ICLI News Sept. 2006

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Sunday School

Registration: Sept. 10th

Asalaamu Alaikum. We hope you all have enjoyed a healthy, restful and peaceful summer. September is here and it is time to begin our 2006-2007 Sunday school registration. Inside this issue of ICLI News, you will find a Policy and Procedures guidelines and Sunday school registration form. Please bring the completed forms with your payment to ICLI on Sunday, September 10th between 9:00am - 11:00am.

Throughout the summer, the Education Committee has been busy planning for the new school year, in line with our goal to provide our children with a sound Islamic education in a safe, secure and happy environment. Some new initiatives that are being introduced are highlighted below:

 “New Moons” Class for 3 yr olds. (Space limited to 12 children only)

 Tajwid Classes for Class A – F students

 Guest Speakers (Muslim professionals) for our High School Kids (Classes E & F), to provide guidance on career and Islam

 Work Experience Program for our Class F seniors, in order to gain relevant work experience from professionals in the Islamic Community

We are looking forward to a year full of Islamic activities to complement our enhanced curriculum as we strive toward providing the students with a religious education that will give them the knowledge and confidence needed to prosper as a 21st century Muslim-American.

The first day of classes will be at 10:00am on Sunday, September 10th. Please plan to spend the day with your child as our agenda will be as follows:  9:00am – 11:00am: Registration and book sale (outside of the Sunday school office)  11:00am – 12:00pm: Parent /Teacher/Student Orientation

Parent, Teacher and Education Committee Meeting. Education Committee will present new initiatives being introduced at the Sunday School and will be available to answer questions. Asalaamu Alaikum, Sohail Nabi

In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
& Rizwan Qureshi
email: iclisundayschool@yahoo.com
ICLI News: Sunday School Registration Ballin’ 4 Darfur President’s Message Fast of Ramadan World Peace Tsunami & Kashmir Relief Report Sunday School Policy & Procedures Sunday School Registration Forms Letter to the Newsday Editor Book Review ICLI Membership Form ICLI Services & Salaat Times Inside this issue: Volume 4, Issue 1 September 2006 /Sha’aban-Ramadan 1427 CONTACT US 835 Brush Hollow Road, Westbury, NY 11590. Tel: 516-333-3495 Fax: 516-333-7321 Email:1icli@optonline.net Website: www.icliny.org “I C” KIDS PRESCHOOL AT ICLI Ages 3 to 5 Mon – Fri 9:30 – 12:20 Mon – Fri 12:30 – 3:30 An enriching, educational and spiritual environment. Our priority
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Ballin’ 4 Darfur

Asad baig

was raised for the victims of Darfur, with the money coming from donations and registration money. Organizer Asad Baig said, “It’s an issue that no one wants to address, so we, as youth, are trying to do what ever we can to help.” The tournament caught the attention of Darfur activists who were quite pleased with the youth initiative that Young Muslims of Westbury took in hosting this tournament. Many members of the Young Muslims of Westbury were at hand, helping out by collecting money, serving food, helping participants get refreshments, and organizing the tournament. Overall it was quite a success, and with the help of Allah, Young Muslims of Westbury will be able to hold more events that will be beneficial to the local community as well as the global community.

Special thanks to, Br. Wisam, Br. Farhan, Br. Muzzamil, Young Muslims of Westbury, Stony Brook MSA, and all those that helped out. For more information on Young Muslims of Westbury, please email YMWestbury@Gmail.com

On Sunday, July 23, 2006, “Ballin’ 4 Darfur,” a basketball tournament co sponsored by Young Muslims of New York (YMNY) and Stony Brook Muslim Students Association (MSA) was held at Islamic Center of Long Island to raise money for the victims of the crisis in Darfur. Eighteen teams participated in the 4 on 4 tournament, with teams coming from Suffolk County, Queens, Brooklyn, and even as far away as New Jersey. All the participants were eager and happy to be part of the special event. Saad Yousef, one of the organizers said, “I am pleased with how many people participated in this tournament, because we did not expect so many people to come.” The tournament was held at ICLI on the new courts that the members of the Masjid helped build for the youth of the community. Over seven hundred dollars

Grievance Governance Committee

If you have any Grievances and Suggestions, please leave a note at the ICLI office.

Nazir Mir GGC

Islamic Center of Long Island Westbury


Created by:

Managing Editor: Mohammed Sohail Nabi Cell: 646-286 0060 email: msanabi@yahoo.com

Printed By:

ACCURATE PRINTING & COPYING 962 Hempstead Turnpike, Franklin Square, NY 11010. Tel: 516-775-8060 Fax:516-775-8070 Email: accuprinting@aol.com

Page 2 ICLI NEWS September 2006 /Sha’aban-Ramadan 1427

President’s Message

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Assalamu Alaikum.

VISION STATEMENT OF ISLAMIC CENTER OF LONG ISLAND: To be a center of excellence for developing and sustaining a progressive vibrant Islamic community and a nurturing environment for the society at large.

MISSION STATEMENT OF ISLAMIC CENTER OF LONG ISLAND: To serve and engage Muslims by promoting the values and teaching of Islam and to advocate inter-faith harmony in a multicultural environment in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah.

The summer is about to end and I hope you all had a good and restful season. During the summer, mash Allah there were various activities at the mosque. To name a few:

1.Brother Wisam Sharieff held classes on how to read the Quran correctly with tajweed. It was an extensive course for 10 days. Each day had six hours of instruction. There were well over 50 brothers and sisters attending this wonderful course. I want to thank Br. Wisam for this great service to the community.

2.The youth of ICLI held a basketball tournament and alhamdulillah they held it as a fundraiser to benefit Darfur victims. There were about 20 different teams from different masajid and MSAs at ICLI for this worthy cause.

3.Some students of Br. Harun Yahya were also at ICLI during the summer to give lectures on evolution vs. creation and it was a very well attended Sunday program.

4.We also had a banking breakfast seminar. About 25 individuals from banking and mortgages industries were here to learn as to how best to serve the Muslim community to fulfill their banking needs in the light of Quran and hadith. Some participants came from as far as Baltimore and Washington D.C. These banking individuals requested follow-up seminars to understand the requirements of Islamic finance. My thanks go to Rev. Tom Goodhue of Council of Churches of Long Island for taking the initiative in setting up this seminar.

Mash Allah as you might have seen during the summer, the Islamic Center has thousands of flowers, a big vegetable garden and very well maintained landscaping and the Central Westbury Civic Association awarded ICLI the “Lawn of the Month” Award in the month of July. This gardening project is taken care of and maintained under the guidance of our Imam, Hafiz Ahmad. My special thanks go to Br. Tal, his son Fatoon, and his nephew Amir for hundreds of hours of dedication to maintain the gardens.

In conclusion, I wish everybody a successful fall season, especially our students in their school work. I also wish everyone a blessed month of Ramadan, which is coming soon. Jazak Allah. May Allah guide us all.

Habeeb Ahmed


Fast of Ramadan

The very idea that we are getting closer to the month of Ramadan is in itself wonderful. The activities involve hardship and sacrifices, but the believers young and old, men and women, rich and poor are all eagerly ready to get started. The more we think about what happens during the month the more we are convinced about the great blessings it brings.

The two significant things that happen at the start of the month are the fast and the taraweeh with Isha. Presently we focus on the subject of fasting. The words of Quran provide the best framework for this discussion Allah (swt) says:

"O YOU who have attained to faith! Fasting is ordained for you as it was ordained for those before you, so that you might remain conscious of God." Ch. 2 v.183

These words are addressed to the believers . Believers, according to the Quran, are a very distinct group. They acknowledge that their Creator and Sustainer, is the most gracious and ever merciful. He intends to see these believers to be nurtured and nourished in a manner that they are able to develop their best human potential in every sense and manifest it accordingly. So He provides them with very clear guidance in all aspects of their life to reach this goal successfully. Accordingly, when it comes to fasting, He provides for them a very clear purpose. He says that fasting should be practiced with the aim to become “muttaqeen". Not only that they are given a clear purpose but also informed that fasting is the most appropriate and historically tested method of achieving this purpose This has been the practice of the believers of the past as we have been informed in the verse quoted above.

We need to know the meanings of the word taqwa. Once we are clear about these meanings we will know what it means to be a muttaqi. Subsequent to our acknowledgement that we believe in Allah (swt), He wants us to culti

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(Continued from page 3)

vate a sense of His presence in our lives, a sense of awareness and consciousness that we are connected to Him through our belief and faith in Him. This sense of presence, awareness and consciousness is a dynamic process; it can either get enhanced or get diminished. It requires that the _expression of our belief and faith in Allah (swt) generate meanings, ideas, feelings, emotions and related elements of spirituality that will enable us to feel the corresponding attributes of Allah (swt) in our life. These can be His directives, prohibitions, actions, rewards, punishments and so on. All of these should serve as effective instruments to stimulate and cultivate His awareness and consciousness.

Let us see how the practice of fasting enables us to become muttaqis i.e., Allah conscious. Iman, i.e., faith and belief are prerequisite for taqwa, i.e., Allah consciousness. By fasting we affirm our Iman and plan to acquire taqwa. Let’s pay attention to the words we use to make intention for fasting. O Allah we are intending to fast for the coming day as an act of commitment and devotion to do what you have asked us to do i.e., to keep the fast for the month of Ramadan. And we remind ourselves that all you have asked us to abstain from is being done as an act of faith in you.

Particularly in the case of eating and drinking, considered essential for our existence, we are letting it be known that even these are regulated based on the guidance you have provided. Our pleasure lies in the process of doing the will of our most gracious and merciful Creator and Sustainer. Our Sustainer is with us in these hours of the day as we are progressing through our fast pleased with our sacrifice and patience. The more aware we are of our intention throughout the day and more sincere in our intention the more we are going to feel the presence of Allah (swt) in our lives.

A few more things that one should not miss to mention. During this month most of us are positively disposed to engage in righteous actions. People become more charitable, generous, forgiving, affectionate, caring and kind. The undesirable tendencies like enmity, jealousy, backbiting and belittling more oftenly avoided. These are such wonderful blessings of Allah (swt) that we just cannot thank Him enough.

We can similarly look at the dua and the words used in it we say for breaking the fast. While this dua affirms that we kept our fast for the sake of Allah (swt) it shows our trust in Allah (swt) and about the great bounty of His provisions these words are "tawakkul" and "rizq". They should be viewed only as opening to a whole different world of meanings, understanding and experiences. We are engaged in a manner that our words, minds, hearts and spirits become alive, active and engaged. Thus words become vehicles for enormous amounts of intellectual, emotional and spiritual enrichment. As a result this becomes a very comprehensive and dynamic process enabling individuals to create greatly transfor-

mational changes in their lives. By the same token we can also assert that in the absence of such a process an individual can hardly be expected to experience any change in his or her life.

In this limited discussion, we have tried to bring to attention some of the most effective ways in which the fast each day of Ramadan enables us to become better believers. In fact it builds in us considerable capacity to carry on the task of Islamic self growth and development through the following months if we choose to do so. As we consider all these blessings of Allah (swt) and think honestly about all the graceful opportunities He has provided for us to be closer to Him. We can never think of being away from Him or out of His graceful and kindly nurturance. In fact this, in a very true sense, is the best reward that we can expect to receive from Allah (swt) for our fast during the blessed month of Ramadan. Let us pray that may Allah (swt) enable each and every one of us to welcome the coming month of Ramadan with the best of Islamic spirit. And may He enable us to benefit from the blessings of this month to the best of our ability. And at the end may He enable us to experience the true feelings of joy and gratitude for Him for His infinite mercy and the wonderful guidance He provided for us during the month. May He enable us to experience His presence not only during Ramadan but throughout the year. Amen!

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Page 4 ICLI NEWS September 2006 /Sha’aban-Ramadan 1427

World Peace

The United States of America is the best and most powerful nation in the world. I am thankful to have been born and raised here. It was founded on the basis of the Declaration of Independence that states: We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

This statement is very consistent with Islam. I think reasonable people would agree that to keep and attain these rights individuals and governments cannot oppress and infringe on the rights of others. Our current administration does not uphold these rights and ignores these rights in The U.S. and abroad. Some examples are eavesdropping, corruption in business, lobbyists influencing legislation and our support of nations that oppress people. They will say that this is all legal, but the real question is whether or not their actions are ethical. Why isn’t the current American administration living up to the ideals professed by our Founding Fathers? Is it because they believe these rights only pertain to a select few? Do they not believe that all men are created equal? Is it because these words were written by white men and did not include all of humanity? As a powerful nation, our standards must be high and our example to the world must be based on truth. All mankind have equal rights to life even though all mankind is not created identically.

And of his signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your tongues and colours. Surely there are signs in this for the learned. (30:22)

Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was able to provide a society that upheld these rights for Muslims, Christians and Jews.

And say: the truth is from your Lord; so let him who please believe, and let him who please disbelieve. (18:29)

He did this through fairness. Everyone was held accountable for their actions and none were favored in rulings because of their wealth, skin color, or religion. America could get back on track if everyone upheld these ideals.

O you who believe, be upright for Allah, bearers of witness with justice: and let not a hatred of a people incite you not to act equitably. (5:8)

I believe the only way to world peace is thru the end of oppression and prejudice. Oppression needs to be ended both on a community level and global level On a com-

munity and individual level we need to get beyond prejudices- I see this in Muslim and in non-Muslim communities. We need to stop pointing at what others are doing wrong and look at ourselves and our inner jihad. When I found Islam, I thought finally a religion that recognizes all individuals as deserving of respect and fair treatment. Prayer in the Masjid equalizes everyone- it is one of the most beautiful aspects of Islam. We all stand together to worship Allah. I have lived in a society where some believe they are more deserving based on their skin color, their wealth, their education or their neighborhood. I abhor these beliefs. I think that individuals should be judged on their integrity, morals and actions.

After reading about Islam and reading the Quran translation, I didn’t think Muslims would be prejudiced. I was somewhat naïve. This evil thrives in this community as well as non- Muslim communities. I know in my heart that prejudice has no place in Islam.

Mankind is a single nation. (2:13)

O mankind, surely we have created you from a male and female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other. (49:13)

As humans it is difficult for us to conquer these evil concepts as they are interwoven in families, communities and nations. How do we overcome our prejudices? I think we need to start by realizing that all individuals have the same basic needs: food, shelter, clothing, love and respect. We need to pray to Allah and look to the Quran and Sunnah for guidance.

The Messenger of God (pbuh) said,” Love for humanity what you love for yourself.” (Al Bukhari)

The messenger of God (pbuh) said” None of you believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.” (Al Bukhari)

If Prophet Mohammad’s (pbuh) mission was to create a world in which one could travel safely alone with only the fear of Allah, women should not be hidden or secluded from society as is the case in some Muslim societies. This is a form of oppression. Muslim women must also be free to pursue learning. The first words from Allah are:

Read in the name of thy Lord Who creates Creates man from a clot, Read and thy Lord is most generous, Who taught by pen, Taught man what he knew not (96:1-4)

Certainly Allah is speaking to men and women in the Quran. . In the United States, women are free to do these things (America oppresses women in other ways). In some Muslim societies, women are not free to pursue learning or travel without a male escort. This misleads non-Muslims to believe that Islam suppresses women. Islam elevated women from being property to their rightful status as individuals. This would have to mean

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that women and men are meant to participate in all facets of the community. Since the oppression of women occurs or has occurred across all economic, cultural and social facets of society, ending this would certainly lead us towards world peace. Of course, part of the onus is on women themselves- we have to stand firm and not buy into oppression. We are different from men, we do not want to be men, but we do deserve the same rights as all of mankind does.

For world peace to become a reality, individuals have to work at ending oppression, prejudice and corruption. Individuals have to uphold the very ideals they expect from their governments. By being righteous, steadfast and true we can demand the same from politicians and governments.

Islam is not stagnant, Islam is life!

These are just some of my thoughts. Anything that I have said that is true is from Allah. Anything I have said that is wrong I pray for forgiveness and guidance.

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"O YOU who have attained to faith! Fasting is ordained for you as it was ordained for those before you, so that you might remain conscious of God."

Tsunami and Kashmir Relief Onsite Visit Report

During a recent visit to Kashmir and Indonesia in July 2006, Drs Arfa and Faroque Khan met with the key individuals who supervise the ICLI relief work in the tsunami and quake affected areas in Indonesia and Kashmir respectively, detailed reports were reviewed and recommendations were made regarding various management issues brought up. It was heartwarming to see first hand the positive impact ICLI relief effort is having in shaping the lives of children and adults in both places. The enclosed picture shows Drs Arfa and Faroque Khan in the CEDAR office in Jakarta, Indonesia with the key individuals from CEDAR. Detailed informative annual report about the relief effort is available at ICLI.

Say: "We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another among them, and to Allah do we bow our will (in Islam)." Qur’an 3:84

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For more information; please call: Dr. Talaat Abdelmoneim (516)312-0218 Mrs. Mervate Abdelbarr (631) 871-6856 Brother. Abdulla (631)355-0244 Mr. Abdelkhalek (917)842-5500

Details!!!!>>>>>>>Stay Alert
Page 7 ICLI NEWS June 2006 /Jumada al-awwal 1427

Sunday School

Student Code of Conduct

In order to ensure our students receive a successful religious education it is imperative that all students adhere to proper Islamic etiquette as follows:

1.Attend class on a consistent, regular basis

2.Be punctual (classes start at 10:00am)

3.Come to class prepared with required supplies, books, assignments, etc.

4.Must complete assigned homework

5.Always be mindful and courteous of peers, teachers, and other elders. (including during recess time and on the basketball courts)

6.Absolutely no electronic devices in class (i.e. cell phones, Ipods, Game boys, etc.)

7.Dress modestly

Dress Code

ICLI Sunday School expects all its students to be dressed in a modest Islamic manner. The rules for boys and girls are as follows:

Hijab for boys from classes B - F: Hijab for girls from class B - F: Loose comfortable fitting clothing Loose comfortable fitting clothing

No shorts above knee height No short tops

No images on clothing No images on clothing

Long pants preferred No low rise jeans ( no midrif showing)

Long pants/skirts

Head covering is mandatory

Please ensure that you inspect you child's dress code before leaving home for Sunday school. If your child is dressed inappropriately they will be discreetly asked to wear clothing provided by ICLI Sunday School.

Attendance Policy

To maximize learning and ensure continuity, we encourage your child to attend all scheduled classes throughout the school year. If for any reason your child is unable to attend, please call the office and inform the department. We should both aim for the same goal100% attendance!

Lateness Policy

Punctuality is an essential value to instill in our children. Lateness is disruptive to students and the teacher, as well as disrupting the lesson in progress. ICLI will not tolerate repeated lateness. Lateness includes being late to the center in the morning as well as being late to class after designated break. Our lateness policy is as follows:

If your child is late once, he or she will not be able to enter the classroom without signing in and meeting with Education Committee staff in the main office. At this time your child will be issued a written warning. 

The second time your child is late he or she will not be able to enter the classroom without signing in and meeting with Education Committee staff in main office. At this time your child will be issued a note requesting that a parent attend a meeting with the department the following Sunday. 

The third time your child is late he or she will not be able to enter the classroom at all. He or she will be required to sit in the main office for the length of the lesson.

Pleasedonotattempttoentertheclassroomifyourchildislate. Youmustreporttothemainoffice.

Disciplinary Policy

If a student acts in an unacceptable or disruptive manner in class, a member of staff may file an incident report describing the infraction. Copies of this report will be filed in the office and mailed home to the student’s parent or guardian. The student involved will also have an opportunity to complete a report which describes the infraction through his or her eyes. 

For the first incident report filed, the student will be asked to sit in the main office. 

The second will lead to a parent conference. 

The third will lead to suspension from class.

I the parent/guardian of _____________________________________________________________________________ hereby confirm that I have read and understood the ICLI Sunday School Policy and Procedure Guidelines. We will make sure that they are followed by my child(ren). Signature:______________________________________________ Date:_______________________________

In the
the Beneficent, the Merciful ISLAMIC CENTER OF LONG
Sunday School Registration Form 2006-2007 PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMATION FATHER’S LAST NAME: _______________________________ FATHER’S FIRST NAME: _______________________ MOTHER’S LAST NAME: ______________________________ MOTHER’S FIRST NAME: ______________________ HOME ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________________ HOME TELEPHONE: _________________________________ CELL PHONE: ________________________________ EMAIL (required): ______________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT: _______________________ CHILD’S PUBLIC SCHOOL GRADE LEVEL MINIMUM AGE REQUIREMENT ICLI GRADE LEVEL ASSIGNMENT “New Moons” 3 YRS BY 12/31/06
ISLAND Sunday School 835 Brush Hollow Road, Westbury, New York 11590. Phone/Fax: (516) 333 0299 Email: iclisundayschool@yahoo.com Website: http://www.icliny.org
New Moons
Sunday School Fee Schedule and Payment Method Fee Schedule
child: $350.00
$750.00 4
$800.00 If registering more than 4 children, each additional child will have a fee of $50. Books are purchased separately. Registration fee: $ ________________ Book purchase fee:$ ________________ Activity Supplies: $ ________________ Total amount due: $ ________________ PAYMENT OPTIONS (PLEASE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE) Payment: In Full : 1 payment Installments: 3 monthly installments : 6 monthly installments (Must provide post dated checks or credit card authority) Cash:  Personal or Business Check: Check number(s) :____________________________________________ Amount(s) :$___________________________________________ Credit Card: Please provide the following information Card Type : Visa or MasterCard(circle as appropriate) Card account number : _______________________________________ Cardholder name : _______________________________________ Expiration date : _______________________________________ Amount to be charged : $______________________________________ Signature of cardholder : _______________________________________ I the parent/guardian of ____________________________________________________________ hereby confirm that I have read and understood the ICLI Sunday School Policy and Procedure Guidelines. We will make sure that they are followed by my child(ren). I also confirm that all monies due to ICLI Sunday School will be paid promptly. Signature:__________________________________________ Date:___________________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Payment received by: Receipt No:____________________________ Date of payment:___________________________________ Balance due: ____________________________ Special Conditions: Please Note: For classes (New Moons, Pre-K, Kindergarten & A) an additional $20 per child is re-
2 children:
3 children:
Page 11 ICLI NEWS September 2006 /Sha’aban-Ramadan 1427 INVITING ALL MOTHERS AND CHILDREN (3 months – 4 Years old) to THEBABYCLUB Every Tuesday The main Masjid 11.30am – 1.00pm Bring your child and encourage a healthy awareness of religion, build social skills and enjoy a fun filled session of skill learning. Looking for members to help take the club forward

Letter to The Newsday Editor

The letter below was written to the editor of Newsday in response to an article that appeared on July 25, 2006. My letter was not printed in Newsday and I wanted to share it with members of ICLI. A request was made to Newsday to reprint the original article in this newsletter but the request was denied. The only reason given was that the article was no longer available. Please go to www.newsday.com , click on archives and search for Learning the Language of their Faith to view the original article.

Dear Newsday Editor and Shomial Ahmad (staff writer), In regards to your article Learning the Language of their Faith, I was quoted incorrectly and you changed the reality of the class in some instances. When you approached me I said I did not like reporters and now I will explain why.

In reference to me I specifically told you that I did not convert but rather reverted to Islam. You chose to write convert which changes the essence of the meaning. Revert means I returned to Islam. We are all born with the truth but life leads us astray and the Quran brings me back to the truth.

You misquoted my words. I said that after reading the translation of the Quran I was so moved because there is nothing else I have ever read that was so powerful and perfect. I don’t know where you came up with there was nothing else I could read. I have always read and continue to read many different things, my mind is open. I am specific about it being a translation of the Quran because the reason for learning Arabic is to be able to read and understand the Quran in its revealed language.

Then you stated that class ended abruptly when prayer was called. Class did not end, we paused out of respect for the call to prayer, then went up to the Masjid to pray after which we returned to class for another hour or so of learning.

Another misrepresentation you wrote was that the women in the back wearing their carefully pinned scarves. Some Muslim women wore “carefully” pinned scarves, others like myself wear loose veils others wear Nikab (a facial covering), and others do not wear any head covering. This is important because Islam is the religion for all of humanity in spite of differences in modest dress, ethnic background, language or cultures. Even though Muslim women may cover differently we are all united by our belief in One God (all praise to God), our belief in all of the prophets (peace be upon

them) and our belief in Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the last messenger of God.

So when I say that I don’t like reporters what I mean is that reporters can change the meaning of events whether intentionally or unintentionally with just a twist on words, the deletion of words, or the distortion of events. This article was only about an Arabic class I wonder and fear at how reporters may be misrepresenting and changing world events.

I hope that you will print this as I feel I have a right to correct some of what Newsday printed. Thank you, Peace,

The Ornament of the World by Maria Rosa Menocal, Little, Brown and Company Book Review

The Ornament of the World by Maria Rosa Menocal recounts the long history of Muslims in Spain, bringing to light an era of rear cooperation and co-existence among people of three major faiths. The book with a brilliant Foreword by Harold Bloom,highlights the tolerant and inclusive attitudes of Arabs in building a culturally vibrant and economically thriving state in Europe. Menocal is Director of the Whitney Humanities Center at Yale University and R. Selden Rose Professor of Spanish and Portuguese.

Though sometimes verbose, Menocal writes passionately about art, architecture, poetry and a sophisticated culture of learning in Andalusia. Muslims, Jews and Christians together created a society in Spain, which produced not only great cities like Cordoba, Granada and Seville but also nurtured works of great intellect.

Menocal explains, prior to the arrival of Muslims in 711, Spain was a backwater of Europe where Jews lived a life of servitude in squalor. Muslims, though a minority in their new country, were confident of their faith and brought with them an egalitarian view of people of the book, i.e. Christians and Jews. These were protected communities in a Muslim society free to practice their faith and pursue economic goals in an expanding empire. According to her Muslims also brought new agrarian methods to the Iberian Peninsula to enhance agriculture and expanded trade across Mediterranean, thus creating a flourishing economy that allowed all to prosper and be a part of the multi-cultural and multi-religious society Andalusia was.

Menocal is more of a raconteur than a historian, and her

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The opinions expressed by the authors of articles due not necessarily reflect the views of the editors or the management of ICLI

book is not a traditional historical account of events in strict chronological order. In the first two chapters, she sets the stage by giving a brief history of the 781 years of Muslim presence in Spain. The first Umaawi (Umayyad) Khilafat in Cordoba (750-1009) lasted 259 years and created the tolerant and learned society remembered with pride and nostalgia by Jews and Muslims alike. In 1009, Umaawai Khilafat broke up into small Taifas or City States. The next 300 years were marred by internecine fighting among Muslim city-states. The two invasions of the conservative Berbers, Almoravids and Almohads from North Africa brought a strain of fanaticism not known to Spanish Muslims that shattered the fine balance of cooperation and respect between Christians, Jews and Muslims.

The rest of the book consists of profiles of famous people renowned in the history of Muslim Spain. The famous personalities covered by Menocal are of all three Abrahamic faiths; Muslims, Jews and Christians:

The renown Muslims include, the poet Ibn Hazam, the famous historian Ibn Khaldun, and the neo-Aristotelian philosopher Ibn Rushd also known as Averroes in the West. Among Jews, the scholar, Hasdai Ibn Sharput who served as Grand vizier to Abdul Rahman III, and a generation later Samuel al Nagid, the famous Jewish poet who also served as a vizier and the leader of the armed forces of Granada. The Jewish scholar Maimonides, sometimes referred as the Second Moses, wrote his fa-

mous Guide for Perplexed in Arabic and Mishna Torah or Second Torah in Hebrew, which to this day is read by Jews allover the world. A generation later Moses of Leon’s Zohar, became one of the most sacred texts in Judaism dealing with the Jewish mystical tradition known as Kabbalah.

The famous Christian personalities included Al Cid or Al Seyyed in Arabic, a Christian war lord who sometimes fought at the head of Muslim armies against Christians. In 12th Century Petrus Alfonsi, an Andlusian educated Jew, who was baptized by Alfonso I of Castile into Christianity, became a prominent member in the English court of Henry I. His book Priestly Tales, a collection of traditional Arab folk lore and parables is seen as a forerunner for Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. The powerful Abbot of Cluny, who was impressed by the advances made by Jews, Christians and Muslims in philosophy and the sciences, and their urban living in Spain, paid handsomely to get the first Latin translation of Quran and Hadith.. And finally, Cervantes’s Don Quixote refers to a ghost writer of the adventures of Man of La Mancha as a Moor, Cid Hamit Bengali.

The writer advocates the idea that Muslims ruling Spain and Portugal for seven hundred years created a tolerant society, which flourished because there was a great deal of give and take between three desperate groups of people living there. Free flow of ideas enriches us all as it did so many centuries ago in Spain.

Page 13 ICLI NEWS September 2006 /Sha’aban-Ramadan 1427  WEDDING INVITATIONS  RUBBER STAMPS  SIGNS & ENGRAVINGS  COLOR COPIES  OFFSET PRINTING  FAX SERVICE  T-SHIRT PRINTING  BANNERS  BUSINESS CARDS  BINDING 516-775-8060 962 Hempstead Turnpike, Franklin Square, NY 11010  516-775-8070

This past August with great pleasure Dr. Qadir opened her private practice in Melville, New York.

Dr. Qadir was previously an Attending physician at the Department of Medicine, Long Island Jewish Medical Center from 2004-2006.

Her main goal is to serve patients in her community and the Muslim community with the best medical care.

Board Certified Internist

Residency at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Elmhurst Hospital

Dr. Qadir accepts most major insurances

Clinic Hours: Monday-Friday 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

To make an appointment please call: 631-271-3075


Page 14 ICLI NEWS September 2006 /Sha’aban-Ramadan 1427 Afghan Cuisine Take Out & Catering Private Parties Available 15 West Marie Street
NY 11801 Tel:
8817 Tel: 516-681 8818 Contact Najib
Sonia K. Qadir, MD, PC Oasis Medical Care and Spa 900 Walt Whitman Road, Suite 101, Melville, NY 11747

S a l a t T i m e s f o r I s l a m i c C e n t e r o f L o n g I s l a n d , W e s t b u r y . S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 6


M a r r i a g e / N i k a h P e r f o r m a n c e o f M a r r i a g e / N i k a h c e r e m o n y a n d M a

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