Koenig Portfolio

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ONE AIGA Eric Carle has been, and always will be, the artist who still allows me to reminisce about and picture my childhood through drastically colorful themes. His imaginative color play, ideas and organic art style influences my design outlook to this day. In this piece, I attempted to embody his unique methodology of collage creations by utilizing various mediums of paints and tissue paper to create a more modern and digital look, while also maintaining Eric Carle’s infamous and ever distinguishable style.

TWO PRESIDENTS This booklet features the most timeless and vastly paramount speeches given by various Presidents of the United States. These unforgettable words supported, encouraged and carried our country through times of peace and war. I wanted our American President’s to be portrayed, preserved and remembered as if they were superheroes. The illustrated collages that compose the Presidential silhouettes are intentionally made to look as though they could be found in a modern-day comic book—just to drive the point home that these men’s legacies must live on.

THREE POMPEIAN This advertisement campaign was created to promote the olive oil company “Pompeian” as a natural, healthy and high-end (yet affordable) brand to appeal to label-reading, calorie-counting comparison shoppers. Since “farm to table” freshness is all the current rage, I needed to create a look that embodied this idea. By having an olive tree literally grow from the bottle, I was hoping to emphasize how pure, preservative free and close to home this brand was. Additionally, I included an in-magazine coupon (for easy removal) and a sweepstakes to the campaign in order to promote product interest further.

FOUR OMNI OMNI is a modern adaptation of traditional ski goggles; I was inspired by my own experience of trying many, and typically imagining how they could be improved with current technology capabilities. OMNI would feature a “Heads-Up-Display (HUD)� capable of displaying real-time data on the goggles lens during mountain descend or ski lift ascend. Furthermore, it would allow its user the ability to track friends, display temperature, time, and adjust visibility to daytime lighting conditions.

FIVE PROCESSING In this design, I used the software called “Processing” as a tool to create generative graphics. This program utilizes the code language “Java” and simplifies it, which allows the user to more easily create an interactive design. Ultimately, this project required the learning and implementation of code—a novel endeavor for more of an art (not science) guy like me. As an experiment, I decided to use my profile as a means of illustrating all that I learned during this assignment. In other words, I emphasized my big, colorful brain.

SIX PARIS I stumbled upon an opportunity that ended up being one of the best experiences in my life; it was a class titled Paris: Art, Architecture & Design. This trip to France, intended to enlighten and cultivate its students, provided me with an unexpected journey of exploration and adventuring outside of my comfort zone. As a tribute to the trip and to the old-fashioned Jules Verne novels, I created a photographic novel, pre-21st century, of fictional memoirs inspired by my memories.

SEVEN DS+R Diller, Scofidio & Renfro are responsible for some of our most modern, creative and outside-the-box architectural designs found primarily in large cities. They are best known for their guidance and expertise with the restoration design of High Line Park, located in New York City. This informative, yet artistic, brochure is intended to showcase and invite those with intrigue and interest to the Cooper Hewitt Design Museum for an exhibition on their works and achievements.

EIGHT GIVEBAG (THESIS) Givebag, is a community-based, humanitarian-driven project that encourages places like grocery stores, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and the like, to participate in the collection of food, toiletries and essential household items for those in need in the community. Givebag’s smartphone application provides its users with nearby drop-off locations, and up-to-date inventory data, allowing for shoppers to easily and efficiently donate based on items that are in demand at the food bank. The bags operate on a no-cost basis, as their purpose is to “give back”.

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