Andrea Knox
When I first wrote this month's newsletter message, it was the middle of September Other than being aware that we had just passed the climatologic peak of Hurricane Season, we were blind to the pending Hurricane brewing We are now into the month of October and have the good fortune to be once again planning, prepping and communicating all the great events we have on the calendar for our members Thank you to everyone for your patience as we recovered from Ian's affects on our club We were truly spared from the devastation so many experienced with Hurricane Ian and move into the coming season with a prayer in our hearts for all those less fortunate
October is always a "favorite" month for us not just for the slight break in temperatures, but because we will start seeing more of our members back after summer travels. Also on it’s way for October is our Men’s Invitational! This annual member guest golf tournament is a great club tradition that we look forward to hosting as much as the invitees look forward to playing! This year ’ s committee is hard at work pulling all the pieces together for another memorable event. In fact if you haven’t played in the past, you may be interested to know that the format has been updated this year to a Stableford stroke play within flights and allows partners to play from different sets of tees. If the Match Play format was holding you back or maybe you just didn’t have anyone to invite, let us know and we can help pair you up with one of the many non members that are anxious to be invited.
Not to be out done, the Women’s Member Guest committee is also planning an epic adventure of their own for November 10th thru the 12th. This year ’ s theme of “Around the World” sets the stage for some great golf, food and fun! Watch for details coming soon and get your friends lined up to play. You won’t want to miss this one!
Lots of other great events on tap for October, so please take time to read through this month’s newsletter and get yourself signed up for some fun! Now get out and play!
Andrea Knox
AKnox@grandhavengc com
386 445 2327 ext 9
Billy Van Arsdale, PGA
WVanArsdale@grandhavengc com
386 445 2327 ext 4
Taunya Cordova
tcordova@grandhavengc com
386 445 2327 ext 5
Patsy Bettencourt Pappas
PBettencourtPappas@grandhavengc com
386 445 2327 ext 8
David Hillhouse
DHillouse@grandhavengc com
386 445 2327
Jeri Harper
JHarper@grandhavengc com
386 445 2327 ext 6
Billy Hodges
WHodges@grandhavengc com
386 445 2327 ext 7
Monday: Club Closed
Tuesday Sunday: 7:00 am 5:00 pm
500 Riverfront Dr., Palm Coast, FL 32137
Our members are our greatest asset when it comes to building a friendly, fun and family driven club culture. With Referral Rewards, connecting your friends and family to Grand Haven Golf Club as new Members just became more exciting. When your friends, family and associates become Members, you’ll have access to unique gifts and experiences only available to you as a Member of Grand Haven Golf Club. Whether it’s playing with a professional, escaping to Wine Country for a few days, or spending your Pro Shop credit, these rewards are sure to elevate and expand your lifestyle!
Here is how it works:Refer your friends, family, colleagues (or whomever else you feel would make a good candidate for membership) by contacting me. i will reach out to your referral and extend an invitation on your behalf to explore Membership at Grand Haven Golf Club
When your referral joins the Club, you earn 1 point for every dollar of your referral’s initiation fee. Your points are credited to your account, you will receive a welcome email with the points that you earned.
A club is so much more fun when you share it with friends and family Submit your referral today and start earning Referral Rewards Points!
We had a great September but finished with a few challenges with Hurricane Ian. After 9 inches of rain early in the month followed by about 14 inches with Ian, we were able to put the course back together pretty well. Here's a list of projects and chores completed as well as upcoming projects
Bunkers were edged and completely put back together
Sand will start going out in thin bunkers first week of October
Fairway and Rough fertilizer was applied Fairways were also sprayed twice with the monthly fertilizer plan Fairways were sprayed with pre emergent application for weeds
The last verti cut of greens for the year was completed Weekly top dressing of the greens occurred Weekly rolling started this month
Storm clean up is almost complete 14 in of rain with the storm created standing water in some usual and un usual places Rough was sprayed with a growth regulator to slow the growth, also a herbicide to continue to eradicate weeds
Some of the discoloration in the rough is due to the growth regulator application Pepper trees and cart path overgrowth continues to be addressed Ice machine on Hole #14 is being serviced this week.
New on course restroom doors have been delivered to the contractor but the louver inserts have not arrived yet. We are being told the louvers are still a few weeks out.
Luckily we did not get any major damage from Hurricane Ian The big pine that catches a lot of tee balls off number 7 is gone We have two big pines on the path to the back range so if you are going to the back range be very careful, you will need to access the back range by going down hole number 9 cart path. Please give the players on hole number 9 the right of way The back range was built for teaching and short game use, please be mindful of others when hitting full shots that may want to use the tee for short game use. Also, please sand your divots on the back range We have a bucket of sand back there and you also have sand in your carts
October 27th 30th Women's Member-Guest
November 10th 12th
Dale Keller’s third shot from 60 yards away found the cup on the Par 5 second hole for an Eagle 3 Dale’s Eagle was witnessed by Rich Adamonis, Dennis Castellari, and Bill Lundy.
Congratulations to the RoughRiders, captained by Tom Smith and Mike O’Brien, for their 26 5 to 19 5 victory over the Blue Bombers, captained by Pat Creque and Carl Zimmermann, in the MGA Boys of Summer. The Boys of Summer is a Ryder Cup like event pitting two teams selected by the captains in a 2 day event (September 7 and 14 this year) The RoughRiders took the lead after week one and continued their good play in week 2 to sew up the victory. Special thanks to our captains for their leadership. Fifty MGA members participated in the event.
Grand Haven men, if you are looking for a place to play a weekly game with some good friends, consider joining us any week to try things out. All GH men are invited to play as a guest any one week. Contact Tournament
Director Gary Biermann garylb911s@icloud.com or Membership Chairman Richard Frank (forerichard@aol com) for more informationThe LGL officially opened the 2022 2023 year on September 15, 2022. Our theme was Golfoholics and Chocoholics The weather was wonderful for our 9 hole scramble, and was followed by a scrumptious lunch Our winners were:
Closest to the pin Kathy Wright Closest to the line Judy Riley
3rd place Beth Aldecoa, Barrett Anders, Francine Higgins & Dianne Robichaud
2nd place Pat Driscoll, Karen Oorlog & Judy Riley
1st place Pat Johnson, Kami Neely, Peggy Smith & Linda Stitzinger
Since then, we ’ ve been meeting every Thursday for a round of golf Most of us stay
for brunch afterwards, and we ’ ve had some delightful specials created just for us. Hoping to have more of you join us now that the weather has cooled off just a bit
Our next big event for the LGL is Ghosts & Goblins on 10/27. For this tournament, each member invites a member of the club who is not in the LGL to join in the fun. Bring your spouse, partner od a friend and join the fun
I'm excited to share one of my personal favorite entrees; Pan Seared Florida Style Grouper! This is a pan seared fresh grouper entrée topped with yellow onion, asparagus, tomatoes, bacon and finished with a goat cheese fondue
To cook grouper: turn sautée pan on high (almost smoking), this will help get a crispy sear as well as not stick to your pan Sear fish for 2 3 minutes and finish in oven at 350 degrees for 8 - 10 minutes (until fish is at 140 degrees or hotter).
Fondue: Heavy cream, white pepper, salt, goat cheese whisk until smooth over low heat
Set grouper over your choice of starch; recommend grits, mashed potatoes, rice or polenta. top with crispy bacon, blistered cherry tomatoes, blanched asparagus and sauteed yellow onion Drizzle the goat cheese fondue over fish and veggies Eat and enjoy!!!
This year ’ s opening day saw the WGA mix it up a bit. A short but informative meeting was first on the agenda. Nick Barth, our assistant pro, gave the group an overview of his upcoming charity event for Wounded Warriors, the foursome who started on hole #16 was surprised with a sleeve of logo balls each, and Nick’s drone took the group ’ s picture. The golf was spoiled by rain, but that wasn’t the end of the day! The ladies gathered at 4:30 for an after party, featuring fabulous appetizers, cocktails, and fellowship A great beginning to the upcoming season!
The summer flew by and now we're officially "in season!" We're excited to welcome back our snow birds soon and also see our Canadian Friends With season comes new menus, include new wines and beers! With the new tap system, we able to rotate more beers We have our 'ol faithful's of Michelob Ultra, Yuengling and Amberbock We're currently pouring Ormond Beach Tr Hop Ical IPA We change the IPA keg almost weekly so if you don't like this one I'm sure you'll like the next one! We also are rotating the Sam Adams from Oktoberfest to Winter Lager soon If you have a special request, just let us know and we're happy to try it out!
We'll be introducing some new wine labels over the next couple weeks Red, white, blends and roses are
on our list Again, if you have a favorite, mention it to the girls and they'll be happy to see if we can get it on our menu!
Believe it or not, the Christmas season is just around the corner We have a few dates left for holiday parties If you're looking to host a party, please give me a call We also have catering options These include delivery, setup and breakdown! Each menu is customizable to appease everyone Don't forget dessert! With every flavor or cookie, brownie, cake and pie; we're able to put together a wonderful dessert platter sure to WOW your guests whether it be at home or at the club
This year we will hold our 7th annual Veterans Day Dinner on Sunday, Nov 6 at the golf club It is a formal affair and has been very well received in past years If you are a veteran and are interested in receiving an invitation, contact Bernie Hollenbeck at bernardhollenbeck569@gmail com ”
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open at 5pm
your chance at the jackpot!
games of bingo starting at 6pm
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October Birthday's receive a free dinner at Birthday Bash!
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PRIME RIB NIGHT 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Men's Invitational
off their
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the range
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roasted prime rib and additional dinner menu!
to 7:00pm
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11am to 4pm
11am to 4pm
Dinner 5pm to 7pm
Dinner 5pm to 7pm
Lunch 11am to 4pm | Dinner 5pm to 7pm
Lunch 11am to 4pm
Lunch 11am to 4pm