European Commission grants and
The financial statements 2020 were audited by our auditors AUREN, who examined
other grants, illness or departure of
these statements and issued an external auditor’s report. The worldwide Covid-19
key staff, not being able to fulfill the
pandemic had an impact on the activities of Europa Nostra and our members,
obligations inherent to the projects co-
partners and supporters. Total income was € 468.261 lower than budget and total
funded by the European Commission
expenditure (minus negativ interest of € 1.609) is € 556.969 lower. Consequently
or other parties, reduced income
the 2020 financial year was closed with a positive result of € 88.708.
from individuals and organisations, nal income, unintentional damage to
Total income amounts to € 1.114.739 ( 2019 € 1.439.095). General income € 384.195
the reputation of Europa Nostra as a
(2019 € 438.423) is € 54.228 lower than 2019. Recruitment of new members and
result of an omission or mistake as
donors was difficult due to the pandemic. Income from activities € 730.544 (2019
a consequence of an ever-growing
€ 1.000.672) is € 270.128 lower than in 2019. Almost no physical events took place. Costs
earmarked in projects for travel and organisation of meetings and events were not
However the competence, dedication
spent and claimed. Fundraising and fees related to the planned summit did not materialise.
and energy within the Europa Nostra
© Rens Plaschek
incapability to raise sufficient additioIncome
team composed of professionals and qualified volunteers, as well as the high Expenditure
appreciation which Europa Nostra’s work receives internally and externally for the
Total expenditure amounts to € 1.024.421 (2019 € 1.342.460) € 318.039 lower than
content, quality and importance of its achievements, reduce to a certain extent the
2019. General expenditure is € 39.860 lower than in 2019. General expenditure
probability of these risks to materialise.
amounts to 17,75% of total expenditure (16,5% in 2019). As in 2019 this percentage reflects the higher allocation of general costs to our projects. Consequently, the
Looking ahead
Expenditure from Activities amounts to 82,25% of total expenditure (83,5% in 2019).
The year 2020 was predominantly determined by the global Covid-19 pandemic.
The total expenses of the International Secretariat in the Hague and Brussels office
Our staff and volunteers worked from home with all meetings and events taking
amount to € 772.161 (2019 € 716.926) an increase of 7,7%, mainly due to higher
place online. The digital possibilities allowed Europa Nostra to organise its main
personel expenses, social security/pension premiums, extra office rent in Brussels
events (such as Board and Council meetings, the General Assembly, Award
and legal fees. The overall cost control of the organisation remained on a good level.
Ceremony and a series of webinars) as planned.However, the pandemic led to lower income both from fees and donations from members and partners. Despite the
uncertainity, it is hoped these consequenses will not continue when the pandemic
The financial result for 2020 is positive € 88.708 (2019 positive € 97.066). After
slowly wanes in the second half of 2021. In the course of 2021, Europa Nostra will
appropriation of € 5.532 to the Dineke and Hans de Koster Fund and a negative
apply to the European Commission for the continuation of the European Heritage
amount of € 120 to the Youth Fund the remaining € 83.296 is allocated to the
Awards/ Europa Nostra Awards programme and the Network Project. The Board
General Reserve. On December 31, 2020 the total Reserves, included the two labeled
will continue to monitor the situation closely and expects that the financial outlook
funds, amount to € 575.466 (2019 € 486.757). Due to the relatively favourable
for the year 2021 will be more in line with years before 2019.
financial results of the years 2019 and 2020 the ratio reserves/total balance sheet is on December 31, 2020 42,35 %, which is a sound ratio. It should be noted that the
financial results of those two years are mainly due to accidental factors.
As ever, Europa Nostra remains grateful, especially in the trying year 2020, for the vital and loyal support of our members, volunteers, partners, donors and sponsors.
Risk Analysis and Risk Mitigation
Our sincere gratitude goes in particular to the strongly committed staff members
Potential operational, financial and reputational risks are: discontinuity of the
of Europa Nostra in our offices in The Hague and Brussels.
Huub Doek
Annual Report | 2020 | Rapport annuel | 41