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SCALES — L - Urban / architectural LOCATION — Lillestrøm, Skedsmo Municipality POPULATION — ca. 14,000 inhab. STRATEGIC SITE — 200 ha PROJECT SITE — 31.5 ha SITE PROPOSED BY — Municipality of Skedsmo, ROM Eiendom AS and Aspelin Ramm Lillestrøm AS OWNER OF THE SITE — ROM Eiendom AS and Aspelin Ramm Lillestrøm AS POST-COMPETITION PHASE — Planning Commission


Ingvild Jacobsen Roald — Project-leader assistant, Aspelin Ramm Eiendom Lillestrøm AS

1. WHAT ARE THE GOALS OF THE SITE MUTATION? The goals are both established on the short and the long term. The site is still very productive today, and the industry here is not dying but is even expanding with more buildings. Thus, in the short term, the main goal is to find out how to open the parts of the site that can be used recreationally, and encourage the use of the waterfront trail. By making the waterfront more welcoming, people may increase uses and create a particular relation to the area. In the long term, this site and the area are major reservations for the city. Therefore, another goal is to develop strategic tools that can guide a gradual transformation of the site. This is not necessarily away from production, but maybe different types of production or even introducing more city functions that can be both residential and commercial. In a long perspective, the goal is to achieve a balance between production and city life, which is both economically, environmentally and socially sustainable.

2. HOW CAN THE SITE BE INTEGRATED IN THE ISSUES OF PRODUCTIVE CITIES? HOW DO YOU CONSIDER THE PRODUCTIVITY ISSUE? Nesa is maybe more “Productive” than a “City” right now, but the area is located very close to Lillestrøm city centre. In the future, the Nesa area will become an integrated part of the city, maybe with other forms of production. The potential to keep it productive, while city functions enter also this area, raises a lot of interesting possibilities.

3. HAVE YOU ALREADY DEFINED A SPECIFIC PROCESS FOR THE URBAN AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE AFTER EUROPAN? Due to the nature of the production, there are both short and long term work to be done. In the short term, the development of the site is more about aesthetically improving the publicly accessible areas, as well as improving connections and links to Nesa North and Lillestrøm. In the longer term, one possible process to initiate is to create a guiding and flexible plan that can reach far into the future, and accommodate both current and coming needs.

The Living City

AUTHOR(S) — Joakim Skajaa (NO), Cathrine Finnema (NO), Lisa Angelica Barahona (NO), Architects CONTRIBUTOR(S) — Oda Solberg (NO), Architect; Kristoffer Røgeberg (NO), Student in architecture


CONTACT — SKAJAA Arkitektkontor, Oslo (NO) T. +47 93204522 post@skajaa.com www.skajaa.com

TEAM POINT OF VIEW — The goal of the project is to develop a neighbourhood where modern manufacturing processes, contemporary workplaces and avant-garde housing projects come together as a sustainable alternative to suburban development. The proposal is conceived as an overall strategy for a development over a long time span, this allows for a long phase of prototyping. What kind of public spaces, workspaces, manufacturing plants and houses will be needed in the future? In the first phase prototyped solutions will serve as attractions to the area, making them known and preparing them for future adaptation. In the second phase we adapt the existing areas through new buildings and functions, mixing social activities with production. In the final phase the area will serve as a large-scale test for a modern settlement.

JURY POINT OF VIEW — The project works as a toolbox for the transformation of Nesa. The project proposes a strategy consisting of 30 actions towards a productive neighbourhood, divided into 3 phases that finally gives a new mix of social activities with production and living at the site. It presents an overall concept for how the site can be connected to Lillestrøm with new infrastructure, strategies for programming and landscape features. The transformation process is based on a flexible and adaptable scheme that is open for a longterm development that can go in many different directions, and at the same time provides the client with concrete tools.

The Techno Monks

AUTHOR(S) — Charlotte Hansson (SE), Christiana Pitsillidou (CY), Architects CONTRIBUTOR(S) — Luis Callejas (CO), Architect, landscape architect CONTACT — Oslo (NO) T. +47 47910677 lc@lclaoffice.com www.lclaoffice.com


TEAM POINT OF VIEW — Corporate campuses are sterile urban landscapes. Tech companies create buildings mirroring their own image. They tend to elaborate buildings as global islands and not as production commons of the place. The productive city is about an architecture and urban structure reflecting the technology behind the region’s growth, empowering citizens so that small companies can also have access to high tech equipment. By bringing small manufactures and co-working spaces into the core of dense blocks, it is possible to boost small manufacture economies, while making technology available to the smallest producers. We propose a model based on productive monasteries where the boundaries between production, display, occupation and living are blurred and do not depend on corporate branding. New occupants, considered as techno monks, are sharing the space among the robots. The landscape resembles picturesque life among productive animals.

JURY POINT OF VIEW — The project has both a formalistic structural and programmatic approach. In addition to the two new structures based on two typologies references and combining a specific smallscale structure with a big one, the authors keep some of the existing buildings. Together, this becomes a hybrid and complex scheme combining different scales and structures in different zones. Smallscale arts and craft as the additional programme to the university and housing appear casually. The jury questions how the new proposed programmes are related to the existing context.

AUTHOR(S) — Albert Palazon (ES), Architect CONTACT — Barcelona (ES) T. +34 620281228, albertpalazon@gmail.com

TEAM POINT OF VIEW — Cities expand their existence through years, decades and centuries. It is through this time-lapse process that multiple interventions, social, cultural changes and even technological knowledge overlap on the fabric of our cities, shaping their spaces and architectures. Our cities are complex and rich evidences of all human activity which one can read as a superposition of layers along time. The superposition of a radical new cross block structure entwined on the fabric of a preexisting industrial city in an area with plenty of social hidden dynamics and some outstanding natural potentials will define a fresh new urban landscape. The proposal tries to preserve the most of each of these three preexisting actors: nature, industrial legacy, and social activity; altogether framed by a new urban radical superstructure.

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