Industry Intelligence Spa garden design
Achieving balance and harmony through nature Philip Jaffa, founder of Scape Design, discusses the importance of reconnecting with nature and how spa garden design can enhance the spa guest journey
umankind’s deep-rooted emotional response to nature has been integral to everything my practice has created. We are committed to engaging with and furthering the debate on how best to reconnect humanity with nature through our tourism projects. One of the greatest challenges we face as humans has come from our separation from the natural world. Our work via the landscapes we create is to find simple yet pioneering ways to promote inner balance and harmony for spa guests through a reconnection to the natural world and with it, a deeper connection to oneself. 26
A holistic approach to wellbeing requires us as designers, and hotel operators, to embrace the opportunity for wellbeing throughout the experience of each resort and for the entire duration of each guest’s stay. Hence, all the landscaped environment of a resort can become an opportunity to promote health, wellbeing and connection to the local environment and the wider beauty of nature. Exploring the benefits of nature In several of our current projects we are opening up the opportunity for guests to really explore the entire grounds of a destination for the purpose of finding