ICLI Open Letter to Congressman Peter King

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In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful

Open Letter To Congressman Peter King Congressman, Peter King, Third District, has launched a massive strike against American-Muslims on radio, TV and in Newsday, of what can best be described as WMD – Words of Mass Distortion. Some of the charges he has leveled against the seven-million 2) Lack of cooperation between law enforcement agencies and Muslim leadership: Muslims and 2,000-plus mosques include: Eighty-five percent of the mosques have “extremist leadership”; Muslims have not cooperated with law enforcement agencies; Islamic religious leaders are “the enemy living amongst us” and that he has been “walled out” when he has tried to talk with them…Muslims have not condemned 9/11 terrorists.

I was invited and met the Director of the FBI, Mr. Robert Mueller, in Washington, along with several other Muslim, Arab, and Sikh leaders from across the USA, resulting in several joint initiatives between these communities and the FBI.

In an interview Mr. Mueller granted to the Minaret MagaThese serious charges hit home when in the February 12th zine, America’s largest American-Muslim magazine, on Newsday article: “King’s Remarks Outrage Muslims;” I read April 23, 2003, Director Mueller thanked the Muslim comthat his views were “crystallized for him” after he read that munity and said that “some Jewish attendees walked out” at a presentation I “American-Muslims had been alert, and they have alerted made at Temple Beth El at a Sabbath eve service in October us of situations where individuals may represent concern. 2001. I find it very helpful that a great number of our investigators have received help from Americans, in fact Muslim1) Extremists In Leadership Positions: Americans. When I met with Muslim-American leaders, Responding to these accusations, Rabbi Jerome K. Davidson, they do believe that it is important for our various comSenior Rabbi at Temple Beth El, wrote: munities to be alert because nobody wants another terrorist attack”. The Jewish congregants who “walked out” were simply leaving to attend a party celebrating the naming of a baby in the family that had taken place earlier in the service. The Newsday reporter absurdly chose this to highlight and thereby misrepresented the true value of the evening. Representative King, to my knowledge, was not in attendance at the service and unfortunately chose to base his view regarding “extremist” leaders of mosques on an erroneous article. The Islamic Center and Temple Beth-El represent the best hope of understanding between American-Muslims and Jews. Congressman King’s comments are indeed disappointing to those who care about strengthening such important bonds in this country. In a recent visit to ICLI Rabbi David Rosen, the Israel – based director of inter religious affairs for American Jewish Committee said- “in a very short time you have become a beacon of light” -Newsday December 15, 2003.

Congressman King addressing ICLI gathering as part of his fundraising campaign

Mueller said later in the interview: “I would like to thank the Muslim-Americans for their support on the war against terrorism, and working with the FBI around the country, as well as state and local law enforcement on our task forces, for continuing and opening a dialogue and the exchanged views, for participation in our training”. After my visit to FBI headquarters ICLI was provided a list of key contacts in various branches of law enforcement, in the event it’s members face travel or visa difficulties or need to contact law enforcement agencies. Congressman King’s accusation about lack of cooperation between Muslims and law enforcement agencies, makes me wonder about the source and reliability of his information. Perhaps the same folks who, not too long ago, told us that Sadam Hussein in Iraq possessed chemical, biological and, nuclear weapons, which could be launched within 45 minutes, informed the Congressman as well.

Congressman King has launched an unnecessary media attack on Muslims, for reasons best known to him, without any factual basis, and I am pleased to note the comments of the Democratic National Committee’s Chairman Terry McAuliffe when he stated: Muslim-Americans are teachers, lawyers, doctors, business owners who have made invaluable contributions to our country. President Bush has said ‘those who feel they can intimidate our fellow citizens and take out their anger…represent the worst of humankind.’ That’s why I am calling on President Bush and the Republican leadership to condemn this latest example of hate-filled language. Congressman King’s accusation’s and divisive statements will, in my view, resonate beyond Long Island and further widen the gulf between America and the rest of the world. My several written and verbal communications to Congressman King have remained unanswered, my suggestion to the readers of this letter is:

3) Congressman Was “Walled Off”

Call the office of Congressman at 516-541-4225 or via email at: peter.king@mail.house.gov or write to his office at The Muslims of Long Island, in particular, are puzzled by 1003Park Blvd, Massapequa , NY 11762 and ask for some Congressman King’s remarks, since he had been a frequent hard evidence on which the Congressman based his inflamvisitor to the Islamic Center of Long Island pre-9/11. He has matory statements, particularly the list of Mosques who’s been hosted in our homes; we have visited him at his offices leadership is extremist and a definition of extremism would in the Third District and Washington; we have had summer be very useful. interns in his New York and Washington offices, and in the book, Story of a Mosque in America, he wrote: “My visit to During this challenging time I have been gratified and deICLI was memorable. I couldn’t help but be impressed with lighted to see the outpouring of support from members of the work ethic, devotion to family and spiritual commitment ALL faiths, from both the community at large and the leaderso evident at the center. It has been gratifying for me to help ship in particular, Rabbi Jerome Davidson from Temple Beth build a political awareness in this, the fastest-growing reliEl, Rabbi Marc Gellman and Msgn Tom Hartman from God gious group in America.” –page 128-129. Squad, Rev Tom Goodhue from Long Island Council of th Churches, Msgn. Don Beckman from Archdiocese of RockIn my letter to Congressman King on February 12 , I ville Center, Rev Mark Lukens from Interfaith Alliance, just wrote: to name a few. My thanks to all. May Allah-God bless you. Congressman, we have known each other for over a decWith my very best wishes ade. I have welcomed you in my home; you were a guest at my son’s wedding; you have been a frequent and welFaroque Khan come visitor to the mosque; I have lobbied you, in Washington, on behalf of American College of Physicians, Faroque Ahmed Khan and I have been welcome in your Massapequa office to President Islamic Center of Long Island, discuss a variety of issues. If you had such serious con835 Brush hollow Road, cerns about me, and even more importantly about ICLI, Westbury, NY 11590. why not call me and get the facts right. Your statements Tel 516-333-3495. have caused great distress and, I am afraid, a lot of E-mail:Faroquekhan@yahoo.com damage, and I am deeply saddened. 4) Muslims Did Not Condemn Sept 11 Attacks: Sadly, Congressmen King, unlike other elected officials post-9/11, chose not to attend the numerous events he was invited to at ICLI, including the annual commemoration for 9/11 victims. He apparently did not review the statements of condemnation issued by ICLI after 9/11 which were reproduced in Westbury Times and played on Telecare TV channel for several weeks after September 11th 2001.

April April14 14ththtoto16 16thth2004 2004

ICLI’s ICLI’sStrategic StrategicRetreat Retreat Led Ledby by Professor ProfessorRafik RafikBeekun Beekun Professor ProfessorofofManagement, Management,University UniversityofofNevada Nevada

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