ICLI News Oct. 2003

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Inside this issue:

ICLI News: President’s Message

Domestic Harmony Committee Telecare Projects

Islamic Heritage: AL-IDRISI (Dreses) (10991166 C.E.)

Educational Section: Message from Sunday School

Schedule for Jummah Khutbahs

Schedule for Sunday Adult Sessions

Qur’an Classes information

Youth Section: Editors notes

What’s New in Islam Hadith of the Month Crossword

High School and Islam

I.C.L.I. News

October 2003/Shabaan-Ramadhan

President’s Message

Dear Fellow Muslims - Asalaamu Alaikum.

As we look forward to the blessed month of Ramadhan, I am delighted to share with you the following good news:

New TV Show entitled “Our Muslim Neighbors” on Telecare Ch 29. With Allah’s blessings ICLI has participated in the production of a TV program by Telecare (Ch 29), the 1st episode Inshallah will be aired on Wed Oct 15th at 9:30 pm on Ch 29 and repeated on Thursday Oct 16th at 10:30 pm and Tuesday Oct 21st at 11:30 am. This show is hosted by the famous TV team of “God Squad”. There will be a series of programs depicting the life and challenges facing Muslims in America. I encourage you to watch the program, inform your non Muslim colleagues and friends about it and after watching the show call 516-538-8704 ext 111 or 122 and express your thanks and appreciation. You may also like to drop a note to Monsignor Tom Hartman at Telecare1200 Glen Curtiss Blvd, Uniondale, NY 11553.

Ramadhan Public Service Announcements—Inshallah short Public Service Announcements (PSA) will be shown at Fajr and Maghrib on Ch 29 during the entire month of Ramadhan. Tune in to Ch 29 when you start and break your Fast.

Islamic Scholar at ICLI Sunday Oct 12th from 10am to 1pm. We look forward to having Prof. Ingrid Mattson at ICLI. Dr Mattson is Prof of Islamic Studies at Hartford Seminary. She obtained her doctorate in Islamic Studies from the University of Chicago with a special focus on Sharia. Dr Mattson will comment on case studies from ICLI dealing with Sharia application and will address topics of contempo-

rary interest particularly as they relate to Sharia. Dr Mattson is one of the most sought after speakers in USA and she holds the title of Vice President of Islamic Society of North America.

“Islam 101” Wed Oct 8th from Maghrib till Isha with Dr Faiz Khan. A new program is being organized particularly for “new” Muslims and others who have questions about Islam/Muslims. Please feel free to invite your friends and colleagues to this program which will be led by Dr Faiz Khan.

Your comments, critique are most welcome. Allah bless you and your loved ones. With my very best wishes.

Dr. Faroque Khan President ICLI e-mail :Faroquekhan@yahoo.com

A Publication of The Islamic Center of Long Island, Westbury.
Volume 1, Issue 2
1424 We’re on the
Community Round-up: ICLI Services In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
web at http://islamicvalley.com/icli
Prof. Ingrid Mattson (VP of ISNA)

ICLI’s Domestic Harmony Committee (DHC)

The Committee of Domestic Harmony is a community-based organization, under the auspices of the Islamic Center of Long Island. The Committee is committed to promote family peace and harmony within the Islamic context and ending the exploitation and violence against Muslim women, particularly survivors of domestic violence. The Committee works to empower Muslim women through outreach, advocacy, leadership development, and organizing. In the past two decades there has been an increasing number of Muslim immigrant population in the New York area. There are about one million Muslims in New York State. Long Island has about 71,000 Muslims with over 51,000 in Nassau County and another 20,000 Muslim families living in Suffolk County. In response to the social, psychological and emotional needs of a growing Muslim community, the Committee of Domestic Harmony was established in 1992, The Committee members are trained in handling crisis situations through mediation and providing help and advice in legal consultations, emotional support, evaluations, interpretation services, and referrals for financial and legal assistance to state and local agencies for additional support. There is an emergency hotline (516) 942-2081, for messages with committee members monitoring this line and contacting the callers. All calls are handled in strict confidence.

Major Achievements up-to date:

The Committee of Domestic Harmony is thankful for the generous donation from Long Island Fund for Women and

ing a computer, fax and printers. The committee members and volunteers have had a full-day training session with professional facilitator/social worker Sister Robina Niaz, a legal training session with SAKHI (for South Asian Women), and with Sister Sabeena Khan and Sister Neelofer Khan from Nassau & Suffolk county Coalition Against Domestic Violence as well as Ms. Joan G. Sculli, Director of Education & Community services. DHC members and volunteers also attended a three-day Manavi (Organization for South Asian Women) confer-

Girls for the past five years and recently from the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) and was able to obtain and establish an office with separate phone, fax and computer lines; as well as office furniture and supplies includ-

ence in N.J and serve on their Advisory Board. DHC is planning a retreat for the volunteers and a structural training program is scheduled this fall.

Community Outreach events

While some of us were enjoying the warm days of summer, DHC members were busy planning and participating in our community outreach programs. DHC organized Women of Islam: Many faces, Many Voices, an evening of understanding and getting acquainted with our Non-Muslim neighbors in Long Island, an evening where women of goodwill can get to know each other, apart from the stereotypes, apart from the propaganda. On June, 8, 2003 the event was a big success, over 100 men and women from across Long Island came to Cinema Arts Centre in Huntington, to be part of the discussion, eat delicious foods from Egypt, Iran, Afghanistan, South Asia, and Middle East and see and hear the many faces and voices of Muslim women.

DHC, led by Sister Shaida Khan participated in American's National Night out, Against Drugs in the Town of

(Continued on page 3)
DHC at training session with professional facilitator and social worker Sister Robina Niaz at ICLI DHC attending a three day Manavi conference in N.J

North Hempstead on August 5, 2003. DHC joined in a march along with Weed & Seed Organization, North Shore Child and Family Guidance and distributed informational flyers, Daawa packets and calendars. The Committee also made contact with other clergy members and offered to share information with them.

One of DHC's member Dr. Kushal Ahmad has been counseling thevictims/survivors of 9/11 with Various agencies, both American, such as the Port Authority of NY & NJ and the South Asian families (SACCHS) in

addition she had met with them on the past two anniversary days of 9/11 and noticed the persist and need for an ongoing counseling.

Latest News from DHC

· Computer classes to begin under DHC soon !!!

· Mothers Support group meets twice a month Fridays at 7:00 P.M to 8:30 P.Mat 9 Jamie Drive

· Monthly group meetings, transitional support group for Domestic Violence (DV) survivors

· Counseling and Art therapy for Children of DV Survivors.

You Are Cordially Invited To:

Islamic Center of Long Island’s Community Fundraising Dinner Islamic Center of Long Island’s Community Fundraising Dinner

Where:…… Huntington Hilton 598 Broad Hollow Road Melville, New York 11747

When:…… Saturday October 11, 2003 From 6 pm to 11 pm

Why:……. Theme “Rising To The Extraordinary”

Who:……. Farooq Kathwari—Chairman, President and CEO of Ethan Allen Inc

Ingrid Mattson – Professor of Islamic Studies

Maestro M. Sankofa – 1984, 1988, 1992 Olympian

Elias Zerhouni – Director National Institute of Health

Azhar Usman – Attorney and Comedian

How:…… Table of 10 (sponsor) $5,000-minimum donation $500

Children over 8 years of age and seniors $125 (Please NO children under 8 years)

For Further Information, please call: (516) 333-3495, (516) 364-9161, (516) 932-7170, (516) 367-4154, (516) 496-7070 R.S.V.P. by September 20, 2003

Newsletter Created by:

Managing Editor: Mohammed Sohail Nabi email: m.nabi@verizon.net

Islamic Section: Kaleem Ahmed email: kkamboj@nyc.rr.com

Education/PTO: Margaret Iamunno email: margaretaiamunno@msn.com

Youth Section: Emraan Khan email: ekhan17@hotmail.com

Printed By: Five Star Printing (Flushing) (718)-353 4711

(Continued from Page 2)

At the mark of almost a three month relationship of working in conjunction with Telecare we are progressing smoothly into a hectic SepMay season. To provide some background to those people who might not have heard of our main project, here is a note addressed to the general viewer from one of the producers:

Dear Viewer:

My name is Chris Frederick and I am the Producer of the television shows, “God Squad” and our brand new show titled, “Our Muslim Neighbors” which are both hosted by Rabbi Marc Gellman and Monsignor Thomas Hartman (a.k.a. “Father Tom”) and can be seen on both Telecare TV29 and on WLNY -TV55.

“Our Muslim Neighbors” is being produced by Telecare, the television station of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, in cooperation with the Long Island Muslim community. Its purpose is to educate the general public about the Islamic faith in the U.S. and to feature Muslim Americans who are an integral part of our country. We want to bring healing, understanding, and restoration to our society by bringing the Abrahamic faiths (Islam, Judaism, Christianity) together on this program.

Telecare is the non-profit, state-of-theart television and production facility of the Diocese of Rockville Centre. For more than 30 years, we have provided award-winning programming and have been dedicated to answering a critical need on Long Island: to provide millions of viewers with quality, valuesoriented television.

Thank you in advance for tuning in and supporting us!

Sincerely, Chris Frederick Producer, “God Squad” and “Our Muslim Neighbors”

As of September 19th 2003 the first episode of “Our Muslim Neighbor’s” is already ‘in the can’, don’t forget to tune in at its scheduled air time; October 15th 9:00pm. Alhamdu-Lillah we seem to be off to a good start with the first episode, however we hope to improve by leaps and bounds with essential constructive criticism and feedback from the community. Telecare’s website ‘www.telecaretv.org’ provides a form under ‘contact us’ especially for this purpose and we look forward to this being a learning and evolving process which can mold itself to better represent the communities needs.

On the horizon now, are the next two episodes highlighting ‘Women in Islam’

and, ‘The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)’. Their airing dates will also be announced when finalized. Inshallah, we hope to complete our agreement of these ten episode half hour series by seasons end.

Besides the “Our Muslim Neighbors” series we are also making good progress on the Ramadan Public Service Announcements (PSA). These will be 30-60 sec T.V spots at Fajr and Maghrib time aired throughout the month of Ramadhan as mentioned in the previous newsletter article. Please tune in for this service so generously agreed to by Telecare and its staff, starting October 27 th .

I would just like to take a moment to acknowledge the wonderfully active local community here at Westbury which has proved to be extremely resourceful in helping along both these projects being pursued at Telecare. These ventures could not have come to fruition without the unrelenting enthusiasm and support they have received so far!

I am looking forward to working even more closely with the community.

"Our Lord! make of us Muslims, bowing to Thy (Will), and of our progeny a people Muslim, bowing to Thy (will); and show us our place for the celebration of (due) rites; and turn unto us (in Mercy); for Thou art the Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.

Qur’an 2:128

PAGE 4 I.C.L.I. NEWS Bring the Muslim Community together By Advertising your BUSINESS in the I.C.L.I. Newsletter Contact: Mohammed Sohail Nabi m.nabi@verizon.net Cell: 646 286 0060

Islamic Heritage

AL-IDRISI (Dreses) (1099 - 1166 C.E.)

Al-Idrisi is best known in the West as a geographer, who made a globe of silver sphere weighing 400 kilograms for King Roger II of Sicily. Some scholars regard him as the greatest geographer and cartographer of the Middle Ages. He also made original contributions in medicinal plants. Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Ibn Idris Ash-Sharif was born in 1099 C.E. in Ceuta, Spain. He is also known by his short name Al-Sharif Al-Idrisi alQurtubi.

Al-Idrisi was educated in Cordova. As was common with Muslim geographers, he traveled many distant places, including Europe, to gather geographical data. The Muslim geographers by his time had already made accurate measurements of the earth surface, and several maps of the whole world were available. AlIdrisi combined this available knowledge to his own findings. It is for this comprehensive knowledge of all parts of the known world, he became famous and began to get the attention of European sea navigators and military planners.

Al-Idrisi's fame and competence eventually led to the attention of Roger II, the Norman King of Sicily, who invited him to produce an up-to-date world map. It should be mentioned that Sicily was under Muslim rule before King Roger, where Muslim works were freely available for transmission to Europe through Latin West. Al-Idrisi procured a ball of silver weighing approximately 400 kilograms and meticulously recorded on it the seven continents with trade routes, lakes

and rivers, major cities, and plains and mountains. He also included such information as the distance, length and height as appropriate. His globe was accompanied by his book Al-Kitab al-Rujari (Roger's Book). He also made a representation of the known world on a disc.

Souls). Al-Idrisi's knowledge of the Niger above Timbuktu, the Sudan, and of the head waters of the Nile was remarkable for its accuracy.

Al-Idrisi also made major contributions in the science of medicinal plants and wrote several books. The most popular among them is entitled 'Kitab al-Jami-li-Sifat Ashtat alNabatat.' He reviewed and synthesized all the literature on the subject of medicinal plants and associated drugs available to him from Muslim scientists and added to it his research collection from travels. He contributed this material to the subject of botany with emphasis on medicinal plants. He describes the names of the drugs in several languages including Berber, Syriac, Persian, Hindi, Greek, and Latin. Idrisi also wrote on zoology and fauna. Al-Idrisi died around 1166 C.E.

Al-Idrisi's book 'Nuzhat al-Mushtaq fi Ikhtiraq al-Afaq’ (The Delight of Him Who Desires to Journey Through The Climates) is a geographical encyclopedia which contains detailed maps and information on European countries, Africa and Asia. Later, he compiled a more comprehensive encyclopedia, entitled 'Rawd-Unnas wa-Nuzhat alNafs' (Pleasure of Men and Delight of

Al-Idrisi became famous in Europe more than other Muslim geographers because ships and navigators from north sea, Atlantic and the Mediterranean frequented Sicily, which is located about the middle of the Mediterranean. Several of his books were translated into Latin and his books on geography were popular for several centuries. The translation of one of his books was published in 1619 in Rome. This translation was an abridged edition and the translator did not give credit to Al-Idrisi. It is interesting that Europe took several centuries to make use of his globe and the world map. Christopher Columbus used the map which was originally taken from Al-Idrisi's work.

Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave


Educational Section

Alhamdu-Lillah, Sunday School classes are in full swing. Positive momentum was set with the Sunday School Orientation Program that took place on September 14. On this date families had an opportunity to register, purchase books, meet their teachers and learn about this year’s curriculum and special events. It was a great pleasure to see familiar faces as well as many new families who have enrolled their children for the first time.

In anticipation of the new school year, classrooms have been freshly painted and new furniture for students and teachers are scheduled to arrive in the coming weeks. It is certainly one of our goals to ensure a functional and aesthetically pleasing environment for all. Keep your eyes open for other projects that are in the works!!

Another of our goals is for students, teachers and parents to work together toward providing and improving necessary services that keep our Sunday School at optimum

Ramadhan Presentation Workshop

Subhana Allah, Ramadhan is around the corner. Many of our parent community volunteer in their children’s public schools to talk about this sacred month. On October 12th, the PTO meeting will be dedicated to providing parents with appropriate talking points, music, crafts, and recipes for secular presentations about Ramadhan and the Eid festivals. Inshallah, we will see you there!!

performance. Your involvement is essential. Please add your perspective and unique talents to our diverse Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and Education Committee. Inshallah, you will find the meetings and action items productive, organized and forward moving.

The Education Committee Schedule for this school year is as follows:

Time: 10:00-11:00

Venue: The Education Office unless stated.

Dates: October 5th November 2nd December 7th (venue to be decided) January 11th (venue to be decided) February 8th March 7th April 4th May 2nd (NO Meeting, Spring Festival) May 9th.

The PTO Meeting Schedule through January is as follows:

Time: 10:00-10:45

Venue: The Education Office. Dates: September 28th October 12th and 26th November 9th and 23rd December 7th and 21st January 11th and 25th.

If you are unable to attend meetings but would like to volunteer an hour or two of your time on Sundays, please e-mail Br. Mohammed Sohail Nabi at m.nabi@verizon.net

Important Notice to Parents

Sunday School office has its own phone number. (516) 333 0299


Jummah Khutbahs

Khutbahs on the dates below will be performed by the following brothers

Oct 3rd Amer Al-Shawa

Oct 10th Zafar Sayid

Oct 17th Dr. Mozzaffar Partowmah

Oct 24th Dr. Fiaz Khan

Oct 30th Dr. Sameen Mohammed

Qur’an Education Classes

Alhamdu-Lillah, this is the 5th year of the Qur’an classes at ICLI.

Classes are offered from beginners to Hifz level and are held weekdays (Monday to Friday) from 4pm till 8pm.

For more information, please contact Dr. Samina Qureshi on (516) 364 9082

The Clot, Read!

1.Proclaim! (or read!) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created2.Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood: 3.Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful,4.He Who taught (the use of) the pen,5.Taught man that which he knew not. 6.Nay, but man doth transgress all bounds, 7.In that he looketh upon himself as self-sufficient. 8.Verily, to thy Lord is the return (of all).

Surah 96: verses 1-9

Schedule For ICLI Sunday Adult Sessions Date Part 1(10:00-10:45) Part 2 (10:45-11:30) Tafseer Qur’an with Prophets of Allah/Islam Dr. Mozaffar Partowmah with Br. Syed Zafuddin Syeed Oct 5 Ch 2: verses 60-74 A Look At The Unique and Universal Element in the Prophethood of Abraham (PBUH) Oct 19 Ch 2: verses 75-90 A Look At The Unique and Universal Element in The Prophethood of Jesus (PBUH) Oct 26 Ch 2: verses 91-105 A Look At The Unique and Universal Element in the Prophethood of Muhammad (SAW)

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This past Sunday the first meeting of the weekly Muslim Youth of Long Island (MYLI) organization took place. Alhamdu Lillah, the event was a success with over twenty high school students from all over Long Island and Queens in attendance. As matters ranging from the Muslim Day Parade (Sep. 28) to a fundraising carwash (Oct. 4) were discussed, it soon became apparent to me all the kids there were just as enthusiastic as I was, if not more.

I’ll say, it’s about time that Muslim students played a role in their community and it’s about time they got their voices heard. And it’s also about time such potential was harnessed and not laid to waste.

I helped found this club with the belief that sometimes marches, protests and petitions are just not enough. Muslims need to be more than just a political force, but a societal force; which in itself can be the most potent political force. Huh?

For most Muslims living in the

U.S., one of the most pressing concerns is wanting the nonMuslim community to better understand Islam and view the religion in a better light. With that said, the question then becomes how do we go about accomplishing such a monumental goal? In my opinion, the hearts and minds of Americans cannot be won through protests, or marches or petitions, but instead we must begin within the community in which we live.

Sometimes volunteering to clean up a park can help the Muslim community more than any amount of money can. Sometimes if we help set up a soup kitchen rather than lecture people about Islam, they can learn more about the true meaning of the religion than any speech or seminar. And sometimes our actions speak louder than our words; we should all remember that.

Special Announcement

Are you between the ages of 14 and 19 ?

Do you want to have fun while also helping Islam ?

What’s New In Islam?

All-Star forward, Shareef Abdur-Rahim is Muslim. He is an inspiring leader on and off the court. He is one of the most dominant power forward’s in the NBA’s Eastern Conference. Shareef AbdurRahim is also very active in the Atlanta Muslim community. He has made speeches at many Muslim conventions. Be sure to catch this power forward in his 2003-2004 NBA season!

Forget about Justin Timberlake, The Backstreet Boys, or Usher. Check out the one and only Outlandish. Outlandish is an r & b group from the U.K. The members are from Morocco, Pakistan, and Honduras. Their music is very influential and often contains emotional lyrics.

A lot of rappers these days like to call themselves Muslim. But they don't seem to understand Islam like you and I. However, one rapper, who follows Islam, and speaks out for Muslims in America is Mos Def. This brother is holding down Muslims in the rap game. Mos also participates in demonstrations against wars on Muslim countries. The rapper also incorporates Islam in his teachings. Some of his lyrics include:

"(Ameen) Pray Allah keep my soul and heart clean/ (Ameen) Pray the same thing again for all my team"

! If so, why not join the


Do you want to meet new kids and help the commu- Special Announcement

For more Info. contact Emraan at eKhan17@hotmail.com

A culture shock by Mohsen Malik Island Muslim Youth Organization

adith of the Month H

A reflection by Anbia Gul Awan

This Hadith is telling us that we have a very short life, which is temporary. And most importantly it is a test for us. The deeds we do in this life will determine what our fate we will be in the hereafter. A traveler does not go to a motel and make it his home as he is aware that he has to move on to his destination.


Hadith of the Month

This Hadith also reflects what our role should be as Muslims. We should direct our focus on the next life rather than be lost in the complexities of this world. There is a Heaven that everyone wishes to make their final destiny.

In the name of Allah we are born In His name we live and in His name we die

Our shadows prostrate to their Creator morning and evening without our consent Birds and animals usher in the times of prayer

Birds circumambulate the Ka'ba while migrating birds stretch forth their wings finding their way by Allah's Mercy

Only to feel unrest and leave once more ever-searching, traveling discontent until they die

We, also wander some blindly while others see

Crossword: Islam


1- Marched to Mecca to destroy Kaaba.

2- Surahs of Quran revealed in Medina.

3- First woman to embrace Islam.

4- Allah is Just.

6- Quran revealed to this Prophet.

7- Was revealed to Prophet Issa.

10- Later known as Medina.

12- Month after Ramadhan.

13- Prophet Dawood is mentioned as ___ in the Bible.

15- Son of Ibrahim from his wife Sarah.

16- Place where the Prophet fought his first battle of Islam.


1- There is no God but ___.

3- Was built by Prophet Ibrahim.

5- Month of fasting.

8- Mother of Prophet Ismael.

9- Last chapter of Quran.

11- Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was from the tribe of Bani____.

12- He ruled over Jins and Humans.

14- During this battle– a rumour spread that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was killed.

15- Two pieces of cloth worn on hajj.

17- Journey of the Prophet from Mecca to Medina.

18- He was a Mauzzin.

19- Muslims used to pray towards it.

“Beintheworldasthough youwerea stranger or traveler.” ProphetMuhammad

High School and Islam

It’s true what people say about high school ending before you know it. Those four years seem like only four days. High school is like beginning a new chapter in your life, filled with new teachers, new peers, and new and greater responsibilities. I had no idea what was in store for me in those four years. Nor could I imagine the things I’d learn, the people I’d meet, and the decisions I’d have to make. High school is like nothing else, and its high school and how we each deal with the challenges and triumphs that make us who we are and what we will become.

Every one has their own high school story, filled with memorable and those not so memorable moments. But anyone who has survived high school can tell you it wasn’t a walk in the park. Dealing with teachers, peer pressure, fitting in, and your parents start to wear you down, but imagine having to cope with all that, plus the fact that you are a teenage Muslim. High school is a time in your life when you start to make your own decisions on things concerning yourself. This new responsibility leads many of us to believe that we are smarter then everyone else. But this is one of the biggest mistakes anyone can make. It is in those four years that you need your family, your mosque, and your community the most. That is the time in your life when you need a positive influence, so as not to forget who you are. And it is in those four years that you grow to understand new things about yourself and the people around you.

Starting high school was one of the scariest moments of my life. I wondered if I would ever fit in, if I would ever make friends, and if people would understand who I was and where I was coming from. Walking in the halls, you see many different types of kids. Those cliché clicks which every high school has; the jocks, the thespians, the populars, the music lovers, the losers, and the kids who just don’t care. Which group you belong to is determined by the first week of school. And once your labeled it’s

hard to change. As I walked off my bus, and into my school, a fear ran through me, yet it was matched with a rush of adrenaline. I knew this was my opportunity, to shape my life the way I saw fit, to experience life, to prove myself to my parents. But I soon learned that things wouldn’t be that easy and my high school career wouldn’t be all fun, rather it would be a struggle.

I found out that it was easy to fall off the straight path, that if you weren’t strong, you would give into peer pressure, and become another teen conforming to a stereotype. You see kids

public self is how you act when you’re in school, or work, or with friends. In many cases, and I’ve noticed this to be greater among Muslim teens, is that they have a separate public self, and a separate private self, they are living two life styles. Living those two different life styles confuses them, and they are unable to mix their private and public selves. They can’t have their different selves meet because they wouldn’t no how to act. The key to surviving not only high school, but also life is joining your public and private selves into one, embracing your identity, and learning to be a true person with one façade.

wanting to belong and going to every extreme to be accepted. Boys with their pants down below their butts, girls dressing like Britney Spears, each of them trying their hardest to get the others attention. I found it very hard to be an individual, to speak your own mind, and to think your own thoughts, but it wasn’t impossible. Stepping outside the box and looking in gave me a certain perspective, and it helped me to see the bigger picture, that high school is just another quiz in the test of life.

I realized that other Muslims dealt with their challenges in different ways. Some hide their identity in shame, some went to an extreme and isolated themselves, while others walked the middle ground. The middle ground is the best place to be, as long as your private self and public self were the same. The private self is the person you are when you are with your family, and your religious community. Your

The one thing that got me through high school, and gets me through life is the knowledge that Allah is always with me. If I ever need anything, if I am ever scared, if I am weak, or if I need someone to talk to, He is always there to hear me. And I find that if you believe Allah is watching you at every moment then you are less likely to make any regrettable mistakes. High school isn’t all about boys, clothes, friends, parties, and dances, realizing this will make you see there is more to things. Enjoying high school doesn’t mean partying every night, nor is your high school experience measured by the amount of friends you made. And just because you have restrictions doesn’t mean you cant have fun, but there are limits on fun.

are in school to gain an education, to learn from other people’s mistakes, and to set a good example. These are the years where we are growing, where what we experience, who we keep company with, and what we do determine who we become. Remember you are not alone in the hardships of high school, we all at one point have gone through the same things. Enjoy high school, but remember your faith, remember every choice has a consequence, and remember God.

-Inur Mamoor
“I found out that it was easy to fall off the straight path, that if you weren’t strong, you would give into peer pressure, and become another teen conforming to a stereotype.”

Community Round-up


Services Offered By ICLI (516)-333 3495

Marriage/Nikah - Performance of Marriage/Nikah ceremony and Matrimonial Service Funeral Arrangements for Islamic Burial

Hall Rental - For family and community functions

Qur’anic Discussion - Sundays Interfaith Meeting and Seminars - To promote better understanding of Islam as a complete way of life

Distribution of literature on Islam and Muslims

Public Lectures on Contemporary Topics Every Sunday 10AM - 1PM. September to June

Visits to ICLI - First hand introduction to Islam and Muslims offered to groups or individuals

Media Consultation - On Issues relating to Al-Islam and Muslims

Letter Writing Campaign - Every Friday during Salaat-ul-Jummah and Sunday 12 noon on human rights or other issues of concern to Muslims, (MAKING OUR VOICE HEARD).

Library - Has a large selection of books Prison Support Group for Muslim Inmates

Youth Programs - Organized by Muslim youth of ICLI throughout the year

Planning for College Seminar - An Annual event for High School students and their parents in November

Al – Zakat - Collection and Distribution

Community Iftar - Every Saturday evening during Ramadhan

Domestic Harmony Committee (DHC) Hotline (516) 942 2081 Free and strictly confidential counseling

Coming Soon At ICLI During Ramadhan EID Bazaar Buy: Eid Cards Clothes Decorations And lots more… Date to be announced
Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thurs 1 Oct 27 2 Oct 28 3 Oct 29 4 Oct 30 5 Oct 31 6 Nov 1 7 Nov 2 8 Nov 3 9 Nov 4 10 Nov 5 11 Nov 6 12 Nov 7 13 Nov 8 14 Nov 9 15 Nov 10 16 Nov 11 17 Nov 12 18 Nov 13 19 Nov 14 20 Nov 15 21 Nov 16 22 Nov 17 23 Nov 18 24 Nov 19 25 Nov 20 26 Nov 21 27 Nov 22 28 Nov 23 29 Nov 24 30 Nov 25
October 27 - November 25, 2003
1424 Inshallah, subject to sighting of the moon, First day of Ramadhan will be on Monday, October 27th, 2003. “...Fasting is prescribed to you…” Q:2:183 “Hasten with
charity, because disaster does not trample it.” Hadith
Ramadhan 1424

7 : 4 4

6 : 2 9

1 2 : 4 2 3 : 5 6

6 : 5 6

4 1

6 : 2 7

1 2 : 4 2 3 : 5 5

6 : 5 7

5 : 4 2

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1 0

6 : 2 5

1 2 : 4 2 3 : 5 4

6 : 5 8

5 : 4 3

W e d

7 : 4 2 8

1 1

6 : 2 4

1 2 : 4 2 3 : 5 2

6 : 5 9

5 : 4 4

T h u

7 : 4 0 9

1 2

6 : 2 2

1 2 : 4 1 3 : 5 1

7 : 0 0

5 : 4 5

F r i

7 : 3 9 1 0

1 3

6 : 2 1

1 2 : 4 1 3 : 5 0

7 : 0 1

5 : 4 6

S a t

7 : 3 7 1 1

1 4

6 : 1 9

1 2 : 4 1 3 : 4 9

7 : 0 2

5 : 4 7

S u n

7 : 3 6 1 2

1 5

6 : 1 8

1 2 : 4 1 3 : 4 8

7 : 0 3

5 : 4 8

M o n

7 : 3 4 1 3

1 6

6 : 1 6

1 2 : 4 0 3 : 4 7

7 : 0 4

5 : 4 9

T u e

7 : 3 3 1 4

1 7

6 : 1 4

1 2 : 4 0 3 : 4 5

7 : 0 5

5 : 5 0

W e d

7 : 3 1 1 5

1 8

6 : 1 3

1 2 : 4 0 3 : 4 4

7 : 0 6

5 : 5 1

T h u

7 : 3 0 1 6

1 9

6 : 1 1

1 2 : 4 0 3 : 4 3

7 : 0 7

5 : 5 2

F r i

7 : 2 8 1 7

2 0

6 : 1 0

1 2 : 3 9 3 : 4 2

7 : 0 8

5 : 5 3

S a t

7 : 2 7 1 8

2 1

6 : 0 8

1 2 : 3 9 3 : 4 1

7 : 0 9

5 : 5 4

S u n

7 : 2 5 1 9

2 2

6 : 0 7

1 2 : 3 9 3 : 4 0

7 : 1 1

5 : 5 5

M o n

7 : 2 4 2 0

2 3

6 : 0 6

1 2 : 3 9 3 : 3 9

7 : 1 2

5 : 5 6

T u e

7 : 2 2 2 1

2 4

6 : 0 4

1 2 : 3 9 3 : 3 7

7 : 1 3

5 : 5 7

W e d

7 : 2 1 2 2

2 5

6 : 0 3

1 2 : 3 9 3 : 3 6

7 : 1 4

5 : 5 8

T h u

7 : 2 0 2 3

2 6

6 : 0 1

1 2 : 3 8 3 : 3 5

7 : 1 5

5 : 5 9

F r i

7 : 1 8 2 4

2 7

6 : 0 0

1 2 : 3 8 3 : 3 4

7 : 1 6

6 : 0 0

S a t

7 : 1 7 2 5

2 8

4 : 5 9

1 1 : 3 8 2 : 3 3

6 : 1 7

5 : 0 1

S u n

7 : 1 6 2 6

2 9

4 : 5 7

1 1 : 3 8 2 : 3 2

6 : 1 8

5 : 0 2

M o n

6 : 1 5 2 7


4 : 5 6

1 1 : 3 8 2 : 3 1

6 : 2 0

5 : 0 3

T u e

6 : 1 3 2 8


4 : 5 5

1 1 : 3 8 2 : 3 0

6 : 2 1

5 : 0 4

W e d

6 : 1 2 2 9


4 : 5 3

6 : 0 9

4 : 5 2

1 1 : 3 8 2 : 2 9

1 1 : 3 8 2 : 2 8

6 : 2 2

5 : 0 5

6 : 2 3

T h u

6 : 1 1 3 0

5 : 0 6

F r i



6 : 1 0 3 1

S a l a a t T i m e s f o r I s l a m i c C e n t e r o f L o n g I s l a n d , W e s t b u r y . O c t o b e r 2 0 0 3 J u m m a h K h u t b a h s t a r t s a t 1 : 1 0 P M ( N o t e : Z u h r w i l l b e a t 1 : 1 0 P M o n w e e k e n d s ) O c t . D a t e H i j r i D a t e ( S h a b a a n R a m a d a n ) D a y F a j r S h o r o o q Z u h r A s r M a g h r i b I s h a 1 4 W e d 5 : 3 5 6 : 5 0 1 2 : 4 4 4 : 0 2 6 : 3 7 7 : 5 2 2 5 T h u 5 : 3 6 6 : 5 1 1 2 : 4 4 4 : 0 1 6 : 3 5 7 : 5 0 3 6 F r i 5 : 3 7 6 : 5 2 1 2 : 4 3 4 : 0 0 6 : 3 4 7
4 7 S
t 5
5 8 S
Islamic Center of Long Island 835 Brush Hollow Road Westbury, NY 11590 Tel: (516) 333 3495 Fax: (516) 333 7321 Email: icli.icli@verizon.net
: 4 8
: 3 8 6 : 5 3 1 2 : 4 3 3 : 5 8 6 : 3 2 7 : 4 7
u n 5 : 3 9 6 : 5 4 1 2 : 4 3 3 : 5 7 6 : 3 0 7 : 4 5
9 M o n 5 :

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