NBA SkyBox USA Basketball 1994

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Signs of Shaq's raw power became evident on July 8, 1990, when, during the 1990 U.S. Olympic Festival. he snared a pass in stride and slammed home a monster dunk 01 epic proportions. Shaq's South team earned the gold medal. In the process , he set four Festival records: most points (98 in four games), most rebounds (55), most btocks (27) and most made lietd goals (39), while earning MVP honors. Joining Shaq on the South team were current NBA rookies Malcom Mackey of Phoenix (wh o did not play due to injury) and feUow Magic and Blue Chips co· star, Anfernee Hardaway.

Alonzo's NBA success is no fluke. A brilliant career at Georgetown was couple'd with four stints of international experience. He was a member of the 1988 USA Select Team that toured Europe prior to the Olympic Games in Seoul. The USA Select Team was developed to improve younger players' talents while touring foreign countries. Prior to his freshman year, Alonzo was named a finalist at the 1988 Olympic Trials. But 1990 was Zo's busiest year. Not only was he a member 01 the 1990 silver-medalist USA Goodwill Games team (11.8 ppg, 8.6 rpg , 3.6 bpg) , but he a(so played a large role in the success of the bronze-medalist USA World Championship team, averaging 16 .0 ppg, 7.6 r pg and 4.6 bpg.

67L9!TI!j'Ijj3 .

It's been 11 years since Reggie took to the co urt in a USA Basketball uniform. In 1983 he wa s a member of the U S. Olympic Festival West team where he averaged 13 5 ppg and 3.3 rpg. He teamed with current NBA players Kevin Johnson and Larry Krystkowiak agains t the likes of B enoit Benjam in. Walter Berry , Kenny Gallison, Tim Kempton, Scott Skiles , Kenny Walker, Duane Wa sh ington and Joe Wolf

Isiah's marvelous basketball career includes a gold medal In th e 1979 Pan American Games (9.2 ppg) and being named to th e 1980 USA Olympic team which didn't compete due to the U S boycott. The 1980 team did, however, playa six-game series (the Gold Medal Series) against various NBA AII ·Star teams Isi ah averaged 9.5 ppg and a team-high 6.2 apg in leadi r. g the team to a 5·1 record. Members of the NBA AII·Star teams rncfu ded Nate Archibald. Larry Bird, Darry') Dawkins A.ex Eng lis h Chris Ford Artis Gilmore Elvin Hayes, Magic Bob Lanier John Lucas, Moses Ma lone and Jack Si kma. The sixth game (June 29) was played against the 1976 go ld meda l · winn in g U.S Ol ympic team wit h the likes o f Qu i nn B uckner, Adrian OanUey and Walter Davi s.

Larry Johnson's USA Basketball experience is extensive. He was a member of the 1987 silver-medalist USA Junior World Championship team (for those 19-years-old and younger), where he pos ted 8 4 ppg and 5.6 rpg. tn 1988, he participated in 'he USA Olympic Trials And in 1989. he was a member of the goldmedaii s l USA World University Games team, where he averaged a double·double-16.3 ppg and 11.0 rpg. tn both 1987 and 1989, Larry played alongside UNLV teammate and current Allanta Hawk s star, Stacey Augmon.


0:mrm3. 43
Sleek and muscular, graceful and strong. Do min iq ue's game is perfectly suiled for international p lay. The draw n in line, the widened lanes; a!1 '11m be mastered by th e NBA's ni nth all-time leadi ng scorer and futu -i e Ha ll oj F a mer oV l th o ut question, Domi ni que's fi rst foray i 10 i nl erna uo na l cCrT' pet i l l on will be one fo r the hig hlight reels.
19, Shawn was a member of th e gold·medalist USA R William Jones Cup team , where he averaged 11 6 ppg (second high on the
team behind
A .J.
14 0 ppg )
while leading
the team in
rebounds (8.0
rpg) and blocked s
(2 0 bpg) Th e USA R. William
Jones Cup team
is part of a
developmental tournament held annua ll y in
Tai·Pei, Ta iwan. r percentage. He also shot 6-lor-13 from three-point
and had a
marvelous outing
20 po i nt
and 9
rebounds, Thunder Dan crowned his senior season at Centra l MtchEgan State resume by earning a spot on the USA World Univer sity In 1989. Steve took the opportunity to embellish his Mi c hig an Univer s ity with a bronze medal in the 1988 O !ymp l'Cs hetd in Games team along with fellow NBA players Larry Johnson SeOUl. South Korea. Dan led all U.S. players. inC lu ding current (UNLV), Stacey Augmon (UNLV) and Mall Bullard (Iowa). The NBA players Willie Anderson, Stacey Augmon, Hersey Hawk i ns , USA team captured gold. Steve contributed 4.5 ppg and 3.2 rpg Danny Manning and David Robinson. in points (14.1 ppg ) and (The next World University Games competition will be in 1995 In rebounds (4,8 rpg). Dan was also third in assists and field goa l Fukuota, Japan.)
7 31

Joe was a member of


"I'm real impressed /lAlh all aspecls oj Alonzo '5 game. He can sbool, rebound. and he can difinilely block shols. \\YhCl/ I really admire masl abolll Alollzo is his v 'o r!? elhic alld his cOllcen/ration. I-I e 's a g uy gellinp, bel/er, 'cause every summer he's U'orkilll-: Ollt with t:wing and fHlI to mbo Tb ose GeorgetowN centers ll orking logelher in Ihe Ce lla il//)' make il hard jor Ihe reSI oj Ihe NBA dllrillg Ihe reglliar season. Alonzo's strong Cine! inle//ige nt , a great leam player. "

Slich a po/k'erful plarer. And at 011(1' 6·7,

"Lhe really mixes iI up well v'ilh Ih e bIg gllys inside. l.any plays wilb a 101 oj emolion. )'0 11 can see he really enjoys himself 0111 011 Ih e CO lirl. and Ihm's v,hell really efjeC!ilJe. \'(/h e n be's msibly bavingjuli. he call he q{{ite COl intintidatinp playe/C fi e alld Alonzo sbollid giW Char/olle a greal ji-on tcourt jor a 10llg time. '-any 's enthUSiasm leill keep Ibe leam going."

"I siabalU:II hace h een.go Odjr;endsjora long lim e. I respeci 1/01 o n!I ' hiS sllperb skills on the Caliri. bill I also rl?>p eu whal be's donejor Ihe gall/C! of baskelball ill general. Ne's a jalliaslic ball ba>ulter w itb great courl {l ision, He makes tbings bappen. fie has Ibe IInc a llny abilily 10 see Ih e play dewlop a half-slep bejore else. This ;S why a greal po int guard. Tb is is WbF hes a 12-11:rne NBA AII-Slm: 8111 mOSI imponallli)-" Zekes a leader, and be knows how 10 w in /-/e ll really belp Some oj the youngergli )'S. J.'

I '5 hard to imagine baskethall in Ih e '80s and '90s withoul Dominique. Ne is a remarkably g ijied alhlele. There's absolulefl' Itolhin g on Ihe court 'Niqu e can 'I do. ShOal , rebound, block shots, giW an assiSI fie and Isiah were perjeci chO i ces 10 be the elder Slalesmen jor Ihis leam. /'m happy thai Dominique 's Hall oj Fame career w ill include intenzational competitiOn. II

"shaqllilie has laken Ihe NBA b)' Slorm. I n jll ., tw o years , bis impact has heen pbeJl ot1'1 ellal. fie's a ShOlblockel; a a scorer ,wd a charismati c p e rs o nalily. Ne play s wiliJ a 101 oj inlen sity Clnd e motion that carries Oue.,. / n b is learn mal es. Like Alo l/ zo in Chariolle, ShtU{ b as g ive n Ihe Magic a so rely I/ eeded presence in Ihe midd.le. fi e's resp on ded by pUlling up some in cre d ihle statislics. And he should be a leagu e -leader jor many y ears /0 come

the 1982
U S. Olympic Festival goldmedalist South team
with future NBA stars Charles Barkle y, Waymon Tisdale and Kenny Walker.
posted impressive numbers
14 .0 ppg , 5 0 apg and 1.0 spg.
Festival eligibility for men
is limit ed to
w ho
ha ve graduated from
yet haven ' t
sophomore year of college eligibility.
Joe also participated in the 1984 USA
Olympic Trials
As a member of the 1983 gold·medalist USA Pan American Games team. Mark helped to keep the United States' legacy of success alive Starled in 1951 and held every four years in the year preceding Olympic competition, the Pan Am Games serve to develop talents in a mult itude of sports , including baske tball , where competition pits teams from North South and Central America The USA men have won eight 01 11 gold medals , while compiling a remarkable overall 7 1-4 reco rd In the 1983 Pan Am Games , Mark contributed 8 3 ppg and 1 1 rpg
191. 1'41 t! .-.. ""Rl!oIrr;c 1 1 I,JjJ.I. (.QII'A li1 U II4I11iT'Uu.
wmrm. 12
In 1986. Derrick was a member of the U,S. Olympic Festivat North team, one of the four regional teams created to offer the USA's most promising newcomers a chance to acquire international competition He was joined by current NBA players Matt Bullard of the Houston RO Ck ets and Paul Graham of the Atlanta Hawks. Derrick's showing was superb. He amassed 16.0 ppg. 7.0 rpg and 1.0 bpg. To cap off a great tournament. Derrici<. earned a spot on the 198 6 U.S. Olympic Festival AU-Tournam ent team
The cross-over dribble is a feared offensive weapon in the NBA: just imagine the i mpact it could have in the international game. The w:dth and shape of the lane compared to the NBA wi ll allow Tim to propel his exploits to new heights. Undoubtedly. his first ventur e wi th internat ional com pet ition wi ll draw rave rev iews.

"sIeee is going 10 be a Breal player in Ihis league. Ailibe lools are Ibere. fie's all excel/elll passer a good sbooter, can mil Ibe floor well. bas qualily leadersblp abililies. be's IImelfisb, and be's from /vlic!Jigan Slate. \'(/ith !be ,'vUami Heat on tbe rise. Slece will raise bis game /0 an NBA All-Star Ieee/."

"0an bas come into bis own tbe past couple of years. He's Ibe classic example of bard ll'Ork and palience paying off big dividends. What I like about bim is bow be approacbes Ibe game ilself, bis al/itllde. fie's intense, wanls tbe ball in tbe ell/lch. and he has tremendolfs slam ina. Besides Ibal. be's eSlablisbed bimself as a Ibreat from downtown. Tbe tbree-point Ibreat will cerlainly belp this team 10 uletary. n

"Wbal I like about Reggie is bis fiery compelitiueness. He's not afraid 10 do ",bal il takes 10 win, whether il '5 chaSing a loose ball into Ibe scorer's table or figbting for a rehound in tbe painl wilb Ibe big guys. He's a superb shooter wbo '5 amon 8 the game"s best in scoring, free-Ibrow perc e ntage and tbree-poilll percentage. Wbat Reggie will hring 10 tbis team is addedfirepower hotb illSide and outside. At 6-7. be'S gOing to he bard to stop .,

Ma poised player wbo doesll't make many nllStakes. Bllt don'l let bis calmness fool yOIl; be's slill a fierce coll1petitot: fie's blossomed into one oflbe top poii'll guards in tbe NBA. He's ail excellent passer who makes smart decisions. He '5 also an e:xcellenl long-range sbooter. And be doesn't miss from Ibe f01l1 line. Mark will be a great stahilizing influence/or the team.)!

"UuieLly, Derrick's been pULLing up some irnpres.. ice numbers, fie's a physical player on Ibe hoards, not afraid 10 biltbejloorfor a loose hall or hitlbe last-second sholto win tbe game. He's got wonderful all-around skills for a big man. graceflll and agile. Derrick can fill a lot of needs; players like tbis are great to bace on a (earn,)}

"l/ol'e watching tbis guy play , He's so slrong and agile. it 5 scary. still young. bUI he's already developed inlO one of tbe league's premiere rehounden' and shothlockers. Wilbout a doubt. be's one qf Ihe nexl superstars. And his talellts still have a long u'CIy (0 go/ Shawn 5: an emotional pLayer uho leill/it in reallL'e1l with this team,"


Sports shooter who's also unselfish; Jo e u 'as a p,re a tdangerous witb tbe drihhle as be is. Wben the cross­Illustrated and Basketball Weekly, He was the first

to win pick hy tbe USA Basket ball Commill ee. /-Ie'fl g ive Ibeover's luorking, you'd helle I' call for heLp. TimNBA Rookie of the Month (Dec, '91), and he broke seven Hornet

tearn a consistent defensiue stopper ll-lbl/ e alsorookie records, including points in a season and minutes played, ability to get into the paint gels et;eryone on the team Larry led the Hornets in scoring 29 times and rebounding 47 prOViding confidence in the frlRdium-to-long-rangeinvoiced. Utimes, All this success follows a brilliant college career, where in jumper.')four years his teams (Odessa JC and UNLV) combined to go 134-13. He was named 1991 Sporting News College Player of

-MAGIC JOHNSONthe Year, leading UNLV to a 34-1 record and a second straight



pi!}'Il'j'l'g3 . «1> A r;;1
fM"ITljj3. 0»'11 42 '] eny West said, '7bere's no better srnalf pla.ver in kllow joe's capabilities jirst-band. /-Ie bad O ll e of "I Ibe tntly greal NBA Finals pelfo rm a llc es OW i IlS INBA Rookie Record the league rigbt 1I0W.· And I tell ya·. it " hard 10 YEAR TE AM GP FG' REB AST STL all( AVG the Lakers In 1989. He auerag e d o u(! r 2 7 P Oi lUSargile ldtb /Jim. Tim is a complete package.91·92 Charione 82 .490 .829 899 292 81 51 19.2 wben tbev swept us for tbe title. a p la y e r II boQuick, fast, a great sbooter, and ll'Onderful with tbeBefore he endorsed his alter-ego, Grandmama, Larry turned in a desen-es this kind of recognition. A Ryea t p ure J umpstellar first-year perlormance, He captured Rookie of the Year penetration and dish. I've never seen anyone as honors from the NBA, Sporting News,


AVO 92·93 Orlaroo 81 .502 .592 1122 152 60 288 23 .4


Is NBA Player of the Week in one's first week impressive? How about the first rookie to start an NBA All-Star Game since Michael Jordan in 1985? How about snaring 18 boards his first game? The most since Bill Walton's 24 in 1974. How about NBA Rookie of the Year honors? What about breaking or setting Orlando rookie records for: points, blocks, rebounds, field goals made, free throws made and free throws attempted, assists, minutes and starts? Not enough? Sixty-eight double-doubles and a .562 field-goal percentage. More? Shaq was the first rookje since Buck Williams to score 1,000 points and grab 1,000 rebounds in a season. And he's already the Magic's all-time shotblocker. He was equally impressive at LSU, where he averaged 21.6 ppg and 13.5 rpg.

YEAR TEA/,! GP 92·9:) Ch arl on e 78

Alonzo capped his senior campaign at Georgetown as the only player in Big East history to win Big East Player of the Year, Defensive Player of the Year and Big East Tournament MVP honors. Those accolades didn·t weigh him down, though. 20 was instrumental in helping to take the Hornets (96-232 before his arrival) to their first·ever appearance in the NBA Playoffs. He was exactly what the Hornets so desperately lacked: an inside force to complement Larry Johnson. The runner·up NBA Rookie of the Year to Shaquille O'Neal. Alonzo finished 1992·93 with 21.0 ppg 10.3 rpg and 271 blocks.


The Pacers did their research when they drafted UCLA's thi rd all time career scorer (2,095 points) with the 11 th pick of the 1987 NBA DraM. They needed scoring confidence, and that's exac ll y what they got. The only Pacer during the 1987-88 season to play all 82 games, Reggie led the team in three-point fi e ld goa l s made with 61, finished fifth on the club in field-goa l percentage at .488 and tied for sixth in scoring with Herb Wi lli ams at 10 0 ppg.

Being named an NBA All-Star one's first year Is no easy task. For Isiah Thomas, it was a natural progress ion from t>No-year college career at Indiana

EAM GI' FG', FTh RE8 AST sn aU( _ 82.493.582 478 129 84 63 17.5 !.. fi rs t r ound choice of the Utah Jazz (third pick overall), DomfnJq ue Wilkins was traded to Atlanta for John Drew and -;-.--seman Willi ams. Wilkins averaged 17.5 ppg and was a major :on tribn cr to the Hawks' N8A Playoff drive (where he averaged • 5 7 poin ts in 3 games). He played in all 82 games and led the '. -s- :a:m i n field-goal percentage at .493%. More importanlly, he himself as a solid all-around player with 63 blocks. 3': s:caJs. 129 assists, 478 rebounds and 337 trips to the foul '!le He also set new standards for the instant-replay machine. _Zl z lng basketball fans with acrobatic dunks shown over and :. ":f to di sbelief and awe. The University of Georgia's all-time sICorer was an easy NBA All-Rookie First Team selection. _ !4 .419 614 209 13 0 63 14 8 6 g ;:p:;ef)ed In anonym ity at Central Michigan University. Dan onto the scene as a member of the bronze medal,.;.""'; 1988 U S Oly mpI C Team. In only 54 games his first year, -=- .:. 8.6 ppg and 3.9 rpg. Toss in 63 steals, and the ..: ' eMu s l a r delights in a wonderful rookie outing. The 'SU s..on wa s l us t the start though, for in the 1988-89 NBA Tt...mder Da n i ncreased his 1.4.3 :'-00 us a hkl t of what to look for: fierce determination, el hk and a good long-range shot. t9 :i"'IT1!i3. ," *'" COM 56 NBA Rookie Record =.. c OP FO' F'T" REB AST STL BLK AVG
68 = NBA Rookie Record
THM GP FG. fT'; R.ES AST sn 8LK AVG 87·88 IndIana 82.488 .8 01 190 13 2 5.3 19 100
NBA Rookie Record YEAR TEAM GP FG'. F'T' RE8 AST sn aU( AVO 81·82 Deiloi! 72 .424 704 200 S55 150 17 17.0
University that saw hl S Hcos l ers pOS l a 47-17 record. Isiah started all 63 games in wh ich he his tenure, Indiana won two Big Ten titles and an NCAA title In 1981, he was voted the NCAA Tournament Mas! Outstanding Player. Thus. NBA success fitlin g. tsiah 17.0 ppg and led the Pistons in assists With 7.8 apg. earning hi m the first of twelve straight appearances to the NBA All-Star Game. ..... V1:AR TEAM GP FG', FT". REB AST VEAR TEAM GP FG';, FM Rf 8 AST sn BLK A'IG ,. " 74 .467 .731 71 99 18.4 to' STl 8LK AVa 89·90 SeaNI. 81 .479 .736 346 26 47 91·92 M'ami 61.454 .748 188 278 59 19 12.0 At nineteen, Shawn entered the NBA as the 17th overall pick. the In a season hampered by injury. Steve still managed to scoretig il s:andards were set in college, where he fifth player In modern NBA history who playe? college ball. 12.0 ppg and dish out 4.6 apg in only 29.6 mpg through 61i n NCAA History to record at least 2,000 pOints, He joins Moses Malone, Darryl DaWkins. Bill Willoughby and games. This effort secured a spot on 1991-92 OJ ;00 "'Boo un ds and block 300 shots. He left Syra.cuse .as Lloyd Daniels in that remarkable feat. Although he averaged only
Rookie First Team on the heels 01 a ternllc career at Mich igan
', ';AA" s a l H ime leading rebounder (1,537). ThiS qUiet 13.8 mpg, he scored 6.5 ppg and grabbed 4.3 rpg. by his State. Steve surpassed fellow NBA point guard Scott Sk i les as' n carried right into his first year as a New credo, matter what, give 1 Shawn worked to the Spartans' all-time leading scorer (2,263). He left Michigan-i= • all. rookies in scoring (18.4 ppg) and rebounding lay the foundation for the NBA All-Star we now appreciate and Stale 4th in all-time assists (453) and fiNh in all-time rebounds : .:: rpg) 2S h e went on to N.BA Rookie of Year cheer for. (704), while garnering First Team All-Big 10 honors and second -. -..;:: He es lablis hed himself as an inSide force by grabbing 18 Team AP and UPI All-America honors. • {ebOtJ .n ds against Philadelphia on 11/27/90. He also !"""; :: r ecc(d with 323 made free throws. 2

Tim may be small in stature, but like hiS fellow University of Texas-EI Paso alum, Nate Archibald, he's a giant on the court. Following a college career that saw him pass wTinyArchibald as the school's all-time scorer (1.586) and pick up the Frances Pomeroy Naism it h Basketball Hall 01 Fame Award as the nation's best player u nder 6-0 (he was 5-11), Tim made an immediate impact with the Warriors. He became the second rookie in N8A history to lead a leam in assists (8.7 apg) for a team that led the league in scoring. He led all rookies in assists, steals (2.1 spg) and was second In scoring (14.7 ppg) to David Robinson. These accomplishments made him one of two unanimous choices for the 1989-90 NBA AU-Rookie First Team.

S5- 86 Detroit 82 .481 .798 119 390 66 11 9.4

The Pistons found stability. consistency and scoring when they selected Joe Dumars. At McNeese St.. he was the Southland Conference's leading scorer three years (1982. 1984 & 1985) while earning AU-Conference honors all four years. He finished hiS college career with an impressive 22.5 ppg average. hi m among the nation's top 20 all-time leading scorers. Th Is cons istency and sconng ability made him a solid contr ibu to r to a strong Piston team. He played in all 82 games and averaged 9.4 ppg with a high of 22, earning him a spot on the 1985-86 NSA All-Rookie First Team.

YEAR TEAM GP FG" REB AST STl BlK AVG 86·87 Cleve laM 67 .408 .833 11 7 202 4J 4 6.9

In 67 games played (13 were missed to an appendectomy). Mark averaged 18.2 mpg. He scored in double-figures 16 times. including a season-high 27 against Philadelphia on 12113/86. Mark's rise to the NBA followed a successful career at Georgia Tech, where in 1984·85, he helped lead the Yellow Jackets to its first regular season ACC title. Mark [eft Georgia Tech as the school's all-time leading scorer (2,193), placing him 10th in ACC history. He's also the only freshman to have jed the ACC in scoring, with an average of 20.3 ppg.

5/22/88 AT ATlANTA vs 8USTIIN

On playgrounds across America, kids reach deep into their basketball imaginations and dream. On May 22, 1988. a game for all kids' dreams was played. Game Seven of the 1988 NBA Eastern Conference Semifinals: Hawks vs Celtics. As the game moved into the fourth quarter, no one could've expected the shootout that was about to take place. Trading shots like old Western heroes, Larry Bird and Dominique Wilkins kept the country on edge. matching each other basket-for-basket Their battle occupied center stage in a war finally won by the Celtics. 118-116. 'Nique's 47 points (16 points in the 4th quarter) wasn't enough to savor victory over Sird's 34 points (20 in the final frame).

Alonzo has helped Charlotte establish a few franchise milestones, one of which came on January 22, 1993, when the Hornets defeated Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls in Chicago 105-97, snapping a 17-game losing streak against the Bulls. Alonzo's play was pivotal; he not onty controlled the paint for 19 points, but he also cleaned the glass lor 14 rebounds. Yet, this terrific night wasn't finished. The reason Charlotte drafted Alonzo became evident; he set a franchise-record with nine blocked shots to help secure the victory.

There's not much time left on the clock; Larry Johnson has the basketball in his hands. Golden State is clinging to a one-point lead. Johnson powers, turns, shools, the balrs floating, irs on its way-it's good! Charlotte has taken the lead. Oh, my! What a clutch performance. Larry Johnson has lifted the Hornets to a 111-110 victory; he put his team on his back and carried them in the 4th quarter. And what a quarter to remember. Fourteen points, giving him 36 for the game, including 18-of-19 from the free throw line. Toss in 14 rebounds, and you've just seen one whale of an individual eH-ort.

If it's true that you can't judge a player's value to his leam analyzing the box score, then Dan Majerle's wOrlh to the PhoeniX Suns must be incalculable. On the night of June 1, 1993, fans across the na1ion witnessed a shooting exhibition of tremendous proportions. Dan Majerte was a man possessed. ··Fire" was not a hot enough description of his performance. He set an NBA Playoff record by hitting eight three-pointers (34 points total), many from what appeared to be the New Mexico border, in a 120-114 win over Seattle in Game 5 of the NSA Western

Conference Finals. -Thunder Dan- truly lived up to his nickname in that incredible 47-minute performance.

On a cool Autumn evening, Reggie Miller was on fir e, li g hting up the Charlotte Coliseum to the tune of a Pacer franch ise·best 57 points in a 134·122 victory over the host Hor n ets. He shot a sizzling 16-for·29 from the field (includ i ng four t hr ee·pointers) and blazed a trail at the free·throv,r li ne. can ni ng 2t-of-23 attempts, for an overall combined shoo ti ng perfor mance of 37for·52, a stunning 71 percent. Imagine what he co ul d have do ne if he had played more than 38 minutes.

For 13 years, lsiah's been the Pistons' catalyst. the littl e engine that could light up the scoreboard or thr i ll the c rowd with a dazzling assist. In a career filled with shining mome nts. Isiah was never any brighter than on April 27, 1984 The stage was Game 5 of the 1984 NSA Playoffs against the NY Knicks i n the first round. Fourth quarter. Isiah scored 16 points in 94 seconds to rally the Pistons. Even though his amazing effort didn't spell victory lor Detroit (127-123 in OT), fans around the nation were treated to an amazing performance.

YEAR TEAr.! GP FG+, FP. ,,-ST STl 6LK 89 90 Golden 51. 79 .4 71 764 3 10 689 165 12 14.7
fM'Ilj"I'!J CG p S>;Y80x u·nERH T:ON.II L .lI SA C-C:A -DIU 1;tI.I. P ::O:E ; l!.>oll 33 YEAR TEAM GP FG>o Fn> REB AST STL BlK AVG
0:rnrr:i3 50eopq. .l iiol "!i ilJO.X i:I I ERNJo TlClt.ll
1/22/93 AT CHICA60 vs CHARlOm
12/2/92 AT mOEN STATE vs CHAmm

Every game in every city. fans come to witness the powerful art is try Shawn Kemp puts on display. In 1992-93, he led or shared the team lead in rebounding 56 times. finishing the season with 45 double·doubles. He set the tone for the season on 0gening day in Japan, where the Hous to n R oc't!;els suffered a lII -94 defeat at th e hands of the SuperSo ni cs Shawn h ad 29 points and 20 reb o und s. nine 01 w hich w ere offensi ve b oards. in 39 minut es of act Ion. He a l so had two ass ists. one stea l and a bl ocked shot.

Ljmrrr;:t. 39


5/B/91 AI LA LAmS VI mm STm



Steve's off-court passion l o r ma gic has crep t its way into his game, for if he's no t increasing his scoring average. then he's find i ng the open man with another of his team-leading assists. On Februar y 15 1993 Steve delivered the INhal e package against the Denver Nuggets, giving the fans a g li mpse o f the talents unfo ldin g in this future N BA AU- Star. He recorded his first career triple-do

anchise h

rumJ!!i3. 15


II's hard to argue v/ith subtl e consistency, Night-in and night-out. Joe delivers; minutes. defense points assists rebounds hustle and heart. Perhaps J o e's defining moment came o n April 18 , t 989, at the RIchfie ld Co li seum. He poured in a then career-high 42 po ints, including 17 stra ight points in the third quarter, to help the Pi s tons c lin c h the NBA 's be s t rec o rd by defeating the Cava liers 118- 102 This blilliant nig ht was th e impetus for J oe's terrific pe rfo rma nce in the 1989 NBA Fin als, w here h e earned 'he MVP Award by averaging 27.3 ppg


a nd th a t h e s in the To p 10 i n p o ints , rebounds 'ield g oa l pe rce ntage and blocked s hots

Alonzo has establi shed himself as th e H ornets' man in the middle Rarely is his presence not lelt for if he's not blocking the shot, then he's certainly altering it. It took Alonzo only 49 games to become Charlotte's all-lime sholblocker. Yet his game is much mo r e tha n defe ns e. He s developing a beauti ful jump shol from out side the paint that will ope n th e midd le fo r Larry Jo hn son and ot her st r ong o ff ensive r ebo u nde r s. Most imp orta ntl y. h e's building co nf idence in him se lf and th e team. as e vi denced by his game -w inning sh o t to defeat BaSion in th e opening round of the 1992-93 NB A Playoffs. Confidence in a yo ung learn is a strong indicator of success to come.

tory). wit


ble (and the second

and 10 rebounds in


ing 130- 129

0mrrr;:t. YEAR TEAM REB PTS AVG 89-92 LSU 1217 1941 21.6 rumJ!!i3. JIo"",, 0)ItIIII 51IT College Record YEAR TEAM GP FG"k FT% REB PTS AVG 88-92 Georgetown 120 .566 754 1032 2001 16.7 5/7/93 AI Derrick Coleman has a habit of notching double-doubles. Perhaps his linest one came in Game Four 01 the first (ound 0 1 the 1993 NBA Eastern Con feren ce Pla yo ffs agai n st C lev eland Derrick was simply outstand i ng Power grace, muscle , fine sse , above the rim , beyond the three-po int a rc; he put on a majo r· l eag ue display He lo gged all 48 minutes and o n 9-01-18 s hooling. including 2- 10(-3 fr o m thre e-point. totaled 2 1 points He dom in a te d th e glass l o r 14 boards and contro lle d the paint de fe ns ively by swatting nine shots. Derrick also con tr ibuted two sleals and eight assists in this mar velous performance.
On May 8, 199 1, T im Hard away catapulted the Golden State Warrio rs to a 125· 124 br eathtaking vic tory over the L os Angeles La kers i n Game 2 of the NBA Western Conference Sem llm als. Like a p inball. Tim scooted ac ross the lIo o r in a madcap d]sp lay of hear t and res ili ence. He pumped in 28 po ints d ished out 14 ass ists and pl ayed thief to the tune of a n NBA Playo ff tyi ng eight stea ls. In 44 minu tes, Ti m h eld the L ake r s' exp lo sive guard Byro n SCali to just live poi nt s This was tru ly a tremendo us a ll­ around effort. t l BA Reco rd YEAR TEAM GP fG' < fT' AST STl BLK AVG 92·93 Q<lar<lo 81 562 592 11 22 '52 60 1llS 23.' IIBA CAR EE R 61 062 1122 152 286 2H Only 22 Shaq's development is progr essin g expo ne n tially. The trademar1< monster dunks are st ln bo unli'u1. bu t hIs r epertoi re is growing. A low post turn-around half- hook bank shot was added this y ear. W hat about ne xt yea r ? And the years to come? Fnghteni ng , isn t it? Especially w
one conside rs he s made hi s seco n d trip to th e NBA All-Star Game as
s ta
for th e
s tern
r ence ,
I I BA Meco,d l EAR TEA GP FG"Po fF. REB AST STl 8LK AV G 92·93 Char kl 'le 78 .5 11 .781 805 76 27 27\ 21.0 lISA CAREE R 7B 511 7 1 805 76 27 27 1 21 0
i n Heal fr
poin ts,
a thrill
double-o ve rtim e victo r y rumJ!!i3. 27 12/12/92 AI UmLAND vs mnu Mark lit up the sky on December 12, 1992, agai nst the Seattle SuperSonics Inside. driving throug h the pa int. twis ting. turnin g, a contortionist with a running one-handsr , or drlflfn g th e rock from 23' 9 ft Mark was unstoppable a sma ll pad<age of firewo rks He burned Seattle fo r fi ve -o l-seve n treys an d sizz led. as usual. (6-fo r- 6) from the charity stripe Ma rk's magnificent nigh t ended wit h a ca r eer- high 39 points on 14 -o f-20 shooting, rumJ!!i3 . 21-, """ ' 1l.O ·1 1/l.Io lAi#i1l.1U L NBA Record YEAR TEAM GP FG" o FT ' , REB AST STl BLK AVG 9 '·92 Ch arlo n. 82 .490 .829 893 292 il l 5 i is.2 92·93 ChM/one 82 526 767 8&0 353 jJ 27 22 1 HBACAREER 104 .s09 .m 16;l Ei4.l l J.; "5 10.6 With the addition of Alonzo Mourning, Larry's aJl aroun d talents have surfaced H e can finesse an oppo nent u nde r the coards. o r he ca n power past an opponent with an e ffec UI, e head-a nd · shoulder fake He ' s sl rong and determ ined on (h e boards. He led the Hornets in rebo und ing in 1992·93 with 864. He hole s the Ho rn ets' r ecord for pO ints i n a season wi th 1.510. Emo tion is the ca tal ys t behind Larr y J o hn so n When h ':fs hav in g fu n , the H orne ts usually roll to v ic tory. Un fo r tunate ly Larry missed a large part of th e 1993 ·94 season wi th a nerve inju r y, and gone wit h him was the spark that lit a fi re fo r Hornets ' success. TEAM REB PTS AVG 87-89 Od JC 769 810 1822 26 0 89-91 UNLV 75 .789 837 1617 21 6

On 4/17/94 against the Detroit Pistons. Reggie became the

all-time. combined ABAINBA leading scorer, passing Billy Knight's 10.780 points And on March 12, 1994, against Milwaukee. he became the fourth player in NBA history to record his SOOth made three pointer A career 19.2 ppg scorer. Reggie enjoyed another fine season in 1993-94. leading the Pacers in numerous statistical categories while moving up the ladder in a variety of Pacers' all'llme career categories.



NBA Record

Although the Pistons didn't enjoy great success in 1993 94 Isiah Thomas con tinued to put up impressive numbers. A twelve-lime NBA AII-Slar. Isiah. once again, put up respectable numbe rs in assists and points. To gain perspective, Isiah is the Pistons' aJltime leader in points. assists and sleals. He's scored almost 19.000 career points, and was the MVP of the 1990 NBA Final s (the Pistons defeated Portland). like a fine wine. he just gets better with age.




in bunches: the confidence to, his game

the league's elite manifested In the Sanies final 24 season contests of 1991-92.

led them in rebounding 20 times and in scoring Six times Now there's no stopping him.

positioned himself to make majo r strides in the Sanics' aUtime categories for rebounds and blocks. And he was voted to his second straight NBA AII Star Game as a starter for the Western Conference.



93 Miami 48 .451

NBA Record

NBACAREER 109 452 m

Despite missing valuable lime his first two years. Steve was still chosen the Miami Heat MVP for 1992·93 by the fans. His value is obvious when one considers that in his first two years, the Miami Heat were 55-54 with Steve in the lineup and 19-36 without him His place in Heat history is secure; he was the first to give an assist. make a free throw,

a shot and dunk in Heal NBA Playoll hislory.



You wan! offense? You got it. How 'bout excitement? You got it. Throw in some defense? Fine. You've gal Dominique Wilkins, one of the NBA's most dazzling players ever The Human Highlight Film owns numerous Hawks' records, among them, total career paints, games played and

On February 24

1994, Dominique and a first·round conditional draft in

were traded to the

Clippers for Danny


got incredible shooting range. He logs tremendous m i nutes. And he set the NBA Playoff record for a 7 game series, shooting 20-of·42 from the three point range against the Seattle SuperSonics in the 1993 NBA Western Conference Finals Dan has accrued quite a reputation for wanting the ball in cl utch s ituations. He's also got his own candy bar. To say the least. Dan's game has become quite a confection for Suns' fans

Derrick had another superb year. leading the Ne:s i n points.

and blocks His consistent ins ide p!ay allowed hifTl to amass plenty of points from the free Ihrov.' line and his hard work helped him to accumulate numerous do u ble·doubles He was rewarded by being named a starter to the' 994 NBA

Conference All-Star Squad. testament that h is unselfish,


leading New Jersey in the right directmn.

College Record YEAR TEAM REB PTS AVG YEAR TEAM GP FG% FT% REB AVGPTS 83-87 UCLA 122 .547 .836 509 2095 17.2 NBA YEAR TEAM GP FG" FT ', REB AST sn BlK AVG 88·89 lnellan a 7 .4 79 844 292 227 93 29 16.0 89·90 Indiana 82 5i4 868 295 311 110 18 246 90·9 man a 82 512 918 281 331 109 13 22 6 91·92 Indiana 82 501 858 318 314 05 26 20.7 92 93 lI1d!ana 82 .479 88 0 258 262 12Q 26 2 i. 2 NBACAREER 0134 497 an 1534 1577 :ill] 131 19 2
79-S1 Indiana .756 221 968 15.4
YEAR TEAM GP FG l:'" m RES AST STL SlK AVO 88-89 DelrOIl 80 464 818 273 663 133 20 18.2 89 90 81 438 m :W8 765 139 19 18.4 90 91 Deuoil 48 435 .782 160 446 75 10 16 2 91·92 Deuo, 78 .440 .772 247 560 118 15 18 5 92 93 DeVo, 79 .418 .737 232 671 123 18 17 6 IIBACAREER 921 4.:i4 762 3319 8602 1793 243 19.5
46 YEAR TEAM RES PTS AVG 79-S2 Georgia 588 1688 21.6 NBA Record
GP FO FT'. REB AST STl SLK AVG 88-89 Atl anta 80 .464 .84 4 553 211 117 52 26.2 89·90 Atloma 80 .464 .807 521 200 126 47 26.7 90-91 Mania 81 .470 .829 732 265 123 65 25.9 91-92 Mania 42 .464 .835 295 158 52 24 28.1 92-93 Mania 71 .468 .828 482 227 70 27 29.9 NBACAREER 833 489 811 5814 2207 1182 S66 26.S
1994 or 1995
Manning College Record YEAR TEAM GP FG% FT% REB PTS AVG 88-89 K.nlucky Old Nol Play 88-89 Trinity Vall.y CC Old NOI Play
YEAR TEAM GP fG t. , fT'. REB AST STL BLK AVG 89-90 5oalll. 81 479 736 345 26 47 70 6.5 90·91 SeaH le 81 5OB 661 679 144 77 123 15 0 91-92 SeaHI. 64 504 748 665 86 70 124 15.5 92-93 Sean!e 78 .492 .7 12 833 155 119 146 17.8 N8A CAREER 498 rca 2523 m 313 463 lJ';;
three seasons
development, Shawn became
consistent force we now know him to be. The rebounds and the points came
W"ITUi3. 16:(It! JoTlOft "l'ft £l) 1.$&
TEAM GP FG'% FT% RES PTS AVG 87-91 Michigan Sial. 122 .487 .756 740 2263 18 5
GP FG" FT'Io RE.B AST STl BLK AVG 91-92 Miami 61 .4 54 i 48 188 278 59 19 12 0 92
.787 197 267 50 16 16 0
3Il5 5-1.5 109 35 13 7
W"I'I'"3. r iM" o..<uol ""'1'10 CCII"Ii' 20 Colleg. Record YEAR TEAM GP FG% FT% RES PTS AVG 8J.B8 C.nlral Michigan 94 .536 631 934 2045 21.8
YEAR TEAM GP FG '., FT' REB AST STL AVG 88-89 Phoenix 54 .419 .6 1' 2Q9 130 63 14 8.6 89·90 Phoenix 73 .424 .762 430 188 100 32 11.1 90·91 Phoenix 77 .464 .762 418 216 106 40 13.6 91·92 Phoe(':lX 82 .478 .756 483 2;4 131 43 17.3 92·93 Phoenix 82 .464 .778 3S3 311 138 33 16 9 /l8ACAREER 368 • SO 1923 1 11 9 538 62 13 9 He's
WMfTi'3. 50 Colleg. Record YEAR TEAM GP FG% FT% REB PTS AVG 81-85 McN Sial. 116 .462 .788 488 2612 22.5 NBA Record YEAR TEAM GP Fa.., FT _ REB AST STL BlK Ava88-89 Devo;1 69 505 850 172 390 63 5 17 289-90 75 480 900 212 368 63 2 17 890·91 Detroit 80 481 890 187 443 89 7 20.491-92 82 448 867 188 375 71 12 19 992-93 D.etroil 77 456 864 148 308 78 7 23.5 NBACAREER 626 416 8-:9 1393 J013 600 64 16 7 Without a lot of fanfare and hoopla, Joe Dumars has put himself in the top ten of every all time offensive category in Pistons' history. He's led the Pistons In scoring the last three years, and was named lhe MVP of lhe 1989 NBA Finals YEAR TEAM REB PTS 82-86 Georgia 126 487 331 2193 17.4 NBA Record YEAR TEAM GP FG FT" REB AST sn 8LK AVG 88-119 Cleveland 75 .526 901 226 63 1 115 7 18.9 89-90 Cleve1aoo 73 459 888 251 666 114 5 19.6 90·91 C!eve1ar<i 16 497 952 45 166 42 2 16 9 91 92 C! 72 488 .947 173 535 94 12 17.3 92-93 Clavelard 75 464 948 201 602 89 11 18 2 NBACAREER 458 4BB !lOa 1193 3282 5% 53 15.•
three point range or from the foul !ine, it does.n·t Mark's accuracy is deadly In fact. h.e s the NBA sail-time percentage leader from the free throw line and
twotime defending NBA Long Distance ShoOIOUI Champion: .A talented passer and smart floor lea.der, Mark's also a temflc defender who doesn ' t make a lot of mistakes. TEAM REB PTS AVG 86-90 Syracuse 143 568 1537 2143 15.0 NBA YEAR TEAM GP FG·. FT" RE8 AST 90-91 N J.rsey 74 .467 731 i59 63 91-92 N J.rsey 65 504 .763 618 2C5 92 93 N 76 400 8OB 652 216 NBA CAREER 21. 475 770 2229

"NOT IN MY HOIISE" Swat! Swat! Gel outta' here! Another certified block courtesy of Alonzo Mourning. The sound of a hand rejecting leather is music to his teammates' ears. Come on in. He dares you. There's no AI Your Own sign, but none are necessary. It's becoming common knowledge not to challenge Zo in the paint. or this super sophomore might just deposit another futile shot in the stands.


Time's of the essence. You're down by one. Your options are limited. Do you: A) Lob it in to the big guy and hope he makes the turnaround or the correct return pass, B) have your 2-guard work off a double-screen and look for the open shot from 15-20 leel, C) play Pick-n-Roll with your power forward, or D) leI your point guard isolate his man in a 1·4 offensive se!? The answer's easy if you have Isiah Thomas. "0: Give him the ball. move out of the way, and watch him go to the hoop for two!

grabs the offensive rebound. Head fakes. Pumps again. He turns. spins. shOalS and it goes! What a We're certainly becoming accustomed to that low post patience and muscle displayed by LJ. In fact. Grandmama is such a powerful force in the post. he's often double-teamed. And this is a guy giving up two or three inches to most aSSigned to defend him.



missing 16 games in 1992·93, Tim suffered an even greater setback in 1993·94, as he will have missed the entire season with a

in his

Tim reached 5,000 points and 2,500 assists faster (262 games) than any player in history except

Robertson (247).

YOUR FACE" With caHike quickness, Dominique slashes into the

down a windmill

with the








fMIl"fI!!3 . 5
fMIl"fI!!3 . 11 "IN
paint and slams
he glides
the defense
basket in sight. he simply reaches into his well-slocked arsenal of aerial bafflement and thrills us
a new slam. 360 degrees,
In Your Face; the list is long and impressive in
repertoire of the Highlight lj !!'Ilj'I';:t. 35COf'ft .,,.,.. UlTE '-N,U/Q!'U.t. eO"l c, I.JS..I,. 2IlSIU! f llU VEAR TEAM REB PTS AVG 85-89 UTEP 124 .484 .718 321 1586 12.8 HBA
YEAR TEAM GP Fl' REB AST STL BLK AVG 89·90 Golden $t 79 .471 .764 310 689 165 12 14.7 90·91 Golden $t 82 .476 .803 332 793 214 12 22.9 91·92 51. 81 .401 .766 310 807 164 13 23.4 92·93 Golden SI. 66 447 744 263 699 116 12 21.5 CAREER 308 464 no 1215 2988 659 >9 20 .• After
torn ligament
left knee.
fMIl"fI!!3. "AllEY-OOP!" -Oh, my ! Here he co mes with a full head 01 steam; It can only mean one thing Shaq Attaq !-I n t h e l o w post. the defender's on his back, bellying up. thin ki ng to hi mse lf , " "ve got the big man covered.- And while he 's bus y t hink i ng, Shaq's rolling off baseline, meeting the alley·oop head·on. And then. with thunderous ovation, he slams the rock through for an easy two, gives a menacing glance to a ll in the vicinity and sprints down court as the rim flutters feebly. fMIl"fI!!3 .
"Whoomp! There it In your face! The man·child has done it When the game is on the l in e. the .o p· playefs re ac d ee p insid ehas been given new meaning since Dan Majerle again. Slam! Shawn finishes the fast break with dominant for one more miracle: that's wha t sepa ral es from me packstarted lighting up NBA scoreboards. Perhaps "new zip the ability to tim e-and·aga in as tou r.d us , it h af.h te:·c br1l11 anceauthority. Only 24, he's already garnered a reputation as one of might be more appropriate, since his range seems to stretch the most athletically powerful players in the league. He can run when It most counts. To this dec ree , Reg g ie h as lhmr ed fe r morepas! neighboring cities. Is it that 23' 9 R isn·t challenging? Might the floor, score, rebound and block shots. He's led the Sanies in than once, with the ball i n his ha nds and Um e sca rce on th e26' or 27' be more suitable? No one's exactly sure the outer rebounds and blocks for three straight y-ears, and is currently clock, he has come through wit h PO lo ts in th e ChIlc h Despite a lllimits of Dan's comfort zone, yet one thing is certain: it's a long leading in those categories again. But nothing whips the crowd way to the hoop, and he has an uncanny sense of accuracy. the talent on Dream Team II. when irs ti me for a clu tc h s ho!. i r s into.a frenzy quite like a monster dunk at the receiving end of a Miller·time. perfectly timed pass.
In your face! 64 71


Don Chaney has


Alongside El vin Hayes at the


two Final Four appearances

Chaney appeared

Chaney captured NBA Coach


Season Playoffs

" Around the double-screen o n the baseline, out 10 three-point territory; he gelS the pass, and in one fluid motion, launches it. It's on its way. A beautiful arc. It's good!" This is becoming all too common for defenders to bear. But you can't stop him; you can only hope he's cold -and thars nOI otten. Mark is one of the most accurate long-range shooters that's ever laced up a pair of sneakers. He 's given plenty of defensive strategists headaches.

Versatility in the low post. That's what he promises; that's what he delivers A strong offensive rebound and put back, or a fadeaway with high arc from 5-8 feet. A spin with up and under, or a sharp return pass for the open jumper. A solid low post screen, or an effective Pick-n-Roli. Muscle to clean the glass, or grace to ignite the fast break. Take your choice. He'll deliver.

'Nellie "

Second, he is one of ten men in history to play for both

and the Cellics, the NBA's two most history ·

franchises. Third: May 5, 1969. The score's tied. Time's running

out. Seventh game of the NBA Finals. Cellics vs. Lakers. A loo se

ball! Nellie grabs it and fires. It bounces high off the back of the

rim and slowly descends through the net. The Celtics win the

1969 NBA Championship, 1OS-1 06'



Season Playoffs

Rick Majerus knows wenning. As a college head coach, he's compiled an outstanding record of 181-76 (.704%, 9 years). He's been voted Western Athletic Conference Coach of the Year twice in the last four years, and he's guided the Utah Runnin' Utes to post-season play the last three years leading into the 1993-94 season; the Utes reached the NIT Final Four in 1992 and the NCAA Sweet 16 in 1991. Winning is important in the classroom, as well. At Marquette and Ball State (his two previous head coaching stops), over 95'% of his players graduated. At Utah, over 75% of his players made the honor roll at least one quarter. In 1986·87. Rick Majerus' only venture outside college coaching, he was an assistant coach for the Milwaukee Sucks

YEAR TEAM VI L Pct. IV L 88-89 Xa\'1 er 21 12 636 89-90 Xav ier 28 5 848 90-91 Xa vi er 22 10

Pete Gillen is a in th is home run of l ife-, a self· described Joe Bag of Donuts.- Whatever mo niker he chooses, he is nonetheless a winner. In r, is nine years as head coach of Xavier, he has led his Musketeers to the NCAA Tournament seven times leading into the 1993-94 season; he has also earned Midwestern Collegiate Conference (MCC) Coach of the Year honors five times. To quote a USA Today cover story

·Pronounce Xavier 'WIN-ner.'- Under Gillen, Xavier basketball has won nearly 73% of its games, includ ing 5 MCC tit les. Gillen learned his basketball from two of college basketball"s great coaches: Digger Phelps a' NOire Dame (19S0-S5) and Rollie Massimino at Villanova (1978·80). On March 30, 1994 Coach

us, tb e :\"8/\ p/a) 'f'rs. 10 sh o ll"case th e be.."/ brand oj ba.:<ketball ill tbe u v rld tbe I(vr ld an (-ducal/ o n And belirc..'c me. il/Fet..' UN experience 111·ill rU;:fjc r jorget. There:" n o dou tll iu my mind this years gr oup U'il! learn a 101 , /00. !Horeover, they"ll bOl!e mem on es tha/'II carry' jar heyo nd {heIr bask e tbull days, stories (bey c an share Wllh kids and grandchildren Gentlemen. q u il(' an h on or-I sahae )'ou:'

"No /bing quite compa res 10 the opportunit), I f) (d n a ;:old medal jor )'our co untry Back in 1992. wben Dr ea ll/ Ta i nt I became a realizatioN, I u"a.s eCSla/ic Iv he selecled. The best pla)'ers in th e NBA, many oj whom are /ulrm:! Hall oj Famers, /l.Jere joi, ling rag eth er jor a common cause _·to capture g old. fo fake on I/; (I b<'SI the world had fO offer. nie enjoyed great s ucc ess in hasketb'tll-a!1 NCAA ti/le at MIchigan Slate, 5 :VilA Cbampioll.ship.s with th e Lakers, Ihe opportunity to play wil/; some o[lhe grea/esl names In hasketball-butjew things in life cml mcach th e pn'de you jeel striking go ld for your coWUry I Ibe! guys 0 11 Ibis )'ear:, team [ully realiz e how .special they are Ihat th ey'l.'e been chosen /0 compete with the u;orld's finesf ils an e.>.]Xifiel1c e /h ey 'll a lways cherish. I lake my hal ff,

NBA Coaching Record Season
YEAR TEAM IV l Pcl VI l 86-87 LA Clippe rs 12 70 .146 88-89 Houslon 45 3i .549 89-90 Heuslon 41 41 .5 00 90-9 1 Heuslon 52 30 .634 91-92 Housl on 26 26 500 TOTALS 21 7 266 .449
a career lull
baske tball highlight s,
Unive rsit y 01 Houston he he lped lead
Cougars to an 81-12 record over a three-year span. with
NBA Coaching Record College Coaching Record
tt U:;;..t.. SI((f841 L 41
Sl1!:asoo Playoffs
In 1968, with Ihe Cougars ranked # 1 (3 1-0)
in the first nationall y-te lev ised collegiate basketball game ; Houston defeated UCLA. 7 1-69 , He 's the only man ever to play with both Bill Russell and Larry Bird. and he has two championship rings -'969 and 1974.
of the Year honors In 1991 As the current head coach for the Detroit Pistons, Chaney is undertaking the challenge of rebuilding the team back 10 championship form, Chaney's forte as a coach is defense
YEAR TEAM IV l Pet W L 88-89 Golden Siale 43 39 524 4 89-90 Golden Siale 37 45 .451 90-91 Golde n Siale 44 38 .537 91-92 Golden Siale 55 27 .67 1 92-93 Gol<ien Siale 34 48 415 TOTALS 753 541 .582 51 58
holds many dub i ous basketball distinctions First and foremost, he has participated in more NBA basketball games as both player and coach than anyone in history (2,606 thru 199293).
Ihe Lakers
W l Pct \'/ l
89 Ball Siale 29 3 906 89-90 Ulah 4 2 .667 90-91 Ulah 30 4 .882 91-92 Ulah 24 11 .885 92-93 Ulah 24 7 .774 TOTALS 181 76 .704
.688 91-92 Xavier 15 12 .555 92-93 Xavier 24 6 .800 TOTALS 180 67 .729
82 Clnd (" I}0Y ,Q.rea{ Per.WN lll friun/pb. Nothing. b OIHJr:er. bltilrls aNd selj-esleem like r t l )resO nlfn;; (JII(" S COUllIry in 0Zrmpfc or li"riJ rld compefitfoll. nJ(: years { .spent in {b e Naval Academy /aUP,hl me d ISCiplin e. {hey b e lpad m e ( 0 mature; I got a global eaUCari(Hl. 1x"';:;/(C'lballjor Drf::(fm Teem/ I allou'ed
under Don Nelson
Gillen was hired as the Head Coach at Prov idence
fM!I"frlD (;'will 'I'JoI (I 80

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