Leadership Seacoast

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2019 – 2021

Overview The mission of Leadership Seacoast is to positively impact the communities of the Seacoast area by developing a base of effective, knowledgeable and engaged leaders through exploration of community issues, effective leadership practices and opportunities for personal involvement. Founded in 1988 by a group of Seacoast community leaders concerned with encouraging volunteer involvement and strong regional leadership, Leadership Seacoast was one of the first Leadership programs, modeled after Leadership Atlanta, a similar successful program, which began in 1969. The Board of Leadership Seacoast initiated a Strategic Planning process in late 2017 and hired Starfish Collaborative, LLC to facilitate the process. Lead consultants, Ellen Koenig and Karen Prior, worked with the planning team of Jen Wheeler, Executive Director, Sonya Merritt, Board Chair and Janet Guen, ViceChair, to design a process to understand Leadership Seacoast’s reputation in the community and research practices of other programs within the state and beyond. In order to better understand Leadership Seacoast’s reputation in the community, as well as become aware of options suggested by others or being implemented by similar programs, Leadership Seacoast undertook a broad set of research activities.


Online Surveys

Board Interviews

Focus Groups

Short surveys were sent to 3 key audiences – Alumni, Corporate Sponsors and Community Leaders. A combined total of over 600 people were given the opportunity to respond to a short series of questions.

All board members were encouraged to interview at least 2 individuals from a list of past board members. As a result, 18 former Board members were personally interviewed, most by telephone.

Two Focus Groups were offered to a targeted group of community leaders—one in Portsmouth and one in Dover. Unfortunately, not enough people registered to proceed with these groups, but the handful of those who did sign up were offered the opportunity to participate in a 1-on-1 interview.


In-depth Interviews


There were two Planning Retreats for the LS board scheduled: April 3,2018 and May 14, 2018.

Leadership Program Profiles

A select group of 5 individuals with deep knowledge of Leadership Programs were interviewed 1-on-1 to gain their insights and advice.

A grid outlining the specifics of other Leadership Programs across the state was created.


The objective of these retreats is to review the research gathered and to serve as a basis for developing a Strategic Plan to guide Leadership Seacoast into the future.


Research  4 Leadership Seacoast



1. Alumni Survey 61 individuals (37% of opened surveys) responded to the Alumni Survey. Of these, 48% participated between 1 and 3 years ago, and 25% participated over 10 years ago, indicating a strong affiliation from those who are not recent graduates. Highlights from the survey include: •

83% of respondents responded positively that LS has had an impact on their lives.

In describing the value of the program they said ‘Knowledge and Connections!’: These two values were at the core of most responses. Over 25 participants specifically stated that they gained a deeper understanding of the issues and exposed them to new information that made them look beyond their assumptions. Many have been inspired to get increasingly involved in the issues facing their community/ Seacoast region. Likewise over 20 participants specifically noted that the connections made with other community leaders have helped them to grow as individuals both professionally and personally. As a result, they are more motivated to be active participants in organizations throughout the region.

In suggesting what LS could do better, by far the most significant message was the need to create more alumni engagement and networking opportunities.

Leadership Seacoast 5

O N LIN E SURVE YS - CONTIN U ED: 2. Community Leaders Survey 7 people (21% of opened surveys) responded to this survey and offered these insights: In describing the value of Leadership Seacoast to the community, they said, ‘Connections, interconnections, networking’ most often. They also mentioned providing civic engagement opportunities and exposure to key topics, issues and potential solutions. In suggesting what LS could do better, they mentioned: •

Broaden demographic reach w/in Seacoast

Network with local nonprofits to learn about volunteer opportunities, e.g., board, committee, etc.

Provide leadership skills training, board training, and volunteer training potential collaboration w/other statewide organizations that offer those opportunities, e.g., Hoffman Haas, NH Center for Nonprofits, NH Charitable Foundation

Create specific calls to action at conclusion of program

Clarify measurable outcomes of impact

Be more explicit on the role of the organization, civic leadership vs. skill development or both

3. Corporate Sponsors 4 people (50% of opened surveys) responded to this survey and offered these insights: In describing the value of LS to the community they responded that LS connects community leaders with Seacoast issues and stakeholders and serves as a catalyst for participants to become change agents. In terms of advice for LS going forward, they suggested: •

Stay focused on issues w/in Seacoast, stay flexible to reflect shift in issues

Consider expansion to year-round, strengthen ties to community through collaborative engagement/ opportunities during summer

Compile cases of alum accomplishments/engagement as a result of LS experience

6 Leadership Seacoast

In describing the value of Leadership Seacoast to the community, they said,

“Connections, interconnections, networking”

LeadershipSeacoast Seacoast 7 Leadership


Current Board members interviewed 18 former Board members, several of whom were former Board chairs. Most of the interviews were conducted by phone.

When asked to describe the value that LS provides to the community they said:

When asked what LS could do better, they responded:

8 Leadership Seacoast


It brings like-minded people together to participate in the community; inspires action


LS could do more to understand the impact it has


It shows people how things are intertwined


LS is seen as an authority on topics we cover


Promote the program more, tell our story better


Branch out to a more diverse cross section of people, incl. retired people


Better engage alumni


Enhance fundraising; broaden beyond current corporate sponsors


Host smaller functions, so people can get to know each other better


Provide a communication skills session


Program year is too compressed; spread things out more


Engage in more strategic partnerships


Showcase more local culture


As part of the research process 5 individuals were selected to participate in 1-on-1 interviews. These individuals were determined through a collaborative process between Jen Wheeler, Executive Director of Leadership Seacoast, Ellen Koenig and Karen Prior, the consultants working with Leadership Seacoast on the Strategic Planning effort. The individuals interviewed collectively bring deep knowledge and experience of NH Leadership programs, both regionally and from a statewide perspective. The following individuals were interviewed and details of the interviews are included in the Appendix portion of this report:












Leadership New Hampshire

Mather Associates

Leadership Lakes Region

Stay Work Play NH

Exeter Adult Education

The theme that emerged throughout was the deep commitment and sense of pride that each interviewee has for the Leadership programs. It was evident that the experience(s) of each individual were tremendously meaningful and has served, and continues to serve, as a catalyst in their lives, both personally and professionally. As stated by one of the interviewees, ‘It’s easy to speak about something you care about, isn’t it?’ Other themes include: •

It is ALL about the quality of the Program days—topic and high-level presenters.

Connections! – both in meeting and engaging with other community leaders as well as the opportunity to interact with respected program day leaders/area experts.

Potential for strategic partnerships, e.g., other regional and statewide organizations to leverage visibility and enhance reach.

Diversity - intentionally recruit and engage participants from different socio-economic backgrounds, professions and cultures/races.

Need for improved communication/connection with other regional and statewide leadership programs to share ideas and resources.

How to stay connected and engaged as an alum? Leadership Seacoast 9

As stated by one of the interviewees,

“It’s easy to speak about something you care about, isn’t it?”

10 Leadership Seacoast


Throughout the strategic planning process the Board of Directors of Leadership Seacoast discussed key themes that should be considered for their work as an organization going forward. The following themes evolved as guiding principles that should be incorporated in the strategies, decision-making and implementation processes for Leadership Seacoast today and into the future.


Relevancy: Ensure that Leadership Seacoast remains relevant in all aspects including demonstrated value to sponsors and employers of program participants, engaging and motivating alumni opportunities, innovative program days that are on the forefront of current issues, consideration of opportunities outside the 9-day program format.

Diversity: Increase the diversity reflected within program days, speakers, candidates, revenue streams and Board representation.

Sustainability: With a commitment to Mission, ensure the long-term sustainability of Leadership Seacoast through revenue diversification, enhanced methods of attracting more candidates (development of applicant pipeline), growth of sponsorship, and alumni engagement (financial and participation).

Leadership Seacoast 11

Goal #1: Programming Provide high impact civic engagement programming, for current class participants and alumni, which builds a base of effective, knowledgeable and engaged leaders in the Seacoast community.

STRATEGIES: 1. Measure and articulate the impact that Leadership Seacoast has on the individuals who participate as well as the greater Seacoast community. 2. Stay relevant and creative with programming. Continue to update content and seek opportunities to continually connect Seacoast residents with ways to more deeply engage in civic life. 3. Explore expanding programming offerings in ways that continue to meet the Leadership Seacoast mission, including the potential for a longer program year, 8 industry-specific offerings, and “after-hours” programming that allows participation by those outside the typical work day. 4. Develop opportunities to ensure that program alumni remain engaged with Leadership Seacoast. 5. Ensure that diverse perspectives are represented throughout the program. Intentionally engage participation by people of differing ages, genders, ethnicities, geography, economic status, occupation and worldview are represented among participants and presenters.

Goal #2: Visibility Strategically promote the value of Leadership Seacoast to effectively position the organization’s role and reputation as the distinguished leader in promoting civic leadership in the Seacoast region.

STRATEGIES: 1. Articulate the value proposition of Leadership Seacoast clearly and effectively, deepening understanding of the value of the program and solidifying Leadership Seacoast’s strong brand and reputation in the community. Key audiences include: potential applicants, employers, corporate sponsors, supporters and the community at large. 2. Ensure that the Executive Director is a visible and well-connected part of the Seacoast community with the capacity to continuously develop and strengthen relationships across many sectors. 3. Develop clear and compelling marketing materials that demonstrate the impact that Leadership Seacoast has on participants and the Greater Seacoast. 4. Continue to effectively utilize a variety of communication methods to reach key audiences. 5. Ensure that the values of diversity and inclusion are evident in marketing and communications materials.

12 Leadership Seacoast

Goal #3: Financial Sustainability Ensure the long-term viability of Leadership Seacoast with adequate financial resources.

STRATEGIES: 1. Diversity funding sources to strengthen the overall financial health of Leadership Seacoast. 2. Increase donation opportunities for Alumni. 3. Expand donor support opportunities, e.g., annual appeal, annual fundraising event(s). 4. Increase Corporate Sponsorship support. 5. Seek grants, as appropriate, to support the work of Leadership Seacoast.

Goal #4: Board and Organizational Health Ensure a strong board and staff ready to support and enhance the vitality of Leadership Seacoast.

STRATEGIES: 1. Determine organizational goals for managing finances and investments. 2. Ensure a strong Board of Directors with an effective recruiting and onboarding process. 3. Regularly assess the effectiveness and job satisfaction of both the Executive Director and Board members. 4. Continue to assess the need and value of office space for Leadership Seacoast. 5. Determine organizational staffing needs.

Leadership Seacoast 13

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