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College life

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College life is about learning new skills and preparing you for the world of work, but it should also be about making new friends and creating amazing memories that will last a lifetime.


College life offers a wider range of experiences that extend beyond the classroom and many enrichment opportunities for all. Our enrichment activities aim to build confidence and resilience and respond to local and national priorities. We have monthly themes including diversity celebrations, physical and positive mental health promotion and respect.


Our students have never been afraid to do their bit for a good cause and there is no shortage of creativity when it comes to ideas. From bag packs to sponsored hikes or bike rides, face painting to dressing up, there’s always plenty of opportunity for you to get involved and help the local community.

Bede Performing Arts students visited Stockton Riverside College for a Higher Education masterclass in June 2022!

Bede Public Services students attended an experience day at Cleveland Fire Brigade HQ in March 2022! Bede Charity football match for Cancer Research UK in April 2022!

Acting Chief Constable Helen McMillan, paid our criminology, law, public services and politics students a visit to talk about her career and role within Cleveland Police!

Bede STEM students took part in 14 days work experience experience to the National Horizons Centre and Fujifilm in March 2022!

English and history students visited Stratfordupon-Avon to attend workshops on crime and punishment and theatre in Tudor times and visit Shakespeare’s school!


We want to help you make the right choices for you. Alongside the regular support and guidance you get through your progression programme, our annual progression day offers the chance to explore a selection of the amazing opportunities ahead of you as you plan for your next steps. With speakers from a variety of universities and employers, including the armed forces and police, this is a day to both inform and inspire.


Our courses have strong links with employers and also provide many opportunities to take part in some amazing visits and trips.

Whether it’s travelling abroad, making industry visits, exploring art galleries, the theatre or outdoor expeditions, our trips will help you apply your new-found skills to the real world. We also work closely with local employers so that you can gain first-hand experience of the careers that your subjects can lead to and the skills that you will need to develop to be ready for the world of work.


The Students’ Union is a key way to get your voice heard. Being actively involved with the Students’ Union can help to enhance your CV and personal statement for UCAS. The Union provides opportunities for you to get involved in influencing the College as well as opportunities for election to Bede President in early September. Look out for posters and information.


Getting hands-on experience in the world of work is a priority at Bede Sixth Form College. This can include placements, volunteering, workplace visits and community projects. By working closely with employers, we ensure our courses deliver the skills that count.


Our High Achievers pathway gives you a competitive edge when applying to some of the most prestigious Russell Group universities in the country as well as giving you the opportunity to make a more informed choice about the higher education options available to you. You will take part in university subject lectures and taster events and benefit from extra support with early entry UCAS applications, admissions tests and interviews.


Interested in a career in engineering? During Year 12 you can undertake eight ‘hands-on’ sessions at NETA’s Lustrum training facility and carry out a project linked to a growth sector within the Tees Valley. You will receive basic hands-on training in electrical, mechanical and hydraulic systems, health and safety and the environment, project management and project control. You will also have the opportunity to work with local and national engineering companies during the year.


If you are an up-and-coming athlete or sporting star, we are an accredited Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS) dual career college, and have everything in place to ensure that you excel in the classroom and in your sport. Chat to our friendly careers advisor to find out more about these opportunities.


The EDF Academy gives you the opportunity to be part of a successful mentoring scheme working with a designated mentor for the duration of the programme. You will gain work experience at Hartlepool power station during college holidays and can work across a wide range of roles and departments. You’ll have the opportunity to take part in several lectures to learn more about nuclear power, gain experience of aptitude testing and developing interview skills. At the end of the programme there is also the possibility of gaining an EDF energy university sponsorship.


If you would like to pursue a career in medicine or dentistry, this programme is perfect for you. Offering sessions designed to provide you with tailored support for your university applications, you’ll cover CV and work experience support, applying to medical science, ethical case studies, personal statements and UKCAT and interview preparations.


Training is provided to equip you with the skills needed to be a mentor. You can use your newly acquired skills in local schools and provide support for groups of students. You’ll also have the opportunity to deliver school related sessions at college to help young year groups prepare for the transition to a sixth form college.

The NETA Workshop


Do you think you could be the next Peter Jones? Our enterprise programme empowers young people to set up and run a student company under the guidance of a business volunteer. You will need to make all of the decisions about your business, from deciding on the company name, managing the finances and selling to the public. By taking part in this programme you will gain practical business experience and key skills.


Interested in a role within the cyber industry? This extracurricular programme tests creativity, problem solving ability, and curiosity. You will have the opportunity to take on the role of a security agent to crack codes and stop cyber criminals in their tracks.


Why not take up the opportunity to experience the logistics sector whilst completing your studies? You will be given a mentor from the world of work, work experience and workplace visits, practical advice on CVs and applications along with many opportunities to develop your skills and confidence.


Work extra hard in Year 12 and you could be a student ambassador in Year 13.

Our Student Ambassador programme is for Year 13 students who have demonstrated excellent progress, effort and attendance in Year 12. The programme consists of specific training sessions in leadership, safeguarding and marketing. Student ambassadors represent our college at a wide range of events, such as school liaison activities, open evenings and Year 11 preview. Ambassadors develop many skills within this programme in particular their communication skills and confidence.


Our health and social care courses are delivered in collaboration with North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust. Students benefit from regular insights into careers in the NHS, developing the skills and values that are so important to being a successful employee within the trust, including visits to the simulation wards at the University Hospitals of Hartlepool and North Tees.

Georgia Biology


You can gain excellent experience with our Chemists into Industry programme in conjunction with the chemical company Lucite International.

You will be set a chemistry problem that is encountered at Lucite’s Billingham Cassel site by their lead chemical researcher, Dr. Stuart Park. You will then work in groups to research how to solve this problem and then conduct experiments to achieve a positive result. Taking part in this enrichment activity improves your chemical knowledge above and beyond that required in lessons, develops your problem solving and practical skills and gives you the opportunity to experience how chemistry is used in an industrial, profit-making setting.


For students wishing to further develop their independent study skills and gain additional UCAS points in preparation for university, we offer the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). This course is designed to help you build on the skills you gain in your classes, including research methods, time management, and self-guided learning, and then apply these to a subject area of your choice; all under the guidance of a mentor. Universities particularly like this qualification as it helps students develop the skills specifically required for dissertation work.


Our partnership with Tees Active offers students the chance to get experience in the regional sport, leisure, health and fitness sectors, shadowing centre managers, fitness professionals, and leisure operations staff across each of the Tees Active venues. You will also have the opportunity to gain employability skills and additional qualifications alongside your main programme of study, including things like pool lifeguard, fitness instruction and emergency first aid.


Bede Sixth Form College provides female students with the opportunity to take part in The Girls’ Network. This is a mentoring programme offered in the Tees Valley, which allows a selection of our students to work with some of the leading businesswomen in the area. Students meet regularly with their mentors and create plans for what they would like to achieve through the programme, such as building confidence and developing a professional network. They also have the opportunity to have someone on hand who can offer advice and support where needed.

To find out more about The Girls’ Network please visit: www.thegirlsnetwork.org.uk

The Girls' Network

Nov 2021

The Learning Resource Centre (LRC)

Bede Sixth Form College

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