this, while phone cameras will often let you double tap on the item you want to focus in on. While taking these photos, you also need to think about the lighting. Lighting is something that amateur photographers will often forget but it makes a huge difference and can make a picture much more flattering (or less so) for the person in it. Aim for ‘Rembrandt lighting’ which means you’ll be lighting the photo from the side so that half of the person’s face is lit. This creates more dynamic and interesting shadows. Always avoid having the light source behind the subject as this creates glare – the exception is when you’re purposefully creating a silhouette effect or a glare effect. When you’re taking photos of your activities, try to find items that tell a bigger story. For instance, if you want to tell the story of a party, then often you can do this with a half empty glass of wine with some lipstick on it and perhaps the innards of a party popper. Want to evoke the feeling of working into the night? Instead of taking a photo of you working into the night, how about a photo of your keyboard next to a mug of coffee, lit by desklamp spotlight? These kinds of photos are far more interesting and poetic than photos that are ‘on the nose’. Adding Filters
Now comes one of the most important aspects of Instagram which can completely make-or-break your photos, regardless of how good they were to begin with.