28 European Security & Defence 2015
Defence Technology
TLVS/MEADS can provide regional defense capability for Germany plug-and-fight, open architecture, and networked operation. MEADS is only medium-range system that provides full 360-degree defense against the full range of 21st century threats, including cruise missiles. “With this decision in favor of MEADS, Germany has opted for a powerful, state-of-the-art, long-term ground-based air and missile defense system sufficient to meet current threats and threats of the future,” said Thomas Homberg, Managing Director of MBDA Deutschland. The open architecture network is the most revolutionary capability Germany identified for future defenses. MEADS units can seamlessly form regional or NATO combat architectures as required. The technology allows allied nations to contribute assets to create a regional air and missile defense MEADS can fire PAC-3 MSE missiles in any direction and can
network with a common integrated air picture and optimization
defeat threats attacking from behind.
of threat engagements. In announcing the MEADS selection,
Photos: Lockheed Martin
the Defense Minister stressed that compatibility with partners, interoperability, and open system architecture were the impor(BSC/Lockheed Martin) In June, Germany announced that
tant principles guiding the German decision.
it had selected the Medium Extended Air Defense System
“Germany‘s selection of the MEADS architecture and
(MEADS) as the basis for its future air and missile defense
capabilities for TLVS represents a significant step forward
system. Developed by Lockheed Martin and MBDA, MEADS
in air and missile defense,” said Lockheed Martin Program
will introduce an array of new defense capabilities. What does
Director Dave Berganini. “Because MEADS can use data from
this bold new direction mean for the future of air and missile
non-system sensors and can control other defined air defense
missiles, neighboring countries can integrate national assets
Using technology developed for MEADS, Germany‘s Taktisches Luftverteidigungssystem (TLVS) will implement
to form a regional air and missile defense. No other system has this capability.”
Compatibility with partners, interoperability, and open system architecture were principles that favored MEADS as the foundation for TLVS.