2 minute read

How to Build Emotional Resilience in Tough Times

Life can be unpredictable and challenging at times. We all face difficulties and stressors that can test our emotional resilience. Emotional resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and cope with stress effectively. It is not something that we are born with, but something that we can learn and practice. Here are some ways to build your emotional resilience and overcome life’s obstacles.

One way to build emotional resilience is to foster optimism. Optimism is not about ignoring the reality of your situation, but about focusing on the positive aspects and the possible solutions. Optimism can help you cope with stress and overcome challenges more effectively. It can also motivate you to take action and pursue your goals.


Another way to build emotional resilience is to face your fears. Fear can hold you back from achieving your potential and living a fulfilling life. Avoiding what scares you can make it worse. Instead, confront your fears and learn from them. Facing your fears can help you grow and become more confident. It can also help you overcome anxiety and phobias.

A third way to build emotional resilience is to have a moral compass. A moral compass is a clear sense of right and wrong that guides you when you face difficult decisions. A moral compass can help you stay true to your values and act with integrity. It can also help you avoid guilt and regret.

A fourth way to build emotional resilience is to practice spirituality. Spirituality is being part of a group that has strong beliefs that give you a sense of purpose and belonging. Spirituality can help you find meaning and hope in life’s hardships. It can also help you cope with grief and loss.

A fifth way to build emotional resilience is to give and receive social support. Social support is having caring and supportive people around you who can make you feel less alone and more resilient. Social support can help you share your feelings, get feedback, and find solutions. It can also provide you with practical and emotional help when you need it.

These are some ways to build your emotional resilience in tough times. By practicing these tips, you can enhance your well-being and happiness. Remember that emotional resilience is not a fixed trait, but a skill that you can develop and improve over time.

Let your heart and mind be in sync, for they are the keys to your inner peace and joy.

By now, we hope you are aware that you can access mental health care from all the Central (Referral) Hospitals in the country. Here is something to take note of, before you can get to the Central (Referral) Hospitals, you need to first visit your local District Hospital in order to be assisted. This applies to mental health care as well.

Once you have been assessed, the medical staff (a psychiatric nurse or clinician) will then determine whether you need to be referred to the Central Hospital, which also provides comprehensive care for mental health challenges.

Please take note of the list of District Hospitals available in Malawi.

Chitipa District Hospital

Karonga District Hospital

Mzimba District Hospital

Nkhata Bay District Hospital

Rumphi District Hospital

Dedza District Hospital

Dowa District Hospital

Kasungu District Hospital

Mchinji District Hospital

Nkhokota District Hospital

Ntcheu District Hospital

Ntchisi District Hospital

Salima District Hospital

Balaka District Hospital

Chikwawa District Hospital

Chiradzulu District Hospital

Machinga District Hospital

Mangochi District Hospital

Mulanje District Hospital

Mwanza District Hospital

Would you like to advertise your mental health services with Essential Grace Magazine?

Get in touch with us for your free offer of mental health related advertising be it for counselling services, support groups, books, upcoming events, and wellness services (e.g. Fitness, massage therapy)

Nsanje District Hospital

Phalombe District Hospital

Thyolo District Hospital

Zomba District Hospital

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