Hea karikatuuris5ber! Hoiad enda kaes Eesti H u u m o r i l i i d u poolt korraldatud I rahvusvahelise karikatuurivoistluse „Linlane naerab" naitusekataloogi. Voistlusele saabus ca 1000 tood peaaegu 200 karikaturistilt 48-st riigist tile maailma. On room naha, kuidas karikaturistid oskavad naerda linnainimeste tegemiste tile, olgu see siis turism, olme, kontrastid vana- j a uusaja vahel, voitlus linna j a looduse vahel voi siis lihtsalt muhe huumor, mida voib ehk voiks kohata linnas. Piltidest arusaamise teeb lihtsaks see, et p i l d i d on sonadeta, samas tuleb seetottu monda p i l t i rohkem stiveneda, et jouda motte tuumani. Aga toeline karikatuur ongi valminud intelligentse karikaturisti pliiatsiga intelligentsele vaatajale. H e a d nalja! Ziirii liikmed: A n d r u s T a m m , huumoriajakirja Pilkaja peatoimetaja Hugo Hiibus, Eesti karikatuuri tunnustatud vanameister Raimo Aas, Eesti tunnustatud humorist Valter Parve, sotsiaalsatiirik E e r o Spriit, Eesti Rahvusringhaalingu meelelahutussaadete produtsent Pavel Ivanov, meediaekspert
Dearest cartoon lovers! You are now holding the exhibition catalogue of „Linlane naerab" („The Citizen Is Laughing"), the 1st International Cartoon Contest arranged by The Estonian H u m o r Association. Nearly 200 cartoonists f r o m 48 states all over the w o r l d were participating the contest w i t h almost 1000 works. We are delighted to see how the cartoonists can giggle at the everyday life of townsmen, be i t then the business of tourism, or the household matters, or the contrasts between old and new times, or the struggle between a town and nature, or just soft jokes about the everyday city life. I t is generally easy to understand the cartoon shot as there are usually no words; on some other occasions you have to look more carefully as now and then i t can require more attentiveness to reach the core. But of course you already know that a really good cartoon is made by an intelligent cartoonist for an intelligent audience. Have a fun time! M e m b e r s o f the J u r y : A n d r u s T a m m , E d i t o r - i n - C h i e f o f the E s t o n i a n H u m o r M a g a z i n e P i l k a j a H u g o H i i b u s , G r a n d O l d M a s t e r o f the E s t o n i a n c a r t o o n R a i m o Aas, acknowledged Estonian humorist Valter Parve, writer of a social satire E e r o Spriit, producer of entertainment production of The Estonian Public Broadcasting Pavel Ivanov, media specialist 1
/IoSpwii n o K J i o H H H K K a p H K a T y p b i ! B TBOHX pyicax BbicraBOHHbiH KaTajior paSoT I - r o MeacAyHapoAHoro
H H H CMeeTCfl», opraHH30BaHHoro COK)3OM lOMopa SCTOHHH. H a KOHKypc n p H u u i o OKOJIO lOOO paSoT no^TH OT 2 0 0 KapHKaTypHCTOB H3 4 8 CTpaH MHpa. 3TO 3aMeHaTejibHO, K a K TOHKO civrorjiH
p n c T b i yBHfleTb CMeuiHoe B p,enax ropoacaH, 6yAb TO TypH3M, 6bIT, KOHTpaCTbl Me>KAy CTapblM H HOBbIM, 6 o p b 6 a npHpoflw c yp6aHH3aHHeH, HJIH n p o c T o n e peA H 3 M H pa3BopaHHBaeTCH CMeumaii HCTOPHH, KOTopaa M o r a a 6 M n p o H 3 o i r r a B JIK>6OM
r o p o A e . Pa6o-
AoSpaTbCH AO cyTH OTAejibHbix paSoT, HaAO n p n c M O TpeTbCH K H e i i Sojiee BHHMaTejibHO. H o BeAb HacToflHjaa
KapHKaTypa H ecTb paSoTa HHTeJurareHTHoro
KapHKaTypHCTa pjix HHTejuinreHTHoro 3pHTejra.
/Io6poro B c e M ciuexa! H j i e H M yKiopn: AHApyc
acypiiajia P i l k a j a Xyro XniiSyc, I I O H C T H H H K a p H K a T y p H C T
PaHMo A a c , n o n y j i a p H B i i i
3 C T O H H H
B a j i t T e p EEapse, o 6 n i e c T B e H H B i i i K P H T H K
B a p o C n p n i i T , npoAH>cep p a 3 B J i e K a T e j i b i n > i x nepe^aH
I l a i i M I l n a H O B , ivie/iiia a K c n e p T
Sergey E l k i n ( R u s s i a )
Editor Andrns I am m Translation Maaris Aas Pavel Ivanov Layout Sven P a r n Cover Design Priit Koppel Publisher M T U Eesti Huumoriliit I S B N 978-9949-33-092-8