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SCALES — L/S – Landscape / Architectural LOCATION — Andritz-Area POPULATION — 26,858 inhab. STRATEGIC SITE — 22 ha PROJECT SITE — 3.5 ha SITE PROPOSED BY — Disctrict of Kriens
OWNER OF THE SITE — Hydro-Andritz Ltd. POST-COMPETITION PHASE — Direct selection of one winning team, Workshop onsite with the rewarded teams to choose a team for the implementation phase or in case the site falls under public market regulations: Parallel study market
Thomas Lustenberger — Architect, Head of Planning and Construction Services
1. WHAT ARE THE GOALS OF THE SITE MUTATION? The area, which has always been used industrially (machine factory with a turbine production) and is located in the centre of Kriens, is to be given a new, mixed use in the short to medium term after the partial outsourcing of production and retaining of the engineering according to the new owner.
2. HOW CAN THE SITE BE INTEGRATED IN THE ISSUES OF PRODUCTIVE CITIES? HOW DO YOU CONSIDER THE PRODUCTIVITY ISSUE? As a former industrial region, the area in the centre of the community can optimally be integrated into the topic of “Productive Cities”. We consider the goal of productivity on two levels: on the one hand, in the continuation or resettlement of commercial-industrial production, and on the other, in the creation of areas and spaces in the present sense of the productive city with production, marketing and consumption in the mixed-use area. The challenge of mixeduse is the compatibility of the working utilisation as well as the living aspect.
3. HAVE YOU ALREADY DEFINED A SPECIFIC PROCESS FOR THE URBAN AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE AFTER EUROPAN? The community is in contact with the new landowner and has presented her with a schedule for the zoning and development plan over the next five years. In a first phase, in 2018, in the spirit of strategic planning, the ideas of the winning project will be materialised in a broadly based, cooperative process with all participants and affected parties, and interim uses and development strategies will be determined. Later, the planning intentions are to be anchored in a development concept and the change of the utilisation planning is to be initiated. Subsequently, the field-based implementation of the planning intentions can be materialised through subsequent competition procedures.
Die Fabrik
AUTHOR(S) — Konrad Scheffer (DE), Sarah Haubner (DE), Architects
CONTACT — Office Oblique, Zürich (CH) T. +41 787441179, info@officeoblique.com www.officeoblique.com
TEAM POINT OF VIEW — For the redevelopment of the AndritzSite in Kriens we propose to preserve and enhance its identity as a production site. The rationality of industrial production processes informs the spatial order with its new programs: a functional yet highly permeable layout that establishes an open frame for interaction. The ground floor houses a variety of workshops, exhibition and event spaces that encourage manufacturing businesses to make use of a shared infrastructure and benefit from public exposure. The upper floors house apartments will have varying degrees of collectivity, selforganization and simultaneity of living and working. As the design builds upon the existing layout, it offers flexibility in terms of phasing and architectural articulation.
JURY POINT OF VIEW — The different building heights create a lively skyline that fits into the surroundings. The visualisation presents the mesh of historic industrial and contemporary living spaces together with densified new buildings. By adopting the existing layout, the proposal has a high flexibility in relation to the gradual development. The complete densification, without being arrogant or autistic to the surrounding, does not leave outer spaces unused. Some of the open spaces are exposed creating a high development flexibility. Although there is a high density created, sensitive spaces with a public presentation of production are produced.
AUTHOR(S) — Camille Cochet (FR), Clément Boitel (FR), Florent Girelli (FR), Architects CONTACT — Genève (CH) T. +41 786472574, cochet.camille@gmail.com
TEAM POINT OF VIEW — How to offer back to Kriens its industrial enclave, founder of the city’s modern era? By defining the conditions of an urban reconquest process, transforming the existing exploded private industrial island into a lively district. The aim is to introduce programmatic diversity as a regeneration power by structuring it around public spaces, which were not present in the industrial area. Using soil, and its archaeological history, is an anchor. The place must be rightly subject to this concept, explaining why the project is using old routes for the creation of plot divisions within the actual Andritz. A particular identity frame appears. It foreshadows new contours for land register where new landowners and productive activities will take place. The development of the templates remains open but regulated. We think this projects integration system sustainable.
JURY POINT OF VIEW — By means of indicated program assignment and architecture, the design allows multiple possibilities. The layout of squares and volumes and their development remain open. The concept proposes a first settlement to set the frame for future development of the empty and built spaces. The maps of the 32 analysis areas include the human being and they show relevant approaches in relation to identity and community building aspects of cohabitation. The design moves between abstraction and vision. The theoretical analysis shows a search for development principles.
AUTHOR(S) — Yony Santos (CH), Nuria Fernández (ES), Architects CONTRIBUTOR(S) — Jonas Meylan (CH), Architect CONTACT — TYPICALOFFICE, Carouge (CH) T. +41 0225355244 office@typicaloffice.ch, www.typicaloffice.ch
TEAM POINT OF VIEW — In opposition to the generic city where empty spaces are composed of built volumes -Der Schwarzplan-, we are trying to put forward a model of a contemporary city where the built environment is composed of empty spaces. By using this strategy, we are trying to reveal and give back to the common good the diversity of collective spaces that are rooted in the industrial structure of the Andritz-Hydro area. Over time, this working city ought to become an example of sharing space’s industrialisation. Therefore, the modernist principle “Form Follows Function” must evolve into the humanist principle “Form Follows Public Function”. That is what we call Der Weissplan.