classics ontents 3
letter rom editors
features ibu omi komariah madjid 7
iolet e er arden
29 3 35
ms rusi's inter ie the are ell sele ted lo e poems
5 53
uarantine apers
ISSUE 04 / SHE eunoia
nathaniel mar el djayaputra, reuben
publi ation that aims to
di ital
i e
students a plat orm or e pression and representation, ollaborate
edu ate,
throu h
reati e means.
nares ari
septinin tyas, bhanu ati,
rohmah, intan sunarto
MANY THANKS bu omi komariah madjid eatured igure
michelle hendra eatured igure
the editorial board tabina azalia, ale andra annika itra photographer katrina iony santoso riters daniella renatta khairata
thaddeus rahardja, an elli a marta,
claudia theodora eatured igure
itra, ameera
i a nazih, jihan nila sa ira
social media kezia adeline,
ms rusiati yo inter ie ee ms may perez poem curator
contributing suherman,
ary nathanel, darin putra
ba askara, alessandro
ior io januar,
radyna deryn the, dul e amor santia,
eunoia spi@ mail. om
eunoia spi
ijaya, al er asher tan, aurelia andasaputra,
tan read online
issuu com eunoiagspi .
contributing artists adeson lim setia an, ikrya an, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
ahyu raihan yoslim,
eunoia - 04
ANGRY EDITOR Dear readers, When I as si , I aspired to be a dentist- um-salak-seller. Yes, I anted to sell salak and only salak hen I'm not illin a ities. I suppose it made sense. I as only a si -year-old. But do all little irls et to dream about bein a dentist and salak seller? Do all little irls et to dream at all? More uestions be an to erminate as I re older. Why are e "only doin hat e are e pe ted to do" hen men et admired or doin the same e a t thin ? Why are e seen as anta onisti and a ressi e hen e are tryin to su eed in a man's orld?  Why does e eryone hate on unmarried omen? Why does e eryone hate on teena e irls? Ho on earth are e "askin or it"? Con inement looks di erent in e eryone's eyes, and so do empo erment and liberation. To be ree is to be able to hoose ithout bein daunted or restrained— ithout ha in to pay a hi her pri e or ork t i e as hard. Wearin more an be just as liberatin as earin less. Domesti ity an be unsha klin to others as mu h as it is a in to you. Motherhood and emininity. Stren ths and eaknesses. We must stop sti lin our oi es in order to be deser in o the reedoms, sentiments and om orts that are natural and inalienable to men. Female in eriority is man-made, so it ould only make sense or humankind to unmake it. That bein said, it is an impossible i ht to in alone. People o all olors and standin s should join hands, be ause this i ht or human e uality is as mu h yours as it is mine. I you are not a oman, you an be an ally, but do not use that term or opportunisti ains or pretend to be una are o your pri ile es. You ill ha e to a kno led e, and a t.
For most of history, Anonymous was a woman. VIRGINIA WOOLF I am sorry to break it to you, but your sel ish ontentment ill not sa e you. There are no rounds or ompla en y. Not anymore. Not until all o us are allo ed to dream. Not until all o us an hoose. We must speak up in order to listen to ea h other. Take up as mu h spa e as you ish. bun a ter hat you lon or. Challen e them. An er them. Edu ate them. Only then an e de eat the system that has been or in our sisters and mothers to ade into the or otten rin es o history or enturies. Let us hold ea h other's hands. Let us stand on ea h other's shoulders. Let us mar h or ard—to ether. In this issue o EUNOIA, e look to Indonesian emale i ures ho are onstantly breakin barriers in their o n ields. Ibu Omi Komariah Madjid ad o ates pluralism and parti ipates in the journey to toleran e in Indonesia. Mi himomo rede ines beauty and alls so ial norms into uestion. Claupa dis usses lass eilin s and stereotypes in the orld o amin . I hope that their stories resonate ith you and i nite a spark in you to be an a ent o han e. I ould like to thank my riends and amily or bein supporti e o my endea ors in more ays than one. Thank you to Ms Nela or her morale-boostin ounsel and un a erin support. Lastly, I ould like to re o nize the team behind our little publi ation, ho ha e orked ery hard to put this 4th issue o EUNOIA to ether. You irls ha e empo ered me so mu h. As a youn riter and editor, I ish to empo er and unite as ell as stimulate positi e so ial trans ormation throu h my orks. I hope that that is pre isely hat this issue has done. Dear readers, ne er stop uestionin . Ne er stop reatin . Ne er stop ro in .
Ale andra Annika Citra
EDITOR Mi helle O ama pernah erkata ah a se a ai perempuan, tidak ada atasan untuk apa an kita isa apai. EUNOIA kali ini adalah isu terakhir di pen hujun tahun akademik ini dan topikn a san at spesial. Men apa spesial? Ber i ara sosok perempuan, tak isa dilepaskan dari kata spesial . Ke etulan ju a di tim jurnalistik dan pu likasi OSIS, eran otakan delapan perempuan muda. Sa a an mendapat kehormatan menjadi editor Eunoia, elajar an ak dan mem uka mata sa a dari tulisan-tulisan an dihasilkan oleh delapan perempuan inspirati terse ut. Perempuan. Masih an ak pemikiran kuno tentan perempuan. Dulu, kaum ha a han a isa erada di dapur. Dulu, perempuan tidak isa duduk di an ku sekolah den an uku- uku dan rumus-rumus, dulu perempuan han a diajarkan menjadi seoran istri dan i u an aik. Dulu perempuan tidak mempun ai hak atau ke aji an untuk elajar atau memimpin, mereka han a diper olehkan untuk erkutat den an alat dan um uum u masakan, mem ereskan rumah, dan mela ani suami. Dulu perempuan menjadi kaum in erior. Akan tetapi, seirin aktu erlalu, perempuan mem uktikan ah a tempat kami di dunia ukanlah erada di dapur atau di elakan seoran lelaki. Tempat kami erada di sampin lakilaki karena kami setara. Arsitoteles pernah erkata ah a Diam adalah kemuliaan anita . Di masa lalu, suara perempuan selalu ter un kam, ke erdasan perempuan selalu diremehkan, dan perempuan serin dipandan le ih rendah daripada lakilaki. Akan tetapi, perlahan-lahan semua eru ah. Simone de Beau oir menulis ah a "pertama kali kita melihat seoran anita men am il penan a untuk mem ela jenis kelaminn a" adalah saat Christine de Pizan menulis Epitre au Dieu d'Amour Surat kepada De a Cinta di a ad ke-15. Bera ad-a ad erlalu dan sekaran , perempuan-perempuan telah mem uktikan ah a tempat kami di dunia setara den an laki-laki dan hal itu isa terjadi karena perempuan ertarun dan erjuan untuk isa men uarakan pendapat dan mem uktikan ah a kami setara.
Emansipasi anita ukanlah upa a untuk mem uktikan anita le ih superior daripada laki-laki. Emansipasi anita adalah mem uktikan ah a anita dan lakilaki setara, ah a kami mempun ai kemampuan, ke erdasan, dan kekuatan an sama den an laki-laki. Emansipasi anita adalah mem uktikan ah a kami ju a erhak diakui di dalam se uah mas arakat, lem a a, perkumpulan, dan lain-lain. Bah a kami mempun ai hak-hak seperti er i ara, hak hidup, dan lain se a ain a. Bah a kami mampu melakukan dan men apai apapun, dan jenis kelamin kami ukanlah se uah ham atan. Di isu kali ini, kita isa melihat etapa he atn a anita- anita Indonesia. Dari Bu Omi an menjunjun konsep pluralisme, in luen er Mi himomo an men ajarkan kita tentan sel -lo e, dan amer Claupa an men in atkan kita untuk tidak pernah patah seman at saat melakukan hal an kita suka alaupun harus men hadapi rintan an seperti diskriminasi ender. Sosok-sosok an kami tampilkan di isu kali ini telah mem uat nama mereka diakui dan suara mereka terden ar. Sa a harap mereka isa memoti asi kalian para pem a a, terutama perempuan, untuk selalu erusaha dan melakukan an ter aik dalam hidup. Se elum menutup surat editor terakhir, sa a in in men ampaikan terima kasih. Terima kasih kepada tim jurnalistik OSIS. Jihan, Rhea, Valieza, Kezia, Katrina, dan Ameera an selalu melakukan an ter aik untuk EUNOIA dan tu as lainn a. Terima kasih ju a untuk Ale andra, saha at dan ju a sesama editor, an er a i an ak keluh kesah dan ke aha iaan selama men erjakan EUNOIA. Tak lupa kepada Ms. Nela, selaku pem ina OSIS, sa a u apkan terima kasih kepada Ms Nela an telah erperan an ak mem antu tim jurnalistik OSIS dan merealisasikan EUNOIA. Nama-nama an telah sa a se utkan di atas merupakan perempuanperempuan he at di hidup sa a. Tanpa mereka, EUNOIA tidak akan pernah ada. Ma a An elou pernah erkata,
“Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.� Wahai perempuan, kalian adalah kun i untuk masa depan an aik. Tidak ada atas pen apaian untuk para anita. Jadi, mari salin menautkan tan an dan mem uat dunia ini menjadi tempat an le ih aik. Terima kasih para pem a a EUNOIA, sampai jumpa lain
Ta ina Azalia
eunoia - 10
a con ersation o er tea
Pro . Dr. Nur holish Madjid, M.A. atau yan kerap disapa Cak Nur merupakan seoran endekia an dan budaya an Indonesia. Beliau lahir di Jomban , Ja a Timur, 7 Maret 939. Perjuan an dan kisah beliau ter atat dalam tinta sejarah Indonesia seba ai pahla an ban sa Indonesia. Lalu, seperti apakah sosok beliau dan perjuan annya selama ini. Semua telah teran kum oleh sosok pendampin beliau semasa hidupnya, yaitu Ibu Omi Komariah Madjid. "Dari aya bi ara yan lantan , beliau memberikan kesan damai dan tenteram, u ap Bu Omi sambil men in at masa saat bersama den an Cak Nur. Tidak hanya itu, Bu Omi ju a menjelaskan bah a beliau merupakan oran yan senan bersenda urau. Dari urauan beliau, di sanalah Bu Omi mulai men enal sosok seperti apa beliau. Dari hal-hal ke il kisah pertemuan pertama yan terjadi, seperti membeli buku-buku berbahasa Ja a di pasar loak, makan di tempat yan tidak terlalu me ah, dan selalu bersumban sih kepada yan tidak mampu. "Saya menyimpulkan bah a beliau merupakan seseoran yan sederhana dan perhatian pada oran yan kuran mampu." U ap Bu Omi.
eunoia - 12
Selain itu, pada masa perkenalan men
unakan bahasa Indonesia
santun dan halus. Setelah menikah banyak kerabat Cak Nur
datan , saat itu merupakan pelajaran baru untuk Bu Omi
menerima perbedaan. Bu Omi yan berbi ara men Cak Nur yan
unakan dialek bahasa Ja a yan
berbeda den an
berasal dari Ja a Tmur. Saat pertama kali Cak Nur
berbi ara kepada Bu Omi men Bu
berasal dari Ja a Ten ah
kebera aman yan
unakan dialek bahasa Ja a Timur,
sebenarnya. Dari beliau pun Bu Omi belajar
kebera aman le at or anisasi-or anisasi kea amaan yan
erakan sendiri, bukan untuk men ari perbedaan melainkan untuk memperkuat hubun an. Kenan an keluar a bersama beliau tentunya tidak dapat terlupakan. Terlebih la i, masa-masa manis men habiskan sampin
aktu bersama. Di
itu, kenan an tak terlupakan semasa hidup beliau adalah
saat ia men habiskan hari den an ke iatan ber o ok tanam. Mulai dari tanaman, seperti man
a hin
a jambu ia tanam. Dari sana pun
Bu Omi belajar sesuatu dari beliau. Beliau berkata,
Bu, tanaman ini ju a bisa berbi ara. Dalam arti
tanaman ini ju a memiliki perasaan yan
sama layaknya manusia
yan in in dira at dan dan dihar ai sehin
a tidak dirusak, u ap Bu
Omi. Dari sana Bu Omi belajar untuk men har ai se ala apa pun tak terke uali tanaman sekalipun. Bu Omi menjelaskan bah a semasa hidupnya Cak Nur merupakan sosok yan prinsip dan seseoran
akan keluar dari jalan yan
te uh dalam meme an
te as. Meme an
prinsip berarti tidak
seharusnya. Ia tak akan melakukan
tindakan korupsi seke il apa pun dan selalu te as untuk menolak tindakan yan
salah. Dari kebersihan dan tetap berada pada jalan
yan benar, iapun dise ani dan dihormati banyak oran . Pada saat Cak Nur ditetapkan seba ai pahla an ban sa oleh pemerintah, keluar a dan Cak Nur sendiri tidak men etahui hal itu. Julukan pahla an bukan dari keluar a ataupun beliau sendiri melainkan dari masyarakat dan pemerintah. Oleh karena itu, Bu Omi berkata bah a selama ini beliau hanya melakukan hal yan
seharusnya dikerjakan di dunia ini. Ia hanya men erjakan apa yan
pelajari dalam a ama, bah a kita seba ai manusia harus berbuat sebaik-baiknya kepada oran di dunia ini untuk bekal di akhirat nanti. Dari landasan itu dan hasil benih yan
Cak Nur tanam, dari sana
pemerintah memberikan apresiasi kepada Cak Nur. "Kami pun, menerimanya den an perasaan syukur dan senan ," U ap Bu Omi.
Jadilah pionir pluralisme yang menjunjung tinggi keberagaman. eunoia - 14
Pemberian pen har aan dalam bentuk Bintan Jasa Mahaputera oleh pemerintah untuk Cak Nur bukanlah pemberian semata melainkan merupakan bentuk perjuan an yan telah Cak Nur lakukan untuk ban sa Indonesia san atlah besar. Dimulai pada tahun 7 -an, Cak Nur men un kapkan a asan 'Islam Yes, Partai Islam No'. Hal itu disebabkan adanya perbedaan paham seba ian masyarakat untuk membentuk partai yan berlabelkan a ama. Dari situ Cak Nur men usulkan a asan tersebut. Di sampin itu, beliau ju a men ambil peran pada peristi a 99 yan saat itu kondisi Indonesia sedan ka au oleh krisis kepemimpinan karena masyarakat tidak per aya la i kepada pemerintah aktu itu. Ia dipan il untuk dimintai saran oleh Presiden Soeharto di dalam situasi masyarakat dan pemerintah yan tidak sejalan. Namun, Cak Nur melakukan itu bukan semata in in terlibat dalam ranah pemerintah melainkan ia peduli pada nasib ne ara Indonesia pada saat itu dan seba ai simbol oran yan diper aya kenetralannya oleh pemerintah dan masyarakat. Ia pun maju untuk ikut memberikan solusi. Sebelum terbentuk dan melaksanakan tu as, Cak Nur men un kapkan kepada Presiden Soeharto dan pentin inya bah a setelah selesai, sembilan oran yan terlibat dalam ini jan an diberikan jabatan apa pun oleh pemerintah kepada kami. Hal tersebut demi menja a kenetralan kami a ar dapat diper aya masyarakat dan dapat diselesaikan den an baik tanpa menimbulkan kon lik yan semakin parah, yan pada akhirnya akan meru ikan ban sa Indonesia," u ap Bu Omi menjelaskan kisah Cak Nur dulu saat men ambil peran dalam peristi a 99 memberi solusi jalan terbaik. Setelah melakukan kebaikan pada ne ara pun, prinsip hidup Cak Nur diuji. Bu Omi ber erita bah a pernah suatu ketika ada seseoran yan memberikan uan pada keluar a mereka. Oran itu men atakan bah a uan ini ukup untuk men hidupi ibu dan sekeluar a seumur hidup. "Saya bilan ke oran itu bah a selama ini kami hidup berke ukupan, kami tidak memerlekukan uan itu," Tolak Bu Omi kala itu saat diberikan titipan berupa uan . "Dari sana saya ber erita pada beliau atas kejadian itu. Beliau pun berkata bah a uan yan diberikan padanya bukanlah sematamata tanda terima kasih melainkan suatu bentuk suap. Dari sana beliau mene askan bah a dia tidak akan melakukan hal itu." "Tentu beliau tidak melakukan hal tersebut karena meman nantinya men untun kan untuk kami tapi men elakakan oran lain," u ap Bu Omi. Tidak hanya te uh meme an prinsip, tetapi Bu Omi men enal Cak Nur seba ai seseoran yan menjunjun tin i konsep pluralisme. Pluralisme merupakan bentuk dari pen har aan tin i tkebera aman, men har ai, dan memahami kebera aman suku, a ama, serta budaya.
den an hati yan tulus. Kebera aman itu merupakan perekat kesatuan dan persatuan ban sa Indonesia. Konsep itu harus ditanamkan sejak ke il den an ber aul dan berteman den an suku dan a ama lain. Itu semua merupakan sesuatu yan selama ini Cak Nur perjuan kan. "Perbedaan itu harus disyukuri. Di sampin itu, perbedaan itu adalah alat untuk memajukan ban sa ini. Perbedaan harusnya tidak menjadi suatu hal yan membuat kita terpe ah belah," Pesan Bu Omi untuk ban sa Indonesia. Bu Omi ju a mene askan bah a kita harus tetap salin men har ai alau pemikiran setiap oran berbeda-beda. Oleh karena itu, Bu Omi berkata bah a diskusi itu pentin . Di sampin itu, Bu Omi ju a memberikan pesan pada kita bah a oran Indonesia itu harus berlatih menden arkan oran lain dalam ujud salin men hormati satu sama lain. Jika Bu Omi menjelaskan sosok Cak Nur pada kita, saya dapat menyimpulkan bah a Cak Nur den an latar belakan ilmu pen etahuan dan pendidikannya, dia dapat berkarya den an aranya sendiri tanpa pamrih den an akhlakul karimah akhlak yan baik maka patutlah seba ai anak ban sa yan lahir di zamannya beliau mendapat elar alaupun keluar a tidak berharap tetapi sudah tepat ne ara memberikan pen har aan kepada anak ban sa yan bisa berdiri te ak den an adil menyatukan kedamaian di ten ah-ten ah krisis keper ayaan adan perbedaan peradaban. Bu Omi hanya in in memberikan pesan pada penerus anak ban sa Indonesia, murid-murid Global Se illa untuk meme an te uh semboyan Global Se illa yaitu, "Gi in , ompassion and sel ontrol". "Givin " yan berarti memberikan perhatian kepada sekelilin kita den an ara salin membantu satu sama lain, " ompassion" yan berarti seman at atau doron an untuk melaksanakan ivin den an perilaku kita yan are terhadap sekelilin kita dan "sel -control" yan berarti pen endalian diri terhadap perbedaan apa pun alau dalam bentuk perbedaan pendapat kita harus men hormati. "Pesan saya untuk anda enerasi muda adalah jadilah pionir pluralisme yan menjunjun kebera aman dan menjadi pribadi yan utuh, Utuh dalam arti sehat lahir dan batin." Pesan Bu Omi untuk enerasi muda Indonesia.
eunoia - 16
Srikandi merupakan tokoh perempuan yan kuat dalam kisah Wayan Mahabrata. Srikandi telah menjadi julukan dan simbol ba i semua perempuan. Tidak hanya semata seba ai simbol, tetapi Srikandi telah melekat dalam ji a setiap perempuan. Di dalamnya terdapat api merah yan berkobar. Kobaran seman at dan pantan menyerah. Ia ba ai karan di ten ah laut meski ombaknya besar, ia tak akan rapuh be itu saja karena ketulusan intanya. Cinta itu adalah inta yan ia tanam selama ini. Cinta terhadap keluar anya, inta terhadap dirinya bahkan tak terke uali inta terhadap ban sa dan ne aranya. Tak se an ia lepaskan seluruh perisainya demi intanya itu. Kautau di Bumi Perti i ini banyak SrikandiSrikandi yan lahir. Dari sejak zaman penjajahan Belanda salah satunya adalah Cut Nyak Dien san kesatria perempuan yan memimpin pertempuran dalam medan peran . Tak perlu perisai dan pedan , ukup seman atnya yan besar untuk menjadi Srikandi mela an penjajah. Tidak hanya itu ada sosok b.A. Kartini. San pen erak emansipasi perempuan yan mendobrak dan melahirkan SrinkandiSrikansi di Bumi Perti i. Dari situlah ikal bakal lahirnya Srikandi-Srikandi Indonesia sampai di era sekaran . Contohnya adalah san olahra a ati Susi Susanti yan sempat menaklukkan dunia den an prestasinya. Tidak hanya itu, Menteri Kelautan Susi Pudjiastuti yan den an te as memimpin kementerian lautan , menja a kekayaan alam lautan Indonesia, dan salah satu perempuan yan dihormati dunia.
Srikandi bukan hanya sosok perempuan kuat yan ada di Indonesia. Tapi Srikandi me akilkan seluruh perempuan di dunia. Contoh ke il adalah perdana menteri perempuan India Indra Gandi. San perempuan pemberani pene ak kebenaran yan sampai titik darahnya ia korbankan untuk ban sa dan ne aranya. Tidak hanya itu saja Mar aret That her den an julukan "Iron Lady , san perdana menteri In ris. Dia tidak sekadar menjadi perdana menteri perempuan pertama di In ris tetapi ju a pemimpin perempuan pertama di Benua Eropa yan den an berani dan te as memutuskan kebijakan-kebijakan politiknya. Itu semua baru ontoh ke il Srikandi-Srikandi dunia. Wahai perempuan, kau punya Srikandi dalam diri kalian, kau punya kekuatan itu, kau punya seman at itu dan kau punya ketulusan inta itu. Semua ada dalam ji a kalian. Keluarkanlah itu karena aku yakin perempuan adalah emas yan akan selalu menjadi emas di manapun ia berada.
Jika ku gambarkan dan ku tulis, biar laut jadi tintanya pun tak akan cukup kata untuk mengambarkan, dalam tulisan, sosok srikandi.
perempuan adalah emas yang akan selalu menjadi emas di manapun ia berada . -JIHAN NILA SAFIRA
eunoia - 18
violet evergarden
Violet Evergarden is one of the most captivating animes (if not shows) in the last few years, as it succeeds in presenting the human pathos in its true form – complex, bewildering and often destructive. WRITTEN BY BASILIO OTTO SUHERMAN
Look, I wouldn't call myself a weeb, but . . . When thinking about the genre of anime as a whole, most would tend to picture classics such as Naruto, Dragon Ball or Avatar – titular titles that are poster children of the entertainment form. These shows often follow the same formula: a story with a protagonist who has supernatural powers, more often than not with a confident, outspoken persona, and has a mission to bring an evil force to an end and bestow peace upon the world. This is not the case, however, for Violet Evergarden, as this show lacks the in-your-face action, drama or romance qualities that define most popular shounen (shows that are typically geared towards young male audiences). It instead opts for a more heartfelt, existential story that is bound to make most viewers question their own interpersonal relationships in life. The anime takes places in a fantasy world resembling 19th-century Europe, in the kingdom of Leidenschaftlich that has just recently gone to war with its neighbouring countries, and follows the story of a girl named Violet Evergarden. She was born an orphan and found by the military, who trained her as a highly skilled soldier with extraordinary killing capabilities. She was treated as a mere tool and never considered to be an individual, and was therefore never educated in the same way other children were. Due to this, she never developed the ability to feel emotions in the way others do, and is often mistaken to be emotionless. Her life in the military changed when she was taken in by General Gilbert Bougainvillea who treated her like a normal girl and taught her how to read and write. She grew to trust General Gilbert over time, and is shown to have strong affection for him. Things take a turn for the worse during the war’s final leg, where both General Gilbert and Violet successfully captured the enemy’s headquarters. Gilbert, who is in a neardeath state, tells Violet to leave him behind and escape to give her a chance of surviving, which Violet stubbornly refuses to do despite having lost her arms. But after Gilbert's pleading for her to stop, she gives in. The moment before explosive artillery strikes them, Gilbert says his final words to Violet, “Live... and be free. From the bottom of my heart, I love you.”
eunoia - 20
Devastated by her general’s death and heavily injured after the war ends, Violet finds herself not knowing what to do with her life, but is quickly found by General Gilbert’s old friend, Lieutenant Claudia Hodgins, who offers her a job as an Auto Memory Doll (a ghostwriter who types for people who do not have means of typing printed text, or are illiterate). Violet takes the job in order to discern the general’s last words to her, “I love you”, which, to her emotionally deprived personality seems so bewildering. As the show goes on, Violet learns the complex and seemingly unfathomable thing that is human emotions, by jobs that involve her writing love letters, marriage proposals, or even plays. This show is truly unique in that it features a very strong female lead who overcomes problems that most of us do not even realize we are battling everyday. Violet is not your typical depiction of a female character in the anime genre, usually portrayed as emotional and fragile and often highlighted by their over-exaggerated features. Violet is instead presented as a girl initially devoid of emotions, who is by no means physically fragile. Her struggles differ from the usual problems experienced by female characters, which mostly deal with falling for male protagonists and stopping at nothing in order for them to return their feelings. However, Violet’s conflicts are mostly internal and have to do with her learning how to feel emotions like normal individuals and coming to terms with the things she has done as a soldier in the war. Her character in essence is built on internal conflict, as she learns to write letters with emotions she lacks, and connect people through writing with hands that have taken many lives. She struggles to do so due to her social ineptitude, and this is clearly shown by her adventures around the kingdom of Leidenschaftlich (appropriately named after the German term “Leidenschaft”, which means having strong feelings of passion for iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
a person or something), that ironically have her writing pieces full of emotional involvement for her clients and not surprisingly, failing to do very good job at it initially. Through her struggles, Violet learns that emotions are things that are not easy to comprehend, as feelings like depression, longing and heartbreak storms her as she denies her general’s death and continues to look for him. This may reach out to the show’s viewers, as it highlights the importance of understanding emotions in relationships with friends, family or lovers, and reminds us that sometimes, we do not always perceive emotions the same way others do. In short, Violet Evergarden is one of the most captivating animes (if not shows) in the last few years, as it succeeds in presenting the human pathos in its true form – complex, bewildering and often destructive. The impact that this show has on its viewers is intense, and most viewers will be left in awe after the seemingly brief thirteen episodes this series has to offer. This is not to say that Violet Evergarden leaves viewers hanging. On the contrary, this show ends almost perfectly, which is something that most series these days seem to lack in an effort to profit more from a second season, or even a third. Violet, a protagonist who is unique yet easy to take a liking to, truly takes this show a step further, as her struggles and revelations translates the morals that this show attempts to imprint on its viewers flawlessly, and blows a lot of the common stereotypes of female characters in animes out of the water. This anime does not only excel in terms of its story and concept, but also has stunning visuals, with almost every frame of its episodes worthy of being on your desktop wallpaper. It truly is hard to find something not to like about this show, and because of this, I’d really suggest everyone, anime fans or not, give this show the chance that it deserves. It isn’t only a good show, but a great learning experience for us all as well.
eunoia - 22
cover feature
michimomo How did you become a blogger or content creator? Have you always known that you were going to work in the entertainment and fashion industry? When I irst started blo
hobby, and I didn’t intend to industry at all. I
reated a blo
only a hand ul o blo as a
be ause I lo e
as just a
ritin . There
ers in Indonesia at the time, so I thou ht it
ery uni ue hobby to do. I then in ested in a
started takin to be
in junior hi h s hool, it
o into the entertainment and ashion
amera and
pi tures to post on my blo , but I really didn’t e pe t
orkin in this industry.
What is the biggest challenge you have faced as a female influencer so far? Personally, I think the bi emale in luen er be a
est hallen e that I ha e a ed so ar as a
as pro in to others that this a ti ity an a tually
areer. Fortunately, my parents ha e al ays been
supporti e o me and I am ery rate ul or that.
What is your influencer? My a orite thin
about bein
an in luen er is my ability to spread
positi ity throu h multiple so ial media plat orms.
What is the most impactful moment in your career? What made you realize that you love being an influencer? I think the most impa t ul moment I ha e e perien ed so ar hen I That
as asked to a
ompany Pak Joko i to
o to South Korea.
as the most surreal moment or me, and that
hen I
realized that this is the ri ht job or me.
eunoia - 24
Everyone should
e more
mindful and remem er that all of us are humans — that e are imperfect. I kno that it's very hard to accept ourselves
have insecurities,
e all
e need to make
ith ourselves
and remem er not to aste
comparin to
ne ative li ht.
cover feature
How do you feel about having the opportunity to interview a lot of celebrities, and out of all the celebrities you've interviewed, who do you think impacted you the most? It is really an honour or me to a tually be able to inter ie
these people, and I think
that the thin s that I ha e learned really opened the doors to these opportunities. As or the
ho has impa ted me the most, I really enjoyed meetin
Joko i, be ause he
as so humble and
Korean irl roup bed Vel et. She
ise. I also lo ed meetin
Wendy rom the
as so ni e and humble and I thou ht that it
ery admirable o her to be so ni e despite her ame.
What are your thoughts on the COVID-19 outbreak? And how important do you think it is to highlight social problems using your platform? I think that this irus outbreak has tri Indonesia,
hi h ha e in turn ha e
ered the rise o many rumors and hoa es in aused people to o errea t. I think that most
people don’t realize that the atality rate o this irus is uite lo . I also think that it is so important to hi hli ht this on so ial media, espe ially onsiderin ho pani buyin as
ell as ho
hoa es are spreadin
ast around the
people are
orld ri ht no .
What are your goals? I
ould like to buy my parents a house, take my parents on a ation, and start my
o n amily. That bein said I am so rate ul or all that I ha e a hie ed.
Since your job requires you to travel a lot, how do you remain connected to your roots? To be honest, I usually just tra el a lot to ards the end o the year. Althou h I tra el a lot, I al ays ind mysel missin
Indonesia and espe ially Indonesian ood. I am
proud to be an Indonesian.
Lastly, what is your message to our readers? I ad ise you all to not or e yoursel to be ome somebody else. You should apply the positi e attributes o those around you to your li e, ho e er. Espe ially or youn omen, I belie e that no men are e ual.
eunoia - 27
is the best time to pro e to the
orld that
omen and
ms rusi an empo erin talk
More than e er be ore, today's omen ha e more opportunities and po er in their li es. E ery day, more and more omen are bein empo ered and upli ted to build their o n utures. Ho e er, the i ht or ender e uality is ar rom o er. Women's empo erment remains paramount as oppression, iolen e and injusti e are still bein perpetrated a ainst omen all o er the orld. That bein said, you may ask, hat is omen’s empo erment? Why is omen’s empo erment so important? To ans er these uestions, e ha e inter ie ed one o our emale tea hers, Ms busiati Yo, hose students a e tionately address as Ms busi. Kno led eable about a ti ism and omen’s empo erment, she has been an ad o ate o eminism as ell as a pro essional in the edu ational orld or a lon time. She has also been to one o Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kemendikbud 's ne pro rams alled Pendidikan Guru Pen erak PGP .
A ordin to Ms busi, omen’s empo erment holds the purpose o a hie in an e uality bet een omen and men. When empo erment su eeds, omen be ome han emakers and empo er other omen. Women's eman ipation allo s omen to make hoi es or their li es, hi h ill in turn a e t others' li es and so iety as a hole. In Ms busi's eyes, pro idin uality edu ation to all irls and uaranteein omen's politi al parti ipation are amon the primary dri in or es o omen's empo erment today. Ms busi stated that i e edu ate irls, e are also edu atin her amily. Surely, hether or not they ha e hildren is a hoi e they et to make as omen. That bein said, the uality o a hild's li e depends on his or her mother. I the mother is edu ated and independent, her hild ill most likely be edu ated and independent as ell. Ho does omen empo erment a e t the so iety? "I omen are empo ered, then society is also empo ered," ans ered Ms busi. Ho e er, to this day, many omen and men alike are on used about ho e an support omen’s empo erment. A ordin to Ms busi, by makin their o n hoi es, youn omen are already supportin omen’s empo erment, be ause by doin so, they are determinin their o n ays o li e and utures. Men and omen alike an support omen's empo erment by be omin a ents o han e and ensurin that the omen around them are able to make their o n de isions about their areers, in omes and personal de elopment. Ms busi mentioned that her mentor—Mrs Aiko Senosoenoto—is her role model and one o the most inspirational omen in her li e. Mrs Aiko has tau ht her to build sel -respe t and to embra e her o n stren ths and eaknesses. "As lon as e ontinue to e tend our ompassion to others, e an a hie e hat e ant to pursue and brin joy and bene it to others at the same time," said Ms busi. Lastly, Ms busi a e an inspirin messa e or all youn omen out there. "Make your o n de ision. Don't ollo others, be ause by makin your o n hoi es, you are de idin and bein responsible o your o n uture. By doin that, you ha e already empo ered other omen by being an empo ered oman yoursel ." eunoia - 32
98% on Rotten Tomatoes
eunoia - 32
The Farewell is intricate in its mundaneness and transcends cultural barriers in the name of family. Writer/director Lulu Wang’s second feature is as warm and unpretentious as a heart-to-heart with your grandmother, and its humorous elements will make you giggle to yourself just as much as its heart-rending details will make you gasp. This endearing comedy-drama tells the story of a
to create such a well-acted film. Awkwafina's
Chinese family who decides (and struggles) to shield
exceptional performance as Billi lets the audience
Nai Nai, their grandmother and matriarch, from the
peer into the lives of many immigrants/emigrants,
consuming burden of her diagnosis. This is a custom
and China’s beloved “screen mother” Zhao Shu-
in the east, where it is commonly believed that
zhen’s portrayal of Nai Nai adds color to the film.
people with cancer die not because of the cancer, but
However, it is the supporting characters who should
the fear of it—of the disease, the suffering, and death.
be credited for adding dimension to the protagonists
Billi, played by Awkwafina, is the Americanised
and the story as a whole. Haiyan’s grudging stoicism,
granddaughter who, upon hearing about her paternal
Haibin’s icy resolve, Jian’s fickle temper, and the
grandmother’s stage-four lung cancer, is afraid of
comic relief that the characters Hao Hao and Aiko
losing the only remaining force that keeps her
provide are all thanks to the actors’ mastery of their
connected to her roots. True to her western
philosophies, she disagrees with her relatives’ call to keep Nai Nai in the dark about her disease. Billi’s
I watched The Farewell sometime during my second
pain becomes even more palpable when she arrives
week of self-isolation, meaning that I was chore-less
in her hometown of Changchun and comes face-to-
face with her grandmother under the false pretense
autobiographical film is more slow-paced than what I
of attending cousin Hao Hao’s wedding, which was
would normally watch, but its warmth makes up for
meant to be a smoke screen for the family to bid
it. It reminds me of my late nai nai, whose hands I
farewell to their matriarch.
used to hold everyday after school. It is reminiscent
of human contact, a luxury not many can afford Family dynamics come to life through the subtle-yet-
during this crisis. Watching this film in this social
precise plot and cinematography. The characters
context is a heartwarming experience—it makes
drift apart and come together as they attempt to cope
home feel like home again.
with the impending loss of Nai Nai in their own ways. Estranged brothers smoke, competitive mothers
The Farewell is a poignant tale about family and
compare, and
in-laws gossip as children and
identity conveyed with a rare depth and honesty. It is
grandchildren silently mourn. The experience of
a story that, despite being told in a foreign language,
watching The Farewell is one that is culturally
resonates with anyone who is fortunate enough to
distinct yet universally fathomable. The spirit of any
have stumbled upon it. It is a story that challenges
family translates through chaotic conversations over
the current political climate. It is a story that startles
dinner reunions, encounters and interactions during
you with its emotional complexity and philosophical
weddings, and tears and hugs at funerals.
overwhelms—a story to be remembered and held That being said, the cast of The Farewell deserves appraisal for their collaboration and coalescence kjfnwejkfnk
close to the heart.
based on an actual lie.
eunoia - 34
a collection of
Written by Gary Nathanel
Written by Darin Putra Bagaskara
This si kness I’m a li ted ith has ot my brain de ayin . Addi ted to its i kedness, this dan erous ame I’m playin .
LOVE. A symbol o pea e, the in s o the hite do e or a brin er o rie , somethin you an’t et enou h.
I kno my God has damned me, my ate remains unmolded. The apple ell so ar rom the tree, my sense o lo e orroded. Lun s illed up ith s eat and blood, un leansed, ontaminated, body et ith mud. When it omes to e il, I just an’t stay a ay. E ery day, I ear mysel , break do n and ry. Way past sa in , an’t be helped. Days o trans ressed an’t be undone. I’m a shado o mysel , eel the darkness as aded o er me. My bla kened blood is boilin , I eel no more lo e. The s ent o roses spoilin Ha e I be ome a sti ? Heed not my oi e o reason It only told me lies Obeyed my sins and demons Then sa throu h e il’s eyes.
I, too, ha e allen in lo e. Somethin so po er ul, somethin so true. The pain lin ers here and there, markin my heart ith the shade o blue. My lo e or you as in inite! But, it as you ho tries to limit it. What more an I i e o mysel ? Or maybe it’s you – ho ants someone else. The ut as instant, this is it – the po er o reje tion! Somethin so po er ul, Somethin so true. I ne er kne it ould be this hurt ul. You my lo e so beauti ul. Yet, not so sure – I you are an an el Or the male olent de il. I’m aitin and aitin Waitin till then Waitin or you – To LOVE me a ain.
eunoia - 35
Written by Alessandro Giorgio Januar
Written by Ameera Khairata
You are the sun to my sky. You shine bri ht, bri hter than e erythin my eyes ha e seen.
Bla k and hite What do you think o hen you hear it? Maybe ni ht and day, But or me it is di erent — It is somethin else.
At isolation, You made me eel – Less lonely. At old days, you made me eel – Warm. As the son says, you are my sunshine, My only sunshine, Ho e er, the skies are like my eelin s On e it is da n, E erythin turns dark and old. The joy that you shine on me When you are around, And the oldness in my a e When you are not there. Your shine is the li ht On the path o my happiness. Without you, I eel hopeless, helpless and – I’m so on used! Sometimes I eel That I lo e you too mu h The lon er I look at you rom the distan e the more pain I eel ithin me. At ni ht, hen you lea e the sky, I kno you’re still there be ause your shine ontinues to li ht on me – my uidin stars.
i a
This ni ht that I used to d ell in or so lon , I thou ht my li e had to end. For these bullies, jokers and drunk uardians, are all too mu h or me to omprehend. Asphy iated by phle m ith salty seas in my s eaty palms As I laid in a om ortin orner. This ni ht as like bein thro n into a pit illed to the brim ith ra enous sa a e sharks, heart torn by da er-like ton ues, Skin shorn ith elts meltin rom the shepherd’s hip and pain takin a toll on me. What a beauti ul orld it is to li e in. Tiny as a rain o sand, a star shone. E en thou h there ere miles bet een it and I but It made hat I sa no as bri ht as day. Not e en their arms ould entan le me ba k, It’s too late, ar too late. For, I am eternally lad I kept mo in do n the tra k, and or bein ith you and me. This li hthouse, this lion hunted hat haunted me and kept them at bay. I ne er thou ht this ould happen to me. I hope to embra e you soon, thank you. I do not kno ho I ill e er thank you, my an el. A ay rom the ni ht and into the day, You un eiled my ay. My atalyst o my happily e er a ter. You ill be in initely herished. My home – I lo e you.
WHAT IS LOVE? Written by badyna Deryn The What is lo e? I uestion mysel onstantly I thou ht I as lost But you a e me the ans er – You are the ans er! You are my uidin li ht, Bri htenin the troubled louds, Melt my heart 24/7, and brin s ba k the sunshine. When I’m s ared You’re there to om ort me When I’m ha in di i ulties You’re there makin it easier to li e by. The s eet smile you make Ne er ails to make my heart To beat aster, there I an hear A drum beat, oh su h a musi ! What is lo e? Happiness shattered like ire orks E ery time I see you You are my uardian an el. Sadly, the other an els had alled I ne er had the han e to say oodbye Not e en a hu nor a kiss to remember by Without you, I am nothin . Fare ell, my an el Till e meet a ain.
MORTAL LOVE Written by Dulce Amor Santia Thorns and petals, they pri k and poison. With its sharp s ent, lurin you into mortal beauty. Lo e. Is it lo e? Mere in atuation? When it ends, Is it lo e? Fallen. I ha e allen Into thorns and petals For HE — ho embra es no more ho holds me no more. Gone. All one. Lo e. Is it lo e? Fleshless and boneless Yet still ends. With pain, per e tly it blends. It stin s and heals, Heals and stin s Was it really lo e?
NO RED, NO PINK Written by Katrina Viony Santoso
Written by Jasmine Wijaya
Here’s a blue lo er, like blue skies has no limit. Just like my lo e or you hi h is in inite.
Days ere spent ith happiness. Mysterious lands to ether e ound. To ether, pre ious moments ere reated. A ur ed moon illuminated its bri htness Dams ere sealed, and the a ophony o i les, lau hers and sni les, illed our up till the brim.
Not a red lo er Nor a pink one But a blue lo er. The outer spa e has no olours o red or pink. It is an empty bottle, an empty spa e.
But, thin s ha e han ed o ertime. The time e spent to ether eels bizarre, makin it less spe ial, smiles t isted into tears.
I i e you this blue lo er the in inite seas just like my lo e you or you ill ne er ease. Like i e and ater We omplete ea h other Like the blue moon and the stars You li ht up my li e. This pre ious blue lo er As pre ious as a diamond Just like ho you are in my eyes A treasure that is so pri eless.
We ha e e erythin Honesty, trust, loyalty But time – is the only thin I need rom you. Yet it’s so hard to et it Is it that hard to just spare your time or me? Is it me ho put hopes too mu h on you? Is it me ho needs to be more understandin ? Or is it you ho’s too busy at ork? Is it you ho prioritizes e erythin on top o me? Is it me or is it you?
Su h ele ant Su h or eous Su h beauti ul I i e this you Hopin you’ll remember Ho mu h you mean the
orld to me.
eunoia - 38
Written by Alger Asher Tan
Written by Aurelia Marilyn Gandasaputra
A true or alse ame? It depends. Your hoi e or not? It depends.
Lo e. It annot be des ribe only by your a e. Bein ith you eels like a dream. Makes me belie e that you are my ate. Lo in the ay you are Makes me think that e are meant to be.
Make me someone to remember, but torn papers lo s throu h heeks. It lo s throu h a bri ht red, And runs slo Like the last breath you ha e. belationship e isted ithout honesty A e ood happened bet een us, Most o hat I an re all are Jud ements here and there. bemember that my heart Litters o er you – al ays. Distan e ne er beat lo e Unless your heart alls, Then, my orld rumbles.
eunoia - 39
Bein ith you makes me happy I onder hy I lo e you Is it just be ause you are al ays by my side? I uess, lo in you may seem not enou h. Pain. Brin s ba k hene er I look at you. A or ed smile to ards you brin s the uilt out me Seein you ith another person My heart shattered into pie es I don’t ant to lose you so easily Just like dro nin so drasti ally. My li e ill ne er be the same As you are not ith me.
YOU WILL NEVER BE MINE Written by Justin Tan I sa ri i ed e erythin or you – My time, my e ort, my lo e. In your darkest time I am by your side Yet, I kno , you ill ne er be mine. Maybe you thou ht that it is not enou h I ne er kne this relationship ould be so rou h You told me to be just riends But, at the end, it is all or et about me. Why do you ha e to be so ruel Depression and I are in duel. I did not kno that I am simply just a tool. And no , it made me su h a ool. I thou ht e an be one But you le t me undone. bi ht no I am mournin , And there you are, smilin . bi ht no I am dro nin in tears While you are ull o joy I ill ne er be at pea e For this heartbeat o mine ill ne er ease. I eel like a lo n But o ered ith ro n I ish you the best o lu k And I hope it is really lo e.
cover feature
CLAUPAW CLAUPAW CLAUPAW Berapa lama Cici bekerja di dunia gaming? Di dunia
ame, se ara serius, dari tahun 2
5. Sudah hampir lima
tahun sekaran .
Ketertarikan Cici dalam dunia game awalnya mendapatkan respons positif dari orang tua atau tidak? En
ak sama sekali. Dari a al, sebelum kerja, suka main
ame di
arnet aja sudah ditentan . Waktu dapat perkerjaan di dunia amin , oran
tua dan kakak nentan
habis-habisan. Habis den er kabar itu,
mereka nyuruh aku untuk ari pekerjaan yan
bener-bener aja. Aku
tetep ambil pekerjaan itu karena aku n erasa pekerjaannya bukan sesuatu yan
buruk. Namun seirin
menerima, apa la i sekaran
aktu oran
tua aku mulai
ame itu san at besar. Aku
selalu membuktikan kalau pekerjaan ini ba us dan sekaran tua aku udah okay
ith it.
Pengalaman baru tidak terbayangkan yang telah dialami Cici saat melangkah masuk kedalam dunia gaming? Aku a alnya uman suka main game. A al pertama kali kerja itu di pu lisher ame yan tempatnya didominasi oleh laki-laki. Waktu kerja di sana aku tiba-tiba disuruh untuk n adain
. Itu
pertama kalinya aku disuruh untuk oba hal baru, terlebih la i dulu di Indonesia belum ada live-streamin
sama sekali. Hal yan
terdu anya adalah le at live-streamin , oran -oran
jadi banyak
yan kenal sama aku. Akan tetapi pasti ada hal ne ati yan aku rasain semasa live streamin kayak komentar-komentar yan
ak enak.
eunoia - 42
Kalau kita s berkorba berkomitmen membuahk
sudah rela an dan n, pasti akan kan hasil.
Pendapat Cici tentang kesetaraan gender? Apakah hal tersebut sudah terwujud di dunia gaming? Kalau bi ara tentan
sekaran , perempuan sudah mulai di pandan
di dunia
Mau mereka menjadi pro essional
amer atau streamer, yan
diapresiasi dan dian
ju a, ada kompetisi-kompetisi
ap. Sekaran
perempuan. Kompetisi ini tempat di mana
amin .
pasti udah mulai amin
amers perempuan bisa berkompetisi dan
menunjukkan bah a mereka mempunyai kemampuan amin dan bah a mereka bisa menjadi pemenan meman kompetisi
ju a. Hal kayak
ini itu pentin
khusus untuk para laki-laki aja. Tapi, amin
karena dulu kompetisi alaupun sekaran
untuk perempuan tetap aja masih dipandan
komentar seperti, ah ini isinya e ek doan
sudah ada ajan
remeh. Banyak yan
dan kalau main la an o ok pasti masih
kalah. Hal kayak itu masih melekat di dunia amin .
Pernah gak Cici merasakan perlakuan diskriminasi di industri gaming secara dunia game itu dominan diisi oleh laki-laki? Pernah. Game itu selalu dibilan identik den an o ok. Banyak punya pandan an kalau e ek asli itu
ak akan main
ame, hanya e ek yan
ke o ok- o okan yan
bermain ame. Ketika e ek terjun di dunia ame, pandan an oran kenapa e ek bisa kerja di dunia amin karena modal penampilan aja, lalu diremehkan seperti, Gak akan bertahan lama nih di industri
. Hal-hal diskriminati seperti itu yan
aku rasain
selama bekerja di dunia amin .
Apa ada pesan dari Cici untuk sesama streamer/gamer perempuan yang juga mengalami hal diskriminatif di dunia gaming? Jan an kha atir. Jan an minder karena
ender kamu
ara- ara omon an oran .
Jan an punya pikiran kayak Kita e ek, kita ak ada apa-apanya atau Gak bisa seja o atau men intimidas kayak yan
o ok kalau main
ame . Semua hal itu bisa di apai dan
kita punya komitmen. Selain itu kita ju a harus berusaha sama rela
berkorban. Ti a itu kun inya. You only need to ocus on the ame.
Terakhir, mungkin di luar sana ada banyak perempuan yang lagi ragu sama pilihan mereka mulai dari jurusan sampai profesi dan hal lain di hidup mereka. Apa pesan Cici untuk mereka? Terutama yang bekerja di bidang yang sama seperti Cici? Tetap berusaha aja. A alnya ak pernah ampan . Aku ju a n erasain kayak pertama li estreamin yan
dan dapet
aktu hari
ke il. Walaupun be itu akhirnya aku mutusin
okus dulu dan berikan semua komitmen aku ke pekerjaan ini. Aku
n ejalanin aja, setiap hari streamin , dan semakin hari penonton ju a bertambah. Jadi, menurut aku, tetap berusaha dan jan an patah seman at
alaupun aku tahu pasti
berat. Kalau kita sudah rela berkorban dan berkomitmen, pasti akan membuahkan hasil.
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