ICLI News June 2006

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Finale: Sunday School Graduation

On Sunday, May 21st, the ICLI Sunday School Graduation was filled with talent and joy. The theme was “Show Us The Straight Path”. It opened up with Sis. Sabrina Khan (Class E student) reciting Qur’an and Br. Bilal Khan (Class F student) reading the translation. Br. Sohail Nabi, co-chair of the Education Committee, briefly outlined the achievements during the year, for example, young Muslim professionals giving presentations to classes E and F about how to be a suc-

tion the students got the chance to show off what they had learned throughout the year. Pre-K sang “A is for Allah”. Then Kindergarten recited Al-Fatiha and Zainab (daughter of sis. Anisa Zamzam) recited a dua in Arabic about believing in Allah, his books and his angels. Class A gave a wonderful presentation on the Pillars of Islam and their meanings. Class B did a play and sang the Islamic Nasheed “T’ala Badru Alainah”. Class C sang the 99 names of Allah. Class D did a presenta-

cessful Muslims in the American Community and matching students with Muslims professionals for work experience. For the younger classes, they had a toy pet program where students where they used the toy pet to log all the Islamic things they did at home. This taught the students mankind’s responsibility to take care of Allah’s creation. The Sunday school also had a competition to raise money for the Center and all together raised $3,000 dollars, with class B raising the most money of $900.00.

After Br. Sohail Nabi gave his presenta-

In the May 2006 issue of ICLI News, the article on “Patriarchy is Family” was wrongfully attributed to Imam Ibrahim Negm.

The article was originally published in the Islamic newspaper The Mirror. The Editor of ICLI News, Sohail Nabi, would like to apologize to Imam Ibrahim Negm and ICLI community for the genuine mistake.

In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
(Continued on page 2)
ICLI News: Sunday School Graduation Highlights of Commencement Speech
Cynthia McKinney Da Vinci Code Controversy Dr. Ingrid Matson Rally for Immigration Spring Fair at ICLI Girl Scouts News Letter to the Editor Message from Karnah Kashmir Unity in the Community Ask Asma - Woman ICLI Services & Salaat Times Inside this issue: Volume 3, Issue 10 June 2006 /Jumada al-awwal 1427 CONTACT US 835 Brush Hollow Road, Westbury, NY 11590. Tel: 516-333-3495 Fax: 516-333-7321 Email:1icli@optonline.net Website: www.icliny.org “I C” KIDS PRESCHOOL AT ICLI Ages 3 to 5 Mon – Fri 9:30 – 12:20 Mon – Fri 12:30 – 3:30
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tion on different Islamic facts. Calls E sang the Mother Song in honor of mothers and the Hadith of Paradise lying at the foot of the mothers.

Sis Ellen then gave rewards to two Class F students who were graduating and going off the college. Sis Fauzia Shaikh gave a beautiful speech on how being a good student can be a good example of giving good dawah. “I thank the Sunday School for giving me the foundation of what I needed Islamically to be a well rounded student.” Sis Fauzia got accepted into Harvard University. The other reward went to Sis. Aslam who also gave thanks to the parents and teachers of ICLI. She was accepted into Columbia University.

Sis. Humma Qureshi, Education Committee member gave awards to the PTO group. Sis Rosanna headed the active Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), which helped organize and assisted the Education Committee with social activities and gatherings.

Sis. Nadia Pervez, Education Committee member, gave awards to the teachers for their hard work and commitment to the Sunday School.

ICLI President Habeeb Ahmed was at hand to say a few words about Sunday school. “The graduation is a small example of the hours and hours of hard work

Grievance Governance Committee

that goes on behind the scenes towards the Sunday School program. A lot of preparation and hard work and sacrifice goes into this program so that children can have Islamic socialization on the weekends.”

Br. Rizwan Qureshi, co-Chair Education Committee, closed the Graduation ceremony stating that “Inshallah, the future is bright for our children and that the Sunday school will be introducing more initiatives in the coming school year”.

The program ended with everyone getting ready for Zuhr Salat and the food and fun activities afterwards. Food and drink was donated by Joy Restaurant (Manhattan), Choopan Grill (Hicksville), Kashmir Bazaar (Hickville) and many parents. We also had food for children being given at a reduced rate by Kennedy Fried Chicken (Hempstead) and Villa Margherita Pizza (New Hyde Park).

The fun activities included two bouncy slides, basketball competition, photo booth and cotton candy/sno cones/pop corn stands.

If you have any Grievances and Suggestions, please leave a note at the ICLI office. Editorial amendments are welcome.

Nazir Mir GGC Islamic Center of Long Island Westbury


Created by:

Managing Editor: Mohammed Sohail Nabi Cell: 646-286 0060 email: msanabi@yahoo.com

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ACCURATE PRINTING & COPYING 962 Hempstead Turnpike, Franklin Square, NY 11010. Tel: 516-775-8060 Fax:516-775-8070 Email: accuprinting@aol.com

Page 2 ICLI NEWS June 2006 /Jumada al-awwal 1427

Highlights From Commencements I Participated In:

1)Alireza Ebrahimi wins the Chancellors Award:

State University of New York at Old Westbury - The president of the university is Dr Rev Calvin Butts Jr 111, is well known to ICLI community. I was invited to participate as a member of the school foundation board. The very special and unique Chancellor’s award was given to Alireza Ebrahimi, for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities based on his design of VPCL (Visual Plan Construct Language) and publications in scholarly journals. Dr. Alireza Ebrahimi is a Professor in the department of Management, Marketing and Information Systems at S.U.N.Y/College at Old Westbury where he has taught programming for twenty years and served as chair Computer and Information Science from 1993-1995. Previously he received a Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence in 1993. Dr. Ebrahimi published his book "C++ Programming Easy Ways" in 2002 that is currently being used as the textbook for his courses.Dr. Ebrahimi is currently the director of the Teaching for Learning Center.

We join in congratulating Alireza on this wonderful accomplishment. In the accompanying picture Alireza Ebrahimi is seen with Dr Calvin Butts after he received the award.

3)Benediction at New York Institute of Technology Commencement:

I was privileged to give the interfaith benediction at the commencement exercise of NYIT which was attended by thousands of students, parents and families. NYIT has a large enrollment of Muslim students from here and overseas.

It was a good feeling to see the young graduates at these three events and also to see the recognition ICLI is receiving at the major educational institutions of Long Island.

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney - representing the 4th Congressional district in Georgia, met with a large delegation of Muslims from New York area on Monday May 15th.

Some of her suggestions and comments were:

1)There are plenty of people in various positions of power who are sympathetic towards Muslims, at this time they may not be vocal, however given the right environment and agenda Muslims can count on their support.

2)Muslims need to build alliances with individuals and groups who share common values and have gone through tough times ex. Afro-Americans, Latinos, Catholics, Jews etc.

3)Muslims need to focus more on action and less on rhetoric, she highlighted this using the example of two NY Muslims- Sr Debbie and Br Naji Almontasar--who went to the 4th Congressional district in Georgia and campaigned for her during the last election, when she was "down and out".

4)Support Your Local Candidate: Ms McKinney promised to return and campaign for Br Morshed Alam who is a candidate for NYS Assembly from Queens.

2)Muslim Physicians Oath at New York Osteopathic Medical School-NYCOM:

For the first time on Long Island the Muslim Medical school graduates from NYCOM took the special oath prepared by Islamic Medical Association of North America—IMANA- The same oath had been administered at the graduation at Howard University earlier this year.

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Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney

Prophet ‘Isa (Jesus) –(PBUH) And the Controversy around “The Da Vinci Code” Khutbah at ISOC – Rabi’ al-Thani 21, 1427/ May 19, 2006

Muslims were angry with a few cartoons we should be more angry with this book. Some Muslims and nonMuslims are asking our reaction to this book.

We as Muslims do not want to be known as people who react only when something wrong is done to the blessed name of our Prophet Muhammad only. We stand for the respect of all religious figures of all religions. Furthermore, Jesus –(PBUH) - is also a blessed Prophet to us. We believe in him and honor him. We also have something to say something about this novel and movie.

ye: "We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) Prophets from their Lord: we make no difference between one and another of them: and we bow to Allah (in Islam)." (Al-Baqarah 2:136)

Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! Allah giveth Thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honor in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to Allah . (Al ‘Imran 3:45)

We believe in all the Prophets and Messengers of Allah. We respect and honor all of them without any discrimination. We believe that all Prophets preached the message of Tawhid (monotheism) and all of them invited human beings to worship Allah alone and to live righteous life. Prophet Muhammad –(PBUH) - was not the only Prophet of God, but he was the last and final Prophet of God. Prophet Muhammad is not the founder of Islam; all Prophets submitted to God (Muslims) and followed the way of submission to God (Islam). We believe that Jesus was one of the great prophets of God. In the Qur’an he is called ‘Isa. He is also known as al-Masih (the Christ) and Ibn Maryam (Son of Mary). He has many other honorable names and titles in the Qur’an. He is a highly respected religious figure. Every Muslim believes in him, honors him and loves him. His mother is also highly respected, loved and honored. There are hundreds of thousands of Muslim men all over the world who feel proud and blessed to have the name ‘Isa; as there are thousands of Muslim women who feel honored and blessed to be called Maryam.

There is a big controversy going on all over the world at this time about Dan Brown’s novel known as The Da Vinci Code . This novel has become a big thriller and until now more than 45 million copies of it are sold. Today a movie is going to be released based on this novel. Many Christians, especially Catholics are outraged with this novel. In several countries Christians are protesting and asking their governments to ban this novel and its movie. Some Bishops and Cardinals referred to Danish Cartoons against Prophet Muhammad and said that

There are two things that I would like to say about the Da Vinci Code and its movie. One is positive and the other is negative. The positive thing is that it says that for the first four centuries Jesus was known only as a Prophet of God, not God. At the Council of Nicea around the year 325 CE the Emperor Constantine and some Bishops with him changed the true teachings of Jesus. The Da Vinci Code also says that Jesus –(PBUH) - married one his female disciples Mary Magdalene and had children and his descendants still exist. Although the Qur’an does not say anything about Jesus’ marriage, his wife or children (nor does the New Testament); there is nothing wrong from the Islamic point of view if he was married and produced children. Allah says in the Qur’an:

We did send Messengers before thee, and appointed for them wives and children: and it was never the part of a Messenger to bring a Sign except as Allah permitted (or commanded). For each period is a Book (revealed). (Hud 13:38)

Some Christians consider this a blasphemy. According to them to say that Jesus was married means that he was not God. Although they say that God had a son (na’udh billah); but they say that Jesus could not have a son. However, as Muslims we say that if he was not married then this does not make him God; because Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist) who was Jesus’ contemporary was not married and no one considered him divine. Celibacy does not make any person divine. And if Jesus was married then this does not take away his honor because there were many prophets before him and after him who were married and had offspring. It is interesting to see a number of books produced today by Christian writers that also say that Jesus was not crucified and he never claimed to be “the Son of God.” This is what the Qur’an said long time ago.

There is, however, a negative side of the Da Vinci Code for which we as Muslims should criticize it. The Da Vinci code is a novel, a fiction. It has not presented facts about Jesus’ life in a serious and respectful manner. It has fictionalized his life and story and in this sense it

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Da Vinci Code Controversy
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has downgraded this great Messenger of Allah. The author of the Da Vinci Code took some historical facts and then spinned a mystery story to thrill and chill his readers. God’s Prophets and His Messengers should not be treated in this manner. They are entitled to receive utmost honor and respect from us. It is for this reason Islam forbids making pictures of Allah’s Prophets and Messengers and also forbids making fictitious stories and movies about them. Islam teaches us that we should present their Sirah (life and teachings) with great care, respect and utmost authenticity. The Prophet –(PBUH) - said:

Convey from me even it is one verse. Speak about Bani Israel without any hesitation; but whosoever tells a lie about me, let him prepare his place in Hell. ( Al Bukhari 3202)

We hope that more and more truth will come out about the life and teachings of Jesus –(PBUH) . We totally reject those who abuse his person with fiction and falsehood. We as Muslims should use this opportunity to inform others about Islamic position about Jesus –peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Ameen.

127 East 28th Street New York , NY 10016 212 - 685 0808 ext 224 2nd Location (Near United Nations) 148 East 46th Street New York, NY 10017 212-490 1277

Page 5 ICLI NEWS June 2006 /Jumada al-awwal 1427
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best quality food since 1993 Catering for all occasions at very reasonable prices Contact Abu Syed

Dr. Ingrid Mattson’s visits ICLI

“By (the Token of) Time (through the ages), Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy”. 103:1

Dr. Ingrid Mattson is the Professor of Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations at Hartford Seminary and the Vice President of ISNA. She came to ICLI on Sunday the 30th, during one of ICLI’s Sunday Lecture series to address the community on issues in the matter of civil liberties and how we as American Muslims help to integrate Islam into our society. She started off her speech by stating that as Muslims we should be grateful

cause people will make decisions and policies that effect our everyday lives and unless we get actively involved in our society then we are going to be forced to live by the decisions that are made for us. We are trustees of this earth Allah created us to take care of the earth and the creation that is in it.” She stated that when we become more aware of our surroundings it is supposed to make us more conscious and more responsible of what takes place in our everyday lives.

to Allah and the awareness of his existence should make us humble as Muslims. The fact that we were not inflicted with a mental illness or that we were blessed not to be one of the people who have to live their lives on a daily basis just worrying about where their next meal would come from, should make us aware of our surroundings and how we as Muslims can partake in fixing some of the global problems and issues that face us today. Many of us she stated utilize our time on frivolous things like how we can decorate our homes with a new look, or what is the latest car we can buy or going to the mall constantly to do shopping. We should be careful on how we spend our time because we can be held accountable on the day of judgment to those who were in need and we could have helped and we were aware of their needs but we did not take the time to actively help them. “There are some Muslims who adopt an isolationist mentality in that they feel that American society is not Islamic so that they do not need to get involved in trying to change the society.” “This is a not a good attitude be-

She went on to further elaborate on the issue of ethics and public policy in the United States. In a society where there exits an appalling lack of ethics in the business world, where we see people on a daily basis acting unethically how do we challenge and overcome these ethical issues and still function in this society. Especially where we see people on a daily basis who are not ashamed of their lack of ethics for the sake of money even if it hurts other people. How do we as Muslims deal with these issues? “The first step is that we as Muslims have to get out the idea that Islamic Law does not apply to us here in American society.” “We as Muslims have to live our lives according to obeying Allah and the majority of Shariah is about ethics. Not just about law and regulations and what the states can coerce people to do. Shariah is to help establish and implement ethics in society so that things can function in the way that they are supposed to. Examples of this is if one was a doctor who had people work under you. Ethically you would have to pay them a decent salary, give then health benefits, make sure that the patients are being well take care of.” “Another example is when a person is a car dealer and he is going to sell a car to a person that he knows there are certain defects in the car. Would he hide the defects from the customer or would he make the person aware of the problems.” We as Muslims here in America have to be conscious of the fact that even though we are not in Muslim country and we are not surrounded by Muslims that we do not have to do the right things. A perfect example of this is the way Prophet Muhammad dealt with the Jews in Medina. Prophet Muhammad had the Muslims and Jews sign an agreement that he would be the political leader of that state for the Jews and the religious leader of the Muslims, this is even after the Muslims and the Jews fought with each other. Prophet Muhammad dealt justly with the Jews and the Muslims and when there was a disagreement with a Jewish man and the Prophet’s cousin over a deposit, Prophet Muhammad (saws) ruled in favor of the Jewish man. In the essence of this as Muslims we as have reached the ultimate level of faith and piety when we consciously want for others what we want for ourselves. When we exercise common courtesy when we are in the grocery store and we are about to pay the cashier do we speak to them or do we just hand them our money as if they are a machine. “ In some schools of thought a transaction is not valid unless you speak to the other person.” This is to make sure that

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there is a clear understanding of the agreement and what you are buying.

Dr. Mattson further elaborated on the issue of ethics by further getting into the history of how the earlier ulema came up with the Fiqh of Priorities. They measured a level of risk assessment and what kind of harms can entail from certain course of actions and benefits. When we are talking about ethics we are talking about good, better, bad or worse. The Ulema ruled over issues based on how they can avoid a harm then to increase in a benefit. Because it was harder to recover from a harm and the benefit can always be gained. The goals of the Ulema were to establish rulings in the essence of trying to preserve these main things. 1. Faith/Religion 2.Life 3. Property 4. Intellect 5. Family. The primary one being faith and religion because when you preserve that the others naturally come after.

Dr. Ingrid Mattson ended her speech with how Muslims in America can effectively keep the image of Islam in America to be positive without just being on a defensive mode about the negative attention Islam has received in America. “It is a challenge because we as the two percent of American Muslims have to explain to the rest of the ninety eight percent who are not Muslim who and what we are.” “It would be easy if people in America were just suffering from simple ignorance. But it is more complicated in that people in America when it comes to their exposure to Islam suffer from complex ignorance meaning that their minds have been filled with negative things and now we have to unfill their minds and reeducate them.” “ We can do this by putting books in public school libraries about Islam and speak at different classes in the Public school system about Islam. We also need to increase support for youth mentors in our Masjids.”

Dr.Ingrid Mattson ended the conference with question and answer sessions. She is part of the Islamic Chaplaincy program in Connecticut. If one wishes to seek information about this, you can call the office at (860) 509-9534.

Islamic Center of Melville 118 Old East Neck Road, Melville N.Y. 11747, U.S.A. Tel: (631) 249-3298 Fax: (631) 249-3297

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Page 7 ICLI NEWS June 2006 /Jumada al-awwal 1427

Spring Fair Comes to ICLI

Many thanks to all who made the April 30 Spring Fair a success! The sun shone, the moms cooked furiously, and all enjoyed blessed hours of snacking, chatting, strolling, and shopping for plants, gifts, accessories and clothing. It was one of the busier days of the Sunday School year. Hosted by the Sunday School Parent Teacher Organization, the Spring Fair coincided with day-long parentteacher meetings and a special lecture on Islamic Ethics by Dr. Ingrid Mattson, VP of ICNA.

Special thanks to the many Sunday School students and teachers who used their creativity to find new ways not just to

celebrate the onset of spring, but to raise much needed funds for the Masjid and the Sunday School. Class A sold crafts; Class B made ice cream sundaes, Class C sold new and gently used toys, sweets and henna decorations, and Class E capped off the day with a spectacularly successful car wash.

Additional thanks to the several Sunday School moms and dads who went out of their way to contact vendors, man the tables, cook, set up, and donate their wares, among them Homaira Ahmad, Yasmeen Arain, Shamim Bari, Ennaji Benhammou, Zoha Gondal, Saida Kapdi, Mobina Mamoor, Ambreen Moghni, Seema Rahman and Samina Wasti.

Raising funds for the Masjid should always be this much fun!

Girl Scout News – Earth Day Event April 29, 2006

How does dirty air affect us? How can we clean our homes without hurting the environment? How can we conserve energy? ICLI Junior and Cadette Girl Scouts explored these questions in a day-long Earth Day Event at Bethpage State Park on Saturday, April 29.

The Juniors and Cadettes played host to about 30 other Girl Scouts from the Carle Place/Westbury area. ICLI Scouts created posters and wrote and delivered presentations on ecosystems and biodiversity, air quality, cleaning, water conservation, recycling and conserving energy. Then: the fun stuff! A Girl Scout barbeque and organic tee-shirt tie-dying for all!

The project was part of a larger effort by the girls to earn Bronze and Silver scouting awards. Among the ICLI participants: Aliza Khwaja, Bayyinah Sultan, Sahar Iqbal, Sarah Bouzaidi, Sarima Subzwari, Sofia Rahman, Sofia Khwaja, Eve Soliman, Sophia Shafaq, Hiba Abbas, Nazo Khashang, and Anam Chaudhary.

The ICLI Girl Scout troops meet every other Friday evening at ICLI. To learn more, contact Peggy Iamunno (margaretaiamunno@msn.com) or Seema Rahman (seemarahman@aol.com).

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Letter To The Editor

Response to the article: Patriarchy is Family

Assalamu-alaikum Brother Mohammed Sohail Nabi,

Since you are the editor of the newsletter I felt I had to share some of my thoughts on this article.

Patriarchy is Family in ICLI Newsletter, May 2006 was not written by Imam Ibrahim Negm, it was written by Sister Tahira Muhammad as a reporting of Elder George’s speech. I believe Sister Tahira has already contacted you regarding this. I disagree with Elder George on two points. Why depression is the number One illness in American women and that Patriarchy is the way of life.

Americans in general are suffering from depression because they are not living in accordance with divine laws. I say Americans in general because many men suffer from depression. They are less likely to seek treatment, and when they do seek treatment for associated aliments they are less likely to be diagnosed with depression. Americans in general are living for immediate gratification and material gain Their priorities are not in order yet they do not know it. They are brought up in a society that is not based on morals, ethics and integrity. Rather it is a society based on serving one’s own needs without regard for others. They believe that if something is legal in America it is right. They do not take into account how laws are created in this government. Of course these are broad generalizations and not true for every American individual.

I also disagree with the statement That Patriarchy is Family.

“Men are the maintainers of women, with what Allah has made some excel others and with what they spend out of their wealth. So good women are obedient; guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded. And those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the beds and chastise them. So if they obey, seek not a way against them. Surely Allah is ever exalted, Great.” Surah 4:34

Translators seem to all agree that obedience here is referring to obedience to Allah. Unfortunately, many translators add husband to this. Not all Muslim husbands live and act in accordance with Islam. On the day of judgment each individual will stand alone before Allah and will have no intercessors. Certainly a woman can not protect her self by saying I was just obeying my husband. Islam encourages the pursuit of knowledge for everyone. Knowledge gives us the ability to think and reason for ourselves and not blindly follow others. When there is disagreement between a husband and wife if the

husband is truly acting in accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah then a wife should defer to him. However, if he is not acting in accordance with Islam and she is then he must defer to her.

Patriarchy implies that men rule and women are just supposed to blindly obey. This leaves out all natural balance. Yes men and women are different and serve different roles in society but they need to have mutual respect and understanding to work together to create a well balanced society. The world is patriarchal and it doesn’t seem to have brought humanity very far. Look at all of the injustices and unrest in the world today. It is a known fact that people who are given power tend to abuse it and so checks and balances are necessary. Look at the current American administration and the Taliban. Both have gone to extremes. Maybe the Taliban has taken its stance to protect women but in doing so they have taken away women’s rights that are inherent in Islam and thus oppression exists. The current American Administration wields its power in the name of democracy and claims to be believers in the right to life yet they are destroying the lives of American soldiers and innocent Iraqi’s.

It does not appear that Prophet Mohammad [pbuh] was a Patriarchal husband. His first wife was a successful business woman, she was his confidant and supporter. Do you think he would not listen to her if she disagreed with him and they would come to the right answer. The same with Aisha, I do not think she blindly followed him. It certainly seems that he had balanced relationships. Maybe the way to world peace begins with peace in families working together as men and women not separately.

Elder George has some good ideas on rebuilding family but he needs to include women to bring balance and natural order to life. Life shouldn’t be about Patriarchs or Matriarchs it should be about fairness and respect for all, attained through seeking the pleasure of Allah by following his guidance.

These are just some of my thoughts. Anything that I have said that is right is from Allah. Anything I have said that is wrong I pray for Allah’s forgiveness and guidance.

Letter to the Editor

If you have comments on any articles printed in the ICLI newsletter or would like to publish any that will be useful for the ICLI community please email them to Br. Sohail Nabi at: msanabi@yahoo.com

Page 9 ICLI NEWS June 2006 /Jumada al-awwal 1427


Translated from Urdu by Dr Faroque Khan - May 9th 2006

Respected Supporters and Colleagues at ICLI-- Asalamu Alaikum.:

We the residents of Karnah in Kashmir express our heartfelt thanks and gratitude.

The donation you sent to our remote village is indeed a remarkable achievement, such a donation has resulted because of your deep love, persistence, feelings and humanism from which we have benefited immensely. What we are feeling in our hearts and souls would be better expressed in person, since that is not possible we have to use this mode of communication.

We do not know you in person, however as a result of your action during a very difficult period of our life we are overcome by your love, support, and most of all humanism, we feel as if we are feeling your presence amongst us. We feel the person who made this connection possible for us is almost like a “Messiah/Saviour ” for us.. The person who traveled a long distance to be with us, assess our situation is Dr Naseer Chaudhry and we are indeed blessed that he resides in your community.

Through Dr Naseer we wish to extend our thanks and congratulations to all of you and we pray to Allah that He bless you and your progeny and give them the highest

reward both here and in the hereafter. You have brought light and hope into the lives of many families in Karnah and we pray that Allah ease our hardship so that our families can live in peace and harmony. We hope that we have expressed our heartfelt sentiments and we have requested brother Abdul Rauf to express our sentiments.

May Allah grant you and your families long happy lives and the best of both worlds—here and hereafter—Ameen Scribe: Abdul Rauf for the families of Mohd Ebrahim, Mohd Alias, Abdul Rashid, Nazim Jan, Lal Din, Abdul Qadir, Lal Din Sian, Mohd Shafi, Salam Din, Abdul Rashid, Shah Mohammad, Abdul Majid, Mohd Shafi, Salam Din Chamma, Abdul Hamid, Bashir Ahmad, Mukhtiar Ahmad, Abd. Hamid Khawaja, Shamash Din and Basher Ahmad and the 88 CHILDREN.

Page 10 ICLI NEWS June 2006 /Jumada al-awwal 1427  WEDDING INVITATIONS  RUBBER STAMPS  SIGNS & ENGRAVINGS  COLOR COPIES  OFFSET PRINTING  FAX SERVICE  T-SHIRT PRINTING  BANNERS  BUSINESS CARDS  BINDING 516-775-8060 962 Hempstead Turnpike, Franklin Square, NY 11010  516-775-8070

Unity in the Community

May 7th, 2006


ICLI has participated in this annual event since 2002. This year, under the guidance of Nazli Chaudhry, more than 22 of our students represented ICLI.

Among these teens, there were 7 who stepped up to be UNITEENS. Uniteens are the students, who work throughout the year, meeting monthly to plan this huge event.

The ICLI Uniteens for this year were: Hira Ahmed, Zoya Awan, Amann Ahmad, Meher Mamoor, Maha Mamoor, Fariah Mamoor and Eissa Ahmad.

Other Teen volunteers from ICLI were: From Class F: Assad Baig, Nabiha Zakir, Fauzia Shaikh, Bilal Khan, Sarah Khalifa, Deena Khalifa and Leila Brollosy.

From Class E. Heather Khalifa, Samara Ahmed, Adam Brollosy, Raza Wani, Kamran Qureshi, Azzam Hamid, Safwan Bhuiyan and Nabeel Arain.

older people. They made crafts, played games, enjoyed music and conversation. Some of these people don’t have family, and it was a lot of fun for them to spend time with young people.

The organizations serviced were:

Habitat for Humanity

Holiday House

Tri Community & Youth Center

Hoyt Farm

Brentwood Head Start

Good Samaritan Hospital

Memorial Sloan Kettering

Teddy Roosevelt

Beth El

Benjamin Beach

Gurwin Geriatric Center

Hunt Freedom Center

The students had a wonderful time, they helped others, met new people, and had some fun, were given TeeShirts. They were awarded a certificate for 7 hours of community service, which is a requirement for many high school programs.

Many sponsors donated funds and goods which provided the plants and other goods needed to make this program possible. One student was awarded a $1,000.00 scholarship from Burger King. This program helps teens develop skills in leadership, organization, fundraising, community service awareness, and interfaith tolerance. Our ICLI students worked hard and were outstanding representatives. There were no behavior issues at all. It was a wonderful day and we want to encourage even more ICLI teens to join in next year.

What did the Teens Do?

There were over 130 teens from various organizations throughout Nassau and Suffolk county who came together to spend a day helping others. The teens were broken into groups and along with an adult team leader and a uniteen, they were assigned to a specific location.

In most of the locations the teens cleaned yards and planted beautiful gardens. Their efforts were greatly appreciated, since these organizations do not have funding for beautification of their property. One group went to a geriatric center where they made friends with the

Page 11 ICLI NEWS June 2006 /Jumada al-awwal 1427
Adult Volunteers from ICLI were ArfanArif, Ellen Brollosy, Mobina Mamoor and Samina Wasti. Nazli Chaudhry unfortunately could not attend but needs be commended for her work in this organization.
Kashmiri Bazaar Halal Meat 472 South Broadway, Hicksville, New York 11801. Tel: 516-942-5147 We are the oldest foodstore in the Hickville area providing fresh quality halal meat and groceries to the Muslim Community in LI. ~~ SUMMER SPECIALS ~~ We have all your specialty foods: Fresh vegetables, Meat, Groceries, snacks and Islamic CDs Tel: 516-942-5147



Eve was a woman. As were Sayeeda Khadija, Sayeeda A’isha, Sayeeda Fatimah and all the Umm Ul Momeneen.

Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was the conduit between Allah and us mortals. A lot of the important surahs in the Holy Qur'an focus on the rights and status of women, as well as the life of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). The sunnah and hadith focus on rights accorded to women. Our Prophet lived what he preached and was a living example.

In his time women, mothers, daughters, sisters, wives and friends and were respected and treated as equals.

"Their Lord responded to them: "I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you MALE OR FEMALE, YOU ARE EQUAL TO ONE ANOTHER.” Qur'an 3:195

Abu Hurairah reported that a man asked Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) , who was to be given the highest respect and had the most right on him in regards to love and attention and the Prophet repeated thrice ‘your mother”. The fourth time he said ‘your father’

Unfortunately most Muslim men forget that their mothers and their children’s mothers are women.

“And for women are rights over men similar to those of men over women”. (2:226)

“They (your wives) are your garment and you are a garment for them”. (2:187)

These aspects were much emphasized by the Prophet (PBUH). He exhorted men to marry women of piety and women to be faithful to their husbands and kind to their children. He said: "Among my followers the best of men are those who are best to their wives, and the best of women are those who are best to their husbands. To each of such women is set down a reward equivalent to the reward of a thousand martyrs. Among my followers, again, the best of women are those who assist their husbands in their work, and love them dearly for everything, save what is a transgression of Allah's laws."

And abuse and disrespect of women is a clear and definite transgression of Allah’s laws.

Once a companion, Mu'awiyah asked the Prophet, (PBUH) , "What are the rights that a wife has over her husband?" The Prophet replied, “ Feed her when you take your food, give her clothes to wear when you wear clothes, refrain from giving her a slap on the face or abusing her, and do not separate from your wife, except within the house." Once a woman came to the Prophet with a complaint against her husband. He told her: "There is no

woman who removes something to replace it in its proper place, with a view to tidying her husband's house, but that Allah sets it down as a virtue for her. Nor is there a man who walks with his wife hand-in-hand, but that Allah set it down as a virtue for him; and if he puts his arm round her shoulder in love, his virtue is increased tenfold." Once he was heard praising the women of the tribe of Quraish, "...because they are the kindest to their children while they are infants and because they keep a careful watch over the belongings of their husbands." Alhamdu-Llilah, what a beautiful guidance even for today…when men love to leave their wives to their own devices and socialize on their own and wives are the last on their list of priorities.

The Shari'ah regards women as the spiritual and intellectual equals of men. The main distinction it makes between them is in the physical realm based on the equitable principle of fair division of labor. It allots the more strenuous work to the man and makes him responsible for the maintenance of the family. It allots the work of managing the home and the upbringing and training of children to the woman, work which has the greatest importance in the task of building a healthy and prosperous society.

It is a fact, however, that sound administration within the domestic field is impossible without a unified policy. For this reason the Shari'ah requires a man, as head of the family, to consult with his wife and family and then

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Page 12 ICLI NEWS June 2006 /Jumada al-awwal 1427
or Faiza 917 312-9529

make decisions . Any transgression of this principle involves for him the risk of losing the favor of Allah, because his wife is not his subordinate but she is, to use the words of the Prophet (PBUH), 'the queen of her house', and this is the position a true believer is expected to give his wife.

These are the true enlightened teachings of Islam in respect of women. Not for women to have no voices and no respect.

Some fanatic preachers, who make the rounds of many mosques and give fiery sermons about patriarchy seem to have been disillusioned by the western women who have always expected equality in relationships and when these men convert to Islam with a distorted vision of subjugation of women they tend to overlook the teachings of true Islam and try to use it as a tool to further their own misogynistic ideas.

I wonder if one of the reasons for becoming Muslim is the sense of gaining mastery over women. I personally think they forget to educate themselves about the true teachings of Islam.

The Prophet (PBUH), was most emphatic in enjoining upon Muslims to be kind to their women when he delivered his famous khutba on the Mount of Mercy at Arafat in the presence of one hundred and twenty-four thousand of his Companions who had gathered there for the Hajj al-Wada. He ordered those present, and through

them all those Muslims who were to come later, to be respectful and kind towards women. He said: "Fear Allah regarding women. Verily you have married them with the trust of Allah, and made their bodies lawful with the word of Allah. You have got rights over them, and they have got rights over you in respect of their food and clothing and needs, according to your means."

In Islam a woman is a completely independent personality. She can make any contract or bequest in her own name. she can have her own businesses and her own monies. She is entitled to inherit in her position as mother, as wife, as sister and as daughter. She has perfect liberty to choose her husband. The pagan society of pre-Islamic Arabia had an irrational prejudice against their female children whom they used to bury alive. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was totally opposed to this practice. He showed them that supporting their female children would act as a screen for them against the fire of Hell.

It is narrated by the Prophet's wife, 'A'isha, that a woman entered her house with two of her daughters. She asked for charity but 'A'isha could not find anything except a date, which was given to her. The woman divided it between her two daughters and did not eat any herself. Then she got up and left. When the Prophet ((PBUH) came to the house, 'A'isha told him about what had happened and he declared that when the woman was brought to account (on the Day of Judgment) about

Page 13 ICLI NEWS June 2006 /Jumada al-awwal 1427
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her two daughters they would act as a screen for her from the fires of Hell.

Following the teachings of the Qur'an and the Sunnah, women have to be given their proper place in society. Unfortunately along with men there are many women who are the worst enemies of other women. The empowerment of women to get what they rightfully deserve has to start within their own ranks.

We are all facing a common challenge to which no woman is immune, be she Muslim or otherwise.

Statically data shows extremely high numbers of women suffering from insult and physical injury generally perpetrated by men. They are the victims of ignorance and anger of both men and women. Abuse perpetrated by husbands, mothers in laws, friends and extended families.

Focus should be on education of women and making them aware of their rights and empowering them.

Muslim women should, by all guidelines, be the best treated but are not and this is not going to happen till the Muslim men shape up. So don’t you think we have to step out of this boxed in mentality of ‘I AM A MAN HENCE I AM SUPERIOR’ and start practicing what our religion teaches.

Women generally respect men because they respect rela-

tionships i.e. husbands, brothers and fathers. Unfortunately many men only think MIGHT IS RIGHT and dominate by physical brute strength.

Sisters in Islam who love to be subjugated, I have only one word of advice for you. Please develop some selfrespect and empathy for other women who are suffering and do not use religion to further their degradation. You or your daughters could be in that situation some day.

To my brothers in Islam: I can only pray Allah shows you the right path and guide you and melt your hearts. Your daughters may be suffering some day.

On a closing note, pertaining to a recent article in our newsletter, what is this whole thing about forming tribes? Are we living in the year 3000 BC where tribes were all there was?

Surely we have progressed enough to be able to live as good citizens along with other people in large cities and states. As such let’s set a good example for all around us and not try and hide our ignorance and stupidity by living in small Patriarchal Tribes.

Jazak Allah Khair.

Asma A. Ejaz, MD

Chairwoman Domestic Harmony Committee.

Page 14 ICLI NEWS June 2006 /Jumada al-awwal 1427

S a l a t T i m e s f o r I s l a m i c C e n t e r o f L o n g I s l a n d , W e s t b u r y .


M a r r i a g e / N i k a h P e r f o r m a n c e o f M a r r i a g e / N i k a h c e r e m o n y a n d M a

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