“I don’t think this European Council should be about philosophy.” photo:© EDA
Europe needs collectively to raise its game in terms of critical capabilities
EU Summit 2013 – Capabilities for today and tomorrow Interview with Claude-France Arnould, CEO European Defence Agency (EDA), Brussels Mrs Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive Officer, European Defence Agency, Brussels, answers Editor-in-Chief Hartmut Bühl’s questions about the expected outcome of the EU Summit on defence issues to be held in December 2013. The European: Mrs Arnould, the upcoming Defence Summit raises hopes for European defence. What are the expectations from the EDA perspective? Claude-France Arnould: The discussion among the Heads of State and Government at the forthcoming European Council is of the utmost importance for European defence. We need recognition at the highest political level that defence, considering the diversity of threats and challenges, is a priority. In view of today’s constrained financial situation, this effort for defence must be fully efficient, which implies cooperation and searching for synergies. Clearly, we cannot do “more with less”. The European: What are the desired outcomes? Claude-France Arnould: The following three outcomes from the European Council in December would be significant. First and foremost: capabilities for today and tomorrow. This
entails a commitment to major projects to address the capability shortfalls that have again been identified in recent operations. Our American partners have stated clearly that we cannot continue to count on them to provide the bulk of these key enabling capabilities. The second is investment in innovation and technology, including dual-use. To retain its strategic autonomy Europe needs to reduce its dependence when it comes to critical technologies. And third, support to industry. But let us be clear: it is not about subsidies. Everybody wants a competitive industry and fair market conditions. It is about concrete programmes, contracts with clear commitments and deadlines. Only on the basis of such perspectives can our defence actors invest in R&T. If they don’t, we Europeans could lose our technology know-how and reach a point of no return. The European: What preparatory work has the EDA done in this regard? Claude-France Arnould: We have prepared very concrete proposals in the areas of Air-to-Air Refuelling, Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, Satellite Communications and Cyber