Essex Style Magazine Issue 10

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06/08/2013 15:37

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James Tickner

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Jonathon Hall

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DRESS REHEARSALS: Former Premier League footballer Fabian Wilnis will be one of the leading models for Ipswich Fashion Week and says he is delighted to be involved.

Fashion Week launched in Ipswich


ssex’s Fashionistas will be excited to hear of a new event that will be coming to the region next month. The first Ipswich Fashion Week will begin on October 7th and will run through until the 12th. Whilst the organisers say they are an entirely different event from Essex Fashion Week, this will no doubt be the beginning of a friendly rivalry. For all intents and purposes, the new Ipswich Fashion Week looks all set to be a huge success. Event organiser, Pamela Davis said: “We’re really excited for what will be the first ever Ipswich Fashion Week. “We’re hoping to

showcase what Ipswich has to offer the fashion world and show that it’s not just Essex that can do glam. “Everyone is genuinely looking forward to it and getting everyone from the local fashion seen together in one place. “I think the people of Essex will love it. It’s our chance to show them what we have to offer.” Not only have they been able to attract leading High Street names such as Debenhams, Marks and Spencer and River Island, there are a whole host of exciting independent stores and boutiques. The weeklong event, which will be hosted by Fashion Candy at the Ipswich Town Hall and Corn Exchange, will bring together experts and traders in fashion, hair and beauty.

Having played top-level Premier League and European football with Ipswich, Fabian Wilnis is now a model and will be stepping out on the catwalk. The former Grays Athletic player and Colchester United coach said: “I’m delighted to be asked to get involved. I’ve known Pam for many years and I know that she’ll put on a great event. “Since retiring from football, I’ve really been able to concentrate on my modelling and this will be another great opportunity. “I think Ipswich has a lot to offer the fashion world and I believe in years to come this show will be recognised as one of the best in the country.” A number of Essex-based celebrities will be in attendance, and with a four day ticket costing just £5, it looks all set to be a triumph. The much-anticipated Fashion Show is £15, with purchase details available at



Healthier Happier...

Mick Norcross The man behind the Sugar Hut

So we did get summer then!


an you believe how good the weather has been lately? I’d forgotten that we even had summers in England, but it seems as though we have been spoilt over the last month or so! I own a Harley Davidson motorcycle and have really been able to make the most of it with all the sunshine we’ve been having, but I would only describe myself as a ‘fair weather biker’ and in the winter I’d much rather drive to work in the warmth of my car! The Sugar Hut, and so on… You’ll remember from my July column that I mentioned the work we’ve been doing to get a new Sugar Hut nightclub open in London’s Mayfair. Well, things have moved fairly quickly with that since and although I can’t officially say when and precisely where it will be just yet, we’re hoping to launch in September so I’ll keep you up to date on progress. It has been a busy month as usual in

Brentwood and one of the new events was the Be_Boutique courtyard party. It was a star-studded event and we had the entire TOWIE crowd in, partying away from 2 o’clock in the afternoon. It’s definitely something we’ll put on again. My refurbishment of the Courtyard earlier this year has really paid off and, if I say so myself, it’s looking fantastic, particularly the amazing hanging baskets! Our customers appear to agree too as they’ve been packing it out and enjoying Pimm’s and Peroni in the beautiful sunshine. We’re very excited this month to be welcoming live entertainment from Will Childs – Brother of Amy – to our cocktail bar every other Thursday, starting 25th July.

He has an amazing voice and I’m sure he will go down a storm with our guests, so if you come along and join us please feel free to email us with your feedback and let us know what you think. I’ve mentioned TOWIE already, but I have to say, what a brilliant series it has just been! I can’t believe it’s finished and am already looking forward to the next one. Even though I am no longer part of the show, I never miss an episode and I thought the production quality of it this time was better than ever before.

“...what a brilliant series it has just been... already looking forward to the next one.”

Good Luck Gemma! Yes, you did read that right! I’d like to take this opportunity to wish Gemma Collins every success in her new business venture. It’s well documented that she and I have not always seen eye-to-eye, but I’m not one to bear a grudge and I was delighted to see that she had launched her new clothing line at last, as I know it’s been a dream of hers for some time. She’s a strong-minded, independent woman, and I’m sure that she will make a great success of it. And finally, it was great to see that Miss Chloe Sims has joined Essex Style Magazine and is keeping Essex on the map! Good luck in your new job Chloe and hope all goes well for you.


Bobby Norris Essex Boy

Nine days to feeling great!


f any of you were keeping an eye on my TOWIE storylines in the last series, it will not have gone unnoticed that I’ve been trying to live a healthier, more natural lifestyle. I think I’ve reached that point in life where I know exactly who I am and just want to try something a bit more wholesome, if you know what I mean. The coffee enema I tried in Marbella was quite an experience, and if I’m going to be brutally honest, I won’t be trying that one again! So when I got an email telling me about a miracle 9-day detox, I was interested straight away. I just had to give it a go. I went for a meeting with a lovely lady called Louise who has set up a company called Aloe Angel, and specialises in natural products based around the magical Aloe Vera plant. Before talking to her, I just thought Aloe Vera was something I got in my toilet paper and moisturiser. I didn’t think it was something that could help you lose a few pounds! Ok, it’s true, I’m so skinny they have to spray my jeans on these days; so losing weight wasn’t what I was looking for. Instead I wanted to get all the caffeine and junk food out of my body that I have been piling in for the last 27 years. I’ve been told that it can make such a difference to the way you feel. Not only is the detox great for your body, but also it is supposed to make you feel so much more lively and energetic. So it’s got to be worth a go, right? Anyway, I turned up at the Essex Style Magazine office one morning last month to find a box full of treats that had been

delivered to me. I say treats – that was before I got to know quite what they were – but more of that later on! Having read through the instructions, I was shocked to find out that I would not be eating anything for the next couple of days – and very little thereafter. Now, I’m not gonna lie, Bobby likes his food, so this didn’t fill me with confidence about my chances! There was also this Aloe Vera gel, which I had to drink from a shot glass. One tester mouthful and I was gagging. I don’t think I’ve ever found something so hard to swallow!! Nevertheless, I pressed on, and this is my diary: Day One I was told that this would be the hardest day of the challenge, and boy, they weren’t wrong! As if going a whole day without eating something wasn’t hard enough, the caffeine withdrawal symptoms really did kick in. #Headache!


The Aloe Vera was disgusting, I’ve got to be honest, but I suppose it’s like vegetables – they don’t taste great, but they’re supposed to be good for you, so I’ll just get on with it! The vanilla milkshake that I was given was good though. It seemed like a bit of a rare treat, but I suppose anything that tasted half decent would do at this stage! Day Two Another fasting day for me, and I can’t say it’s got much easier! The cravings for food did go a bit, so to be fair, I must have acclimatised to it. The Aloe Vera gel certainly didn’t taste any better, but to be fair, I’ve kind of got used to it now and can just neck it like any other shot I have in a club! Milkshake still a treat!

Day Three Today was the first day that I was allowed to eat has definitely anything, but for made me feel a the majority of the day, I was still lot healthier and fasting. energetic. I’ve At dinner time I was allowed a seen some of the 600 calorie meal, people who have which compared to what I’ve got done it to lose used to, seems like weight, and the a feast. Going without results are truly any snacks was stunning.” still tough, but it’s definitely easier now and I must say, I’m feeling VERY energetic! Days Four to Nine For the remaining days, everything was pretty much the same, but it did seem to get easier. However, I’ve been craving coke and been getting a bit fed up with the Aloe Vera gel. Overall, I have to say this has been a great experience for me and it has definitely made me feel a lot healthier and energetic. I’ve seen some of the people who have done it to lose weight, and the results are truly stunning. Give it a go!


ome of you may have already seen on Twitter, I recently bought myself a puppy named Beau. He is a Teacup Yorkshire Terrier and I love him so much already! He is a very good boy and is settling into his new home nicely. Just last month I treated him to a full grooming day at Doggy Style Grooming Parlour in Danbury! This is certainly a wake up call as to how hard being a parent must be. I have been getting up some mornings at 4am to attend to Beau’s needs. Short Shorts… I loved the heat wave we got recently; I saw for the first time on my car thermometer 33c, which I think has got to be the hottest day in years. I have been trying to spend as much time outside as possible and can’t remember a summer like this for ages, so I am taking full advantage and wearing my favourite summer wardrobe essential: the short shorts! I just love them and as I have long legs I feel I can definitely get away with the shortest of short… and believe me, I do!!

Summer Holidays.... With series nine of TOWIE finished and series ten due to return later in the year, I’ve had the chance to have a few weekend breaks. Even so, I’d love to go on a nice spa weekend, so I might treat myself soon. I am also hoping to get out to LA at some point. I have never been and would love to visit. I’d love to check out the fashion and amazing boutiques. Pretty Woman is one of my favourite films ever! Imagine me walking along in Beverly Hills with my Beau? I think I would fit in just nicely! You know what...? Rodeo Drive, here I come! SEPTEMBER 2013 | ESSEXSTYLEMAGAZINE.CO.UK | 11

Sue Moxley Body beautiful

THREE DAYS to your dream bikini body


here used to be a time, during my younger days, when I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted and not put on a pound

of weight. Back then I was working as a full-time model, so in many ways I was very lucky to be able to stay in shape so easily. I remember, people would look on with envy as I polished off second and third portions of desserts, ate endless chocolate bars, crisps and pizzas but never budged from a size ten. Sometimes, I would even be living this indulgent lifestyle only to find myself slipping down to a size eight without even trying! But not anymore! Now, I’m not quite sure whether it is my age, or the fact that I’ve reached a stage where I am happily married and don’t constantly run around London frantically; but staying slim is not so easy. Whatever exercise I find myself doing, the simple fact is that I just cannot eat the way that I used to. The funny thing is, my best friend has watched her weight her whole life and doesn’t really know any difference these days, but for me it is tough going from eating whatever I like to counting the calories. I’m sure many women are familiar with the feeling of being uncomfortable and bloated when trying to squeeze into an outfit that used to fit them.

“Because the results are so quick and so dramatic, willpower is not an issue. It’s so easy...”

No longer can I just go to the shop and pick out anything I like the look of, but instead have to find something that covers and disguises! I now go on endless diets. One minute I am losing weight, the next I find myself just putting it all on again. But then, one day, I met an old friend of mine called Eric, who I hadn’t seen for a while and believe me, I didn’t recognise him. He had shedded over half his body weight and even become a celebrity in his own country for his dramatic weightloss. He told me about this amazing three day detox plan that he had come up with and a follow-up maintenance programme. I tried it myself, and couldn’t believe the results. I’ve stuck to it ever since, and although I fall off the wagon every now and then, it’s easy to get back on. Because the results are so quick and so dramatic, willpower is not an issue. It’s easy to stick to. So, what are you waiting for? If you want to get that bikini body back quickly and easy, it’s time you gave this a go. Why not start today?!


Day 1

8am: One protein shake, then drink 250ml water. 10am-4pm: Repeat the above every two hours. 6pm: Dinner, 200 grams of chicken breast no skin or one tin of tuna in spring water, half an avocado pear and half a lemon or lime.

Day 2 and 3 8am: 1 apple and 250ml water. 10am-4pm: Repeat the above every two hours. 6pm: Whole advocado, pear with half a lemon or lime and one protein drink followed by 250ml water. For the best results use the protein shake from:


Follow-up Diet To get the best results possible, it is essential to stick to a strict followup programme. Try to eat as many fruit and vegetables as possible, plenty of protein (lean meat and fish) and drink lots of water.



MacGregor Head Make-up Artist at Essex Fashion Week

High End vsHigh Street all start looking for money gets tight, we d an h ug to t ge es have disaterous hen tim ey - but doing so can on m e sav to ys wa the best st. cause they are the be consequences. nsive for a reason - be pe ex p are e-u ds ak an m br ur yo ive The expens r brands to make g g luxury and designe can you justify spendin You may enjoy buyin a small fortune. But rth wo d an s iou lic bag looks de ucts out there? there alternative prod pro only brands, but all that money? Are rgeous high end and go of ll eir fu is kit l na ucts in my kit and th My professio t into a few key prod igh ins . an ice u pr yo e e th giv I’m going to at just a fraction of and identical) alternatives ys really are excellent High Street (almost ds available these da an br t ree St gh Hi e Some of th r their money. d rivals a true run fo can give their high en


WE LOVE THIS! Nars Blusher Orgasm £21.50 Michelle says: This is one of, if not the best, of Nars’ products. A pinky peach blusher with a hint of a mineralised/glowy finish which suits all skin tones. It’s one of my all time favourite blushers. But how does it stand up to comparison with the High Street brands?

Sleek Blusher Rose Gold £4.49 Michelle says: When I tried out Sleek’s Rose Gold, I was blown away by how similar it was to Nars’ best seller. If you can’t justify spending over £20 on a blusher, you must try Sleek’s Rose Gold. It’s just a fraction of the cost, but it certainly doesn’t disappoint when it comes to the stunning finish for your cheeks.



For more fabulous fashion tips from Michelle MacGregor, why not head over to Twitter and follow her: @Michelle_MUA

Victoria’s Secret Lip Gloss Slice of Heaven - £9

Barry M Lip Gloss Pale Strawberry Shimmer - £3.99 Michelle says: Once I had seen the Barry M gloss, I thought it was a great colour match. What’s great is that it also smells really nice - like sweets! Now I actually keep this in my kit bag to go alongside the high end version.

Michelle says: A pearly nude pink to be worn alone on top of your favourite lipstick. The Victoria’s Secret gloss has such a yummy smell and tastes like cream cakes. As a professional, this is one of the absolute essentials for me to carry around in my bag.

Maybelline Gel Eyeliner Blackest Black - £7.99

MAC Fluid Line Gel Eyeliner Black Track - £15 Michelle says: MAC have rightfully built up a reputation for having one of the best eyeliners on the market. At £15, it is still quite expensive though, so shelling out on it is a big decision. So what are the alternatives?


Michelle says: Make-up artists, clients and models have all raved about Maybelline’s gel eyeliner. I have had MAC, Bobbi Brown and New CID Cosmetics gel liners but this truly rivals every single one. Great value!

Smashbox Cosmetics Photo Finish Primer £25

GOSH Velvet Touch Foundation Primer £7.99

Michelle says: Photo Finish is an award winning primer and can completely justify its hefty price. It has a beautiful serumy texture which just glides over the skin, smoothing out any imperfections. However, it’s a US brand and is very hard to find in Britain.

Michelle says: Fortunately, we have a big contender for Smashbox on our High Streets. GOSH is an award winner itself and it’s really difficult to tell the difference between it and Smashbox. It has a luxury finish and above all is very purse friendly. SEPTEMBER 2013 | ESSEXSTYLEMAGAZINE.CO.UK | 15

Darren Kennedy Style Dilemmas

Answering your questions

The successful outfit is often the simplest Q. I am going to a Michael Bublé concert with my teenage niece and I would love something really young and funky to wear. I got a lovely pair of red high top converse recently so I would like to wear them and I was thinking with shorts. Would love to know what you think? Thanks Chloe, 29, Colchester.


A. I’ve never been to a Michael Bublé concert but I image there’ll be a contingent of over zealous fans pushing and screaming from the sheer excitement of being in his presence. So I’m glad to hear you’re considering trainers because anything with a heel is generally a bad idea in such circumstances. Wear your converse with a pair of denim cut-offs and a graphic print top, finished off with some statement jewellery for a fresh, uncomplicated look. To add colour, try some belted shorts with turn up from Asos or River Island printed city shorts. The key to looking cool is not trying too hard and often the simplest outfits are the most successful. Another option is to wear a pair of this season’s boyfriend jeans, for instance the frayed pair at Penneys or the ‘Eloise’ style at Monsoon, with H&M’s marl grey jersey top with cut-off sleeves and a pair of New Balance trainers. This pair from the Minimus collection is equal parts über-hip and practical. Complete the look with a bold tailored edge by layering with the monochrome biker jacket from Boohoo Boutique for the perfect concert outfit.



Q. Hi Darren, I’ve been holding off on buying any summer skirts/dresses as I gained nearly two stone over the past year due to an illness. I’m now in the situation where, with the exception of one skirt, I’ve nothing summery to wear so I feel I’ve no choice but to get a few pieces. I’m currently a size 18/20 and 5’7. Emily, 33, Southend.

1. Asos Belted Shorts with Turn-up. 2. H&M Vest Top 3. Paul Smith Fringed Shoes 4. New Look Inspire Denim Blue Dress

Q. Do you have any idea where nice, dressy men’s sandals can be found? I was looking for something more elegant than the dull selection I’ve come across so far. Gerard, Loughton. A. Despite our unpredictable weather, open-toe footwear is the ultimate summer staple. In terms of comfort, it’s hard to trump Birkenstocks with their contoured cork foot beds but for a more fashion forward approach look to Spanish brand Camper. The ‘Itaca’ style, available in both black and green, is a sleek and stylish strappy leather sandal made of full grain leather. If you’re ready to embrace vibrant colour this summer then you have to check out Kurt Geiger’s range of bold

A. Emily I understand your predicament but the good news is you don’t have to spend a fortune to bring a little bit of summer to your wardrobe. Highstreet stores such as Penneys and New Look have a wide selection of affordable clothing in sizes up to 20/22. For example, go for a retro summertime look with the denim style jersey fabric dress with crochet lace panel. The combination of sweetheart neckline, lace detailing and bow tie front give it a romantic feel. Similarly, the ‘Sienna’ white print tunic with scoop neckline and fit & flare design is a figure flattering style with a vintage twist. At Littlewoods, the So Fabulous collection features a printed chiffon dress with asymmetric hem. Wear this flowy number with flat sandals for a daytime summer barbeque or dress it up with wedges, a clutch and a floral head garland for a girly night out.

3 hued patent sandals including the bright blue ‘Greenwood’ and the zesty orange ‘Richmond’. For those smarter summer occasions, Paul Smith has designed a slick fringed leather pair of sandals with cork insoles and a buckle fastening. At the opposite end of the spectrum, Zara’s combination strap sandals feature a multi-colour utility style upper with textured sole for a cool, summery aesthetic. Over at All Saints, you’ll find the ‘Nador’ leather sandal with handcrafted straps, antique finished buckle and a contrast rubber sole.



Richardson & Squibb P

opular Essex clothing distributor Richardson & Squibb continues to go from strength to strength with the launch of their new Autumn collections. Their leading brands CAKO Clothing and CAKO Kids have both launched fabulous new autumn collections, but they offer much, much more. Giorgio & Mario, Miss Bikini, and Shruggs London are just some of the great names they are now working with

With summer now into its latter stages, and Autumn now upon us, ESM takes a look at the fabulous new clothing collections represented by Richardson and Squibb.

and hoping to build up the name of. This is along with their great new venture, Tideez, which we will no doubt see more of in the future. The Cako range includes unique ‘magic’ printing, with images that change according to the light. All of the designs are fun, quirky and childlike with a sophisticated edge. The seemingly magical prints, which burst into colour, will no doubt be the talk of the playground this autumn.


Richardson & Squibb, the company that founded CAKO, brings a fresh alternative to the clothing market for some time now and can boast outlets in London, St Tropez, Monaco and Ibiza - to name but a few. The adult lines of Giorgio and Mario are equally exciting, bringing together Essex glam with the high end extremely classy looks of Paris and Milan. The Paris based brand are expected to really take off around Essex over the coming year, despite already being renowned for their quality. For one outfit, Essex Style Magazine particularly loves the way the Giorgio and Mario Autumn/Winter Jacket can be combined with the Cako Cashmere Jumper. Richardson and Squibb was launched in September 2010 by Natasha Richardson and Nicola Squibb who felt there was a gap in the market for importing exclusive collections internationally. Conscious of a fashion savvy market across Essex, they knew that the glamorous designs would bring great appeal. It was just last year that they set up Cako, having spotted another gap in the market. There is no doubt that in time some of these brands can go on to be a huge hit, not just in Essex and the rest of the UK, but worldwide. For more information and pictures, go to SEPTEMBER 2013 | ESSEXSTYLEMAGAZINE.CO.UK | 19

TheJoke OVER-PRICED: Visitors to The Duke of Essex Polo told Essex Style Magazine that they felt the event was hideously over-priced for what it was, with a humble burger costing £6.

of Essex Polo

Visitors to one of the most well-known and respected events in the whole of Essex were left feeling let-down this year. William Taylor spoke to some of the disappointed and angry customers on the day.


or many, The Duke Of Essex Polo is the highlight of the annual social scene in Essex, but this year the punters were left angry and disappointed. With the fabulous new setting of Hylands Park in Chelmsford, and scorching summer sunshine, the show appeared all set to be a big hit. However, by the end of the weekend, visitors and exhibitors alike were complaining about poor attendances,

rude organisers and the lack of any real celebrities. Z-listers such as Bianca Gascoigne and the bizarrely shoeless former Big Brother contestant Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace were among the less than recognisable faces on the day. Washed up former ‘Another Level’ boy band member Dane Bowers failed to make an effort for the occasion, donning an un-tucked creased shirt and scuffed shoes


for his appearance on the virtually nonexistent red carpet. Mario Falcone, in a tailored three-piece suit, was perhaps the most well known celebrity to turn out on the Saturday, but his fleeting appearance lasted all of about 45 minutes. ‘Allo ‘Allo actress, Vicki Michelle did add a bit of class to the occasion in all fairness, but it was far from what the punters were promised.

With a ticket costing £35 for adults just a little over-sold. and £15 for children, Polo-goers were “It looked far more like a expecting a lot more than what was second rate school fete! The actually offered – including a ‘luxury Polo was good, but the rest was shopping village’, as advertised on the sadly lacking and very expensive event’s website. for what it was.” That never materialised. John Lamb was one Parents were expecting of the organisers of the “I’m afraid bouncy castles and rides Shetland Pony Racing, I wouldn’t for their children, but and whilst he did admit were left shocked that it to being generally attend this would cost an additional satisfied with the again. Families weekend, he expressed £2-4 a go. One visitor, Verity want value for disappointment at the Priest commented: turnout. money and “It was such a He said: “The weekend disappointment. I was a success for us, this certainly thought you would the races went well and wasn’t.” have got more for your we managed to raise a money. lot of money for Great “The family enclosure looked great Ormond Street Hospital. with lots of bouncy castles, fairground “I did think the crowd was rides and face paints, but it was extremely a lot smaller than we were expensive. expecting, and while I don’t “I did think for the cost of the want to blame anyone, I would admission ticket, all of this would have have liked it to have been been included. better. “I’m afraid I would not attend this again, “A lot of the children had which is a great shame. Families want travelled from quite far away, value for money and this certainly wasn’t.” including Newmarket and Furthermore, as a member of Essex Yorkshire Style Magazine’s staff handed one parent and had a free copy of the magazine, he remarked: been told “Really? Something free around here!” they would He went on to add: “It’s been a complete get to meet let down. We paid a fortune for our celebrities. We tickets this weekend, but soon realised it didn’t have any was going to cost at least the same again come over to our just to be able to make a day of it. stand. “There really aren’t many stands anyway, so the fact that I have to pay £4 for my son to go on the bouncy castle or £6 for a burger is an absolute disgrace. “The organisers can restassured that they will not be able to count on me for a ticket sale next year. We won’t be back.” Car fans were promised that part of the weekend would include an F1 car display, but Karl Reilly said he couldn’t find one anywhere. On The Duke Of Essex Facebook page he said: “Just back from this. What a disappointment! The advertised F1 display wasn’t there, nor the Luxury Shopping Village, (and) The Grand Prix Polo Village was

FAMOUS FACES: TOWIE duo, Mario Falcone and Charlie Sims were among the celebs.

“Perhaps it could have been because we were put on very early in the day before anyone had turned up.” Indeed, it wasn’t just people who attended the event that were left reeling. A number of local residents complained about excessive noise levels going on deep into the night, beyond the agreed curfew of 11pm. One commented that the noise levels were even more excessive than those from V Festival each year, which must have taken some doing, considering how loud that can get! A number of complaints were made and eventually, after midnight, the noise was apparently turned down. Despite this, the number of complaints made to the organisers of the Duke of Essex Polo this year seem to have risen. It certainly seems as though next year they will have a tough job persuading the punters to return. Essex Style Magazine contacted the organisers, wanting to know their version of events, but despite holding out right until the print deadline to get back to us, they declined to comment.


The Duke of Essex Polo Caught


Mel Fordham Photography





Price K


Not one to shy away from attention, Katie Price turned heads recently when she donned a pair of red lips to promote her new perfume, ‘Kissable’. Now rumoured to be expecting twins, Georgia-May Collings caught up with the businesswoman who chats about her fragrance, family and the future.

LEFT: Katie has built a successful brand around her modelling career. ABOVE: Her new perfume brand, ‘Kissable’. INSET: Trying to hide her pregnancy bump on the promotional trail.

atie Price appears to be unstoppable. She’s the ex-glamour model turned reality TV star turned author and is now pregnant for the fourth time, not to mention launching another fragrance to add to her growing collection. Despite her critics claiming she loves media attention, it appears the expecting mother is keeping her cards close to her chest when it comes to discussing her baby bump and is determined to keep her family life private. This is to be her first child with new husband Kieran Hayler who she married earlier this year in January, two months after ending her on/off romance with Argentine model Leandro Penna. She said: “I know the sex, but not even our family has been told, we’ve kept it a secret for about six/seven months now. “I haven’t even told anyone about when I’m due either, it could just pop out! There’s not even much of Kieran and me about, no one has seen any pictures of my baby bump. I’ve kept it all private. I don’t talk openly about my marriage but I am happy.” Although Katie remains tight lipped about her bump, it has been hinted in the media that she is expecting twins with much speculation that this is the reason behind her gaining more weight than she did in her other pregnancies. When it comes to names she has revealed that she already has a few in mind, claiming to like Lorenzo and Tinkerbell. It would appear, however, that not even the impending arrival of a new addition (or indeed additions) to the family could slow Katie down, as only last month she released her latest perfume. In true Miss Price style she boldly wore a pair of red lips to it’s launch, which seemed fitting for its name, ‘Kissable’. “I was planning to bring it out in July/

August time, then I thought what can I call it? I couldn’t exactly call it summer, so this was the trouble I faced with naming it. “Then Lauren who I work with said there is National Kissing Day on 6th July and I thought perfect, it’s a good way to bring it out. We were going to call it ‘Kiss Kiss’ but we couldn’t get clearance for that trademark, so we called it ‘Kissable’. “It’s fresh and I’ve got my new hair colour on the bottle, I’ve gone darker. I design everything including the bottles and on the bigger bottles you get a free lip-gloss, not that that’s a ploy to make you buy the bigger one!” She added: “I can’t wait to come to Essex, I’ll be in my pink seven and half tonne lorry because I have to travel like that at the moment as I am ready to drop the baby. It’s really uncomfortable sitting up in a car.” Often in the limelight, Katie has also recently found herself at the attention of Britain’s Got Talent finalist and impersonator, Francine Lewis who she reveals she knew prior the show. “She’s really good at impressions,” Katie said. “But I wasn’t impressed with mine! “I don’t think she sounds like me and everyone who knows me says the same. I think only what she was saying is the part people found funny but she doesn’t actually sound like me. “I’ve known her for years and she has always said I was really hard to impersonate. I knew her years ago but I haven’t seen her for ages. “She was doing Dot Cotton, Gerri Halliwell, all those kinds of people and was really good then but I still don’t think she’s mastered me.” Certainly there is only one Katie Price, amidst impersonators or not.


Shayne Ward Live at Bar Plazma


ormer X Factor winner, Shayne Ward performed live at Wickford’s Bar Plazma last month in front of a packed out crowd. Some 200 people (mainly ladies, admittedly) turned up to see the heart-throb in action, proving that there still very much is a life after X Factor. Keen to prove that his talents hadn’t diminished since shooting to fame on the ITV talent show, Ward and his support acts put on a great show, as no one went home disappointed. The ‘That’s My Goal’ singer’s appearance is one of a number of live music events planned for the Wickford venue over the coming months. This comes alongside a number of great drinks deals they have on offer all week. For more information, go to In the mean time, do you recognise yourself in any of these fab pictures from the night?



Security Taking care of yourself...

An expert in security matters, Mark Lewis’ credentials include 30 years as a Senior Police officer in the Metropolitan Police and most recently he was in charge of Olympic security for Westfield Stratford. Here he gives his exclusive tips for staying safe.


he nightclubs and bars of Essex are full on Friday and Saturday nights with young people determined to enjoy themselves regardless of the weather. Finally, we have had something that resembles a summer, which has seen the numbers of young people out partying increase. However, for all the fun you might have, there are still many dangers to look out for. Tell Someone There are many things you can do to ensure you don’t become a crime statistic.

Let’s start at the beginning. Who knows where you are going? Regardless of whether you are going alone, or with friends, tell someone where you intend to spend the evening and if your plans change, let that person know. It may be a parent or partner, or a friend who isn’t going out that night with you; even a work colleague if you are going out straight from work. Whoever it is, make sure someone knows! Also make sure you tell them when you are safely home. A text message will usually suffice if you are not informing someone you live with. This is known as the ‘Buddy System’ and

is also useful for anyone travelling alone. If you are going on holiday alone, then ensure someone knows your itinerary and that you text or call once a day. Situational Awareness If you are travelling on trains or buses, resist the temptation to take your mobile phone out of your bag or pocket and make a call as soon as you exit the station. Many train stations and bus terminals are crime ‘Hot Spots’. These areas are targeted by criminals knowing there are easy pickings for mobile phone theft, bag snatches and thefts by ATM’s. Wait a few moments and make your call away from


Some gangs will train children under ten to carry out the crimes for them. The legal age of criminal responsibility is ten and crime gangs exploit this.

the station once you have your bearings and can concentrate without being hassled or bumped into. The key to safety in public places is ‘Situational Awareness’. Know who is around you, note who may be following you or paying you particular attention. This is especially important when drawing money from cash machines. When you draw money from an ATM, ensure no one is standing too close to you, potentially looking to discover your pin number or preparing to snatch the money from your hand. If someone is too close, make a fuss so other people hear and look your way. This will discourage any potential thief. If no one else is around, put your bank card back in your purse or pocket and walk away! Better safe than sorry. Always put money away as soon as you take it from the ATM, same for your bank card. Do this before you turn around and walk away from the machine.

Secure It Now make sure your bag is properly closed and you have a firm grip on it. Gents make sure your wallet is in a secure pocket. If the back pocket has a button, use it! Ladies, if you can, put the bag over one shoulder and under a coat or cardigan etc. Walk down Oxford Street any day of the week and see how many people are in front of you with bags or rucksacks that have unzipped pockets. Follow them for long enough and you will see a gang of scruffy women/girls surround the victim and jostle them whilst one girl picks items from the bag. It is a regular occurrence unfortunately. When you are driving your car, ensure the doors are locked and that no bags or other items are on display. There have been spates of people having bags, laptops, wallets etc stolen from the passenger seat when they are stationary at red traffic lights. Keep your doors locked, especially when travelling alone. In cafes, restaurants and shops, keep an eye on your bags at all times. Some coffee shops now fit what’s known as the ‘Chelsea Clip’. These are found under the table and you clip your bag handle into them. Just remember to take your bags with you when you leave!


Scams Whilst sitting in cafes, on trains, be aware of thieves trying to distract you. There is a common scam where someone will pretend to stumble and place a folded newspaper on your table (or they may place it there while they bend down to tie a shoe lace). They pick up their newspaper and walk away again, only this time they are also holding your mobile phone (which they placed the newspaper over). Once you know about these scams, you can spot them coming your way and ensure you don’t become a crime statistic. Whilst on the subject of mobile phones, do you have your number stored as ‘Home’ in your phone and your address with it? If your phone is stolen, the thief can get your address and also phone to see if anyone is home! Whilst rare, it does happen. If you have an iPhone, or Blackberry, ensure you activate the ‘find my phone’ software so you can trace your phone if it is misplaced or stolen. I heard a story last week about a lady who suffered a carjacking on the A120. On the back seat was her IPad with the software enabled. A few hours after the car was stolen, the police kicked in the door of the suspect and made arrests (also recovering all the property)! Some gangs will train children under ten to carry out the crimes for them. The legal age of criminal responsibility is ten and crime gangs exploit this. If you are one of those people who can’t resist oohing and ahhhing at adorable young urchins who come to speak with you… bear this in mind! Carjacking is incredibly rare in the UK, but be aware of the scam where the thieves will bump into your car at traffic lights, try to get you out of your seat to look at the damage at the rear, then steal the car. If you are involved in a minor road traffic collision where there are no injuries and you feel unsafe due to the manner of the other party, drive to a police station and report the matter there. As long as you genuinely felt in fear of harm, you would not be charged with leaving the scene of an accident. Watch It Ladies, when you are with your friends at a club, pub or restaurant, ensure you are all watching each other’s drinks. NEVER accept a drink in an open container from someone you don’t know. The so-called date rape drug ‘Rohypnol’

(medical name Flunitrazepam) is a very powerful drug, which is undetectable when added to drink. I have investigated rapes when I was a detective, in which the female was seen to play an active and willing part in a sexual act, only to later report being raped and having absolutely no recollection of the event. Unfortunately there are many recipes for this kind of drug freely available on the internet. The only way to combat this attack is to watch your drinks constantly. Finish a drink before going to the toilet, or ask a friend to watch it for you. Watch the bar tender open any bottles and make sure nothing is added. If you

notice one of your group becoming uncharacteristically amorous with a stranger, step in and guide her away to safety. The date rape drug applies to attacks on men as well as women unfortunately, so take note gents! Have a designated non-drinker for the night if any of your group plans on getting wasted; take turns at looking after each other to ensure you all get home safely. Getting Home NEVER get in an unlicensed taxi no matter how desperate you are to get home. They are not insured to carry fare paying passengers, don’t know their way around,

If any of your group plans on getting wasted, take turns at looking after each other...

haven’t passed a stringent driving test like licenced taxi drivers have, and let’s face it… some of them are on the prowl to take advantage of vulnerable women. If you intend using a taxi after a night out, book one in advance. If it’s a last minute decision, use a known company or use a phone app such as ‘TaxiApp’ to ensure you are only using a genuine licenced taxi. Once you are home, remember to lock doors and close all ground floor windows even when it is scorching hot. First floor windows should only be left open at night if there is no easy access to them from the ground floor (bay windows with flat roofs on ground floor etc).


My life as an undercover

n a m e c i l Po C

Christian Plowman

hristian Plowman walked nervously into the office of his supervisors. He knew his time in the Metropolitan Police force had come to an end. It was time to walk away. Years of pretending he was someone else, getting to know petty thieves and drug smugglers alike, but having to lie to and betray them had taken its toll. In his time as an undercover cop, SCARY STUFF: Christian mixed he’d seen many things that he could with London’s most & beatings never have imagined seeing, and worse hardened criminals still, did things that completely went when in the Met. against his own moral fibre. “Some of our work did not seem to be It’s seen as the glamorous side of policing, but targeting proper criminals,” the 39-year-old explained. “We were actually targeting the Christian Plowman’s time in the Met Police soon poor and socially deprived, which I found turned into a nightmare. As he releases his book, morally very wrong. “Don’t get me wrong; some of the time William Taylor met up with him to find out more. we were targeting the crack and heroin “But it wasn’t long before I was finding With the release of his new book, users, the cocaine dealers, international it difficult to organise myself, with Christian is now hoping he can expose hotel burglars, murderers, paedophiles and several different identities and numerous police corruption, which he believes is still gun sellers, to name a few. operations going on at the same time. happening. “But mostly it was very sad, desolate and “It was hard to keep up with who I was “I hope so,” he said. “There is not poor individuals who were simply existing, supposed to be, and some of the work I enough control or oversight of undercover which I found hard to justify.” didn’t agree with.” work, as illustrated by the Stephen In his new tell-all book, The point Christian Lawrence scandal recently. Crossing The Line, he reveals “It was hard realised it was probably time “I think there needs to be independent how his dream of working to keep up for him to step away was authorities to implement and continue for the world’s greatest police when the depression his undercover work, otherwise you will end force turned into a nightmare. with who I job was causing led him to up criminalising people for minor matters He found himself buying was... and contemplate taking his life. which surely cannot justify the huge and selling drugs with “I had some unsavoury expense of an undercover operation.” taxpayers’ money, being some of the thoughts,” he admitted. “I Having lived in Chingford, Essex, beaten up, arrested at work I didn’t had a hard time mentally in Christian is now living in France, where he gunpoint and barricaded into the Met, and afterwards too. says he was very lucky to find a great job a pub by a gang of marauding agree with.” “I’m over it now; I have that he enjoys doing. gypsies – all in a day’s work. a fantastic and supportive He believes the reaction to his book Indeed, Christian’s time in the Met Police family, and that’s what counts. so far has been largely positive, but has actually got off to quite a positive start “There are boys and girls in their teens also had to deal with some pretty “awful before things started to go off the rails. fighting for their country in far off places, messages and threats from serving police He said: “I loved it, and found it such a seeing and doing things I would never officers about the book.” great change from ‘normal’ police work. have the courage to contemplate. As for the future, Christian is hoping for “It’s totally different to any other police “Their pressures and stresses really much less of a rollercoaster ride and says work, operating behind enemy lines. You’d put mine into perspective, so it’s not publishing his book will lead him to write get a buzz knowing what you were doing something I like making a big deal out of.” more, with fiction his next goal. was contributing to a safer place.




Staying SAFE

at festivals

another year, but there are still plenty of The festival season may be coming to an end for V Festival. Staying safe, however, is an exciting events still to come – none more so than you the top five things to look out for. absolute essential. Georgia-May Collings brings have prepared yourself for a weekend You’ve pitched your tent, packed your wellies and mosh pit, here are some top of madness. But before you dive head first into a ublic tips for staying safe during the festival season. ask the p

le Essex Sty


Keep your valuables safe

Unfortunately not everyone you meet at a festival will be an all loving hippie type, some people will come looking for things to take so don’t make it easy for them. It sounds obvious but never leave anything you care about in your tent unattended and always keep your valuables with you. Putting a padlock on your tent always insinuates you have stuff inside that is worth nicking. A good idea is to take clothing which has a zip, that way you can be sure it you will not lose it. Some festivals even offer a safety deposit locker for items such as your phone or wallet.

Keep your phone handy!!

When you’re in a big crowd it’s easy to lose your friends so make sure your phone has battery so you can find them. The majority of festivals offer a phone charging service, however you’ll probably have to pay and wait whilst it’s charging – not ideal when you’ve paid £100+ for a ticket and you’re standing waiting for a mere one bar of battery. I’d say, ditch your smartphone for the weekend. It may have your beloved Facebook app but its battery life is probably pretty dire. Head down to Tesco and invest in a cheap Nokia, what in lacks in apps it makes up for in battery life. Plus, it doesn’t matter if you lose it.



26 from Essex

“Because fest ivals are alway s so busy and hu ssly and buss ly its so easy to get in to fights, knocking drin ks etc.” #BET TERCROWDM ANAGEMENT

Jamie sex 24 from Es

en girls es i’ve se m ti f o t n u f “The amo off the grounds o been ed her rt it o e c e s e v a t h e g se they u a c e YY!!” b Y ls #SCAR festiva , k n ru d too spiked or

Arrange a meeting point

Should the worst case scenario occur – you lose your friends and your phone runs out of battery it’s wise to have a pre-organised meeting point. Make sure it’s somewhere familiar and close to the main festival grounds so everyone knows where to go. matter if you lose it.

Alcohol Don’t make yourself vulnerable to drink spiking. Make sure you


keep an eye on your drink and don’t accept any from anyone you don’t know. Again it sounds obvious but keeping your drink in your hand rather than placing it on the bar could save you a lot of trouble. There are now even ‘Spikeys’ available, which are testing strips that when dropped into a drink will change colour if other substances have been detected.



Bring a torch!

It may not sound like an essential but when you are stumbling back from the toilet late at night, it’s going to be dark and trust me, everyone’s tent will look the same. To save yourself the embarrassment of walking into a stranger’s tent or wondering if it was two lefts or just one left, pack a small torch. It will make life a lot easier. Finally, keep chewing gum and hand sanitizer will become your new best friend.

Lea Shannhon& 19

& 23from east Lond “We are a on lways goin g along to We do watc festivals h our drink s tight surro undings yo but as for the u can’t alw be sure th ays at someon e ha something in your dri snt dropped nk!”

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all times! Keep them with you atSEPTEMBER 2013 | ESSEXSTYLEMAGAZINE.CO.UK | 09

‘THE SEX IS A NOW THAT I’M Almost two years ago, Karen Gale completed a journey she had been on for over half a century by undergoing gender reassignment surgery to complete the process of becoming a woman. She spoke exclusively to Essex Style Magazine about her new life and how she finally feels happy with her body.


aren Gale couldn’t be happier From a very young age, Karen knew she right now. She’s finally the wanted to be a girl and would dress in her woman she has always wanted sister’s clothes, but as a teenage boy, it was to be. girls she fancied. Growing up as a boy called Keith in She explained: “From what I can the 1970s, Karen always felt out of remember, consciously, it was around place, uncomfortable and worst of all, about eight or nine. It sort of came to a as she grew older and started having head when my parents caught me dressed relationships, she couldn’t stand the sex. in girls clothing when I was about ten. As a woman, though, all this has “They took me to see I psychiatrist and changed. She suddenly feels as though I told him that I wanted to be a girl. He she fits in, she’s more confident than ever told me that I would grow out of it and before and, she says, that all boys go through this stage the sex is just great. of feeling this way, and in the end “The sex is I went away from there feeling amazing!” Truck worse.” ...the fact that She went on to add: “During driver, Karen proclaimed. “I’ve got my teenage years, I did have I am now a full sensation, I get girlfriends, it seemed like it was very wet, and orgasms woman hasn’t the normal thing to do. are better – way better “But I would always changed than anything I ever reach that point in the the fact experienced as a relationship where sex man. It’s completely would come into the that I fancy different. equation and I would women...” “As a bloke, you’ve just back off. got one place that you “It wasn’t because I feel it, which is down between your legs. didn’t fancy girls – I really But since I’ve had the surgery, I found that did, and I still do – but it I feel it all over my body – my breasts are was because I wanted to sensitive, my body’s sensitive, outside the be them. I wanted to be vagina’s sensitive.” in their position, wearing But how is this so, given she was born in their clothes.” a man’s body? So does this mean Karen added: “Hormones are what have Karen identifies as a done most of it. I’ve been lucky that my lesbian now? breasts have grown naturally from taking “Yes, I suppose it the hormones, and I’m sure that’s why I does,” Karen said get so much feeling in them. ponderously. “Since the “I’ve never needed surgery there, they’ve change I have dated grown naturally quite large, and many of men, but the fact that my female friends are like ‘you bitch!’” I am now a woman Despite this obvious contentment that hasn’t changed the fact she has now found, Karen’s story is a that I fancy women.” remarkable, yet complicated one. Whether another woman


would be able to understand her personal circumstances is questionable, though, and finding a partner is difficult. But Karen believes she’s found the solution. She said: “I’ve got quite close to another transgender woman who I met on the transgender club scene. I’ve known her a few years now, and she had her operation last year, so she’s completed the transition now. “The problem is distance. She lives up north in Manchester and I live down here, so seeing each other regularly is a problem. “She’s actually a truck driver too, so we have plenty in common. I’m going up to visit her in Manchester for Manchester Pride, and then after that she’s coming down here to stay for a bit.

Karen is now enjoying her new life as a woman and is now hoping to find love.


Above: As a 24-yearold called Keith. Inset: In 2009, just before the transition. Main: Karen now.

“So I can definitely see something blossoming there, and I know she feels the same way.” It’s been almost two years since Karen went under the knife to have the complicated penile inversion surgery that would complete her transformation from male to female. She recalls the sense of relief she felt when she woke up and realised that she was a woman in every way. But it took about six months before she was finally able to look down and see what she’d dreamt of for years. “In the immediate aftermath of the operation, I couldn’t see anything because I had dressings all over me. “For weeks after that you’d look down and it was just black and blue, it was like World War Three down there. It was all swollen and didn’t look anything like a woman’s vagina at all. It looked horrendous. “You don’t really see anything properly for about six months after that – it takes that long for all the swelling and bruising to go down.” It didn’t take long to realise that Karen was very open about her transition from male to female. Her past is her past,

and she’s not altogether discarding the memories of her life as Keith. It is true that she is happy now as Karen, and is happy to share her experiences with other people facing the same issues she did. Furthermore, she finds that a lot of other women are incredibly “inquisitive” and forward about asking to have a look at her new vagina. “A lot of girls do ask to see it,” she said. “When they do see they can’t believe how realistic it looks. I don’t know what they expect to see! “I’ve seen a few real ones myself, but it’s exactly the same – nothing different. I guess the only thing that is different is that I haven’t got a womb.” The journey is almost complete, with just vocal chord surgery left to be done. At

54-years-old, Karen is by no means young compared to other transsexuals. For example, the German, Kim Petras made news headlines in 2008, as at the age of 16, she had undergone male to female gender reassignment surgery. Kim had known that she was female from the age of two and started taking female hormones at the age of 12. Now aged 20, she is an attractive young woman, with absolutely no indication of the fact that she was born male. Karen believes it is for the best that anyone wanting to make the transition begins the process before they hit puberty. She concluded: “It’s so much easier. For someone going from male to female it means their voice won’t break, their skeleton structure will stay smaller and they will develop in a more feminine way.”




BobbyHosts Norris


Kings Oak, Loughton - 7:30pm Friday, October 18th, 2013

For more information, go to:


Recipe of the month Ingredients

Caramelised Honey Mousse 450g honey 2 eggs 2 egg yolks 2 sheets bronze gelatine leaves 75ml milk 450ml double cream, lightly whipped Treacle Jelly 250g water 1 sprig of torn mint 50g sugar 35g treacle 2 sheets bronze gelatine leaves Lime granite 100g lime juice 25g sugar 25g water All recipes and images come courtesy of Michael Lipscombe, executive chef at Mint Dining

in association with

Caramelised honey mousse, treacle jelly and lime granite

a further minute and finally fold in semi whipped cream. Pour into glasses and place in the fridge for 2 hours to set. Treacle Jelly Heat and infuse water with mint, sugar, soaked gelatine, leave to for 20mins. Add treacle and allow to cool slightly, then gently pour on to the set honey mousse.

Method Caramelised Honey Mousse Caramelise the honey in a heavy based pan on the stove slowly, this will take about 15 minutes on a medium heat. Whisk eggs and yolks in a bowl until light and fluffy, pour in lightly cooled honey, and continue to whisk until cold. Add the melted gelatine into the milk and add to the the honey mixture, whisk for

Lime granite Mix the water and sugar together and bring to the boil for 30 seconds, chill and add the lime juice. Pour into a tray and place in the freezer until frozen solid, once frozen use a fork and scrape to small shards. Spoon on to the set treacle jelly, garnish with sweet Sicily herb and enjoy on a hot summer day!!

Event Catering - Formal Dinners Weddings - Corporate Events BBQ & Hog Roasts

0333 123 6468 07960 564895 40 | ESSEXSTYLEMAGAZINE.CO.UK | SEPTEMBER 2013

Food Review

Food Review The Bluebell 117 High Road, Chigwell, Essex, IG7 6QQ T: 020 8500 6282 E:

By William Taylor Ask any Chigwell local, and they’ll tell you what a fantastic restaurant The Bluebell is. North of the M25, however, very little is known about this fine-dining gem of an eatery, which in itself is a travesty. It’s well worth travelling for. Head Chef, Gavin Maguire can boast years of experience at the highest level, having worked at a number of Michelin star establishments. You can tell that such experience has clearly rubbed off. The quality of food is exceptional and would stand up to scrutiny in even the finest of London restaurants.

If there were ever to have been a criticism of The Bluebell, it would never have been about the food, but rather the décor. That, though, has thankfully been put right with a fresh and contemporary over hall to the interior that really does bring it into the 21st Century. Having booked a table for two during their lunchtime service, the first surprise of the day was just how busy the place was. The main dining area was brimming with well-heeled businesspeople keen to take advantage of the delicious food and vibrant atmosphere. The second surprise was the prices. Despite the standard of food, the cost of dining at the restaurant seemed more than reasonable, with the average diner more than likely to get come away with change from £20. Having taken our seat, we ordered the house wine, a rich and fruity Merlot, as well as being offered breads and a smoked salmon appetiser with tomato consume. It was very fresh and really set the tone for rest of the meal.

My colleague ordered the chicken and duck liver pate with pear chutney and toasted brioche for her starter. The presentation was immaculate and the flavours complimented one another in a manner that only the finest of chefs could achieve. I opted for the Roquefort and apple terrine with roasted hazelnuts, garlic toast and red pepper chutney. The sweetness of the chutney cut through the strong cheese beautifully, but none of the flavours on the plate were over-powering. For the main, my colleague ordered the chef ’s special; scallops and bream. Once again the flavours and presentations were perfect. My main was the much talked about honey roasted free range belly of pork with sauté potatoes, black pudding, sweet cider jus and plum salsa. Words cannot describe how truly outstanding this plate of food was. My mouth is watering simply thinking about it once again! It absolutely was the best pork I have ever had – nothing comes close. It was so tender, there was no need for a knife. The sweetness of the honey lifted the dish, while the potatoes had a gorgeous buttery taste. Upon ordering, I had been concerned about the idea of black pudding with roast pork, but it turned out to be a masterstroke – if anything, it just added a different texture to the dish, making it just that bit more interesting. It would have been impossible for the desserts to live up to the standard of the main courses, but despite being rather full, they proved to be irresistible. My colleague’s crème brulee was everything you would expect – crunchy caramel on top, but soft and creamy in the middle. I couldn’t fight off the temptation to order my personal favourite: pistachio ice cream. No chef could ever do that particular dessert as good as the one I once had in Naples, but I cannot think of anywhere in Britain that ever did it better. All in all, this really is an outstanding restaurant. Yet again I find myself writing a glowing review and giving my highest recommendations. I hope this trend can continue!

Average cost per person: £20 Head Chef: Gavin Maguire



bodyof a get the

GREEK GOD The Adonis Workout has been designed to get you looking like a Greek Adonis in the fastest time, utilising big movements that increase strength and flood your body with growth hormones; a high-intensity circuit to torch calories; and a stomach workout that’ll have your stomach flat and six-pack standing out. Personal trainer, Simon Berry explains.


his workout is contrary to most weightlifting concepts because the routine utilises heavy reps, low weight, and insufficient rest. It’s great because the soreness that you usually reach toward the end of your workout comes much faster. Therefore, you spend more time “feeling the burn” and pushing yourself toward muscle failure. What do I have to do? If you follow the workout plan and nutrition advice closely, you’ll transform your body. The workouts have been designed in a way that means you start with a big compound exercise (compound exercises are multi-joint movements that rely on the coordinated actions of several muscle groups to move two or more joints through a range of motion). This will flood your body with growth


hormones that help build muscle and burn fat. You then take advantage of this by doing a high intensity circuit next, getting your heart rate up and torching calories. Each workout finishes with two killer stomach movements that really hone that Adonis look. Both the main move and circuit utilise active rest as your muscles are under a constant stress therefore increasing muscle strength. You don’t do cardio because doing long, slow runs isn’t the best way to burn fat! And certainly isn’t going to help build muscle. Indeed, when you lift weights, you create small tears in your muscle fibres, which repair themselves to be bigger and stronger. Muscle is also active tissue, so it burns calories and helps you stay lean. If you want that Adonis body, cardio can be

The Plan* All exercises to be done at high speed, maximum intensity and minimum rest.

Bicycle Crunches - Sets: 1 - Series: 50 - Rest: n/a

Plank - Sets: 2 - Series: 60 seconds - Rest: 30 seconds

Press Ups - Sets: 3 - Series: 10 - Rest: 60 seconds

*Due to limits on space, Essex Style Magazine has selected a sample of the exercises that make up the Adonis Workout. For a full and detailed plan, go to

counterproductive because it will raise stress hormone levels, which encourages you to store fat. Do I have to go on a diet? NO, and even better you can eat loads. You just need to make sure it’s the right kind of food. So instead of giving you a strict diet plan, we’ve compiled a list of food rules for you to follow. Simply, you should eat protein with every meal, limit your intake of processed carbs and steer clear of booze for the plans duration. You should notice a difference to your body shape within the first couple of weeks. Of course, you’re only going to get out what you put in, GIVE 100% OF THE EFFORT GET 100% OF THE RESULTS. The harder you train and the closer you follow the food rules, the more dramatic the change.


Photography: Mel Fordham Photography. Model: Scott Hutchison. SEPTEMBER 2013 | ESSEXSTYLEMAGAZINE.CO.UK | 43

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Stuart Holroyd Health and Fitness Columnist

My top five workouts!


e have all seen them. If These workouts are hard and you only you stay up late enough need a very small amount of equipment on the most obscure Sky (two dumbbells and a pull-up bar). channel as you’re dozing You will gain muscle and lose body fat if off to sleep, you will usually get awoken by you stick to these workouts, the only thing the gnarled American tones of ‘Shaun T’ I am not a fan of is the nutrition guide and his clan of ever smiling fitness fiends supplied with this one. screaming at you. Personally, I put my clients through this But the biggest question I pose is how program with the Insanity plan instead, good is Insanity and the other Beach and this seems to be more appropriate. Body products? Well I Another gripe with it is that am here to tell you they Tony Horton becomes very, are awesome, second to ...the biggest very annoying after a none in fact. while, but if you question I pose can stand the I have put control groups through five of is how good voice, then it is the top workout systems a worthwhile is Insanity and have even tried them program. myself. Perfect for: and other Not only is there Gaining muscle, beach body Toning, Weight loss, Insanity, but other popular ones include products...?” Core. P90X, Focus T25, Body Beast and Hip Hop Abs Focus T25: (single DVD). This is another one from Shaun T and is based more Insanity: on intelligent training. I Insanity’s a couple of years old now but was a bit sceptical about still stands-up well. Shaun T’s great, and it this program as it’s only 25 does what it says on the tin. minutes long but I have got I have had all clients lose weight and tone to say, this works and well. up on this and some even drop over two You can see the years of stone in the 60 days! research that has gone I will say this though, you have to follow the guide perfectly. The nutrition is at least 50% of this system; get it wrong and your screwed, trust me on that one. This is just an all round bodyweight (no equipment needed) system that is suitable for everyone... if you dare! Perfect for: Toning, Strength, Core, Cardio, Weight Loss.

into this. Personally I would say it is a great stand-alone system or even better to follow on from Insanity. Either way, if you follow this to the letter you will lose weight and tone up. Perfect for: Losing Weight, Toning, Core. Body Beast: Now this one is for you wannabe bodybuilders out there. Sagi Kalev says you will lose body fat and gain up to 20lb of muscle on this program (for men, women can expect less muscle growth and more toning). After doing these workouts, I have to say they’re fantastic. Again, years of research have gone into the program and it shows, in spools. Just follow the diet, use the small amount of equipment it asks and do the workouts and you cannot fail to gain muscle and lose fat. Perfect for: Losing body fat, Muscle. Hip-Hop Abs: This is a stand alone DVD mainly aimed at the ladies to help tighten up those tummies. Again it’s a great little workout but it is what it is, you are not going to end up with a six pack from doing this workout alone, but as a little extra to the others then it’s a great idea. Personally, if your are looking to make a full lifestyle change then one of the other programs is definitely better.

P90X: So this time we have Mr Tony Horton; again a very hard workout system, but P90X is aimed more at gaining muscle and losing fat. JULY SEPTEMBER 2013 | ESSEXSTYLEMAGAZINE.CO.UK | 45


Su Harrison

Heart Essex Breakfast Show Presenter

Hot, hot, hot!! But Su won’t be complaining


ell I’m not one to moan but hasn’t it been hot, I’ll be honest I’ve tried not to be one of those people that moan about the weather, which ever way it goes. So I certainly don’t ever say that it’s too hot, because that’s just annoying, but it has been, on some occasions, difficult to keep cool. It is, of course, OK if you have the luxury of a pool to dip into whenever it gets too hot, but I guess most of us don’t unless you class the 6 x 5 blow up paddling pool we bought on a very, very hot day last month. Most of us will be sitting in the sun or trying to escape it with some kind of shade if we want to stay cool. The bit I find especially difficult is trying to get ready for a day or night out. Even when its hot we want to look the best we can, but in 30 degree heat, how can you? Yes you can shower and cool yourself down but then its finding the right clothes to wear when its so hot, something loose which requires not a lot of undergarments or Linen which is cool but doesn’t it crease! Then it’s the make up and hair situation. I always wear make-up if I’m going out but trying to

put it on whilst the sweat drips from your nose is not easy. Your foundation is running, your eyeliner pencil has gone all mushy and as you apply it to the top of your eyelid you look more like you’ve got a black eye than a smooth thin line. As for lipstick, it just doesn’t stay on when you have a sweaty top lip! Drying your hair is not easy either, as if it’s not hot enough without blasting nearly 60 degrees of hot air towards your face and head for ten or fifteen minutes, increasing

the sweat on your face and making you makeup run even more. Maybe we as women could all make a pact that whilst its hot we decide that all of us will shower but after that we just go natural, no make up, hair not styled and we just accept each other as we are. When it gets cooler we can all start wearing makeup again and doing our hair!


Cosmetic Review Tony Drewitt-Barlow’s

As one of the UK’s biggest names in cosmetic claim substantiation and CEO of Aspen Clinical Research, Tony Drewitt-Barlow is respected worldwide for his knowledge of the cosmetics market. A regular contributor to daytime television shows, including ‘SuperScrimpers,’ he now brings you the latest product news exclusively for ESM. 1. RoC Retin-Ox Wrinkle Filler - £30.63 If you suffer from sensitive skin, then the world of antiageing can be a minefield. RoC realised this, and created a formula that’s not only proven to banish wrinkles, but was developed to minimise the risk of allergies and reactions. RoC’s Retin-Ox Wrinkle Filler contains the potent power of Retinol, combined with line plumping hyaluronic acid and efficacy boosting DMC. Results are immediate, with 72% of women seeing better skin texture after just one night. After eight weeks even deep wrinkles appear filled. 2. Estée Lauder Perfectionist [CP+] Wrinkle Lifting Serum - £46 Estée Lauder has found out why we always look at ourselves at the end of the day and say “what the hell happened”. Through extensive studies, Lauder discovered that throughout the day wrinkle visability is exaggerated. With these findings in hand, Perfectionist Wrinkle Lifting Serum was developed, a formula proven to reduce the look of major wrinkles by 61%. Their most effective product so far, the length and depth of lines is reduced by 36% instantly, and after a month, the exaggerating effects of the day are eliminated, leaving skin looking fresher and brighter.

3. L’Oreal Paris Dermo Expertise Youth Code Rejuvenating Antiwrinkle Day Cream - £15.00 Mature skin and young skin behave differently when exposed to external aggressions. As you age, skin takes longer to recover and responds more slowly. The complexion loses luminosity, facial features appear tired and wrinkles deepen. Youth Code Rejuvenating Anti-Wrinkle Day Cream leaves your skin hydrated, smoother and more radiant. Skin behaves more youthfully: luminosity is improved and facial features appear rested

4. NUDE cellular renewal moisturiser anti-ageing - £72.00 I LOVE THIS PRODUCT. NUDE’s clinically advanced moisturiser partners exclusive anti-ageing technologies to help correct the visible signs of ageing. N-probiotic active cell nutrient stimulates the skin to produce its own anti-ageing

Call 01621 859230 to sign up to ACR’s trial database for great free products! 48 | ESSEXSTYLEMAGAZINE.CO.UK | SEPTEMBER 2013

ingredients including collagen, hyaluronic acid and antioxidants. Cellular Renewal Technology increases the skins own natural ability to repair and protect against damage while boosting renewal at a cellular level. The nutrient rich cream melts into the skin for an immediately soft, supple, luminous complexion. Over time, fine lines seem reduced and skin appears younger.

5. Darphin Predermine Densifying Anti-Wrinkle Cream - £78.00 This age defying cream hydrates, firms and softens wrinkles, giving maturing skin added natural brilliance. Your complexion will look noticeably brighter, plumper and more refined. Predermine Densifying Cream from Darphin boosts your natural collagen production to help soften the appearance of wrinkles and gives you a restored youthful-looking glow. You will notice improved suppleness and elasticity while your complexion will glow with renewed vitality.




sept 4th


Monthly Horoscope Aries

Mar 21 - Apr 20

Your sense of self may be challenged this month, Aries, and you might have trouble keeping your seat during the joust. Keep in mind that the way others see you isn't necessarily the way you are. Don't feel like you have to change direction to please anyone. Your only responsibility is to you. Bizarre events may occur, urging you to change your thinking.


May 22 - June 21

Key in to your sensual, beautiful nature, Gemini. Take time each day to tend to your soul and make sure it gets the nourishment it needs to radiate into the world. Unexpected people are likely to appear out of nowhere, so don't be surprised when a former lover comes knocking on the door. Events from the past may travel to the present in order to teach you a valuable life lesson.


July 24 - August 23

A good tip to remember is to be careful about what you say about other people, Leo. If you're speaking about someone who isn't present, act like he or she is. What's your motivation for saying the things you say? Is it necessary to speak in such a way? A negative comment about someone is going to resonate through the cosmos. People could lose trust in you.


Sept 24 - Oct 23

Don't automatically think that beauty has to be defined by old-fashioned standards, Libra. It's time to change the definition. There is no need to squeeze yourself into a socially constructed mold that doesn't resonate with who you truly are. Your job isn't to try and make sure everyone loves you. There's only one person you need to satisfy and that is you..


Nov 23 - Dec 22

If the doorknob doesn't turn today, Sagittarius, don't force it. You will only break it. Perhaps you need to try another door. If things don't flow smoothly into place, then they probably weren't meant to be. Life shouldn't always be a struggle. Your job is to enjoy it. Remember that the next time you're in a long line. View the situation as a period of rest.


Apr 21 - May 21

As you follow the path toward acquiring the latest, greatest, fastest, and best, you may have left behind some fundamental values, Taurus. Don't lose sight of the principles that make up your foundation. You could be shaken today when your ego goes on trial for pig-headed behavior. Stay in check and be conscious of the way you project yourself to others..


Feb 20 - March 20

It may be apparent that what was so light and active yesterday is running into a few roadblocks today, Pisces. You're suddenly heading into a brick wall with some of the projects you've been working on. Suddenly there's a more reserved tone to things and you may lose precious momentum. Use this time to back off and reassess the wisdom of your direction.

Cancer June 22 - July 22

You may feel a nervous restlessness today that's urging you to get moving, Cancer. A journey to one place may send you off to another, which may take you on an adventure to some completely different place. It may seem like you're on a crazy scavenger hunt. The energy of the day could leave you feeling ragged, but don't give up. Your persistence will pay off in the end.


Oct 24 - Nov 22


Dec 23 - Jan 20



ept 23

S Aug 24 -

You may need some time alone today to bring yourself back to center, Virgo. Independence is the key idea to keep in your back pocket. Make sure you're not becoming a victim to a commitment you made long ago. As the landscape changes, you must also change. Stubborn action will be detrimental on a day like this. Be honest and grateful for the things you have.


Issues may get a little heavier than you'd like today, Scorpio. Your job is to infuse some levity and humor into the situation. Your adaptability will be put to the test as other people remain steadfast in their opinions. Be conscious of how you use your words. Other people, especially superiors or elders, may be offended by careless, offhand remarks.

Your new approach to things might get some flack from superiors today, Capricorn, but don't let that stop you. Realize that your independent and somewhat rebellious nature helps to keep the world in balance. Don't give up the fight when authorities insist that their way of doing things is best when in fact it's simply old. Use your will and determination to combat the forces from above.


Jan 21 - Feb 19

You might be called upon to choose between two ways of handling a situation, Aquarius. The old way suddenly conflicts with the new. Which way are you going to proceed? Don't be thrown off course by fast talk and neon lights just because they grab attention. On the other hand, don't assume that the way that has worked forever is still the best. Use your intuition to choose the best route for you.

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