Fall is a great time to play golf in Southeast Texas due to the change in seasonal temperatures. We have a busy October Golf schedule capped by the “The Hawk” Men’s Member Guest Weekend October 20 22.
Please enjoy reading through what each department has presented to you for the month of October. The Team here at Shadow Hawk appreciates your membership and we look forward to seeing you at the Club.
Karie Rogers
Brian Cosma
krogers@shadowhawkgolfclub com 281 340 7266
Emily McKenna emckenna@bhawkcc com 281 340 7218
Alex Kelly
Justin Engel
jengel@shadowhawkgolfclub com 281 340 7209
Jim Wallace
jwallace@bhawkcc com
281 340 7228
bcosma@bhawkcc com 281 340 7200
Ben Arcizo barcizo@bhawkcc com 281 340 7278
Benito Roman broman@shadowhawkgolfclub.com 281 451 8079
Toni Young tyoung@escalantegolf com 281 340 7287
Sun Wed: 7am 5pm Thurs Sat: 7am 8pm
4100 Shadow Hawk Dr Richmond, TX 77407 @shadowhawkgolfclub | www.shadowhawkgolfclub.com
Greg NielsonIt has been a pleasure getting to see all of Shadow Hawk's members enjoying the Club during the Summer months! I'm certain you all are ready for fall and the beautiful golf weather that comes with the new season
I hope you all had a chance to invite a family or friend out here to show off Shadow Hawk's beautiful amenities As your Membership Director, I would like to thank you all for the support of sending in your referrals It is a pleasure signing up your friends and family as Shadow Hawk members it is our goal to grow our Club with more members like you!
The bulkhead project on #10 will be completed the first week of October We hope you like the new look and feel of the hole now this project is nearing completion
I want to thank all the Members that participated in the Member Survey We received 148 responses and with the help of Allen Austin, we have tabulated and reviewed the results I am pleased that the Club made significant improvement in almost every area compared to the previous survey We will still be working on all areas operation and continue to conduct additional training, hiring, and property improvements based on this feedback.
1. Bunker maintenance, fairway maintenance and playability, and tee box leveling and appearance We have already started executing action plans to improve the bunker maintenance and taking steps to continue to monitor depths and add sand when necessary
2 The tee boxes The tee boxes on #14 have been re sodded which we felt was an immediate need We also implemented a new process to ensure tee boxes are systematically moved to avoid excessive wear and tear
3 Fairway maintenance Jim Wallace our Director of Agronomy has been working to resolve long term irrigation issues and tackle the common Bermuda that has encroached on the fairways We have seen improvement in the fairways this season especially on #3 and #14 due to his efforts The maintenance crew also has a new fleet of Toro equipment that has improved the quality of cut We are anticipating continued improvement in the fairways next season We will continue to share more information in future updates on our efforts to provide our members with the best club experience. Again, thank you for your feedback.
I know you ’ re looking forward to a great month of golf highlighted by the Club Championship and the Member / Guest. They are timed just right as the golf course becomes a little more manageable and the turf stand thins out The greens are speeding up and rolling nicely The disease pressure is high right now so you will see the sprayer applying fungicides in addition to the herbicides for the Fall pre emergent campaign
We are getting a great cut on the fairways and rough. Jorge Borrego, our Equipment Director, has done a fantastic job keeping everything sharp and performing at a high level. This is key in maintaining a quality playing surface Hope you all enjoy the course, enjoy the weather
Hope to see you out there,
Jim Wallace
We would like to congratulate the team of Don James and Zane Warren on their victory over the team of Mark Clark and Jeff Sebastian. The team of James and Warren was able to overcome the 16 team field to claim the victory. The finals were a well contested match with James and Warren prevailing 3&1. New this year was the addition of a constellation bracket which was won by the team of Jim Higgins and Jennings Goodman over the team of Dr. James Feldman and Jeff Goldberg. This was also a highly contested match with Higgins and Goodman prevailing in 19holes. Please join us in congratulating them when you see them at the club!
Our Men’s and Ladies Club Championship will be held on October 7th thru the 9th. The format of play is single elimination match play. Tee times will begin on Friday October 7th at 12:30pm with the ladies’ flight teeing off first. All flights will be net except the Men’s Championship Flight. Play on Saturday and Sunday will begin at 8:00am. Lunch will be provided on Friday and Saturday with breakfast being provided on Saturday and Sunday. This is also the last event to acquire points for the Men’s Wooden Fence team. Entry fee for the event will be $125 a player. If you would like to sign up, you may do so by calling the golf shop at (281) 340 7205 or by contacting Allen McDermott at amdermott@shadowhawkgolfclub.com
The Hawk will be held on October 20th thru the 22nd. Please not that the course and practice facilities will be closed all day on Friday October 21st and Saturday October 22nd. The tournament is currently full of seven teams on the waiting list. If you would like to have your name added to the waiting list, you may do so by emailing Justin Engel at jengel@shadowhawkgolfclub.com
gratulating the following players hitting a hole in one this month!
urkett | Hole #17 eptember 7th
McNear | Hole #7 eptember 9th
o Cuellar | Hole #7 eptember 15th ulations, Gentlemen!
Stan Utley Clinic | November 4
9am 12pm or 1:30pm 4:3 $675
Tom O’Brien Jr., PGA tommy@tommyogolf.co
832 567 4076
Ladies’ Clinic | Thursdays 9:00am 10:30am $175 per month
October 7 | Full Swing Clinic 5:30pm 7:00pm
8 spots available $75 per person
October 21 | Speed Clinic 5:30pm 7:00pm
8 spots available $75 per person
Junior Golf Clinic
Tuesdays 4:30pm 5:30pm Saturdays 2:00pm 3:00pm
Kevin Odom, PGA kodom@shadowhawkgolfclub.com
832 492 0844
I invite you to partake in our newest program, Vino Club You have the opportunity to rent a locker in the Jones Bar to store any wine of your choosing from our wine list Or, for an additional cost, you can bring your favorite bottles from all over the world to enjoy at your Club
Further, we will be hosting Vino Club once a month Here, we will spend the evening sipping new wines and exploring wines from our preferred vendors
Please join us for Shadow Hawk's First Annual Masquerade Ball! Spending the evening dancing and partying like we are in the Roaring 20's Prizes will go out to those with the best masks! Our culinary team will present a delicious buffet and open bar all night We hope to see you there!
Ladies Doubles Drill
9:00a 10:30a
Tennis 101 Adult Class 11:00a 12:30p
Tuesday Juniors Class 4:30p 6p
3 0 3 5 Adult (Coed) Clinic 6:00p 7:30p
Wednesday Adult Drill (Coed) 4 0+ 6:00p 7:30p
Ladies In House Doubles League
9:00a 11:00a
Saturday Adult 4 0+(Coed) 8:30a 10a
Juniors Class (7 12 year old) 10:00a 11:30a
New to Tennis Class (4 7 year old) 11:30a 12:15p
Adult 3 0 3 5 (Coed) Clinic 9:00a 11:00a
Brian Cosma bcosma@bhawkcc com 281 340 5200
Jennifer Ramsey will be hosting a free Pickleball Clinic
on October 2nd at 1:00pm! This clinic will be an "Intro to Pickleball" where she will teach each one of you how to play the game, various positions and proper scoring Equipment is provided, and all levels are welcome to participate in this event! Please RSVP by emailing jramsey@bhawkcc com, or if you have any questions pertaining to Pickleball
On October 16th at 1:00 we will have a Pickleball Poker Tournament! Round Robin competitive play by all level of players We will have prize for the highest and lowest poker hand! Entry fee is $25 per person which will include light apps and your first beer or wine on us Please RSVP to jramsey@bhawkcc com before October 10th
6:00am | Cycle/HIIT with Jennifer
9:00am | CSI with Bethany
10:15am | Yoga with Paola
6:00am | Cycle/Circuits with Greg
9:00am | Cardio/Barbell with Jennifer 10:15am | Yoga with KaraAnn
6:00am | Tri fecta with Jennifer 9:00am | Boot Camp with Courtney
9:00AM CSI with instructor rotation