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SCALES — XL/L/S – Territorial / urban / architectural LOCATION — Bois Blancs island, Boschetti peninsula POPULATION — City 231,500 inhab. STRATEGIC SITE — 134 ha PROJECT SITE — Swimming pool Marx Dormoy 7.2 ha; Boschetti-Silo 4.8 ha SITE PROPOSED BY — City of Lille, European Metropolis of Lille (MEL) OWNER OF THE SITE — Swimming pool Marx Dormoy: city of Lille, Boschetti-Silo: Métropole Européenne de Lille POST-COMPETITION PHASE — Urban study, management of architectural and / or urban planning projects (public spaces, landscape) to be initiated with partners
Europan France
1. WHAT ARE THE GOALS OF THE SITE MUTATION? The site is located in an undergoing major transformation area, in the West of the city, on the Canal de la Haute Deûle banks. On this territory, the presence or even the creation of economic activities on a “human scale” with diverse uses and social ties leading to a more balanced lifestyle becomes a real issue. One of the objectives of this competition is to bring to light a new type of urban and territorial development that reconsiders the sectorial and sometimes segregated organization of territories and reinforces a number of bonds and ties.
2. HOW CAN THE SITE BE INTEGRATED IN THE ISSUES OF PRODUCTIVE CITIES? HOW DO YOU CONSIDER THE PRODUCTIVITY ISSUE? The productive city, without denying the quality of inherited spaces (wharves, sheds and buildings), would be paving the way for a territorial reorganization where unique residential and working conditions and productive activities of all kinds (industrial, artisan, tertiary, logistics, trade) would be accommodated in a redesigned open urban space. And in the particular case of the site, water could be vector of urban development and production tool.
3. HAVE YOU ALREADY DEFINED A SPECIFIC PROCESS FOR THE URBAN AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE AFTER EUROPAN? The process will start with a presentation of the projects to the several stakeholders concerned by the site. Then, the various clients must articulate the proposals and correlate them with the timeframes of the ongoing and future projects. This is a work that teams could participate in.
And… And… And…
AUTHOR(S) — Adrien Coste (FR), Guillaume Vienne (BE), Architects CONTACT — Dunkerque (FR), T. +33 668759326 adriencoste.architecte@gmail.com, www.etetet-europan14.fr
TEAM POINT OF VIEW — Our productive city of Lille is a collection. A collection of five poles of excellence. A collection of universities and laboratories. A collection of volunteers, associations, inhabitants eager to produce. Collections. They interact. Some between their entities, sometimes between them, via a rhizome of connectors. The tree imposes the verb “to be”, but the rhizome has for tissue the conjunction “and... and... and...” G. Deleuze And... and... and... must be perceived as an inherent condition to the productive city: a space where the temporary and the error are allowed, where any project is possible, the rhizome being independent and superior to the sum of entities feeding it. Intensifying this rhizome, our project proposes to exacerbate the specific synergy of the European Metropolis of Lille.
JURY POINT OF VIEW — An ambitious, relevant project both on the metropolitan and site scale, with a strong understanding of both embankments, the link to the canals and the networking of nature spaces. The project is comprehensive and balanced, serving a clear and intelligible programmatic strategy.
AUTHOR(S) — Edouard Cailliau (FR), Thomas Lecourt (FR), Architects CONTRIBUTOR(S) — Delphin Colin (FR), Landscaper; Romain Leignel (FR), Illustrator CONTACT — Studio Rijsel, Lille (FR) T. +33 645915469 contact@studiorijsel.com, www.studiorijsel.com
TEAM POINT OF VIEW — An Ecotone is a transition zone between two ecosystems. It describes the moving of edges in time and space. The edge, linear ecotone, becomes a transition point (and distance) between city and Deule. It does not oppose the two elements but makes them complementary. The different thicknesses in place form the “déjà-là” and constitute many situations in our project. By a fine work on the edge (where the ecosystem is the richest between the plain and the forest), the thicknesses of embankment are transformed on sequences to become a linear park. We form the emptiness by characterizing the limits. It is a process project in which the attention focused on the landscape allowing to act like a lever on the different scales, from the neighbourhood to the Deule’s embankments, and so to the people: inhabitants to walkers, tourists to craftsmen, researchers to families.
JURY POINT OF VIEW — The urban planning part of the project with its delicate insertions into the existing is convincing. With a good understanding of the urban scale, the proposal takes in the whole site including the embankments and introduces new activities in a non-invasive way. The process described is relevant as are the productive themes (arts and crafts and agriculture and permaculture making use of Euratechnology know-how).
AUTHOR(S) — Clément Devignes (FR), Dominique Lerche (FR), Guillaume Anrys (BE), Architects CONTRIBUTOR(S) — Antoine Muller (FR), Architect
LILLE (FR) — SPECIAL MENTION CONTACT — cultureurbaine.urbanculture@gmail.com cultureurbaine-urbanculture.tumblr.com TAG ATELIER D’ARCHITECTURE, www.a-tag.fr GUILLAUME ANRYS ARCHITECTE, www.guillaumeanrys.com
TEAM POINT OF VIEW — XXIst century city, metropolitan site of excellence. From the city that produces, we chose to approach the subject by the city that cultivates. The ambition is to create a new competitive cluster at the “European Metropolis of Lille” scale. It is a high place of research, teaching and experimentation, where it can be developed an autonomous, clean and fair way of living. Two strong polarities with specific architectures are developed on each side of the island, reinforced by a new network of waterways perpendicular to the main axis. On one side stands the “Standart” campus, a former silo, and creative halls, large-scale innovative spaces for students, craftsmen and engineers. On the other side is the “Marx Dormoy” swimming pool converted into a marketplace and type “2030” houses, a new way to develop mixed housing with workplaces and activities.