22 European Security & Defence 2015
Partner BSC 2015 United States of America
The strategic significance of TTIP (BSC/Jiř í Šedivý*) The theme of this year’s Berlin Security
of the West in the World. It is no coincidence that the trans-
Conference “Euro-Atlantic partnership – firm anchor in a
European motley alliance of ultranationalists, populists, and
turbulent world” could not come at a more appropriate and
protectionists opposing the treaty broadly overlap with those
critical moment. The West is facing the most volatile and dan-
who are now siding with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s
gerous security situation it has seen in decades. What is es-
military adventurism in Ukraine. Their shared concern is the
pecially worrying is the fact that the numerous security crises,
further integration and strengthening of the West.
risks and threats are coming upon us simultaneously. Russia
Today, North America and Europe produce close to a half
behaves as an aggressive revisionist power seeking to un-
of the global GDP. A common free trade zone is expected to
dermine the rules-based post-Cold War security order. Large
generate about 100 billion Euros a year for each side of the
parts of the Middle East and North Africa are effectively collapsing, with their political, social and economic fabric disappearing. The resilience of so-called Islamic State and its capacity to inspire
Atlantic and
“The Partnership must be seen as potentially the most important initiative negotiated across the Atlantic since the Washington Treaty established the North Atlantic Alliance in 1949.”
millions of new jobs. The Partnership’s longer-term cumulative effect thus
extremists around the globe
cannot be
were gravely underestimated.
This generates a multitude of
It may be
serious challenges for us: failed states, humanitarian crises,
useful to recall the integration of Europe launched about
Islamist radicalism, a new wave of terrorism, and mass migra-
sixty years ago by pooling Western Europe’s coal and steel
tion. We truly need a “firm anchor.”
resources. Already then the founding fathers of what is now
This essay deals with one of the main themes of the BCS
the European Union realized the long-term strategic potenti-
2015, i.e. the implications of the Transatlantic Trade and
al of this initially technical step. History proved correct their
Investment Partnership (TTIP). Yet the perspective from which
assumption of a gradual spill-over of integration from heavy in-
this project is looked at in this text differs probably from how
dustry into freeing trade and creating a common market and,
the Forum on Industrial Co-operation will address the issue
finally, ramifying into the political area.
on the first day of the conference. Be it as it may, the turbulent
Let us not shy away from seeking inspiration from the
security context in which the Partnership is finalised should
example of post-WWII Europe, however different the present
focus the minds of leaders on both sides of the Atlantic on the
context is. Yet the bottom-line vision – that more economic
wider strategic implications or impetus this project might bring
co-operation, free trade and open market stimulate a political
co-ordination and, ultimately, enhance strategic unity, is as
As the negotiations between the European Union and United States about the TTIP enter a decisive phase, opposition to
relevant now as it was then. The only current credible and functioning transatlantic or-
the project is getting progressively fiercer in Europe and, to a
ganisation – NATO, can benefit immensely from the TTIP. The
lesser extent, in the US as well. Yet the Partnership must be
Alliance’s raison d’être of keeping together nations that share
seen as potentially the most important initiative negotiated
values and can trust and defend each other will obtain a new
across the Atlantic since the Washington Treaty established
the North Atlantic Alliance in 1949. While the TTIP’s enemies try to scare the European public
Given the sensitive character of defence procurement, both sides have – at least for the time being – agreed to exclude
by painting the horror prospects of the lowering of standards
this sector from the negotiations. Nevertheless Europeans
concerning food safety, employment, social rights, public ser-
should pledge to use a part of the profit from the Partnership
vices, environment or intellectual property and cultural assets,
to prop up their investment in defence thus helping to redress
their real concern lies elsewhere: in the Partnership’s strategic
the strong defence burden-sharing imbalance that exists
potential to boost – through mobilizing jointly the creative
between the US and European NATO Allies.
energy of Europe and North America, surging innovation and invigorating economic growth – the political weight and power
Quite understandably, the West’s main strategic competitors such as China or Russia are watching the emergence of this