ICLI Relief Work

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ICLI’s Multi pronged Local and international Relief Work

In this special edition of the ICLI newsletter you will get a brief glimpse of the myriad relief activities ICLI is involved in. Not included for obvious reasons are the names of numerous recipients who over the years have received financial support for rent, medicines , food, travel, tuition, let me highlight this aspect with one example:

In summer of 2006 I received a call informing me about a young man in his thirties who had a serious car accident several years earlier, here on Long Island. He had recovered and was in a long term institution, he was alone, with no family and was willing and anxious to get back into workforce but was caught in a classic ‘catch 22’, he was unable to find a job as he was still a ‘patient’ and had no resources or friends to help out. After an initial screening by Br Habeeb and me, housing arrangements were made for him, supported by ICLI funds and now the young man is back in the community, slowly getting back on his feet.

“Those who spend their wealth in the path of Allah by night and by day, secretly and openly, for them is their reward with their Sustainer. There is neither fear on them nor shall they grieve”. (Al-Baqara:2:262)

This newsletter will highlight some of the organizational relief work ICLI is involved in, including our work with the Long Island based Interfaith Nutrition Network-INN, meals on wheels and the very extensive, labor intensive long standing prison outreach program.

We have experienced and witnessed some major natural disasters both here in USA and overseas—Katrina, Quake in Iran and Pakistan, Tsunami and you will read about the excellent work being done in the disaster struck areas in Indonesia and Kashmir.

Introduction to ICLI’s Relief Work Hira Ahmed Sunday School Senior,

“The believers, men and women, are protectors, are supporters of one another: They enjoin what is just, and prevent what is evil: They perform regular prayers, practice regular charity (as zakat), and obey Allah and his messenger (Muhammad). On them Allah and his Messenger (Muhammad) will spread His mercy: Truly Allah is supreme in Power (aziz) All Wise (Hakeem)”. Surah Tauba, Ayah 71, Qur'an

All of us in this world are of different faiths, creeds, genders and are distinguished through other factors, but what binds us is our humanity. The above excerpt from the Qur’an teaches us to protect one another, to help each other in times of need. While within our community we welcome our neighbors into our homes and share our food with them and while in our community we support one another in times of need and otherwise, we must remember that suffering is universal and we must remember those around the world that undergo hard times. In these times of difficulty, Allah (SWT) tests not only the patience of victims, but also the generosity of mankind, and it is incumbent on us to help in whichever way we can.

Upon commencing with this project on compiling a collection of relief efforts made by ICLI, I was somewhat familiar with most of the natural disasters that have devastated the world these past few years. However, being human as we are, once the helplessness of people is replaced by something else on the front cover of The New York Times, we have unfortunate tendencies to forget. While researching and reading over stories of victims, robbed of loved ones and their established lives, I was reminded that months later people are still suffering. That is a point which I cannot stress enough. Thousands of people are affected by natural disasters and in our initial attempt we are able to reach out to a few. It pains me to learn that s young girl half way around the world cannot enjoy the pursuit of an education because she has the responsibili-

In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
Faroque Ahmad Khan Chair Board of Trustees, Islamic Center of Long Island, Westbury, New York. Islamic Center of Long Island, Westbury, New York.


ity of finding a means to provide food for her family, and even more so, that I have the audacity to forget about her, and the other hims and hers that must be. Lets not forget about those left homeless and jobless to a tsunami and an earthquake. Lets not forget about the many displaced that continue to struggle in re-establishing their lives post Katrina. And let us acknowledge and be proactive in not just relief efforts but also in fighting against atrocities committed around the world such as the systematic destruction of lives in Darfur, Sudan.

Message from the President of Islamic Center of Long Island, Westbury, NY. Habeeb Ahmed

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Asalaamu Alaikum.

We hope this special issue of ICLI's newsletter enlightens you regarding the various worthwhile charitable projects undertaken by the Islamic center.

Alhamdu Lillah, we have been active locally, nationally, and internationally. Whether it was the South Asian earthquake, the tsunami tragedy or Katrina disaster, our volunteers were ever ready to help. Apart from these major relief operations, we also take part in yearly food drives in the month of Ramadan, clothing drives and sharing of organically grown vegetables at the mosque with the local soup kitchens and of course we take part in zakat and fitra distribution throughout the year. We are blessed to have a caring, generous and wonderful community that is always ready and willing to take part in these myriad of activities. All these activities are made possible by your generous contributions through ICLI. My special thanks to you and all the volunteers who take part in these activities.

May Allah guide us all. Jazak Allah.


On December 26, 2004, the most powerful earthquake to be in 40 years devastated South East Asia at 8.9 on the Richter scale, which soon after triggered a colossal tsunami along the Indian Ocean. The tsunami struck a large number of countries, most severely Indonesia. It also impacted Sri Lanka, India, Maldives, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Somalia, Tanzania, Seychelles, Bangladesh and Kenya, with an over all death toll of 186,983, civilians and 42,883 missing.

This devastating natural disaster had indeed claimed many lives, however it continues to impact those that survived it, after having created such horrendous circumstances to live under. Children became orphaned and others lost one parent. People lost homes and a means to provide for their families.

The Islamic Center of Long Island has been dedicated to work towards the improvement of conditions in Indonesia since the tsunami first struck alongside CEDAR (Center for Education Development, Assessment, and Research). CEDAR, located in Indonesia, is a nonGovernment based, non-profit organization established to aid victims of natural disasters and engage in various other humanitarian acts in the country. The philanthropic organization has worked with ICLI in distributing collected funds by the ICLI community, and informing ICLI of progress among other details.

The ICLI tsunami relief team is comprised of four exceedingly devoted individuals whom have worked diligently towards advocating community relief efforts for tsunami victims. The Tsunami Relief Team, (TRT) is made up of Dr. Faroque Khan, Homaira Mamoor, Rizwan Qureshi, and Trikartikaningsih Byas.

With the support and generous donations of the community, TRT has been able to accomplish a great deal in their humanitarian endeavors in Indonesia. But more importantly, they continue to do so, remembering that although months have passed since the natural disaster, victims are still in need of help.

ICLI Relief Work Edition October 2006 /Ramadan 1427 Page 2
Special Edition Newsletter Created by:
Content Collation/Editing: Hira Ahmed elephantwomann@gmail.com Managing Editor: Mohammed Sohail Nabi Cell: 646-286 0060 email: msanabi@yahoo.com Printed By: ACCURATE PRINTING &
962 Hempstead Turnpike, Franklin Square, NY 11010. Tel: 516-775-8060 Fax:516-775-8070 Email: accuprinting@aol.com

Tsunami Soft Loan Tsunami Funds


When the 30 foot wave devastated many countries along the Indian Ocean, ICLI community members immediately got involved so to organize a fund for victims of the natural disaster. ICLI raised $53,445 over the span of few months. The donations were given by not only members of ICLI but also friends of the community including ICLI’s interfaith partners. Once these funds were collected, it was determined by the tsunami relief committee that the proceeds would go entirely to victims in Indonesia for the death toll was greatest there.

The ICLI tsunami relief team organized how the funds would be distributed. The funds would be allocated for two programs the mosque would sponsor.

With the mass devastation caused by the tsunami, many civilians perished, however many survived just barely and continue to, having lost family members, as well as a means to make a living. While the damage caused by lost lives cannot be healed, that of lost work can. For this reason, along with setting up scholarships for the young generation’s education, ICLI allocated forty percent of the funds to sponsor adult survivors in business endeavors.

The soft loan process, similar to that of the scholarship, was comprised of many applicants but only 22 would be recipients due to limited funds. The selection process entailed simple requirements the most essential one being that the business plan pitched be a practical and feasible one. Once the applicants were selected each would receive $500 in installments of two batches, one for each year.

Just as modification was required in the scholarship program, within two months, here to, it was necessary. Three recipients’ soft loan was altered. One moved out of the island due to personal reasons and therefore, his loan was revoked. Other two recipients also gave up their loans for personal reasons but nominated other relatives and siblings. CEDAR tended to these modifications with an open mind.

Half of the funds were set aside for the benefit of children who had survived the tsunami, while the other half was devoted to aiding adults in re-establishing small businesses to compensate for lost careers with the damage caused by the tsunami.

With funds collected ICLI assigned a portion over to a scholarship program in which children would be financially assisted in continuing their academic endeavors. The criterion for potential recipients was: academically up to par (acquiring at least a 6 in every subject) students who had passed the administrative review , between the ages of 12 and 18, and were tsunami survivors. After over fifty students applied for the scholarship, twenty were granted.

Forty percent of the funds collected were invested in creating soft loans. The soft loans were organized to assist adults in establishing small businesses and which improve their living conditions. ICLI pre-selected those eligible for a soft loan that required being an adult with a family who survived the tsunami and had a practical business plan.

With these two programs, aide was given to mend all harm done to the family unit, except for lost lives for which we can only pray for.

Within the one-year grace period, three-fourths of the recipient’s already began repaying the loan. Only five of the recipients have yet to pay any of the installments and as the grace period has come they are being noticed to begin repaying the loan.

Due to the few modifications that need be made in the second batch, caused by previously mentioned recipients that have yet to repay the loan, Batch II has been postponed. Insh’allah, Batch III will be distributed in 2007.

Along with the few setbacks in the first batch of the soft

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loan, there is much progress being made among recipients as well.

“Assalamu’alaikum wr wb, With all humility I, Nurmala, would like to express my deepest gratitude to ICLI and CEDAR which had granted me a soft loan to start a home business. The loan has allowed me to support my family by establishing a small business. My original plan was to open an embroidery business; however it was not easy at the time. Therefore I decided to do something lese-making and selling fish crackers and dumplings. The crackers and dumpling business, allhamdullilah, has been going well. This is my report of the cracker and dumpling business development. Once again, thank you very much for the assistance. With warm regards from me Nurmala”

The above letter is from a loan recipient who is working efficiently to repay the loan, and as per the progress update, is clearly progressing in his business endeavor.

With the will and guidance of Allah (SWT), we hope to find many successful results in next year’s loan distribution as we did the year and more. Kashmiri

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Tsunami Scholarship Program

With the generous donations made by the ICLI community, it was determined that a significant portion would be invested in restoring the educational lives of children. ICLI committed to sponsoring twenty Junior and Senior high school students for varying amounts of time. CEDAR, ICLI’s partner in relief work situated in Indonesia, suggested the criterion for the scholarship applicants and ICLI approved. Ultimately twenty students were chosen ten of which are junior high school students (ranfrom the ages of 12-14, and the other ten being senior high school students (ranging form the ages of 15-18).

The junior high school students are being financially assisted between 4 and 5 years due to their longer academic journey before they graduate high school. The senior high school students received aid between one and two years due to their departure from school being closer. The funds allocated for these students will be divided into installments thus enabling the financial support that will last years depending on the age of the student.

It is very rewarding to learn that students we funded are continuing with our help and most importantly, their own drive, to succeed in their academic endeavors. One student in particular that excelled in the academics is Winda Afdanun. The sixteen year old graduated high school with distinction and in addition was accepted into her first choice State University, without having to take the National University Entrance Exam. The stories of students like Afdanun are a testament to how important it is to help those in times of need and how affective that help can be.

“I am very grateful to ICLI and CEDAR for the scholarship that I received. I used that scholarship money to purchase textbooks and to take the after school tutorials. Alhamdulilllah with the grace of Allah, I have successfully completed in my high school education. I paseed the National High School exam with very satisfactory grades, and as a result of the high grade, I am admitted to the State University via PMDK system, that is, I did not have to take the National University Entrance Exam.

Once again, thank you very much for the scholarship. The scholarship has left a very deep impression on me because it has allowed me to concentrate well on my studies. Now I am preparing for my college education.


The above is a letter translated from Indonesian, from Winda Afdanun. ICLI is very pleased to have helped shape Afnundun’s educational career.

The outcome of the Junior Scholarship was similar to the former. Six of the Junior High School scholarship recipients completed their education at that level and were cleared to continue at the Senior High School Level. These students were mostly those who had lost one of two parents, and some who lost both parents to the tsunami such as Malviza Fahnas G. Only one student failed the National Exit Exam, however, the government might consider allowing him to retake the exam. The other four students in the Junior High School division have also continued to a higher level of education: the 9th grade.

Future Scholarship Modifications

CEDAR has found in their most recent visit to Banda Aceh that various circumstances in the community might call for a slight alteration in the scholarships. Students such as Heryandi, who failed in the exam and continues to perform poorly, might give ICLI reason to reduce his scholarship from a three- year period to a two

year one. Meanwhile, other students have lost parents or become even more financially unstable in which case it would be beneficial for them to receive that one-year of assistance that might be withdrawn from the scholarship of someone performing poorly. This is just a suggestion being explored by the various people involved in the program and may or may not be pursued.

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After raising funds for the victims of the tsunami it was necessary to have a collaborative organization in Indonesia to distribute the funds we sent and acquire government approval for our relief efforts in their town. Thus the partnership of ICLI with CEDAR, (a non-profit, humanitarian organization that is involved primarily in education, development, assessment, and research.) CEDAR has been appointed the partner of ICLI since April 2005 to implement ICLI’s relief programs and ideas in Indonesia, particularly in the north Sumatra regions. CEDAR oversees all the specificities in Indonesia concerning the funds sent. Among their responsibilities are: within the scholarship program, to collect applications and pre-select candidates, acquire ICLI’s approval in the list of candidates. Once the list of recipients is finalized, CEDAR distributes the scholarships to the appropriate students. The CEDAR treasurer then sends the funds for the scholarship to the field coordinator in four installments annually, for as long as the scholarship is valid. CEDAR receives progress reports from the coordinators after every major academic assessment. Upon the completion of one academic year, CEDAR determines whether or not the scholarship should be continued for a particular student based on their academic performance.

In regards to the soft loan program, CEDAR again must pre-select candidates, have them approved and then distribute the loan in a similar process as they do with the scholarship. CEDAR monitors the development of the businesses. After the end of one year, CEDAR assesses the growth of the businesses funded and re-evaluates the distribution of future loans depending development of the established business. CEDAR will also administer the returned loan, sixty percent of which will become new batches of loans.

For the excessive administrative work CEDAR is performing, ICLI will financially support the organization to overseas tasks they’ve completed for us. After two years of this collaboration pass, CEDAR will use the remaining forty percent of the returned loan to continue supporting ICLI programs.

We are very fortunate to have a partner like CEDAR to collaborate with in this relief effort. It is a wonderful organization that has helped execute our efforts in that region and has cooperated with throughout the entire process.

“Those who spend their wealth in the path of Allah by night and by day, secretly and openly, for them is their reward with their Sustainer. There is neither fear on them nor shall they grieve”. (Al-Baqara:2:262)

CEDAR Conclusion

CEDAR volunteers feel honored to be entrusted to assist ICLI in its implementation of ICLI Tsunami Relief Fund. With the help of Allah SWT and the hard work all its volunteers, CEDAR has done reasonable good job in selecting candidates, distributing the funds, monitoring the utilization of the funds, and modifying the programs when necessary while still following the guidelines as mandated by ICLI.

CEDAR committee members and volunteers have witnessed the benefits of ICLI Tsunami Relief Funds on the majority of recipients. Despite come unpredicted turns of events, CEDAR feels the programs are, in general, running well.

We hope that the report can show to ICLI Community the commitment and work that CEDAR has done on behalf of ICLI community in implementing ICLI Tsunami Relief effort in Indonesia. We also hope that ICLI community can see our management of funds that ICLI has entrusted us. However, since we are also learning, we will be very happy to hear comments and suggestion from ICLI Tsunami Relief Team, ICLI management, as well as ICLI community at large. CEDAR hopes that this report can provide a glimpse of what the funds that ICLI community has collected and donated for the relief efforts have done in changing people’s lives in areas literally on the other side of the planet.

May Allah reward ICLI community and leaders for the generosity that has been shown to the people of Indonesia who had been affected by natural disaster of Tsunami in 2004. May Allah also make the collaboration between ICLI and CEDAR long lasting and beneficial for both organizations and the community in general. Amiin.

Finally, all of us at CEDAR- both in Jakarta and on the fields-and on behalf of all the ICLI Tsunami Relief funds recipients, would like to say to ICLI Tsunami Relief Team, ICLI management and ICLI community in general. Alhamdulillah Jazakumulah khairan

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Earthquake in Pakistan & Kashmir

As ICLI has worked diligently towards relief efforts in the Sumatra region post-Tsunami, it has maintained the same attitude towards other natural disasters around the world.

On October 8, 2005, an earthquake registering a magnitude of 7.6 on the Richter scale, devastated northern Pakistan. While the earthquake also caused damage in areas in Afghanistan and northern India, the most severely impacted regions were Pakistan administered Kashmir, the North West Province, and the southern regions of Indian administered Kashmir. The overall death toll was most heavily concentrated in Pakistan, claiming 73,726 lives, and leaving an additional 100,000 injured. In the aftermath of the earthquake, an estimated 3.3 million people were left homeless.

In response to this devastating natural disaster, ICLI had set a target, three days following the earthquake, to raise up to $50,000 for relief efforts. Their expectations we beyond exceeded, when in the two weeks to follow, the community raised $84,000.

With the generous donations collected, ICLI’s earthquake relief committee comprised of Safdar Chadda, Basir Qazi, Muzaffar Pirzada, Naveed Siddique and Br. Rafiq, along with other members involved in relief efforts, preceded to organize how the funds would be donated.

They set out to find a local non-partisan, reputable organization to coordinate with. An education committee was also established in the area as improving the educational conditions became a priority. This committee was composed of three devoted individuals: Nizam Ud-Din, a retired zonal education officer, Talib Hussain, a local teacher, and Abdul Rauf, a Karnah local who is em-

ployed in Srinagar.

ICLI came to learn about PIMA and began working with them towards bettering the conditions in Karnah, a small village in Kashmir.

A primary concern was to aid in the conditions of the hospitals to better tend to victims. They assessed the level of damage done in four hospitals situated in Bagh, Muzaffarabad, Balakot , and Gillani. The Relief committee’s goal was to start with providing human resources and supplies.

Much of the projects designed with these particular hospitals have already been completed.

In Bagh, a field hospital is now housed in 6 containers with a proper boundary. In Muzafarabad, the building was repaired in which central heating will be installed and a 30 ft made. The existing hospital in Balakot has been placed in 10 containers, and two winterized tents have been established for inpatients.

There are future plans as well for these areas that entail a permanent hospital comprised of 70 beds of secondary level in Bagh. In Muzzafarabad, the Alahairi hospital has been commissioned and is under construction.

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Earthquake Update

Much has been written about the earthquake of Oct 8th 2005 which had a devastating impact in and around Kashmir on both sides of the line of control. Kashmir, since 1947 remains a disputed area with areas of Kashmir currently under Pakistan and Indian control. The devastation after the quake was extensive. In Dec 2005, I was able to visit and see the impact first hand in the towns and cities of Bagh, Muzaffarabad, Abbottabad, Balakot in the Pakistan administered part of Kashmir.

Member of ICLI, Dr Naseer Chaudhry was able to visit his home town in Karnah, Kashmir in the Indian occupied Kashmir. Thanks to the effort and diligence of Naseer and his wife Greta twenty families were identified in Karnah, Kashmir and ICLI made arrangements to support these families.

How is Money Sent? We have to be very cognizant of the US government rules and regulations regarding transfer of monies overseas, fortunately we were able to identify an organization in Kashmir willing to receive ICLI donations- J & K State Bharat Scouts and Guides, all monies are transferred to this tax exempt group in Kashmir and this organization supervises the distribution of funds.

How is Money Delivered? It’s a bit difficult to fully comprehend the challenges relief groups face in delivering aid, let me explain. I met with Abdul Rauf in Srinagar in July 2006 to monitor the ICLI relief effort in Karnah, Kashmir. Br Rauf is a government employee and had volunteered to help deliver the money to the needy families in Karnah, Kashmir, however to accomplish that he had to take personal vacation of three full days. First day after a bone jarring strenuous bus ride over mountain roads, followed by a long walk, br Rauf reaches Karnah, a distance of sixty to eighty miles from Srinagar. After overnight rest Abdul Rauf went from village to village in Karnah and distributed the monies to the twenty families, this took a full day to accomplish. On the third day he returned to his home in Srinagar. I write this simply to give the reader an idea as to how difficult it can be to reach the most needy and vulnerable and this three day trip was in July when the roads are passable. The difficulties multiply exponentially in the winter when many of these roads become impassable due to snow.

“Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: they are the ones to attain felicity”. (Al-Imran:3:104)

The good news is that thanks to your generosity , the administrative support of J& K Bharat Scouts and

Guides and the time and effort expended by Abdul Rauf, twenty families including the eighty eight children in Karnah, Kashmir have food, shelter and means of education thanks to the generosity of ICLI supporters.

“And if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole community”. (AlMa’idah:5:32)

Reproduced below is a message received from the twenty recipient families, original in Urdu with translation by me.


Respected Supporters and Colleagues at ICLI-- Asalamu Alaikum.:

We, the residents of Karnah in Kashmir express our heartfelt thanks and gratitude.

The donation you sent to our remote village is indeed a remarkable achievement, such a donation has resulted because of your deep love, persistence, feelings and humanism from which we have benefited immensely. What we are feeling in our hearts and souls would be better expressed in person, since that is not possible we have to use this mode of communication.

We do not know you in person, however as a result of your action during a very difficult period of our life we are overcome by your love, support, and most of all humanism, we feel as if we are feeling your presence amongst us. We feel the person who made this connection possible for us is almost like a “Messiah/Saviour ” for us.. The person who traveled a long distance to be with us, assess our situation is Dr Naseer Chaudhry and we are indeed blessed that he resides in your community.

Through Dr Naseer we wish to extend our thanks and congratulations to all of you and we pray to Allah that He bless you and your progeny and give them the highest reward both here and in the hereafter. You have brought light and hope into the lives of many families in Karnah and we pray that Allah ease our hardship so that our

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families can live in peace and harmony. We hope that we have expressed our heartfelt sentiments and we have requested brother Abdul Rauf to express our sentiments.

May Allah grant you and your families long happy lives and the best of both worlds—here and hereafter—Ameen Scribe: Abdul Rauf. for the families of Mohd Ebrahim, Mohd Alias, Abdul Rashid, Nazim Jan, Lal Din, Abdul Qadir, Lal Din Sian, Mohd Shafi, Salam Din, Abdul Rashid, Shah Mohammad, Abdul Majid, Mohd Shafi, Salam Din Chamma, Abdul Hamid, Bashir Ahmad, Mukhtiar Ahmad, Abd. Hamid Khawaja, Shamash Din and Basher Ahmad and the EIGHTY EIGHT CHILDREN.

A cataclysmic unleashing of destructive power has left more than 60,000 dead and still counting. More than 75,00 injured and millions homeless. We saw heartbreaking images of survivors vainly digging with their bare hands trying to reach those still clinging to life.

In some areas a whole generation has been wiped out with thousands of school children perishing under the collapsed school buildings.

The earthquake is a natural disaster, you cannot take any measures to stop it but at least, having proper precautionary measures, better housing and building construction planning and controls and rescue services could lessen the loss of life.

Earthquake Relief

Dr. Safdar Chadda

Asalaamu Alaikum. Since the creation of Pakistan and as far as I remember, there has not been a worst natural disaster as this earthquake of October 8th, 2005. It recorded 7.6 on the Richter scale. The epicenter was near the city of Muzaffarabad, the capital of Azad Kashmir. The villages were also devastated in the Indian part of Kashmir but less in numbers.

We, the Muslim Americans had responded generously in case of Tsunami disaster and then the outpouring of support for the Hurricane Katrina victims was tremendous. Now the same compassion, generosity, and mobilization are being directed to the Earthquake areas of South Asia.

Islamic Center of Long Island, Westbury has so far shipped 225 boxes of warm clothing, which includes blankets, coats, jackets, sweaters and other warm clothing etc. We have also arranged to supply 200 tents which can accommodate 8-10 persons. The effort has to continue because the after shocks are still coming, which are at a Richter scale of 4 to 5.5.

The difficulty is that the roads are difficult to keep clear because of these after shocks and so many areas are still inaccessible except by helicopters.

The situation is further aggravated by freezing temperatures and constant rain fall and now the impending snow fall.

We, the congregants of the ICLI have made petitions to the US government to send more helicopters and also increase the level of assistance to Pakistan.

According to the UN, the Earthquake disaster is bigger than the tsunami that hit Southeast Asian countries last year. However, the overall American public response to this earthquake is much slower and more meager than response to the tsunami and Katrina.

American relief agencies are admitting that after donating $1.3 billion to help the victims of tsunami and then contributing 1.7 billion to support relief efforts after Hurricane Katrina, many donors appear to be running out of steam. The American Red

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Cross also said that the pace of giving for earthquake relief is far slower. Upon hearing of the earthquake disaster, a Christian woman exclaimed, “Well, good! That means fewer Muslims to commit acts of terrorism.” However, the woman realized her fault later, prayed for forgiveness and committed herself to make donation for the quake victims.

We hope and pray a greater number among the American public will find kindness, compassion, and generosity for helping the victims.

We know that the government of Pakistan will not be able to cope the disaster of this magnitude, so the public sector has to continue helping the victims and InshAllah, ICLI will do its share of helping the victims and will come up with a long term effort to help their brothers and sister in this hour of extreme difficulty and hardship.

Please in this month of Ramadhan, be extra generous and donate your Zakat, Sadaqas and Zakat ul Fitr to help this suffering humanity.

Once again ICLI has quickly responded and has collected a record high in contributions earmarked for the relief effort for our brethren in this region. A committee has been formed to implement a recovery project that would best suit this region and its citizens. The committee members are: Br. Habib Ahmed Dr. Safdar Chadda Br. Riyaz Patel Br. Aurangzeb Pirzada Br. Abdul Basir Qazi Br. M. Rafique Br. Sajid Shah Br. Naveed Siddiqui

Phase 1

For this relief effort ICLI collected $123,405.00, which was distributed as follows:

Society for International Help, New York: Tents, food, monetary help, etc. $50,400

Masjid Al Baqi, Bethpage, NY $5,000

Foundation of the Faithful, Queens, NY $5,000 Kashmir Relief $13,005

Total $73,405 Remaining Balance $50,000 Phase 2

Securing the future of those whose life has turned into rubbles. The Relief Committee decided to spend the balance of $50,000 on education and housing accommodations for ten students until the completion of high school, which will be provided by: Tameer-E-Millat Foundation

Tameer-E-Jannat Project Islamabad Pakistan

Earthquake Update

The following is a report of ICLI’s earthquake relief activities in Pakistan. This is for your information and we appreciate your support and confidence in ICLI.

A devastating earthquake hit Southeast Asia (Pakistan) on October 8, 2005.

1.This quake was the deadliest natural disaster in the country's history.

2.The quake swallowed up entire villages and towns in Kashmir and Northern areas of Pakistan.

3.The disaster left thousands dead, many more injured and paralyzed for life and millions homeless.

More than 8,000 schools have been destroyed, about 19,000 students and 900 teachers lost their lives.

Tel: 92-51-444-6835 Fax: 92-51-444-6879

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Local Relief Efforts at INN

I had the opportunity to visit the Interfaith Nutrition Network (INN) in the spring and subsequently ICLI held a clothing drive. New and slightly used clothing was collected for the Mary Brennan Inn where guests can “shop” for free in the clothing boutique. The INN was founded in 1983, when all of the original volunteers decided that it was critical that each guest be treated with the utmost of dignity and respect. Part of that philosophy required that a policy of NO QUESTIONS ASKED be instituted in our soup kitchen. This would allow anyone in need, entrance and acceptance. INN has numerous soup kitchens, emergency shelter and long term housing for poverty stricken individuals and families.

Currently the Sister’s Halaqa is collecting money to donate to INN with plans of serving a meal. I was most stuck by the atmosphere of respect and equality towards everyone that was so apparent at INN. It is an exemplary model of charity.

A group of people from ICLI helped serve lunch along with a group from Temple Beth El of Great Neck, at the INN shelter for the hungry and homeless, on Easter Sunday. Around 250 guests were served. It was a truly amazing and wonderful experience for us all and reinforced the realization of all that we have to be thankful to the Almighty for.

The group from Temple Beth El had organized the donation and distribution of all the food (which included 22 turkeys, pasta, corn, bread, sweet potatoes and rice pudding and fruit for dessert). The volunteers had cooked most of the turkeys themselves. The guests were served the meal and then we made plates for those that wanted to take some food home.

I hope we will be able to continue doing this in the future with participation from more volunteers from our community, Inshallah.

Hurricane Katrina

In 2005, a tragic Hurricane Katrina devastated the Louisiana area. Over a thousand lives were lost and many more displaced. The Muslim’s of America responded with open hearts:

The American Muslim Relief Task Force (AMRTF) formed a 19-member team designated to Katrina relief work and made a large financial contribution.

The organization IMANA also sent medical assistance to the area.

Meals were sent to the Houston Astrodome for survivors. ISNA

Youth volunteers also visited New Orleans to engage in relief work.

At the ISNA Convention in September 2005, a pledge was made to raise $10 million.

On an international level, Muslim countries donated over $1Billion US Dollars.

ICLI Sunday School students had raised money for Katrina by selling lemonade to passersby and having a bake sale for victims of Hurricane Katrina & Rita. The children raised several hundred dollars for this cause during this time of need. This helped them realize the importance of charity and giving (on eof the pillars of Islam) during the time of need.

“And why should you not fight in the Cause of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated and oppressed? Men, women and children, whose cry is: “Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from Thee one who will protect; and raise for us from Thee one who will help!”


ICLI Relief Work Edition October 2006 /Ramadan 1427 Page 11


“And why should you not fight in the Cause of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated and oppressed? Men, women and children, whose cry is: “Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from Thee one who will protect; and raise for us from Thee one who will help!” (An-Nisa:4:75)

For well over a decade ICLI, thanks to the efforts of it’s volunteers and staff ICLI has been involved in an ongoing outreach program to inmates in correctional facilities across the country. This is a brief description of how this program works and the impact it has had over the years.

Each month, on an average, ICLI receives between 30 to 50 letters from inmates from correctional centers across the USA. The following is a sample of the types of letters received, with direct quotes (exactly as written, with no editing):

September 9, 2003 – Inmate C.T. from Missouri

“Will you send me information. I need to build my faith as Muslim? I also need Holy Quran, prayer rug and Kuffer”.

October 2003 – Inmate D.E. from Missouri

“I was hoping you can send me a Holy Quran, and a cap, along with prayer rug, prayer book and how to pray, also some information on the prophet”.

October 2003 – Inmate M.J. from Florida

“I have taken my Shadah. I am a striving Muslim and in great need for some Islamic material. I need a prayer rug also a Kufu all the other brothers are wearing there white hats.

P.S. My head is big so could you make my Kufu big”.

October 2003 – Inmate A.B. from California

“I am an incarcerated Muslim who is in great need of Islamic educational material. I have not the financial means to purchase such items”.

October 2003 – Inmate H.T. from Florida

“I am writing to you to request you, if able to, send me every and all Islamic material that you may have for a young striving Muslim. I have one Kufis but no prayer rug”.

September 2003 – Inmate F.P. from California

“I am an incarcerated Muslim who is soliciting donations for our Jamaats Islamic library we are establishing here in PVS Prison in California”.

(accompanied with a list of books requested)

What happens to these requests?

A well-kept secret at ICLI is the fact that a very large number of dedicated volunteers put in long hours, quietly, discreetly, for the pleasure of Allah-helping these individuals.

Volunteer’s like Sr’s. Ismat Siddiqui, Zubeida Lunat and other’s sort out the inmates letters, catalogue them, procure the requested items, often as a gift or at heavily discounted prices from Sr Saeeda Kapdi, the material’s are packed and the final package often include’s – prayer rugs, Kufis, Quran, prophets biography and other books, etc., – and finally the staff or volunteers take these bulky packages and mail them from the Westbury post office.

What happens after the mailings?

Several individuals acknowledge the receipt of the material, and here are a few samples with direct quotes.

October 2003 – L.S. from Missouri

“I greet the Islamic Community of LI with the beautiful greetings of love, peace and paradise of : As Salaam Alaikum. Received your prayer rugs, calendars, pamphlets, just to let you all know that we received your shipment and to show our gratitude to all of you”.

3 Shaabaan 1424 – D.C. from Florida

“I thank you for the materials that you have sent me in the past, it was very much enlighten. I enjoyed it very much. Please consider donating to me more Islamic literature that I may study and share with the brothers at this facility”.

R.J. from Missouri

After acknowledging and thanking the brothers and sisters at ICLI for the gift package, R.J. writes: “I would love to learn our universal language (Arabic) so if you have a book list in which I can use to purchase the books please send me the list”.

October 2003 – A.N. from Auburn, NY

“I read the 3 booklets you sent to me. I am very interested in Salih Bukhari and Salih Muslim . . . . I am asking you to send the material so that I may strengthen my understanding of Islam. Thank you. All Praise Be to Allah, The Merciful, The Most Merciful”.

October 2003 – D.A. from Riverhead, NY

“I just want to thank you for the book that ya send me. May Allah accept your Zakat. I am still locked up but I pray to Allah and I am asking his forgiveness. You brothers just don’t know how happy I got when I received this books. One more time Shukrun. Insha Allah when I get out I am gonna come visit you in the mosque”.

As I am writing this piece, I was reminded about the experience of Malcolm X – Malik Shabbazz, who, during his imprisonment, underwent a huge transformation, and after release became an icon in US history. I was wondering how many of our current ICLI recipients would follow the path which Malcolm X – Malik Shabbazz followed. Some Final Thoughts

Historically, it’s the individuals like the folks in prisons, the poor, the underprivileged, who have made major contributions in the growth of Islam. As outlined in the Qur’anic verse 9:60,

“Alms for the poor and the needy, and those employed to administer the (funds);

For those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to the truth);

For those in bondage and in debt; in the cause of Allah; and for the wayfarer: (Thus is it) ordained by Allah, and Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom”.

We are ordered to extend a helping hand to those in need with our human and fiscal resources. Sr’s . Isma Siddiqui , Zubeida Lunat and Saeeda Kapdi are a great example of faith in action. May Allah bless them and other volunteers who help at ICLI and make programs like the prison outreach program a reality.

How Much Does This Cost?

My best estimate is that each package costs about $20 in materials, postage etc. For the approximately forty mailings each month it costs about $800 and about $9,600 per year for the approximate five hundred mailings.

For the ten years plus that this ICLI initiative of prison outreach has been in place ICLI has reached between five to six thousand inmates at an approximate cost of between $80,000 to $120,000.

“The Believers, men and women are protectors/ helpers of each other: they enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong…” (At-Taubah:9:71)

For those who support this initiative with time, money, and supplies, we say Jazaka Allah Khair.

ICLI Relief Work Edition October 2006 /Ramadan 1427 Page 12

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