Annual Report 2010

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annual report 2009-2010 fundação estudar



Message from the Board The youth we engage with


Mission, Vision and Values To contribute to the

have already transformed

country by providing

their own lives through

training and incentives

their studies and their

for exceptional people is

determination. With the

our vocation

support of Fundação Estudar, they can set their sights even higher


Brazilian Backdrop With the economy


Operating Model In addition to the


2010 Scholars

growing at 8% per

support of different

year, there are more

partners, it is vital to

community has

opportunities for

engage the community

been joined by

young people and more

of scholars and

35 young people

demand for high-level

alumni to assure the

from 10 Brazilian


self-sufficiency of


Fundação Estudar

Fundação Estudar


Careers Courses, workshops,


networking Leaders from various


Impact How the

career orientation

sectors share


and reviews of case

their experiences

influences people’s

studies to improve

and expertises at

lives, potentiating

the professional and

meetings to build

the best of them

personal development

relationships between

of the scholars

Fundação Estudar scholars and partners


Partners Companies,


Alumni Donors Alumni are

individuals and

responsible for

alumni that share

maintaining the

the same goals

cycle of support for students with potential




annual report 2009-2010

message from the board

In 1991, after initiatives to personally support the education of promising young people, we formalized the creation of Fundação Estudar. At the time, very few Brazilians had the opportunity to study Economics and Business at leading international universities: there was little information and hardly any financing available. Nowadays, the constant presence of Brazilians at the world’s top universities is an established reality, preparing our young people to assure the competitiveness of the country in the medium and long term. Over the years, as Brazil and the world have changed, the goals of Estudar have been streamlined to improve our contribution to the education and guidance of young people who can lead and transform the fields they work in. Fields such as Law, Public Policy, Education and Engineering have been incorporated into the scope of our incentives. Counseling, values and references, we felt, could be better conveyed and disseminated through a comprehensive career development program. Interaction between scholars and alumni is encouraged at lectures and events that allow them to learn from each other and come into contact with great people and great ideas. Therefore, with focus and discipline, we restructured our working model. Underpinned by high-level sponsors and partners who provide the financial support for our investments and programs, the community of alumni – Fundação Estudar´s greatest asset – assures the self-sustainability of the model through their time, effort and funding. To contribute to the country by providing training and incentives for exceptional people is our vocation. The youth we engage with are selected at a time when they have already transformed their own lives through their studies and their determination. With the support of Estudar, they can set their sights even higher. Moving forward, we want to multiply this transformation and do more to shape a Brazil with opportunities and potential.

Board of Fundação Estudar

fundação estudar


Mission, Vision and Values

GUIDELINES THAT GIVE RESULTS Over the past 19 years, Fundação Estudar has established itself as an

Mission To contribute to the development of Brazil by providing incentives for the education and training of future leaders and change agents who, with

organization that supports

solid ethical principles, can implement a culture

education as an instrument

of results and efficiency in their respective

to shape the future leaders

professional fields

of Brazil. Throughout these years, it has developed and reinforced the guidelines that govern its work of selecting and investing in talented youth.

Vision To be the best national reference in the selection, education and shaping of future Brazilian leaders, providing them opportunities so they can have a positive impact on the development of the country


annual report 2009-2010


Good people


Work and


People who take risks,

as a fast and

leadership cause

Without ethics

who enjoy a challenge


an impact and

there is no

and who are


have a multiplier


determined to make

Education raises


Integrity and

a difference. People

people’s capacity

This combination is

ethics are the

who can create and

to make the

the source of progress

cornerstones of a

seize opportunities.


in the society.

successful society.

Accountability for doing good work

Dissemination of principles: creating value

and delivering results

Providing opportunities for people to fully develop

Take responsibility for everything you do.

their potential leads to the dissemination of our

Pledge to significant accomplishments, for

values and raises the capacity to create value

yourself and for the country.

for Brazil.

fundação estudar


Brazilian Backdrop

A COUNTRY FULL OF OPPORTUNITIES While the United States and most of Europe were

In nearly two decades, the higher education

still dealing with the fallout from the 2008 global

landscape in Brazil has changed significantly.

financial crisis, Brazil reported balanced growth

Indeed, there are about 14 million students enrolled

last year. Corporate credit returned to normal

in high school and higher education in the country,

levels, foreigners invested more in the country and

according to data from the educational research

consumption remained high. This positive backdrop

institute INEP. There are almost 2,300 universities

illustrates that Brazil is now a country with

spread out across the nation and the participation

more solid economic principles and institutions,

of lower-income classes in higher education courses

brimming with opportunities.

is growing fast, driven by incentives such as the University for All Program (ProUni) and the Student

Throughout its 19-year history, Fundação Estudar has

Financing Program (Fies).

adapted and streamlined its work to keep up with the


pace of political and social change in contemporary

In this context, the role of Estudar is to

Brazil. From the economic liberalization of the early

encourage institutions of excellence in

90s to the current process of internationalization

higher education and create the right

that places the country at the center of the world

conditions for a growing number of young

stage, Estudar has always believed that education is

people who are bright, entrepreneur

a powerful instrument of social change and individual

and dedicated to the development of the

development. Considering that Brazilian GDP is

country to gain access to the best there

expected to grow by around 8% in 2010 (according

is in Brazil and abroad, facilitating the

to forecasts from Credit Suisse), which will drive up

exchange of knowledge and the transfer of

the demand for qualified professionals, this belief

innovation. According to Open Doors, an annual

is all the more relevant today. “Education is the key

report published by the Institute of International

socioeconomic variable influencing the development

Education, in 2009, Brazil rose from 17th to 13th

of a country. It raises people’s productivity and their

place in the ranking of countries that send the most

capacity to generate knowledge and wealth,” explains

undergraduate and graduate students to the United

Naércio Menezes, an Economics professor at Insper,

States. This represents an increase of 15.7% of

focused on Education research.

students in one year.

annual report 2009-2010

“The good news is that these people are returning

my Master, I engaged in several discussions on

home, eager to pursue the opportunities that are

educational reform that is still unknown in Brazil,

emerging in Brazil. Until recently, Brazilians doing

such as technology support and personalization

an MBA used to dream about staying in Europe

of education. I also came back heavily influenced

or the United States. Over the past two years,

by the strong culture of entrepreneurship”. Pessoa

however, this situation has changed and about

says she is confident that the education sector

80% of students return immediately to Brazil,”

offers great potential for new business over the

says Ricardo Betti of MBA Empresarial, which for

next few years.

more than 20 years has been preparing students for the world’s most selective universities.

For Marcelo Kayath, co-CEO of the investment bank unit of Credit Suisse in Brazil, the country’s

Ana Gabriela Pessoa, a 2006 scholar and Master

recovery from the recent financial crisis confirms

in International Education Policy from Harvard,

the robust nature of the economy, which presents

is an example of how Brazil can benefit from this

opportunities for a wide range of sectors. “In spite

transfer of knowledge. As soon as she returned

of everything that has been done over the past

home from her studies in the United States, she

few years, Brazil is still a country that is under

founded EZLearn, an English language distance

construction. Just think about what needs to be

learning company that uses social networking to

done in the area of infrastructure and about the

facilitate contact between students and speed up

businesses that will emerge to supply this growing

the learning process. The system, which will focus

domestic consumer market. We have an enormous

primarily on the upper-middle and middle classes,

potential for enterprising initiatives ahead of us,”

is groundbreaking in Brazil. “When I was doing

claims Kayath.

Overview of Brazilian higher education

5,1 million students in higher education

75% of the students in private higher education institutions

8,4 million students in high school: the gateway to the university

2.300 universities across the country

Source: INEP 2008 e 2009

fundação estudar



1999 Creation of the Alumni Board as a perpetual tool of Fundação Estudar

1991 Beginning of the activities of Fundação Estudar

2004 Structuring of the activities in three work fronts: Selection Process, Carreers and Networking


Expansion of the number of members in the Board of Trustees


Changes in the selection process and granting of scholarships also for courses of Public Administration


annual report 2009-2010


New strategic guidelines and granting of scholarships for Engineering and Internacional Relations


National coverage of the selection process, with local phases


Significant increasing of the number of partners


Granting of scholarships to Law undergraduate, new branding of Fundação Estudar and the entry of the first alumni to the Board of Trustees

2008 a 2009

Creation of the Endowment Fund and the new Institutional Development structure (Fundraising)

fundação estudar


Operating Model

GROWING WITH SUSTAINABILITY Since its creation in 1991, Fundação Estudar

“Brazilian education today, particularly our

has been streamlining its operating model

system of university entrance examinations,

to offer better personal and professional

does not require students to reflect in any

development opportunities to a growing group

depth about what they want for their careers.

of talented young people. Over the years, new

Fundação Estudar includes career reflection

undergraduate and postgraduate courses have

in its selection process and contributes

been added to the Scholarship Program. The

to the development of this process in its

Careers and Networking activities, meanwhile,

programs for scholars. We need this to be

have been intensified and adapted to the needs

disseminated,” says Motta.

of a new generation of youth. The so-called “generation Y” needs to be more dynamic, tech

Over the past 19 years, Estudar has established

savvy and interdisciplinary in communication

itself, streamlined its processes and taken steps

and in learning.

to assure the durability of its activities. This has only been possible thanks to the contribution of

“A greater presence on the internet is

a sizable number of companies and people that

essential for interacting with today’s

support Fundação Estudar’s cause and are willing

students. The organization has also used the

to sponsor this ambitious project to train high

internet to present the career development

potential young people who can have a significant

possibilities it offers to a larger group of

impact on the various different sectors of the

young people, primarily those who live far from

economy. However, to assure the self-sufficiency

the big urban centers,” says Edmilson Rodrigues

of the project, it is vital to engage the community

Motta, General Supervisor of Colégio Etapa,

of scholars and alumni in both the management of

which has been accepting Estudar scholars

Estudar and the funding of its activities.

since 1999. He claims that the work of


Fundação Estudar, particularly in the area

Since 1999, a rotating Board of Alumni has been

of career guidance, is innovative in the

setting the organization’s working guidelines together

educational context of Brazil and ought to be

with the Board of Trustees. This year, for the first

better disseminated.

time, a former director is serving on the Board of

annual report 2009-2010




Trustees, signaling the progressive participation of alumni working on assuring the durability of Fundação Estudar. The alumni, responsible for almost 30% of the organization’s annual budget, are also involved in fundraising for the Endowment Fund created in 2008.

sources of resources of fundação Estudar in 2010

“Based on the model of Endowment Funds of large


U.S. universities, this fund will allow the organization to grow in a sustainable way, offering new services and impacting a greater number of people,” says Veronica


Serra, a 1995 scholar with an MBA from Harvard, and responsible for fundraising on the Board of Alumni.


For Colin Butterfield, a 2002 scholar with an MBA from the Tuck School of Business, “the privileged position in which most of us in Fundação Estudar community find ourselves today is largely attributed to the opportunity we had to study and the guidance we received there. It’s practically our duty


to perpetuate these initiatives so that other young


people can have the same opportunities”. Reaching a greater number of people is one of the Estudar’s main goals for the years ahead. Now that it has created a community of excellence formed by


fields from a variety of professions who are committed


to the economic and social development of Brazil,


Fundação Estudar is now preparing to establish itself


as a reference for the large-scale education of young


leaders in Brazil.


7,9% 0,8%


75 2,5%










Scholars Companies






Individuals Founders





fundação estudar


Scholars 2010

IN SEARCH OF FUTURE LEADERS Some 80 lectures were given at schools and

of registrations have grown more complete and

universities across Brazil for a period of four

more complex each year. The work of the Estudar

months to gather more than 5,000 registrations

staff and the partners that support us has

for Fundação Estudar´s Undergraduate and

produced some exceptional results, bringing truly

Postgraduate Selection Process. After eight stages

outstanding young people into the group,” explains

of selection, which included resume screening,

Ricardo Veirano, director of Fundação Estudar, a

Portuguese language and logic tests, analysis

1994 scholar with an LL.M from the University of

of academic documentation, group role playing,

Chicago and one of the 45 volunteer alumni who

adherence to ethics and interviews with Estudar

conducted interviews in 2010.

staff, an alumnus and the board, we announced the names of our 35 new scholars: 24 undergraduate

For Claudia Laine Adão, a 2009 scholar in

and 11 postgraduate students who all met criteria

Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at Instituto

such as ability to perform, ethics, academic

Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), “being approved

excellence, commitment and leadership.

in the selection process let us more confident to believe in our competences and keep investing in

They come from 10 different Brazilian states and

our formation.”

will study at the best universities and masters programs in the areas of Political Science,

Identifying potential leaders is indeed a major

Administration, Law, Engineering, Economics and

challenge faced by Fundação Estudar. A much

International Relations in Brazil, the United States,

greater challenge, however, is to guide the

England and France.

professional and personal choices of these determined, enterprising and extremely capable


Fundação Estudar stages its merit-based selection

people. “The world has changed a lot in recent

process in the first half of each year. In 2010, it

years (and continues to change rapidly). Young

began to offer scholarships for graduate degrees

people today see the world through different eyes,”

in Law. “Each year, we streamline the selection

says Danilca Galdini, from DMRH, an Estudar

process: the selection techniques, the origins of the

partner company in the Selection Process and in

candidates, the courses on offer and the numbers

several of the Careers programs. “Estudar scholars

annual report 2009-2010

Scholars class of 2010 graduation

also have another unique quality: they seize all the

don’t know how to get there, what route to take.

opportunities that arise as if they were one of a

Estudar has given me the opportunity to meet

kind,” she adds.

others with big ambitions and also people who are further ahead, and who are willing to lend us

Joyce Queiroz, a 2010 scholar in Computer

a hand,” said Joyce at the meeting held in June to

Engineering at the Instituto Militar de Engenharia

welcome the new group of undergraduate students.

(IME), confirms the scale of the challenge to meet

Once selected, the scholars start to receive the

the expectations of these high potential young

support and monitoring of Fundação Estudar, which

people (and members of Generation Y, as they

throughout their academic and professional lives

say). “Young people like us want a first-rate career

works towards offering activities to promote their

and we know where we want to get to. But we

development to standards of excellence.





approved for undergraduate

5.064 total subscribers of the Selection Process




approved for postgraduate

20 men







fundação estudar



Caio Henriques Lo Bianco, 17 Economy – FGV RIO He was a CNPq scholar in high school

Carolina Ferreira dos Reis, 21 Civil Engineering - IME She plans to follow the path of a military career

Gustavo Nogueira Nóbrega, 21 Fortification and Construction Engineering - IME He wants to work at the technology sector

Henrique M. N. de Freitas, 18 Engineering and Economy – Princeton He will volunteer in Gana giving classes to children

Lucas Moreira Yamamura, 17 Economy – Dartmouth Dreams to be the Central Bank president

Rafael M. B. de Souza, 18 Chemical Engineering – UFRJ He is a musician and plans to be a researcher


annual report 2009-2010

Luíza Gesser Cabral, 17 Computing Engineering /Physics – MIT She is eager to join the club of students from MIT

Ronaldo Veloso, 20 Civil Engineering - ITA He is AIESEC President of ITA

Diego Antonio Moreira, 22 Electric Engineering – USP/ École Centrale de Nantes (Double Major) He lectures about education to children from public schools

Illan Feiman Halpern, 18 Undergraduate - MIT He thinks of being a scientist

Marco Antonio L. Pedroso, 18 Computing and Electric Engineering – MIT He founded a pre-Olympics course to almost 200 students in the countryside of São Paulo

Thiago Freire F. Moreira, 21 Mechanical Aerospace Engineering - ITA He is a medalist in Brazilian Olympics of Astronomy, Physics and Chemistry

Diogo Nascimento Publio, 20 Management - ESPM SP He created a site of public information to the city of Feira de Santana (BA)

Filipe Correia Lübe, 23 Fortification and Construction Engineering - IME He is IME Junior Vice-President

Guilherme C. da Cunha Cintra, 19 Economy – PUC RJ He created a youth volunteer program

João Pedro D´Almeida, 18 Management - Wharton He always had a deep interest in finances

Joyce Queiroz da Silva, 22 Computing Engineering - IME She was a research scholar at the Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA)

Luana Dias Gomes, 18 Political Science - Stanford She writes plays since she was a child and now prepares her first book

Matheus A. Farias Silva, 19 Chemical Engineering - Illinois Institute of Technology He discovers the world through the internet

Paulo Vitor Monteiro, 21 Production Engineering - UFRJ (École des Mines) He is also a member of the GE Foundation Scholar and Leaders Program

Paulo Ricardo de S. Costa, 19 Chemical Engineering – Yale University He was invited to be a member of the National Society of High School Scholars, from the Nobel family

Victor Paolilo Neto, 19 Management – ESPM SP He was the second position awarded in the 2010 International Conference of Young Scientists, in Ukraine

Walter C. N. da Silva Jr., 20 Computing Engineering – ITA He bought his first computer with the prize for the best score in the admission test for high school

William A. C. Coelho, 20 Chemical Engineering - IME He researches malaria cure and treatments since high school

fundação estudar



Caetano Penna Franco Altafin R. da Cunha, 27 LL.M. - Harvard He founded three libraries to low income children

Claudia Vergueiro Massei, 26 MBA e Master in International Studies Wharton/Lauder Institute She is an engineer with deep interest in the social and education issues

Flavia Deutsch, 26 MBA - Stanford During undergrad at FGV-SP, she was selected to the Goldman Sachs Global Leader program

Gabriela Crestani Claro, 27 LL.M. - Columbia She works with corporate law since graduation

Januncio Pessoa de Lima Neto, 31 MBA - London Business School In Manaus (Amazonas), he founded Solvetech, a consulting firm focused on energy efficiency

Marcio Nieblas Zapater, 29 MBA - University of Chicago He developed strategic alliances to Promon Logicalis in Latin America


Cauam Ferreira Cardoso, 27 Master of International Affairs Columbia Has an interest on environmental issues and since very early got involved in public cleansing projects

AndrĂŠ Gustavo Gontijo Penha, 30 MBA - Stanford He founded a computing games enterprise latter sold to Tectoy

annual report 2009-2010

Frances Yumi Fukuda, 28 MBA - Wharton She implements management systems in all the Latin American units of AmBev

Marcelo Mattar, 24 PhD Psychology - University of Pennsylvania He has already worked on neuroscience researches at MIT and the University of Pennsylvania

Vitor da Silva Alves, 26 MBA - University of Chicago Born in Oiapoque (ParĂĄ), he is an engineer from ITA


PERMANENT INVESTMENT Academic excellence, proactiveness, dedication

approach we should be taking to decide where we

and ambition are all essential characteristics

want to start our careers,” says Victor Lassance,

of successful professionals, whether they are

a 2009 scholar in Computer Engineering at the

entrepreneurs or employees of large companies or

Escola Politécnica of the Universidade de São Paulo

the public sector. Competence and energy, however,

(USP), who participated in the latest edition

need a focus to generate consistent and lasting

of the program.

results. With a view to providing the right career guidance for scholars, Fundação Estudar organizes

Moreover, some of the earliest alumni and

a series of activities for young scholars to reflect on

Fundação Estudar partners have had the

their professional and personal choices, preferably

opportunity to reconsider their standards of

followed by a practical plan of action.

success and review whether the career paths they have chosen are indeed leading to personal

Throughout the year, Estudar offers programs,

fulfillment. In March this year, Harvard Business

workshops and specific career counseling sessions

School Professor Howard Stevenson, author of the

for the scholars. In 2009 and 2010, there were

recently published book Just Enough: Tools for

seven such activities. The Career Orientation

Creating Success in your Work and Life, conducted a

Program (POC), for example, held in September

case study of the career paths of people well known

last year for 12 most recently admitted scholars,

for their success in their fields, so students could

encouraged the participants to prepare for the

analyze their standards of success and the choices

job market by outlining planned career goals. The

they have made so far.

meetings, held in partnership with the human resources consulting firm Companhia de Talentos,

By comparing ourselves to Bill Gates, Nelson

provided personalized guidance on recruitment

Mandela, Luis Inácio Lula da Silva or Donald Trump,

processes and market trends, in addition to

it makes it easier for us to understand what we

opportunities for self-knowledge.

want for ourselves. “Success is a combination of four categories of satisfaction:

“In this program, I learned what companies

achievement, significance, happiness and

expect from the young people they hire, and what

legacy,” defined Professor Stevenson at the time.

fundação estudar


Since 2010 is an election year, Estudar considered

in which the more experienced scholars give

it important to incorporate some political education

career counseling to the newest scholars. For the

into its Careers program, so, in partnership

2008/2009 academic year, there were 25 mentor-

with Insper, it organized the Political Education

mentee pairs, and in the current 2009/2010 year,

Workshop. This series of three meetings, which

there are 18 pairs.

were open to the public, was attended by political scientists, economists, journalists and

“This practice is well established among

congressmen. “This type of program encourages

multinational companies and in other countries,

the political participation of young people,

but always with a very practical focus, to teach

which is essential for a strong democracy,” said

someone to do a job properly. The program

Beto Albuquerque, a federal congressman who

that Fundação Estudar instituted is far more

participated in one of the debates.

comprehensive, aimed at career development that makes sense for the mentee, respecting their values

One of the most successful Careers activities has

and ambitions,” explains Isabela Abram, who has

almost certainly been the Mentoring Program,

coached the mentors since 2008.

PROGRAMS STAGED BETWEEN – JULY 2009 AND JUNE 2010 9 and 10/2009 Career Orientation Program (POC), given by consulting firm Cia de Talentos 11/2009

Self Development Workshops, with Sandra Betti (MBA Empresarial)


Opportunities Meetings - access to internships, jobs and summer jobs offers in

to 2/2010

partner companies of Estudar



Launch of Mentors Program 2010


Case Study with Howard Stevenson (Harvard Business School) based on the book

Just Enough: Tools for Creating Success in your Work and Life

4 and 5/2010

Political Education Workshops staged in partnership with Insper

Brazilian Political System , by Argelina Cheiubub (IUPERJ), Carlos Melo (Insper) and

Sérgio Malbergier (FSB Comunicação).

Brazilian Electoral System, by Fernando Abrúcio (FGV-SP) and Daniel Bramatti

(O Estado de S. Paulo).

Debate of Political Projects, with the federal comgressmen Francisco Alencar (PSOL/RJ)

and Roberto Albuquerque (PSB/RS) and the journalist Cristiana Lobo (Globonews)


Mentor Training Workshop, with Sandra Betti

annual report 2009-2010

Maria Isabel and Victor: two-way learning A word from the mentor

A word from the mentee

“A mentor needs to have life and professional experience, be approachable and interested in helping. And for the program to work, there needs to be personal affinity, as well as professional admiration. I am mentoring for the first time and I feel that the greatest challenge of this role is learning to understand Victor so I can advise him properly”.

“I always used to talk to my cousins about career and education related matters. I am thoroughly enjoying this experience of getting advice from a person outside my social circle because it is extremely focused and professional. Isabel has already recommended some reading material and told me a great deal about the job market”.

Maria Isabel Müssnich pedroso 2004 scholar of Master in Finances at Princeton

Victor Lassance 2009 scholar of Computing Engineering at Escola Politécnica of USP

fundação estudar



EXCELLENCE THAT INSPIRES The Networking activities of Fundação Estudar are

said Guilherme Piereck, a 1998 LL.M. scholar at

responsible for promoting interaction between the

Northwestern University.

community of scholars and alumni with successful professionals from various business sectors.

In addition to the subject matter, these meetings

Whether at lectures or informal breakfast seminars,

are also an opportunity to strengthen the

the scholars have the opportunity to find out about

networking of relationships within the community

their career paths and learn from their knowledge

of scholars and alumni. “I like this sense of

and expertise.

belonging to a group, being able to follow people’s careers and keep in touch over time,” said Lissa

“For me, what I get out of this is inspiration.

Colins, a 1992 scholar in Business Administration

Listening to people who have achieved

at PUC-RJ. Lissa emphasizes the strong growth

such great things helps you believe that

of Fundação Estudar´s networking activities: “I

anything is possible. I always come away

remember that when I was a scholar we had just

from these events full of energy and ready

one of these events each year.”

to create something important,” said Adilon Garcia, a 2009 scholar in Business Administration

The most anticipated moment of the year,

at FGV-SP.

however, is still the Annual Meeting. The largest meeting of Estudar community gathers scholars,


Estudar has made an effort to cover a wide variety

alumni, board members, sponsors and partners

of topics at these meetings: the guest speakers

to present results, celebrate the year’s

at the 18 events staged between August 2009

achievements and announce plans for the future.

and June 2010 have included philosophers, CEOs,

It is also held to present the new scholars for the

entrepreneurs, lawyers, academics and professionals

upcoming year and reward the most active alumni.

from the IT and financial services sectors and from

At the 2009 meeting, Marcelo Barbosa, a 1996

government. “The plurality of subjects addressed at

scholar with an LL.M from Columbia Law School,

these meetings is fascinating. And the guests are

and Rodrigo Anunciato, a 1997 scholar in Business

very receptive. What they tell us here is far more

Administration from FGV-SP, won the Scholar of the

interesting than anything they say in interviews,”

Year and Volunteer of the Year awards, respectively.

annual report 2009-2010

“I imagine the award had to do with my position

Marcelo, who won a course of his choice at Harvard

as director of Estudar for four years, my pro bono

Business School. “I chose Leading Professional

work as a legal adviser and my involvement in the

Service Firms. It was an excellent opportunity to

creation of the Endowment Fund. Being able to

learn how academics handle practical subjects and

contribute to the continuity of Fundação Estudar

also to share ideas with other professionals from

has been a truly special experience for me,” said

other parts of the world,” he said.

Completed program – JULY 2009 AND JUNE 2010 Aug/09

Annual Meeting


Maria Silvia Bastos, President of Icatu Hartford “Corporate Management”


Patrice Etlin, Partner at Advent International “The Private Equity industry in Brazil: A new era”


André Dias, CEO of Monsanto “Challenges during an international career”


Francisco Mussnich, Founding Partner of Barbosa, Mussnich & Aragão Associados “Career-influencing and reputation-building behavior”


Claúdio Couto, Professor of Political Science at EAESP-FGV “Political reform in Brazil”


João Castro Neves, CEO of AmBev “Leadership in practice”


Meeting of Partners An informal discussion between Jorge Paulo Lemann, Pedro Moreira Salles and Edson Bueno on “Dreaming Big”


Rubens Ometto, Chairman of the Board of Cosan Sealing a partnership between the Estudar Foundation and Cosan


Linda Lorimer, Vice President of Yale Internationalization of Yale and opportunities for Brazilians


Daniel Markovits, Professor at Yale Law School “Conflict management in courts and contracts”


Carlos Cozendey, Director of the Economics Department at Itamaraty “The main issues currently facing Brazilian international trade”


Clóvis Barros Filho, Professor of Philosophy at USP “The life that’s worth living”


Marcelo Kayath, co-CEO of Credit Suisse Brazilian Investment Bank “Post-crisis capital market opportunities”


Sérgio Percope, Partner at Pontomobi “Business opportunities in mobile marketing“

fundação estudar



EDUCATION, A TRANSFORMING FORCE Recently, the Brazilian Minister of Education,

financial sector, for banks, asset management firms

Fernando Haddad, was asked about the real

and investment funds. Around 18% have jobs in

transformational potential of education. To

sectors that are highly strategic for the expansion

borrow his objective response, we can explain why

of the country’s productive capacity and for its

Fundação Estudar invests in providing talented

consolidation as an important player in the world

young people with access to a high-quality higher

economy, such as energy, logistics, agribusiness,

education in order to improve Brazil: “Education

mining, telecommunications and civil construction.

is one dimension of life in society that affects all the others. It affects the quality

Another 15% are liberal professionals, such

of political representation, the distribution

as lawyers, businesspeople and independent

of income, economic development and

consultants. Large consulting firms that influence

social justice.”

many other businesses employ another 12%, while 10% work in various fields of industry, primarily

In the 19th century, the French sociologist Emile

consumer goods. The third sector, education and

Durkheim described education as “the image and

government account for an additional 10%, and

reflection of society”. In today’s globalized world,

there are also those who work with technology, for

knowledge is what drives the economy, creates the

multilateral organizations and in entertainment.

wealth of people and enables a country to prosper sustainably in the medium and long term. By investing in education, a basic tool for people to

The bond they all share is education. They have all

absorb and produce knowledge, Estudar has, for the

had access to this tool, which has enabled them to

past 19 years, witnessed the positive impact of its

achieve remarkable things and dream with bigger

alumni on various sectors of the Brazilian economy.

objectives. In the pages ahead, we present the stories of three young people who have changed


One out of ten scholars is an entrepreneur. A

their lives or who are changing the lives of others

quarter of the community of alumni works in the

through education and knowledge.

annual report 2009-2010

A QUEST FOR BIG DISCOVERIES M ATH EUS AU GUSTO DE FARI AS S ILVA If Matheus Farias, aged 19, a 2010 scholar in

career plans he is pursuing today.

Chemical Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology, were in the government and could do

During high school, in 2007, he was fascinated

something significant for Brazil, he would lay a fiber

by the research incentives and the infrastructure

optic network across the country. “Then many more

of American universities. He has been accepted

people would have access to the internet and the

into the Illinois Institute of Technology and will

opportunities it provides.” Matheus was born and

study Chemical Engineering. “I think chemistry

raised in Boqueirão, Paraíba, a small town of 7,000

allows you to make discoveries that generate

inhabitants some 170 kilometers from the state

wealth and development for a region,” says

capital João Pessoa. It was through the internet that

Matheus, who already discovered this when he

he discovered the opportunities to study that have

created, while still at high school, a system of

been broadening his horizons in recent years.

manufacturing detergent made with tamarind, a fruit that was underexploited in his hometown.

The Brazilian Astronomy Olympics (in which he won

The manufacturing model has proven profitable

a bronze medal), high school in the United States,

and has been donated to a chemical dependency

an internship at the chemistry laboratory at the

rehabilitation clinic.

Massasuchets Institute of Technology (MIT), an exchange program in Montreal, the nuclear energy

Matheus plans, in the near future, to use his chemical

program at USP and the voluntary work that he will be

knowledge to set up a business to improve the

doing in China in the second half of 2010 are some

economy of Paraíba. “It is one of the states with the

of the opportunities that Matheus encountered on

lowest rates of schooling in Brazil and I want to be

the web and that have contributed to the ambitious

involved in changing this,” he concludes.

fundação estudar


MULTIPLE EXPERIENCES, THE SAME CHALLENGE SUSANA CORDE IRO G UERRA The belief that education has the potential to

education in China, Indonesia, Philippines,

develop different sectors of the economy has been

Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. “I did the field

the driving force behind the direction that Susana

research in these countries, published papers and

Cordeiro Guerra, aged 28, has taken in her career.

disseminated the bank’s recommendations to

Born in the United States and raised in Rio de

each government. Throughout this process, I could

Janeiro, Susana, a 2009 scholar in the Master in

see up close how research results can turn into

Public Administration/International Development

public policy,” recalls Susana.

program at Harvard Kennedy School, graduated in Political Science from Harvard College and

At Chartwell Education Group, a start-up consulting

took part in the Sciences Po exchange program,

firm in the area of education in New York, Susana set

in Paris. It was during her time at university that

up the Latin American Department, implementing

she discovered that solutions for education can be

projects in Brazil and Chile. In 2009, she returned

found in different quarters. Ever since, she has been

to Harvard, where she is working on her Masters

amassing experience in both the public and private

dissertation on the state of student credit in Brazil.

sector in Brazil, the United States and Asia, without

Susana believes that access to credit will give young

losing sight of her focus.

people the power of choice, raising the competition between universities and improving the quality


Susana served internships in the Favela Bairro

of higher education in the country. “I am looking

slum upgrading program, run by the Rio de Janeiro

to improve my researching technique so I can

Municipal Housing Department, in the Equity

contribute more effectively to realize a big dream: to

Research division of the bank UBS and in the East

see Brazil classified together with Organization for

Asia unit of the World Bank. After graduation,

Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Susana returned to the World Bank, where she

countries – the likes of Switzerland, Norway and

published studies on the direct impact of fiscal

Germany – in international learning assessments

issues on the effectiveness of public health and

(such as PISA),” explains Susana.

annual report 2009-2010

EDUCATION ON A LARGE SCALE I G OR XAV IER C ORREI A L I MA Over the past decade, the number of higher

Company and after spending some time there, he

education courses has risen dramatically. Three

left to take what he considered a unique opportunity:

years ago, this sector embarked on a phase of

to participate in the implementation of more

mergers and acquisitions that have created large

efficient management methods at the Colégio Sete

educational groups. Igor Lima, aged 29, a 2007

de Setembro – one of the best secondary schools

scholar with an MBA from Northwestern University

in Fortaleza, Ceará – to get to know in detail the

– Kellogg School of Management, was involved in

operation of a company in the educational sector

one of the largest such operations at the start of

before starting his Masters. In 2007, Igor was

this year. In his position as M&A manager at Kroton

accepted in the Kellogg MBA program and he

Educacional, he helped oversee the acquisition of

took advantage of this period to reconsider his

the teaching network IUNI – for R$191.7 million –

professional ambitions. During the two years he

and is among those responsible for the integration

spent abroad, he served an internship at a private

of the two companies, generating an educational

equity firm in Chicago, primarily analyzing education

group that consists of more than 88,000 students

providers in the United States. And while working a

at 40 higher education campuses and 265,000

summer job, he was involved in the integration of

students at 720 basic education schools.

the education sector in Brazil, at Fanor – Faculdades Nordeste, at the time a portfolio company of Pactual

“I come from a family that takes education very

Capital Partners. “That was when I knew for sure

seriously. My parents invested all they could in my

what I wanted to do with my career,” recalls Igor.

studies, so it is a great accomplishment to know that my work today provides this for so many people,”

And where will this lead? “Well, if you asked me

says Igor, who was born in Belo Horizonte, Minas

today what my plans are, I wouldn’t hesitate to

Gerais, and graduated in mechanical engineering

respond: to change education in Brazil. I know this

from the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA).

is complex, but if Fundação Estudar taught me one

He began his career as a consultant at McKinsey &

thing, it was to dream big,” concludes Igor.

fundação estudar



ESSENTIAL SUPPORT The excellence and scope of Fundação Estudar´s

and 160 schools that open their doors so Estudar

work is only possible thanks to a network of

can publicize its selection process in the last 12

companies, teaching institutions and people

months. Around 55% of the budget currently

who, like Estudar, believe that high-quality higher

comes from contributions from companies and

education can shape people who can have a

individuals, and each year Estudar saved roughly

positive impact on the country. This group

R$ 1.3 MM (50% more than in the last period) from

invests money and energy to support the

pro bono services and product donations.

education of young people who are selected by the Estudar and who receive professional and personal

“We believe that investing in education

development opportunities. “Fundação Estudar

is one of the best ways to raise the

has a comprehensive and focused operating

competitiveness of our country. By

model, with the participation of partners that are

providing our citizens better access to

a reference in Brazil in their working fields,” said

quality education, they will enjoy greater

Thais Junqueira, executive director of Estudar.

development and growth opportunities. This is why supporting Fundação Estudar is


In June 2010, Fundação Estudar had 17 corporate

so important for us,” said Adriano Lima, human

sponsors, 16 pro bono partners (donating

resources director at Itaú-Unibanco, one of the

products and services), 35 individual collaborators

institution’s leading sponsors.

annual report 2009-2010


2009-2010 (july/2009 to june/2010)

EGREGIA CUM LAUDE SPONSORS - Over R$ 250.001,00 Fundação Brava Fundação Lemann Marcel Herrmann Telles

SUMMA CUM LAUDE SPONSORS - Between R$ 100.001,00 and R$ 250.000,00 AmBev Cosan S/A Cyrela Brazil Realty Florian Bartunek Fundação Filantropica Arymax GP Investimentos Guilherme Peirão Leal / Instituto Arapyaú Instituto Semeia Itaú Unibanco Moise Yacoub Safra

MAGNA CUM LAUDE SPONSOR - Between R$ 50.001,00 and R$ 100.000,00 Bernardo Vieira Hees (Bolsista de 1992 - PUC RJ, Economia) Instituto Votorantim

CUM LAUDE SPONSORS - Between R$ 25.001,00 and R$ 50.000,00 ALL - América Latina Logistica Amil Banco Itaú BBA Banco Santander Carlos Brito Cláudio José Carvalho de Andrade (Bolsista de 1993 - EAESP - FGV, Administração) Luis Stuhlberger Manuela e Marcelo Kayath Marcelo Faria Parodi (Bolsista de 1996 - IMD, MBA) Marcelo Lima

fundação estudar


SPONSORS - Between R$ 10.001,00 and R$ 25.000,00 Aloysio Meirelles de Miranda Filho Juliana e Eduardo Munemori Hans Lin (Bolsista de 1996 - MIT - Sloan School of Management, MBA) Instituto GWI Lars Reibel Marcelo Barbará Marcos Duarte Marília Artimonte Rocca (Bolsista de 1994 - EAESP - FGV, Administração) Matheus Meirelles Damasceno Ferreira Tecnisa Veronica Allende Serra (Bolsista de 1995 - Harvard Business School, MBA)

CONTRIBUTORS - Between R$ 2.501,00 and R$ 10.000,00 Fabio Marcel Fossen (Bolsista de 1998 - University of Michigan B. School, MBA) Luiz Otávio Barbosa de Campos Mailson Ferreira da Nóbrega Mauricio Gabriel Guimarães Siqueira Galvão Ricardo Marques Garcias (Bolsista de 1999 - University of Michigan, MBA) Richard Aldrich Rodrigo Ferraz Pimenta da Cunha Rosiane Pecora

SUPPORTERS - Up to R$ 2.500,00 Felipe Pait Gustavo Vieira Ramos Nilo Martins de Andrade Filho (Bolsista de 2002, Coppead-UFRJ, Intercâmbio) Ricardo Mollica Jourdan (Bolsista de 1998 - London Business School, MBA) Rogério Frota Melzi (Bolsista 1999 - Stanford University, MBA) Susan Lyons William I Wei Tsui (Bolsista de 1996 - Stanford University, MBA)


annual report 2009-2010


2009-2010 (july/2009 to june/2010)

Over R$ 100.000,00 A.T. Kearney FSB Comunicações INDG - Instituto de Desenvolvimento Gerencial QG Propaganda True BB Vieira, Rezende, Barbosa e Guerreiro Advogados

Between R$ 50.001,00 and 100.000,00 DMRH Cia. de Talentos

Between R$ 25.001,00 and R$ 50.000,00 ICTS Global MBA Empresarial

Between R$ 2.500,00 and R$ 25.000,00 Braspag / MoiP Harvard Business School Executive Education IBEP Gráfica Insper Isabela Abram Coaching Practice Primeira Escolha

fundação estudar


EDUCATIONAL PARTNERS AEP - Associação dos Ex-Alunos da Escola Politécnica da USP AIESEC - São Paulo Alumni Club de Michigan no Brasil Amherst College Associação Alumni

Colégios Etapa Columbia Business School Columbia School of International and Public Affairs Columbia University Law School

Barnard College

Coordenadoria de Relações Internacionais da Universidade Estadual de Campinas - CORI/ UNICAMP

Boston College


Boston University

Cornell University

Brasil Junior

CRInt - Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo - Poli/USP

Bryn Mawr College Ccint - USP São Carlos Centro Universitário da FEI Centro Universitário Mauá de Tecnologia

Dartmouth College - Tuck School of Business EABH - Escola Americana de Belo Horizonte American School of Belo Horizonte

Chapel School

EAESP-FGV - Escola de Administração de Empresas da Fundação Getúlio Vargas

Chicago Graduate School of Business

EARJ - Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro

Colégio Andrews

EBAPE/FGV - Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas da Fundação Getulio Vargas

Colégio Ari de Sá Colégio Bandeirantes Colégio de Aplicação da UERJ - Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro Colégio de Aplicação da UFRJ - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Colégio e Curso Ponto de Ensino - PENSI Colégio Engenheiro Juarez Wanderley - Instituto Embraer de Educação e Pesquisa Colégio Escola Parque Colégio Farias Brito Colégio Galois Colégio Israelita Brasileiro A. Liessin Colégio Militar de Brasilia Colégio Militar de Curitiba Colégio Militar de Fortaleza

EESP - Escola de Economia de São Paulo da Fundação Getúlio Vargas Elemento Humano Consultoria Empresa Junior FEA/USP Empresa Junior FGV SP Escola Americana de Brasília - American School of Brasilia Escola Americana de Campinas - American School of Campinas Escola das Nações “Escola de Governo Fundação João Pinheiro” Escola Israelita Brasieleira Eliezer Steinbarg Max Nordau Escola Nova Lourenço Castanho

Colégio Militar de Porto Alegre

Escola Panamericana da Bahia - Pan American School of Bahia

Colégio Militar do Rio de Janeiro

Escritório Politécnico Internacional - iPOLIi

Colégio Móbile

ESPM - Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing

Colégio ORT

FAAP - Faculdade de Economia e Relações Internacionais da Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado

Colégio pH Colégio Pitágoras Colégio Poliedro Colégio Pueri Domus Colégio Santa Cruz Colégio Santo Inácio Colégio Sete de Setembro Colégio Sigma - Asa Sul/Norte Colégio Vértice


Colégio Visconde de Porto Seguro

annual report 2009-2010

Faculdade de Economia e Administração da Universidade de São Paulo - FEA/USP Faculdades Jorge Amado Faculdades Ruy Barbosa FAE - Centro Universitário FECAP - Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado FGV Direito Rio FGV RJ - Escola de Economia da Fundação Getúlio Vargas

Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering Fulbright Fundação João Pinheiro - Escola de Governo Harvard Business School Harvard College Harvard Graduate School of Education Harvard Kennedy School Harvard Law School Harvard University - David Rockfeller Center for Latin American Studies HEC International Business School Ibmec Minas Gerais Ibmec Rio de Janeiro IMD Business School IME - Instituto Militar de Engenharia INSEAD Insper Instituto de Empresa Business School ISC - International School of Curitiba ITA - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica Kellogg School of Management Lehigh University

PUC Rio - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro PUC SP - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo St. Paul’s School Stanford Graduate School of Business Stanford Law School Stanford University - Undergraduate The British School of Rio de Janeiro Tufts University - The Fletcher School Tufts University - Undergraduate UC Berkeley - College UC Berkeley - Haas School of Management UC Berkeley - Law School UECE - Universidade Estadual do Ceará UERJ - Nova Friburgo UERJ - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro UFC - Centro de Tecnologia da Universidade Federal do Ceará UFMG - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais UFPR - Universidade Federal do Paraná UFRGS - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Linden Educational Services

UFRJ - Escola Politécnica da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

London Business School

UFRJ – Faculdade de Administração e Economia

London School of Economics and Political Science

UFSCAR - Universidade Federal de São Carlos

MBA Empresarial

UnB - Universidade de Brasília

Megaron Test and Prep Admissions

UNESP - Universidade Estadual de São Paulo

MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

MIT - Sloan School of Management

University of California - Berkeley

MTE - Mercado de Trabalho em Engenharia - Unicamp

University of Chicago - College

Northwestern College

University of Chicago - Harris School of Public Policy

Northwestern University - School of Law NYU Stern School of Business PACA Pan American School - Porto Alegre Patrícia Monteiro Philadelphia Consulting

University of Chicago Law School University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Pennsylvania - College of Arts and Sciences University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School

Princeton University - Bendheim Center of Finance

University of Virginia - Darden Graduate School of Business Administration

Princeton University - College

USP - Universidade de São Paulo

Princeton University - Keller Center for Engineering Education

Washington University in St. Louis

Princeton University - Woodrow Wilson School of Public Affairs PUC MG - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais PUC PR - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

Wellesley College Williams College Yale College Yale Law School Yale School of Management

fundação estudar


alumni donors

VIRTUOUS CIRCLE One of the underlying principles of Fundação Estudar´s model of self-sustainability involves engaging the alumni in the upkeep of its activities. By granting scholarships and bringing good young people into its network of excellence, Estudar is making an investment with significant multiplication potential. Part of this multiplier effect stems from the commitment of the scholars and alumni to the durability of the institution. The more people with strong potential involved in the activities and the funding of Estudar, the more young students will have access to the personal and professional development opportunities it offers. It is hoped that the alumni, once they have repaid the cost of their studies, will continue to contribute financially and remain actively involved, whether by participating in the selection of new scholars, in the Mentors Program or in fundraising efforts. The good news is that almost 30% of Estudar’s budget now comes from donations from the community of alumni. And of the alumni who have already repaid their scholarships, almost a third are in the group of sponsors of the institution. The participation of alumni is increasing year by year. In 2009, for example, 86% remained actively involved in the Careers and Networking programs.


annual report 2009-2010

FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS – ALUMNI – in R$ R$ 700.000 R$ 670.000 R$ 635.874

R$ 600.000 R$ 500.000 R$ 436.309

R$ 400.000

R$ 455.454

R$ 300.000 R$ 200.000 R$ 100.000






Aversa, Mariana de Oliveira Casella (2007 scholar of Economy at IBMEC-RJ) Bonifácio, Everton Lopes (1999 scholar of exchange Coppead/ George Washington University) Carvalho, Marcelo Lyra Machado de (2006 scholar of Economy at IBMEC-RJ) Felzenszwalb, Gabriel (2005 scholar of MBA at Harvard University) Ferreira, Felipe Bomfim (2005 scholar of Master in Finances at London Business School) Ferreira, Matheus Meirelles Damasceno (2003 scholar of Economy at IBMEC - RJ) Gattass, Bernardo Barroso (1998 scholar of Economy at the University of Chicago) La Camera, Antônio Vicente (1996 scholar of MBA at University of Michigan B. School ) Matos, Felipe Faissol Janot de (2001 scholar of MBA at the University of Rochester) Pizzinatto, Rodrigo de Almeida (2006 scholar of MBA at Stanford Univerity) Ribeiro, Pedro Salgueiro Teles (2005 scholar of Business Administration at IBMEC - RJ) Silva, Jacob Gabriel Nicocelli da ( 1998 scholar of MBA at University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School)

fundação estudar




Abram, André Luis


D’Avila, Sérgio Luis Guedes


Alcaro, Daniela Fusco


De Wilde, Alexandre Valério


Almeida, Silvia Molinar


Diaz, Andrea Narholz


Alves, Filipe Bonetti


Domingues, Hadriano


Alves, Luiz Gustavo Lamego


Drigo, Marcela Dutra


Amaral, Cauê Costa Moreira


Eggers, Fabiana Sandra


Amorim, Mark Mercante


Everett, Gisele Simões


Andrade Filho, Nilo Martins


Fagundes, Paula Volpatto


Andrade, Gregor Masini Monteiro


Farjallat, Cristina Artimonte


Andrade, Cláudio José Carvalho


Fernandes, Cristiane Rembowski


Andrade, Luiz Raul Delgado


Ferrari, André


Andrade, Manoela Olbrich de Souza


Filho, Claudio Galeno de Araujo


Antunes, Ana Silvia


Filho, Jaime Schlittler Silva


Anunciato, Rodrigo Leonardo


Fontes, Ana Paula Cavalcanti de Oliveira


Arantes, Ricardo Alário


Fossen, Fábio Marcel


Arata, César Munehiro


França Junior, Maurício


Armaganijan, Fábio Vidal


Freddo, Cláudio Maurício


Arruda Jr., Dalbi Sebastião


Freitas, Rubens Mario Marques de


Attílio, Júlio Cesar


Freundt, Valéria Marinho


Barbosa, Marcelo Santos


Furtado, Renato Oliveira


Barra, Hugo Botelho


Gabay, Heny


Barreto, Ricardo de Oliveira


Galvão, Rodrigo Peixoto


Barreto, Rodolfo Aranha Alves


Gama, Ana Beatriz Santos


Barros, Flávia Marques


Gamboa, Carlos Fernando Vieira


Barros, Maria Fernanda Lima da Rocha


Gamboa, Danilo


Bastos, Guilherme Medeiros


Garcias, Ricardo Marques


Baumeier, Fernando Octávio Mazza


Ghitnick, Márcia


Beyssac, Marie Louise Conilh


Goldfeld, Leonardo


Blanco, Alberto Winkler


Gonçalves, Luis Heitor de Queirós


Brito, Pedro Paulo Alves


Guerra, João Henrique


Butterfield, Colin


Guião, Alexandre de Barros Cruz


Cabral, Leonardo Bourbon


Hees, Bernardo Vieira


Carmo, Elsen Christian Carvalho


Helu, Arkhan


Castro, Luis Fernando Gustavo


Hoffmann, Eduardo Fontana


Catta-Preta, Guilherme Bokel


Hossaka, Lycia Akiko


Chaim, Murilo Mattos


Inamura, Adelmo Hideyoshi


Coelho, Rodolfo Magno de Carvalho


Jochmann, Martin


Collins, Lissa


Jourdan, Ricardo Mollica


Costa Neto, Floriano Paulino


Júnior, Dercio Santiago Silva


Costa, Flávio Campello


Kawamoto, Cristina Haruko


Cunha, Olavo Hartveld


Kertesz, Ana Fernandes


Cunha, Paulo André Piereck


Kogut, Júlio André


Dau, Luis Felipe Berthi Abboud


Lahterman, Simone


D’Avila, Piero Rodrigues


Laranjeira, Jorge Guimarães


annual report 2009-2010

Levy, Daniele Valadão


Ribeiro, Jaime Pfaltzgraf


Lin, Hans


Ribeiro, Joaquim Pedro Andrés


Lin, Tamy Ymei


Ribeiro, Marcelo Santos


Lordello, Alexandre Houara


Ribeiro, Pedro Salgueiro Teles


Macedo, Janete das Neves Inverno


Rocca, Marília Artimonte

Macedo, Marcos André Gonçalves


Rodolfo, Pedro Loffredi


Mannheimer, Paulo Haroldo


Rodrigues, Eduardo Medeiros


Marinis, Alexandre Ferraz de


Roma, Eduardo Andre Bottino


Martinez, Ana Paula


Russo, Marcelo Moreira


Mascarenhas, Rogério Rocha


Santiago, Fabio


Mattos, Marcello Marreco Sardenberg


Santos, Francisco José Bastos


Mayorkis, Stephanie de Souza


Sapoznik, André


Melzi, Rogério Frota


Senra, Rodolfo de Souza


Merino, Fernando Quintana


Serapião, Bruno Pessôa


Miguel, Marta Mendes


Serra, Veronica Allende


Milred, Diego Luis


Silva, Jacob Gabriel Nicocelli


Mintzberg, Peter Lerner


Silva, Luiz Fernando Barreto


Miyaki, Carlos Henrique


Silva, André Luis Miranda


Moraes, Jayme Chataque


Silva, Marcelo Leite Moura e


Moraes, Marcelo Amaral


Silva, Marcelo Luiz Mendes Soares


Motta, Eleonora Pizarro


Simonovitch, Marco


Musiello, Rodrigo Perazzi


Soares, Claudia Elisa de Pinho


Navarro, Marcelo de Carvalho


Soares, Daniela Barone


Neves, João Mauricio Giffoni Castro


Soares, Janaina Martins


Neves, Mario José


Soares, Paulo José Marques


Neves, Monica Rossi Duarte


Soares, Ricardo Tadeu Almeida Cabral


Nina, Affonso Parga


Sznajder, Flávio Eduardo


Oliveira, Andre Caldas


Tannure, Augusto Alves


Oliveira, Breno Toledo Pires de


Tinoco, Rosineide Wanderley


Oliveira, Rogério de Deus


Toledo, Renato Proença Prudente


Palma, Pedro Marcus Lira


Tsui, William I Wei


Parodi, Marcelo Faria


Vailati Filho, Sérgio


Pasquarelli, Fernanda Haydée


Valmont, Luiz Claudio


Passoni, Paulo Thiago


Veirano, Isabel Lustosa


Paviani, Patrícia Andrade


Veirano, Ricardo Camargo


Pedreiro, Sergio Messias


Vella, Rodrigo Vilardo


Pedroso, Maria Isabel Mussnich


Verderesi, Patricia Regina


Pegurier, Carlos Henrique Lobão


Vianna, Marcos Fernandes


Pessoa, Ana Gabriela Machado


Vieira, Pedro de Freitas Almeida Bueno


Piereck, Guilherme Cavalcanti


Vieitas Junior, Ivo Luis de Sá Freitas


Pozzani, Adriana


Watanabe, Carlos


Prado, Antônio Henrique


Wielandt, Luiz Felipe Echenique


Puccini , Nelson Lopes


Wolff, Márcia Andrea de Almeida


Reginato, André


Yu, Edison


Ribeiro, Gilberto


Zago, Rodrigo Augusto Pereira


1994 e 1998

fundação estudar


personnel FOUNDERS Carlos Alberto da Veiga Sicupira Jorge Paulo Lemann Marcel Herrmann Telles BOARD OF TRUSTEES Anna Victoria Lemann Osorio Antonio Carlos Augusto Ribeiro Bonchristiano Cecília de Paula Machado Sicupira Marcelo Santos Barbosa Paulo Cezar Aragão ALUMNI BOARD Mateus Affonso Bandeira Ricardo Camargo Veirano Rodrigo Leonardo Anunciato Veronica Allende Serra


annual report 2009-2010

FUNDAÇÃO ESTUDAR TEAM Gabriela Marcondes de Almeida (Programs) Letícia Batista Faria (Programs) Maria Eugênia Pereira (Administration and Finance) Renata Moraes (Communication) Thais Junqueira Franco Xavier (Executive Director)

Fundação Estudar Av. Nove de Julho, 5109, Mezanino, Jardim Paulista 01407-200 – São Paulo – SP – Brasil

Editorial Supervision and texts Renata Moraes - Fundação Estudar Translation Barney Whiteoak Graphic Design and Desktop Publishin FSB Design Photos Everton Ballardin Contributed Eliezer Bueno and Marilia Guerra Printing and Finishing IBEP Gráfica The printing of this report was totally donated by IBEP Gráfica

fundação estudar


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