4 minute read
Popularly known as Mr. HFD, Zubair is a true foodie by heart who seeks new food experiences as a hobby rather than simply eating out of convenience or hunger. Formerly a hotel management graduate , who also holds an extensive experience in the demanding retail sector and now a full time food expert- Zubair defi nitely is a Jack of all trades! He talks to us about his incredible 10 year journey, his ardent interest in food and photography and also shares some valuable reviews of best food joints in Hyderabad.

The Gourmet King: ZUBAIR ALI

What was the driving force behind you starting food blogging? I wanted to showcase the beauty of food and beverage industry of Hyderabad. That was my whole purpose of starting food blogging. I never had the intentions or plans of becoming an influencer. There is so much to this beautiful city than just biryani. We have world class clubs, restaurants, cafes, lounges & street food too. I wanted to show all this to the people of Hyderabad through my blog.
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? I usually don’t keep long term goals. I believe in living one day at a time. But for the answer’s sake, I would love to see myself representing Hyderabad at an international level with regards to either food or food blogging.
How do you think has the pandemic impacted the gourmet sector? Oh! It has impacted in a very disastrous way. The whole food and beverage industry is bleeding bad. We thought 2020 was the worst year of history. It took a lot of efforts and time to revive the food industry after 2020. And now after few months we are back to square. 2021 is proving to be more dangerous. I just hope and pray that things get back to normal and the gourmet sector comes back to life.
Three things you love about your profession? Eating food, exploring new places and socialising with people. All these three go hand in hand. It’s a great feeling when you connect with people over food. I have met people as strangers over food sessions and now they have become more like a family. That’s the positive impact food leaves on you.
Any suggestions for upcoming food bloggers? I’ll put it in simple words for everyone to understand. Food blogging is like any other profession. If you want a job in a particular field you should be a qualified candidate. Food blogging is also same. Build your profile first, upload good content, learn about food & its origins. Master the skill of writing a detailed food review. Build a follower base & Be consistent. These are some of the suggestions that upcoming bloggers should follow. Things will automatically fall into places.

In Frame- Mohd Zubair Ali Photographer- Charan Pallati Location- Fat Pigeon

In Frame- Mohd Zubair Ali Photographer- Charan Pallati Location- Fat Pigeon
If not a food blogger, what would your alternative career option be? I would have been a happy retailer or a motivational speaker. I get a lot of messages from my followers saying that I inspire and motivate them in one or the other way. I am glad that I am able to do that.

What element of your work do you enjoy the most? There’s not just one but multiple elements I would say. Delicious food, grabbing knowledge about diff erent cuisines, bonding with people who loves food, interacting with industry experts etc. But if you ask me to pick any one, it has to be eating food ! My whole world resolves around food.
10 years in this fi eld! How has the journey been so far? A BLESSED ONE I would say. As I said I never had the intention of becoming a famous infl uencer. All I wanted to do was explore places and pass on the information to the public of Hyderabad. I kept doing that every single day and from a hobby it become a responsibility. A responsibility which I enjoy and cherish daily. It’s been a fruitful journey. From no one to the best Blogger of Hyderabad, 50+ media articles, 6 awards, guest speaker at multiple media events & colleges and many more. It’s an amazing feeling to touch base so many people through an online platform. Connecting with my followers was the best part of my Journey. The amount of love, respect and trust they show in Hyderabad Food Diaries is just unbelievable.