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SCALES — L/S – Urban / Architectural LOCATION — Aschaffenburg “Damm”, Mühlstrasse POPULATION — City ±70,000 inhab. STRATEGIC SITE — ±5ha / PROJECT SITE — ±3.3ha SITE PROPOSED BY — GBW Group, city of Aschaffenburg OWNER OF THE SITE — GBW Group POST-COMPETITION PHASE — Urban planning framework, building construction
Marc-Christian Hodapp — GBW Gruppe
1. WHAT ARE THE GOALS OF THE SITE MUTATION? The street (Schillerstraße) will be transformed from a thoroughfare to a local street. In parts, it means that the area around the high-rise building should be activated and renewed. The building itself should be transformed and adapted to present and future needs under consideration of the actual users.
2. HOW CAN THE SITE BE INTEGRATED IN THE ISSUES OF PRODUCTIVE CITIES? HOW DO YOU CONSIDER THE PRODUCTIVITY ISSUE? If possible, the work/living combinations can be planned in the flats. The areas of the courtyard around the building should be qualified and given to more differentiated uses. There could be commercial uses on the ground floor as long as they get together with the housing. Perhaps, production should be considered more widely here. The goal here is to think production as social interactions, creating spaces between the private and the public spheres.
3. HAVE YOU ALREADY DEFINED A SPECIFIC PROCESS FOR THE URBAN AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE AFTER EUROPAN? In the beginning there will be a communication process between the GBW and the city of Aschaffenburg for a joint effort to realise a project. Therefore the results are a good base for creating a common image for the building and the street. In a second step we would like to bring the winning team and the city together in a workshop.
Wohnterrassen am Schillereck
AUTHOR(S) — Guobin Shen (CN), Kilian Juraschitz (DE), Architects CONTACT — atelier kaiser shen, Stuttgart (DE) T. +49 71166453020, info@atelierkaisershen.com
TEAM POINT OF VIEW — The project site, with its high-rise building at the intersection of Schillerstrasse and Mühlenstrasse, together with Michaelsplatz will formulate new squares instead of the existing traffic junction. The new façade with encircling balconies will give a new appearance of the high-rise building, in a more contemporary and elegant way. The added balconies will be supported by their own structural system. The parapets of the existing windows will be removed to make the balcony accessible directly from the room. The Renovation of the high-rise building also generates the opportunity to optimize the existing typology and size of the flats. The main building structure will be kept and cleared up. The walls, which are not part of the structure, could be removed easily to generate different sizes of flats. The additional balconies will create more quality of sojourn for the inhabitants.
JURY POINT OF VIEW — With a border and an addition to the existing high-rise building, the work creates a new category for using areas that belong to the flats and also helps facilitating the work in the flats. At the same time, with the additions, further use possibilities for the residents are promoted on the ground floor, also as a result of the surroundings. As a whole, the work represents a handling of the new mixture of uses and the implementation of a productive city is suitable for the location and promotes individual productivity in small steps.
AUTHOR(S) — Mercè Amat (ES), Architect CONTACT — Barcelona (ES) , T. +34 654868542 amat.merce@gmail.com, www.merceamat.com
TEAM POINT OF VIEW — The proposal consists in transforming the built environment by integrating new outdoor spaces in three different scales: the Street, the Building and the Apartment. The Street: Transforming the street by reducing space for traffic and adding more vegetation and cycling paths connecting the site with the surroundings. The Building: A new garden is created surrounding the existing building that generates a diffuse boundary between the public and private. Large delimited gardens will be selfmanaged involving different social agents. The ground floor is highly regenerated allowing the creation of two commercial spaces that will enhance the activity and life in the area. The Apartment: An open space is integrated in every housing to improve the living conditions. This open space will be semi-protected by transparent windows that will improve its conditions throughout the year, especially in winter where they can be used as green houses.
JURY POINT OF VIEW — With its minimalist interventions, the work represents the lower end of interventions that have to be made so as to improve the property, and the surroundings. It does so in a very subtle way, taking the inhabitants into consideration, since the building is currently rented. The upgrading begins in the new exits from the flats and continues in the new ground floor zones. These are expanded through removing the ground floor level in a clever, but complex way, thus facilitating a look into and utilisation of the basement level.