTITUCIONES Economic Confederation of San Martín (CES) With the purpose contributing to the common welfare, the Economic Confederation of San Martín (CES) is a true example of team work and successful results. There are some words that stand out in the dictionary inside the entity: union, articulation, planning, executing, among others which intertwine to give sense and explain the never- ending work that has been carried out for the last 15 years. Created around the middle of the last decade, the CES came out to create a space that could draw together several business chambers that gathered small and medium-sized companies in the county of San Martín. This taking off fostered each individuality and allowed for the establishment of new bonds with the political power and with areas of civil society, with the only aim to look for the improvement of the area, and from this, to the community in general. As years went on, the work relationship between the CES and the local government allowed for the creation of several projects and the opening of spaces designed to strengthen the role of the small and medium-sized companies gathered together in the different chambers of the district. During the complicated last decade, the work carried out by the Confederation turned out to be fundamental for the enactment of a regulation for the protection of small and medium-sized companies. The regulation, the first one in the province
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ENGLISH TRANSLATION of Buenos Aires, included a series of tax benefits for the settling of new productive enterprises. In 2004, an important year for the economic recovery, found the CES fully operational. Along with the Secretariat of Industry and Commerce of the county, the CES set up the first edition of the Exposición Pyme San Martín, a fair for small and medium-sized companies which turned out to be the biggest in the country and another display of successful work of the public and private sectors together.
Planning and execution The CES forms part of the Advisory Board, along with the chairmen of every Chamber and the Executive Power. All of them are in close contact with the Honorable City Council of San Martín. In this sphere, the main task is oriented to the analysis of the situation in order to devise future productive projects. All in all, the idea is to plan beyond the current situation. As a complement to this initiative, the Development Agency of San Martín (ADELSAM) was created. Apart from the actors mentioned above, this brand-new space relies on the participation of the University of San Martín and labour organizations. One of its objectives is “to get, improve and carry out activities that would favor and facilitate the local development, within a framework where the social actors are committed to act in synchronicity, creating synergy, and promoting the initiative and participation from programs and projects that encourage and direct the social energy to objectives of common interest”. Another basic tool is the commercial missions. Along with the Secretariat of Industry and Commerce and the Department of External Management of the county, the CES allows the entrepreneurs from San Martín to travel to different countries in the area to spread the local production and to establish new bonds. According to José Martorell, chairman of the CES, San Martín can become one of the mainstays of the productive recovery of the province of Buenos Aires, but “it depends on the role each of the sectors in this productive development has decided to take on, such as the labor force, the business chambers, the University and the city council as the public sector”.
Pedestrian project It is an old aspiration that started to take shape last year, when the first stage was fulfilled. Thanks to the main boost from the Association of Commerce and Industry, along with the CES and the local government, San Martín has a pedestrian street that is a window to display its economic potential.
The links in a Confederation The San Martín Economic Confederation is integrated by six business and commercial chambers in all, whose common objective is that of working for the development of the region and the country as a whole:
San Martín Commerce and Industry League (LCISM) The San Martín Commerce and Industry League was founded on Sunday July 30th, 1911, in response to the call made by the provisional commission for commercial defense in face of the need to make up an organization which could watch over the rights and interests of businessmen, industrialists, and professionals. On that way, the organization suggests to concentrate in its heart the forces of commerce, industry and any other businesslike activity, for the common and permanent defense of their legitimate interests, besides providing its associate members with the necessary assistance for the development of their activity. From its origin, the league wants the business national movement to perform fos-
tering functions in Argentine economic and social development, protecting the national industry, promoting production, service and commercial activities, creating labor sources and business opportunities in both domestic and foreign markets, within a framework of business social responsibility.
Business Chamber of the district of General San Martín (CESM) In 1937, a group of businessmen living in Villa Ballester, the majority of them being grocers, decided to join together in a representative body capable of defending their interests. On August 24th that year the Center for Grocers and Related Businessmen of Villa Ballester was created, an organization which purpose was to get together local businessmen representing that and other areas of commerce. Some time later, with the settling down of new workshops and other small and medium-size industries, the organization led to the creation of an institution to go with such growth. In 1943, the Center for Grocers and Related Businessment of Villa Ballester changed its name to Commercial and Industrial Chamber of Villa Ballester. The current name arrived in 1972. Among its main objectives, we can highlight that of “concentrating in its heart all the forces of industry, commerce and any other businesslike activity, for the common and permanent defense of their legitimate interests, and encouraging among its associate members a spirit of companionship and solidarity,” and also that of “supporting any initiative tending to the development of culture and progress of the people.”
Meeting of Small and Medium-Size Businessmen (APYME) The Meeting of Small and Medium-Size Businessmen has the purpose of gathering micro, small, and medium-size industrialists, service providers, agricultural producers, professionals, among others, aiming at the promotion of the defense of their common interests, within a framework of democratic consolidation allowing them to reach political sovereignty and financial independence. With that purpose, on May 15th, 1987, at the head office of the Avellaneda Industrial Union, an important group of businessmen committed to the defense of the national industry and the internal market founded APYME. Locally, in 1989 APYME San Martín Delegation was created with businessmen who perform their activities within the district. For the organization, “small and medium-size companies must and can perform a dynamic and decisive role in each stage of the productive development, according to its involvement in GDP and employment generation, and its capacity for enlarging production, generating new labor positions, developing new technologies and encouraging local and regional development.”
Entrepreneur and Professional Women Civil Association from General San Martín (ACEP) After several years of meetings, shared ideals, and dreamed projects, a space in which the new entrepreneur woman of present times could develop was conformed. On August 20th, 1998, in José Hernández School premises, in Villa Ballester, the foundational act was signed for the first Entrepreneur and Professional Women Civil Association from General San Martín (ACEP). The founders understood that in business management there was a space to be filled in relation to their activities as micro, small or medium-size businesswomen, or as professionals and storekeepers. From its beginnings, the initiative has the foremost objective of assisting the business, executive, professional or storekeeper woman in all that she might need in her business place. With that purpose in mind, from ACEP a consortium was formed —Mostrarte—
integrated by associated businesswomen and professional women, with the aim of facilitating their access to exhibitions and commercial opportunities.
General San Martín Industrial Union (UIDGSA) With a vast history, the General San Martín Industrial Union works representing local and regional small and medium-size businesses (PyME) and micro-businesses. Bearing that objective in mind, it makes up agreements and contacts with the labor unions of the different sectors and promotes national, provincial and institutional agreements and initiatives. In turn, the Industrial Union encourages companies to associate among each other, in their purchases and sales, so as to achieve a greater presence in the local market. Its work also focuses on the coordination and promotion of rules in favor of the business sector for the district to economically develop, coordinating with the chambers of other districts in the search of regional agreements.
Villa Maipú Industry, Commerce and Related Sectors Association The Villa Maipú Industry, Commerce and Related Sectors Association was founded in 1973 and is one of CES founding bodies. The institution provides its associate members a great number of services. Among others, it makes up gross income affidavits, advertising and propaganda affidavits: both month and annual ones, safety and hygiene affidavits, earning affidavits, personal asset affidavits, preparation of purchase IVA tax and sale IVA tax books, and settlement of salaries and wages. Besides, the association provides a great number of services which are included in the monthly payment.
National University of San Martín (UNSAM) Orienting the production of knowledge towards the social and economic utility is one of the key problems countries like Argentina must solve. This simple phrase means, among other things, reorienting the country’s productive profile, increasing the aggregated value of exports, and turning knowledge into a tool for social inclusion and environmental care. Assuming universities must have a main role in these tasks, research, innovation and the transference of technology, together with teaching activities, do not only define the identity of the National University of San Martín (UNSAM), but they are also the reason for its recognition in a social context signed by huge transformations, demands and expectations. Under these ruling aims, the UNSAM seems to be a relevant actor in the scientific, technological and innovation system, promoting human, relational and social capital. In this context, among its strategic lines it has defined the consolidation of a sustained action and a dynamic link with the productive sector in the district of General San Martín and areas of influence through the following core themes: - Contributing to the resolution of social and environmental problems, and also diversifying and modernizing the local productive weave. - Participating in the planning of local development. - Promoting synergic interactions with the productive sector, civil society, and with the different State levels (national, provincial, municipal), impacting on the formation of its human resources, the public production of goods and services, and the generation of planning capacities, among others. - Encouraging the use of knowledge and technologies in the industries and cultural
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and social activities. - Informing on the UNSAM’s capacities in the socio-productive and cultural arenas, an in the public sector. - Promoting the creation of technology base, cultural and productive businesses at the heart of the UNSAM.
Articulations with the productive sector With the purpose of responding to the challenges and needs of the different productive activities in the region, in 2001 the Business University Program was created, which depends on the Secretary of Innovation and Transference of Technology, under the aim of orienting the capacities of the research and development groups within our university community towards solving many of the problems the local, regional and national socio-productive sector faces. In order to boost the transference of knowledge and technologies, the UNSAM also encourages the culture of the technological entrepreneur among its students, teachers and graduates, and stimulates the creation of technology based competitive companies. The development of these activities is organized in the following working areas: - Business Incubator The Business Incubator aims at promoting the entrepreneur and innovating spirit; and contributes to the development of the community in which it is immersed, through incentives, support and strengthening for the creation of businesses. - Creation of technology based businesses It aims at stimulating the transformation of projects into businesses, and of entrepreneurs into businessmen. To achieve it, it promotes the conditions that allow the development of sustainable businesses, and designs a method capable of being replicated and continuously improved, which permits increasing the probability of inserting in the market each business incubated. With the objective of promoting the creation and development of innovating and technology based companies —assuming they are companies which offer products or services resulting from scientific research and which aggregated value comes from the areas of advanced technology: computing, biotechnology, fine chemistry, precision mechanics, new materials—, the UNSAM has funds for productive projects with the aim of fostering the entrepreneur and innovative spirit of teachers, researchers, and students, and also of technologists from the institutions which make up the PTC and contributing to the development of community, promoting, supporting and strengthening the creation of companies. Since the onset of the activities of the “Productive Projects” Program, two (2) companies have graduated: FULLGEN, manufacturer of plastic tubes used in centrifugal machines in laboratories, and ASME, a service company specialized in training on welding under ASME quality standards. At present, five (5) projects are on course (biofertile, ceramic filters, electronic nose, production of industrial enzymes, and the development of a stirrer for test tubes).
Creation of social based businesses The UNSAM, together with the Municipality of San Martín, has created the MIPES Program, Incubator of Social Based Businesses, oriented to the development of social based entrepreneurships allowing the incorporation into the formal market of individuals and family groups excluded form the productive system. Based on its structure and permanent work, the objective is reinforcing the local capacities and supporting the constitution, promotion and strengthening of micro
and small businesses and of their associative networks in local business sectors. From the moment of its creation in 2002, sixty (60) companies have graduated and, presently, there are eight (8) companies under incubation.
Local development and transference of technology The UNSAM works in the development of actions with the aim of facilitating the productive activities by means of the institutional network settled in the region, generating an environment of cooperation among its members. Thus, this high studies institution has actively participated in the Strategic Plan of San Martín and in the creation of the district’s Local Development Agency. In this area productive actions have been fostered under four premises encompassing the following items: Productive Economy, Social Cohesion, Public Management and Governability, and Urban and Environmental Ordering. From these initiatives, the following activities outstand: - The formation of four exporting consortiums (AREXAM Baires, Patagonia Herrajes, CETAR and COEMMA) representing 36 companies from different productive fields. - In the year 2007, Patagaonia becomes “Patagonia Industrial District Consortium for Cooperation”, something that led it to a better positioning, both at national and international levels. - The Educating-Productive Service Center was opened at Alemania Technical School where several training activities were performed, which will contribute to the education of new human resources specially trained for the jobs required by businesses in the sector. - Together with the Municipality of General San Martín, the Degree on Local Development was created. - The San Martín Local Development Agency (ADELSAM) was created, in which the following participate: The San Martín Economic Chamber, the Municipal Council, the Municipality of General San Martín, the area of workers and the University. On the other hand, one of the activities on which special attention was posed is in the process of transference of technology, linking schools and institutes from the University with the industrial and business sectors, both at local and national level. Based on the link with businesses we attempt to know their needs, provide them with the capacities available in laboratories and research and development centers, and obtain financing sources for innovation projects. Within the scenario of said activities, the Institute of Biotechnological Investigations (IIB), the Technological Institute of Chascomús (INTECH) and the laboratories of the School of Science and Technology (ECyT) offer their services and abilities in research, development of recombinant proteins for medical and industrial use, diagnoses, analysis and treatment of effluents. In turn, the School of Economy and Business (EEyN) offers consulting services on economic-financing issues, market research, development of business and marketing plans. The purpose of this initiative is that of promoting innovations in product, process, organization or market areas, especially for small and medium-size businesses.
Strategic Plan When the Strategic Plan of San Martín was devised, the objective was to start the planning of the human, economic and natural resources to improve the quality of
life of the inhabitants of San Martin. All the institutions and neighbors of the community were summoned, fostering strong citizen participation as a means to build a more supportive society. In that participatory process, the dialogue, tolerance and harmony were the mainstays on which the Strategic Plan was developed, whose center is the development of the person and its only objective is the common welfare of the community and the respect for dignity. The participation of the 172 institutions that joined the Strategic Plan was not spontaneous, but there was a clear awareness of the need to work together to improve the social, political and economic environment, fueled by the Board of Social Commitment of the District, that endlessly provided space for reflection and dialogue to channel the problems of the community. The task was carried out thanks to the participants, who provided contents to several workshops and meetings. San Martín as City of Tradition, and Capital of Industry, icons where the important cultural identity lies and with its productive economic potential, shows the conviction for the culture of work, along with this group of institutions committed to fulfilled these premises “In view of the improvement of the institutional, economic, productive, social, urban, environmental and cultural development of our District, it is necessary to develop this strategic plan to satisfy the needs and to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants”, one of the principles of work states. Another section of the plan states that “it is essential to lay the foundations for our city to be a model of modern community, respecting its history, its tradition in this new national and international situation, based on its strong social bonds and on its identity as booming and productive district”. The founding document is signed by the City Hall of General San Martín, the National University of General San Martín, the Honorable City Council of General San Martín, the Education Council of General San Martín, the Professional Forum of the Northwest, the Technological Center Constituyentes, the Trade Union Organization, the Business Chamber of San Martín, the Federation of Workers of Argentina and the Board of Social Commitment. The plan was born as a tool to achieve the objectives of permanent dialogue and communication, and it proposes from the managing organizations to the people and from the people to the managing organizations. “In this way we keep on working for San Martín to be a meeting point, a city for everybody”, the plan states. The Plan has several approaches to work: Institutional Strategic Line, Cultural Educational Strategic Line, Productive Strategic Line, Social and Health Strategic Line and Environmental and Urban Strategic Line. There is also a series of “strong ideas” to plan and devise the future the social actors want for San Martín.
Locial Development Agency In the framework of the Strategic Plan San Martín 2010, in 2008 the Local Development Agency –ADELSAM- was presented. It was conceived as a tool to promote the productive development of the city and it is one of the strategic projects agreed on by the living forces of the city council. The highest authorities from the City Council of San Martín were present at its launching, along with the leaders of the Economic Chamber of San Martín, the Commerce Employees Union, the Industrial and Trade Committee of the City Council of San Martín, the Under-secretariat for Strategic Planning and the National University of San Martín, as a clear display of the multi-sectorial work which is the
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ENGLISH TRANSLATION driving force behind the creation of this organization. The aim of the Local Development Agency is to get, improve and carry out activities that would favor and facilitate the development of San Martín. Everything is done within a framework where the social actors are committed to act with synchretic vocation, creating synergy, and promoting initiative and participation from programs and projects that encourage and direct the social energy to horizons of collective interest. In the horizon, the idea of generating a framework for the interaction among governmental and non-governmental institutions, organizations, companies and people is depicted. The Agency sprang up with the clear commitment to promote social policies that would benefit San Martín, aside from all political or party arguments. It was set up as a public- private non-governmental organization (ONG) in which the sector of work, the local government, the corporate sector along with the local public University and the City Council get together to boost the historically productive profile of San Martín, placing respect for human dignity at the main scene. At the launching ceremony of the Local Development Agency, the mayor of San Martín, Ricardo Ivoskus, stated that “the work of the organization is not going to be easy. Yet, as long as all the actors take on the commitment and get involved, this agency will be a tool that will boost essential productive policies for development”. On the other hand, the chairman of the Chamber of Economy of San Martin, José Martorel, spoke about the relevance of the agency in the framework of the next economic scenario at a global level. “It is of uttermost importance to promote and revitalize the Culture of Work, from the social and educational standpoints, specially oriented to micro, small and medium-sized companies and, above all, placing general welfare before sectorial interest”.
24Con Over the last years, a major change was produced in the way the information is provided and received. The traditional channels, such as newspapers, magazines, radio and television, were supplemented by the possibility of Internet access. This not only gave rise to an audience increase. It also caused an increase in demand, which became compartmentalized and started to require the delivery of news close to home. In that context, several local portals were created that cover the daily events of the different towns, districts or areas. San Martin is home to one of these pushing ventures that were born out of that demand. 24CON is a news project that was designed to provide focused information to the 31 districts of Greater Buenos Aires, the City of Buenos Aires and the city of La Plata, one of the most highly populated regions of Argentina, which is not properly reflected in today’s national media. 24CON can be considered the first digital daily in the metropolitan area, a “true news” portal, with an editorial office structure and its own content, aiming to cover local, regional, provincial and national news. The staff of 24CON is made up of professionals with vast experience in the main graphic media of Argentina, political communication and business administration. Thirty eight people contribute their knowledge to the final product: www.24con. com. Besides the traditional sections of news portals, 24CON offers a list of the “metropolitan area online”, which includes all the region’s districts divided by zone. The reader can register to receive a daily newsletter with the day’s highlights.
Colombraro, The Industrialist “I am an entrepreneur with business vocation. We, the entrepreneurs with such vocation are a bit lyrical, dreamers, and weirdoes”. Such is the declaration of principles of Ricardo Vicente Colombraro, an industrialist established in San Martín. He states that his company is his passion. He has witnessed its birth, growth and expansion up to its current leader position in the manufacturing and marketing of household products made of plastic. “The people who know me know that I hold the company very dear in my heart, that the money is on the machines, on the stores, on the goods. I hardly know countries abroad, and I know even less what banking exchange abroad means. I do not know what purchasing in dollars is. I buy a mold to create yet another product for the chain of stores that we own throughout the country”, he says, and he has an explanation that helps understand his peculiar point of view in times like this. “The important businessmen are driven either by reason or passion. In this case, reason helps me understand what I have moved out of passion”. Although he has been offered the possibility to set up a factory in other places in the country and, even abroad, in exchange for tax facilities and benefits, Ricardo Colombraro has always been committed to San Martín because: “I am one of the few people who do not weigh certain economic issues”. And this makes him different. He admits he assesses the course of the company every Tuesday and, in a certain way, evaluates his life as well. “When we get together, we say: ‘How many people live off a factory’. There are a thousand families hitched up to this wagon. And this, somehow, is an honor and I think it is important for the development of the country”. He has been an industrialist for 51 years. All his life has been summarized in a book he wrote himself. The book, edited in 2005, is called “Autobiography of an Industrialist”. Needless to say, this text is unfinished, as it comes from a man that states he has no anecdotes to tell, but “thousands legends” to pass on related to the ups and downs of the country, the company development, his own life and the values he instills. Nowadays, and as it has always been, Ricardo Colombraro is driven by passion. “My special motivation is the group of people around me, their children, children that sprung from the hotbed. Nowadays they are family men with lots of abilities, and they are the company assets”. Ricardo Colombraro, at 71 and with the wisdom of a visionary, does not have the profile or style of a speculating entrepreneur that considers the worker as a simple number. His figure in the company is similar to that of the father of a big family, and as such it is understood by those who work with him at the different areas that constitute the great chain Colombraro Hnos is. “The average seniority of the people in the company is 15 or 20 years. And this has made Colombraro a bulwark. Besides the petty things that always take place, a person tries to help, teach and be an example. The factory is like a tree with a trunk, branches and leaves. If the root is good and they stay close to the roots, it will grow bigger; but if it is like a little leaf and a strong wind occurs, you take them out and replace them. I highly value when the little leaves stay with me and grow to become a twig”, he states.
Incubator of companies This was the first one in the country. With that background and after two de-
cades of existence, the Incubator of Companies of General San Martín fosters the emergence and consolidation of new productive projects. The institution works in business education and training, and gives physical space to set up new ventures that, to boot, receive free counseling. In the last 10 years, its intervention allowed for the creation and consolidation of 20 companies that are currently working in the district. The productive functioning starts with the invitation to apply for the projects. The first step for an entrepreneur starts with the presentation of the proposal. From that moment different instances of counseling and selection take place, which after a period of pre- incubation, may lead to full incubation. The tasks of promotion and follow- up are part of the Program MIPEs, implemented in 2002 by the town council and the National University of General San Martín. The City Council provides the premises where the selected ventures are developed. The University, on the other hand, puts a team of engineers, graduates in commercialization, marketing, and other professional experts at the disposal of the new projects in order to offer advice related to each field. The Incubator also has an innovative system that allows the incubation at long distance for those ventures that, due to the line of work or physical dimension, cannot work in the premises supplied by the entity. True to the innovative spirit that crowned its creation, this is the first incubator in the country that functions under a system of quality management acknowledged in the country and abroad.
Industrial District Patagonia In the difficult context existing at the end of the nineties and the first years of this decade, and in the framework of the Committee of Industry of the Chamber of Business of the county of General San Martín, some associative activities began. In order to improve and strengthen missions isolated abroad, a group of companies constituted AREXSAM (Argentina exports from San Martín). The group was created in 1998 and it was declared of county interest in 2000. Three years later AREXSAM entered the program Enterprise University of the UNSAM (National University of San Martín) and with the support of this higher education institution obtained an office and technological support. In 2004 the objective was to constitute homogenous exporting groups. This led to the creation of two exporting groups: CETAR (textile group) and Patagonia Ironwork. The growth of the activities and the access to more markets paved the way to the launching of the Industrial District Patagonia, Cooperative Consortium, DIPAT. DIPAT was launched in June 2007 in a ceremony that took place in the UNSAM, in the framework of the program of Industrial Districts of the Ministry of Production of the Province of Buenos Aires. “To develop and place the identity of the Industrial District Patagonia providing for its members useful tools to commercialize, develop and improve their services and to supply products that would satisfy the needs of the market, in the country and abroad as well, basing all the activities to carry out on partnership”. This is the phrase that fuels its activity. DIPAT works for the socio- political placement of the group; it fosters institutional participation and directs its efforts into seeking funding for the development of the associative activities. Its goals are the development of foreign markets, the consolidation of a service center, institutional marketing, quality, design, the development of DIPAT products, and to sustain social responsibility.
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In the framework of commercial management, its objective is to develop exportation and the internal market, as well as the consolidation of customers and new niches of the market, and the detection of needs abroad that could be satisfied by the companies in the group. DIPAT makes a pool of purchases through a centralized center which results in important savings and the import of raw material. DIPAT has legal capacity under the system of Cooperative Consortiums and it also has two bank accounts that make commercial transactions in the country and abroad possible. This enables the associated companies that are not able to or do not want to export on their own to offer a service of internationalization of products. At the moment of its launching, DIPAT consisted of 16 companies in the ironwork line, but it quickly reached 29 joint companies, that are complementary for different activities. The members of DIPAT in the ironwork line are: Talleres Fumaca, Metalúrgica Ruedama, EMR de Argentina, Inter Ruedas, Herrajes Sidañez, Andina Herrajes, Cerratex, Pomelas Argentinas, Fabherr, Herrajes G.G., Mecanismos Karma, Mercomac S.R.L., Metalúrgica M.K.M., Industrias Fark, Parts S.A. and Ferrimex. In addition to the companies mentioned above, there are other companies with different productive characteristics: Laboratorios Naf, Antu Pampa, Nermay, Conamor, Rimbi, Abuca, Rolcan, Nico & Co., Diseño del Sur, Fittinox, Rapinese, Maimar, Metcasa and Galvanoplastia Newton. At present, the group carries out several associative activities, and one of its most important achievements is the innovative center of educational- productive services designed along with the School of Technical Education N° 2 “Alemania” of San Martín, which was opened in October 2007. DIPAT consists of an operational committee made up of a group of four businessmen and it has an operational director in charge of the internal management. It has an office and a meeting room, fully equipped in the premises of UNSAM in Ayacucho, and two full time administrative employees. The future horizon of DIPAT is not limited to the described above. Apart from working for the consolidation of the group and the functional integration of each of its parts, DIPAT is focused on the competitive improvement, the centralization of activities, the constant development of a web page and newsletter, and to maintain the quality ISO 9000 and 9001, to create new products and diagnose and plan improvements in the technology of the companies. It is also interested in the development of packaging for DIPAT products and training programs for the development of human resources. In order to add more services to the already mentioned ones, DIPAT - as one of its latest achievements- opened a distribution center of more than 500 meters, located at 4598 General Roca Street, Florida, Vicente López.
National Industrial Technology Institute (INTI) The National Industrial Technology Institute (INTI) was set up in 1957. One of its initial objectives was to “become a nationwide technological support tool for the industry, providing testing services and technical support or training, as well as innovation and development tasks.” The initial challenge also involved implementing a new form of partnership between the public and the private sectors through “occasional or more permanent ventures to work on sector or regional improvements.”
Currently, the INTI employs over 1,200 people. Of that total, the salary of about 850 employees comes from the country’s national budget; the rest is hired by a network of centers comprised of 29 units, managed by business people and government officials, who specialize in the different production areas involved. Its main task involves research and studies intended to “improve the development and processing techniques of raw material, and foster the use of locally developed and more economical materials and raw material, as well as the optimized use of by-products.” Also, the institute collaborates on regular basis with the country’s universities, and with state-run and privately-run research agencies. Its headquarters are in the district of San Martin, and has offices in 11 provinces. This widespread presence allows for the institute to provide services to over 7,000 companies every year. It also enables the INTI to have a major participation in the production processes of the industries around it. Moreover, its longstanding presence makes the INTI a model to follow for the application of product quality and identity regulations, both in the industrial and commercial areas. On the other hand, the institute offers a number of programs whose main goal is to contribute to better conditions that would allow for the productive chain integration throughout the community.
Instituto La Salle San Martín For several decades, this establishment was a retreat and educational home for the Congregation of La Salle Brothers. By mid last century, the facility became a school. The new initiative came into existence in 1956, with the onset of primary school. Five years later, a secondary school prgram with a major in -electromechanics was added, to meet the labor and economic needs of the area. The initial project strengthened and grew over time. The serious educational training of the new generations made the Instituto La Salle in San Martín one of the most wanted sources for future industrial engineering technicians by the companies in the area. Currently, besides the degree in electromechanical engineering, there is an associate degree in master building, plus the social sciences and natural sciences programs. The school also offers kindergarten and night school, which provides training in different trades and a high school diploma for adults with a major in computers. The school facilities include modern workshops, science labs, and plenty of space for sports. Its main goal is to provide a personalized and comprehensive education, where theoretical content in each area has a hands-on approach. One of the reasons for the creation of the technical programs is to meet the particular need for professionals from the various industries in the area, and the country’s, at large. Through the internship program, students are able to take their first steps into the labor market. A labor exchange program is the referral tool, which allows for the candidates’ organization, as well as the coordination and analysis of companies’ demand. The educational excellence achieved in the course of fifty years has allowed many graduates to hold major positions in different companies and industries. These will look at La Salle students when searching for new employees.
PATRIMONIO HISTÓRICO CULTURAL The origin of the town Located in the northeast of the province of Buenos Aires, the General San Martín district is part of the Greater Buenos Aires. It is 16 kilometers away from the center of the city of Buenos Aires. This town’s history goes back to the mid-18th century, when missionaries of the San Francisco Order arrived at these lands, current city of San Martín. Here, they built a chapel where, thanks to papal authorization, they collected funds for the care of “the saint places of Jerusalem”. That was the origin of the place called Pago de los Santos Lugares, today part of the 3 de Febrero district. Since the second foundation of Buenos Aires, the lands of San Martín belonged to the Pago de las Conchas, crossed by the Río de las Conchas, at present Reconquista. During many years, residents of this place did not have their own curate; therefore these services were in charge of the only curate for Spanish people in the city of Buenos Aires. This situation was tried to be remedied but it was in 1825 that the curia created a separate curate in San Isidro and a provisional chapel was built in the area of Los Bajos de Belgrano. In 1834, at the request of the population, the chapel of Santos Lugares fulfilled those requirements also. And two years later, another popular request achieved the creation of the urban planning. Even though this idea was registered in paper, it was only after 1856 that it was determined that the lands of Santos Lugares became General San Martín. Eight years later, the General San Martín District was created.
The Battle of Perdriel In 1806 there was a main area of patriotic resistance to the English invasion. This territory was formed by today districts of San Isidro, San Martín, Morón, Pilar, Belén de Escobar and Luján. With a little more than a thousand and a half soldiers, English people had seized the city of Buenos Aires, capital of the Virreinato del Río de la Plata (Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata). When the enemy had just settled in the conquered territory, patriotic resistance began to be gestated. One of the promoters of this crusade was Juan Martín de Pueyrredón, a young trader from Buenos Aires who received authorization from the governor Pascual Ruiz Huidobro in Montevideo to recruit militiamen that would form what was then the reconquest army. After crossing the Río de la Plata, Pueyrredón went to the lands of Villa de Luján. During a few days of work, he recruited a group of men from San Pedro, San Nicolás, Belén de Escobar, Baradero, Pilar and Morón. And they were joined by the forts of Mercedes, Navarro and troops of an army squad that were in charge of protecting the borders from indians, known as Blandengues. Towards the end of July 1806, around eight hundred patriots were prepared to begin marching to the city of Buenos Aires. It had been planned to join the troops coming from Montevideo under the command of Santiago de Liniers and Bremond. Militiamen were blessed by the presbyterian Carballo, priest of Villa de Luján, and carrying the Standard of the town hall of Luján, they started marching to the capi-
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ENGLISH TRANSLATION tal. They passed through the Márquez Bridge, the Morón district, and arrived at the Perdriel Farm in the evening of July 31st 1806. In this place there were also other criollo people gathered with the same aim: to repel invaders. Knowing the criollo people’s plans, and under the command of Beresford, the English people marched to Perdriel in search of the patriots. It was a contingent of five hundred soldiers from the 71st Highlanders Regiment and about fifty men from the St. Helena Regiment. Martín Rodríguez, from the criollo group, saw invaders in an attempt to ambush them and warned the Perdriel camp. The commander Olavarría, in charge of the Blandengues Regiment, thought about a way of not risking his troop in an unequal combat. He crossed the Río de las Conchas, today Reconquista, and moved the regiment away. In the meantime, Pueyrredón and his men took position behind the wall surrounding the farmhouse, and when the enemy was close, they fired the artillery he had managed to gather. The English were deployed in two wings and began bombarding the place. The criollo troops resisted the intense attack during more than a quarter of an hour. And facing the advance of the enemy, the patriotic defense started to disperse. Pueyrredón and other forty five volunteers went into the English rearguard and stole a cart with munitions. It was then when Pueyrredón’s horse died due to a cannon shot. The brave Pueyrredón did not suffer the same fate thanks to the intervention of the mayor of Pilar, captain Lorenzo López, who rescued him on the hindquarters of his horse. Those criollo people dispersed in Perdriel met again in the Márquez Farm, today Boulogne Sur Mer, and waited for Liniers’ troop. Some days passed, and on August 12th 1806 Buenos Aires was reconquered and the English army was taken prisoner. The battle of Perdriel was the first patriotic action fought exclusively by Argentinean people. The main actors of this resistance: residents of the area. The setting of the battle: the land of Santos Lugares. A present dumb witness of this combat: new sprouts of the ancient umbra tree in the Pueyrredón Farm.
The passing of the Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo (Regiment of Mounted Grenadiers) Winds of freedom were blowing. Uncountable patriots, most of them anonymous heroes of the feat of independence, were preparing to make an effort to achieve the definite separation from Spain. In these vicissitudes, the lands of Santos Lugares received the Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo commanded by Mr. José de San Martín. The future father of the nation was preparing to command his first combat in American soil. He had left the Retiro Headquarters in the evening of January 28th 1813. Before sunrise, San Martín and his troop completed the first stage of a crossing that, some days later, would finish with a triumph in the historical Battle of San Lorenzo. Oral accounts that have survived the passage of time describe that the colonel stayed in the house of the couple formed by José Manuel de la Serna and Doña Manuela Gómez de la Serna. The residents of those areas collaborated with the Regiment: they gave them forage for the horses, and accommodation and food for the soldiers. According to these testimonies, the hero that would then give the name to the
district of San Martín set foot again on the lands of Santos Lugares, on his return from the military success achieved in San Lorenzo. The accounts show that, on this occasion, the triumphant army carried different supplies and the war banner of the defeated enemy.
The grenadier of San Martín The lands of Santos Lugares contributed with many men to the national armies that combated against royalist forces. History wanted one of them to be remembered with his full name: the young grenadier Francisco González joined the Regiment leaded by the general San Martín.
José Hernández Museum Pueyrredón Farm On that November 10th, 1834, in a room of this farmhouse, it was heard the crying that accompanied the arrival of the newborn. If many babies are born with a silver spoon in their mouths, José Hernández will finally have it after four decades, with the publication of the first part of “El gaucho Martín Fierro”, fundamental work of the Argentine literature. Before being the house of the future writer, the farm changed owners several times and witnessed the historical evolution of those areas of the Río de La Plata. In 1806, in its surroundings, took place the battle of Perdriel, a name that refers to the French Julián Perdriel, owner of the property. Later, it received Manuel Belgrano. The creator of the national flag had been prosecuted by the government of Buenos Aires and imprisoned in Luján, from where he asked to be transferred to this place. Fate willed that in 1832 the couple of Mariano and Victoria Pueyrredón, Hernández’s uncle and aunt, purchased the property. There, Mrs. Isabel Pueyrredón gave birth to her two first children, Magdalena and José. The rural environment allow the boy to establish the first contacts with rural life and the work of farm workers, knowledge that he would broaden during his life and woul be essential for his masterpiece. Hernández never lost contact with his roots. Until his death, on October 21st 1886, he visited the farm in several occasions. Transformed into a museum and declared national historical monument, the building preserves its original characteristics. The property has three parts: the main house, the farm workers’ house –where there is a public library with more than a thousand volumes about Hernández’s work- and an area with a stable, a garage and a kitchen. The museum offers visitors a room dedicated to the Battle of Perdriel, an area called “Habitación” (Bedroom) that preserves the bed in which the writer was born, and a hall where there are original translations of the Martín Fierro, among other attractions worthy of admiration. The old and varied grove surrounding the house crowns a tour where time seems stopped.
Museo histórico regional Brigadier General Don Juan Manuel de Rosas (Regional Historical Museum) This small property has history. Its floors received for many years the steps of Juan Manuel de Rosas. Its walls sheltered the governor of the province of Buenos Aires then, after long working hours as Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Army. The construction of the house, which has been declared of historical and mu-
nicipal interest, was ordered by Rosas himself to be used as accommodation and command office during his periodical visits to the Santos Lugares Headquarters, a few meters away the present museum. The military fortress, built in 1936 in the previous buildings of the Monastery of the Padres Mercedarios called “Las Crujías”, was the most important of the Argentine Confederation. Located in a place considered strategic for its height and crossroads, it had 5,000 men. Rosas used the command office from 1840 to 1852. At that time, the building had two rooms, which were sometimes bedroom and office. After the fall of the “Restorer”, the Spanish teacher Diego Pombo established in this place the Boy School of Santos Lugares, which was there until 1857. One of the rooms of the museum is dedicated to Antonio Reyes, Rosas’ aide-decamp. In another place there is an exhibition of different objects of incalculable historical value from the Argentine Confederation period, which were received from the “Enrique Udaondo” Museographic Complex of Luján on gratuitous loan. Moreover, visitors can see elements belonging to the ancient San Martín, as well as access the Basement Room, a special place of the house, or find old machines used for making different products. Address: Diego Pombo 3324, San Andrés Phone number: 4830-0683 Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The story of Camila and Uladislao A plaque located on the Ayacucho boulevard marks the place where a century and a half ago a love story as deep as irreverent for its time came to an end. The bodies of Camila O´Gorman and the presbyterian Uladislao Gutiérrez fell under a fire of shots in an area of the Santos Lugares Headquearters. She was a young woman belonging to the high society of Buenos Aires. He was a newly ordained priest who had arrived at Buenos Aires from Tucumán. Their lifes met in the Socorro Church, where Uladislao had been appointed parish priest. Love began in secret, the moral values of that time did not allow another possibility. Also in secret, the couple decided to escape from Buenos Aires to settle in the Brazilian city of Río de Janeiro and start a new life. But Camila and Uladislao’s dreams never came true. They were arrested in Corrientes and transferred to the Santos Lugares Headquarters at the order of the governor Juan Manuel de Rosas. The Restorer ordered the execution of the lovers. The interventions of Manuelita, Rosas’ daughter, and the aide-de-camp Antonino Reyes could not avoid the tragic ending. On January 18th 1848 the drums of the firing squad were heard. The first detonations anticipated Uladislao’s death. Some seconds later, Camila suffered the same fate. It is said that in her womb she carried the fruit of a forbidden love.
The aide-the-camp’s memories The execution of Camila O´Gorman and the presbyterian Uladislao Gutiérrez was registered in the memories written by Antonino Reyes, Rosas’ aide-de-camp: “When this unfortunate couple arrived at the camp, on August 14th or 15th, the young woman warned me that she was sick, insinuating me that she was pregnant, although it was not noticeable”. “In the early morning I received the order of execution for both signed by the general Rosas. I could not accept the fate of these unfortunate people just like that. I immediately wrote Manuelita for her to intercede on behalf of the young woman. But their fate had already been decided. My letters were sent to the
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governor and he returned them to me reproaching me harshly for the delay and ordering me to do what had been stated. There was nothing else to do”, he remembered.
sphere prevailing at that time attracted many families of all social classes of the city of Buenos Aires. The landscape of the village –named “Córdoba Chica” (Little Cordoba)- inspired important painters such as Carnacini, Mazzuchelli, Peláez, Ripamonte, Sivori and Massino, among others.
Casa Carnacini On April 10th, 1888 Ceferini Carnacini was born in La Boca. At the age of 20 and after visiting Europe, Carnacini already had his degree of painting professor. Under the guidance of Ernesto de la Cárcova, Carlos Ripamonte and Reinaldo Giudici, this young artist soon received the Gold Medal of the International Exhibition of the Centenary. The “Roma Prize” gave him the possibility of obtaining a grant to continue his studies in Europe with Giulio Arístides Sartorio. On his return to Argentina, he settled in Villa Ballester to dedicate himself to painting and teaching. His drawings and oil paintings have been in some of the main museums of the world, receiving in 1915 a silver medal in the International Exhibition of San Francisco, United States, for his work “Día gris” (Gray day), acquired by the National Museum of Fine Arts. In addition to landscapes of our country, Carnacini painted animals, still life and is considered a really fine painter of flowers. He passed skillfully from the pencil to the chisel and became an excellent engraver. “Carnacini seems not to ever abandon certain beauty standards that, linked to his European training, make him face with sincere eyes an American reality whose greatness he never misses”, said the poet and art critic Rafael Squirru. In 1988, in the hundredth anniversary of his birth, an exhibition was presented in his honor at Colección Alvear, a way of remembering one of the greatest Argentine artists. The building belonging to Carnacini, today a museum, was constructed in 1914 and was directed and designed by Ceferino Carnacini himself. With a fusion of Normand and Picturesque styles, the house located at 2700 Pueyrredón Street –in the heart of Villa Ballester- has a ground floor and an inhabitable basement with a distribution similar to upstairs. The construction in the basement corresponds to its history: brick kilns functioned around that area. That production left huge holes in the land, and therefore, constructors tended to build down instead of refilling the land. The walls of the Casa Carnacini have a unique decoration. There are sixteen murals made by Mr. Carnacini, with landscapes that transmit his fascination then: images of San Juan, Córdoba, Río Negro, Venice and Mar del Plata. The bright atelier, placed upstairs, covers nearly all the upper space. It is only shared by a terrace and a room where Carnacini made his engravings. There is still the original engraving press. The Municipality of General San Martín was in charge of its restoration. The aim was recovering this incomparable building as a contribution to the historical and cultural heritage of the whole community. “We must highlight the importance of Ceferino Carnacini as a local resident. In this new museum, it will be possible to enjoy both his works and the works by various artists who lived in this area. But the creations of new generations will also be exhibited here. All plastic artists will have a place in this house, which gives value to history and points to the future”, said the mayor of San Martín, Ricardo Ivoskus, during its opening. And his words correlate with reality.
Air of inspiration The opening of the railway station of Villa Ballester in 1895 and the good atmo-
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San MarƟn en movimiento Inversiones e innovaciones industriales 2010-2011 exportación. La asociatividad se manifiesta con la intensa actividad de las Cámaras Empresariales que interactúan, tanto con la Universidad Nacional de San Martín como con los distintos estamentos del Estado, para generar políticas comunes. Cada año, además, se organiza la EPSam, evento único que genera incontables rondas de negocios y contactos para el crecimiento industrial. A su perfil industrial se suma la tradición, otro aspecto que hace de San Martín un municipio diferente, distinto, pujante, con fuertes raíces históricas, un presente laborioso y un futuro promisorio.
The district of San Martin represents 2 per cent of the country’s industrial force, 5 per cent of the national GDP, and about 12 per cent of the GDP of the province of Buenos Aires. Thousands of businesses of the most diverse kind add to the identity of San Martin, which has been truthfully named the “Capital of the Industry”. Its territory comprises the largest number of SMBs in Argentina, supported by an appropriate urban infrastructure for logistics, such as a large transportation network and urban services. But that is not all. The Municipal Government plays a major role, promoting and passing laws and regulations that help production and encourage exports. Cooperation between businesses is shown
through the very active Business Chambers that interact both with the University of San Martin and the different areas of the state to develop common policies. Moreover, every year the EPSam business exhibition is held. This unique event generates numerous business rounds and networks that help promote industrial growth. Besides its industrial side, San Martin boasts another characteristic that makes it different, pushing, historically rooted, owner of an industrious present and a promising future: Tradition.
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En su superficie se genera el 2 por ciento de la fuerza industrial del país; el 5 por ciento del PBI nacional y se calcula que el 12 por ciento del producto bruto bonaerense. En miles de empresas de los más variados rubros se construye la identidad de San Martín, certeramente bautizada como “Capital de la Industria”. En su territorio existe la concentración de pymes más importante de la Argentina, sostenida por una infraestructura urbana adecuada para la logística, como son sus numerosos medios de transporte y servicios urbanos. Pero ello no esto todo: el Estado Municipal asume un rol protagónico, con la sanción y el impulso de normas que aportan a la producción y fomentan la
San MarƟn
en movimiento
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